In my opinion, this game requires too much grind
Agree with everything but Gold grind. Never had more than 10 gold. I am full exotic, spent like 4 gold on that. I am fully geared on my necro AND I have all gear transmutated to what I want
. Took me one week doing 2-3 dungs per day.
3 per day. Here’s my problem many people don’t have time to do 1 per day. Again your not appreciating the casual crowd here.
You seem to have missed my repeated requests for you to back up your unsubstantiated (at this point, I’m thinking trollish) claims that ArenaNet claimed the BiS stats would be easy and dirt cheap to obtain. So here it is again.
In Gw1 max stats were dirt cheap and ANET CLAIMED that it would be the same for Gw2.
You can’t deny this. So many articles support this.Prove it. Unless you want us all to think you a troll, provide a link to just one of the “many” articles in which ArenaNet claimed obtaining max stats in GW2 would be dirt cheap.
I’ll give you one day…24 hours…to provide a link to an article in which ArenaNet says the things you’ve repeatedly claimed they said (that BiS gear would be cheap and easy to obtain). After that, the benefit of the doubt is gone and I’m writing you off as a liar and a troll and I’m banishing you to the realm of my Ignore List. I know you won’t provide the link (feel free to prove me wrong), so I’ll go ahead at bid you a permanent farewell.
After all has been said & done, this game is just like the rest of em- gear grinding, dungeon grinding, quest grinding, craft grinding, etc-grinding. Don’t know what I was expecting really. It’s my fault. An MMO is an MMO is an MMO. And “playing” is synonymous with “grinding.” This one is real pretty but it’s just lipstick on a pig.
(edited by Narq.1357)
playing “starcraft” is grinding too?
ah no, because its pvp…
gw2 have pvp and wvwvw.
pve will always feel a bit like a grind. well, no rpg game found a solution to that.
After all has been said & done, this game is just like the rest of em- gear grinding, dungeon grinding, quest grinding, craft grinding, etc-grinding. Don’t know what I was expecting really. It’s my fault. An MMO is an MMO is an MMO. And “playing” is synonymous with “grinding.” This one is real pretty but it’s just lipstick on a pig.
What did you expect o.O? A game that gives you things for just doing nothing? GW2 already gives you so much for minimal effort. Did you really expect GW2 to not offer some challenging material for gamers who wish for more challenge?
Okay, so let’s say GW2 has absolutely no grind. Anet removed all fractals, and all exotics from the game. Would you still enjoy it? Seriously ask yourself that. The idea of having a challenge is that as you progress, things get harder. Just like PacMan from the old days, there has to be some reward + challenge for games.
well, that new amulet doesnt go with that logic.
its easy to get.. too easy.
its only a time sink.
fractal is definitely where i have more fun in pve endgame.
leveling up / exploring was awesome and unbeatable.
but now i want the tough content and fotm renders it the best.
I’ll ask this for what feels like the thousandth time. For what aspect of this game are you required to grind? I’m seriously feeling like I’m talking to a bunch of five year old children who don’t know the meaning of the words they’re using.
BiS stats (or close to it) is a requirement for a lot of people to ensure they are optimally geared to be sure they can clear content with a minimum of wipes, you might not deem it as a requirement but thats a matter of opinion.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Dumbest thread of the year.
Tell me revolution, what do you do on the game? why shouldn’t people have something to work for, it barely adds any power to that character anyway.
There is no logical sense in complaining about these things, infact its selfish. its so easy to hit 80 and get exotics, there needs to be something more to keep people playing, even someone like me who does full time study and part time work.
what the hell is wrong with you. why does it matter?
I’ll ask this for what feels like the thousandth time. For what aspect of this game are you required to grind? I’m seriously feeling like I’m talking to a bunch of five year old children who don’t know the meaning of the words they’re using.
BiS stats (or close to it) is a requirement for a lot of people to ensure they are optimally geared to be sure they can clear content with a minimum of wipes, you might not deem it as a requirement but thats a matter of opinion.
You point is vaild, people do need stats if they want to wipe less and for content that is barly used many have to go in it alone or with a small group of friends. In these cases stats are key. =)
I can’t speak much for the other points as everyone here seems to have done a well enough job on that already, but IMO the gold grind is a bit much in this game. In fact, I’ve pretty much reconciled that my toons will never see more than maybe one or two exotics of any kind that compliment their particular builds. For example, for my Necromancer’s build, I would require an exotic scepter with rabid stats. Well the only one available(below 100k) is Lidless Eye, which is a whopping 99 gold. I’ve only ever had 10g at any one time and that took roughly a month to acquire. If I bought gems, given the exchange rate last week, I would have needed to shell out $95 to be able to afford it. I know that people do this, but I can’t personally rationalize spending that much on a single in-game item, just for the stats.
