The splitting of the rewards was so that you would feel like you had a reason to go do the raid everyday. You may not like how they decided to handle the rewards but the suggestion I made was to appease players like you.
There’s a difference between not getting what you’re saying and not agreeing with what you’re saying. I’m the latter.
Splitting the reward doesn’t even come into question.
This content is meant to be hard and rewarding. If people can farm it, it’s a design flaw of the raid not being hard enough.
If they can farm it let them and fix the dang encounters, so that people want to run it more than once a week and not feel guilt tripped into bringing their guild in because their schedules don’t add up.
How freaking complex is that ?
Seriously. You got hung up on rewards and entirely missed the dang point.
OR to paraphrase CJ himself…..
Well I think at a broad level, the decisions we’ve made make raiding a lot more approachable in Guild Wars 2 than other games. From our combat to a lack of attunements, to the more fluid role-based system, and I think we’ll see a large percentage of people at least try them. What they’ll see when they get in there is that it works really well in our game. We don’t try to exclude anybody.
Except for this one specific decision which should be change.
Again, the weekly rewards was a design choice decided by Anet. You don’t have to like it. Splitting the rewards across the days of the weekly so you had a reason to do the content was a suggestion that I had to appease you. If you dont like it then “you’re gonna have a bad time”.
Splitting the rewards doesn’t appease me or was that not made evident ?
You’re playing the fallacy card to its finest and looking pretty bad while doing it.
What i’ve been saying is, make the content both hard and rewarding…..simple no ?
Exactly when did nerf rewards come into the equation ?
It only came in because you tossed it in to make the fallacy occur. You can have both hard and rewarding and not have it limited.
Now then any other logical fallacies you wish to portray outside of the baseless ad-hominem or ignoratio elenchi ?
It will be difficult/challenging. It will be rewarding. Your issue is that you want to do it on a daily basis and be rewarded despite Anet’s design plan to limit the rewards on a weekly basis. The splitting of rewards across the days was so that you would get your daily reward but maintain the same limitations that Anet has currently planned.
There’s no fallacy here. The only issue is you not reading my posts as I’ve stated this multiple times now. The fact of the matter is that rewards will be given on a weekly basis like they currently are for guild missions. You can accept that or not.
Or I can advocate a much better system that appeases both sides and doesn’t actually take away from either side.
Which is what i’ve been doing, and why you’ve been hellbent on missing the point.
Carry on, ignoring it. You’re batting 1000 so far.