I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fluffdragon.1523


I absolutely agree.

I’ve been hoping for real content updates — you know, the rest of the map, actual permanent changes that aren’t just “Living Story things we forgot to clean up”, etc — for months, and in fact only got back into the game to play with new friends in December after having stopped some time in June 2013.

I haven’t a clue of what’s going on in Living Story, who these people are, and I never will. It’s gone. Well, mostly. I’m still trying to avoid these so-called “Toxic” creatures and figure out why Kessex Hills is a giant mess. Wayfarer’s Foothills and Diessa Plateau didn’t get completely messed up in the first Living Story thing…

Now, a bit about why I’ve actually decided to log in and post again:

When I came back to the game, I started running dungeons with newbie groups, and quickly learned that unless you’re doing Story or explicitly say “relaxed” in your LFG, 9 times out of 10 you’re going to be stuck with some farming jerkbags who turn the experience into a stressful event that makes you want to quit as soon as you get out of there. And this is the first time I’ve ever had the opportunity to really run all of them, let alone with friends. I shouldn’t have one of the big achievement-centric STORY DRIVEN pieces of the game be a massive turnoff because nobody wants to actually play the content!

I was bad at PvP since GW1, and I’m even worse at it now. I don’t understand WvW nor can I play it (my ancient Phenom II 925 can barely handle temple assaults in Orr). That said, I’m strictly a PvE player. Other than roleplaying — which quite frankly is a rather personal matter I’m not quite comfortable with doing with or alongside strangers — I haven’t much to really do in the game.

Crafting has become an absolute joke now that it’s easier to outright buy things from the market with the 162gp I have sitting in my bank, and with dungeons shut off to me, the only two attractions are running Jumping Puzzles and Orr Temples.

Only, I don’t give a skritt’s posterior about Orr Temples. I’ve no vapid desire for in-game currency, nor do I care about being able to afford Ascended or even Legendary items — not to mention that as I said before, my experience with them is visually lagged at best and my contribution (and reward) hardly merits the risk of being completely destroyed (and subsequently ignored by my so-called compatriots).

So in the last three days since I’ve returned from a brief hiatus to think about whether or not I’m really willing to keep with the game, I banged out last 3 dailies and 12 jumping puzzles (running them alongside friends to introduce them to the game and other “hidden content”).

And frankly? That’s it. I’m done with my story — or as done as “LFG Arah Story” can be — I dislike zergs, and the meta-gaming is so bad I refuse to subject myself to competitive gaming / PvP. I’m left with map completion (already something most anyone can reasonably do alone), World Events that are either empty on my home server (last night over an hour or two of running 4 jumping puzzles solo, I saw exactly 1 other player out of 3 maps), or guesting to join in large-scale zerg rushes that I frankly couldn’t care less about, because it’s honestly more fun to rampage through a map looking for crafting materials than it is to actually … you know, craft with them.

Why am I still here?

Honestly, I don’t know. I’m holding out because I finally have friends who play again and a few more who are joining at long last. I mean, that’s why I play MMOs in the first place: to hang out with friends and have adventures. Heck, back around release I remember spending hours palling around and chatting with random other players and just having a good time doing content, fighting area bosses, and getting our butts kicked by doing something blithely stupid. But we had fun all the same.

The only problem is that as more and more players gravitate to gold-making schemes and turn toxic thanks to meta-gaming advantages, it’s harder to find new people to play with, and even harder still to find those I want to have anything to do with.

I almost wouldn’t say there’s an overall lack of content — just that a lot of it isn’t as readily accessible as it should be, like the 30-odd jumping puzzles I’ve yet to find/do — that’s driven me away so much as just the feeling of being completely alone in a game that was built from the ground up to be a social experience.

More for statement than any real content, I’ve attached gw002.jpg, dated from Sept. 4, 2012. In it is a picture of my first proper character in the first set of armor I’d craft for myself, being silly with fellow adventurers after successfully completing the Wall Breach Blitz jumping puzzle.


I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnYoYo.7402


? Added a new zone where players fight the native clans for control over rare, natural resources!
- Rare and bountiful resources that appear randomly throughout the map are guarded by powerful monsters!
- Monsters periodically assault player hubs; the attacks never stop!

lol dude it just will ruin the economy, cose some guys will “steal you” a big money ratio, that all should be have.

The fantasy absorb the happyness, and the
happyness absorb the fantasy.
If not, how u can be in one world at the same time?

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


That’s the reason why I’ve strated to think recently why GW3 would be great… with a sub fee, and I’m pretty sure that ANet or NCSoft stated they won’t consider another b2p/then f2p games in the future ( correct me if I’m wrong ).
I do understand that many of you dislike the idea, but tbh, a sub fee adds something that GW2 does not have – loads of new, permanent content, let’s say every 6-8 weeks.
Living story? Not really, at least not the way it is exectued in GW2, which is to say the least, ‘poorly executed’.
I’m ready to pay 15-20 dollars a month for a quality PERMANENT content every now and then.

I wish you enjoy your time in another game with a sub fee. This game is not that game, and never will be. Can I get your stuff?

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


The game doesn’t have a real “point/goal” for hardcore players to keep them playing.
“Playing just for fun” is a casual gamer term, hardcore time-spending players will have lesser and lesser fun after a while because of the lack of points/goals to achieve by playing.
It’s ok that there won’t be any item grind or vertical progression for hardcore players, but they have to reward hardcore players for their efforts somehow. I want to feel “really” rewarded for playing more than casuals and completing all the content. For just a single&little example(there’s tons of examples), we are grinding wxp ranks, but after a point(unlocking all required buffs) it becomes useless. Wouldn’t it be better if we were able to use them collectively as guild players to upgrade our guild features, and do some “cosmetic” show off to other players with our special rewards etc.? For that example even if a player has 1000+ world rank, nobody knows. Then what’s the real point here if we can’t compete with other players? An mmorpg must bring competition and satisfy player egos somehow, maybe not vertically but horizontally… In brief, a player can’t play to have more “prestige” in this game, so a hardcore player loses his goal after a while.

Another single example is ap rewards, even after 15-20k achievement points there’s no noticable and proprietary skins. If I’m completing all achievents and spending tons of time for them, I expect better rewards for them. Not just zenith weapons, because they can be obtained even with 1000ap by new players. They could have added special and “really nice looking”(like current high grade exotics/a little worse than legendaries by looks) weapon and armor skins for 20k+ ap only. I don’t mind spending all the effort for a pair of boots that I won’t ever use.(it doesn’t fit any light armor set anyway) So there’s “no point” to play for ap too.(if you don’t really want these boots) They can bring these high grade/hardcore points and goals to the every aspect of the game. Pve, spvp, wvw, aps, events etc… Better endgame goals are needed. Scaled from ground to the stars, all kinds of players have to find a goal and reward in front of them. I just gave two simple examples from the two aspects of the game. This is both a critic and a suggestion.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hannelore.8153


Lets look at what they’ve done for hardcore players:
- Guild missions
- 24 dungeon paths (not counting story, since that is casual)
- Three world bosses + one dedicated world boss upate
- Two updates dedicated to fractals
- Many fractals offering content not available in open-world (e.g agony mechanics)
- Ascended gear tier
- New agony resist infusions
- WvW map updates + a new WvW map to solve queues
- WvW seasonal rewards
- Rewards for grinding achievment points

Lets take a look at what they’ve done for casual players:
- ??
- Living Story?

