Collaborative Development Topic- Game Modes
explorer only mode for wvw?
King of the hill would be a great idea i support it 100%
Arena is something I would really really want to see, with leaderboards and everything. I love the pvp, the mechanics and everything but conquest got a bit borring to me. You could do the arena type of battles if its 2v2 or 5v5 small maps and just battle to the end. I know this is coming from a well known mmorpg but I liked it there and I would love it here and yes it would work without a dedicated healer. Healer or no it is the same for both/all opposing teams without a healer it is even better in my honest opinion.
Thank you!
I want to upadate my previously post :
A new game mode PvP would be welcome !
Here’s an idea could be put in place ( without changing the meta game so far ), because I think for balancing issue , PvP must keep three checkpoints + a changing depending on the content map played .
We could imagine a map ( I’m not entering it into the design and decor aside, I leave that to the professionals) , so with three checkpoints , + one orb in a defined area , but larger than a conventional base .
The goal would be to control the bases to earn income , and the orb contôler while remaining within the defined area. The player controlling the orb would earn extra points regularly to his team, but will gradually lose HP or other penalty , HP being one example !
Here is my idea for a new map!
PS : To make it more fun , we could imagine that define the orb area is a sort of jumping , hopping to make a bit like Skyhammer !
For a lot of people and for me a bit, a huge turn-off from sPvP is the lack of arena that the other games feature. Seeing how the mechanics work, 2v2 and 1v1 would be quite successful I’d say, but 3v3 would be really chaotic. Hoping to see these some beautiful day in the game.
Guild wars -mode, for god sake. I’ve tasted the irony of this joke for too long. A game called guild wars without having proper tools for GvG. I guess WvW was the alternative for this, but then we could call the game ’’Blobwars’’.
Warsong Gulch!!! It doesn’t get better than that. You really can’t go wrong with a 2 base CTF where you can only cap the flag if you have your own. This automatically fulfills everyone’s desires. You will have meaningful and tactical skirmishes based around an objective. It produces dynamic gameplay, instead of the static playstyle of standard conquest where you must stand on points regardless.
You could also add quirky options to custom arenas such as:
No / limited Runes
No Sigils
No / limited Traits
No Armor
One weapon set
Poison/blind nullifies healing skill
Permenant boons/conditions chosen at start
Permenant AoE boons/conditions on capture points
Players have mercinaries
2 sets of runes
Increased/decreased boon/condition duration
Maybe just give us a map editor so we can do the hard work for you guys.
Add a fun league and match making for 1v1 with only minor awards (disable big elites such as Spirit of Nature/Supply Crate/Moa) and psst nerf thief sword.
2v2 league also
3v3 isn’t necessary because we have enough large scale combat in the game and with the current design, 3v3 would just be extremely messy.
Anything that increases the tactical aspect of combat and reduces zerg will make me happy to be honest.
(edited by Tarishian.9768)
MOBA/GvG Hybrid
- MOBA map setup ( 3 lanes + jungle ) without any leveling or shops.
- Towers are replaced by destructible player controlled siege.
- Last hitting/denying a creep gives 1 Might stack for X seconds.
- Last hitting/denying siege gives AoE Might stacks + Blast finisher.
- Svanir / Chieftan type mobs in Jungle for last hit team buffs.
- Individual buffs spawn at various points on timer, similar to bottling buffs in MOBA.
- Big Boss Spawn on a timer similar to triple buff on Temple ( could grant a stored free resurrect to last hitter, similar to MOBA ).
- Base with guards + Guild Lord ( win condition ) on each side.
( pmuch combining Niflhel, Khylo & Legacy w/o Conquest & some MOBA mechanics )
Nice idea; there have been quite a few good ideas like yours in this thread that make a MOBA-mode seem a realistic proposition, its been good to read them.
Did you see the idea on p2 or 3 about starting with just the one weapon skill/heal and then unlocking new skills through gold earned? That idea would enable the important aspects of farming/feeding in MOBAs as well.
2v2 survivor arena is my main wish.
There should be two restrictions to make: the first being that stealth for a team be capped to 30 seconds or so, as permastealth would be incredibly strong in a deathmatch situation, as would Prismatic Undestanding. The second is that after 10 minutes, the team that has done the most damage collectively should win – as they are the team that doesn’t have some unkillable bunker build doing laps.
Any other skill within the scope of GW2 is fair play. Res skills should not be taken out because they can be countered, and they take up slots which could be used for other powerful utilites. Hell, you can even hard res someone after they get stomped if you somehow manage to.
Reasoning: 1v1 is 90% build reliant. S/D thieves would likely be most of the people queuing for 1v1 arenas, maybe a skull crack warrior or two as well. That’s no fun, that’s just crossing your fingers and hoping. Build variety in dueling servers is pretty common but once a competitive spin on things, it becomes just rocks paper scissors 2.0.
A lot of synergy also exists between the two players in a 2v2 – combinations, focus fire, etc. It’s the perfect balance of player skill and teamwork.
really bad engineer
“Larger dungeon modes (called raid in WoW, and Ops in SWTOR) where your party consists of 8, 10, 12 or 16 players.”
GW2 definitely need something like this to keep PVE players.
King of the Hill
Flag Capture (or object – orb, flag, whatever – that you have to hold onto to tick points)
10vs10 sort of mini and balanced WvWesque scenario sounds good. Trouble I can see with this is afking and actually, minimal PvPing.
Saw someone mention a bodyguard/protect objective while the other team targets/prevents. I like this idea with maybe the teams switching roles every time a team fails or succeeds. The idea being bonus points for succeeding, counting towards a points cap.
Pushed for time, will add more detail when (if) I can. Mainly just wanted to add my opinions.
Only real mode I’ve read in this thread that got me excited (and which isn’t already covered by custom arenas) is the “bomb run” where you push your cart (or golem).
