(edited by KevinB.9643)
Improving Condition Damage (Suggest/Discuss)
Condition damage isn’t used because the “big numbers” aren’t shown with direct damage, it’s the fact how any stack applied after 25 is ignored and because of that condition damage is utterly broken and useless in PvE.
This problem has been pointed out several times, but apparently ArenaNet refuses to fix it.
Condition damage in PvP is strong, even with players cleansing conditions often. That suggests that condition damage itself isn’t weak. If condition damage was applied fully against PvE mobs that do not cleanse then it would probably be too strong. The limit of condition stacking on PvE mobs seems unfit for purpose as it does not scale with the number of players, does not scale at all. There needs to be something to balance the fact that PvE mobs don’t cleanse but it needs to be better than the existing condition limits.
Cond damage is currently in a weird spot, very strong in PvP and really bad in PvE.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Cond damage is currently in a weird spot, very strong in PvP and really bad in PvE.
Agreed, for dungeons it be best to have 1 conditionmancer (necromancer?) so that player can make most use if the condition stacks. More than 2 players spamming condition would do the party no good and direct has no stack cap.
Cond damage is currently in a weird spot, very strong in PvP and really bad in PvE.
Agreed, for dungeons it be best to have 1 conditionmancer (necromancer?) so that player can make most use if the condition stacks. More than 2 players spamming condition would do the party no good and direct has no stack cap.
Its actually best to not even have a pure condi class in dungeons as the sheer number of incidental condis farted out by every class along with the cap will ensure the condi class will never reach full damage potential.
The only way condis will even be remotely competitive is when the cap goes away.
Remember the Queen’s Gauntlet arena? Queen’s Pavillion living story, where we first met Scarlet? The Masticus dog fight, he’d have ton of hp so we had to eat up Bloodlust orbs to stack power/condition. They could introduce a variant of it, via a sigil, that would only be available in pve, not pvp (like Perplex is separated). It would only boost condition dmg and by a magnitude of 50%.
This won’t strain the system, 25 cap remains, but would help the players going condi be more on par with others. And not be discriminated out of fractals/dungeons.
That would have zero effect. Conditions in PvE suffer from two problems: The stacking failure (hell, I can fill up to 20 bleeding stacks with my mesmer while completely ignoring anything condition-related) and the fact that they require a lot of time to have their full effect. Condition damage players will always be useless in PvE.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
I thought stacks from the higher condition damage players override that of weaker players, once you hit the cap. So it is always worth taking one condition player, but nothing more.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
What if conditions with higher condition damage and duration modifiers took priority and knocked off conditions with lower modifiers at the 25 cap? That way the cap could still stay but allows condition focused builds to not be affected by other builds.
Though, I suppose it still makes having multiple condition builds less than ideal.
I view condi damage as this games version of magic damage. Its common in MMOs for casters to be better in PVP and worse in PVE and thats true in GW2 as well once you look at condi damage dealers as casters.
I wonder how hard it would be to knock-out the the stack with the least damage left and make it do 50% of it damage. How I understand it is that duration based conditions uses the damage of the latest applied condition while intensity stacks have the values of the one who applied it.
I thought stacks from the higher condition damage players override that of weaker players, once you hit the cap. So it is always worth taking one condition player, but nothing more.
Even if that’s true (which I doubt), a condition player is still not worth it in PvE. First, by overriding someone else’s stacks, he lowers that player’s DPS, and second, condition DPS sucks anyway, no matter how much you invest into it. A proper berserker is virtually always massively superior to a condition character.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
So to prevent that the higher condition damage is being overruled by lower ones, both damage counters should be separated from each other. The next edited picture will show you what I mean (no judgment on the crappy screen editing please )
Yes, I suggested something like that, rather then bookkeeping condition stacks per target, maintain them per source. Would make conditions more useful in group events and by tweaking the per-source cap could be used to tweak effectiveness in PvP/Wvw
(edited by frans.8092)
My post has 2 parts:
1 stating the present problems,
2 offering some suggestions for improvement and testing: (This is also mostly PVE/dungeon related but some of it could be used in PvP/WvW.)
Well I have asked for an improved condition system before. And I like playing conditions in PvE as well. But those 2 things said:
- Conditions in GW2 are not viable as they overwrite each other.