It could be argued that many of these can be unlocked or participated in by casual players, however casual players are not the focus, as some of them have insane time and/or money requirements to reach.

Daisuki [SUKI] LGBT-Friendly Guild Leader | NA – Jade Quarry
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/

(edited by Hannelore.8153)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lexie.1028


I do wish there was more of a focus on small things in the world, I love bumping into a cave that has a tresure chest or an event somewhere in it. But, at the moment it seems like the focus is more on scores and zergs, though I can understand why because adding more content like I described is far more work. But for me finding little things like that is what I love most about this game. So really I just wish there was less of a focus on points and zerg mechanics and more on the little things you find just going around the world in general.

Maleakura | Daisuki [SUKI] Guild Leader | PvE Commander | Jade Quarry
«Alt Characters» Bellakuro • Keikosuki • Kimiyunna • Kiyomissa • Miriatori • Niasaki • Taratashi

(edited by Lexie.1028)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nage.1520


So back to my original question. At the current conversion rate, how long would it take to grind enough gold for 800 gems? If I have the choice between working a fraction of an hour, x, in order to earn enough money to buy 800 gems and grinding in game for x+1 hours for the necessary gold, why would I do the latter?

I would chose neither of those. I would pay 15 bucks a month and have access to a full game and play for the fun of it. Some people prefer the existent system sure. I have no problem with that. It’s their time and money.

But here is my opinion.
This game is so unrewarding in every aspects which is the main reason I don’t play it anymore. I have been playing for more than 1 year and I never been satisfied with this system.
To get a legendary, which is one of the ultimate goals in this game, you either grind till your eyes bleed or pay. Either way, no sense of accomplishment there.
Many people in so many topics come to the defense of this system by stating that the grindy things are optional. This translates into “You can play half a game and be fine”. Sure, I guess.

The interdependence between gold and gems makes this impossible to be fixed. The whole thing is wrong. There is no way out of this. So get you zerg trains running or pull out your credit cards for sparkling quaggans and such and enjoy whatever rocks your boat in this game. I know I won’t.

Agreed. I prefer the sub model as well because I get actual content and devs are forced to make the world fun and rewarding. Gems to gold was a bad move for this game because it’s possible to make the game just unrewarding enough to herd people into the gem shop.

Sure, sure spending real money is entirely optional! You’ll just have to work 5 hours instead of half an hour!

I’ve played subscription games before, and didn’t get anything I’d consider actual content. I consider the actual content in Guild Wars 2 to be far FAR superior to anything I’ve seen in a subscription game.

Your mileage may vary. But when you use terms like “actual” content, you’re implying this game doesn’t have actual content.

You don’t like the game. Fair enough., But many are here because they don’t like WoW.

People who don’t like the game who have stopped playing, obviously have stopped playing because they don’t like the game. There are plenty of us left who do.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


OP, I hope you’ve learned your lesson, because those things won’t be changing.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


Lets look at what they’ve done for hardcore players:
- Guild missions
- 24 dungeon paths (not counting story, since that is casual)
- Three world bosses + one dedicated world boss upate
- Two updates dedicated to fractals
- Many fractals offering content not available in open-world (e.g agony mechanics)
- Ascended gear tier
- New agony resist infusions
- WvW map updates + a new WvW map to solve queues
- WvW seasonal rewards
- Rewards for grinding achievment points

Lets take a look at what they’ve done for casual players:
- ??
- Living Story?

It could be argued that many of these can be unlocked or participated in by casual players, however casual players are not the focus, as some of them have insane time and/or money requirements to reach.

More than half of your hardcore list is actually for casuals. However I agree that there’s hardcore content too, but without “good” rewards.
- Guild missions (are very easy, only guild challenge requires numbers in your guild otherwise it’s easy too. even a new-starter can do rush/bounty/puzzle)
- 24 dungeon paths (explorable paths are very casual too, most of dungeons can be skipped or fast-runned by zerker warriors)
- Two updates dedicated to fractals (fractals are easy and for casuals till 30. but there’s still no good rewards for hardcore players of 30+ levels, drops are bad. fractal skins are obtainable from lower levels)
- Ascended gear tier (it’s casual too, any player can make 400 gold in game easily in current situation, there’s even an inflation in the game because of ease of gold farming)
- WvW seasonal rewards (seasonal rewards are casual like living story. it even has 7 weeks time limit which makes it easier for casuals. but permanent wvw achievements are hardcore.(e.g. “realm avenger” but still there’s no real reward for these hardcore achievements.)
- Rewards for grinding achievement points (weapon skins are obtainable even with 1000ap, only boots are hardcore but it doesn’t worth grinding 21k imo)

There’s currently some hardcore content like wvw, spvp(ranking) and ap, but rewards are inadequate for these hardcore effort as I say in my previous message. This is why people say “the game is not rewarding” everywhere. There must be special, and non-rng rewards for completing hardcore content which can’t also be obtained with lower effort. For a little example, special skins after 20k+ ap, and completing eternal dominator title(example reward : (special)dominator armor skin), and similar rewards for other hardcore achievements would be fine. If there’s no vertical progression, then this kind of non-unbalancing prestigious skins would be fine, as legendaries are no longer “prestigious”.

(edited by Umut.5471)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Lets look at what they’ve done for hardcore players:
- Guild missions
- 24 dungeon paths (not counting story, since that is casual)
- Three world bosses + one dedicated world boss upate
- Two updates dedicated to fractals
- Many fractals offering content not available in open-world (e.g agony mechanics)
- Ascended gear tier
- New agony resist infusions
- WvW map updates + a new WvW map to solve queues
- WvW seasonal rewards
- Rewards for grinding achievment points

Lets take a look at what they’ve done for casual players:
- ??
- Living Story?

It could be argued that many of these can be unlocked or participated in by casual players, however casual players are not the focus, as some of them have insane time and/or money requirements to reach.

Guild missions are really easy with your guild. Every week we get newbies in our runs and every week we still get the same people that don’t know what to do. But everyone is still able to do it.

Dungeons are really casual and most can be done in about 15 minutes or so. Sure, you will need a bit of practice to get better at it, but it’s still really casual.

The 3 World bosses are just massive zergs. There’s nothing hardcore about it, just a massive zergfest with spamming damage.

Fractals are longer than dungeons, but really easy until level ~30. But since the rewards are mostly not worth it and the dredge fractal is way too annoying above that level, I don’t run ‘em anymore. Not worth it risk VS reward. It could be one kind of hardcore content, but it’s totally not well balanced.

