Feedback/Questions: The Wardrobe System
I don’t understand why people are complaining still? I welcome the change. and I will be charging more gems for this system because I approve it! love it!
as for the dual legendary, no, you won’t be laughed at because the stats can’t be transmute, only the skins.
The second legendary is not worth it for the ability to swap stats on the fly. I am willing to bet that most players would gladly trade their second legendary for 2-3 ascended weapons (that you can have different sigils on) and get 90% of what they spent on their legendary back.
Using stat swapping as a justification for not compensating players is a horrible argument. The primary value of a legendary is and always will be the skins until legendaries are account bound and allow sigil swapping on the fly just like stats.
Even then ascended weapons can now perfectly imitate dual wielding legendaries for a fraction of the cost.
There are a couple ways for anet to make this fair:
1) Seperate Legendaries from the wardrobe system
2) Make dual wielding the same skin available only after unlocking that same skin twice.
3) Refund Players for their Legendaries (swap to a legendary of equal of lesser value based on the average of each a month before the switch) or return the equivalent gold value.
I agree. this is pretty much BS I spent a lot of time making two incinerators to have it trivialized to were someone can make one but look like they made two. Regarding the stat swap. I barely change the stats on my legendary’s so this is not a justifiable reason to have 2 of the same.
We need to be compensated some how.
I have 2 skins in my inventory,Viper’s and Aetherblade Light. If i use them after the system implementaion, the skins will be available but i will not get any charges with them?
Is like buying the skin but not being able to use them.(they lose the one time use on an armor or that transforms in charges,like getting 6 charges for a skin bought from gem shop,to be able to apply them on an armor?)
And if i use them now on an armor,after the wordrobe implementation the armor will have the skin applied or the original skin and the skin applied unlocked?(and again going back at the 1st question)
If the answer was in the blog post,sry but i failed to find it.
“We are now! We are forever!”
I’m honestly on the fence with this wardrobe system.
On one hand I am so excited that finally all our armors and weapons that we spent so much time trying to earn will finally be available account wide via skin. Seriously I love this idea.
On the other hand I am not a fan of the whole warp charge thing. I seriously believe that if we unlock the skin we should be able to apply it whenever we want with no kind of fees attached to it, like the Hall of Monument skins. Hopefully these warp charges won’t be something we can only earn via gemstore, or a ridiculously low drop rate.
How do you suppose WvW players will see the difference between a guardianand an ele to focus someone?
If someone cant see the difference then they should uninstall.
Even if everyone wore an Ascalonian mage tonic it should only take a few seconds to see their class.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
There are a couple ways for anet to make this fair:
1) Seperate Legendaries from the wardrobe system
2) Make dual wielding the same skin available only after unlocking that same skin twice.
3) Refund Players for their Legendaries (swap to a legendary of equal of lesser value based on the average of each a month before the switch) or return the equivalent gold value.
I agree, but even things like 1 won’t help with other skins like Infinite Light or Whisperblade. And 2 won’t help with people who made Sunrises for multiple characters or whatever. I think refunds are the best bet, but gold equivalent is difficult to calculate. I think refunding the required mats is the fairest for those people, and also for duplicate one-handed weapons if they don’t go with your option 2. Nothing will be ideal—mat prices could be different now than they were when people made their weapons, etc.—but still, I think it’d be the best option.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
The thing is the reason I have bags absolutely crammed with gear is that I swap around for RP. I don’t have 50 exotics, I have 50 things from apprentice boots on up, and if I’m RPing running a shop counter I’m in plainer clothes than if going out to a fancy dinner. I can swap looks just by changing what’s equipped. And I can do it multiple times in a row to show my looks to others or to illustrate changes to my character during a scene.
Do I now have to pay a charge per item for every swap? Or is this a one-time unlock for a charge after which I can change freely to the “bought” looks?
Well at least they didn’t reset everyone’s armor skins to level 30 armor skins.
I don’t understand why people are complaining still? I welcome the change. and I will be charging more gems for this system because I approve it! love it!
as for the dual legendary, no, you won’t be laughed at because the stats can’t be transmute, only the skins.