- A lot of classes get conditions while traiting they’ll never use effectively but also deny others to use theri condition effectively. Warrior for example get conditions on every crit with a minor traits, and even though their bonus is +10% dmg, the condition dmg itself is mostly wasted. Making ANY 2-3 warrior group a no go for coindition warriors, rangers, necro’s or engies with regard to bleeds (well they remove quite a bit of your stacks)
- In PvE you’ll regularly find objects. Objects are not subject to conditions (not even burning) wich is a shame, as it leaves condition players with a hole in their build if they need to kill a lot of objects solo… Some dungeon endgame is build around objects as well (think: the rock in CoF p2.) rendering full condi’s less usefull…
- Stacks are capped. well 25 bleeds is a lot of dmg, I run a hybrid warrior and when fully buffed it does 3400 dmg/tick worth of bleeds. next to 1000-1600 per auto sword hit… but if I run with a necro, the necro does reach bleeding cap and I do as well. effectively halving or bleeding dmg, well we will not reach the cap for torment, but both will be able to do burning , and I use a sigil of doom on my warrior on which is rendered useless as well.
I do not think condition builds are the best way to go in PvE, just because there is little content asking for condition based playstyles. Hybrid is a niche where you can shine, provided other ppl have no problem with it. (wouldn’t be the first time I got a kick in an open party for running shortbow /axe on ranger, scepter on necro or swords on warrior.
Lastly there are still condition builds which have been nerfed into oblivion by our all knowing team of a-net, because of “unfair play styles”. (think of torment & confusion based perplexity players (read: Shutdown Mesmers)… I will not kill you, you may kill yourself using your condiclean So farewell to the condi mesmers… shutting them down instead of letting them shutdown was a big loss, maybe good for balance of the inexperienced, but still a big loss.
To reinstate conditions,
Dungeon caps should be enlarged in dungeons to 125 and 5 To counter this you only need to make bosses rermove conditions with normal condi cleans. The game will allow for other playstyles all together.
You could make bosses tailored for conditions, Just give them more armor
If arenanet would want to try it out they could just make a more condition based dungeon with condi caps at 125 and others at 5 (stacking poison further reducing healing, stacking weakness (further reducing outgoing dmg), more burning (well more dmg), vulnerability removing toughness, torment and confusion for shutdowns.
daze.stun for shutdown, blinds for a miss. cripples for freezing and stacking frost for slowing (start at 15-18-20 % and with 5 stacks get to 75-90%or shutdown with coupled movement.) and make sure you do this both ways. Make me a dungeon I need to work on and add a decent reward
Some other idea’s for changing things without completely removing stacks:
You could use vulnerability (should leave the base toughness of 916 at all times even with unlimited stacks) in PvE/PvP/ dungeon to lower the TOUGHNESS rating instead of increasing dmg, leaving ways for DPS based players to add dmg to “tanks” It needs to stack like conditions to get effective, and having it remove it a % of the toughness rating per vunerability could make the game more interesting (well should need some tweaking there) It would leave armor to protct you from a single blow, but just facetanking would be a no no. Also the Ghosteater (and maybe others bosses) would once again be a nasty foe…
Several Door-Guards in game/ dungeons/ wvw with idiotly high armor, but low health, so 1 or more condi spammer(s)/ hybrid(s) would be essential. It would be a nice change form the almost obligatory 100% full zerk meta. Normal bosses to keep diversity.
Objects would now be affected by fire (but then at 1 to 5 times the normal burning dmg-effectiveness… , either doing DPS through fire (calculate the total fire dmg) or create a stack for objects) but only for burning. (could also work for gates in WvW, add fire to weaken the doors, also possibly making smoke for a nice visual/ hampering vision, creating more oportuninty for enemies to sneak in close. But that’s something else & a bit off-topic)
well… that’s about it. Hope it’s implementable
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
I can set fire to a ghost and an ice elemental, but not to a wooden door.
It’d be a pleasing improvemnt just to have conditions affect objects.
Imo the problem with condi damage in PvE will always be the 25stack or max time stacks limit where everything above that is just wasted. Tweeking mobs to have higher armor with lower hp could make more situations where condi damage is prefered, but wont kill the main problem of condi damage being wasted above the stack cap.
Maybe some kind of bonus that occurs when max condi stacks are reached on an enemy and then the conditions stacks resetting. ie at 26 bleed stacks an enemy takes X ammount of direct damage and the stacks are reset to 0. This way condi build users in PvE dont have to feel useless as soon as the stacking cap is reached and wont have to feel bad about non-condi build users using up condi stacks because of a bonus occuring at max stacks anyway.