Agony mechanic is crap and is not necessary. There’s nothing hardcore about it, just a grindfest.

Ascended are obtainable by crafting. Everyone can do it, you just gotta go out in the world, do content and mine. Grab that wood and ore and craft. Everyone can do it. Even if it takes me 36 days to obtain my Light armor set, that’s not hardcore, it’s casual.

WvW is far from hardcore content. I know plenty of new players and even players with not a single level 80 who loves and do WvW. WvW is casual. Sure, you can get organized and play more hardcore with guilds, but you can join solo and just follow the commander. I think that’s pretty casual

Achievements are just grindfest. Only people with time to waste will try to fill it as fast as possible. It’s not worth the time imo.

What REAL hardcore content do we have? NONE. Guild Wars 2 is too casual. We don’t have raids, we don’t have 8+ man dungeons. We don’t have Hard Mode (like in Guild Wars 1). We don’t have FoW, UW, SF, etc. just like in GW1. Those were the good days. And that’s why I’m playing GW1 again, because GW2 is just too casual for me.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nage.1520


Lets look at what they’ve done for hardcore players:
- Guild missions
- 24 dungeon paths (not counting story, since that is casual)
- Three world bosses + one dedicated world boss upate
- Two updates dedicated to fractals
- Many fractals offering content not available in open-world (e.g agony mechanics)
- Ascended gear tier
- New agony resist infusions
- WvW map updates + a new WvW map to solve queues
- WvW seasonal rewards
- Rewards for grinding achievment points

Lets take a look at what they’ve done for casual players:
- ??
- Living Story?

It could be argued that many of these can be unlocked or participated in by casual players, however casual players are not the focus, as some of them have insane time and/or money requirements to reach.

Guild missions are really easy with your guild. Every week we get newbies in our runs and every week we still get the same people that don’t know what to do. But everyone is still able to do it.

Dungeons are really casual and most can be done in about 15 minutes or so. Sure, you will need a bit of practice to get better at it, but it’s still really casual.

The 3 World bosses are just massive zergs. There’s nothing hardcore about it, just a massive zergfest with spamming damage.

Fractals are longer than dungeons, but really easy until level ~30. But since the rewards are mostly not worth it and the dredge fractal is way too annoying above that level, I don’t run ‘em anymore. Not worth it risk VS reward. It could be one kind of hardcore content, but it’s totally not well balanced.

Agony mechanic is crap and is not necessary. There’s nothing hardcore about it, just a grindfest.

Ascended are obtainable by crafting. Everyone can do it, you just gotta go out in the world, do content and mine. Grab that wood and ore and craft. Everyone can do it. Even if it takes me 36 days to obtain my Light armor set, that’s not hardcore, it’s casual.

WvW is far from hardcore content. I know plenty of new players and even players with not a single level 80 who loves and do WvW. WvW is casual. Sure, you can get organized and play more hardcore with guilds, but you can join solo and just follow the commander. I think that’s pretty casual

Achievements are just grindfest. Only people with time to waste will try to fill it as fast as possible. It’s not worth the time imo.

What REAL hardcore content do we have? NONE. Guild Wars 2 is too casual. We don’t have raids, we don’t have 8+ man dungeons. We don’t have Hard Mode (like in Guild Wars 1). We don’t have FoW, UW, SF, etc. just like in GW1. Those were the good days. And that’s why I’m playing GW1 again, because GW2 is just too casual for me.

Raids are only hard core until you figure them out. They they go on farm. Anyone who’s raided knows this. You gear up, old raids become meaningless.

Exactly the dungeons in the game. At one point some of them were challenging. People figure out how to beat them. I don’t see people running that way through the new TA path as one example. It’s certainly hard core compared to other dungeons.

Hard core means you haven’t figured out how to beat it yet.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I thought games were supposed to be fun?

People who say what is the point are making the game a job not fun. Isn’t that what we all play games for, escapism and fun?

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hannelore.8153


Lets look at what they’ve done for hardcore players:
- Guild missions
- 24 dungeon paths (not counting story, since that is casual)
- Three world bosses + one dedicated world boss upate
- Two updates dedicated to fractals
- Many fractals offering content not available in open-world (e.g agony mechanics)
- Ascended gear tier
- New agony resist infusions
- WvW map updates + a new WvW map to solve queues
- WvW seasonal rewards
- Rewards for grinding achievment points

Lets take a look at what they’ve done for casual players:
- ??
- Living Story?

It could be argued that many of these can be unlocked or participated in by casual players, however casual players are not the focus, as some of them have insane time and/or money requirements to reach.

Guild missions are really easy with your guild. Every week we get newbies in our runs and every week we still get the same people that don’t know what to do. But everyone is still able to do it.

Dungeons are really casual and most can be done in about 15 minutes or so. Sure, you will need a bit of practice to get better at it, but it’s still really casual.

The 3 World bosses are just massive zergs. There’s nothing hardcore about it, just a massive zergfest with spamming damage.

Fractals are longer than dungeons, but really easy until level ~30. But since the rewards are mostly not worth it and the dredge fractal is way too annoying above that level, I don’t run ‘em anymore. Not worth it risk VS reward. It could be one kind of hardcore content, but it’s totally not well balanced.

Agony mechanic is crap and is not necessary. There’s nothing hardcore about it, just a grindfest.

Ascended are obtainable by crafting. Everyone can do it, you just gotta go out in the world, do content and mine. Grab that wood and ore and craft. Everyone can do it. Even if it takes me 36 days to obtain my Light armor set, that’s not hardcore, it’s casual.

WvW is far from hardcore content. I know plenty of new players and even players with not a single level 80 who loves and do WvW. WvW is casual. Sure, you can get organized and play more hardcore with guilds, but you can join solo and just follow the commander. I think that’s pretty casual

Achievements are just grindfest. Only people with time to waste will try to fill it as fast as possible. It’s not worth the time imo.

What REAL hardcore content do we have? NONE. Guild Wars 2 is too casual. We don’t have raids, we don’t have 8+ man dungeons. We don’t have Hard Mode (like in Guild Wars 1). We don’t have FoW, UW, SF, etc. just like in GW1. Those were the good days. And that’s why I’m playing GW1 again, because GW2 is just too casual for me.

Raids are only hard core until you figure them out. They they go on farm. Anyone who’s raided knows this. You gear up, old raids become meaningless.

Exactly the dungeons in the game. At one point some of them were challenging. People figure out how to beat them. I don’t see people running that way through the new TA path as one example. It’s certainly hard core compared to other dungeons.

Hard core means you haven’t figured out how to beat it yet.

Perhaps existing content could be made more hardcore by adding randomness and unpredictability so that this doesn’t happen. Skill is more than just refining your behaviors, gear and setup, its also adapting to a changing situation.

As far as I know, nearly every single fight in this game is scripted. I don’t recall any fight that changed dramatically from one encounter to the next.

