General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
Guild Wars (not 2).
Oh right, miku! Join us for an amazing potential age 12 underworld, we still need a core t5. We have (well, had) cookies but still have muffins, pepsi and dub(step) left.
And im back, what did i miss ?
Had a little “break“ from the forums..
PvF leveling? Btw, we really ought to run some dungeons together, it’s just that I am not online as much lately as I could be. Getting sort of apathetic about the game.
[S]illy [L]ittle [U]gly [T]rolls – our little dungeon forum community
“My mind has left, my body follows”
(edited by Silferas.3841)
The only reason why I’m online atm is because the The Crew servers are down.
If there is one thing I have to give ANet credit for, then it’s their server uptime.
I feel kinda sad….
I have 14 geared and leveled characters. Each with their own purpose. I recently Managed to PuG my way to Level 50 fractals. Even just today I was lucky enough to get invited on a tour with some of the Forum people here. and I had a blast. I PuG myself out in WvW. mixing up my small group and roaming, and with bigger groups. Been working PvP as of late as well pushing the last few levels to Wolf. I have 2 world completions. and working on a third.
I play around 2 to 6 hours a night. simply because of my work schedule does not allow me to have a social life, (restaurant).
In all of the times I have had those opportunities to do things with all of you have been some really fun times for me. I am afeared that by the time Arena net gives us the content that we are so desperately asking for. The new stuff the new challenges. the stuff that makes “teams”
no one will be around.
That may be true but you should keep in mind that many of us who have already left or play very inactively dont actually have any alternative games to play. So if anet sort their kitten out a lot of us will come back.
And thats why we still linger on the forums. x)
I’ve given up on this game again, I wonder for how long this time?
That “Refocus & clarify” thread took everything I had left. I love GW2, but I’m bored with it, and looking at the past, it’s easy to see the future. This game will never be what we want it to be — ArenaNet just isn’t interested in putting in the effort to make this game even come close to meeting its potential. Casual zerging, achievement farm, and grind are all there is to expect.
I share the same concern at this point — even if they released some decent “expansion-type” content…would anyone even bother coming back? ArenaNet’s attitude has driven a lot of players away with negative feelings towards the franchise. It’s a godkitten shame.
I’m playing DA:I these days. When/if I finish, I’ll probably do another DA:O playthrough. I’m thinking of giving ESO another shot. Zenimax has been working on it like crazy since launch, I think they might have smoothed out some of the rough edges. Plus, they actually give two kittens about their playerbase!
That may be true but you should keep in mind that many of us who have already left or play very inactively dont actually have any alternative games to play. So if anet sort their kitten out a lot of us will come back.
And thats why we still linger on the forums. x)
Y’all should start pso2. jk
I too am waiting for ANet to go into a better direction. Not because I have nothing else to play, but because I simply enjoy the world of GW2 in general, the gameplay and of course, all the awesome people I met there.
But I don’t really want to support ANet with their current way of doing things.
I share the same concern at this point — even if they released some decent “expansion-type” content…would anyone even bother coming back?
I’ll buy an expansion. Not because of the “fun” I had the last couple of months, if I would judge the game by that I would probably never come back, but because of the fun I had at the release. The decision to buy the next expansion originates from that time.
(edited by HHR LostProphet.4801)
For me it’d depend if the expansion has dungeons and stuff tbh. If it was just more scarlet or LS I’d probably not buy it lol.
Oh god…
Coming soon — Guild Wars 2’s first expansion! “Scarlet: The Prequel”
Mr Fork, meet Mr Eyeball.
Ah, 120s FC. Just long enough to be annoying…hmmm…touche, ANet
Guild Wars (not 2).
Oh right, miku! Join us for an amazing potential age 12 underworld, we still need a core t5. We have (well, had) cookies but still have muffins, pepsi and dub(step) left.
I have thought about it but it would likely be difficult to appreciate GW1 the way that you guys do because I never have played it before. All of the times you upload those random shorts of GW1 I watched them, but the combat doesn’t really look like much of an upgrade ._.
I don’t think I can/would understand it, the same way most others didn’t understand what it was about 07scape that had such a strong appeal to me when those servers launched. Dat nostalgia.
Guild Wars (not 2).
Oh right, miku! Join us for an amazing potential age 12 underworld, we still need a core t5. We have (well, had) cookies but still have muffins, pepsi and dub(step) left.
I have thought about it but it would likely be difficult to appreciate GW1 the way that you guys do because I never have played it before. All of the times you upload those random shorts of GW1 I watched them, but the combat doesn’t really look like much of an upgrade ._.
I don’t think I can/would understand it, the same way most others didn’t understand what it was about 07scape that had such a strong appeal to me when those servers launched. Dat nostalgia.
The combat is by no means an upgrade/downgrade. It’s vastly different, GW1 is much slower and tactic based imo.
