General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
kittening kidding me? Useless guardian.
I guess this is what I get for not filtering bads.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
(edited by Lindbur.2537)
Probably dotaplayers in that party.
Just your average “i play how i want” ranger: “I play rangers how they are meant to be played, which is ranged”
3 warriors in your party made me cringe more than that ranger quote…
wheres the wrong? o.O
Its a pug run…
Exp plz 5k+ AP war only speedrun.
if you guys expect meta comps in pug runs youre asking for too much from those guys….
It’s best to have no expectations in pugs. None at all.
Just your average “i play how i want” ranger: “I play rangers how they are meant to be played, which is ranged”
A while ago, I joined a “Noob need to be carried” LFG of AC p1. There were two sub 80 rangers, a sub 80 staff camping ele and a necro. The ranger kindly advised me to bring my ele for easy burrow kill. I was like, nah, my ranger is fine, let me bring her. At the burrow part, I drop Frost spirit, then proceeded to solo the three burrows on the right side while defending Hodgins. As we finished it, their jaws were dropping on to the floor asking what sword I used as they have never thought a ranger could be played like that.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
So i read somewhere here about DA:Inquisition. Its pretty good ._. Feeling involved in an RPG !
Then i remember GW2 removed the 3 “emotion” choices for your character. ;’(
ye it’s pretty gr8
though i still miss my warden
Finally started playing it. What an amazing game. While the combat in GW2 seems to be a bit better (only 10 hours in), the story is exponentially better.
To promote dungeon community and positive behavior on Reddit I have decided to upvote every dungeon related topic and every non—totally-idiotic post on them.
To promote dungeon community and positive behavior on Reddit I have decided to upvote every dungeon related topic and every non-idiotic post on them.
y u no do dis b4?
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I have only upvoted every topic, but not posts.
Anyways, point was to encourage other people do the same.
So i read somewhere here about DA:Inquisition. Its pretty good ._. Feeling involved in an RPG !
Then i remember GW2 removed the 3 “emotion” choices for your character. ;’(
ye it’s pretty gr8
though i still miss my warden
Finally started playing it. What an amazing game. While the combat in GW2 seems to be a bit better (only 10 hours in), the story is exponentially better.
tbh, even though GW2 combat is good I honestly don’t really miss it that much. Some people find it hard to play other games after playing GW2 because the gameplay isn’t as good, but I don’t really find it that much of a deal breaker.
i’ll tell you what – considering the fact that half of the game is ferelden and half of it is orlais, I honestly didn’t find all of the pseudo-french voices that annoying.
So i read somewhere here about DA:Inquisition. Its pretty good ._. Feeling involved in an RPG !
Then i remember GW2 removed the 3 “emotion” choices for your character. ;’(
ye it’s pretty gr8
though i still miss my warden
Finally started playing it. What an amazing game. While the combat in GW2 seems to be a bit better (only 10 hours in), the story is exponentially better.
tbh, even though GW2 combat is good I honestly don’t really miss it that much. Some people find it hard to play other games after playing GW2 because the gameplay isn’t as good, but I don’t really find it that much of a deal breaker.
i’ll tell you what – considering the fact that half of the game is ferelden and half of it is orlais, I honestly didn’t find all of the pseudo-french voices that annoying.
Really? I can’t stand the French voices. (Sorry Sam).
Really? I can’t stand the French voices. (Sorry Sam).
I’m dying a lil bit inside :’(
Really? I can’t stand the French voices. (Sorry Sam).
I’m dying a lil bit inside :’(
Your accent is fine. The French accents on the characters sound like Pepe le peu (The skunk from Looney Toones for all you yungins)
Implying they’re skunks.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
a guide to warrior in gw2
Seeing as I’ve got a few days off work coming up, I’ve decided to set myself a new goal: reach Fractal reward level 50 before the end of the year. It might become an interesting experiment: I have rarely pugged fractals before, and never beyond level 9. I only have two characters with enough ar for lvl 40-50, mesmer and guardian, and only have decent experience with one of them (the mesmer). My experience in and knowledge of high-level fractals is ok-ish, but certainly far from perfect.
I’m taking bets on whether or not I’ll make that goal (considering that I did a total of three fractal runs across two accounts last month, one each on reward level 49, 29 and 9, it certainly isn’t going to be done automatically
), and of course invitations to be carried through some 49/50 fractals (never did a 50 before) are always welcome, too
Looks like I’ll not make it after all. I didn’t do any fractals until the 22nd, then got several done over Christmas thanks to a wonderful guildie who kept bugging me about it and even re-did a lvl 50 one day just so I’d get a group (thanks a lot, I’d never have gotten this far without you!), and I’ve finally reached reward level 49 two days ago, but I guess there’s just no more time for the last one today .
Oh well, 49 is a good place to be at, too, and I guess I’ll get to 50 early next year then. Thanks a lot to everyone who helped me get this far!
Next year’s project: get this account to fractal level 50, too . It’s a lot more long-term than the main account though, seeing as I only have 25 ar, hardly any mist essences and no crafters on the account. Should be an interesting journey.
a guide to warrior in gw2
Hey! It’s actually an effort to roll my face over the key board without hitting F12 or Alt + F4!
a guide to warrior in gw2
a guide to warrior in gw2
He’s not a warrior, he’s a RANGER you stinky filthy midg— FOR GONDOOOORRRRRRRRRR!!! FOR THE KING!!
Ahem. Just came back from the cinema yesterday and the hobbit 3 was so bad I actually had to rewatch LotR.
I can almost hear Tolkien rolling in his grave… I don’t know how they managed to botch it so badly, I really don’t. Ew.
And yeah dungeons are boring, I’m bored, I don’t know what to do, blablabla. Aragorn is awesome. He’s the only character I like more than elves.
P.S. RIP in pieces Thranduil, how to completely destroy and twist a character in a movie. /sob
:( Just did an Arah path just to fight lupi for some fun… Boo Guardians…
Gave away AC story on the LFG for funsies after soloing it tonight.
All four randoms said thanks.
Warm fuzzies.
Gave away AC story on the LFG for funsies after soloing it tonight.
All four randoms said thanks.
Warm fuzzies.
i did the same but with TA story. not a single one said thanks.
Gave away AC story on the LFG for funsies after soloing it tonight.
All four randoms said thanks.
Warm fuzzies.
This is funny because I did the same some time ago and I had to thank myself in party chat just for 1 person to say a simple “ty”.
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
I’m addicted to PvP :\
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I’m addicted to PvP :\
I need to learn to keep my mouth shut and not go into the PvP forums….
1/1/2015: Made Eternity. Yay me!
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
1/1/2015: Made Eternity. Yay me!
You should join the Eterniswag guild
There is an eterniswag guild?
Finally a Lupi solo.
Special thanks to Laula, Gab and Blessing for putting up with me pouting, lol.
Today was the best day ever in this gane.
Finished my Incinerator so #incinerator1.1.15
Then we did a tour and it happened, in SE p1 i dropped the chosen; my first ever precurser. So #firstpre1.1.15
This year started good!
the 3 golden moments when my friend and I decided to pug AC on our necros.
still can not believe the thief got kicked over us on necro….
(edited by Minigrump.4961)
Finally a Lupi solo.
Special thanks to Laula, Gab and Blessing for putting up with me pouting, lol.
Told you \o/
To you, too, Grimm, for that awesome luck.
Cloud of Sparrows [CoS]
Today, on arah, I met a venom share thief.
We were waiting at the typical stealth point:
Me: “smoke field, pls”.
Thief: “no, I am a venom share thief”.
Then thief explained what a venom share thief is…
I think all of us raced for the kick button.
Finally a Lupi solo.
Special thanks to Laula, Gab and Blessing for putting up with me pouting, lol.
Congrats!! I am almost there, almost.
Today, on arah, I met a venom share thief.
We were waiting at the typical stealth point:
Me: “smoke field, pls”.
Thief: “no, I am a venom share thief”.
Then thief explained what a venom share thief is…I think all of us raced for the kick button.
Learn not to rely on thief/ or pug for all that matters
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Oh, it was path2, the one I mastered till lupi… But the whole party was waiting, so…
Nevertheless, the point is that even being an all mighty venom-share thief, he can stealth us.
(edited by Ryn.6459)
Today, on arah, I met a venom share thief.
We were waiting at the typical stealth point:
Me: “smoke field, pls”.
Thief: “no, I am a venom share thief”.
Then thief explained what a venom share thief is…I think all of us raced for the kick button.
Learn not to rely on thief/ or pug for all that matters
If players are gonna be that stubborn and not use the actual useful stuff their class has available. Then they should just roll a necro so they actually have an excuse to be totally useless. I have no sympathy for people that refuse to use the tools that their class was blessed with.
/end angry necro rant
Pugs meh. Never rely on them but its still frustrating at times.
I think I already grow indifferent to all the pugginess. If they are nice and polite to me, I’ll carry them, no problemerino.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I did PUGs all day on the 31st, the only bad ones were the Arah ones because people were being jerks and accusing each other of bad play while no one was playing all that well. Plus the guardians all wanting to do the Lupi gimmick.
The other paths I ran that day were all great times because even the sub par play was complimented by good people who were open to listening to some suggestions here and there when they were offered. It was a refreshing change of pace for me.
That said… if a thief can’t pop down a smoke field… c’mon… I mean I can see not doing it as default but when asked, it’s not hard to swap on a pistol offhand or smokescreen even if you don’t want to load SR and really play the stealth role. People refusing to do something when asked is pretty annoying.
If players are gonna be that stubborn and not use the actual useful stuff their class has available. Then they should just roll a necro so they actually have an excuse to be totally useless. I have no sympathy for people that refuse to use the tools that their class was blessed with.
/end angry necro rant
I am stealing this!
127 PvP games during the last three days. I’m burnt x . x But I have made a couple of great friends. It’s a nice break from dungeons.
Shout out to Karl, Inha and Luther von Scruffy XD
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
127 PvP games during the last three days. I’m burnt x . x But I have made a couple of great friends. It’s a nice break from dungeons.
Shout out to Karl, Inha and Luther von Scruffy XD
good grief girlie.
hit me up sometime if you need another body to q with.