Feedback/Questions: MegaServer
No signs that it’s happening now. After several months of dealing with wrecked events.
Be that as it may, your issue was answered. Your ISSUE is not about MEGA SERVER, it’s about proper scaling so don’t lump your scaling issue as a Mega Server issue since I have shown you links that your issue can happen with/without Megaserver.
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
No signs that it’s happening now. After several months of dealing with wrecked events.
Be that as it may, your issue was answered. Your ISSUE is not about MEGA SERVER, it’s about proper scaling so don’t lump your scaling issue as a Mega Server issue since I have shown you links that your issue can happen with/without Megaserver.
Except that the megaserver system exacerbates the scaling issue. If encounters are do not scale well for larger numbers of people and MS increases the number of people in an event, then the two interact to impact the player experience. This is not just a MS/scaling phenomenon, this is a common experience in games. One feature often interacts with others as part of the overall experience. You cannot look at any one feature in a vacuum because it does not exist that way.
(edited by Ashen.2907)
I don’t like MegaServer please stop it.
DeathMetal, to put in simpler terms what Ashen said.
Megaserver fills each map up to its brink.
All events are crowded.
They scale badly, therefore all of them become pointless ‘press1s’ and races for loot.
Totally Megaserver’s fault, because beforehand most events were enjoyable, playable and filled with just right amounts of people (which, in case of most events in this game, is one to four).
I really tend to spend a lot of my time in other games now and I’ve stopped pumping this one with obscene amounts of money, just because of the fact that megaserver turned 90% of the world into a friggin’ picnic where precious few things can actually hurt you.
This game has been built around groups of 5. Simple as that.
William S. Burroughs
(edited by Asmodeus.5782)
And yet before megaservers some events were completely impossible to even do, due to lack of people.
I for one prefer to have badly scaling events to impossible events. But that might only be me.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
And yet before megaservers some events were completely impossible to even do, due to lack of people.
I for one prefer to have badly scaling events to impossible events. But that might only be me.
This was not an issue on all servers. If megaserver was better implemented they would have restricted the server “merges” to only the servers and maps that had an issue with low population.
Leaving functional servers communeties unharmed, as well as keeping the megaserver system away from Cities, teq, TT Worms and future grand world bosses on medium-full population servers.
And yet before megaservers some events were completely impossible to even do, due to lack of people.
I for one prefer to have badly scaling events to impossible events. But that might only be me.
lets be honest, no event in GW, aside from teq and wurm, needed more than 6 people to complete.
so really it was more a problem of getting people to want to do these things.
Anyhow, im not saying megaserver serves no purpose or has no advantages, I am saying its implementation is very rough, and incomplete. In order to be an overall improvement to the old systems, it still needs a lot of work, and not just on an algorithim/number crunching method.
I dont think any one is served by it remaining in its current state, or not pointing out the major concerns.
As it is, i dont think it is overall better than what we had before, just a different set of problems. I do think that with the proper development, it has the potential to be better than what we had before.
However, i think that for something this big, and its solutions, they will probably need to either have a really great plan (better than we have seen with most implementations outside of release) or they will need to revise based on feedback a lot.
Since they havent responded or run anything by the communitity, and have iterated otherwise, in the last what 3, 4 months? The only real hope is they have a well thought out genius plan.
well that or this is the system take it or leave it.
But there is harm. What if the people who opt for the main servers don’t get enough people on their main servers to make it worth it?
Then that would prove megaservers weren’t popular and that Anet had made a mistake.
And what if not enough people use those servers and they don’t end up having an enjoyable experience, but they take just enough people out of the mega servers to make them not viable?
You’re asking a company to put time and resources into doing something that might very well hurt players on both sides of the divide.
It’s a bad risk.
They actually mentioned (well one of the German guys did back in the beginning, wonder if he’s still employed) that megaserver wasn’t put in place to save money on server resources. No one has come forward to claim much else officially. But, i’d still bet the farm it has everything to do with codebase management and event control (i.e. certain servers having stuck or broken events and others not) and adding in the separate servers controlling the China content. I think what it came down to was a lot of extra work to keep everything separated/sorted and less buggy. Which really is a good thing, however, the game launched and continues to maintain a game mode specifically server community oriented and the impact of that has rippled down throughout the game.
A second problem was introduced at the same time, by consolidating the world events. It literally forced these events to implode, making them far less fun overall. I used to enjoy doing these events with 5 or 6 people, it was challenging enough and enjoyable enough to do regularly. Now i don’t even bother. But it did solve the fact that they actually get completed when they run, yet it’s like trying to fix a clock with a sledge hammer. My personally take is that they are even more broken than before.
I think it’s going to take a lot of work to “fix” this system, but i fear it will be too late if they actually do get it ironed out. As i can say from first hand experience, looking at our servers participation overall, we’ve lost a lot of players. Some due to WvW being stale and the rest to the frustration of having too many people, with too toxic a mix in chat and too many personal issues with megaserver to continue to play. From a personal perspective, ANet is between a rock and a hard place.
I’m not enjoying Scaling / MS interaction. Guild puzzles, bounties, challenges, etc. are a pain because we get put into different instances and the algorithm that promised to put you with friends and guild mates actually made things worse. Triple Trouble and Teq require high participation and coordination, but MS makes it a total pain as you click “JOIN IN” on a guild mate’s party icon for an HOUR before the event trying to get into the same instance. There are multiple ways this could be fixed: raise the map cap so everyone needed can get in addition to others already on the map, allow guilds to create their own instances (ala GW1 districts), scale down the event so guilds can spread membership across instances better or fix the dynamic scaling so it can be done with smaller groups. On a related note, I’ve also been the victim of not getting credit in a fight that ended so quickly the mob animations don’t even have a chance to fall down, so scaling is broken in both extremes.