Please, Anet, make custom Arenas purchasable for glory point so that everyone can create their duel room and 3v3 room to their content and so that you do not waste valuable resources on something that is already in game by just tweaking a variable or two (just add a checkbox to the custom arenas: “disable point capture” and everyone is happy).
I mean, how much cash have Anet made from custom arenas in total anyway?
Hi! i think that all the people posting here are looking only gamemode that ca be added to what is pvp and wvwvw.
i also think that like the name of this game a guild is very important, and infact we have guild mission developed after the release. i think it’s very very difficult develop a system in which 2 guilds can fight each other with castle ecc but it would be great…
But what about a great experience based on a BIG instance like dungeon for a large group of player with bonuses for guild parties?
i remember that there was something in gw1 like kannaxai with party larger than normal, and think at an instance playable in 10, 20 30 people… an event that exalts cordination like guild missions but with also great fights…think at it
We need a game mode easy to understand, for players and for spectators.
1_ Avoid 5vs5 in a small place. Too much IA, too many effects, if 4 or 5 players fight in the same time in the same little place. it’s very difficult to understand what they do, for spectators and for players too. Max 3vs3 in a small place, 5vs5 (or 4vs4) in the same place only if this space is LARGE.
2_ Don’t split the action at the same time. For a spectator it’s hard to follow a game mode where the actions is splitted at the same time, so it’s better a game mode where important actions are sequential and not at the same time. It’s easier for player follow their teammates and it’s easier for spectators.
3_ no too much pve in pvp. we are talking about pvp mode, so main focus need to be fight between players, not against mobs, walls or something like that. Ok a little pve for secondary objectives, but main focus need to be team fight.
I like very much the idea for 2vs2 and 3vs3 Death match.
MOBA game mode can have a potential, but we need always to consider points 1-3.
I believe King of the Hill would satisfy most death match seekers. Just make sure that:
- Score is based on holding the point without ANY enemies on it for a period of time (i.e. 20 seconds).
- Time would be cumulative (Can hold for 3 seconds, then 12 seconds, then 7 seconds).
- Point rotates after it is completely held.
I also believe that Kill Confirm would work. Just require players to bring the dead enemy’s tag or “soul” to a point to score.
What ever you do, make sure that there is a method of tracking GUILD participation. Players should be earning PvP rep for their guild in tourneys, solo OR team.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Having guildhalls was by far one of the strongest points in the game Gw1, I know this is a totally different game on it’s own, but it would give so much fun options like guild battles in our own guildhalls, having guild NPCs like guild weaponsmith and guild armorer in the hall …etc etc
It would also add a stronger feeling of actually participating in a guild, just like guild missions do. The game is called “GUILD WARS” 2 afterall :P!
It would be great to see guild halls come back to guild wars 2.
Thanks !
-a sort of HA mode (with its own title system, 5vs5)
and 2 GvG modes:
-GW1 GvG, with a flag stand or some other kind of 2nd objective (5vs5, but might have to increase to 8vs8).
-GW2 GvG, just to brawl around: 15vs15/20vs20/25vs25 – whatever you like.
bring back the champ title for the GW1 GvG and award extra wxp or something else for the GW2 GvG (+ a title because why not <3)
GW2: Velocity [VcY]
Guild versus Guild
A Map like Dota/LoL but replace the buildings that must be destroyed with guild lords.
I think the #1 item here is going to be GvG. The debate I would like to discuss is whether to make it like sPvP or WvW or both…
What about an onslaught mode where we take on as many waves of NPC mobs as we can?
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly
I think the #1 item here is going to be GvG. The debate I would like to discuss is whether to make it like sPvP or WvW or both…
What about an onslaught mode where we take on as many waves of NPC mobs as we can?
1. I think it should be more like spvp (gear, all skills) and the mapdesign should be more like LoL/Dota.
2. An oneslaught mode would fit better in the pve section of the game, in my opinion.
King of the hill would definitely work in GW2. PvP is basically designed for that.
Probably with a new map or existing maps with only the middle point enabled.
An other possibility would be an Orb so the fight is more mobile and not focused on one point the whole time, because i think that could get boring after a short time.Capture the flag could be a possible game mode as well.
- Every team gets a treasure, Gold coins, Orbs, …
- There need to be some people defending the treasure (bunkers)
- Others have to get the treasure from the enemy (DPS)
- If the enemy breaks through, CC could be use stop them.
MOBA Same as Dota/LoL, with minion waves etc.
- Level is fixed 80, you receive trait and skillpoints instead
- You start the game with a blanc white armor and you have to buy new stuff with the gold from your kills.
- You only have weapon skill #1 just like a lvl1 character
- The only thing that is free of charge are those basic weapon, so you can get every weapon from the beginning
Smaller Scale battles
- 1v1 (duel) and 3v3 would be nice
larger scale Battles GvG – Castles
- Every Guild has their own Castle with a Guild lord.
- You have to kill the enemy Lord to win
- There are Quagan Camps to support you, etc.
- Castle could be the Guild-halls and you are able to modify the castles so they are unique.
Just like a small WvWlarger scale Battles GvG – Ships
- There will be a new Science Tree for the guild
- Every Guild has their own Ship (probably some different designs to choose from faster+weaker vs. slow and heavy)
- It is possible to build jollyboats so you can have smaller squads and different tactics
- One person has to steer the ship
- The ships are full of canons etc. and you have to destroy the enemies ship
Yap I like this.
MOBA Same as Dota/LoL, with minion waves etc.
- Level is fixed 80, you receive trait and skillpoints instead
- You start the game with a blanc white armor and you have to buy new stuff with the gold from your kills.
- You only have weapon skill #1 just like a lvl1 character
- The only thing that is free of charge are those basic weapon, so you can get every weapon from the beginning
Smaller Scale battles
- 1v1 (duel) and 3v3 would be nice
Giving us some tools to work with things at least in custom arenas (like changing effects of abilities, changing skillsets/traits to make new game modes on existing maps would be nice too.