I would run dungeons and such to try and get gold/items but the problem with that is I don’t have the gear to do so as it requires me to spend massive amounts of gold(or karma for a few particular items) to get it. Feels like I’m stuck in a Catch 22 with nothing I can do about it. Personally, this is more likely to push me away from the game rather than rev me up for a long intensive grind that spans months and months that in the end will only result in a marginally lacking reward as the toon would have only acquired ONE item. By the posts I’ve read, I know most of you had 500 gold and 300k karma by the time your first toon hit 80 and had them in full exotics, but I’m definitely not that good and I really don’t get how so many of you guys managed that. So, for now I’m just playing just for the sake of playing as “finishing” or completing a toon or even having a good toon seems an unreachable and futile goal.
I can’t speak much for the other points as everyone here seems to have done a well enough job on that already, but IMO the gold grind is a bit much in this game. In fact, I’ve pretty much reconciled that my toons will never see more than maybe one or two exotics of any kind that compliment their particular builds. For example, for my Necromancer’s build, I would require an exotic scepter with rabid stats. Well the only one available(below 100k) is Lidless Eye, which is a whopping 99 gold. I’ve only ever had 10g at any one time and that took roughly a month to acquire. If I bought gems, given the exchange rate last week, I would have needed to shell out $95 to be able to afford it. I know that people do this, but I can’t personally rationalize spending that much on a single in-game item, just for the stats.
I would run dungeons and such to try and get gold/items but the problem with that is I don’t have the gear to do so as it requires me to spend massive amounts of gold(or karma for a few particular items) to get it. Feels like I’m stuck in a Catch 22 with nothing I can do about it. Personally, this is more likely to push me away from the game rather than rev me up for a long intensive grind that spans months and months that in the end will only result in a marginally lacking reward as the toon would have only acquired ONE item. By the posts I’ve read, I know most of you had 500 gold and 300k karma by the time your first toon hit 80 and had them in full exotics, but I’m definitely not that good and I really don’t get how so many of you guys managed that. So, for now I’m just playing just for the sake of playing as “finishing” or completing a toon or even having a good toon seems an unreachable and futile goal.
Your “Catch 22” is completely self-imposed. If people couldn’t run dungeons without the best gear, then no one would have been able to run dungeons in the first place. Exotics are NOT required to run dungeons, or Fractals, or to play well in any other aspect of this game.
Think of it this way. You need a car to get to work. A Camaro and a Corvette will both suffice. Sure, the Corvette might look better and it might get you there a bit faster than the Camaro. But the Camaro will get you there just the same. If you want the Corvette, you have to be prepared to invest a bit more to get it. If this investment is too much, then learn to be happy with the Camaro. And bear in mind that a good driver in a Camaro is worth more than a bad driver in a Corvette.
PS – 21 hours, TC. Better get busy looking for that link.
premise invalid; there is no benefit to legendary except cosmetic, and needing 100 gold to buy everything outright is inflated by about 4.
try again.
I can’t speak much for the other points as everyone here seems to have done a well enough job on that already, but IMO the gold grind is a bit much in this game. In fact, I’ve pretty much reconciled that my toons will never see more than maybe one or two exotics of any kind that compliment their particular builds. For example, for my Necromancer’s build, I would require an exotic scepter with rabid stats. Well the only one available(below 100k) is Lidless Eye, which is a whopping 99 gold. I’ve only ever had 10g at any one time and that took roughly a month to acquire. If I bought gems, given the exchange rate last week, I would have needed to shell out $95 to be able to afford it. I know that people do this, but I can’t personally rationalize spending that much on a single in-game item, just for the stats.
I would run dungeons and such to try and get gold/items but the problem with that is I don’t have the gear to do so as it requires me to spend massive amounts of gold(or karma for a few particular items) to get it. Feels like I’m stuck in a Catch 22 with nothing I can do about it. Personally, this is more likely to push me away from the game rather than rev me up for a long intensive grind that spans months and months that in the end will only result in a marginally lacking reward as the toon would have only acquired ONE item. By the posts I’ve read, I know most of you had 500 gold and 300k karma by the time your first toon hit 80 and had them in full exotics, but I’m definitely not that good and I really don’t get how so many of you guys managed that. So, for now I’m just playing just for the sake of playing as “finishing” or completing a toon or even having a good toon seems an unreachable and futile goal.
Your “Catch 22” is completely self-imposed. If people couldn’t run dungeons without the best gear, then no one would have been able to run dungeons in the first place. Exotics are NOT required to run dungeons, or Fractals, or to play well in any other aspect of this game.
