‘would of been’ —> wrong
Stat Combos
‘would of been’ —> wrong
A NEW stat! It’s called Volatility. It makes your conditions tick FASTER
!!! BRING IT!!
Bwahaha … Okay, not a bad idea, but … wow … I want to see the result of this how it can work ingame.
On topic:
- Condition damage/precision/power (rampager bacislly with cnd dmg main stat)
- Condition damage/precision/condition duration
- Healing power/toughness/vitality (why not?)
- Any kind of stat combination with boon duration.
Assign one of the tier 6 crafting materials to each individual stat, then let us craft items with anywhere from 3 to all (celestial) stats by using 2 tier 6 materials per stat option.
this means we could craft any of the 3-stat combos as they are presently, or we could craft items with 4 stats or 5 or 6 stats with the points all evenly distributed.
- Berserker items have power, precision, ferocity and would require 2 vials of blood, 2 fangs, and 2 other materials to craft.
- A stat combo of power, precision, ferocity, and toughness would also require 2 mats per stat.
- Same with a combo of precision, condition damage, healing power, condition duration, and toughness.
TL;DR: give us complete freedom in choosing our stat combinations and how many different stats we have.
I agree with this. Well, at least the select your own stats concept.
15 chars
I would love to see craftable gear with NO stats, but with 4 infusion slots (1 major infusion, 2 minor infusion, 1 agony/wvw/utility infusion) . And then add craftable infusions for each stat at each level (major minor), so we could mix and match our own setups.
I second this idea. Soon we will be showering with stat combos and at least half of them will be dead or picked by accident. The list of combos is already long enough to be confused not to mention new players trying to remeber all names. Why not expand the crafting system by allowing us to craft stat infusions?
Legendary armor.
We need more armors with Boon duration as a major stat, Anets original idea for the guardian was a boon-centric class. Why not give us armors that allow us to actually utilize your original idea, while also giving us 2 minor stats that will actually help in combat. Boon Duration, Power, Toughness would be really cool to see
Primary: Toughness or Vitality
Secondary: Power & Healing
Reasoning: TL:DR With more viable Survivability stat combos, challenging content could be introduced
Berserker has always been the one and only PvE option, and it makes the current gameplay and crafting choices stale. A viable alternative that makes berserker users reconsider the “kill before you are killed” concept must contain a valid reason for questioning this concept. The question of gear for most users has always boiled down to damage vs survivability, and the current PvE content means damage always wins.
Healing Power is not found in any combination of stats that are good for either Damage or Survivability builds. Damage vs Survivability is mostly Power/Precision/Critical Damage vs Toughness/Vitality in most cases. Healing Power is the “Critical Damage” stat on the Survivability side.
If content in the game becomes harder, where Berserker users cannot simply rely on 2 dodge rolls to survive an encounter then Survivability stats will be more in demand. Healing Power will make users question their choice of Healing spell in order to overcome encounters where 2 dodge rolls will not suffice, and some form of absorbing damage is required.
However, the cons to this idea is the idea of a “trinity” being introduced by the form of a healing only build. For this reason I chose Healing Power as a secondary stat, along with Power so that Damage is not neglected, and Healing wouldnt become the only means of survival.
For that reason, the Primary could be either Toughness or Vitality to make this combination the best Survivability stat combo, and with Power as a secondary stat – damage isnt going to drop to an unacceptable level. This may prove with new content to be a valid alternative to Berserker builds.
(edited by TheVeyron.4750)
Major/Minor/Minor :
Power/Precision/Boon Duration
Incredible amount of suggestions here.
To me this says that the ability to decide your own stat combos would be a fantastic addition to the game.
Power/Precision/Magic Find
ne plans to add boon duration or condition duration?
I don’t like pre-selected stat combinations to begin with. I’d rather have completely random stats on gear or as has been suggested here before a way of adding/choosing the stats you want (per stat). I think that last thing would be more fun in PvP as well. I get that you want ppl to be as equal as possible, but a major (and fun) part of PvP should be creating your build which includes gear selection.
In general, players are well capable of managing their own stats and if for those who aren’t that should be something they would want to learn. They’ll never learn if you just do it for them.
how about new stats ?
ferocity is new why not try other effects?
(edited by Balsa.3951)
Primary: Power
Secondary: Vitality/Toughness & Boon Duration
Reasoning: Similar reasons to my above post, to move away from Berserker as the only real choice for PvE, a valid alternative is needed. Boon Duration is the key to balance between damage and survivability because it means more of both.
Many damage builds use Might and Fury to keep damage up, while many support/survival builds use Stability and Regeneration. In both cases, Boon duration makes for more build diversity because it can add either Damage or Survivability depending on the Boons you choose to use in your build.