The second legendary is not worth it for the ability to swap stats on the fly. I am willing to bet that most players would gladly trade their second legendary for 2-3 ascended weapons (that you can have different sigils on) and get 90% of what they spent on their legendary back.
Using stat swapping as a justification for not compensating players is a horrible argument. The primary value of a legendary is and always will be the skins until legendaries are account bound and allow sigil swapping on the fly just like stats.
Even then ascended weapons can now perfectly imitate dual wielding legendaries for a fraction of the cost.
There are a couple ways for anet to make this fair:
1) Seperate Legendaries from the wardrobe system
2) Make dual wielding the same skin available only after unlocking that same skin twice.
3) Refund Players for their Legendaries (swap to a legendary of equal of lesser value based on the average of each a month before the switch) or return the equivalent gold value.Many MMOs change, being restricted to what players accomplished can demolish an MMO as new content usually hurts old one in one way or another.
On the other hand, they can’t seperate legendaries only because people who have multiple skins will have the same complaint.
It is a metter of perspective and how Anet is gonna deal with it, in my personal opinion, is nothing to blame them for. Would be great to give compensation for those who have more but wouldn’t be fair to insult Anet just for making changes becasue that’s how MMOs should be.
I love the idea of the system, but when that system has the potential to trivialize things that people have worked on for months then I think the system has some issues. I am not insulting Anet, but I hope they come up with something that feels fair for those of us facing this issue in the coming patch. I’m not saying it has to be one of the three, but that is close to what I believe most players are expecting.
Ask yourself if you would honestly make a second legendary that you already have now that you know about the wardrobe?
Skins are only unlocked to the wardrobe after soulbinding the armor item to your character. As the gem store armors are account bound skins, you must first use their initial free application to apply them to armor items that are soulbound to a character to unlock them in your wardrobe. Any future applications from the unlocked wardrobe version of the skin will require Charges to apply like every other unlocked wardrobe skin.
So use the skin on a soulbound armor item to unlock it in your wardrobe. The initial application of the skin will still be like it is now, free to apply to a piece of equipment.
Thinking about it a little deeper now, I think that, despite their saying appearances of soulbound equipment will be unlocked in the wardrobe, that appearances of account bound equipment would also be unlocked in the wardrobe. So it is possible that just unpacking the skin set will unlock the appearances in the wardrobe, but you still have the free single-use skin items that get unpacked from the armor bundle to apply to equipment.
edit 2
“And if i use them now on an armor,after the wordrobe implementation the armor will have the skin applied or the original skin and the skin applied unlocked?”
If you unpack the skin sets and apply them to armors prior to the feature patch, just logging into the characters that have the soulbound armors you applied the skins to will unlock them in the wardrobe. As with all other soulbound armor skins your characters possess, simply logging into that character after the patch will automatically unlock all existing soulbound equipment skins that you have on that character in your wardrobe for unlimited future uses for Charges.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Gumball is spot on here. This thread has been rehashed a couple dozen times now since launch and I don’t think it will ever happen. In PvE this wouldn’t be game breaking at all, but PvP/WvW are are completely different. Armor styles mean a LOT in these aspects of the game, where knowing, roughly, what an enemy is capable of at a first glance is very important aspact of the game. I don’t want to be standing in a ‘safe’ spot on my mesmer or ele, for instance, and see a few armor sets and think that I’m ok. Then, all of a sudden, that guy wearing heavy off in the distance (that I thought I would be relatively safe from w/o a lot of movement or a big animation) is actually a S/P Thief with a 1500 tele range in heavy armor. You see where I’m going with this. Although it might be ‘hip and cool’ to have over 2000 pieces of armor to mix-n-match, having some restricted looks on the classes is pretty important in this reguard. Not to mention the clipping/animation issues that others have pointed out.
It’s not perfect, but it’s a step in the right direction. No <79 and 80 transmutation stones anymore, account-wide access to unlocked skins, and relatively easy-to-obtain stones right now (“charges”). I hope transmutation charges will still be easy to obtain like the stones now, but knowing Anet, that’s doubtful. Like most, I dislike that we are still bound by finite uses of transmutation (at least, in the short term), but it’s such a big QoL improvement that it’s actually a decent update for once. At least it is a step toward a perfect system.