Think of it this way. You need a car to get to work. A Camaro and a Corvette will both suffice. Sure, the Corvette might look better and it might get you there a bit faster than the Camaro. But the Camaro will get you there just the same. If you want the Corvette, you have to be prepared to invest a bit more to get it. If this investment is too much, then learn to be happy with the Camaro. And bear in mind that a good driver in a Camaro is worth more than a bad driver in a Corvette.
PS – 21 hours, TC. Better get busy looking for that link.
Can you no see his point? Gear matters! Yeah this combat is not your typical wake-a-mole but its not Dark Souls combat ether. Dark Souls combat truly is the kind of combat that you can blame on lack of skill. For example the first boss in the begining can be killed with just a knife if your skilled enough; you really dont need a more powerful weapon if you memorize how it moves. This game has elements of that but not the entirty of it.
Anet said stats would be easy to get, MAX not just any stats MAX stats just like Guild Wars 1.
All of you who are against the idea of this game not being a grind have NOT commented on this. Prove me wrong. Show me a link that says STATS = Grind.
(edited by Revolution.6301)
For some people the grind starts by trying to get exotics/ascended items.
Other get the exotics/acended gear easily, and the grind for those people starts after getting those items.
For either situation, if you’re not grinding, it means you quit the game. Well, there’s also PvP, but lets not talk about that.
Can you no see his point? Gear matters! Yeah this combat is not your typical wake-a-mole but its not Dark Souls combat ether. Dark Souls combat truly is the kind of combat that you can blame on lack of skill. For example the first boss in the begining can be killed with just a knife if your skilled enough; you really dont need a more powerful weapon if you memorize how it moves. This game has elements of that but not the entirty of it.
Anet said stats would be easy to get, MAX not just any stats MAX stats just like Guild Wars 1.
All of you who are against the idea of this game not being a grind have NOT commented on this. Prove me wrong. Show me a link that says STATS = Grind.
I think this debate is starting to go round and round. Please take a moment and think about my words. It’s alright to be wrong.
Now, can you point me out to where Anet said max stats will be easy to get? Also, you’re dodging my question of what defines “easy”.
In GW2, I ran AC dungeons in full greens when I got my 3rd character, my elementalist. No one whined or said anything because I was skilled at the class, and I knew the encounters. That’s proof right there that gear doesn’t necessarily matter. Alright, so let me point you out to a moment where I was fully geared with exotics, and I was playing with 4 other friends of mine who are fully geared with exotics too. We got careless, and we were all sick with the flu (don’t play games when sick…), and we wiped at the most simple things such as not dodging properly or moving properly. So does gear matter? Maybe. But with basic green gear and skills, you can do dungeons fine.
Please do the math, and you’ll realize that the stats difference between Masterwork and Exotics are ~30%. It’s a decent difference, but you’re not going to fall flat because of that difference.
Feel free to read ANet’s reddit response on their fractals plan:
I said exactly a few things they thought too, and that was if fractals was there at the start, people wouldn’t have reacted as they did.
As for this game being a “grind”, that depends on your play style. I grinded a bit here and there, but I had the choice of not grinding. I grinded because I wanted something faster. Ultimately, I can avoid “real grind” if I want to.
It’s clear that me and you have very different views of “grind”, despite both of us being “casual” players.
Also, keep in mind that it is okay to be wrong… and that I can’t prove you wrong unless you accept my words are enough proof.
GW1 player here too. Though I have played quite a lot of other MMOs too. I have a different perspective though. I see GW2 as different game from GW1. There are similar aspects and stories, but it’s ultimately a different game. Like a game that evolved from GW1.
@Redfeather, I strongly disagree with your view. Grinding for any single thing makes it stale, so I avoid that by spreading my gaming over bits of time, and by doing different activities. If you seriously play this game casually, then you shouldn’t feel like you’re grinding and having a tedious experience. If you play “casually” like I do, then stats don’t matter to you. I still enjoy the game without max stats lol. My guild and friends always joked about how I am badly geared (I had 78 exotics for like 1 month before I cared to upgrade), but it didn’t stop my enjoyment. I COULD HAVE upgraded to 80 exotics much earlier, but I didn’t out of laziness and saved up my gold and emblems.
It’s really not that bad as some of you guys make it out to be. If you reached exotics, you don’t really have to get ascended. You could if you wanted though, and it’ll give you a small stat boost for your efforts. But if you dislike grind, then don’t go for it. Just slowly gather up fractal stuff for like 2-3 months and then use it, or wait for when they add more ways to get fractal items.
I’d agree with you if GW2’s action styled combat was enough to carry the game on its own. It isn’t. It’s certainly very interactive for an RPG but not enough to be an actual action game. It’s great that the gameplay alone is enough for you but it isn’t for others.