If you will give us some sort of editor with even 10% of warcraft 3 map editor potential (even without possibility to create new maps, just working with skills, traits, objectives, and AI), this would GREATLY improve this game’s popularity.
more popularity = more money, yay!
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
2v2 and 3v3 deathmatch for sPvP, and duel in PvE (where players could participate with their actual level instead of always lvl80)
6k+ PvP games
(edited by Kicker.8203)
People are taking this seriously??
The forums have and probably always will be extremely vocal about what they don’t like in this game.
The game has only gotten worse.
I’m not saying the forums are just bad to listen to, what I am saying is that the devs can’t seem to glean useful or correct information from them. Something to do with their time scale or mentality just has been blocking off any of that.
Wait for actions before believing promises, Anet has made a hundred promises that would improve this game, yet they always turn out ill made and/or a few months late…
Actions before promises, then take them seriously.
(edited by garethh.3518)
May I suggest a personal event system that would virtually guarantee that every character will experience a unique set of individual adventures that are triggered by specific things the character has done in the game. The Personal Story that is shared by thousands or tens of thousands of characters would be supplemented by a unique personal story that will become more individualized the longer the character is active in the game. The system has been designed specifically for Guild Wars 2 and as far as I am aware no other persistent world massively multiplayer game has succeeded in accomplishing something like this.
If the personal event system is implemented along the lines I’ve worked out, it would offer the following benefits.
• Every character in the game would experience a unique personal story.
• The personal events offered to the character would all be triggered by something specific the character has already done in the game that GW2 is already tracking.
• The Living World concept is enriched and deepened because the world will actively respond to individual characters in terms of specific things the character has done in the past which is something that is fundamental to worlds that live.
• The My Story concept is enriched because individual characters will develop unique personal event histories.
• Players can expect to experience something new every time they log in because the system is designed to make it highly likely that new personal events will be triggered relatively frequently.
• Every zone in the game can provide new experiences for any character, of any level, at any time no matter how much time the character has spent in the zone or how long the player has been playing GW2.
• Personal events provide an ideal vehicle for seamlessly integrating the bi-weekly Living World content into the weave of the rest of life in Tyria.
• Personal events provide an additional source for achievements, dailies and monthlies.
• Any personal event can take place in a solo instance, a group instances or in the open world as the designers see fit.
The personal event system was originally designed specifically for GW2 and I hope the people at ArenaNet will be interested in taking a look at it and considering whether or not it would be worth further consideration. I have put a good deal of time and effort into the system and if ArenaNet has no interest, it can be adapted for use in other games. For that reason, please forgive me for not discussing the details of the system in a public forum like this.
If people at ArenaNet think something like this might be of interest, please contact me and I will be very happy to share the personal event system with you.
Thank you for your time and attention.
For now we’ve got 5v5 arenas that we can play in our team or solo, and we’ve got leaderboards whats great. But without a doubt, we really need here something new.
- 1v1 Tournaments. However, note that the current balance PvP is created for 5v5 fights, that need bunkers, supports etc. Thats why IMO 1v1 tournaments should have separate balance – maybe special PvP builds only for 1v1? Then we could create 1v1 PvP build and 5v5
Of course there sould be also a special leaderboard for this mode.
- More maps for 5v5 with other mechanisms.
Maybe typical ctf? 2 bases, 2 flags and teams have to def + gain second flag.
- PvP Arenas – this thing costs quite a lot, but this is not a problem. The problem is that custom arenas does not give us many options. Its impossible, that one person (arena leader) will be online alltime, and set things for people. Custom Arenas really need moderation options. We need more commands too, to reset arena anytime we want, vote for maps to change (for people), change to any map when we want to (for leader and moderators),
If we’re talking about PvP, then we should think more about rewards too. IMO playing PvP tournaments should reward people with gold. Also people who’s in the top of any PvP leaderboard should get any special titles
- U know what’s important in mmorpg’s? Ofc leaderboards, but we need much more. Here should be something like “Armory” for every player, and everyone would have their own profile. People could find there some1’s: characters, items, guilds, leaderboards, actual player’s look, maybe any place to write their own text, achievements, etc, etc…
People would put it in their signatures on forums. U must know that people like to show these things to the others – thats mmo, many players doing all this stuff, to show it to the others, and feel proud of characters, and achievement that they’ve made.
Of course if some1 dont want to share these informations, then just give them any option, to set “private”
- Guild Halls. I dream of sandbox map, which allow guilds to build their halls/castles etc there
Just dont close guild halls only to the guild members. Let other players to see it, cause fully instantiated guild halls are boring as hell.
Guild Halls would be a great place to use guild influ and merits there
(edited by Xar.1387)
I don’t think that bringing a pvp mode with more than 5v5 is a good idea. Even the 8v8 like in the Guild Wars 1 would just not work. Not only that there is no dedicated healer, most of you who are requesting large scale Guild versus Guild battles forget one simple thing. If you have like lets say 20v20 gvg and lets assume they all are running in PVT gear and that an auto-attack skill does around 1k dmg even if its a full chain to get that 1k dmg. So if a target is called on someone, then they will just die. Because they will not have health pool to survive that and that’s only 1 skill from 20 players. For large scales battles to be playable and enjoyable each and every skill-specific coefficient would have to be changed and I do not think that Arenanet want to do that since it would create to much difference between the game types.
Also the more players that you need for a game mode to be playable the hard it gets coordinating and you can soon end up being logistical manager for your guild without being able to play at all. Or if you are still able to play then your skill-usage will suffer. And before you go shouting that this is a nonsene, go ask someone from a large World of Tanks clan and they will tell you just how much effort needs to be put in the coordination and scheduling to make sure everyone can be there for the game, let alone making sure everyone understands tactics and strategy the guild will be using.