The only other things I’ve liked about GW2 updates are the map from Bazaar of the Four Winds and less Risen in Orr. In other words, I’m a pessimist when it comes to updates and I actually find this wardrobe system quite nice.
I don’t understand why people are complaining still? I welcome the change. and I will be charging more gems for this system because I approve it! love it!
as for the dual legendary, no, you won’t be laughed at because the stats can’t be transmute, only the skins.
The second legendary is not worth it for the ability to swap stats on the fly. I am willing to bet that most players would gladly trade their second legendary for 2-3 ascended weapons (that you can have different sigils on) and get 90% of what they spent on their legendary back.
Using stat swapping as a justification for not compensating players is a horrible argument. The primary value of a legendary is and always will be the skins until legendaries are account bound and allow sigil swapping on the fly just like stats.
Even then ascended weapons can now perfectly imitate dual wielding legendaries for a fraction of the cost.
There are a couple ways for anet to make this fair:
1) Seperate Legendaries from the wardrobe system
2) Make dual wielding the same skin available only after unlocking that same skin twice.
3) Refund Players for their Legendaries (swap to a legendary of equal of lesser value based on the average of each a month before the switch) or return the equivalent gold value.Many MMOs change, being restricted to what players accomplished can demolish an MMO as new content usually hurts old one in one way or another.
On the other hand, they can’t seperate legendaries only because people who have multiple skins will have the same complaint.
It is a metter of perspective and how Anet is gonna deal with it, in my personal opinion, is nothing to blame them for. Would be great to give compensation for those who have more but wouldn’t be fair to insult Anet just for making changes becasue that’s how MMOs should be.
I love the idea of the system, but when that system has the potential to trivialize things that people have worked on for months then I think the system has some issues. I am not insulting Anet, but I hope they come up with something that feels fair for those of us facing this issue in the coming patch. I’m not saying it has to be one of the three, but that is close to what I believe most players are expecting.
Ask yourself if you would honestly make a second legendary that you already have now that you know about the wardrobe?
I know it hurts btw as the same happened for me in WoW when gear got casual and basically the gear I spend months to build, could be done in a week now.
A compensation would be appreciated from Anet’s side, hopefully, as many people as people will be statisfied with the end-results.
I still liked having armor be class specific, so no I hate this idea
What part of this suggestion is stopping you from wearing armor that is specific to your class?
I think his problem isn’t preventing him from wearing the armor, is allowing others to wear whatever they want.
What is stopping others from wearing armor that is specific only to their class?
Because that’s what make different races and professions unique, aside from the confusion that could happen in PvP. Allowing everyone to wear whatever armor-type may lead to a very huge lack in diversity between the races and profession when many players actually start a new race/profession just for the sake of the unique armor.
My opinion though.
Uh no, Uniqueness does not stop a warrior from wearing heavy armor if he chooses too.
If you want to talk about uniqueness from race and profession, They are unique because of their body type, their weapons, their skills, their mechanic, and their traits. Cultural armor can still remain unique. If that player wants to be unique, it is their job to make their own unique look.
And no, it will not stop players actually start a new race/profession just for the sake of the unique armor. If a Leather coat looks great in a charr, it might not look good in a Ele Charr with a staff. That player can create a charr engineer/mesmer so he can put a gun on it.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
(edited by runeblade.7514)
How do you suppose WvW players will see the difference between a guardianand an ele to focus someone?
I’ve never been convinced that PvP’rs being able to read another player by knowing the cosmetics of the game is actually a benefit to the environment. It creates a skill differential where one might not be helpful. Targeting them and/or a class icon over there heads seems to cover both ends of the argument.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Gumball is spot on here. This thread has been rehashed a couple dozen times now since launch and I don’t think it will ever happen. In PvE this wouldn’t be game breaking at all, but PvP/WvW are are completely different. Armor styles mean a LOT in these aspects of the game, where knowing, roughly, what an enemy is capable of at a first glance is very important aspact of the game. I don’t want to be standing in a ‘safe’ spot on my mesmer or ele, for instance, and see a few armor sets and think that I’m ok. Then, all of a sudden, that guy wearing heavy off in the distance (that I thought I would be relatively safe from w/o a lot of movement or a big animation) is actually a S/P Thief with a 1500 tele range in heavy armor.