A major source of enjoyment that I and other GW1 players find involves experimenting with different builds of traits, skills and equipment. Part of the reward comes from simply having a novel play style, but it also comes from the fact that you know you’ve crafted a quality and competitive build, having considered the constraints and trade-offs. GW1 catered to this play style by having dirt cheap basic maxed armor and a plethora of skills. GW2 has fewers skills, no secondary profession, expensive exotic items and grind-worthy ascended items. It is the opposite of GW1.
I could have been clearer in my OP, but thank-you Czar Peter for explaining it better.
GW1 allowed PvE players to spend more time experimenting and exploring build options, which is IMO quite stimulating.
GW2 puts a lot of it’s PvE emphasis on gear acquisition and gear supplementation to make builds effective. Which is one of the many roadblocks to what GW1 allowed.
The thought of acquiring multiple sets of armour/runes/trinkets/weapons/sigils to supplement more than one character role in GW2 is absurd. In GW1 it was both feasible and fun.
(edited by Redfeather.6401)
Yes, we were lied to. Grinding dailies and grinding FOTM is the current endgame in GW2… which is an exact copy of WoW. If I wanted to grind dailies and instanced dungeons then I would be playing WoW.
We were promised something different than WoW, but what we got was a just another WoW clone.
At this point GW1 is a much better game than GW2. If ANET ever delivers on their promises for GW2 then I’ll come back, but I have better things to do than grind in another cheap WoW clone.
I have to admit, as much as I like this game, the ascended gear made me nervous but now the increased importance of dailies (for laurels) has really put me on edge. I still love the game and play any chance I get but, yes, some of the things that seem to be in motion already are making me rather nervous.
I’ve always said I hate class/level based games because there is NO avoiding grinding – by literal definition. This is the first MMO I’ve truly enjoyed in a long time regardless of the decision to be class/level based and I’d hate to see it ruined for me so quickly. I was really hoping I’d be able to play this game long-term.
That being said, I can’t see the future or read the designers minds. I keep reading different things from them, 50% of it makes me feel good about the future of the game but 50% makes me nervous about which direction they will take GW2. I’m not sure which group to put my faith in because they release – to me at least – seemingly contradictory information.
I am still a huge supporter of the game but if they go the popular MMO route then I’ll go back to my usual roaming of the internet looking for someone to bring back the days of UO and AC1…
premise invalid; there is no benefit to legendary except cosmetic, and needing 100 gold to buy everything outright is inflated by about 4.
try again.
Nope. You are incorrect. I wouldn’t get on that high horse too quickly if I were you.
Legendary weapons are not only cosmetic as they are the first weapons we know of that will have their stats raised to ascended tier when those weapons come out. This means that we already know it will get better stats than anything that’s currently out there. The fact that it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t detract from the fact that it will. Also Anet said that legendary weapons were always intended to be BiS. And that makes it stat relevant, be it for the near future and after as we understand it.
Secondly, once you are level 80 and have done your share of events and dungeons, what else is there to aim for than a legendary? PvP can’t be the only answer for a lot of people who are goal oriented. If you don’t go for a legendary what else is there to achieve after level 80. People want to feel like they’re progressing. People who say it’s purely optional are blind to the point that playing a game is optional. You play it to enjoy it and if there’s nothing left to enjoy because you get bored or the only things left to do are things you don’t enjoy…then what? Is your answer then simply to quit? Would you want even more population leaving the game because Anet didn’t give more actual content than a legendary grind, a tetris dungeon and a handful of pvp/wvw maps?
Also you forget that there is a difference between cosmetic which is purely the skin and achievement which is the gear type “legendary”. People are not all just doing it because the skin is so awesome (most look lame in my view anyways) but because they can show they have a legendary. It’s bragging rights, it’s showing that you put some effort in and a lot of people like that. You know kinda like medals in sports, diploma’s in education etc. People want to show that they achieved something. It’s in our nature…with some stronger than others, I agree, but it’s there.
So the false premise isn’t false. It was your argumentation that is lacking…oh I guess that means your comments were based on a false premise.
The grind starts when you decide to level a second character up to 80.
For the first time, it’s bearable. For the second, it’s old a busted, and you know that crafting and equiping are gonna sink away all your money that you already doesn’t have much of anyways.
Bonus torture points if your first character was a Guardian, because everything’s gonna feel like toilet paper compared to it.
(edited by chronus.1326)
The grind starts when you decide to level a second character up to 80.
For the first time, it’s bearable. For the second, it’s old a busted, and you know that crafting and equiping are gonna sink away all your money that you already doesn’t have much of anyways.
Bonus torture points if your first character was a Guardian, because everything’s gonna feel like toilet paper compared to it.
hehehe so true about the guardian bit.
There is no, and seems never will be implemented, 1vs1 in this game, so why you want best gear? You don’t need it in fact. And if you don’t need it, grinding is your own choice. This game is for fun, there is no points or reasons to play it. It is just for fun – whatever that means.