So new pvp modes sure, but not more than 5v5. Also solo and duo q should be put together, but it should be that only one duo can be in each team (so 1 duo and 3 solo players). That way you can avoid syncing of 2 duo’s or something like that.
If they would go with a MOBA type pvp mode then I have already wrote the idea about unlocking your skills and traits with the minion kills. I also like the idea about Guild Lords instead of towers. But maybe they could have like and increased difficulty the deeper you get into enemy base (veteran, silver, champion and then legendary for the last guild lord – maybe even in company of two bodyguards that need to be killed first).
About CtF as a stand alone pvp type I don’t really know. I don’t fancy it all that much. If they would however try to implement gvg’s similar to GW1 with flag running being secondary mechanics then they need to make sure that running flags is actually worthwhile. And since Arenanet stated that they wanted to make games shorter with more action and not turtling till 25min mark like it was seen in Guild Wars 1, then one way it would be to award the team that holds the flag for lets say 2 min with 100 points. And if you get to 500 points then you win. Killing guild lord would award 500 points meaning insta win aswell. By doing that you can assure that flag has a meaning and games remain short. But there are number of other aspects that I haven’t thought about yet, like you would need 6v6 format since 1 person would be running the flag most of the time, or how would you make a team that holds the flag push into the enemy base for guild lord kill, since they could just wait outside and win by flag points…
I will get back if I come up with something.
One of Anet’s worries about new game modes is player segmentation. Let me present my
Strategical solutions to mitigate player segmentation
1. PvP Dailies – add an additional daily or two supporting one or two modes of choice per day;
2. PvP Acchievements – add new rows in the pvp’s acchievement section dedicated to each game mode available, to incentivate players to diversify;
3. Remove the official servers from Hotjoin, or alternatively, make them randomly choose the game mode for each match;
4. In addition to the option above, or alternatively, add a rated queue option, or modify the current Solo Queue option, to randomly choose a game mode;
5. Add a weekly solo and team queue tournament option with fat rewards that works similar to GW1’s Hall of Heroes pvp, where several different maps and game modes are placed together in a fixed succession. It would demand players to master several game modes, and create a more diversified experience than the old tournament mode.
NOTE: Point 3, 4 and maybe or maybe not point 5 would require Build Templates between matches to diversify the build selection instead of restricting it.
And of course, better MM, better ranking, and a much expanded reward system to keep or attract players, but that’s another matter.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
“Larger dungeon modes (called raid in WoW, and Ops in SWTOR) where your party consists of 8, 10, 12 or 16 players.”
GW2 definitely need something like this to keep PVE players.
I would like to have the same tourny system as in gw1 with 3 or maybe 4 daily tournaments where you can get acces to the monthly tournament
you could keep the 1 round tournys as the normal ladder matches in gvg
Read It Backwards [BooN]
i haven’t say something… the instance for pve player and the concept of GvG can be both implemntated in, and the way i think it can be done it’s exactly the Guild hall: a place earned and build up and upgraded with each of the new game mode i’m suggesting here. a viable option for pvp, wvwv and pve player can be add using Guild Halls: instances for big parties, explorable or sequential paths, like in gw1 was for Mallyx.
GvG was already said buy most of us.
PvP can be a sort of invite between 2 guilds that fights in one of the Guil Hall of the respectives guilds, having areas depending on the number of the player that are invited, something like small arealike in tournament pvp for 5 player each team, and big battleground for 50 100 player wth possibility of using also siege weapon or something else.
in my opinion this is a great idea because it can be expanded a lot of time bringing lots of new and interesting stuff for every type of player and ccan be a great chance to grow the feeling and coordination between player and also alliances between different guilds helping each other for example doing the big instances.
(edited by Powerbruce.6710)
A GvG mode would help this game alot since most people ask for it. I think it should be implemented in a 8v8 mode with 4 maps, each one offering a different strategy to achiev a main gold, that would be destroying or defeating the enemy guild struture or npc. This mode would require a different leaderboard, and different rewards than the s/tpvp ones. For example it should give rewards to put on guild hall, emotes for the players that belong to the best rankeds Guilds and a armor skin and weapon only available for the players in the best guilds.
For s/tpvp there should be another mode, which for my preference, should be a capture the flag mode.
Rewards as said many times should be reworked and offer a total different experience for pvp players than the ones that pve. Only armor skin rewards isn’t enough. Maybe weapons or armor evolution’s for how much better player you are (for example: if you are ranked 10 your armor (even its the same as the 1000 ranked player) should have some effects that would turn her much cooler than other players.).
Other improvements would be the possibility to change into different tier specs without having to relearn every time we want to change.
Just wanted to let you know that we are reading this thread but we want to keep the free flow of ideas going before chiming in. Thanks for all the great ideas and feedback!
Payload delivery, dolyak travels from point a to b. Protect yours kill there’s.
king of the hill (aka kill the man with the thing). Hold an object, object gives points well being held but does damage to holder ramping up in intensity the linger it held.
capture the flag. Return enemy flag to your base. Must be in control of your flag to get cap.
I like conquest, I just don’t want every match to be conquest. Also with only having conquest and balancing around only conquest it causes what we are currently seeing, nerds to bunkers and nerds to attrition and an over reliance on burst and cc.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
The reason why Game Modes is such an immensely important topic for me was because, however great Conquest is as a Game Mode, I always feel like there isn’t room for legitimate PvP fighting; The actual fighting often ends in either some side outnumbering the other, or someone flees, hence ending the fight.
… And of course, having just one Game Mode made PvP feel dull, “shallow” and like a mini-game for me.
I haven’t played GW2 for months since I’m just waiting for more Game Modes. Ultimately, I would love something that embraces the element of actually besting your opponent by simply fighting them, fair and square. 2v2 & 3v3 (etc.) Arenas have been suggested and discussed a lot – That fits in the description, among others.
