Invisible Shoes! What the?!
I think players (mostly humans) will look ridiculous barefoot, but this is something I’ve seen people ask for, so props for giving it to them, I suppose!
(Whenever it’s actually available, of course.)
I have a few outfits for my charr that would look good without shoes. Especially on my mesmer.
I have a few outfits for my charr that would look good without shoes. Especially on my mesmer.
Ya thought it might make my Engineer, Rose Oil’s look a bit more interesting. ;P
Though I would like it for my Charr as well as my Asuran.
Did you guys figured out, how to craft this “footwear”?
Maybe just me, but wouldn’t just adding a toggle to hide your shoes/boots be easier? I mean, we can toggle our helmet, shoulders, and backpack, so instead of making a pair of invisible shoes, wouldn’t it of just been easier to add a toggle to hide them?
Or maybe it’s just a glitch. /shrug
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Don’t know. So far I have yet to find an answer. I did not think it was a glitch though since the are actually named:
Invisible Slippers, Invisible Boots and Invisible Stompers! There is also something called Gyve of Madness that is only in the heavy boots section. The icon kinda looks like a shoulder piece but shows as invisible shoes.
I don’t think the option is meant to be visible. Assuming that Anet are intending to add a visibility toggle to boots in the future, this is probably an internal placeholder intended for keeping the existing boot stats whilst toggled.
They’re definitely not a glitch. I’ve been asking for a visibility toggle for the foot slot for a while, but to no avail. I think people finally got tired of my pestering and created this item for me to equip on all my characters so that they can be barefoot like me. :-)
They’re definitely not a glitch. I’ve been asking for a visibility toggle for the foot slot for a while, but to no avail. I think people finally got tired of my pestering and created this item for me to equip on all my characters so that they can be barefoot like me. :-)
Any hints on how to get them, please? With an Eternity-wielding Mad King Quaggan that knows how to rave dance on top?
They’re definitely not a glitch. I’ve been asking for a visibility toggle for the foot slot for a while, but to no avail. I think people finally got tired of my pestering and created this item for me to equip on all my characters so that they can be barefoot like me. :-)
Awesome! <3 This is so great. I’ve been waiting for this since release! (And actually thought it would never happen)
Invisible shoes? Great idea! Ty!
ANet may give it to you.
How do you get these?I’m a barefooter too and I’ve been waiting for something like this for a long time now
They’re definitely not a glitch. I’ve been asking for a visibility toggle for the foot slot for a while, but to no avail. I think people finally got tired of my pestering and created this item for me to equip on all my characters so that they can be barefoot like me. :-)
I hope you’ll be able to share the spoils of victory with us Matthew! Congratulations on finally succeeding in your dream as well!
The only area I can safely not use shoes myself in Structured PvP due to not minding the minor loss of Armor from them. But being able to do so everywhere would be fantastic. :>
This Queen Jennah and her anti-shoe agenda.
But I have to laugh. I have seen demands for it in the past, so it’s good it was met I suppose.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Personally I think they should just make all armor slots have a hide toggle.
This’ll be just as good as toggle for me. I’ve wanted this for so long…
Please at least drop us a hint as to how or where to get these?
Personally I think they should just make all armor slots have a hide toggle.
Underwear Wars 2.
They’re definitely not a glitch. I’ve been asking for a visibility toggle for the foot slot for a while, but to no avail. I think people finally got tired of my pestering and created this item for me to equip on all my characters so that they can be barefoot like me. :-)
Can you start pestering for Bunny Ears please?
However when they are in game, expect a thread where someone asks why they can’t be dyed. ^^
ANet may give it to you.
I seen them too. I need to know how get!
I actually don’t know where they are…if they’re a drop or part of a collection? They didn’t tell me since I think they want us all to find them. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open in game though, and if any of us gets a hint, hopefully we’ll update this thread. :-P
I’m betting they’re not in game yet.
I actually don’t know where they are…if they’re a drop or part of a collection? They didn’t tell me since I think they want us all to find them. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open in game though, and if any of us gets a hint, hopefully we’ll update this thread. :-P
If I find them before you I will report back here, that is a promise! I’ve made a few petitions on the forums for a toggle option for shoes as well. Are you sure they’ve been implemented for being obtained? If they are I will embark on this wondrous quest and hopefully be succesful!
Did they give you any clues? like Halloween only or something?
One of the designers on the rewards team assured me that they are in there…somewhere.
Barefooters of Tyria unite!
One of the designers on the rewards team assured me that they are in there…somewhere.
Barefooters of Tyria unite!
Then shall it be so. On with the hunt!
Well I’ve emoted with Queen Jennah. So they’re not from her as far as I can tell… I thought that’d make the most sense to initially try, since dancing with her is a precursor step. I also checked all the vendors in Divinity’s Reach in case someone was selling cheap knockoffs; “Hey, these shoes are totally just invisible! Like Jennah’s! I’ll sell them to you for only 100g a piece!”
I’m kinda trying to think of things that make sense to try. I haven’t tried any mystic forge recipes. I don’t know where to start if that… thing is involved. I also checked a few HoT vendors, looked kindaish thoroughly through the achievements, and looked at the collectibles and didn’t see anything that raised an alarm.
(edited by Athena.3579)
I was thinking of trying to roam through Hoelbrak as the Norn tend to not wear shoes. I too didn’t find anything out of the collectibles. The Mystic Forge could be another place ofcourse, but that would be kind of cryptic unless there’s some really hint giving items.