Okay, bud, time’s up. I gave you more than enough time to find one of what you claimed to be many articles supporting your repeated claims that ArenaNet told us obtaining max stats would be cheap and easy. Because you failed to do so, all the while repeating your lie, I have no choice but to assume you’ve been trolling. And because I have no desire to engage trolls, I’m placing you on my Ignore List. Goodbye.
MMOs are a grind get over it. Some mask it better then others.
MMOs are a grind get over it. Some mask it better then others.
But Anet said getting Stats would not be a grind. Only skins are. I’m 10000000000000000% fine with that just not stats. Even if getting those stats means your wearing a garbage bag over yourself.
Can we get some real challenge for skins, ofc, which not require gold and insanely number of mats, luck and rng? Like raids or open world bosses 100 times harder than Lupicus? I don’t have problem with grind, it’s my choice to not grind, but there are also people ingame that wanna do something instead of 12h farming same mobs in same events and have memorable reward (again skins). Look at T3 cultural, which are awesome armor. I need to grind kitten gold to have it… Which is really shame. Dumbest PVE ever.
Hi I like the rest of you bought into this game but I feel like I was punched in the gut and laughed at.
This game was suppose to built on not having grind. This was one of Anet’s key manifesto points however now:
1. Legendary weapon grind
2. Gold Grind – you need atleast 100 gold for the ideal build and armor you want. If you want any of the ‘special’ weapon look at grinding out atleast another 300-500 gold (legend range for a min of 1.5k to 2.5k) -unless your brilliant at investing or lucky your looking at around 50-60 hours of grinding to get the armor and build you want. Ironically in GW1 which was ‘suppose’ to be more of a grind this was alot simplier and easier.
Another key point of their manifesto was no gear grind as of now there is:
1. Ascended gear (what?! isn’t this what they said WOULD NOT happen? Did they not say how they disproved of this? How the game should be about having fun?)
They already stated they tend to add more gear grinds later how (Why? The game was released for only 3 months and Anet felt they had to add in a gear grind already?) I can’t imagine what will happen in a year from now.
2. Karma gear -to get one set of karma get you need atleast 240k karma. Yeah for the above avg. causal – to hardcore this is possible but for us casuals this is NOT possible in a reasonable amount of time.And finally did they not state how this was directed towards everyday? People who simply do not have the time to put in 100s of hours into the game? The information given above tends to differ.
What I don’t understand and what the community in general is confused about is why this game was marked towards people who don’t like grind. Simple put, why not market it towards the people that love grind? (not saying that is bad but it is a completly different market)
The legendary weapon, Ascended gear and Karma Gears are things that I ignore for said reason… grinding. Grinding that involve doing monotonous activities for a said time until a goal is acquired. Yes Ive seen the requirement for those gears and I find them quite too much.
What I think is that the producers put some grinds for a certain crowd and not for the general audience as if they are trying to appeal to almost every kind of MMO crowd. I understand how the players that have this kind of grind as target can have fun but it has never ever called out to me. I think no one can denied that this game sure does have some grinding stuff. Its not my calling.
I feel like ArenaNet is panicing right now. They spent too much time in creating the environment and events and less time thinking about the reward system, sPvP and general end-game content.
I feel like ArenaNet is panicing right now. They spent too much time in creating the environment and events and less time thinking about the reward system, sPvP and general end-game content.
well yeah and now they’re rushing content without consulting US the players!
If they consulted us and made more ways to get stat armor without the grind I would not complain.
I can’t speak much for the other points as everyone here seems to have done a well enough job on that already, but IMO the gold grind is a bit much in this game. In fact, I’ve pretty much reconciled that my toons will never see more than maybe one or two exotics of any kind that compliment their particular builds. For example, for my Necromancer’s build, I would require an exotic scepter with rabid stats. Well the only one available(below 100k) is Lidless Eye, which is a whopping 99 gold. I’ve only ever had 10g at any one time and that took roughly a month to acquire. If I bought gems, given the exchange rate last week, I would have needed to shell out $95 to be able to afford it. I know that people do this, but I can’t personally rationalize spending that much on a single in-game item, just for the stats.
I would run dungeons and such to try and get gold/items but the problem with that is I don’t have the gear to do so as it requires me to spend massive amounts of gold(or karma for a few particular items) to get it. Feels like I’m stuck in a Catch 22 with nothing I can do about it. Personally, this is more likely to push me away from the game rather than rev me up for a long intensive grind that spans months and months that in the end will only result in a marginally lacking reward as the toon would have only acquired ONE item. By the posts I’ve read, I know most of you had 500 gold and 300k karma by the time your first toon hit 80 and had them in full exotics, but I’m definitely not that good and I really don’t get how so many of you guys managed that. So, for now I’m just playing just for the sake of playing as “finishing” or completing a toon or even having a good toon seems an unreachable and futile goal.