People have always been very (extremely) vocal about GvG (nostalgic, maybe?) Haven’t played the preceded game, but in the future, there should absolutely be some emphasis on guilds in PvP. Maybe objective-based 20v20(+)?
Guild vs Guild
The core objective of the game mode is to kill the opposition’s NPC Guild Lord before the opposition does the same to your Guild Lord. There could be various objectives similar to capture points such as the trebuchet, cannons, capture points, and orb of ascension. Players who are killed would be revived after 1 minute of death time in their home base (or however much time seems right). After a certain amount of time, the Guild Lords and Remaining NPCs will rush to the center to fight to the death.
Just like in the Battle of Kyhlo, each team has access to a trebuchet which can bombard any enemy or area on the battlefield. It causes massive damage to enemy players and causes knockback to players who get caught in the area of effect. It does no friendly-fire damage or knockback. It is able to be destroyed and repaired. With both teams’ repair kit spawning in the center of the map.
Cannons are mounted on top of each team’s base walls. These can not be destroyed; however, players must jump down and grab cannonballs to load their cannons to fire. Their range is not very far and are really only used for defense.
Capture Points
Similar to the WvW Capture Points, these would be used to Provide a Blood Lust Damage Bonus. For Each point held, the team would gain 15% More Damage. A Team holding all three points would do 50% more damage, a very nice reward for the ability to hold all the points. This affects NPCs as well.
Orb of Ascension
The Orb of Ascension which spawns in each teams base after a set amount of time, is able to instantly neutralize and stun all enemies within, or near a capture point for like 5 seconds with or without stability (dayuuum). Players may only hold the orb for a certain amount of time.
The base layout could be similar to that of Legacy of the Foefire. The cannons could sit atop the base at both gate entrances; the walls would have much more structural integrity though. Outside each gate would be 3-4 NPCs (like 2 Casters and 2 Soldiers). Within the base would be 5 More NPCs, the Guild Lord and his Body Guards.
Winning Conditions
Whichever team kills the other Guild Lord first wins. No if’s and’s or but’s.
I’ll attach a kittenty picture of what the map could look like. The purple dots are NPCs.
How to Play
Rated Automatic Match
Automatically pairs your team with another waiting team which fits your ranking best. The result of the ladder match will adjust your guild rating.
New Unrated Challenge
Allows you to request a battle against a specific guild. The result of the match will not adjust your guild rating.
New Scrimmage
This is pretty much like custom arenas. ’Cept for GvG.
Hope you enjoy my truly original sPvP game mode ideas.
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…
(edited by Phadde.7362)
You can start by adding all existing gw1 game modes, including in game gvg championships. Then you can improve them and add new ones, new maps as extensions.
2v2/3v3/5v5 death match. Focus on my favorite part of this game, the fluid combat!
I’ll +1 to the Guild vs Guild, but I would also like to see more mid-size to larger sPvP matches. I’m not talking about WvW size, but something more akin to the GvG maps in GW1.
I think that larger maps can include more diverse objectives and obstacles that can add more to diversify gameplay.
Now, I know the major balancing issue with large maps is that they can easily spread out action too much or end up with one end being deserted, while the other end is clumped up too much. This can lead to boring gameplay where players spend too much time simply travelling. However, this can be worked around by the following:
- Add objectives all over the map. Bonus capture areas, NPCs that grant bonuses, or area weapons/gates that can be controlled all work to make the entire map worth of fighting over.
- Allow a large enough player base to participate. Something like a 10 vs 10 would be nice to see.
- Add in portals, launch pads, etc. to facilitate faster travel from certain areas of the map to other areas.
For inspiration, I would highly suggest looking at both the GW1 maps as well as maps in games such as Halo.
Once new game modes are created to go along with conquest, string it together with HA- Hall of heroes.
As for new modes, try to adapt a mode used from GW1. Yes even if it means making an adapted elimination type mode.
More players? Two sets of Teams? EX: Red T1, Red T2 vs Blue T1, Blue T2 vs Green T etc etc. Multiple conquest games happening at the same time, then string it together with the final battle where the teams unite…sounds like a headache, but can be tested.
Something that links the WvW “GvG” and the Spvp scenes, that also place it into a more balanced environment (Heart of Mist).
Conquest is a solid base no doubt.
Nightfall Music for New Pvp modes.
(edited by Maverick Holix.1382)
FA/JQ/AB/GvG like it was done in GW1 would be nice ^^
As long as the NPC’s have enough cahones to defend a position against poorly coordinated attacks or single players with op builds (read warriors). Our current NPC’s are armored with paper and posses mediocre skills at best (this would be in the instance of a JQ/FA type match, as AB and GVG are based more around larger scale player coordination, movement, tactics and much less any NPC involvement other than a presence to prevent no-contest point capping).
Also, if GVG is to be implemented, there needs to be a hotjoin version of it too (with matches that are paired completely separate from organized GVG matches). basically a GVG map and objective setup for hotjoin matches only. If you’re going to make a game mode, it needs to be available to all players but split enough so that organized fights aren’t encroached upon by solo joins (same process as the current solo/group tourney matches).
I’d also like to see other objectives for GVG type matches other than just Guild Lord slaying. Perhaps one with a similar setup (attacking and defending keeps just like GW1, except instead of Guild Lords, you score by running orbs to the other’s base or some kind of “return-to-enemy-base” mechanic). Kills may or may not count towards the score, but if they do it needs to be a minimal amount so that the match is based more around tactics than op builds and classes. map Designs could incoorporate a myriad of choke points, traps, hidden passages, ect to facilitate challenging play. The person carrying the orb would be given a new set of skills to aid in running and their own skills locked out to prevent certain classes from becoming the only ones worth running the orb with. Base stats would be static and buffed to allow all armor weights to be on even playing field. The rest would rely on your team to ensure the orb runner makes it to the objective.