With Power as the primary stat, it keeps damage at the forefront of the build, while Vitality or Toughness adds survivability. If content becomes more challenging where survivability is actually a consideration in future (or where critical damage isnt useful such as against Tequatl) this stat combination would provide a good balance for either damage or survivability
(edited by TheVeyron.4750)
Primary: Power
Secondary: Vitality/Toughness & Boon DurationReasoning: Similar reasons to my above post, to move away from Berserker as the only real choice for PvE, a valid alternative is needed. Boon Duration is the key to balance between damage and survivability because it means more of both.
Many damage builds use Might and Fury to keep damage up, while many support/survival builds use Stability and Regeneration. In both cases, Boon duration makes for more build diversity because it can add either Damage or Survivability depending on the Boons you choose to use in your build.
With Power as the primary stat, it keeps damage at the forefront of the build, while Vitality or Toughness adds survivability. If content becomes more challenging where survivability is actually a consideration in future (or where critical damage isnt useful such as against Tequatl) this stat combination would provide a good balance for either damage or survivability
PVT and clerics are viable too. Learn to facetank.
edit: Also you totally forgot to mention the most important boon, protection, which can be stackd to an insane amount and guardians can apply it for perma duration anyway.
(edited by Dalanor.5387)
I would love to get people thoughts on what stat combinations they would like to see added to the game?
Toughness, Vitality, Healing Power
I asked whether that existed when I was a fledgling guardian over 4,000 hours of playtime ago, and the response I got in map chat was “…that sounds too tanky to exist”.
How about all of them? Select the primary stat, then select the secondary and tertiary stats (no duplicates, of course). Sure, this would change crafting and ascended boxes a lot… but it’s a lot better than receiving a couple of nearly useless stat combos every year.
If that’s too much to ask, how about some combination of Healing Power, Boon Duration and Condition Damage?
Stat choice :
+1 – Multipling the prefix (radib, berserker, “ugly-cavern-trash-mob-punisher”, toastmaster and so on…) is so confusing you never know which gear for what stat. Please don’t add more !
Choosing the stats when crafting would be so much easier (just make one type of item for one stat. Exemple : venom pouch for condition damage + bone for thoughness + blood flask for precision) – and you could sell items in the gem store to change the stats
Moreover i’m fed up with all the useless gear we get everythime… why not sell in the gem stor a “recombiner” to convert 3 items and stats into one ?
Of course this would change the economy of your game but, being honnest, not so much since everyone is level 80 now…
Boon and condition damage/duration : +1
Especially for my staff mesmer !
(edited by Cyriss.1062)
My opinion on this? NO new stats at all. thanks. Why? The only people that get better with weird combo’s like healing power precision condition damage, is the classes that have such crazy good base stats/profession mechanic, that they can experiment with EVERY kind of gear, wich would mean these profession are getting stronger by more stat option (or at least more flexible). Guardian and warrior are their names, and to a lesser extend, condition viable professions (necro, engi). Anything else? new stats will hurt the other professions.
Bring all professions up to warrior viability/flexible traits+builds, and MAYBe then this update will do good. If you still persist, this will mean, wasted manpower, cause update useless for most professions, and on top of it will increase the problems that exist (warrior, and to lesser extend guardian, overpowering other profession, especially when comparing viability, without any traits, (both professions would suffice), but other professions would have a hard time).
There you go, my take on it.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
For PvP. Bunker engineer. To get some more damage in trade for healing power.
Toughness (major)
Power (minor)
Condition Damage (minor)
Toughness (major)
Precision (minor)
Condition Damage (minor)
For PvP?
- Toughness
- Vitality
- Condition Duration
- toughness
- vitality
…and let the forum roar.
For PvE?
No sense to add anything until you fix condition damage in PvE, as Berseker’s/Soldier’s will be better than any new ones since a) healing power scales horribly and b) the rework of sigils/runes rendered precision-oriented builds far less viable.
If I had to pick just one, it would be Condition Damage, Power, Precision
What I would really like to see is our stat allocation become more fluid in the future, instead of what it is now. Of course, I mean allowing us to pick our own Stat combinations.
Someone suggested it pretty well earlier :::
I would love to see craftable gear with NO stats, but with 4 infusion slots (1 major infusion, 2 minor infusion, 1 agony/wvw/utility infusion) . And then add craftable infusions for each stat at each level (major minor), so we could mix and match our own setups.
There are some changes I would like to make to it, outlined below….
- When leveling 1-79, we only get predetermined Stat combinations, which already exist in the game. This will help new players learn the better stat combinations, and help some of us learn to play new classes.