This is …I don’t know what this…what? 99 gold for an exotic scepter? I can make one for under a gold, you can max all crafts for way under 99 gold and make a full exotic set. I don’t even know….huh…what? Seriously? I will go right now and put an exotic scepter on the TP, hell I didn’t know there were people who would even consider paying that much.
Edit: After a quick search on the TP I found quite a few exotic scepters in the 5 to 6 gold range, not sure what “Rabid” stats are though. Found Carrion and Rampagers, which are both good stat combinations for necro. What exactly were you talking about again?
(edited by killcannon.2576)
If you do the daily every day, which isn’t that hard, and you save your karma jugs, which isn’t that hard, by the time you hit level 80, you’ll have enough karma to purchase a full set of exotic armor from any of the temples in Orr. This is indeed how I’ve done this on each of my characters. I never spent 1 gold on exotic armor.
Since karma is ridiculously easy to get in this game, you can even farm it effectively in low level starting zones, it’s very easy to get a full set of exotic armor…even for the most casual player.
its not grind to get ascended gear.
its just boring, and takes time because of the 1 laurel per day max.but the daily changes and you can do it in different places.
thats not a grind in my book.isn’t somthing that is boring a grind?
Generally, boring and takes a long time. You can knock out all the dailies in less than a half hour (and half that, depending on where you’re at). If 15 mins t a half hour of content is what you consider a grind, then MMOs are not for you, my friend.
Also, to the one complaining about the lidless scepter: raise your crafting, it’s a couple gold, and make one. It’ll take less time and gold than farming for the lidless one.
Tarnished Coast
If they consulted us and made more ways to get stat armor without the grind I would not complain.
There are plenty of ways. You can craft it, dungeon it, karma it, or farm it. Several of these are pretty inexpensive.
Tarnished Coast
If they consulted us and made more ways to get stat armor without the grind I would not complain.
There are plenty of ways. You can craft it, dungeon it, karma it, or farm it. Several of these are pretty inexpensive.
and how long do these methods take for the CASUAL gamer?
Months, many, many months.
For a hardcore gammer now problem but for people that have lives outside of games then its a major problem.
its not grind to get ascended gear.
its just boring, and takes time because of the 1 laurel per day max.but the daily changes and you can do it in different places.
thats not a grind in my book.isn’t somthing that is boring a grind?
Generally, boring and takes a long time. You can knock out all the dailies in less than a half hour (and half that, depending on where you’re at). If 15 mins t a half hour of content is what you consider a grind, then MMOs are not for you, my friend.
Also, to the one complaining about the lidless scepter: raise your crafting, it’s a couple gold, and make one. It’ll take less time and gold than farming for the lidless one.
so do you think that dailies should be more inovative?
And on a general note:
Who thinks that Orr grinding is boring? I mean all you see in Orr is ZOMBIES and more ZOMBIES and even giant ZOMBIES.
It feels like Anet is ignoring over 80% of their world they created. Wouldn’t be nice to atleast grind in an area with hills, mountains, heck a few trees be nice.
Many aspects of this game are a major grind, so major in fact it puts other games to shame. Look at the gold grind for instance, the average player has several options ~ exploit grind aka Plinx style fights or power trade, and to a lesser extent must get extremely lucky with either a pre-cursor drop or a highly valued unique exotic drop – all other players will struggle to even make 100g over the course of several months.
My point of view, I’ve been playing since launch ~ close to 1200 hours played, yet the maximum amount of gold I’ve had/could have had is around 240g. That’s taking into account the gold I’ve spent to level up all the crafting, gearing up 7 level 80s in exotic gear – the amount of gold I’ve got in my bank right now in assets is 120g. Because, I haven’t exploited broken events, haven’t used bots/gold farm websites, haven’t got lucky with drops and finally, not powertraded.
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -
Many aspects of this game are a major grind, so major in fact it puts other games to shame. Look at the gold grind for instance, the average player has several options ~ exploit grind aka Plinx style fights or power trade, and to a lesser extent must get extremely lucky with either a pre-cursor drop or a highly valued unique exotic drop – all other players will struggle to even make 100g over the course of several months.
My point of view, I’ve been playing since launch ~ close to 1200 hours played, yet the maximum amount of gold I’ve had/could have had is around 240g. That’s taking into account the gold I’ve spent to level up all the crafting, gearing up 7 level 80s in exotic gear – the amount of gold I’ve got in my bank right now in assets is 120g. Because, I haven’t exploited broken events, haven’t used bots/gold farm websites, haven’t got lucky with drops and finally, not powertraded.
wow so you understand what I’m talking about? And here I thought I was crazy.
