Hi everyone,
I have attempted this dungeon path several times over the past month, and each time we fail at the same spot : Dwayna.
After the recent update, I had a hope she would be easier with the sparks change, but it really didn’t do anything for the fight. Now, I’m not here just to complain “Waah I can’t do it! Help!”. I want to explain in detail how frustrating this boss is.
Let’s look first of all at other dungeons. Every single path, be it story or explorable, of every dungeon is do-able with a pick up group. Some paths require coordination (Sorrow’s Embrace p1) and some are harder than others, but really all of them are do-able. If you look at the other paths in Arah, they are all relatively difficult but really you can finish them with an OK team, you don’t need perfect builds and such.
Now let’s look at Arah p4 :
The path is slightly harder than most, with Grenth also being an annoying fight (the first part anyway), but it’s only when you get to Dwayna (Simin) that it really becomes unfair.
The last party I had just now was perfectly coordinated. 3 DPS warriors with berserker gear, 1 person on tear/doing a bit of DPS when he could, and we were running the sparks in around 10-15 seconds max. We even used the 4/5 trick, where you pre-place sparks and let her heal to max so you only need to place 1 spark next time.
No go.
Not even close in fact. We only got her down to around 30% once and maybe 35-40% the rest of the time.
In total I have fought Dwayna for about 12 hours if not more. Each time we became more and more coordinated, adjusted our builds to DPS as much as possible, tried different spots (although it’s pretty clear the best place to fight her is on the south wall so you don’t mess up Spark aggro, we tried fighting her in the middle or outside the cave too), etc. Each time we failed in the same way.
I have no idea what we are expected to do better here. Almost everyone I see with Dungeon Master had completed this path when you could hit her when she was stealthed.
I don’t understand how this fight is supposed to be fun. It’s not even challenging, it’s incredibly tedious. It’s a DPS check 1.5-2 hours into a dungeon —- and it’s not a normal DPS check, it’s a ridiculous one. I’ve been in more than 1 team that was well coordinated, with well geared players all geared towards DPS that still couldn’t down her.
I check gw2lfg.com for groups, and I often see people offering to pay 5g or 10g per person just to get a group to beat her! That is NOT NORMAL!
Please, do something. Make her heal 1/3rd of what she does now and she will still be difficult for inexperienced players. The path will still be long so people will still run p2/3 instead. Anything really, to make he possible.
Once you understand the fight mechanics, you SHOULD be able to beat her, but that really isn’t the case.