Every time someone suggests RAISING the map caps, I shudder. If this game had collision system, it’d be hard to travel now.
William S. Burroughs
(edited by Asmodeus.5782)
Heres what i think anet should do regarding this issue, regardless of their what there plan is, ASAP.
Release a statement saying what if anything is even possible, and within the scope of possibility, type of changes/additions/fixes they would make in the forseeable future for Megaserver/related issues.
What issues they are dissatisfied with.
that alone would be a lot of useful information. Once thats out there, they could re-examine how or if they desire to work with the community to solve these issues, or if they percieve the issues of being of import at all.
I don’t think we should give up hope guys!
There was a thread that complained about how the amount of dailies got reduced and it was a major pain. We did not let that thread die. And guess what? Not long afterwards, the amount of available dailies was increased.
So I think there WILL be a fix to this horrible horrible implementation of the megaserver system. But it’s most likely taking a while because of the complexities involved.
So don’t think Anet is just waiting for people to get tired of complaining about this horrible horrible change to the game and then it will just continue to haunt us forever. (Did I mention it is horrible btw?) No – I think a fix that will address all of our concerns is on its way.
I really do hope you are right.
I’m beginning to think this thread was just a joke from Anet. “Here, have a thread to talk about the Megaserver even though we’re not going to do anything about it ever.”
Anyways, I wish I could share your optimism on this. I’ll be a much happier player and customer if they change it back or do something with it that isn’t this crappy.
I don’t think we should give up hope guys!
There was a thread that complained about how the amount of dailies got reduced and it was a major pain. We did not let that thread die. And guess what? Not long afterwards, the amount of available dailies was increased.
So I think there WILL be a fix to this horrible horrible implementation of the megaserver system. But it’s most likely taking a while because of the complexities involved.
So don’t think Anet is just waiting for people to get tired of complaining about this horrible horrible change to the game and then it will just continue to haunt us forever. (Did I mention it is horrible btw?) No – I think a fix that will address all of our concerns is on its way.
I gave up hope a while back, I have little to no faith in ANET to address these issues. Lets be realistic here. Months later, 55909 views and 2316 replies to this thread alone (as of writing this) and growing daily (not to mention the other threads)…
Like the optimism, and really hope you’re right and that I’m wrong, but if they had anything to say or were monitoring this thread and if they believed there was an issue, there would have been urgent meetings and strategies in place a while back and we would know that its being addressed and awaiting a magic vX.X patch.
I don’t think we should give up hope guys!
There was a thread that complained about how the amount of dailies got reduced and it was a major pain. We did not let that thread die. And guess what? Not long afterwards, the amount of available dailies was increased.
So I think there WILL be a fix to this horrible horrible implementation of the megaserver system. But it’s most likely taking a while because of the complexities involved.
So don’t think Anet is just waiting for people to get tired of complaining about this horrible horrible change to the game and then it will just continue to haunt us forever. (Did I mention it is horrible btw?) No – I think a fix that will address all of our concerns is on its way.
I gave up hope a while back, I have little to no faith in ANET to address these issues. Lets be realistic here. Months later, 55909 views and 2316 replies to this thread alone (as of writing this) and growing daily (not to mention the other threads)…
Like the optimism, and really hope you’re right and that I’m wrong, but if they had anything to say or were monitoring this thread and if they believed there was an issue, there would have been urgent meetings and strategies in place a while back and we would know that its being addressed and awaiting a magic vX.X patch.
55909 views, but no data on what those viewing feel about it. 2316 replies to this thread, but how many individual posters, for and against. Or talking about different problems.
It’s very easy to quote a page number or a number of replies but at least some of those replies are from me, and I think the mega server has done well for the game. Others have posted similarly.
The amount of pages aren’t as important as the amount of individual posters and what they stand for. The number of views, unless we know what the viewers stand for is pretty much irrelevant to the conversation.
I don’t think we should give up hope guys!
There was a thread that complained about how the amount of dailies got reduced and it was a major pain. We did not let that thread die. And guess what? Not long afterwards, the amount of available dailies was increased.
So I think there WILL be a fix to this horrible horrible implementation of the megaserver system. But it’s most likely taking a while because of the complexities involved.
So don’t think Anet is just waiting for people to get tired of complaining about this horrible horrible change to the game and then it will just continue to haunt us forever. (Did I mention it is horrible btw?) No – I think a fix that will address all of our concerns is on its way.
I gave up hope a while back, I have little to no faith in ANET to address these issues. Lets be realistic here. Months later, 55909 views and 2316 replies to this thread alone (as of writing this) and growing daily (not to mention the other threads)…
Like the optimism, and really hope you’re right and that I’m wrong, but if they had anything to say or were monitoring this thread and if they believed there was an issue, there would have been urgent meetings and strategies in place a while back and we would know that its being addressed and awaiting a magic vX.X patch.
55909 views, but no data on what those viewing feel about it. 2316 replies to this thread, but how many individual posters, for and against. Or talking about different problems.
It’s very easy to quote a page number or a number of replies but at least some of those replies are from me, and I think the mega server has done well for the game. Others have posted similarly.
The amount of pages aren’t as important as the amount of individual posters and what they stand for. The number of views, unless we know what the viewers stand for is pretty much irrelevant to the conversation.