For me, I occasionally check back for new fashion ideas with the new release.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
On-topic though, it’d be nice if they added some more variety to the mail carriers. I could imagine an undead hand bursting forth from the ground holding a mail right next to you
That’d actually be awesome.
Perfect for a Halloween release, don’t you think?
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
On-topic though, it’d be nice if they added some more variety to the mail carriers. I could imagine an undead hand bursting forth from the ground holding a mail right next to you
That’d actually be awesome.
Perfect for a Halloween release, don’t you think?
Gaile, any word from Regina about our suggestion thread? Would go a long way towards bringing back customers that feel that they have been ignored. We appreciate some bosses in Arah p4 being fixed, but in the future, can we get patch notes on these fixes? Thanks!
She said (last week I think?) that there was “nothing to report”. Look for a Q/A thread titled “Dungeon Inquiry” or similar. edit: found it
Patch notes would be nice, though.
While you’re here, Gaile, I think the dungeon community would unanimously vote to make this thread a sticky:
Whaddya think?
Look which CDI they forgot to add to the CDI forum:
Looks like they’re embarrassed by their Ranger CDI
Likely an oversight — If they wanted to burn any CDI thread, it would have been raids
Likely an oversight — If they wanted to burn any CDI thread, it would have been raids
Well, thing is, I’ve created multiple threads already mentioning that the Ranger CDI was missing in the sticky post, but they’ve not added it. Now they’ve created the CDI subforum and again, the Ranger CDI is missing.
They probably just used to old list to create the subforum. Hard to understand why they’d not respond to your post — it’d literally take 2 minutes of the FCT’s time to update a sticky.
They probably just used to old list to create the subforum. Hard to understand why they’d not respond to your post — it’d literally take 2 minutes of the FCT’s time to update a sticky.
It’s ANet.
smacks forehead
Oh, right. My bad.
Starting 12/16, you literally get a reward just for logging in.
Starting 12/16, you literally get a reward just for logging in.
I don’t know how I feel about that.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Starting 12/16, you literally get a reward just for logging in.
… Well, they need some way to get people to actually log in and play the game. It’s obvious that the game itself lacks the merit to do that, so reward simply logging in!
Effort? Screw that bro.
This is GW2. Just give me my achievements already.
I wont complain. I usually just log on to see if theres anything i feel like doing. Then log off 5 minutes later. :P
Starting 12/16, you literally get a reward just for logging in.
In all honesty though, lots of games do that. It’s simply to reward activity. This however means for me that I can now stand idle at the LA-bank every day and get rewards for it, yaaay.
Starting 12/16, you literally get a reward just for logging in.
… Well, they need some way to get people to actually log in and play the game. It’s obvious that the game itself lacks the merit to do that, so reward simply logging in!
ikr? I’ll bet their metrics are going to look a lot more positive after this goes into effect.
It’s more popular than ever! Game’s fine, hold the course!
I can’t help but feel they are simply used to mislead not to help bring actual information.
If you looked at my playtime I’d bet not even 30% of it is in dungeons, however that was the only content that kept me playing. What metric would have communicated that?
ugh, pointless to even discuss it though. GW2 is such a great game, if they could just put a little bit of fun challenging content in here and there I’d still be playing.
Same here. Good thing I have my infatuation with Sera to keep me busy. Nothing I do seems to make that quirky elf like me, though :-/
lol sera u srs m8
dorian is my #1
followed by iron bull
i also need some of dat cullen
i guess to be “on-topic” – blahblah gw2 dungeons suck never updated blahblah
It was nice of him to wave a big flag over his own head. He was actually one of the posters i was referring to in the orignal post as an ignorant anti meta player. Lol.
“I want new dungeons can content but not doing the meta, I.E. exploiting AI in a corner (stacking) and spamming 1 in all zerker gear.”
Oh jesus kittening christ, things really haven’t changed in the slightest.
He got worse — when pressed to think of an example of using reflects in a dungeon, he came up with Kohler
And yeah, that crazy elf’s got something special, and I ain’t just talking about her eyebrow. But alas, she holds herself beyond reach :-(
Dorian is too easy. Iron bull…well…I’m a dwarf. Let’s be frank: he would hurt. He is surprisingly charming, though.
Cullen…I didn’t know the advisers were available. I like him, but he’s more of a drinkin’ buddy.
Romance is hard.
Same here. Good thing I have my infatuation with Sera to keep me busy. Nothing I do seems to make that quirky elf like me, though :-/
Finally got to bed Sera last night. She is basically “f the pOHLeese. Literally” as I am the head of the world police.
I really love her. She forgave me even though I “accidentally” kissed disney princess and in the hopes that I would get to see a nice chav fight..
I didnt.
On topic.
Lupi killed me yesterday. I proceeded to RQ and hurl insults at my SO. She wasnt pleased and proceeded to crash dragon age at every chance. I ordered her a new ssd in hopes of appeasing her anger.