Just an idea, and mainly for PvE. I feel it would be a little much too have that in PvP.
(edited by Trixxy.6937)
To be honest I rarely if ever see a single class max out a condition.
“Bosses tailored for condition’s just give them more armour?”
That isnt tailoring them for conditions that is “nerfing/discouraging the most basic attack of the game” to make the other seem more appealing.
To make condi damage more preferred it would take work. I suppose if condition damagers are wiling to accept silly bandaids then yea you could do the above.
The true way is to actually make the enemies “smarter” Not necessarily smarter but instead of these silly 3 max random mobs that dont compliment each other, that dont even pretend to fear for their life. We need things akin to GW1 enemies.
Almost each and every group you encounter is a mixture of these in Torc’qua
Warrior 28 (30) Margonite Anur Vu
Ranger 28 (30) Margonite Anur Tuk
Ranger 28 (30) Margonite Anur Mank
Monk 28 (30) Margonite Anur Ki
Necromancer 28 (30) Margonite Anur Dabi- Has skills to make all “Attack slower+ cant use shouts” + Rips enchants
Mesmer 28 (30) Margonite Anur Kaya- Mesmers were feared MORE in gw1.
Elementalist 28 (30) Margonite Anur Su
Paragon 28 (30) Margonite Anur Rund
Dervish 28 (30) Margonite Anur Ruk
Individually they were probably dumb as balls but together they had ability. General mobs in GW2 are simply so restricted that there is no real strat to them.
The only 2 mobs I can think that actually sorta tried to help each other are the lovers back in BWE days. You could split em up ezy pz then the second you start doing damage they were like “Imma let you finish but my wife/hubby needs something. Also SSJ4. You mad?”
Unless in low levels and even then, enemy groups complimented each other and it required more than simply swinging a sword to beat encounters.
I mean AC doesnt even make sense. They were killed in the old day. Why is the monk not healing the other classes and spamming bouncy light.
“I just read this on the wiki – Their healing skills are strong enough to make them a priority target when encountered.” – Effin LIES
Why is the ele not perma burning us or perma blinding melee classes?
Why does every mob act so differently from the pc’s? Give warrior mobs access to Fear me, and you have some relevance to range. Give them access to Retaliation and suddenly necro are going to be wanted.
Make mobs behave more like a group of players and a whole variety of playstyles will become “viable”.
(edited by DonQuack.9025)
Furthermore conditions in pve actually need to do something.
Most are just useful as assistants to direct damage.
Pure damage Bleeding Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Moderately useful Blind Next outgoing attack misses; stacks duration.
pure damageBurning Deals damage every second; stacks duration.
mixture of cripple and uselessness as mobs dont attack enough Chilled Movement speed decreased by 66%; skill cooldown increased by 66%; stacks duration.
most mobs dont attack enough to warrant this Confusion Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
*useful*Crippled Movement speed decreased by 50%; stacks duration.
useful Fear Involuntary retreat; unable to act; stacks duration.
useful Immobilized Unable to move; stacks duration.
Make mobs try to heal to make useful Poison Deals damage every second; heal potency decreased by 33%; stacks duration.
- Ranged Centaurs try to do kite so partially useful Make other ranged mob do the same*Torment Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to moving foes. Stacks intensity.
Vulnerability Defense is decreased; stacks intensity.
make mobs dodge + make them dodge the big hit = useful Weakness Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage). Stacks duration
And then make them do it back to us. Maybe not as much as us but say 75%
Oh wait this isnt about conditions in general just damage… My mistake :P
Things that can bleed take more damage things that cant take less i.e no bleeds vs ghosts
Things that burn well take more damage ie. pretty much everything but elementals will laugh at it
Poison same with burn really. Those are the only 3 that do damage.
(edited by DonQuack.9025)
A good way to handle Conditions in PvE would be to introduce something like Rupture skills, attacks that consume all Stacks of conditions on an enemy and damages them depending on how many stacks were consumed. The Damage would scale of Condition Damage and would Scale Exponantially, meaning that with below 13-15 stacks (or seconds if talking Poison/Burn) it wouldn’t make much of a difference, but each stack above 13-15 would substantially increase the spike damage. This way, it wouldn’t necesserily affect sPvP a lot, but it’d make a change in general PvE.
Ruptures could have different effects depending on Condition:
Bleed/Torment: Deals a large amount of damage to the affected Target.