You see where I’m going with this. Although it might be ‘hip and cool’ to have over 2000 pieces of armor to mix-n-match, having some restricted looks on the classes is pretty important in this reguard. Not to mention the clipping/animation issues that others have pointed out.
If visuals are very important in PvP, then they should delete Asuras and tone down Pixelation by 90%.
I don’t want to be standing in a ‘safe’ spot on my mesmer or ele, for instance, and see a few armor sets and think that I’m ok. Then, all of a sudden, that guy wearing heavy off in the distance (that I thought I would be relatively safe from w/o a lot of movement or a big animation) is actually a S/P Thief with a 1500 tele range in heavy armor.
Is that a Thief or an engineer? Oh wait, I’m dead.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
(edited by runeblade.7514)
How do you suppose WvW players will see the difference between a guardianand an ele to focus someone?
I’ve never been convinced that PvP’rs being able to read another player by knowing the cosmetics of the game is actually a benefit to the environment. It creates a skill differential where one might not be helpful. Targeting them and/or a class icon over there heads seems to cover both ends of the argument.
It was just an example of an issue that may appear. Also as stated, there aere differences because that’s what make different races and professions unique, aside from the confusion that could happen in PvP. Allowing everyone to wear whatever armor-type may lead to a very huge lack in diversity between the races and profession when many players actually start a new race/profession just for the sake of the unique armor.
Also, from a technical point of view, it was confirmed by Anet that they use different texture styles for different armor weights and therefore they probably should re-work the whole system if any mixing gonna happen soon, ignoring all the downsides of it.
How do you suppose WvW players will see the difference between a guardianand an ele to focus someone?
I’m not sure this is a valid argument. Under the new system everyone could be fighting while wearing hotpants or the pirate outfit, no?
Ah, alright. Well thanks for the clarification!
I’m not sure if its brought up but, I have several sets of gem bought armor sets. Will the new system be like it is in sPvP where equipping it on one character means unusable for another. Otherwise I’m not going to have any idea what to do with the multiple armor sets I bought.
If that’s the case I’ll prefer a refund on the gems.
I think the new wardrobe system is a step in the right direction. However, it still doesn’t solve the fundamental problem for me: I’m reluctant to change my armor looks because of the cost.
I was hoping that the system would work more like this:
1. An armor piece can be unlocked for the account by placing it in the wardrobe (account bound).
2. Using a transmutation charge/crystal unlocks it permanently for a character (soul bound).
There would still be a use for transmutation crystals and people would feel more encouraged to buy new armor sets in the gem shop. As it is now, I won’t buy armor from the gem shop unless I 100% want my character to have that look for a long time. In fact, I’ll likely continue to horde stones/crystals until a perfect look comes around. So it won’t really change my gem purchasing behavior very much in the long term. In the short term, I might take advantage of the system for a few alts, but that’s it.
Under the system I hoped for, I would be more likely to buy armor and use stones/crystals to satisfy a desire for a complete set and to experiment with. In short term, I would likely use a lot more stones/crystals to unlock armors. In the long term, I would be more open to buying new armor sets to unlock. I believe that this system would have been best for both Anet and the players. So kind of disappointed by this change.
With the new changes to the wardrobe will the skins that GW1 legacy players have unlocked still be free to transmute into or will we have to spend charges for those skins as well?
Skimmed.. I’m sorry but if you’d rather wait another few dozen fractal runs to get a duplicate rather than have this new system then you’re just impossible. Now I can get my 2nd dagger and have a shiny fractal back for all my alts
Queen Of Macabre – 80 Thief
Dragonbrand [Ankh]
Exactly this.. if you have soem PvP equipment and you salvage it for example, it will become a skin that is unlocked for your accoutn then and from that point on usable for all of your characters of the fitting armor type for transmutation charges, if you want to put the unlocked skin onto an other equipment.