- At level 80, phase out the current system of aquiring different armor stats, and instead, give us the ability to craft Exotic and Ascended “stat-less” armor. Each piece has 3 Stat Infusion slots (or whatever you want to call it). 1 Major slot, and 2 Minor slots, (in addition to what it has right now)
- Also at level 80, give us the ability to craft the Stat Infusions. Stats for each major and minor stat in the game (Power, Precision, Toughness, Vitality, Ferocity, Condition Damage, Healing Power, Condition Duration, Boon Duraion, etc.)(Maybe also things like Profession Attribute bonus, Movement speed, etc.)
- If We put the Stat infusion into the Major Slot of, for example, a chest piece, then it gives us the equivelant stat bonus (for level 80 exotic, that’s 101)(in the minor slot, thats 72).
- Putting any one stat into any slot will lock you out of putting it into another slot on the same piece of armor, which prevents getting an insane amount of toughness or an unecessary amount of precision out of it.
- Generate an in-game list of all the possible 3 stat combinations, then name the Armor the appropriate prefix when all the stat infusions are filled. (If we make a Power, Precision, Ferocity set, then it would be named Berserker. If we have a new stat combo like Healing Power, Toughness, Precision, name it something new like Martyr’s/Druid’s/etc.)
- Of course, make it soulbound, so there’s not 50 million different items on the trading post. That’s always a plus!
- Also remove Jewel upgrades from stat-less Exotic Trinkets in this system to keep it simple, making one trinket have only 3 stats, like what most Ascended has now.
- There are some downsides to this, as the whole system will be more complex than the current armor system is now, and some armor combinations (such as all defensive stats) aren’t really all that useful, but,
- In the long term, it will be much simpler than constantly adding new gear types to the game that requires new and different crafting materials, that requires a new and different recipe for each individual armor, trinket, and weapon type in the game.
- It will also allow us to craft ascended and exotic gear for what doesn’t exist in the game right now (ascended Magi trinkets for example)
(edited by Chrispy.5641)
knight with main power, Power toughness precision
What ‘Oega Boogabooga’ said.
Power as main stat and precision/thoughness as a secondary stats.
(Retired) Team Aggression [TA]
I would like to see:
Healing power (main)(40%) – Toughness(30%) – Vitality(30%)
or even better:
Healing power (main)(40%) – Toughness(25%) – Vitality(25%) – boon duration(10%)
Or like celestial but instead of Critdamage (ferocity) Extra points in the other stats…
Toughness/Vitality/Healing Power
Power/Vitality/Healing Power
edit: forgot to state the obvious —> it would be muuuuch better to just be able to mix ‘n’ match all the stats to your heart content with a mechanic similar to the one for legendaries
Boon/Condition duration (main) (10%) – power – precision/toughness
Power (main) – Boon /Condition duration (5-7% max.) – precision/toughness
what about some new stat combos that reduces condition duration like the melandru rune already does?
Please give us more access to Condition Duration and Boon Duration.
Both as minor and major stat, maybe even in PvP.
I do not really care what specific Stat-Combo but some ideas:
Toughness/Vitality + Condition Damage + Condition Duration
Boon Duration + Toughness + Vitality
Power/Condition Damage + Precision + Boon Duration
or even go kind of crazy:
Condition Damage + Precision + Condition Duration
The “Berserker” of Conditions, outside of PvP I do not really see balance problems to be honest.
Something like Condition Damage + Toughness/Vitality + Condition Duration might be too strong in WvW.
(edited by Henahax.1706)
I wonder why ANet doesn’t change the way armors and weapons are crafted.
Let’s say there is one ingerdient for each stat and the normal statcombo is 3-2-2 (major-minor1-minor2). That would be 7 ingerdients you need for one armor or weapon. Now you could just change up the mixing (like 6-1 instead of 3-2-2). The only requirement is that you need exactly 7 ingredients. As example, celestial gear would be 1-1-1-1-1-1-1.
(edited by HHR LostProphet.4801)
Personally I hate the statsystem and would like to see the system itself overhauled.
Because right now there are so many different stats that all influence damage in some way.
But there are also skills that are hybrid, that do both direct damage and condition damage. Why would such skills rely on two completely different stat groups?
Why are the stats split up in two groups anyway? Why can those not be merged?
For damage we now have:
- Power
- Precision
- Crit damage
- Condition Damage
- Condition Duration
To be honest I think this is silly. Why not merge condition damage and power, and condition duration and precision, for example? Then at least those hybrid skills are viable to use.
Power Precision Toughness
and assassin’s trinkets (i want the ascended assassin’s :O)
My preference would go to the following two combinations:
Power / Condition Damage / Toughness
Power / Condition Damage / Healing Power
(I would prefer Power to be the primary stat in both.)
Having both Power and Condition Damage gives versatility to characters that have ways to deal both regular damage and condition damage. The addition of a defensive stat like Toughness or Healing Power also enhances survivability.
I realize we already have Carrion (Condition Damage / Power / Vitality), but I would like to stress that Vitality-based survivability works differently from Toughness-based or Healing Power-based survivability. Carrion gives decent resistance against conditions, while new combination #1 would give decent resistance against direct damage, and new combination #2 would give better recovery through healing. These differences are especially noticeable on light armor professions.
The addition of these two combinations would also enable players to mix and match their weapon and armor between #1, #2 and/or Carrion, in order to build a mix of defensive stats in addition to a strong bonus in both Power and Condition Damage.
(edited by Jornophelanthas.1475)
question first…
what is the reasoning behind gear only affecting 3 of 7 stats (besides celestial)?Really 3 stats just makes for some more interesting choices in how people itemize.
You should take a look at the thread in the spvp forums named “No more jewels in amulets on the 15th?”.
There’s some pretty good arguments supporting that 4-stat gear has better benefits to some professions and builds, and how it is better at avoiding extreme situations and keeping a lower range between stat values for easier balancing.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
Power (major) toughness and healing power (minor)
Condition damage (major) power and toughness (minor)
I had no time to go over all that has been suggested.
But i would love to see:1) (Power)/Healing/Toughness
2) (Power)/Healing/Precision
3) (Power)/Healing/FerocityMy power/vampiric necro would love to see any of these
Number 2 already exists in-game. Look up the Zealot’s stat-type!
I had no time to go over all that has been suggested.
But i would love to see:1) (Power)/Healing/Toughness
2) (Power)/Healing/Precision
3) (Power)/Healing/FerocityMy power/vampiric necro would love to see any of these
Number 2 already exists in-game. Look up the Zealot’s stat-type!
Funny you should mention that since both my mains are wearing full sets of it in exotic and I’ve managed to buy most of the ascended armor recipes for Keeper’s in the last week.
I took one look at the Ferocity nerf and swapped to Zealot’s with a grin .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Power, Ferocity/Precision and Healing Power
How are there so many ideas on a stat combo when all anybody complains about is the best dps stat version?
This community is wack
Why should i complain about tanky stat versions if i don´t need tanky stats. Or if i don´t want to play them?
Lets face the facts.
We have:
- 3 dps combos (Berserker, assasins and rampager)
- 1 support/dps (zealots)
- 15! tanky combos
So, Con/prec/pow or Pow/con/prec again…
Condi, power, precision. Basically what rampager should be. With this you open up the possibility of 1 condi spec being included in optimized pve groups.
Even Power, prec, condi damage could work nicely.
Please, please, PLEASE add this one, I would love play as a condition mancer in PvE efficiently.
Condition Damage > Power = Precision
This is going slightly off topic as it’s a lot more complex than just some new stat spreads, but in the long run would allow for all the stat possibilities and decent stat metrics for ANet.
I think you should add a craftable and tradeable item that can be used to change the stat combo on any weapon, armour or trinket, that includes the ability to set your own stats combinations.
You’d double-click the item and it would offer you to chose between existing prefixes and a custom prefix.
If you pick custom, you could chose any combination you wanted e.g. 1 stat, 4 stat, equal stats, negative stats etc etc, and then when you confirm the selection it will create an item that can be used to replace the previous stats on an item with those stats. This would account-bind the item once the stats have been selected
ANet could then monitor the custom stats being selected, and use those metrics to prioritise new stats combos based on actual usage.
I would make further sense for these items to be custom inscriptions, custom insignias and custom jewels.
Each could require a couple of new components that needs all of the original set of Fine crafting ingredients to create, along with a new chef-made ingredient (to give them some new useful recipes when everyone else is getting some).
Each of the weapon/armour professions could create a custom inscription/insignia/adorned jewel that can be used as part of a crafted item, or to change the stats on an existing item.
This would add additional functionality to inscription, insignias and adorned jewels enabling them to be used additionally to change stats of an existing weapon (account-binding the weapon in the process).
Custom Inscriptionof the Weaponsmith
Level 80 (Exotic)
- Can be used by weaponsmiths to create tradeable exotic melee weapons with ability to select custom stats
- Can be used by anyone to change the previous inscription stats on any existing exotic melee weapon.