What he said is the point. The grind is silly and not really fun. Please Anet if your going to have grind atleast make it enjoyable. Let us leave Orr!! Please let us leave that blank, boring area! If you do so I shall give you cookies
Many aspects of this game are a major grind, so major in fact it puts other games to shame. Look at the gold grind for instance, the average player has several options ~ exploit grind aka Plinx style fights or power trade, and to a lesser extent must get extremely lucky with either a pre-cursor drop or a highly valued unique exotic drop – all other players will struggle to even make 100g over the course of several months.
My point of view, I’ve been playing since launch ~ close to 1200 hours played, yet the maximum amount of gold I’ve had/could have had is around 240g. That’s taking into account the gold I’ve spent to level up all the crafting, gearing up 7 level 80s in exotic gear – the amount of gold I’ve got in my bank right now in assets is 120g. Because, I haven’t exploited broken events, haven’t used bots/gold farm websites, haven’t got lucky with drops and finally, not powertraded.
wow so you understand what I’m talking about? And here I thought I was crazy.
What he said is the point. The grind is silly and not really fun. Please Anet if your going to have grind atleast make it enjoyable. Let us leave Orr!! Please let us leave that blank, boring area! If you do so I shall give you cookies
You’re not crazy. You just have a perspective that not everyone shares. Maybe 50/50 at best, but even as a casual player as myself, I don’t feel the grind. That’s because there are content out there that I know will take a long time to get, so I chose to not grind and get it over a longer time period. And yes, I’m a casual player. Just because something takes a long time to get, that doesn’t mean it is a grind.
(edited by kenshinakh.3672)
Many aspects of this game are a major grind, so major in fact it puts other games to shame. Look at the gold grind for instance, the average player has several options ~ exploit grind aka Plinx style fights or power trade, and to a lesser extent must get extremely lucky with either a pre-cursor drop or a highly valued unique exotic drop – all other players will struggle to even make 100g over the course of several months.
My point of view, I’ve been playing since launch ~ close to 1200 hours played, yet the maximum amount of gold I’ve had/could have had is around 240g. That’s taking into account the gold I’ve spent to level up all the crafting, gearing up 7 level 80s in exotic gear – the amount of gold I’ve got in my bank right now in assets is 120g. Because, I haven’t exploited broken events, haven’t used bots/gold farm websites, haven’t got lucky with drops and finally, not powertraded.
wow so you understand what I’m talking about? And here I thought I was crazy.
What he said is the point. The grind is silly and not really fun. Please Anet if your going to have grind atleast make it enjoyable. Let us leave Orr!! Please let us leave that blank, boring area! If you do so I shall give you cookies
You’re not crazy
. You just have a perspective that not everyone shares. Maybe 50/50 at best, but even as a casual player as myself, I don’t feel the grind. That’s because there are content out there that I know will take a long time to get, so I chose to not grind and get it over a longer time period. And yes, I’m a casual player. Just because something takes a long time to get, that doesn’t mean it is a grind.
First off thank you for being respectful and decent. This forum needs more people like you
You listened to my comment and give respectful feedback so thank you again.
Anyways, That 50% should be heard.
I’m not asking for a ‘give me everything for free game’ I’m asking for ‘give me items for a reasonable amount of time game’. I’m really trying to stress that stats should be dirt cheap to get. Cosmetics however really should be more expensive. So Draconic is fine being 25G if it was just for the looks.
And Orr. If we really have to grind please change the setting a bit. I wish there were more ‘tunnel like grinds’ elsewhere. With green hills, and deer around.
So please Anet you created an amazing game. But please listen to us.
Cmon there has to be more opinions on this!
its not grind to get ascended gear.
its just boring, and takes time because of the 1 laurel per day max.but the daily changes and you can do it in different places.
thats not a grind in my book.isn’t somthing that is boring a grind?
only if said boring thing is required to do content . most of my guild dosnt have acended gear. I would take them over a pug of fully acneded any day
Cmon there has to be more opinions on this!
there are plenty most people enjoy it or don’t care that much and are playing the game instead of posting there opinions on the forums like you and I.
and I know for a fact that there are also people who don’t enjoy some things who also don’t post on the forums because even though they don’t feel its grate over all the gae is still worth playing.
not every one is as…. errm… passionate about there opinions as you and I.
If they consulted us and made more ways to get stat armor without the grind I would not complain.
There are plenty of ways. You can craft it, dungeon it, karma it, or farm it. Several of these are pretty inexpensive.
You can’t craft anything without grinding for the mats, or the gold to buy them. Low drop rate of Fines makes crafting, at any level, a pretty bad grind.
If they consulted us and made more ways to get stat armor without the grind I would not complain.
There are plenty of ways. You can craft it, dungeon it, karma it, or farm it. Several of these are pretty inexpensive.