The speedrunners would hate it, however. :P

Daisuki [SUKI] LGBT-Friendly Guild Leader | NA – Jade Quarry
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/

(edited by Hannelore.8153)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


I thought games were supposed to be fun?

People who say what is the point are making the game a job not fun. Isn’t that what we all play games for, escapism and fun?

Some people play it to gain success in a world not tied to the massive problems the real world possesses. To this crowd, ‘fun’ isn’t a consideration, the success within the game is their reason to go on. One would imagine that if there was no way to succeed and validate themselves, it wouldn’t be very fulfilling.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I thought games were supposed to be fun?

People who say what is the point are making the game a job not fun. Isn’t that what we all play games for, escapism and fun?

Some people play it to gain success in a world not tied to the massive problems the real world possesses. To this crowd, ‘fun’ isn’t a consideration, the success within the game is their reason to go on. One would imagine that if there was no way to succeed and validate themselves, it wouldn’t be very fulfilling.

It is a very sad world, in which we live in, when people use escapism to justify their existence. I realize that it is easier to do it in a game, than fix what is broken in other places but, a game is not reality and we really have to live in reality.

Games are escapism, plain and simple, like movies, etc.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


I want to like this game, but honestly after buying it over a year ago my highest char is level 28 and I know absolutely the reason why too.
When I play a MMO I play as a tank or a healer as I like having responsibility in a group, I immediately hit LFG and start a dungeon group in whatever game I play because that is what I like doing. When I log on I usually get tells asking me to run something with people I have played with before and I like being known in game for my abilities in a group.
With GW2 no one even seemed to run dungeons when I first picked it up and there is no set tank or healer archtype either. That to me is just a total killer for the game. Its like saying my entire way of playing is invalid and only DPS are allowed to have a role. Yes I know DPS is the most common role in every single game but I like the challenge of leading groups and holding them together. This game just takes that ability and says pfft who needs you.
I still want to like the game because I like it being B2P (buy to play… you must buy box to play it, whereas FTP you can just download and start playing it) but after about 2 to 3 hours of doing a map to get all the hears and stupid vistas and all that crap and I am ready to /wrists. I know some of you love that stuff but for a person who loves running dungeons and group stuff, solo questing is just boring as crap and is totally against the MM part of a MMORPG. Maybe that would change at level 80 but honestly I doubt I will ever get there because I just cannot stomach the monotonous grind.

roll a guard.
although still a dps race, they have support utilities which can be very important to a groups success, ele’s/mesmers/theifs all also help with support/control. Warriors have a bit..but meh, give me a guard over a war any day.
This game isnt about healing, but that doesnt mean there isnt support roles.

point 2, lv28 and you want to run a dungeon????
lv to 80 and you might have a better time.

also, no one is forcing you to go for vistas/hearts..you can craft yourself to lv80 should you want to.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


So back to my original question. At the current conversion rate, how long would it take to grind enough gold for 800 gems? If I have the choice between working a fraction of an hour, x, in order to earn enough money to buy 800 gems and grinding in game for x+1 hours for the necessary gold, why would I do the latter?

I grinded out for 1000 gems in about 10 or so days. (my guild knows I was playing countdown XD …)
I aimed for about 8-10 a day.

I did world bosses(if they were up) and 4 dungeon pats( acp3/cofp1/sep1/anything else guild wanted to do).

I mostly played the game my way. I sold EVERY rare I got and the odd exotic. (I didnt sell any mats).
I’ve played WvW

I played what I wanted. (with the add of fast clearing those 3 paths). ..
JUST those paths net you 4g (1g per path plus loot). They take about an hour.
80g =800gems
that would take you 20days… MAX!. you’ll likely play other parts of the game, maybe have mats to sell. etc etc.

Is saving for 20days really that hard? o0

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: redhand.7168


This post will probably never be read, but I’ll post it anyways.

I’ve played the game on and off since beta. I thought it was the greatest thing in the world during beta, and my feel for it quickly dropped afterwards. I’ve just logged my 1,000 hours in the game over 57- days, and I’d say it’s pretty good for the ~$120 I’ve spent on it thus far. I’ve played and quit a dozen times for various reasons.

But I still have hope for the game. And here’s why.

GW2’s timeframe for doing things has never been short – This is the first game I’ve played that was released under the mantra “we’ll release it when it’s done.” Now I’m sure many of you would argue that they released it far before they should have, but that’s another issue. Living Story was a huge gamble, and one that has never been done before in any other game. They’ve had this whole Scarlet thing planned out since the beginning of LS, and I’m sure they’ve had their feature outline more or less planned out all year, with a little room for adjustments. Player feedback has pushed some of the easier things to implement within their tight LS schedule, but some of the bigger things that needed changing have been pushed back until they’ve possibly been forgotten about, or possibly disregarded due to the effects of another update on the viability of the proposed change.

But now that LS Season 1 is over with, ArenaNet has given some time to look back and figure out what’s gone wrong. And I must say that, with the introduction of a lot of the systems they’re adding on April 15th, they show that they’re not afraid to make some pretty huge changes.

For example:
- The wardrobe system is a HUGE change to the meta. It’s going to throw the market for a loop. Prices of Dyes are going to rise and fall, Precursors are going to skyrocket, people will start buying things off of the TP Solely for the Skins. Heck, it’s going to introduce a viable way for collecting skins, which is very much a new carrot to chase.
- The megaserver! ArenaNet is rewriting the whole server backend of this game to facilitate more populated areas, thus more social gameplay.

Both of these (along with others) are both huge changes of the game, and representatives of ArenaNet’s ability to make massive changes.

And on the LS side of things, now that they’ve conducted their pilot episode and gotten feedback from the pace, character building, plot continuity, and other devices, I can say that I’m truly excited for LS Season 2.

But to the OP, I will agree that all of your points are valid (to me). But because of ArenaNet’s flexibility, I have reason to believe that those points won’t be the death of the game.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


I thought games were supposed to be fun?

People who say what is the point are making the game a job not fun. Isn’t that what we all play games for, escapism and fun?

For some reason, MMO’s are treated Like a job…. People discuss…

DPS Optimization

Many people forget that while there is nothing wrong with being hardcore, there is nothing wrong with being casual either.

Some people play in PVT armor, others play non-optimal classes…. others Play non-optimal builds that are still fun to play. Forr some reason, the " hard-core" seem to think their playstyle is the Only valid playstyle, and all the others that just " Play-for-fun" are lazy slackers.

Speaking for myself… while I do enjoy seeking a build that allows me to complete content. I play for FUN… for me…FUN means playing a character with cool abilities.

Sometimes Building for OPTIMIZATION and Memorizing Rotations of skills… while deadly, is not cool…. I left WoW, why would I bring that style here?