I want dungeons to have a individual rank system for how well each player does in the dungeon based on the amount of physical damage dealt, condi. dmg, hp recovered in combat, amounts of boons applied, etc.
the thing about dungeons is that they aren’t difficult/challenging anymore. Adding a rank system where players tried to consistently get a higher rank/score would add a new challenge to the dungeon while keeping the difficulty the same.
you could give out more rewards for higher scores, and have an over party score/rank that rewards even more loot to the entire party.
if that isn’t something that you’d like. then how about just adding achievements for each dungeon like you do for TA Aether?
He got worse — when pressed to think of an example of using reflects in a dungeon, he came up with Kohler
And yeah, that crazy elf’s got something special, and I ain’t just talking about her eyebrow. But alas, she holds herself beyond reach :-(
Dorian is too easy. Iron bull…well…I’m a dwarf. Let’s be frank: he would hurt. He is surprisingly charming, though.
Cullen…I didn’t know the advisers were available. I like him, but he’s more of a drinkin’ buddy.
Romance is hard.
dorian is just so gudkitten suave and likeable, and when you do his personal quest the big **** off he gives to [person] is great
iron bull is a character i saw being voiced by freddie prinze jr and rolled my eyes at but in-game, i really liked him, though i chose the qunari in his personal quest.
and what you have to beear in mind, is fan girls have craved cullen since da:o. i liked him in da2 for being one of the few sane characters and his ****ing awesome reply to meredith when hes like lolnope i aint serving yo no more
and then da:i happens and hes romanceable and its like mangggggg i been waiting for dis
i don’t think i liked sera’s immature responses to a lot of things i guess. also, maybe its because im poor and have everything on medium settings but she looked pretty greasy.
They “fixed” that greasy. Now people on high/ultra have it.
lol, they fixed the shiny hair, so I’m happy :P Maybe that’s why I didn’t like Dorian — he had an uber-reflective mustache that was terribly off-putting.
I like immature responses, that’s why I’ve been hanging in general discussion lately AWW YEAH.
Lupi killed me yesterday. I proceeded to RQ and hurl insults at my SO. She wasnt pleased and proceeded to crash dragon age at every chance. I ordered her a new ssd in hopes of appeasing her anger.
this made me laugh way to much
not the hair, her face. her face looks greasy, idk.
also, it didn’t help that in my first playthrough of things i exclusively project my own views and it tended to get disapproval with her since i actually like to work with the nobility than do pranks on them :p
I’m on yet another vacation until the 13th, what for appears to be a mod’s lack of understanding of a joke I made about Weth and his choice of dyes.
I dunno, it’s hard to pick my romance in DAI.
I’ve already picked Josephine for my “alter ego” (working on it, seems like my elf is as a loser as I am in nailing girls omgdemregrets!!!), but of course my thirst for… for kittening is insatiable. I hate Cassandra, so scratch that; Dorian is sassy, but I hate his moustache, I can’t stand it; Cullen is cool but wayyyy too righteous for me, I want something that tastes a little more… hmm… exotic.
I really dig Solas and that shiny dome of his, but he won’t budge. Dang it.
Are you dreamin’ about me, Solsol? Are we together in the Fade? Behehehe…
/rerolls female character
I’m comin’ and you better be ready.
Oh, and gw2 no updates I’m bored same ol’ same ol’ ls sucks blablabla
And yeah, my alter ego is sharing my view on things so he’s an emotional, overly thoughtful hermit that hates rules, especially the chantry. “You won’t tell me what to do!” So yeah, Cassandra hates me. /shrug
The important part is that Solas doesn’t
Oh, right, more gw2… I really think this chapter of the ls sucked horribly and I wonder if this ENTIRE MONTH they’re taking will be worth it.
I already know it won’t.
inb4 100% recycled content for Wintersday, anet going all ECOLOGY on us!
(edited by deSade.9437)
Holy.. I spent 10 hours in the cinema the other night just to watch all the hobbit movies.
The last one is as awesome as I expected it to be!
Holy.. I spent 10 hours in the cinema the other night just to watch all the hobbit movies.
The last one is as awesome as I expected it to be!
He, me too!
The fight between the white ork and Thorin was epic.
Agreed with Cass, she’s no bueno. My dwarf is just some poor kitten who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and is somewhat resentful of the attention / power he’s received. He just wants to go back to Denerim, smoke a bowl of Spindleweed, and screw with Alistair’s sister’s mind until she believes she’s bonkers. How could she treat him that way? Anyway, all of this “Herald” nonsense is really starting to kitten him off, though he tries to keep some humor about it.
Solas…idk. Maybe we just don’t click.
The shiny hair thing was a low settings bug (My laptop was not a potato until I got DA:I, lol). Every bit of hair was as reflective as a piece of tin foil, and Dorian’s shellac’d mustache was one of the the most unsettling things I’ve ever seen :P
Oh, and zerk gear is dumb and we’re all a bunch of elitist jerks.
(edited by dlonie.6547)
Asurans vs Hobbits, who would win 1v1 assuming both are wearing zerkers?