I disagree, its not irrelevant at all… yes, we have people debating back and forth so one person may post several times, and number of views account for continuing to see the last few posts, but that is all very very relevant. It shows that this is a hot topic, regardless of the stance individuals take, and from the comments here people are very passionate in their views both for and against megaserver… my point is, even with all the views and posts in this thread and others like it, they are all ignored
I don’t think we should give up hope guys!
There was a thread that complained about how the amount of dailies got reduced and it was a major pain. We did not let that thread die. And guess what? Not long afterwards, the amount of available dailies was increased.
So I think there WILL be a fix to this horrible horrible implementation of the megaserver system. But it’s most likely taking a while because of the complexities involved.
So don’t think Anet is just waiting for people to get tired of complaining about this horrible horrible change to the game and then it will just continue to haunt us forever. (Did I mention it is horrible btw?) No – I think a fix that will address all of our concerns is on its way.
I gave up hope a while back, I have little to no faith in ANET to address these issues. Lets be realistic here. Months later, 55909 views and 2316 replies to this thread alone (as of writing this) and growing daily (not to mention the other threads)…
Like the optimism, and really hope you’re right and that I’m wrong, but if they had anything to say or were monitoring this thread and if they believed there was an issue, there would have been urgent meetings and strategies in place a while back and we would know that its being addressed and awaiting a magic vX.X patch.
55909 views, but no data on what those viewing feel about it. 2316 replies to this thread, but how many individual posters, for and against. Or talking about different problems.
It’s very easy to quote a page number or a number of replies but at least some of those replies are from me, and I think the mega server has done well for the game. Others have posted similarly.
The amount of pages aren’t as important as the amount of individual posters and what they stand for. The number of views, unless we know what the viewers stand for is pretty much irrelevant to the conversation.
I disagree, its not irrelevant at all… yes, we have people debating back and forth so one person may post several times, and number of views account for continuing to see the last few posts, but that is all very very relevant. It shows that this is a hot topic, regardless of the stance individuals take, and from the comments here people are very passionate in their views both for and against megaserver… my point is, even with all the views and posts in this thread and others like it, they are all ignored
I’m in favor of the mega server. I don’t feel like I’m being ignored. I’m willing to wager those who like the mega server don’t feel ignored for the most part. The people who will feel ignored are the people who don’t like it.
But I’m still not sure what they expect Anet to say. If Anet isn’t changing it, coming here and saying so will cause a riot. If Anet is looking into changing it, but hasn’t decided how or when, saying anything will lead to expectations that they won’t be able to control. If Anet is looking into changing it and they think they have a solution but it might not work, from what I’ve seen anyway, they’re best off not saying.
The only time they’d be smart to say something is when they have a solution that they know works, that they can implement in a timely manner.
Anything else accomplishes nothing.
I don’t think we should give up hope guys!
There was a thread that complained about how the amount of dailies got reduced and it was a major pain. We did not let that thread die. And guess what? Not long afterwards, the amount of available dailies was increased.
So I think there WILL be a fix to this horrible horrible implementation of the megaserver system. But it’s most likely taking a while because of the complexities involved.
So don’t think Anet is just waiting for people to get tired of complaining about this horrible horrible change to the game and then it will just continue to haunt us forever. (Did I mention it is horrible btw?) No – I think a fix that will address all of our concerns is on its way.
I gave up hope a while back, I have little to no faith in ANET to address these issues. Lets be realistic here. Months later, 55909 views and 2316 replies to this thread alone (as of writing this) and growing daily (not to mention the other threads)…
Like the optimism, and really hope you’re right and that I’m wrong, but if they had anything to say or were monitoring this thread and if they believed there was an issue, there would have been urgent meetings and strategies in place a while back and we would know that its being addressed and awaiting a magic vX.X patch.
55909 views, but no data on what those viewing feel about it. 2316 replies to this thread, but how many individual posters, for and against. Or talking about different problems.
It’s very easy to quote a page number or a number of replies but at least some of those replies are from me, and I think the mega server has done well for the game. Others have posted similarly.
The amount of pages aren’t as important as the amount of individual posters and what they stand for. The number of views, unless we know what the viewers stand for is pretty much irrelevant to the conversation.
I disagree, its not irrelevant at all… yes, we have people debating back and forth so one person may post several times, and number of views account for continuing to see the last few posts, but that is all very very relevant. It shows that this is a hot topic, regardless of the stance individuals take, and from the comments here people are very passionate in their views both for and against megaserver… my point is, even with all the views and posts in this thread and others like it, they are all ignored
I’m in favor of the mega server. I don’t feel like I’m being ignored. I’m willing to wager those who like the mega server don’t feel ignored for the most part. The people who will feel ignored are the people who don’t like it.
But I’m still not sure what they expect Anet to say. If Anet isn’t changing it, coming here and saying so will cause a riot. If Anet is looking into changing it, but hasn’t decided how or when, saying anything will lead to expectations that they won’t be able to control. If Anet is looking into changing it and they think they have a solution but it might not work, from what I’ve seen anyway, they’re best off not saying.
The only time they’d be smart to say something is when they have a solution that they know works, that they can implement in a timely manner.
Anything else accomplishes nothing.
If reality when exposed would cause a riot, that means reality is riot inducing. Not saying anything doesnt change the reality.
You are also wrong that they are better off not saying anything. Once again hiding reality does not change reality. If people will hate their solution, they will hate it before hand as well, or love it or not care.