It could also be related to the sylvari I suppose. Off to Hoelbrak, then!
So why does anet do this crap i like how bungie implemented a system that allowed you to track the area/ people you needed to work with in destiny to aquire items are you garunteed to get it first try hell to the no but you have a direction anet just screws us. If you are sincere matthew i am sorry that your fellow workers keep this kitten to themselves shows how greedy the company has become. Nightfury example people have spent 900g trying to figure out its recipe and only know like 50%
Yeah it does seem a little bit odd that they would give him absolutely no direction as to where to look for. Mm. Oh well I’ll still patrol through the areas that would be most obvious to me myself.
I think players (mostly humans) will look ridiculous barefoot, but this is something I’ve seen people ask for, so props for giving it to them, I suppose!
(Whenever it’s actually available, of course.)
Did you just call my good Queen Jennah ridiculous!? The nerves!
As a human, I shall explore the jungle barefoot once I get there!
How does one look for invisible shoes?
Am I good?… I’m good.
They’re definitely not a glitch. I’ve been asking for a visibility toggle for the foot slot for a while, but to no avail. I think people finally got tired of my pestering and created this item for me to equip on all my characters so that they can be barefoot like me. :-)
Give me an invisible chest piece too please. I’ll cry if you don’t. And it wont be the raid tears you crave. It will be empathy inducing tears that will make you feel sad.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
If the Nightfury and these shoes are unlocked in the same way, we’ll never find them. It has taken people more than 1000g to try random recipes for it.
There are so few looking for these, we may never find them. ;_;
I hope they’re not exclusive to halloween. My norn has been needing these shoes for years to complete his shaman look.
Someone in my guildchat linked something called Gyve of Madness which was a Heavy Foot Armor with no model and showed my character barefoot in the viewer. It could be an unfinished item but the icon for it was strange indeed. didnt look like a shoe at all?
I think the Gyve of Madness may be Nightfury related, but I’m probably wrong.
I checked the Southsun beach vendors and had no luck. I also checked Hoelbrak and had no luck.
Today, when they remove the Itzel poison lore requirement, I plan on finishing the HoT story. I’ll report in if it’s a reward from that. I’ve also been looking for a Matthew NPC (and I thoroughly checked the Hoelbrak area where Colin’s NPC is). I’ll also try to check Lion’s Arch thoroughly (including the tavern that is only open at night).
I have plenty ideas of where they could be, but that is way too much ground to cover. I’ve seen a few Nightfury hints floating around — can we get a hint for these invisible pieces too, please?
Invisible Chest armor would be nice. Barechested Norn Male anyone? :-p
I think it might likely be that Gyve of Madness is the invisible leg wear as the word gyve means a shackle that is used to bind legs. Now where would we get such a thing? I know we already have Shackles of Madness which are for the Glove slot and are bought for 6 Candy Corn Cobs.
It might be introduced on tuesday maintenance if they decide to add more content to halloween but I’m confused enough as it is already. Send help.
I was at least hoping someone at Anet could come with just a hint. I want those boots more than a legendary and I can’t find any NPC’s or items that give anything.
Give me an invisible chest piece too please.
I’ll cry if you don’t.
examines stable of female characters
No. Never. Never. NEVER NEVER NEVER happening. XD
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
Give me an invisible chest piece too please.
I’ll cry if you don’t.
examines stable of female characters
No. Never. Never. NEVER NEVER NEVER happening. XD
There was one briefly, actually. A… year or so ago, when a new armor was introduced in the files, the item code was determined but it lead to a nonexistent model/texture. I wish I could find my screenshots of that, since it was the only time I got to see my asura markings in their full glory.
I’ll settle for something medium-weight with an open back though?
That’s nice for Asuras and Charrs that have non-human foot.
I would like to have them. Charr dont really need shoes. So invisible shoes would really be nice.
Invisible Chest armor would be nice. Barechested Norn Male anyone? :-p
I’m hoping for an invisible chest version for all weight classes too. Please devs make it happen an invisible set for those of us who want to hide individual pieces of armor, without losing the stats. It’s a brilliant concept, and I love that there are invisible shoes, now we just need it for helm, shoulders, chest, gloves and legs :P
They’re definitely not a glitch. I’ve been asking for a visibility toggle for the foot slot for a while, but to no avail. I think people finally got tired of my pestering and created this item for me to equip on all my characters so that they can be barefoot like me. :-)
Would it be possible to ask the team to make an invisible helm, shoulders, chest, gloves and legs too?
Show some sense please people. Invisible shoes are a good addition, but be realistic about invisible chest and leg armours. This would mean too large a portion of the community would go around with all invisible armour and look like they are wearing just underwear.
A guildie linked them in chat at weekend, think they were from a drop.
We had a few jokes about not seeing what he linked lol, didn’t think they were anything special he probably sold/salvaged them.
Will ask in guild later tonight where he got them.
I am excited about this. I was always bummed that you can only be barefoot with the tier 2 Sylvari Light Armor Shoes. I will definitely be wearing these for my Ranger.
IIRC, this post was made about the “Gyve of Madness”(which was misplaced as a footwear skin). Seeing as how this post and title was changed, this leads me to believe that the original gyve was never in the game and that’s why we can’t make nightfury.
Edit: fixed spelling
(edited by Vatlaaw Fierceshot.5713)
I need those for my Asura and Charr!
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”