You can’t craft anything without grinding for the mats, or the gold to buy them. Low drop rate of Fines makes crafting, at any level, a pretty bad grind.
yep, since mats are key why not making them more accessible in different ways.
Oh this is to everyone new to the thread:
The main points are:
1) Stats should be cheap because in Anet’s manifesto they claimed they would be.
2) Grinding in Orr is getting very boring and more spots (if there must be grinding) should be made
3) Acended Gear takes way to long to get, and ascended gear again break Anet’s manifesto because they claimed there would be no gear grind
4) The only way to remain competitive is to grind which is inexcusable.
Generally Anet should make this game more casual friendly and remember they we are its targetted market not the hardcore gamers.
People instead of making 10,000 different threads about this can you please only write in this one? It is well developed and expresses the main problem with this game.
People instead of making 10,000 different threads about this can you please only write in this one? It is well developed and expresses the main problem with this game.
You created a new one when others were already around, and now you’re upset that someone else did it? Classic
People instead of making 10,000 different threads about this can you please only write in this one? It is well developed and expresses the main problem with this game.
You created a new one when others were already around, and now you’re upset that someone else did it? Classic
well it is a competition after all. Hehe…
To be fair, level 1-80 is a blast…
…but then you hit the meta and grind, grind, grind ad infinitum. Once you get to 80 the only other choice is to roll an alt and level it 80. The up side is that there is enough content to level several alts without much repeating. And then pretty much the only reason to keep GW2 installed is for WvW, which is just a mindless zergfest devoid of all but the most basic tactics.
I guess when ANet said that they wanted to “appeal to the widest possible audience” they really meant “throw anybody with more than a half dozen braincells under the bus and appeal to the lowest common denominator.”
Or at least, that seems to have been their intention. Judging by this thread though, there are a lot more people with basic mental capacities than ANet anticipated. Or maybe they are the lowest common denominator? Who knows. They’re certainly not the same team that made GW1 though. But maybe they’ll pull a magic rabbit out of their hat this year and save the meta from sucking. I’m rambling now so I’ll just chill and quit insulting the almighty GW2 gods. I wonder which one is Grenth? Probably Colin. Jeff Strain was definitely Balthazar.
To be fair, level 1-80 is a blast…
…but then you hit the meta and grind, grind, grind ad infinitum. Once you get to 80 the only other choice is to roll an alt and level it 80. The up side is that there is enough content to level several alts without much repeating. And then pretty much the only reason to keep GW2 installed is for WvW, which is just a mindless zergfest devoid of all but the most basic tactics.
I guess when ANet said that they wanted to “appeal to the widest possible audience” they really meant “throw anybody with more than a half dozen braincells under the bus and appeal to the lowest common denominator.”
Or at least, that seems to have been their intention. Judging by this thread though, there are a lot more people with basic mental capacities than ANet anticipated. Or maybe they are the lowest common denominator? Who knows. They’re certainly not the same team that made GW1 though. But maybe they’ll pull a magic rabbit out of their hat this year and save the meta from sucking. I’m rambling now so I’ll just chill and quit insulting the almighty GW2 gods. I wonder which one is Grenth? Probably Colin. Jeff Strain was definitely Balthazar.
Yeah 1-80 was so much fun. You saw so much and actually experienced the game. Now at 80 you sorta just don’t do any of that. I mean really you just finish up hearts and then your done. And then you grind until your blue in the face.
To be fair, level 1-80 is a blast…
…but then you hit the meta and grind, grind, grind ad infinitum. Once you get to 80 the only other choice is to roll an alt and level it 80. The up side is that there is enough content to level several alts without much repeating. And then pretty much the only reason to keep GW2 installed is for WvW, which is just a mindless zergfest devoid of all but the most basic tactics.
I guess when ANet said that they wanted to “appeal to the widest possible audience” they really meant “throw anybody with more than a half dozen braincells under the bus and appeal to the lowest common denominator.”
Or at least, that seems to have been their intention. Judging by this thread though, there are a lot more people with basic mental capacities than ANet anticipated. Or maybe they are the lowest common denominator? Who knows. They’re certainly not the same team that made GW1 though. But maybe they’ll pull a magic rabbit out of their hat this year and save the meta from sucking. I’m rambling now so I’ll just chill and quit insulting the almighty GW2 gods. I wonder which one is Grenth? Probably Colin. Jeff Strain was definitely Balthazar.
Yeah 1-80 was so much fun. You saw so much and actually experienced the game. Now at 80 you sorta just don’t do any of that. I mean really you just finish up hearts and then your done. And then you grind until your blue in the face.
oh and to add, I think its a pity that it goes from OMG SO MUCH FUN to well I can grind by doing Fotm or Tunnel or Fotm or Tunnel or Fotm or Tunnel.