The advantage to telling people things early? people know what to expect, how to deal with it, and should they still be here.
If you have no intention of ever marrying your girlfriend, not telling her doesnt change the reality that you dont want to commit to her. You lose nothing by telling her this, unless your intention is to string her along
You are smart to say something all the time. Set expectations, engage customers, let them know whats you intend to have in the future (so they are returning customers) this is the basics of business. Its far more common to tell people months and months ahead of time than it is to say nothing. You know why? because telling people stuff and keeping them engaged works
I don’t think we should give up hope guys!
There was a thread that complained about how the amount of dailies got reduced and it was a major pain. We did not let that thread die. And guess what? Not long afterwards, the amount of available dailies was increased.
So I think there WILL be a fix to this horrible horrible implementation of the megaserver system. But it’s most likely taking a while because of the complexities involved.
So don’t think Anet is just waiting for people to get tired of complaining about this horrible horrible change to the game and then it will just continue to haunt us forever. (Did I mention it is horrible btw?) No – I think a fix that will address all of our concerns is on its way.
I gave up hope a while back, I have little to no faith in ANET to address these issues. Lets be realistic here. Months later, 55909 views and 2316 replies to this thread alone (as of writing this) and growing daily (not to mention the other threads)…
55909 views, but no data on what those viewing feel about it. 2316 replies to this thread, but how many individual posters, for and against. Or talking about different problems.
It’s very easy to quote a page number or a number of replies but at least some of those replies are from me, and I think the mega server has done well for the game. Others have posted similarly.
The amount of pages aren’t as important as the amount of individual posters and what they stand for. The number of views, unless we know what the viewers stand for is pretty much irrelevant to the conversation.
I disagree, its not irrelevant at all… yes, we have people debating back and forth so one person may post several times, and number of views account for continuing to see the last few posts, but that is all very very relevant. It shows that this is a hot topic, regardless of the stance individuals take, and from the comments here people are very passionate in their views both for and against megaserver… my point is, even with all the views and posts in this thread and others like it, they are all ignored
I’m in favor of the mega server. I don’t feel like I’m being ignored. I’m willing to wager those who like the mega server don’t feel ignored for the most part. The people who will feel ignored are the people who don’t like it.
But I’m still not sure what they expect Anet to say. If Anet isn’t changing it, coming here and saying so will cause a riot. If Anet is looking into changing it, but hasn’t decided how or when, saying anything will lead to expectations that they won’t be able to control. If Anet is looking into changing it and they think they have a solution but it might not work, from what I’ve seen anyway, they’re best off not saying.
The only time they’d be smart to say something is when they have a solution that they know works, that they can implement in a timely manner.
Anything else accomplishes nothing.
I, like many others here, are in favour of megaserver too. We aren’t saying it should be done away with at all, as the concept adds positives, BUT the problem is its current state and the impact its had on guild and communities. These issues need to be addressed, and not ‘when its done’, they should have been addressed on day one.
I agree with you on why they possibly have chosen to remain silent, but the problem with that is we all love the game, pre and post megaserver. Silence isn’t helping matters.
However, although I see and agree with the reasoning behind the silence, I would like some communication as to whats happening. e.g.. Do they see that spamming to join map for an hour to play with your guild/friends is an issue?
How about this for a response… We realise that the megaserver implementation has had an unforeseen effect on the way guilds and communities operate and interact with each other. Here is an issues we are currently working on:- guild/party/map queue system…. we realise there are more issues to address, but we can only do one at a time. Here is a link to the thread dedicated to this issue. Please post all your thoughts, comments and suggestions of what features you’d like to see in the system.
People like me could go and post, hell, I’d love to just select my guildies name from my guild list and hit join on map xyz, and if the map is full, it’ll place me in a queue and alert me when there is a spot available so I can port to it.
Once one is ironed out, more onto the next and so on.
(edited by Elagos.6029)
It’d be different if the “views” count were made up of “unique views” but I know that I have personally viewed and refreshed this thread countless times. There’s no telling how many or how few lurkers there are- if people want to be heard, they have to be willing to speak up. So far, 47 pages of posts (at least of posts that abide by the TOS) have been made. It’s significant in comparison to other threads.
I’m largely in favor of megaservers- they’ve mostly been positive for my experience, but it’s a little dishonest to act like the number of pages has no bearing on how important that thread is. This is not one or two people keeping the thread alive, either.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
It’d be different if the “views” count were made up of “unique views” but I know that I have personally viewed and refreshed this thread countless times. There’s no telling how many or how few lurkers there are- if people want to be heard, they have to be willing to speak up. So far, 47 pages of posts (at least of posts that abide by the TOS) have been made. It’s significant in comparison to other threads.
I’m largely in favor of megaservers- they’ve mostly been positive for my experience, but it’s a little dishonest to act like the number of pages has no bearing on how important that thread is. This is not one or two people keeping the thread alive, either.
We’ve had other threads go dozens of pages and most of it was two people arguing.
It’d be different if the “views” count were made up of “unique views” but I know that I have personally viewed and refreshed this thread countless times. There’s no telling how many or how few lurkers there are- if people want to be heard, they have to be willing to speak up. So far, 47 pages of posts (at least of posts that abide by the TOS) have been made. It’s significant in comparison to other threads.
I’m largely in favor of megaservers- they’ve mostly been positive for my experience, but it’s a little dishonest to act like the number of pages has no bearing on how important that thread is. This is not one or two people keeping the thread alive, either.
We’ve had other threads go dozens of pages and most of it was two people arguing.