- Gw1 pvp game modes returning with NPC’s that are viable combatants
- GVG with hotjoin/solo join version available
- Different types of GVG besides just Lord Slaying (something similar to a reverse capture the flag, where you must run the orb or “flag” to the enemy base, and infiltrate it, rather than bring it back to your own “safe” base- adds a more complex and difficult twist to CTF). These kinds of matches could be added to sPvP as well in some form, not exclusive to GVG.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
(edited by Nay of the Ether.8913)
I think – as an active gw1 pvp player from the release till the “end” – that consecutive different game modes would 1. balance a lot things, 2. could bring more rewards easily combining with consecutive wins 3. could bring a lot of more fun to pvp at all.
For me the concept of gw1 pvp like heroes ascent or gvg has been the best of all existing mmorpgs and probably always will be.
If you could manage to bring consecutive matches like
- First map deathmatch
- Second map king of the hill (where the team wins that holds 1! point for the longest time)
- Third map for example something like capture the orb/reliq run/capture the flag – where the team wins that reaches the most orbs/reliqs/flags to a special goal
- Fourth map for example conquest – as usual
This – in my opinion – would first of all ALSO bring a little support to balance, because
if you want to win all maps/modes in a row you would need to trim your setup for it.
Second nice sideeffect would be – you could give more rewards for more matches won – and for example at the end – for winning the 4th match – something like a special chest.
This in my opinion would be the best change for pvp in the current state.
Not to talk about GvG at all because it would need to be seperated anyways.
Thanks for reading!
(edited by intsch.3570)
like unleashed posted…. something like that
Smaller Scale battles
- 1v1 (duel) and 3v3 would be nice
since i dont have a team but two good friends to play, i do especially like the 3v3 idea
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”
I’ve had an epiphany.
Have a guild ladder. Enable the following GUILD SPECIFIC activities that earn a new form of Guild Rating that is similar to the current hidden rating system for PvP. Guild Halls are created as a PAID function, so it solves part of the problem of generating residual revenue from the PvP community. I’m a realist. You guys are a for profit entity, and I would pay for this. All of the below content (other than tPvP) will require a guild hall for at least one of the two teams in order to participate.
1) Dueling – Confine it to Guild Halls and ignore what I said before about doing it in towns. Its easier to implement this way. Keep the part I said before about wagering and a special UI. Winning a duel while repping your guild contributes a nominal amount to your guild’s rating, and tax the wagers. Make a small section of the Guild Hall dedicated to dueling rooms with X number of rooms available (which could be paid upgrades).
2) Small Scale Combat – 3v3 Death match style combat (for starters, more can be added later). Death match is impossible to implement in a 5v5 format because of the combat system in this game, but a 3v3 could work. You want to keep it guild specific and keep the rewards to a minimum because you don’t want it to brake up the competitive community and destroy ques, but this could be a fun diversion with at least some measure of reward. Possibly even have some kind of PvE currency (laurels, Karma, etc.) or reward (account bound gear) tied to wins so you can get semi-casuals into it. House it in an arena section of the Guild Hall that is separate from other modes, and again allow for additional arenas to be added on if desired.
3) tPvP wins when you have a repping team contribute more to the guild rating than any other factor. This will keep a steady flow into competitive play from less competitive modes. It will also help to foster a sense of continuity where teams will feel more invested in staying together in order to maintain ladder status as a guild which is a major element missing from this game compared to predecessor.
4) Large Scale GvG – Think just like Guild Wars GvG, but take all of the NPC’s out of the bases and leave only the Guild Lord in there (maybe a Body Guard and Knight too). Give each team enough players to post defensive sentinels and scouts, but also allow the flexibility to go all in for the Lord Gank. The Guild Lord needs to be a total beast, not the pansy masquerading as a GL on Foefire. Flavor it with GW skills even, and randomize the GL with various effective builds from GW with wildly buffed numbers (like a Cyclone Axe that can 50% a full bunker spec with an Eviscerate that is a 1-shot to anyone). The rewards for large scale should be less impactful to Guild Ladder, but more impactful in other forms of rewards (like PvE stuff), because this is where you will hook the hybrid players that like to PvP but aren’t ultra-competitive types. The point is that in an even numbered fight the GL should be able to tip the scales in favor of the defending team. Give me “Victory or Death” at the 15 or 20 minute mark. This would be the core function of the Guild Hall. Allow for team size to be determined by the guild that issues the challenge, and build a map suitable for up to X with a minimum requirement of Y to play (10-25 seem like numbers that could work, but that comes down to a lot of design variables and testing).
There is a ton more that can be built on here, but the general consensus here is to bring the Guilds back to Guild Wars, and I think this is a solid way to deliver.
(edited by Myrmidian Eudoros.4671)
MOBA type game mode: the best it would be for everyone to just forget that idea, no matter how many different ideas you have about progression, unlocking skills etc. It just won’t work. The games would be too long and boring.
Large scale GvG: I don’t like the idea about this at all. It would just turn up as another zergfest. Small guilds or competitve teams would not be interested in this because of lack of players or the fact that in a competitive team you want skill level of players to be roughly at the same level. If you want large gvgs you can do your zerging in wvw as you did til now.
Hero’s Ascent type game: this sounds like a valid idea; I would stay away from the relic runs as the ones on HoH map, they are unattractive and boring (2 guys running for 10 mins while the rest of the team can take a nap… booooring); annihilation, cap points, KoH are all viable options here; team size should not be greater than 6 players.