Burn: Deals a moderate amount of damage to all nearby targets.
Poison: Deals a moderate amount of damage and prevents Healing for a short time.
Confusion: Deals a moderate amount of damage and Dazes the affected Target.
Each class could get 1-2 Weapon skills that ruptures different damaging conditions:
- Warrior: Final Strike (Bleed/Torment), Smoldering Arrow (Burn)
- Guardian: Zealot’s Fire (Burn), Flashing Blade (Burn)
- Thief: Backstab (Bleed/Torment), Surprise Shot (Poison)
- Ranger: Crippling Shot (Bleed/Torment), Stalker’s Strike (Poison)
- Engineer: Detonate Flame Blast (Burn), Acid Bomb (Poison), Magnet (Confusion)
- Elementalist: Fire Grab (Burn), Hurl (Bleed/Torment)
- Necromancer: Feast of Corruption (Bleeding/Torment), Enfeebling Blood (Poison)
- Mesmer: Phantasmal Warlock (Bleed/Torment), Chaos Storm (Confusion)
Thief – Duelist | Ranger – Strider | Engineer – Technician |
Elementalist – Spellweaver | Necromancer – Warlock | Mesmer – Trickster |
Some suggestions on my part:
1. Give players the ability to modify their skills.
Allow players to tailor their skills by modifying how they work. For example:
- if a player wants to deal pure damage, allow them to turn off any condtions or boons that skill applies for a +%damage increase and an additional effect (say, a % of damage ignores Toughness / % of damage ignored blocking / has increased crit chance ect).
- if a player wants to deal condamage / focus on conditions, allow them the sacrifice a % of that skills damage to increase the outgoing damage and durations on conditions applied by that skill by a % of condition damage. When max stacks have been reached, that skill deals +% damage.
- if a player wants to focus more on support, allow them to sacrifice a % damage of that skill to increase the effectiveness and duration of any healing or boons applied by that skill (for example, instead of Might granting +35 Power, it’d add +45 Power).
- if a player wants to focus on CC, allow them to sacrifice a % of the damage on that skill to increase the duration of the CC by a %.
This will allow pure damage dealers to continue doing their thing while not hampering anyone dealing condition damage. Depending on how it’s balanced, may also make more focused support or CC builds more desirable (not on it’s own of course; more would need to be done for that).
2. Profession-Specific Conditions.
Spread out the condition so there’s less chance of players taking up the cap of that condition. For example:
- Necromancer – Cursed: A DoT that also reduces boon duration for the duration of the condition.
- Mesmer – Fragility: For the duration of the condition, deals damage based on condition damage whenever the target has conditions applied or removed.
- Warrior – Deep Wound: Reduces total HP by a %.
These conditions would stack in duration as opposed to intensity.
3. Have Conditions that affect Structures
Bleeding, Torment, Poison > Corrosion: Deals DoT to structures.
Burning > Fire Damage: Deals a larger amount of DoT to structures. Increases effectiveness of Structural Weakness.
Vulnerability > Structural Weakness: Increased damage by DoT to this structure.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
I thought stacks from the higher condition damage players override that of weaker players, once you hit the cap. So it is always worth taking one condition player, but nothing more.
Even if that’s true (which I doubt), a condition player is still not worth it in PvE. First, by overriding someone else’s stacks, he lowers that player’s DPS, and second, condition DPS sucks anyway, no matter how much you invest into it. A proper berserker is virtually always massively superior to a condition character.
Champion Husks at Evolved Wurm. Svanir boss in CoE. Both take full damage from conditions. Both take practically ZERO damage from “physical” attacks. Only one of them you can remove the armor from. And that’s just the two most relevant PvE situations that kinda take apart your opinion.
Also, a class that is specifically suited for condi SHOULD be overwriting the condi stacks of other players. If I’m in a party with a warrior while on my necro, my necro should be the one applying, and overwriting, the bleeds along with other conditions. Not some pansy warrior that bleeds something for 30 damage a stack.
. If I’m in a party with a warrior while on my necro, my necro should be the one applying, and overwriting, the bleeds along with other conditions. Not some pansy warrior that bleeds something for 30 damage a stack.
Umm.. Its a bit more complicated than that.
The current war meta has 6 or 5 into arms and strength. the power condi duration + prec condi damage. Same as the necro.
Cant really find much on meta for necro but I imagine it is the same.