Because some people feel the need to post to almost every negative comment about the megaserver regardless if the comment had merit or simply reflected a personal opinion.
Interesting that you point this out.
It’d be different if the “views” count were made up of “unique views” but I know that I have personally viewed and refreshed this thread countless times. There’s no telling how many or how few lurkers there are- if people want to be heard, they have to be willing to speak up. So far, 47 pages of posts (at least of posts that abide by the TOS) have been made. It’s significant in comparison to other threads.
I’m largely in favor of megaservers- they’ve mostly been positive for my experience, but it’s a little dishonest to act like the number of pages has no bearing on how important that thread is. This is not one or two people keeping the thread alive, either.
We’ve had other threads go dozens of pages and most of it was two people arguing.
Because some people feel the need to post to almost every negative comment about the megaserver regardless if the comment had merit or simply reflected a personal opinion.
Interesting that you point this out.
Actually I don’t post on 90% of the negative comments about the mega server. Interesting that you think I do.
He isn’t the only one to think so, Vayne.
He isn’t the only one to think so, Vayne.
You can both be wrong. I’m okay with that. I don’t post on most negative feedback. I’m on record as saying that I think cities should be off the megaserver.
But you can believe anything you want. The evidence is on my side.
Can we make a Pros/ Cons list of the megaserver?
I am baffled how many people think the Megaserver is a good thing (in its current form). Like what else does it bring to the table other than “Oh i thought the world looked empty before, now there’s actual people in the maps”. Because honestly, even having lots of people in maps is in many instances not a good thing.
So can you guys who are in favor of the megaserver in its current state let us know the list of things that make it better than the pre-megaserver days? I’d like to compare lists because I have a suspicion one list is going to be much much longer than the other…
As stated numerous times, outside of any benefit to ANet, the big plus to megaserver is more people on the map. Which is obviously not always the best thing. the rest, IMO are minuses.
He isn’t the only one to think so, Vayne.
You can both be wrong. I’m okay with that. I don’t post on most negative feedback. I’m on record as saying that I think cities should be off the megaserver.
But you can believe anything you want. The evidence is on my side.
Isn’t it always? lol. When two people look at “evidence” they usually interpret it to fit whatever they had already decided when debating opinions. Opinions aren’t facts.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Megaservers fixed empty dead world that GW2 had.This is an MMO – massive online game and not some RP game where people want empty dead server so they can enjoy the silence and listen the birds wile RPing…There are other sort of games for that.
We knew all this was going to happen with megaservers. Just look at the megaserver “beta test” that was EoTM: no community there has made it into a spectacular failure of 24/7 karma train.
No community in EoTM?This troll post made my day.Haters gonna hate…
He isn’t the only one to think so, Vayne.
You can both be wrong. I’m okay with that. I don’t post on most negative feedback. I’m on record as saying that I think cities should be off the megaserver.
But you can believe anything you want. The evidence is on my side.
Isn’t it always? lol. When two people look at “evidence” they usually interpret it to fit whatever they had already decided when debating opinions. Opinions aren’t facts.
Are you really still doing this? Really?
Are you saying it’s not a fact that I’ve not said that the game has flaws that need to be worked on? Are you saying I haven’t said, in multiple places that the new trait system doesn’t work and needs to be fixed? Is that what you’re saying.
It’s an absolutely fact that I bring up things I don’t like about the game. That’s not opinion. That’s a fact.
I do have opinions that differ from yours. But trying to say that every post I make is positive and pro Anet is demonstrably 100% incorrect..
By trying to suppot that, you’re actually factually incorrect. That’s not an opinion. There’s no interpretation. You’re simply, demonstrably wrong.
That is a fact.
Please fix issue with not granting Guild Mission rewards because you didn’t guest to the guild’s server. You shouldn’t need to guest to their server! You’re playing with them right there!
He isn’t the only one to think so, Vayne.
You can both be wrong. I’m okay with that. I don’t post on most negative feedback. I’m on record as saying that I think cities should be off the megaserver.
But you can believe anything you want. The evidence is on my side.
Isn’t it always? lol. When two people look at “evidence” they usually interpret it to fit whatever they had already decided when debating opinions. Opinions aren’t facts.
Are you really still doing this? Really?
Are you saying it’s not a fact that I’ve not said that the game has flaws that need to be worked on? Are you saying I haven’t said, in multiple places that the new trait system doesn’t work and needs to be fixed? Is that what you’re saying.
It’s an absolutely fact that I bring up things I don’t like about the game. That’s not opinion. That’s a fact.
I do have opinions that differ from yours. But trying to say that every post I make is positive and pro Anet is demonstrably 100% incorrect..
By trying to suppot that, you’re actually factually incorrect. That’s not an opinion. There’s no interpretation. You’re simply, demonstrably wrong.
That is a fact.
What he was was originally referencing was the fact that the numbers of views or posts can be incredibly misleading/lopsided when some (read:many) of peoples are just opinionated banter going back and forth with little validity to the topic at hand. You then proceeded to nibble at his bait by quickly getting getting off-topic/distracted by a completely trivial post. You then continued on to prove him correct by allowing eight posts to go back and forth without really saying something.
I’m torn on mega server for this posts sake. I think it was a nice idea in order to ‘fix’ low-pop servers w/o just destroying entire server communities. However, at the same time, they broke some things and destroyed some server communities. O.o It’s easy to see why this is a hot topic.
I’m torn on mega server for this posts sake.