Similar to GW1 gvgs: oh yes please! But as I said before there are some aspects of that format that would need to change. The importance of boat would have to be increased in some way, since, as it is right now on legacy of the foefire, there is nothing stopping a team of 5 if they decide to go for a lord kill; you do not have enough support to sustain him through the damage a 5-man squad can put out, nor will you have enough damage to kill them before they kill a guild lord. Another thing that I mentioned already is capture the flag mechanic that was part of every GW1 gvg map. The CTF part should remain in a format like this and the team holding the flag should have some benefit from it. Also if a team decides to forfeit flag running and tries to push for a lord kill they should be doing that against a time. Example:
Guild versus Guild format:
-game length: 15 minutes
-team size: 5 or 6
-win condition: score 500 points
-score contribution: Guild lord killed – 500 points (if you kill enemy guild lord you win, simple); holding flagstand awards 100 points every 2 minutes (if a team forfeits flags they should be put up against a timer in which they have to kill the guild lord; so if first flag can be capped at 0:30 the pushing team has 10 minutes to kill the lord or rethink their approach); killing a guard or an archer awards points but in no way enough that you could win by just clearing the base of everything apart from guild lord (you would still need at least 2 flag stand boosts to win or something similar);
player kills award points aswell;
-if after 15 minutes no team was able to get to 500 points, the team with most points win; in event of a tie winner is decided by the aggressiveness which is calculated by the damage done to enemy players (excluding damage done to downed enemy players) and healing done to allied players (excluding healing done to downed allied players or players already at full hp)
One of my favourite hot join modes for pvp was Alterac Valley, I feel that can be done for GW2 in a 20v20 or 30v30 scale with regicide.
1. I don’t really understand how the current tPvP isn’t considered a form of GvG.
2. How do you balance 1 v 1, 2 v 2, 3 v 3, TDM, King of the Hill, CTF, Conquest?
- my coordinated 5 perma stealth team will kill 1 guy then perma stealth GG. So that is an example of an OP TDM comp but a HORRIBLE conquest comp.
3. Would love some HoH and AB type stuff (things where the winning team carries on till beaten gaining more glory/rank until defeated but can cap out at 25 like in GW1/ larger scale stuff but still with small coordinated groups).
Am I good?… I’m good.
Variations of the following:
1. Hero’s Ascent
2. Annihilation style PvP Maps in addition to the current point cap
3. Competitive Missions as a feeder for sPvP
Perhaps a mode where each team has a small base and within the base can be a object(s) that your enemy needs to carry to their respective base to score points.
The team with the most points at the end of the time limit wins.
-There can be several conquest nodes around the map that when uncontested. Would grant the players standing on the node a specific resource that they would passively carry until they returned to their respective base.
-When a player dies or is killed they drop their accumulated resources on the ground that can be acquired by passing over it.
-Each individual resource can be spent at your base to bolster its defenses. This could come in the form of: Walls, Turrets, Traps, Buffs and Debuffs, as well as Means of transportation throughout the map.
The goals of this mode would be to essentially break into your enemies base and steal their object(s) and return the object back to your base. While trying to secure enough resources to bolster your base and prevent your opponents from doing the same.
Could make for some very fun and satisfying situations.
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
(edited by Wolf.5816)
MOBA/GvG Hybrid
- MOBA map setup ( 3 lanes + jungle ) without any leveling or shops.
- Towers are replaced by destructible player controlled siege.
- Last hitting/denying a creep gives 1 Might stack for X seconds.
- Last hitting/denying siege gives AoE Might stacks + Blast finisher.
- Svanir / Chieftan type mobs in Jungle for last hit team buffs.
- Individual buffs spawn at various points on timer, similar to bottling buffs in MOBA.
- Big Boss Spawn on a timer similar to triple buff on Temple ( could grant a stored free resurrect to last hitter, similar to MOBA ).
- Base with guards + Guild Lord ( win condition ) on each side.
( pmuch combining Niflhel, Khylo & Legacy w/o Conquest & some MOBA mechanics )Nice idea; there have been quite a few good ideas like yours in this thread that make a MOBA-mode seem a realistic proposition, its been good to read them.
Did you see the idea on p2 or 3 about starting with just the one weapon skill/heal and then unlocking new skills through gold earned? That idea would enable the important aspects of farming/feeding in MOBAs as well.
tldr: more in-depth thoughts on previous point form notes on MOBA/GVG Hybrid.
I did see that, Yasha. It would certainly work if that is what the people want. ) Personally I really enjoy the fast pace of GW2, I feel it is kind of like starting a MOBA game 3/4 of the way through an even match when everyone is kitted & ready for teamfights.
I feel like one of the biggest strengths of GW2 PvP is equality of gear & spec options. To undermine that by making players level up in a match or farm for gear / skills would remove this equality. I would prefer to see MOBA-type game mechanics reward the player with tactical benefits as they would pertain to GW2’s established combat mechanics.
Buffs & combat effects are the “reward” for last-hitting in my proposal. These buffs should be fairly long lasting so there is a definite advantage to farming efficiently in preparation for pushes or teamfights.
“Might” is my first choice for buff reward because it will help all specs regardless of setup. So if a last-hit/deny gave a 30 second Might stack, that would give enough time to clear some creeps & take those buffs to influence another encounter. These could be very fast plays, especially if you allow the player controlled siege to trigger last-hit. So a player on the defensive could use siege to wipe creeps then use those buffs to push back up the lane.
Also, feeding would still play into this. Eg. 1v1 on a lane, a stronger player is able to last-hit his opponent’s wave & deny his own creeps. This could end with that player being 10 Might stacks up on his opponent.
Last-hit/deny on siege could be something like 10 Might stacks in PBAoE + Damaging Blast Finisher. So there is risk/reward & tactical options in closing the distance to last-hit. Eg. 1 side drops Smoke field down for last-hit, other team drops Frost field for deny. AoE stealth or Frost shields would result with the losing team taking damage & needing to regroup.
There could be “Elixir” spawns, similar to Invulnerability Flasks on Capricorn, but with varied effects like GTAoE Stunbreak, Condi Transfers or Buff Share ( give all current buffs to group )—buffs that players will want to contest in order to strengthen a future engagement. I would suggest that instead of the Elixir replacing the entire weapon bar, that it only replaces the autoattack ( on both weapon sets ) so the player can still make use of other abilities while waiting for the right time to use the “bottled buff”.