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eleshazar.6902


I really liked this post. Not inflammatory, but honest. And reflects pretty accurately how I feel. I’m bored with the content since it is largely the same as day 1. And the stuff that is difficult isn’t worth the reward.
I actually find it harder and harder to log in because once I do I just think, what am I supposed to do? I’m high rank in pvp/wvw, have all chars at 80, can do many dungeons solo or duo, run arah most nights. There really isn’t a challenge left in this game anymore. I really only log in because of friends.

All professions level 80| Champion Paragon, Phantom, Genius
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


This post will probably never be read, but I’ll post it anyways.

I’ve just logged my 1,000 hours in the game over 57- days, and I’d say it’s pretty good for the ~$120 I’ve spent on it thus far.

I am assuming you made a typo somewhere here in your numbers, as 1000 hours in 57 days works out to an average of 17.5 hours a day playing the game. If that’s true, when do you sleep, eat, and take care of biological functions?

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Escadin.9482


GW2’s timeframe for doing things has never been short – This is the first game I’ve played that was released under the mantra “we’ll release it when it’s done.” Now I’m sure many of you would argue that they released it far before they should have, but that’s another issue. Living Story was a huge gamble, and one that has never been done before in any other game. They’ve had this whole Scarlet thing planned out since the beginning of LS, and I’m sure they’ve had their feature outline more or less planned out all year, with a little room for adjustments. Player feedback has pushed some of the easier things to implement within their tight LS schedule, but some of the bigger things that needed changing have been pushed back until they’ve possibly been forgotten about, or possibly disregarded due to the effects of another update on the viability of the proposed change.

But now that LS Season 1 is over with, ArenaNet has given some time to look back and figure out what’s gone wrong. And I must say that, with the introduction of a lot of the systems they’re adding on April 15th, they show that they’re not afraid to make some pretty huge changes. […]

Nailed my opinion exactly, except that I am less optimistic. GW2 deserves credit for breaking the WoW clone cycle and establishing a casual MMO for many people. I’m just not into casual MMOs turns out, because they apparently lack depth were I seek it.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327

Dr Ritter.1327

So what you’re saying is that if a game doesn’t have an arrow for you to follow and give you objectives on your screen you are incapable of having fun. I think the main audience of this game is somewhat like the main audience of sandbox games: people who can take a huge sprawling game world where things are always going on around them and can make their own fun with it.

This game isn’t a sandbox it’s a themepark, the way you described this game sounds more like minecraft…

The Paragon
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

GW2’s timeframe for doing things has never been short – This is the first game I’ve played that was released under the mantra “we’ll release it when it’s done.” Now I’m sure many of you would argue that they released it far before they should have, but that’s another issue. Living Story was a huge gamble, and one that has never been done before in any other game. They’ve had this whole Scarlet thing planned out since the beginning of LS, and I’m sure they’ve had their feature outline more or less planned out all year, with a little room for adjustments. Player feedback has pushed some of the easier things to implement within their tight LS schedule, but some of the bigger things that needed changing have been pushed back until they’ve possibly been forgotten about, or possibly disregarded due to the effects of another update on the viability of the proposed change.

But now that LS Season 1 is over with, ArenaNet has given some time to look back and figure out what’s gone wrong. And I must say that, with the introduction of a lot of the systems they’re adding on April 15th, they show that they’re not afraid to make some pretty huge changes. […]

Nailed my opinion exactly, except that I am less optimistic. GW2 deserves credit for breaking the WoW clone cycle and establishing a casual MMO for many people. I’m just not into casual MMOs turns out, because they apparently lack depth were I seek it.

And what is that exactly? Raids, Trinity, I could go on? I am happy there are no Raids and no Trinity. I feel the game does have depth but you need to explore and look around to find it. The destruction of LA while egregious to some was actually a great way to shake people out of their comfort zones.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


GW2’s timeframe for doing things has never been short – This is the first game I’ve played that was released under the mantra “we’ll release it when it’s done.” Now I’m sure many of you would argue that they released it far before they should have, but that’s another issue. Living Story was a huge gamble, and one that has never been done before in any other game. They’ve had this whole Scarlet thing planned out since the beginning of LS, and I’m sure they’ve had their feature outline more or less planned out all year, with a little room for adjustments. Player feedback has pushed some of the easier things to implement within their tight LS schedule, but some of the bigger things that needed changing have been pushed back until they’ve possibly been forgotten about, or possibly disregarded due to the effects of another update on the viability of the proposed change.

But now that LS Season 1 is over with, ArenaNet has given some time to look back and figure out what’s gone wrong. And I must say that, with the introduction of a lot of the systems they’re adding on April 15th, they show that they’re not afraid to make some pretty huge changes. […]

Nailed my opinion exactly, except that I am less optimistic. GW2 deserves credit for breaking the WoW clone cycle and establishing a casual MMO for many people. I’m just not into casual MMOs turns out, because they apparently lack depth were I seek it.

And what is that exactly? Raids, Trinity, I could go on? I am happy there are no Raids and no Trinity. I feel the game does have depth but you need to explore and look around to find it. The destruction of LA while egregious to some was actually a great way to shake people out of their comfort zones.

Completely agree, Dusty.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Escadin.9482


Nailed my opinion exactly, except that I am less optimistic. GW2 deserves credit for breaking the WoW clone cycle and establishing a casual MMO for many people. I’m just not into casual MMOs turns out, because they apparently lack depth were I seek it.

And what is that exactly? Raids, Trinity, I could go on? I am happy there are no Raids and no Trinity. I feel the game does have depth but you need to explore and look around to find it. The destruction of LA while egregious to some was actually a great way to shake people out of their comfort zones.

Destruction of LA was nice but has nothing to do with depth of gamemechanics. I am looking for build variety fueled by rapid balance iterations and more clearly supported roles. Not trinity roles tbh, more like RO had them (12 important/ very strong roles plus a bunch of stuff to experiment with).

Raids suck for many reasons but GW2’s "You need a group, but you are free to disregard all responsibilities " antagonism doesn’t bring any improvement to the subject, except for accessibility. Content which scales with the size of your group (1-10 members) and squad based open world pvp would have been a step forward (for me) though.

(edited by Escadin.9482)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


I can sympathize.

My whole Guild (which was SO FULL, we needed to make a waiting list for people wanting to go on) is now reduced to me and 3 other people who play in a daily basis.

I just had a talk to one of the head officers of the guild, and their reasoning was that, even with the Living World, Anet was taking way to slow to progress, and cares little for WvW advancements (we were predominantly WvW with a bit of PvE players)

So we went from one of the biggest guilds, to being so rare, that when people see my Guild tag, they say, “I thought you guys died”

Just a bit more info:
Everyone went to some other game or left the guild because it was so empty.

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Nailed my opinion exactly, except that I am less optimistic. GW2 deserves credit for breaking the WoW clone cycle and establishing a casual MMO for many people. I’m just not into casual MMOs turns out, because they apparently lack depth were I seek it.