I think it was a nice idea in order to ‘fix’ low-pop servers w/o just destroying entire server communities. However, at the same time, they broke some things and destroyed some server communities. O.o It’s easy to see why this is a hot topic.
Why did they have to “fix” low-pop servers? There was nothing at all wrong with them. I like a low population server. That’s why I chose the one I did at the beginning. Now no matter where I go, I’m on an ultra-high population server, and it really annoys me.
The solution might have been to allow occasional free server transfers (say two to four weekends a year maybe?). People could gravitate towards the level of population that they liked until they found a suitable home. And WvW would (hopefully) not be seriously messed up if the free transfers happened infrequently enough.
Everyone gets to play “their way”. The world doesn’t get torn apart.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
He isn’t the only one to think so, Vayne.
You can both be wrong. I’m okay with that. I don’t post on most negative feedback. I’m on record as saying that I think cities should be off the megaserver.
But you can believe anything you want. The evidence is on my side.
Isn’t it always? lol. When two people look at “evidence” they usually interpret it to fit whatever they had already decided when debating opinions. Opinions aren’t facts.
Are you really still doing this? Really?
Are you saying it’s not a fact that I’ve not said that the game has flaws that need to be worked on? Are you saying I haven’t said, in multiple places that the new trait system doesn’t work and needs to be fixed? Is that what you’re saying.
It’s an absolutely fact that I bring up things I don’t like about the game. That’s not opinion. That’s a fact.
I do have opinions that differ from yours. But trying to say that every post I make is positive and pro Anet is demonstrably 100% incorrect..
By trying to suppot that, you’re actually factually incorrect. That’s not an opinion. There’s no interpretation. You’re simply, demonstrably wrong.
That is a fact.
What he was was originally referencing was the fact that the numbers of views or posts can be incredibly misleading/lopsided when some (read:many) of peoples are just opinionated banter going back and forth with little validity to the topic at hand. You then proceeded to nibble at his bait by quickly getting getting off-topic/distracted by a completely trivial post. You then continued on to prove him correct by allowing eight posts to go back and forth without really saying something.
I’m torn on mega server for this posts sake.
I think it was a nice idea in order to ‘fix’ low-pop servers w/o just destroying entire server communities. However, at the same time, they broke some things and destroyed some server communities. O.o It’s easy to see why this is a hot topic.
I respond to people kittenpond to me. Actually all the posts he’s talking about probably reflect this. If someone says seomthing to me, particularly if I feel it’s biased or unfair, I’ll respond. That’s it.
I post in lots of threads, and if no one pokes at me, I don’t poke back. Sort of human nature. I express an opinion and them someone tries to discredit me by calling me a mindless fan boy, which isn’t the case.
In the threads where I agree there’s a problem, no one does this so I don’t have to reply. If people would stop attacking I’d happily stop defending.
I’m torn on mega server for this posts sake.
I think it was a nice idea in order to ‘fix’ low-pop servers w/o just destroying entire server communities. However, at the same time, they broke some things and destroyed some server communities. O.o It’s easy to see why this is a hot topic.
Why did they have to “fix” low-pop servers? There was nothing at all wrong with them. I like a low population server. That’s why I chose the one I did at the beginning. Now no matter where I go, I’m on an ultra-high population server, and it really annoys me.
The solution might have been to allow occasional free server transfers (say two to four weekends a year maybe?). People could gravitate towards the level of population that they liked until they found a suitable home. And WvW would (hopefully) not be seriously messed up if the free transfers happened infrequently enough.
Everyone gets to play “their way”. The world doesn’t get torn apart.
Agreed, I so miss the lower population. Immersion is gone, when nearly everything I do gets stampeded over by a ravening horde of strangers.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Why did they have to “fix” low-pop servers? There was nothing at all wrong with them. I like a low population server. That’s why I chose the one I did at the beginning. Now no matter where I go, I’m on an ultra-high population server, and it really annoys me.
The solution might have been to allow occasional free server transfers (say two to four weekends a year maybe?). People could gravitate towards the level of population that they liked until they found a suitable home. And WvW would (hopefully) not be seriously messed up if the free transfers happened infrequently enough.
Everyone gets to play “their way”. The world doesn’t get torn apart.
I agree with you in this, Hamfast.
If the problem was population based, they should have come up with a solution that didn’t screw so many people over. There was no compromise and now there is no choice. You don’t like 100 people at your event with you? Well too bad – Either deal with it or GTFO. That seems to be ArenaNet’s stance anyway.
I really don’t understand it. There were high pop and low pop servers… why did they take the choice away?
I’m torn on mega server for this posts sake.
I think it was a nice idea in order to ‘fix’ low-pop servers w/o just destroying entire server communities. However, at the same time, they broke some things and destroyed some server communities. O.o It’s easy to see why this is a hot topic.
Why did they have to “fix” low-pop servers? There was nothing at all wrong with them. I like a low population server. That’s why I chose the one I did at the beginning. Now no matter where I go, I’m on an ultra-high population server, and it really annoys me.
The solution might have been to allow occasional free server transfers (say two to four weekends a year maybe?). People could gravitate towards the level of population that they liked until they found a suitable home. And WvW would (hopefully) not be seriously messed up if the free transfers happened infrequently enough.
Everyone gets to play “their way”. The world doesn’t get torn apart.
I’m not proclaiming that there ever was anything to ‘fix’ honestly. That’s why I wrote the sentence the way that I did. That’s also why this thread is a matter of opinions (“Feedback/Questions”). Some people liked how everything on their server was. Others thought areas were to over or underpopulated.