I would like to see the return of Death Penalty from GW1 in this mode as well. Since no points are rewarded for a kill ( Guild Lord or Conceding is the win condition ), a Penalty makes sense.
Svanir/Chieftans in the Jungle could give buffs similar to what they do now, stat buffs to Team, but also would remove 2 stacks of Death Penalty from the Team.
There is a lot of talk about introducing e.g. TDM or KotH modes, which is all great, but not really the peak of creativity. They are by themselves rather barebones. Regular daily PvP play in a RPG (outside hotjoin) needs a bit more depth so as to not become mind-numbing and boring.
Don’t look far. GW1 already laid down the basic concept perfectly. Run secondary objectives for boons, assault base, kill lord. With the improved engine I’m sure you can handle additional things that would make it even more interesting, like traps or siege weapons (not the same as WvW siege weps).
This should be a sPvP game mode. It’s only associated with WvW right now because there is no real alternative due to team sizes. Regarding that, I think you should use variable team sizes ranging from 5-20, but fixate your tourney GvG team sizes at 8, 12 and/or 15.
NPC centric game mode
With that I mean is advancing Carriers/Siege Turtles like in GW1’s JQ/FA or creeps in MOBAs, where I’m leaning towards the former rather than the latter. It just enables playstyles that relatively straightforward game modes like TDM can’t satisfy.
I cannot stress enough how underappreciated FA in GW1 was. It was the perfect bridge between the random-casual nature of a hotjoin Conquest/TDM game mode, and the organization and teamplay that a GvG required. And it didn’t even need pre-formed teams.
Heroes Ascent
This is not a game mode per se as it doesn’t imply match objectives. Rather, as you know, it was a tourney framework that was an amalgam of almost every game mode, from Conquest to TDM to King of the Hill etc., and it worked kitten well for casuals and hardcores alike. It had an insanely satisfying feel to it to progress to the next map, with a new challenge, and ultimately the halls, something you just can’t emulate with a rooster of the always same maps regular sPvP uses.
There you could also include some game modes that you don’t think warrant their “own” mode, like Capture the Flag or even KotH. It’s actually the perfect testing ground for new, outlandish modes, besides event minigames. Heroes Ascent helps you condense both all of your game modes and players into one pool.
Now, the devs will be flooded in suggestions. So let me offer you some help to eliminate a couple suggestions that came or will come. I think this is an important part of this discussion as well.
Alliance battles
I loved them in GW1. But why not simply introduce some bigger Maps for conquest instead? Those maps don’t have all to be slavishly the exact same size. Alliance battles are literally the same as Conquest, only with a couple more players – 6 of which were (usually) healers, so discounting them we actually have the same numbers as in a 9v9 Conquest match.
Two or three large “AB maps” and you get the experience – even in a semi-organized fashion in a custom arena.
MOBA wannabes
Just no. GW does what GW does, MOBAs do what MOBAs do.
The “base assault after collecting buffs” game mode is already in the franchise, and done better – it’s called GvG. The two most popular PC games don’t need another clone, when GW already has it’s unique answer to that. Besides, do you have an idea how long those were in development and testing? This is maybe something for GW3, and only if they make it what Conquest was to GW2 by pouring all their energy into it.
Remember your roots, ANet.
Castle siege
No seriously, this is just WvW. Or GvG. We don’t need even more nuancing. Focus on those both game modes instead of three or four or ten watered down ones, of which half would be dead.
I’m for duels, but not in sPvP. This should be tackled by a Living World team, not the already stressed sPvP one. The resistance to add them in sPvP mainly stems from the fact that it would channel players away from the actual team modes, matches can easily be manipulated and that it’s impossibly prohibitive to balance all classes equally, while simultaneously engendering by far the most balancing controversy/whine.
1v1 is casual PvP and it’s a fine addition to the PvE overworld.
(edited by Jamais vu.5284)
NPC centric game mode
I know JQ and FA were really enjoyable for some people, and adding this kind of thing in Living World content or WvW might be appealing, but I would prefer minimizing the number of NPC’s in PvP content. There is also the issue of inherent imbalance on those types of modes due to the lack of symmetry in objectives. Particularly in this games combat system where there are no healers.
Heroes Ascent
Exactly. This is what I have said all along. If you take the new maps/modes and include them as part of the existing tPvP system, then it opens the door to much more interesting, dynamic play, cuts que times, increases build diversity. It fixes a lot of the issues that are currently driving players away without causing severe stress in other ways or requiring obscene amounts of work to implement. Don’t throw out the baby (tPvP) with the bath water. Improve upon what little infrastructure is already in place.
eliminate a couple suggestions that came or will come.
I agree that as a community we need to provide input on this too.
Alliance battles
Are a less well executed version of Conquest. They are not needed.
MOBA wannabes
Just no. GW does what GW does, MOBAs do what MOBAs do.
Yeah, what you said.
Castle siege
No seriously, this is just WvW. Or GvG.
Like you said, WvW has this. GvG would be a more organized form of this (at least on some Guild Halls). No reason to split the population up with another iteration of a game mode that is already available.
I’m for duels, but not in sPvP. This should be tackled by a Living World team, not the already stressed sPvP one.
I would suggest that all of the things being discussed in this thread will be much more far reaching than just the sPvP team. Implementation of any of the above in a timely fashion will require diversion of some resources from other areas, so while I agree that care should be taken not to overload the sPvP devs, I think the existence of this thread is evidence that they are at least considering investing resources from elsewhere in order to make this stuff manageable. Lets face it, the current team for sPvP is too small to keep up with appropriate balance patching and bug fixing. It isn’t even in the realm of possibility to take on these kinds of new content development without putting more resources in their hands.