And what is that exactly? Raids, Trinity, I could go on? I am happy there are no Raids and no Trinity. I feel the game does have depth but you need to explore and look around to find it. The destruction of LA while egregious to some was actually a great way to shake people out of their comfort zones.

Destruction of LA was nice but has nothing to do with depth of gamemechanics. I am looking for build variety fueled by rapid balance iterations and more clearly supported roles. Not trinity roles tbh, more like RO had them (12 important/ very strong roles plus a bunch of stuff to experiment with).

Raids suck for many reasons but GW2’s "You need a group, but you are free to disregard all responsibilities " antagonism doesn’t bring any improvement to the subject, except for accessibility. Content which scales with the size of your group (1-10 members) and squad based open world pvp would have been a step forward (for me) though.

It has to do with a world that is living and changes and that does go to the depth of the game. I mean I have played ESO and while it is pretty is about as dull and lifeless as the Original Diablo. The NPC’s just stand there – no movement to them. No patrolling mobs, no nothing.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: medohgeuh.4650


This game isn’t a sandbox it’s a themepark, the way you described this game sounds more like minecraft…

How can a game with a vast, logically designed world ever come close to being “theme park”…. ?

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


This game isn’t a sandbox it’s a themepark, the way you described this game sounds more like minecraft…

How can a game with a vast, logically designed world ever come close to being “theme park”…. ?

You go to different parts of it to do specific things. Just like a Theme Park.

My Life in Tyria: http://lankygw2blog.blogspot.com/
Updated every Monday

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Escadin.9482


Nailed my opinion exactly, except that I am less optimistic. GW2 deserves credit for breaking the WoW clone cycle and establishing a casual MMO for many people. I’m just not into casual MMOs turns out, because they apparently lack depth were I seek it.

And what is that exactly? Raids, Trinity, I could go on? I am happy there are no Raids and no Trinity. I feel the game does have depth but you need to explore and look around to find it. The destruction of LA while egregious to some was actually a great way to shake people out of their comfort zones.

Destruction of LA was nice but has nothing to do with depth of gamemechanics. I am looking for build variety fueled by rapid balance iterations and more clearly supported roles. Not trinity roles tbh, more like RO had them (12 important/ very strong roles plus a bunch of stuff to experiment with).

Raids suck for many reasons but GW2’s "You need a group, but you are free to disregard all responsibilities " antagonism doesn’t bring any improvement to the subject, except for accessibility. Content which scales with the size of your group (1-10 members) and squad based open world pvp would have been a step forward (for me) though.

It has to do with a world that is living and changes and that does go to the depth of the game. I mean I have played ESO and while it is pretty is about as dull and lifeless as the Original Diablo. The NPC’s just stand there – no movement to them. No patrolling mobs, no nothing.

To be more precise: How does a living world affect depth of class mechanics and teamplay? This is where I seek depth and as stated above GW2 doesn’t deliver on that, hence it doesn’t appeal to me as much as I had thought.

edit: You do not want to badmouth the original diablo

(edited by Escadin.9482)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EneERD.4059


I think there hasn’t been a month since i’m here, i made a lvl 80 guardian in like 9 days. And i’m just getting bored right now, i think that cosmetics are pointless, my sword hits 900-1100 just as your super legendary awesome looking greatsword, so i don’t see the point on investing so many hours to make a legendary.
I do have a guild, it’s fun, i talk to people, but meh, i don’t see like, the awesome this game was when i was the 1st lvls.
There are so many thing you can add to this game to make it more entertaining.

I find no challenge, i find that although you can make a lot of builds, and all professions can use many weapons, this is not the real world, this is not the “do whatever u want, u don’t need to follow every1” because u do. And i mean, why would i want to use a staff instead of a greatsword in my guardian for example? It makes no sense, because the monsters are just bags of hp and i only want the thing that grants me the most DPS to just destroy those bags.

Super dragons like the shatterer and that kind of bosses, are awesome, the 1st time, once you’ve done it 4-5 times is just spam ur abilities, collect loot, move to the next boss. THEY ARE NOT EVEN HARD. You even hit nothing, like literally nothing, idk if it’s a bug or what, but in many bosses while they move, you just hit the air and u make dmg.

I don’t know, i find no challenge. I come from TERA, in tera, to kill a BAM (kittenMonster) you actually take your time, and it’s actually hard, and you can actually die several times trying.

I don’t see this game to be for hardcore players, people like me willing to spend hours playing and that want to actually get rewarded for it. I could be playing 15 hours a day (i am not, lol) and some1 that just gets online 5 hours, there would be no difference between us.

You CAN try and play with non-common builds, but in your head, and you can see, that the best thing here is to go full DPS, because there’s no challenge, you don’t need control/support/dmg to fight a boss or anything, you need only dmg and maybe some support if you’re alone, but that’s all.

I expect the upcoming patch to be awesome, otherwise i’ll totally regret buying this game and not keep playing tera.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: medohgeuh.4650


You go to different parts of it to do specific things. Just like a Theme Park.

That makes any game with an open world a theme park, then.

This is why I hate this phrase. It’s just a cheap insult with no real definition.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

This game isn’t a sandbox it’s a themepark, the way you described this game sounds more like minecraft…

How can a game with a vast, logically designed world ever come close to being “theme park”…. ?

SAB anyone? And theres the carnival at Divinity’s Reach if anyone is interested.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


I think there hasn’t been a month since i’m here, i made a lvl 80 guardian in like 9 days. And i’m just getting bored right now, i think that cosmetics are pointless, my sword hits 900-1100 just as your super legendary awesome looking greatsword, so i don’t see the point on investing so many hours to make a legendary.
I do have a guild, it’s fun, i talk to people, but meh, i don’t see like, the awesome this game was when i was the 1st lvls.
There are so many thing you can add to this game to make it more entertaining.

I find no challenge, i find that although you can make a lot of builds, and all professions can use many weapons, this is not the real world, this is not the “do whatever u want, u don’t need to follow every1” because u do. And i mean, why would i want to use a staff instead of a greatsword in my guardian for example? It makes no sense, because the monsters are just bags of hp and i only want the thing that grants me the most DPS to just destroy those bags.

Super dragons like the shatterer and that kind of bosses, are awesome, the 1st time, once you’ve done it 4-5 times is just spam ur abilities, collect loot, move to the next boss. THEY ARE NOT EVEN HARD. You even hit nothing, like literally nothing, idk if it’s a bug or what, but in many bosses while they move, you just hit the air and u make dmg.

I don’t know, i find no challenge. I come from TERA, in tera, to kill a BAM (kittenMonster) you actually take your time, and it’s actually hard, and you can actually die several times trying.

I don’t see this game to be for hardcore players, people like me willing to spend hours playing and that want to actually get rewarded for it. I could be playing 15 hours a day (i am not, lol) and some1 that just gets online 5 hours, there would be no difference between us.

You CAN try and play with non-common builds, but in your head, and you can see, that the best thing here is to go full DPS, because there’s no challenge, you don’t need control/support/dmg to fight a boss or anything, you need only dmg and maybe some support if you’re alone, but that’s all.