1 x Sub Item 1
- 3 x Vicious Claws
- 3 x Armoured Scales
- 3 x Powerful Venom Sacs
- 3 x Vicious Fangs
1 x Sub Item 2
- 3 x Vials of Powerful Blood
- 3 x Ancient Bones
- 3 x Elaborate Totems
- 3 x Globs of Ectoplasm
5 x Orichalcum Plated Dowels
1 x Exotic Chef-Made Item
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
(edited by Kaz.5430)
Healing (Primary)
I wonder why ANet doesn’t change the way armors and weapons are crafted.
Let’s say there is one ingerdient for each stat and the normal statcombo is 3-2-2 (major-minor1-minor2). That would be 7 ingerdients you need for one armor or weapon. Now you could just change up the mixing (like 6-1 instead of 3-2-2). The only requirement is that you need exactly 7 ingredients. As example, celestial gear would be 1-1-1-1-1-1-1.
I’m all for this suggestion. This would cover the most ideas made so far and would be even more versatile. I can’t say if this would be balanced or not but it looks pretty neat on paper.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
I would love to get people thoughts on what stat combinations they would like to see added to the game?
Hey Isaiah,
i came up with something different, something “special”. why dont you implement empty armor with stat slots. these could look like:
legendary armor ( total stat poll: 288 – breastplate – same as ascended armor):
Type 1 || primary 106 || secondary 76 || secondary 76 ||
Type 2 || secondary 96 || secondary 96 || secondary 96 ||
Type 3 || primary 82 || primary 82 || secondary 62 || secondary 62 ||
Type 4 || secondary 72 || secondary 72 || secondary 72 || secondary 72 ||
so on ( dont know if 1stat and 2stat combinations would work balance wise )
to fill the stats in, one way would be with a drop down menu ( the boring soloution )
the second idea is to implement a new crafting profession that can create stones with stats. these stones will be fit into the armor slots.
major stone of power
minor stone of power
major stone of presicion
minor stone of presicion
major stone of toughness
minor stone of toughness
so on
now when you slot a stat stone into the legendary armor the right amount of stats will be calculated. a great amount of new builds will become available.
i hope you like my idea
edit : i should have read all posts above :P
Stomp some Piken!
(edited by Coarr.3286)
i dont know if this has been suggested already but i dont feel like reading 5 pages of text so…
celestial without condition damage. the the points that condition damage would have will than be spread evenly among all other stats. this could also be possible for celestial without X other stat. like celestial without healing power.
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.
Faster Attack Speed
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!
1st is primary stat
heal, power, vitality
heal, toughness, ferocity
power, heal, ferocity
Why not just do away with stat cominations all together? Create armour with three sockets, one primary and two secondary. Replace stat combinations with runestones or gems. Each stat has two gems, a primary and a secondary gem. Socketing any gem of a specific type prevents others of that type being used.
Essentially the same system as now but instead of creating recipes and dozens of acquisition methods (as well as unfairly forcing players who want specific combinations to participate in inflated markets – zealots, sentinals etc) all you have to do is create two gems of every stat and players can customise it themselves.
The system we have now is needlessly restrictive.
Additionally this could be a reason to take jewelcrafting up to 500, too.
But in PvP you need more than 3 sockets in our lonely amulet.
Condi, power, precision. Basically what rampager should be. With this you open up the possibility of 1 condi spec being included in optimized pve groups.
This so much!
Rafflesia Sothoth, Silvary Necromancer
I’d like to reference this in recalling that you guys should probably actually add what you guys said you would in addition to adding in new stuff.
Tarnished Coast Server
New stats such as :
-Armor Penetration (Ignore x% of target’s armor)
-Condition damage reduction, for reasons you can all understand.
-Attack Speed on weapon skills to bring an alternative to berserker set (shouldn’t be used with condition damage stats). Won’t reduce cooldown of skills so it won’t benefit all class.
(edited by arkealia.2713)
Every possible combination of three stats.
There are 7 stats. Every possible combination would be: 7 * (7 choose 2) + 1 = 7 * 21 + 1 = 148 different possible prefixes.
What if they let us choose the major/minor stat ourselves when the equipment is crafted
that’s it! dont make new armor stats, just allow us to choose!
I’d love this for my guardian:
Major: Boon Duration
Minor: Healing Power
Minor: Vitality/Power/Precision/Toughness (one of these)
Really anything with lots more boon duration would be nice. The extra healing power would be great too.
Condi classes would be great with a set like:
Condi Duration
Condi Damage
and Vitality/Power/Precision/Toughness (one of these)
Or revamp ascended armor to include the 4 stat combos you can get with trinkets. It would make getting ascended armor more viable and wanted.