Anet seems to have went with the most logical reasoning: more people would logically have a problem with not having enough friends to play with as opposed to too many. Have you ever thought, “dang it! I have too many close friends! I need to get rid of some of these kittens!”? Developers of an MMO seem to think that wouldn’t be the case. So we got corralled up together.
This fixed some peoples idea of a good time: no more roaming through the vast wilderness completely alone. It also broke other peoples experiences: RPers feeling completely neglected in the process as well as a lot of guilds. I don’t have the right or the will to estimate who’s feelings matter more. I can only help point out some of the shortcomings in hopes of getting a middle ground.
I’ve played on Kaineng since the day of launch. I played mostly with a small group of like-minded friends in both PvE and PvP and I liked that. I have ran dungeons/bosses almost daily since shortly after launch and was often completely irritated with how those systems worked with having to guest on a medium server. There once was a bug where you could only run dungeons with people from your server and two other servers you had played with that day (entering someone else’s instance used a guest past.)
I’ve been through all the ups and downs. Some issues were eloquently fixed while others remain or have even been made slightly worse, IMO of course. What doesn’t do any good for this issue is trying to wade through hundreds of emotional posts that are completely irrelevant. Yay for Megaserver! Boo for Megaserver! Would be the best way to sum up how I feel about it right now though. It seems like a lot of people are right there with me. That’s the reason it’s tough to get a hold on.
(edited by Tman.6349)
Sooo ANET, If I may ask: When will you merge guild upgrades across server? I know you folks have a lot of job there, developing the stuff around, but can you please hurry up with this? Its so essential since most of guild out there are mixed from all around worlds.
Thank you for understanding
Anet seems to have went with the most logical reasoning: more people would logically have a problem with not having enough friends to play with as opposed to too many. Have you ever thought, “dang it! I have too many close friends! I need to get rid of some of these kittens!”? Developers of an MMO seem to think that wouldn’t be the case. So we got corralled up together.
A sane person would think that. An animal hoarder wouldn’t.
While I’m not saying we’re “kittens”, well not all of us, it is interesting to note that many of the same consequences seen in animal hoarding apply here in the great Megaserver mess.
I think you may also be confused as to what constitutes a “close friend”. Personally, and I recognize I may be wrong in this, but I feel if you have 100+ “close friends” – I would say you probably have none. Ripping me away from my server community, breaking my guilds ability to stay together, and flooding the map with apathetic strangers just doesn’t cut it.
At the end of your post you even went so far as to trivialize the vast majority of posts in this thread as being “Yay or Boo” … Imagine you thought you were being cute? There are a LOT of great posts, extremely constructive and thought out responses. They are there. But after nearly 4 months of living with the Megaserver, 47 pages of feedback in this one thread alone, and little to no word from the powers that be…. I guess it must be so surprising that responses given both for and against the megaserver seems oft repeated.
Does that take away from each individual post?
Kitten No.
(edited by Azhure.1857)
Putting a drop in this bucket that will never be read by the devs but anyways….
I just returned to the game about a week and a half ago after being gone for 8 months. This megaserver is a great boon, especially to those who are new or levelling an alt the old way. Gone are the dead maps where no one was doing events (Bloodtide Coast comes to mind). However….
Currently I am not sure Temple Events are linked to occur at the same time on the servers the way World Events are. Not sure exactly why but they can not be monitored for time/activity like world events, and this makes it very hard to get into a Temple Event unless you are right there staring it in the face when it starts.
Can we get something done about this?
Putting a drop in this bucket that will never be read by the devs but anyways….
I just returned to the game about a week and a half ago after being gone for 8 months. This megaserver is a great boon, especially to those who are new or levelling an alt the old way. Gone are the dead maps where no one was doing events (Bloodtide Coast comes to mind). However….
Currently I am not sure Temple Events are linked to occur at the same time on the servers the way World Events are. Not sure exactly why but they can not be monitored for time/activity like world events, and this makes it very hard to get into a Temple Event unless you are right there staring it in the face when it starts.
Can we get something done about this?
As far as i can tell, this was a “fix” to contested waypoints in Orr, which had the counter of never knowing when “your server” or shard had them cleared.
I’m super frustrated with the way PVE servers work. I understand they made big changes to them by making Megaservers; however the way servers work are still crap.
First off, myself and many others must spam ‘join party + esc’ over and over again to get onto a map with friends. I’ll usually do this up to 20 minutes and if nothing happens I will give up because my fingers start to feel irritated. I’m sure many other people do this longer. I know there are arguments saying, “You can spend your time not spamming join party and go off and do something else” but honestly I get a single chance each day to kill Wurm and Teq and its what I enjoy doing, not the ridiculous spamming of party mechanics.
Second , what drove me to write this post, is that if a disconnection happens whether on your end or ANETS end…You are kittened. I play a somewhat important role doing wurm kills, leading condition teams, and right before the wurm started tonight, after preparing for 25 minutes, the game tells me it lost connection to the server. Well kitten. Not only will there be less coordination for whoever was relying on me to help out, I am now sitting here spamming to get back in and try to help. The 15 seconds it took for me to get back onto my character is less hurt to my guild than me not being able to participate at all… they don’t want some person who has just been spamming to get on the map.
TLDR; Make a queue to get onto a full map. And give disconnects some sort of window of opportunity to log back into the map.
Putting a drop in this bucket that will never be read by the devs but anyways….