I expect the upcoming patch to be awesome, otherwise i’ll totally regret buying this game and not keep playing tera.

Have you been to fractals yet?

General open world in this game isn’t really meant to be super challenging, aside from a couple super bosses that they’re probably going to be adding more of in the future, and the Queens gauntlet arena’s if they ever make a return. (technically not open world, but they’re not instances either.)

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nage.1520


Lets look at what they’ve done for hardcore players:
- Guild missions
- 24 dungeon paths (not counting story, since that is casual)
- Three world bosses + one dedicated world boss upate
- Two updates dedicated to fractals
- Many fractals offering content not available in open-world (e.g agony mechanics)
- Ascended gear tier
- New agony resist infusions
- WvW map updates + a new WvW map to solve queues
- WvW seasonal rewards
- Rewards for grinding achievment points

Lets take a look at what they’ve done for casual players:
- ??
- Living Story?

It could be argued that many of these can be unlocked or participated in by casual players, however casual players are not the focus, as some of them have insane time and/or money requirements to reach.

Guild missions are really easy with your guild. Every week we get newbies in our runs and every week we still get the same people that don’t know what to do. But everyone is still able to do it.

Dungeons are really casual and most can be done in about 15 minutes or so. Sure, you will need a bit of practice to get better at it, but it’s still really casual.

The 3 World bosses are just massive zergs. There’s nothing hardcore about it, just a massive zergfest with spamming damage.

Fractals are longer than dungeons, but really easy until level ~30. But since the rewards are mostly not worth it and the dredge fractal is way too annoying above that level, I don’t run ‘em anymore. Not worth it risk VS reward. It could be one kind of hardcore content, but it’s totally not well balanced.

Agony mechanic is crap and is not necessary. There’s nothing hardcore about it, just a grindfest.

Ascended are obtainable by crafting. Everyone can do it, you just gotta go out in the world, do content and mine. Grab that wood and ore and craft. Everyone can do it. Even if it takes me 36 days to obtain my Light armor set, that’s not hardcore, it’s casual.

WvW is far from hardcore content. I know plenty of new players and even players with not a single level 80 who loves and do WvW. WvW is casual. Sure, you can get organized and play more hardcore with guilds, but you can join solo and just follow the commander. I think that’s pretty casual

Achievements are just grindfest. Only people with time to waste will try to fill it as fast as possible. It’s not worth the time imo.

What REAL hardcore content do we have? NONE. Guild Wars 2 is too casual. We don’t have raids, we don’t have 8+ man dungeons. We don’t have Hard Mode (like in Guild Wars 1). We don’t have FoW, UW, SF, etc. just like in GW1. Those were the good days. And that’s why I’m playing GW1 again, because GW2 is just too casual for me.

Raids are only hard core until you figure them out. They they go on farm. Anyone who’s raided knows this. You gear up, old raids become meaningless.

Exactly the dungeons in the game. At one point some of them were challenging. People figure out how to beat them. I don’t see people running that way through the new TA path as one example. It’s certainly hard core compared to other dungeons.

Hard core means you haven’t figured out how to beat it yet.

Perhaps existing content could be made more hardcore by adding randomness and unpredictability so that this doesn’t happen. Skill is more than just refining your behaviors, gear and setup, its also adapting to a changing situation.

As far as I know, nearly every single fight in this game is scripted. I don’t recall any fight that changed dramatically from one encounter to the next.

The speedrunners would hate it, however. :P

Yep, same as raids, which was my point.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FateOmega.9601


Gw2 isn’t supposed to be that kind of game where you get progressively better gear. End game is promoted as getting more skins and cosmetic items for your character. ( Though the designs is somewhat underwhelming) I think it would be better if you recognise this and start looking for other games to save yourself the disappointment.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


For me, there is nothing to do, because I can’t jump in SAB. I can’t fight mobs in Queen’s Gaunlet. I can’t jump around in Labyrinthine Cliffs anymore. Soutsun Cove ‘cities’ are still swarmed with 324293487 monsters and the whole map is hostile. I can’t earn desired fractal skins because FOTM reward table is definitely broken.
Most of the problem is caused by the nature of living story. Looking back at release, nothing REALLY changed, and we all know playing over 1.5 year the same content can get boring.

I hope ANet wont be afraid of locking people in small map and areas now that the megaserver will exist.
They want us to be cluttered because they are afraid ppl will be too spread if too much content there will be in the game. But the thing is, this only causes loss of players

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.7420


To be more precise: How does a living world affect depth of class mechanics and teamplay? This is where I seek depth and as stated above GW2 doesn’t deliver on that, hence it doesn’t appeal to me as much as I had thought.

That’s always been the tradeoff with the game (returning player here). The design idea is to make things more flexible and dynamic, which comes at the expense of roles (whether trinity or broader) and in-depth teamplay, which tends to emphasize different things. I do think it is truly hard to do both while remaining a reasonably broad-based and casual game, which was the goal with this one. Of course, WoW has done that buy LFX everything and handing people gear at the end of expansions, but on a new expansion release, it isn’t very casual at all generally. GW2 is trying to be different in that way, and there are tradeoffs there.

Gw2 isn’t supposed to be that kind of game where you get progressively better gear. End game is promoted as getting more skins and cosmetic items for your character.


Some players have had issues with this from the beginning. It’s a design decision that is one of the biggest ones Anet made with the game, but there will be players who do not like it — which is fine. But it’s by design this way, and intended to appeal to a different kind of player who doesn’t particularly like/care for the endgame gear treadmill approach that is common in other games.

(edited by knightblaster.7420)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168



Some players have had issues with this from the beginning. It’s a design decision that is one of the biggest ones Anet made with the game, but there will be players who do not like it — which is fine. But it’s by design this way, and intended to appeal to a different kind of player who doesn’t particularly like/care for the endgame gear treadmill approach that is common in other games.

Completely agree. You make an extremely valid point. So many of the people in this thread that have beefs against the game don’t realize that this game was meant NOT to be a cookie cutter mmorpg, where you grind for the best gear, stats, etc……it’s a game that is geared toward the player that is looking for something outside the box that is most mmorpgs out there. This game appeals to those that are sick of the grind, the death penalties, the need to play every day to keep your character up to par, the need to have set areas, with super defined goals, bosses, set times on pops, kill steals, loot steals, players being better just because they have unlimited time to spend in game.

While this game does reward some of those things, it is a world where you can make the game what you want it to be. You don’t have to follow the life story, you don’t have to do champion fights, you don’t have to do WvW or PvP. You can go along at your own pace and do the things that YOU feel like doing, and still get xp for doing it, without having to conform to the mass of mmo’s out there that basically force you to commit a huge time sink to the game just to become a below average player.

And that bugs the hell out of those hard core and gear/drop driven cookie cutter players who need a specific path to follow with their ultimate “permanent”, yet horribly dull game content.