PS. How do I get that green Answer-A into my posting xD??
I would expect one of two possibilities.
1) Always free
2) Free if you do it the current way(hop over to HoM, grab item, apply skins) but cost charges if you do it through the wardrobe.
I am leaning towards 2) since that is more or less the same as now. 1) is obviously better since that avoids unwanted surprises for people who were not paying attention.
This may’ve been answered somewhere else, but if this was able to be unlocked in the wardrobe, I’d be ecstatic! They’ve kind of been stuck in my bank since I deleted the character they were soulbound to without realising I hadn’t soulbinded them to another backpack!
I am curious,
What do you think will happen to the BL skins that are brought with the tickets? I’d hate to loose a few thousand gold :’(
Any speculation regarding the March 27 blog “Removing Restrictions”? Think it’ll have anything to do with armor or the wardrobe system?
I am so super excited for these changes! Everything about this screams awesome. Time to farm up a few more Trans stones! Especially since now I can get my awesome BLC Skins on all of my characters. I no longer have to lament over having so many of one weapon type (like Staves and Greatswords) since I almost always love the looks of the new ones, but don’t have enough characters that use them to justify the expense. But now with this its just another thing I can collect and change on a whim without having to get a whole new weapon just to swap the skins out! This makes me a very happy collector.
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
Hmm, I wonder what the deal with fractal skins will be. I have multiple of the same ones, and because all they are, are skins, will they just become completely useless when RNG gives you one you already have…?
How will we get transmutation charges? Gemstore? Daily reward?
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Since dyes are going account bound, and you get 1 unidentified dye for each double on your account. What will happen to those who have multiple exclusive dyes on one account?
Example: If you have 1 Cinders dye on 2 characters, will you get 1 unidentified Flame and Frost dye? Or just some random unidentified dye?
Hmm, I wonder what the deal with fractal skins will be. I have multiple of the same ones, and because all they are, are skins, will they just become completely useless when RNG gives you one you already have…?
You’ll be able to use skin drops on whatever you want to without cost. Using wardrobe reskin will cost a tranny charge or whatever. So in-game repeat skins will still have purpose.
Hmm, I wonder what the deal with fractal skins will be. I have multiple of the same ones, and because all they are, are skins, will they just become completely useless when RNG gives you one you already have…?
You’ll be able to use skin drops on whatever you want to without cost. Using wardrobe reskin will cost a tranny charge or whatever. So in-game repeat skins will still have purpose.
Good point
On the other hand I am not a fan of the whole warp charge thing. I seriously believe that if we unlock the skin we should be able to apply it whenever we want with no kind of fees attached to it, like the Hall of Monument skins. Hopefully these warp charges won’t be something we can only earn via gemstore, or a ridiculously low drop rate.
It costs exactly the same amount as it does now, one transmutation crystal = 1 charge.
The thing is the reason I have bags absolutely crammed with gear is that I swap around for RP. I don’t have 50 exotics, I have 50 things from apprentice boots on up, and if I’m RPing running a shop counter I’m in plainer clothes than if going out to a fancy dinner. I can swap looks just by changing what’s equipped. And I can do it multiple times in a row to show my looks to others or to illustrate changes to my character during a scene.
Do I now have to pay a charge per item for every swap? Or is this a one-time unlock for a charge after which I can change freely to the “bought” looks?
You’d have to pay a charge whenever you want to apply new looks to an item.
But you don’t have to do that if you don’t care about the stats and just want to wear an item occasionally for the looks. Nothing has to change for you. You can keep on carrying those armor pieces in your bag and equip them whenever you want for RP. That is not going to cost anything.
All back skins go into the wardrobe if I understand correctly, though I am still uncertain if ones you have equipped already automatically go in or if you have to double click them once for it to happen. Once the patch goes live and it doesn’t let you do anything with it you could always contact support to try and help you.
How do you suppose WvW players will see the difference between a guardianand an ele to focus someone?
I’m not sure this is a valid argument. Under the new system everyone could be fighting while wearing hotpants or the pirate outfit, no?
Yep, I plan on using my town clothes on my warrior because I’m so sick of heavy armor. Anet pretty much just killed your armor helping to identify classes argument now that town clothes will be usable in combat. Hope you like getting your faced smashed into the ground by a warrior with a cloth blouse and skirt.
And on that note there is no reason to prevent players from using any skin be it light/medium/heavy as long as the armor values for that classes armor type are maintained after the skin transmutation.
I think the new wardrobe system is a step in the right direction. However, it still doesn’t solve the fundamental problem for me: I’m reluctant to change my armor looks because of the cost.
I was hoping that the system would work more like this:
1. An armor piece can be unlocked for the account by placing it in the wardrobe (account bound).
2. Using a transmutation charge/crystal unlocks it permanently for a character (soul bound).There would still be a use for transmutation crystals and people would feel more encouraged to buy new armor sets in the gem shop. As it is now, I won’t buy armor from the gem shop unless I 100% want my character to have that look for a long time. In fact, I’ll likely continue to horde stones/crystals until a perfect look comes around. So it won’t really change my gem purchasing behavior very much in the long term. In the short term, I might take advantage of the system for a few alts, but that’s it.
Under the system I hoped for, I would be more likely to buy armor and use stones/crystals to satisfy a desire for a complete set and to experiment with. In short term, I would likely use a lot more stones/crystals to unlock armors. In the long term, I would be more open to buying new armor sets to unlock. I believe that this system would have been best for both Anet and the players. So kind of disappointed by this change.
I agree that the system you propose would have probably been even more user-friendly, but they may have done the math and concluded that it would get them far less revenue. Or they just prefer the other system. I’m still glad about it, because it’s an incredible improvement over what we have now — even though it could be even better, yes.
How will we get transmutation charges? Gemstore? Daily reward?
They’re the same as transmutation crystals are now. So, mainly from the gemstore, but you can also rarely get them from map completion in high level areas, or from BLT chests.
Keep in mind though that 3 transmutation stones give you 1 charge as well though, so map completion in lower level areas will also give you charges, if at a low rate. You’d have to complete 6 lower level areas to be able to transmute one armor set.
(At least we hope that this is how it will be.)
All back skins go into the wardrobe if I understand correctly, though I am still uncertain if ones you have equipped already automatically go in or if you have to double click them once for it to happen. Once the patch goes live and it doesn’t let you do anything with it you could always contact support to try and help you.
Already tried support, since I don’t have a good date of when I deleted the character, it couldn’t be restored. I didn’t bother messaging for a while because I was scared i’d lose a rollback if my account was ever hacked or lost.
How far back will the skin discovery go? Or it will only unlock all current soulbound skins?
It would be nice if the discovery is retroactive.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
This is a good question and I can’t find the answer anywhere. I hope they make a FAQ soon.
I’d just wait it out until the patch goes live. After re-reading and re-watching the dev blog and video it seems like as long as the item is bound to your account in some way (even if it’s a deleted character) it will most likely pop up in your wardrobe vault.
I’d just wait it out until the patch goes live. After re-reading and re-watching the dev blog and video it seems like as long as the item is bound to your account in some way (even if it’s a deleted character) it will most likely pop up in your wardrobe vault.
Thanks for the optimism! Let’s hope for the best! <3
Skins will unlock by either, equipping, salvaging, destroying, or right clicking and selecting learn skin. Basically there’s no way to -not- unlock a skin.
As far as we know, one skin back.
After i read the official post a few times i couldn’t find the answer i need:
Salvaged armor previously will be on wardrobe?
And by that I mean the skins like the ones in WvW you can buy for a few badges, I use these all the time to change the look of my alts every 10 levels (along with changing gear for karma through the vendor in home borderlands).
Will the skins you apply directly be removed aswell, or will we still have this option? As much as I love the new wardrobe system, I don’t think I want to use transmutation charges on alts every 10 levels where I could save those for my level 80ies.
Skins will unlock by either, equipping, salvaging, destroying, or right clicking and selecting learn skin. Basically there’s no way to -not- unlock a skin.
Have you got a source for that? Just wondering! Because i’d be wary about destroying the mad memoires stuck to a deleted character that’re in my bank!