The Wrong Crowd [bAd] Yak’s Bend
Medium Armor That Looks Like a Skirt
The Wrong Crowd [bAd] Yak’s Bend
Check out the leggings from leystone armor set if you haven’t done it, its skirt-like, you might be able to work it out with your set.
And most of the people agree with you, the game has way too many trenchcoats, I have no idea the reasoning behind it, maybe they’re easier to do, or maybe ANET doesn’t wanna deal with the tsunami of people that would complain if you made something remotely sexy/tight/conventional feminine.
Aetherblade and Viper (both gem store armor skins) have my favorite skirts
The reason we see so many trenchcoats is because that’s how the Medium armor “Skeleton” has been designed, in the simplest of terms.
Basically, the armor is painted on a mesh, and this mesh far as I know is identical for each armor in a given Armor class (And also, why mix-and-match between armor classes won’t ever be a thing) and for medium armor, this Mesh encompasses a trenchcoat on the top outfit. Even on Armor that aren’t trenchcoats, there’s an invisible cape hanging out around the legs.
That’s what I recall it being last time this was brought up, anyways.
In terms of feminine medium armor, you’re oftentimes better off with Light Armor as that has the most dimorphism between male and female appearence. Newers Armor sets and especially Gemstore ones typically feature bigger differences, which is a bit hit and miss (Looking at you, Phalanx Armor) but sometimes they came out pretty good.
Otherwise there are outfits, which typically always have some differences such as Noble Count, Countess Anise’s Outfit, Ancestral, Wedding, Monk’s, Winter Solstice and Daydreamer’s Finery. Downside is there’s no mix-and-matching, upside is no armor restrictions or transmutation cost.
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Hey, OP! That’s actually really cleverly done.
It’s a good thing, that you can check all armor pieces in the Wardrobe (Storage) for free.
I’m very satisfied with this combination here:
Head: Nothing
Shoulders: Marodeur
Chest: Triumphant
Hands: Nothing
Leg: Drover (Charr Race)
Boots: Invisible (if you look at it this way)
Neither of my characters wears a Trench coat – and this is good!
I would also like to see more fantasy girls armor on all categories. I really do not like the unisex stuff they have been putting out, and HATE the asymmetrical outfits. They are atrocious.
Excellent suggestions, guys! I love the leggings on that new leystone armor. Think I’m gonna go get me some.
The Wrong Crowd [bAd] Yak’s Bend
I keep reading the thread title as “medium armor that looks like a skritt”
I keep reading the thread title as “medium armor that looks like a skritt”
At least it wouldn’t be a trenchcoat.
Unless it was a trenchcoat made of skritt.
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