The only real change would be the armour the warrior/necro decides to take\
Heck it gets even odder when you consider the bleed weapons of the two classes. Sword vs Sceptre
Sword – 2 bleeds- 8 seconds each. Direct damage 202
Sceptre -2 bleeds – 4 seconds each Direct damage 118
Dont confuse a pvp necro with a pve necro
(edited by DonQuack.9025)
. If I’m in a party with a warrior while on my necro, my necro should be the one applying, and overwriting, the bleeds along with other conditions. Not some pansy warrior that bleeds something for 30 damage a stack.
Umm.. Its a bit more complicated than that.
The current war meta has 6 or 5 into arms and strength. the power condi duration + prec condi damage.
The only real change would be the armour the warrior decides to take.
My necro, with full stacks and might, will be bleeding for roughly 5.2k a second with full stacks of bleeding (this includes poison which is applied through the bleeding AA) due to 3k Condi Damage.
Oh, and my necro does have capped duration increase on bleeds, and 63% on everything else. So yes, my necro should be the one applying bleeds. On paper is one thing, however, while actually in game is entirely different. Assuming a best case scenario, my necro will be getting off 4 attacks in 2 seconds with the scepter AA. That’s 3 stacks of bleeding. Accounting for 100% critical rate (which requires several conditions to acquire), that’s another 4 stacks of bleeding from Barbed Precision for 7 stacks, and finally, assuming the first critical hit indeed triggered it, there will be an 8th stack of bleeding from the Sigil of Earth. Within 6 seconds I’m at, or very kitten close to, 25 stacks of bleeding.
That also requires a near perfect team composition that maintains a high uptime of precision boosts and fury, as well as might stacks. Which almost never happens unless I purposely build a team for it. That being said, I dont mind other players inflicting conditions. The more of them on something, the more damage I do. However, when the situations are right for it, I fully expect you to lay the hell off my bleed stacks. My concern at that point is maintaining duration and potency of the bleeds, not fixing the misguided, and unwanted, actions of a pansy warrior that thinks they can do more condi damage than me.
Champion Husks at Evolved Wurm. Svanir boss in CoE. Both take full damage from conditions. Both take practically ZERO damage from “physical” attacks. Only one of them you can remove the armor from. And that’s just the two most relevant PvE situations that kinda take apart your opinion.
Also, a class that is specifically suited for condi SHOULD be overwriting the condi stacks of other players. If I’m in a party with a warrior while on my necro, my necro should be the one applying, and overwriting, the bleeds along with other conditions. Not some pansy warrior that bleeds something for 30 damage a stack.
Congratulations, you found the one exception from the rule, which is offered in PvE: the husk. Unfortunately, you failed with the svanir guy, since he loses any conditions in a fraction of a second as long as his buff is up, making them just as worthless as any damage unless he loses the buff. Oh, and it doesn’t matter what should happen, but what happens, and there I’m pretty sure that it’s simply the order of application that counts.
But anyway, the conclusion that it’s absolutely useless to focus on conditions in PvE still stands untouched.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
partly @ Aidan Savage:
Well I run a Hybrid Warrior. Rabid/Rampager.. With runes of the undead. I do not have the amount of condition dmg as you have. But I stil run (with banner and empower allies, and my own 8 stacks of might:
power 1759+150+170+280: 2259 power (141 with sharpening stone)
condition dmg 1355 +170 280: 1805 c dmg. (+141 with tuing crystal)
this is without food or sigils.
food choice is fireflank steak in groups with condi dmg (100 power 70 condi dmg) and pizza (70 condi +40% condi duration) in groups without.
While the duration is a lot worse then with your necro 50% bleed and 0 other (or 90 bleed and 40 other w food), It is still a effective build giving up to 3600 bleeding (when under 25 might) with a bit of torment, fire if opening with longbow, immobilize and cripple, while buffing the party with fury, 425 power and 275 condition dmg… (when using banner of strength) and having a elite to choose (mostly using signet of rage for fast adrenaline stack , but warbanner is also usefull)
I think it’s all what you think could be usefull. I will only do the basic 1000-1700 dmg with my sword If I find a condition necro in a party. I get asked by guildies to run along, to buff the party in otherwise full zerk groups. and I’m no way squishy, running almost 1600 toughness
edit -really do not understand why I’ve got the underline?-
The problem is not that you have a bad build, It’s perfect, but i also have a good build… But we are both rendered partly or greatly ineffective if we’d run together…
I also run 2 normal warriors 1 might stacking 1 just boring old meta
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Condition damage isn’t used because the “big numbers” aren’t shown with direct damage, it’s the fact how any stack applied after 25 is ignored and because of that condition damage is utterly broken and useless in PvE.