I just returned to the game about a week and a half ago after being gone for 8 months. This megaserver is a great boon, especially to those who are new or levelling an alt the old way. Gone are the dead maps where no one was doing events (Bloodtide Coast comes to mind). However….
Currently I am not sure Temple Events are linked to occur at the same time on the servers the way World Events are. Not sure exactly why but they can not be monitored for time/activity like world events, and this makes it very hard to get into a Temple Event unless you are right there staring it in the face when it starts.
Can we get something done about this?
As far as i can tell, this was a “fix” to contested waypoints in Orr, which had the counter of never knowing when “your server” or shard had them cleared.
Quite possibly. This further extends why we need a World Events (including Temples) in-game Browser with Timers and Nearest Waypoint links. It’s 2 years over due.
They need to add temples to their broken schedules to provide an in-game timer.
They’ve already said that because of their megacrap system, they can’t provide us dynamic events. If you remember the old times, timers were server specific and more than one boss/event could occur at same time. By turning dynamic events into static jobs, whichever megamap you go, you can find the world boss encounter in that scheduled time (if it has not defeated). However, temple events are special to the megamap you are in. If you can’t find a temple event running, as long as a new map is created(and you find a taxi to it), you can do nothing.
Anet seems to have went with the most logical reasoning: more people would logically have a problem with not having enough friends to play with as opposed to too many. Have you ever thought, “dang it! I have too many close friends! I need to get rid of some of these kittens!”? Developers of an MMO seem to think that wouldn’t be the case. So we got corralled up together.
A sane person would think that. An animal hoarder wouldn’t.
While I’m not saying we’re “kittens”, well not all of us, it is interesting to note that many of the same consequences seen in animal hoarding apply here in the great Megaserver mess.I think you may also be confused as to what constitutes a “close friend”. Personally, and I recognize I may be wrong in this, but I feel if you have 100+ “close friends” – I would say you probably have none. Ripping me away from my server community, breaking my guilds ability to stay together, and flooding the map with apathetic strangers just doesn’t cut it.
At the end of your post you even went so far as to trivialize the vast majority of posts in this thread as being “Yay or Boo” … Imagine you thought you were being cute? There are a LOT of great posts, extremely constructive and thought out responses. They are there. But after nearly 4 months of living with the Megaserver, 47 pages of feedback in this one thread alone, and little to no word from the powers that be…. I guess it must be so surprising that responses given both for and against the megaserver seems oft repeated.
Does that take away from each individual post?
Kitten No.
‘Close friends’ wasn’t a direct ‘real life’ corelation but an abstract comparison b/c this is a video game. It was a reference to one of the very vocal complaints coming from the low-pop servers/maps, as was the highlighted anology and my take on what the Devs’ thinking was. Some people where made happy with Megaservers and some people feel they were completely neglected in the entire though process.
My ‘Yay’ and ‘Boo’ comments didn’t trivialize anything. I was stating that “I am torn on the Megaserver” issue in the previous post incase you didn’t take time to come up with some context before you replied to this one. It did some great things for my gaming and it also broke some other aspects that I enjoyed. I made this fact very clear. I also made it abundantly clear that this was all my opinion.
Before you try to call me out for “being cute” (I prefer handsome) try getting a grip on what I’m actually saying so you can appear to know what you’re talking about. Furthermore, concern for the ‘validity of a bunch of posts’ seems a trivial stance when you make one to bash me w/o any context and say nothing relevant to the topic to boot. (Vague metaphors aren’t constructive.)
Putting a drop in this bucket that will never be read by the devs but anyways….
I just returned to the game about a week and a half ago after being gone for 8 months. This megaserver is a great boon, especially to those who are new or levelling an alt the old way. Gone are the dead maps where no one was doing events (Bloodtide Coast comes to mind). However….
Currently I am not sure Temple Events are linked to occur at the same time on the servers the way World Events are. Not sure exactly why but they can not be monitored for time/activity like world events, and this makes it very hard to get into a Temple Event unless you are right there staring it in the face when it starts.
Can we get something done about this?
Pretty much. This is the ‘catch 22’ of the whole Megaserver issue G. (Welcome back by the way.) It revolutionized some aspects of the game that were having huge issues, ie. barren maps, permanately contested waypoints, and events that were never completed.
It also made some places very crowded, put ppl that wanted to play together in separate instances (guilds/friends/etc), and made it so some events, like temples, are always completed and in defense mode.
That’s the crux of the whole issue and the reason we have this thread. Devs are definitely reading this thread or, at least, skimming it, because this is kind of a big deal for the last 3 months. The problem is the issue is mostly either completly polarized (love it or hate it) or completely lukewarm (love some of it and hate other bits).
It really feels like they have improved the algorithms for keeping friends/guildees together a lot since implementation. Im seeing more and more people I know on maps.
I still say we need a better way to switch maps in those instances when we do get separated though. Having to party up 5 at a time is a HUGE pain, especially during guild missions. We should be able to click on people on our friends list and join them on their map.
Additionally, I think they need to implement a “server” chat channel – that let’s people in a region who are from the same server talk to one another, even if they are on separate shards. It would solve the “fracturing of community” issue.
About “improving the algorithm” just refer to my old post:
Your thought about an improvement is probably related to “meeting similar faces” in generally not so much populated maps among all players. For instance, I can see familiar guild names in Caledon Forest; however, when I go to Lion’s Arch my chat is flooded by German or French.
And your suggestion about server chat channel is not even a minor fix about “fracturing of community” issue. It is just dodging the real problem like “not letting others to see foreign languages in their chat”.