I, for one, love this game because it, for the most part, does NOT cater to those types of players. It seems to cater, imo, to those players that want a game that they can play however/whenever they want, and STILL get xp and rewards for doing it their way. Heck with being shoved into some sort of cookie cutter role where you have to play the game a certain way to get any sort of decent rewards, and f*&% those youngsters that want to make this game into something it’s meant NOT to be.

I am sure I will tire of this game eventually…..I always do on any mmorpg eventually.
But for now, I LOVE this game because it is so different than any of the mundane, same old, same old mmorpgs that I have played in the near and very distant past. At least this game is DIFFERENT from those other boring, same old routine formulas that have been vomited out over the last couple decades with the imagination of a slug.

If you miss that old routine, that cookie cutter mmorpg, that same old grind that you have been used to that you so masochistically love, that “permanent” content that you so unwaveringly adore, then more power to you…..and find a different game, as this one is not geared toward you rock heads.

At least this game TRIES to make you think outside the box. This game is what you make of it…….and that is what I love about it. And, according to the success of this game atm, quite a few players seem to agree with me.

There are TONS of monthly subscription games out there that offer you that holy grail “permanent” content, that offer you that cookie cutter uber gear playing experience. So go play those games instead of being whiny cry babies about this game that doesn’t offer that sort of playstyle for you.

Let those of us who enjoy this game to no end enjoy this one game that tries to let players play the game however they want and still get xp and rewards without having to spend an obscene amount of time playing the game. Amazingly enough, there are lots of people out there that enjoy this type of game, AND have real lives, where they can’t commit endless hours sitting in front of a computer at a game mashing keys.

/end of rant

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

@Teon. No grind – hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Whats ascended then?

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkobra.6439


Teon. Ascended gear. That’s the first half of your post out the window.

Second half. I’ve never seen anyone defend temporary content before and I’ve NEVER seen a justifiable reason for it. “Think of the story and the world!” We call that a personal story. Every game does it. WoW did it better with Cataclysm.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


You two obviously don’t know a real mmorpg grind. This game doesn’t even have one anywhere close to some of the past mmorpgs I have played.
And the ascended “grind” doesn’t even have to be done except for those gear driven peeps that I already talked about.
Even so, the ascended grind here is much less than in other mmorpgs I have played for top gear…….you really have no idea( as ascended gear isn’t enough better than exotic to even justify any sort of grind except for the uber gear driven peeps)

If you’re a uber gear driven player, then I truly have no idea why you’re actually even playing this game.

And thanks, Khal and Dark, for proving the major point of my post.

Obviously, as expected, you missed it.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkobra.6439


I quickly skimmed for the “But you don’t NEED to do it!” I was not disappointed. Like somehow you need to log into this game at all.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I quickly skimmed for the “But you don’t NEED to do it!” I was not disappointed. Like somehow you need to log into this game at all.

The why even post here, as this game is so obviously not meant for your playstyle.

/bewildered, as this thread has just become absurd…..lol

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

I quickly skimmed for the “But you don’t NEED to do it!” I was not disappointed. Like somehow you need to log into this game at all.

The why even post here, as this game is so obviously not meant for your playstyle.

/bewildered, as this thread has just become absurd…..lol

Dang I was too late for “in b4 ascended gear helps a lot for agony resistance in Fractals”.

And as if you dont have to grind for Exotics as well. And pressing F to fix signposts is not “thinking outside of the box”. If gear isnt important at all, I suggest all players play in white gear or nude.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkobra.6439


Teon, do I honestly need to explain necessity to you? I also like how you claim I don’t know true grind based on me telling you that there is, indeed, grind in GW2. A game that was advertised as completely grind free and easy to acquire max stats.

Time gated content, limited drops, levelling system which is probably VERY dumbed down to grab as many MMO failures as possible that use the excuse “But I HAVE a life!” and then rope them into the gem store.

It’s genius! I admire ArenaNet for creating a second Farmville and milking the meek! You say having a life is the reason you can’t get through this game. I say it’s because you lack knowledge as you can race through any game that isn’t time gated. That’s why time gating was introduced in this game at all.

Guild Wars 2 is the most casual friendly game I have ever played. Which is a shame. Guild Wars 1 took skill. I just hope one day that there is something at my level too.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Teon, do I honestly need to explain necessity to you? I also like how you claim I don’t know true grind based on me telling you that there is, indeed, grind in GW2. A game that was advertised as completely grind free and easy to acquire max stats.

Time gated content, limited drops, levelling system which is probably VERY dumbed down to grab as many MMO failures as possible that use the excuse “But I HAVE a life!” and then rope them into the gem store.

It’s genius! I admire ArenaNet for creating a second Farmville and milking the meek! You say having a life is the reason you can’t get through this game. I say it’s because you lack knowledge as you can race through any game that isn’t time gated. That’s why time gating was introduced in this game at all.

Guild Wars 2 is the most casual friendly game I have ever played. Which is a shame. Guild Wars 1 took skill. I just hope one day that there is something at my level too.

I didnt realize that grinding was for casual players or that one was rewarded for helping the noob players.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hannelore.8153


You two obviously don’t know a real mmorpg grind. This game doesn’t even have one anywhere close to some of the past mmorpgs I have played.
And the ascended “grind” doesn’t even have to be done except for those gear driven peeps that I already talked about.
Even so, the ascended grind here is much less than in other mmorpgs I have played for top gear…….you really have no idea( as ascended gear isn’t enough better than exotic to even justify any sort of grind except for the uber gear driven peeps)

If you’re a uber gear driven player, then I truly have no idea why you’re actually even playing this game.

And thanks, Khal and Dark, for proving the major point of my post.

Obviously, as expected, you missed it.

You are completely right. However, I would like to point out, what makes it harsh in this game (despite being rediculously easy in comparison to others) is the overuse of soulbound and account bound items and time gating.

In most games I have played, if you looted or crafted something good, you could sell it if something happened where you don’t need it anymore, etc. You could also give away all of your gear if you re-roll or leave the game. But in Guild Wars 2, there is a heavy focus on the only option being to salvage/trash valueable things that you don’t need, or stuff them into an already overfull bank.

This means that acquiring gear and things like that, is actually alot harder than it seems, because in most games you can trade your old gear for newer gear if you end up having to regear, but in this game, every single time some kind of nerf is made to your set, or your build just isn’t working anymore, or you want to change roles, or anything else, you have to start completely over again.

Even worse is that you need separate gear for separate game modes, which in turn comes back to the same problem. Then there is alt characters…

It goes on and on.

Daisuki [SUKI] LGBT-Friendly Guild Leader | NA – Jade Quarry
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/

I see why I stopped playing; Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkobra.6439


Of course. Who else would spend that level of time to have their gear compensate for skill? Gear over skill games are completely aimed at casuals. They put the time in and can have their time be their progression.

You’ll never see a game like this as an E-Sport.