This problem has been pointed out several times, but apparently ArenaNet refuses to fix it.
I do not think its a refusal to fix it its that it cant be fixed as in it would cause too much server lag. Ppl realty need to read up on these things that why there are caps on condition dmg of 25 due to how much a server can handle on one mob for pve. They explained the problem a few times and damming them not going to make it “fixed” any faster.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
The problem is not that you have a bad build, It’s perfect, but i also have a good build… But we are both rendered partly or greatly ineffective if we’d run together…
I also run 2 normal warriors 1 might stacking 1 just boring old meta
The greater issue I have is when classes, such as warrior, think they’re the best class at condi and refuse to do otherwise. Yes, there are hybrid builds such classes can do, however a warrior, even as hybrid, can tinker their build much much more easily than other condi classes can. My necro’s scepter auto attack hits for less than 250 damage on it’s own. However, that damage increases by 600% when you account for bleeds. In order for me to switch to a “power necro” build, it would require me to drastically change armor, runes, and weapons.
It would be nice if the condi cap did not apply within dungeons at least. Not to mention if other conditions were able to stack in intensity.
Condition damage isn’t used because the “big numbers” aren’t shown with direct damage, it’s the fact how any stack applied after 25 is ignored and because of that condition damage is utterly broken and useless in PvE.
This problem has been pointed out several times, but apparently ArenaNet refuses to fix it.
Anet is actually trying to change it right now. They recently removed the cap of 25 stacks and it crashes their servers every time. I’m sure they are looking into other ways to get the most out of condi damage in PvE its just a shame how long its taken them.
I do not think its a refusal to fix it its that it cant be fixed as in it would cause too much server lag. Ppl realty need to read up on these things that why there are caps on condition dmg of 25 due to how much a server can handle on one mob for pve. They explained the problem a few times and damming them not going to make it “fixed” any faster.
Didn’t it check for every single kittening tick of a condition how much condi damage you have at that moment? So it’s no surprise that the limit is 25 stacks, if so many resources need to be devoted for such a stupid task. The whole duration of a stack should simply be determined by condi damage on application, that would massively cut resource requirements and consequently free up space for more stacks.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
Didn’t it check for every single kittening tick of a condition how much condi damage you have at that moment? So it’s no surprise that the limit is 25 stacks, if so many resources need to be devoted for such a stupid task. The whole duration of a stack should simply be determined by condi damage on application, that would massively cut resource requirements and consequently free up space for more stacks.
Believe it or not it is more computationally efficient to do it the way they currently do it than to do it the way you propose.
The problem is not that you have a bad build, It’s perfect, but i also have a good build… But we are both rendered partly or greatly ineffective if we’d run together…
I also run 2 normal warriors 1 might stacking 1 just boring old meta
The greater issue I have is when classes, such as warrior, think they’re the best class at condi and refuse to do otherwise. Yes, there are hybrid builds such classes can do, however a warrior, even as hybrid, can tinker their build much much more easily than other condi classes can. My necro’s scepter auto attack hits for less than 250 damage on it’s own. However, that damage increases by 600% when you account for bleeds. In order for me to switch to a “power necro” build, it would require me to drastically change armor, runes, and weapons.
It would be nice if the condi cap did not apply within dungeons at least. Not to mention if other conditions were able to stack in intensity.
Just a small mention, I posted I run rabid/rampager, If I’d want to run the power warrior (Meta) I’d need a new armor and runes, trinkets and weapons as well.
On my necro I have a carrion armor set, a rabid, set a zerker set and rabid, rampager and berserker jewels… rabid, rampager/carrion and zerk weapons and a broad variety of food are included as well… I have 36 slots of weapons and trinkets on character at all times. As build switching is now free I can go full zerk and full condi as needed.
You gotta love improvements.
On the other hand, I got 3 warriors 1 for conditions, 2 for meta/wvw/support, and I don’t carry 3 or 4 armors on those. I just switch to another character.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Believe it or not it is more computationally efficient to do it the way they currently do it than to do it the way you propose.
Program code is always amazing … but anyway, there are enough other games out there which show that it can be done in a more intelligent way.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley