[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


Just a word about “Normalizing” speed boost. I forgot to include this in my previous response.

Each class has different access to speed boost. Some have more than one speed boost skill, some have it on their weapon, so they have to give up a combat skill. others have it on a utility, so they have to be less combat effective if surprised. Some have one on both, which gives them speed boost for longer effective time. Some can grant speed boost to others.

This was done to increase class distinctions. We want to give each class a distinct flavor, and playstyle.

Maybe we should normalize armor? Is it unfair that elementalists cannot wear heavy armor? Or maybe normalize weapons? Is it unfair that thieves cannot use staves? Maybe we should normalize Utility skills? is it Unfair that rangers cannot use Null-field? maybe Normalize abilties? is it unfair that mesmer cannot charm beasts?

These differences are made to give each class a different playstyle.

The developers chose to use speed boost as a way of preserving class distinction. Normalizing it… waters down class distinction. What’s next? Giving turrets to warriors? banners to rangers? Spirits to thieves?

Or maybe just have one class.." Hero" ??

The choices Anet made for each class is part of the design of Gw2. it is pretty clear that some players want Anet to redesign the game, and turn it into a different game that is more to their liking out of selfishness, ego-centricity, and arrogance.

They seek to impose pets On players that do not wish to look at them.

And when asked for compelling reasons?

1. It would be cool. (debateable)
2. I want it. ( just because we want things doesn’t mean that it is good for everyone else to let us have them.)

Those that seek mounts need more compelling reasons. Anet heard these and was not compelled.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashkael.2859


are mounts needed? no
but they’re a nice addition to how people want to customize themselves.

honestly, waypoints are more nonsensical than mounts. it’s weird that in the lore, the different races have used dolyaks for carrying things but never thought of riding them.

i can’t understand why people are so against them. with them being developed, resources aren’t pouring into more important things?

what utter BS. not developing mounts or capes for years now did didn’t help them develop precursor crafting right? or are people against mounts because they think that if theyre implemented and they have speed boost with them, everyone would be obligated to get them to even things out? and what’s with this ‘if i dont want or cant have them, noone should to’ mentality?

as people have mentioned, mounts could just be vanity items. they don’t need to have speed boost with them. and lol to these people who keep a stiff stance about not wanting them. when you try to reason with them and offer some valid points, they tell you to go to another game lol. they can’t accept what others are saying but also don’t have anything significant to counter other people’s reasoning so they try to bail on the conversation.

i lol everytime i read that scapegoat line. ‘well good sir my nonsensical reasons are depleted. please if you would, just go to another game before i start to doubt my beliefs and my sanity.’ sad

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zevix.1479


The commando class gets mount kits.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


i can’t understand why people are so against them. with them being developed, resources aren’t pouring into more important things?

what utter BS. not developing mounts or capes for years now did didn’t help them develop precursor crafting right?

Well, look at it this way: content has been coming out at the current rate without mounts being on the plate, so diverting resources into mounts is just going to slow everything else down. Just because they haven’t delivered on previously mentioned features yet doesn’t mean they’re sitting around doing nothing, so another project would definitely have to suffer in order for them to work on mounts (much like how previous projects probably had to be put on hold to shift focus onto the April 15th patch and LS season 2).

It depends on whether or not you think that’s an acceptable tradeoff; while I think it would be amusing to ride a Charr armored bike around (seriously, if they have mounts in GW2 they would definitely need racial mounts), I wouldn’t want it at the expense of everything else that still needs polishing.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrIllusion.5304


Oh I read it. it just seems you want the developers to totally redesign their game for completely selfish reasons. You say " this is stupid, that is stupid, this is stupid, that is stupid.’ over and over.

If so Much of the game is stupid, there are two options. Play the game even if it is stupid, and enjoy it with it’s stupidity or… play a game that is better suited for you.

I read your “Darwin prize” comment, and chose to ignore it.

Read it again.

I’m saying the “go play another game” is a poor argument for anything.

Many features were not in the game at launch.

“You want a PvE wardrobe? Go play PvP noob!”
“You want tough 80-man bosses. Go play FFXI!”
“You want trait unlocks? Go play GW1!”
“You want better-than-exotic gear threadmill? Go play WoW!”

These were added in later. Evolution. Darwinism.

They were added in later because Anet figured they can reach some balance between what players want/don’t want, preserving their core philosophy, and maintaining business objectives.

I’m not asking for instanced raids because Anet has a strong design philosophy against exclusive content. I’m not asking for better-than-ascended gear because Anet has a strong stance against gear threadmills.

Speed-boosts via mounts, to my knowledge, does not contradict any core design philosophy as communicated to their customers.

How do I know this? It’s already in the game.

I’m asking for fluffy creatures that give us speed boost. There are already NPCs in the game that give us 5 min swiftness boons.

Even if mounts don’t give speed boosts, what’s the difference between selling a miniature bipedal bird, and a gigantic bipedal bird that you can ride on?

All that talk about class balance and normalising armor is just false equivalence and strawman’s argument.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


anyone ever realize the only counter argument to mounts is: waypoints and a plain no.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


are mounts needed? no
but they’re a nice addition to how people want to customize themselves.

honestly, waypoints are more nonsensical than mounts. it’s weird that in the lore, the different races have used dolyaks for carrying things but never thought of riding them.

i can’t understand why people are so against them. with them being developed, resources aren’t pouring into more important things?

what utter BS. not developing mounts or capes for years now did didn’t help them develop precursor crafting right? or are people against mounts because they think that if theyre implemented and they have speed boost with them, everyone would be obligated to get them to even things out? and what’s with this ‘if i dont want or cant have them, noone should to’ mentality?

as people have mentioned, mounts could just be vanity items. they don’t need to have speed boost with them. and lol to these people who keep a stiff stance about not wanting them. when you try to reason with them and offer some valid points, they tell you to go to another game lol. they can’t accept what others are saying but also don’t have anything significant to counter other people’s reasoning so they try to bail on the conversation.

i lol everytime i read that scapegoat line. ‘well good sir my nonsensical reasons are depleted. please if you would, just go to another game before i start to doubt my beliefs and my sanity.’ sad

I have been asking those that want mounts for compelling reasons for 2 years.

1. It would be cool
2. I want it.

These are not compelling reasons. I have also given reasons against mounts for this game. If you checked the thread you will see them repeated at least 3 or 4 times.

And that is only on THIS thread. I have repeated them over and over on other threads.

While I have been one to tell people " maybe this game is not for you" it is not to " bail" on the conversation. I usually reserve that for players that advocate large scale changes to the game, to the extent that it turns Gw2 into a totally different game.

Some have said " get rid of 2/3s of the waypoints" So that then they can make mounts supposedly necessary.

Some have said they felt that having to swap weapons or utility skills to use a speed boost skill was stupid.

These particular types of players are basically wanting the game to be changed large scale, so that speed boost mounts supposedly make sense.

In effect they are wanting Gw2, to cease being the game it is, and be changed Into some other game.

When I see that a player is not happy with the game Anet has given us… to the extent that they advocate such large scale changes to Gw2, where it ceases to BE gw2, and becomes something else… I make the most common sense suggestion. Which can be summarized as follows.

" it seems you are not happy with the game the developers are providing, this can be surmised by the large scale changes you would Like to see to the game the rest of us like … maybe this is Not the game for you."

While I can understand that you might wish to believe it is done to " bail"… it isn’t.

While I can see that you wish to believe that compelling reasons are being provided by the pro-mount side of this debate… in general..on average… they aren’t.

There is no discussion to bail on… The pro-mount side of the discussion amounts to " it would be cool, and I want it." that is not an argument, and cannot be discussed.

Fact: Those wanting Mounts want the developers to put resources into making changes. Those of us that do Not wish mounts…. don’t want any change. We want the status – quo.

As such, the burden of providing compelling arguments falls on those wanting mounts. Those of us that do not want them,… we don’t have to offer a single argument against.

All we have to say is…

" we are fine with the game that Anet has provided. We agree with their continued decision to not provide speed boost mounts."

And yet.. it is interesting that although it is incumbent on you to provide compelling reasons you don’t. Although we don’t need to provide any reasons aside from the above, we do. And you claim that we aren’t engaging in discussion? That is is us that are bailing?

Where are your compelling reasons for the game benefiting from speed boost mounts that cannot be accomplished from a combination of waypoints + speed boost skills?

The only arguments I keep seeing are " it would be cool, and I want it."

PS: another tactic is to try and put the anti-mount side on the defensive. " Give us reasons against mounts"

Not quite. YOU want Anet to change the game, before they do, they need compelling reasons to do so. We don’t need any.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gummy.4278


Even if mounts DO make it in game, I don’t believe they would compromise the class concepts and gear that is available to overcome those deficiencies.

I didn’t want to come back and get caught up in another endless debate over mounts, but what you say here kinda warranted my need to supply you with an observation.

MAGIC FIND This right here is prof that Anet can and will at their discretion compromise functionality and gear, if the desire for change is there. They took a system within the game and changed almost all of it, except for what food and boosters. How many people where upset that the gear they had paid exorbitant amount of gold into, to make them have better chances at rarer items only for all of that gear to be wiped of those stats. Now no one complains anymore after the dust has settled. I can say that at first I was not overly happy with MF change, but after they brought in the newer system and I seen what they did and I loved it more than the carrying of two sets of gear and my overall MF was account bound. Remember there was a lot of complaints that people wearing MF gear was hurting others for not having stats that was helpful.

It has been done before so don’t count your chickens before they hatch, it very well could happen again with other systems in game.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


Oh I read it. it just seems you want the developers to totally redesign their game for completely selfish reasons. You say " this is stupid, that is stupid, this is stupid, that is stupid.’ over and over.

If so Much of the game is stupid, there are two options. Play the game even if it is stupid, and enjoy it with it’s stupidity or… play a game that is better suited for you.

I read your “Darwin prize” comment, and chose to ignore it.

Read it again.

I’m saying the “go play another game” is a poor argument for anything.

Many features were not in the game at launch.

“You want a PvE wardrobe? Go play PvP noob!”
“You want tough 80-man bosses. Go play FFXI!”
“You want trait unlocks? Go play GW1!”
“You want better-than-exotic gear threadmill? Go play WoW!”

These were added in later. Evolution. Darwinism.

They were added in later because Anet figured they can reach some balance between what players want/don’t want, preserving their core philosophy, and maintaining business objectives.

I’m not asking for instanced raids because Anet has a strong design philosophy against exclusive content. I’m not asking for better-than-ascended gear because Anet has a strong stance against gear threadmills.

Speed-boosts via mounts, to my knowledge, does not contradict any core design philosophy as communicated to their customers.

How do I know this? It’s already in the game.

I’m asking for fluffy creatures that give us speed boost. There are already NPCs in the game that give us 5 min swiftness boons.

Even if mounts don’t give speed boosts, what’s the difference between selling a miniature bipedal bird, and a gigantic bipedal bird that you can ride on?

All that talk about class balance and normalising armor is just false equivalence and strawman’s argument.

Maybe this is not the game for you. Maybe you might find greater pleasure playing a game that already has speed boost mounts. There are dozens.

The difference between selling a Miniature bi-pedal bird that walks NEXT to you, and a giant bird that you ride on? well one is… you are riding a creature, when the culture and technology of Tyria makes it unnecessary to ride creatures.

Clipping has been discussed, screen clutter has been discussed, griefing has been discussed, server lag…. frame rate decay.. discussed, etc etc etc…

I know you may not have seen these, mostly because you are coming late into this discussion. But many reasons have been given for why we are against speed boost mounts, we have also provided reasons why we are against cosmetics only mounts.

And you still have not given one compelling reason for them.

Fact is, whether " Go play another game" is a valid for or argument or not… you are not giving ANY argument at all. Saying " Anet added other things that weren’t in game" is not an argument FOR Mounts.

It may be an argument for " The benefits of occasional change" And it may show that Anet is willing to change it’s Position and redesign the game. That is NOT the same thing as an argument for mounts. What I fail to see from your side are valid…compelling arguments for why MOUNTS are a beneficial change from no mounts.

When are you going to provide compelling arguments for mounts….. ?

anyone ever realize the only counter argument to mounts is: waypoints and a plain no.

While I agree these are the only necessary counters, others have already been provided, and the Pro-mount side keeps not providing any, and Hoping with smoke and mirrors, and changing subjects to obfuscate that fact.

Most pro-mount Players still have not offered a single compelling argument to show that mounts would be beneficial to the game.

And saying " because then players like me that want them could have them" is not compelling.

But you are correct, the only counters we really need are " waypoints and no."

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gummy.4278


A reason that I want mounts.

A lot of people say hey you want mounts go play a game that has mounts. Well I have and to be honest, if they have a subscription they tend to have a nice mounted feel. If they are free to play they tend to just plain suck kitten hair balls.
Notice I said nice, not great, wonderful, stupendous, extraordinary, or any other excessively complimentary statement.

This is where Anet comes in:
It is my good belief that Anet would make the mounted feeling be realistic and smooth. They took a lot of care in the handling of the characters, so much so that you probably don’t even notice just how well and connected you are to the movement of your own toon. It just feels natural.
When you jump you feel that the distance is right on and when you mis-jump you can tell what you did wrong. In other games, you find yourself asking. Wth?
As it pertains to mounts, for example Anet already has the lower half of a horse complete with running animations as seen on the Centaurus. If you look at them galloping, it just looks like a real horse to me on the lower extremities.

Back to a main point here. Why would I leave a game I love/am having fun playing to play another game that has inferior quality. I am fine staying here and making the suggestion that Anet use the talents they have to bring even more quality to game with an introduction to a mount system that has not quite been done in other MMO’s the same way.

I have given many suggestions on how this system could be done in my older posts in mount threads. Here is an example of some of them.

Once you acquire a mount it will be placed inside a Mount tab very similar to the Finisher tab, where you can select each mount you have unlocked for your account for that particular character to use. You will have to learn the riding skill that takes up a utility skill spot that has passive and active state. If the riding skill is on your bar passively you will ride the mount with a 25% to 33% speed buff depending on the mount, and you can be dismounted by entering combat. Being dismounted also effects a cool down before you can mount again.
Mounts will be based on gw2 trinity of damage, control, and support. This will be needed, as when you activate the riding skill this will change your skill bar to mounted combat and your mount will have a certain skill set based on what role the mount is and what weapon you are carrying. Some ideas for these skills would for example support role could use a rope to drag a downed player out of aoe’s to rez them. Another would be a skill that allows you to connect to a siege weapon and haul it to another place in a new WvW area designed with mounted combat in mind. Yes of course attaching a hitch to siege will make your mount move slower.
In this area of WvW, supply will not be transported by dolyaks unless that is the mount you are riding. Supply runs will be integral in keeping keeps as you will have to go out and get supply and bring it back individually to deposit directly into the pile. So you will feel the loss of supply a little bit harder for your team that ever before, not to mention needing to carry your own stock of supply for team needs.
I don’t think many can say that this has been done to death in other games quite like this and I am sure other commentators could help build on my ideas by giving their own examples of what skills you could get from activating the mounted skills.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


A reason that I want mounts.

A lot of people say hey you want mounts go play a game that has mounts. Well I have and to be honest, if they have a subscription they tend to have a nice mounted feel. If they are free to play they tend to just plain suck kitten hair balls.
Notice I said nice, not great, wonderful, stupendous, extraordinary, or any other excessively complimentary statement.

This is where Anet comes in:
It is my good belief that Anet would make the mounted feeling be realistic and smooth. They took a lot of care in the handling of the characters, so much so that you probably don’t even notice just how well and connected you are to the movement of your own toon. It just feels natural.
When you jump you feel that the distance is right on and when you mis-jump you can tell what you did wrong. In other games, you find yourself asking. Wth?
As it pertains to mounts, for example Anet already has the lower half of a horse complete with running animations as seen on the Centaurus. If you look at them galloping, it just looks like a real horse to me on the lower extremities.

Back to a main point here. Why would I leave a game I love/am having fun playing to play another game that has inferior quality. I am fine staying here and making the suggestion that Anet use the talents they have to bring even more quality to game with an introduction to a mount system that has not quite been done in other MMO’s the same way.

I have given many suggestions on how this system could be done in my older posts in mount threads. Here is an example of some of them.

Once you acquire a mount it will be placed inside a Mount tab very similar to the Finisher tab, where you can select each mount you have unlocked for your account for that particular character to use. You will have to learn the riding skill that takes up a utility skill spot that has passive and active state. If the riding skill is on your bar passively you will ride the mount with a 25% to 33% speed buff depending on the mount, and you can be dismounted by entering combat. Being dismounted also effects a cool down before you can mount again.
Mounts will be based on gw2 trinity of damage, control, and support. This will be needed, as when you activate the riding skill this will change your skill bar to mounted combat and your mount will have a certain skill set based on what role the mount is and what weapon you are carrying. Some ideas for these skills would for example support role could use a rope to drag a downed player out of aoe’s to rez them. Another would be a skill that allows you to connect to a siege weapon and haul it to another place in a new WvW area designed with mounted combat in mind. Yes of course attaching a hitch to siege will make your mount move slower.
In this area of WvW, supply will not be transported by dolyaks unless that is the mount you are riding. Supply runs will be integral in keeping keeps as you will have to go out and get supply and bring it back individually to deposit directly into the pile. So you will feel the loss of supply a little bit harder for your team that ever before, not to mention needing to carry your own stock of supply for team needs.
I don’t think many can say that this has been done to death in other games quite like this and I am sure other commentators could help build on my ideas by giving their own examples of what skills you could get from activating the mounted skills.

So this is back to

1. It would be cool.
2 I want it.

See what I mean? These are selfish reasons. You need to provide compelling reasons that what you want is beneficial to the game. That the game, and others besides yourself, and players Like yourself would also benefit.

The Game would have to be redesigned, which takes, time, energy, and effort. You need to be convincing.

waxing poetic about How mounts On Gw2 would be super-duper awesome and feel " right". Is Not a compelling argument for why it should be added to the game. it doesn’t convince that it would be a benefit worth the effort, especially when that effort can be better put elsewhere.

The main problem with your desires is, that it means even MORE skills. Anet is having a hard time balancing the ones it has Now.

You want to add 15 new skills per mount. That means Players would have anywhere from 15 to 30 skills they could access on a mount.

That would take a LOT of work, a LOT of time. Anet is having trouble balancing the skills we have, and they’ve been at it a couple of years.

It sounds Like an interesting idea I’ll say that. But I do not think it’s going to happen anytime soon.

Personally, I wouls rather they devote the energy for doing what they can to make zerker less meta.. Improve diversity,… and give necromancers More of a desired role in dungeons.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gummy.4278


So this is back to

1. It would be cool.
2 I want it.

See what I mean? These are selfish reasons. You need to provide compelling reasons that what you want is beneficial to the game. That the game, and others besides yourself, and players Like yourself would also benefit.

The Game would have to be redesigned, which takes, time, energy, and effort. You need to be convincing.

waxing poetic about How mounts On Gw2 would be super-duper awesome and feel " right". Is Not a compelling argument for why it should be added to the game. it doesn’t convince that it would be a benefit worth the effort, especially when that effort can be better put elsewhere.

The main problem with your desires is, that it means even MORE skills. Anet is having a hard time balancing the ones it has Now.

You want to add 15 new skills per mount. That means Players would have anywhere from 15 to 30 skills they could access on a mount.

That would take a LOT of work, a LOT of time. Anet is having trouble balancing the skills we have, and they’ve been at it a couple of years.

It sounds Like an interesting idea I’ll say that. But I do not think it’s going to happen anytime soon.

Personally, I wouls rather they devote the energy for doing what they can to make zerker less meta.. Improve diversity,… and give necromancers More of a desired role in dungeons.

I am not gonna debate with you about what I want being selfish reasons, I could say the same for you being selfish in your pursuit to halt mounts in any form (all the while not going on a tangent about how the game is already destroyed because of the current toys they gave us to play with)and it would have the same effect as it did on me. Basically for me the reasons no matter how selfish they seem to the opposition are as equally compelling as any other reason including “It would be cool or I want”. These two by themselves are alone enough to show that yes there is a genuine interest. I don’t have to compel or convince you of anything.

But I will say that I am saying anet has some talent and you say they don’t and they don’t even have the sense to balance some skills. Which I could offer you some of that tried and true naysayer philosophy “Maybe this game is not for you, maybe you should go play another game that has a developer team that knows what they are doing”

As far as them applying time to design of, they have already done a lot of work towards this if only you would look around and see the many things that are already capable of being mounts not to mention vehicles that are just setting in Black Citadel. Also it is a known fact that they work in teams on projects and certain dev’s work only on the items that they specialize in. With that being said the team that would work on mounts are not gonna stop the team that is working on meta builds and diversity from getting their job done. They don’t show up at work and someone says ok today we gonna fix problem x.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m commenting exactly the format that I would like mounts to take – speed boosts. Which traditionally takes the form of mounts.

I think that’s exactly why you won’t see them introduced in the game. Everyone already has access to that. Anet seems to be a little off the beaten path with their concepts. Their goal isn’t to make a WoW clone. That’s why they are successful with the game. Speed-boost mounts doesn’t seem inline with GW2.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrIllusion.5304


I’m commenting exactly the format that I would like mounts to take – speed boosts. Which traditionally takes the form of mounts.

I think that’s exactly why you won’t see them introduced in the game. Everyone already has access to that.

This is why exactly I am advocating that they be introduced. Most professions already have it (not all).

Why not separate a quality of life feature from the core combat mechanics, and avoid the unfairness of some professions not having access to it?

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrIllusion.5304


Maybe this is not the game for you. Blah blah blah

Maybe I’m wasting my time with you, since your arguments can be summarized into the following:

1) Go play a different game. (Not going to bother)

2) The “technology of Tyria makes it unnecessary to ride creatures”.

Utter bullkitten. The Charr have tons of mount-like vehicle that would qualify as a mount. You could even use Juju wurms and Siege Devourers in GW1.

The Norn personal story already sends you on a quest to locate a missing Charr VEHICLE.

In GW2 Hobotron got stuck because i couldn’t afford the waypoint fare. In old Lion’s Arch, there is an NPC that explains how “going though a portal is instantaneous” to another NPC. Obviously it is not a ubiquitous technology that everyone uses.

3) Clipping
Even existing armor clips. Shall we tell Charr players to “go play another game” where armor doesn’t clip?

4) Screen Clutter, Griefing, Lag

You’re kidding right? Does the speed boost in the city make us any more griefers? Any more laggy? We already have swiftness boon in the game. Has anyone blamed lag on that?

As for main reason FOR mounts, I mentioned it in my FIRST post here. A quality of life feature shouldn’t be locked into builds and skill bars and runes. Our skill bars are compact as it is

If balance is an issue, NORMALISE it so it doesn’t provide unfair advantage in gameplay.

(edited by MrIllusion.5304)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.7523


I want mounts, that is a great idea… In WvW most of the time you run. That will solve problem of 8 min running every time you die to 4 min running….
And in pve who cares you have teleports, but at least you are going to look cool.
And they are going to earn a lots of money by selling mounts in gem store.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I want mounts. Why?

Because compromising my build to include perma 25% run speed is stupid.

Because paying through the nose for Traveler’s Runes, which provide little benefit other than perma 25% run speed, is stupid.

Because sacrificing a slot on my skill bar for perma 25% run speed is stupid.

This isn’t about having more maneuverability. People are doing this to move around faster.

Comments about not putting mounts in, what are they?

Takes up resources? Dumb. All content takes resources. Designing minis and tonics take resources. Is there a large scale protest against new minis?

Unnecessary because of waypoints? Dumb. People are already using builds with 25% perma boost. If speed boosts are unnecessary then replace signet of air and traveler’s runes and signet of locust speed boost with something else.

Because GW2 shouldn’t have mounts and players should go play other games that have it? This takes the Darwin prize. GW2 doesn’t have other pvp modes or duels or GvG or raids or “challenging content” or precursor crafting. Should this stop people from asking for them?

I like mounts and I’m prepared to support my argument with my wallet. More than RNG tickets or town clothes or more boosters or MORE BACKPIECES.

If you’re opposed to mounts let your wallet speak.

Well said. As I read the responses, there isn’t a compelling reason to be against them.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I didn’t want to come back and get caught up in another endless debate over mounts, but what you say here kinda warranted my need to supply you with an observation.

MAGIC FIND This right here is prof that Anet can and will at their discretion compromise functionality and gear, if the desire for change is there. They took a system within the game and changed almost all of it, except for what food and boosters.

I think that comparison is flawed … MF was ALWAYS this ingame as a concept, including the idea it could be buffed, etc.. . It was simply modified to be a permanent stat on your character. Mounts on the other hand are NOT a concept ingame. In fact, nothing ingame works like a mount for players. It’s a completely new system that Anet would have to implement for questionable ROI.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m commenting exactly the format that I would like mounts to take – speed boosts. Which traditionally takes the form of mounts.

I think that’s exactly why you won’t see them introduced in the game. Everyone already has access to that.

This is why exactly I am advocating that they be introduced. Most professions already have it (not all).

Why not separate a quality of life feature from the core combat mechanics, and avoid the unfairness of some professions not having access to it?

SO you’re advocating Anet waste time to re-implement something that isn’t needed or is even universally desired by it’s players simply to separate QoL from a mechanic that already exists? Compelling argument ><

There is nothing unfair here … profession concepts dictate what is ‘fair’ for your profession to have as skills. If you don’t like that, Anet is nice enough to give you an out with Traveler’s runes.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I didn’t want to come back and get caught up in another endless debate over mounts, but what you say here kinda warranted my need to supply you with an observation.

MAGIC FIND This right here is prof that Anet can and will at their discretion compromise functionality and gear, if the desire for change is there. They took a system within the game and changed almost all of it, except for what food and boosters.

I think that comparison is flawed … there was ALWAYS this ingame as a concept, including the idea it could be buffed, etc.. . It was simply modified to be a permanent stat on your character.

The concept of Mounts are NOTHING like MF … nothing ingame works like a traditional mount. It truly is a completely NEW system that is simply not a necessary addition to the game at this time.

Its quite simple. There doesn’t need to be a completely new system.

Put in mounts: Give it a 25% speedboost or 0% speedboost.

Done. There is already speed signet and traits. No need to expand the world over it.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Its quite simple. There doesn’t need to be a completely new system.

?? Quite simply it does because it doesn’t exist ingame. You can think up any system you want … that doesn’t make it magically appear ingame. Skins, animations, rules for access, at a minimum. None of that exists for mounts. If they allow possibility to fly … etc… CLearly you haven’t though about what kind of mounts people are wanting here. They want to climb up on dragons and wolves, etc… because it’s pretty. The argument we need mounts for speed is nonsense because we have that. It’s about aesthetics.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Its quite simple. There doesn’t need to be a completely new system.

?? Quite simply it does because it doesn’t exist ingame. You can think up any system you want … that doesn’t make it magically appear ingame. Skins, animations, rules for access, at a minimum. None of that exists for mounts. If they allow possibility to fly … etc… CLearly you haven’t though about what kind of mounts people are wanting here. They want to climb up on dragons and wolves, etc… because it’s pretty. The argument we need mounts for speed is nonsense because we have that. It’s about aesthetics.

It is simple, you put a player on a mount. Past MMO have tried it, and it works. Maybe you are exaggerating the difficulty of making a mount too much.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m not exaggerating it at all. Ignorant players assume it’s something done in a weekend. It’s a massive implementation. It’s quite irrelevant that other MMO’s do it. It took those MMO’s significant effort as well.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gummy.4278


I didn’t want to come back and get caught up in another endless debate over mounts, but what you say here kinda warranted my need to supply you with an observation.

MAGIC FIND This right here is prof that Anet can and will at their discretion compromise functionality and gear, if the desire for change is there. They took a system within the game and changed almost all of it, except for what food and boosters.

I think that comparison is flawed … MF was ALWAYS this ingame as a concept, including the idea it could be buffed, etc.. . It was simply modified to be a permanent stat on your character. Mounts on the other hand are NOT a concept ingame. In fact, nothing ingame works like a mount for players. It’s a completely new system that Anet would have to implement for questionable ROI.

See that is your problem right there. You think I am making a comparison, when infact I am just proving your original (“Even if mounts DO make it in game, I don’t believe they would compromise the class concepts and gear that is available to overcome those deficiencies.”)statement to be based on false assumptions. Whereas I provide a system in game that has been changed wherein they did in fact alter tons of gear and mechanics to change it to please a partial player base.

Also on the latter statement, mounts are very much a part of the lore and gameplay. Maybe not the way some would like to envision them. But I can name a fair bit of items that act very much like a mount….for instance in gw2 they have the broom, the sonic tuning device, Siege Golems, and most recently the newer kites. I bet a lot of people would be even more happy if they could use their utility skills with the toy items so they can get a speed boost while using them. Except some classes would hate that they don’t have dependable utilities to use.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m not arguing that from a lore POV that they can’t or shouldn’t exist. IIt’s simply not practical. My stance is simple 3 points … there is no need for mounts, it’s alot of work for little return, it’s not inline with the concept of the game. Two of those points aren’t even my opinion. Mounts would not get people anywhere faster than current methods. Mounts would not improve GW2 bottom line based on the work required to implement them. As a business decision, mounts would be dubious; a gamble. Anet doesn’t need to gamble.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


You know all ,what would be the most easiest solution for everybody ?
This 10 Step Plan!

Step 1: Implement racial based Mounts with an innate 25% Movement Speed.
(Humens = Horses/Gryphons for example, Sylvari = Kirins/Thorn Wolves, Asuras build their own Golems as Mounts, Norn transform themself just into Animal Spirits getting basically that way a second health bar, before they return back to their normal form, Charrs craft Steam Vehicles, like Motor Bikes)
Step 2: Remove all Traits, Runes, Sigils & Signets with passive 25% Movement Speed, time to change these into more useful interesting skills/traits that aren’t only used for the speed boost. improve therefore Class Options for Swiftness
Step 3: Give Mounts a Sprinting Feature, that lets them run temporarely at 33% Movement Speed, as long the Mount has Endurance
Step 4: Add into the Graphic Options a Deactivation Button for the Visibility of Mounts, activatign it puts all mounted players for your Account under CULLING, making them for you complete invisible (No names, no chat from them, no titles, no nothign, they be for you, as if they simply wouldnt exist)
Step 5: Let Players get 5 Mount Skills when being mounted for Mounted Combat based on which Mount you use, exactly like Siege Golems
People run already around in WvW with half an army of Siege Golems and thats no problem for the game (nor the players!!, otherwise we would have seen for 2 years now complaint,s that Anet should remove Siege Golems due to all the lag, clipping and what other nonsensical “compelling arguments” get repeated here like a broken record every single posting
Step 6: Limitate the usage of Mounts for only outside of Towns and WvW. The usage of Moutns in the SPvP Lobby and inside Towns won’t be possible
Step 7: Let players automatically dismount, if their Mounts get downed in combat, as they would have same as like Siege golems their own Stats/Healths, but would naturally be alot easier to beat, than a sturdy big Siege Golem, therefore they are naturally faster, more mobile and could be like Gummy suggests more useful in overall by beign able to support in WvW with Supply Transportation ect., what could lead to the removal of Supply Dolyaks, and its rediculous Achievement that anyways nobody will ever reach. By removing it the Achievement gout get changed and capped at say kill 1000 Supply Dolyaks giving players 10 AP for that … the title of that achievement could get reintroduced under a better new achievement thats well designed and not so ridiculous like the current WvW Achievements
Step 8: Sell Mounts as Gemstore Skins, let the feature self be a hard to get prestige achievement like working on a legendary Weapon. This will guarantee, that the game won’t instantly get flooded with Mounts, when everything what anet sells in the Gemstore are only Mount Skins, but not usable Mounts itself
Step 9: Redesign/Improve the big WvW Maps to make them more fittign for Mounted Combat also and general Mounts, as also to implement other good features from EotM into the other Maps, like Anet said, that EotM will be used basically as Testing Ground for Features that will find later their way into the other Maps.
Step 10: Let players that get anyhow dismounted not just appear suddenly like poof out of nowhere out of the culling, if a player uses the option mentioned in Step 4.
Let it happen when the player is distracted by tons of AoE combat effects somehow slowly, so that you don’t get suddenly lots of screenclutter more that could burst your FPS ect. down in an instant.
Or maybe ANet could do it so, that you get so see again invisible players that dismounted, when you relog into the game or so, that could also be a solution, a kittene, but it would work and prevent that sudden appearing problem.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


Step 2: Remove all Traits, Runes, Sigils & Signets with passive 25% Movement Speed, time to change these into more useful interesting skills/traits that aren’t only used for the speed boost. improve therefore Class Options for Swiftness


Hell no.

Not enough no in the world.

Wanting mounts is one thing, suggesting a system that cripples people who don’t want mounts is horrible.

God, no.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



You are definetely overexaggerating here.
Did you overread the part, where I say, that Anet should improve all Class Options for Swiftness, therefore that the permanent 25% Boost should get removed??
I guess you did.

There are classes even in this Game, which have no permanent Speed Boost at all, like the Guardian or the Mesmer, which have to rely themself just only on Swiftness to move faster.
If the Engineer and Warrior wouldn’t have got later its Trait Changes, they would also been Classsses, that have no permanent Speed Boost, while the other half of the Classes have their Signets (Thief, Ranger, Necromancer, Elementalist)

Thats no fair game design and wasnt it ever from begin on.
All Classes should have the same options for traveling speed.
Either all classes have an integral way for 25% permanent speed boost, or none should have that and the slots for the Utility Skills/Traits could be used for better more overall useful skills/traits, that are more interesting and offer more to the class builds, than mostly only the speed boost.

Removing these options in WvW won’t affect anybody, if ANet improves as compensition the Swiftness options of all Classes (what matters only for roamers and even there in WvW are WPs if you are able to build them up), as in a Zerg you have always permanent 33% Boost due to the always kept up AoE Swiftness from all the players in the Zerg.

Movement Speed Boosts in the real small SPpP Maps aren’t relevant.
And in overall PvE you have your so beloved WAYPOINTS for in all cases to get anyway as quick as you want to wherever you want to go.
So there gets crippled nothing if ANet would remove all the permanent 25% options from traits/signets, runes ect. For the times where you run around in maps without usign WP’s you could then make useage of your improved options for getting Swiftness.

In Towns you can get as it has been said also always whenever you want a free 4 Minute Swiftness.
I see no “compelling” reasons, why ANet shouldn’t remove the permanent movement speed 25% boosts, shifting that feature over to mounts, when players could get as compensation good improvements to their swiftness options to use those utilities, traits, rune effects ect. for better alternatives

PS. also dont forget, there exists a Speed Booster, that could get also improved from +15% to +25% Speed Boost

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazuli.2098


4) Screen Clutter, Griefing, Lag

You’re kidding right? Does the speed boost in the city make us any more griefers? Any more laggy? We already have swiftness boon in the game. Has anyone blamed lag on that?

Then you would be alright with invisible mounts? Or maybe the mount would disappear outside of towns, forts, camps, or any map with more than a certain number of players. You see it’s not the speed boost that’s the problem, it’s the screen clutter and graphics burden.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Step 7: Let players automatically dismount, if their Mounts get downed in combat, as they would have same as like Siege golems their own Stats/Healths, but would naturally be alot easier to beat, than a sturdy big Siege Golem, therefore they are naturally faster, more mobile and could be like Gummy suggests more useful in overall by beign able to support in WvW with Supply Transportation ect., what could lead to the removal of Supply Dolyaks, and its rediculous Achievement that anyways nobody will ever reach. By removing it the Achievement gout get changed and capped at say kill 1000 Supply Dolyaks giving players 10 AP for that … the title of that achievement could get reintroduced under a better new achievement thats well designed and not so ridiculous like the current WvW Achievements

Well if your golem goes down with you in it, you go downstate… You do not go down and have fun running on.

Even though I could imagine charr vehicles, certain animals, magic, balloons and such in tyria, I would not be happy seeing the beasts appear, I would dislike the simiarity and the fact stats would be igored for the new way of play (or do you want condi, cc, dps, heal mounts all in ranged and meelee?) how would this be an enrichment to the game? I prefer such an efffort going into the development of a new class…

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


So this is back to

1. It would be cool.
2 I want it.

See what I mean? These are selfish reasons. You need to provide compelling reasons that what you want is beneficial to the game. That the game, and others besides yourself, and players Like yourself would also benefit.

The Game would have to be redesigned, which takes, time, energy, and effort. You need to be convincing.

waxing poetic about How mounts On Gw2 would be super-duper awesome and feel " right". Is Not a compelling argument for why it should be added to the game. it doesn’t convince that it would be a benefit worth the effort, especially when that effort can be better put elsewhere.

The main problem with your desires is, that it means even MORE skills. Anet is having a hard time balancing the ones it has Now.

You want to add 15 new skills per mount. That means Players would have anywhere from 15 to 30 skills they could access on a mount.

That would take a LOT of work, a LOT of time. Anet is having trouble balancing the skills we have, and they’ve been at it a couple of years.

It sounds Like an interesting idea I’ll say that. But I do not think it’s going to happen anytime soon.

Personally, I wouls rather they devote the energy for doing what they can to make zerker less meta.. Improve diversity,… and give necromancers More of a desired role in dungeons.

I am not gonna debate with you about what I want being selfish reasons, I could say the same for you being selfish in your pursuit to halt mounts in any form (all the while not going on a tangent about how the game is already destroyed because of the current toys they gave us to play with)and it would have the same effect as it did on me. Basically for me the reasons no matter how selfish they seem to the opposition are as equally compelling as any other reason including “It would be cool or I want”. These two by themselves are alone enough to show that yes there is a genuine interest. I don’t have to compel or convince you of anything.

But I will say that I am saying anet has some talent and you say they don’t and they don’t even have the sense to balance some skills. Which I could offer you some of that tried and true naysayer philosophy “Maybe this game is not for you, maybe you should go play another game that has a developer team that knows what they are doing”

As far as them applying time to design of, they have already done a lot of work towards this if only you would look around and see the many things that are already capable of being mounts not to mention vehicles that are just setting in Black Citadel. Also it is a known fact that they work in teams on projects and certain dev’s work only on the items that they specialize in. With that being said the team that would work on mounts are not gonna stop the team that is working on meta builds and diversity from getting their job done. They don’t show up at work and someone says ok today we gonna fix problem x.

Ok let’s be logical.

Your side keeps saying

1. it would be cool.
2. I want it.

Is compelling.

And yet, Anet has been reading these same reasons over and over, for the past 2 years. And they have not been compelled.

All we have is three mounts. I am sure that the above is enough to let Anet know there is an interest. But Just because there is an interest does not mean the time, energy, resource allocation to give you what you wish is justified.

If it were justified, the game would be crawling with mounts, and yet all we have is three.

I am certain you feel these are compelling, but..they aren’t. And I have said this before, it is not us you have to compell. it’s anet. And these reasons are obviously not compelling to Anet. If they were…. we would have more mounts, we would have speed boost mounts, we would have combat mounts, and when it comes down to it, what do we have….

a witch’s broom that was released for halloween?

what else? two years… what else?

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I want mounts. Why?

Because compromising my build to include perma 25% run speed is stupid.

Because paying through the nose for Traveler’s Runes, which provide little benefit other than perma 25% run speed, is stupid.

Because sacrificing a slot on my skill bar for perma 25% run speed is stupid.

This isn’t about having more maneuverability. People are doing this to move around faster.

Comments about not putting mounts in, what are they?

Takes up resources? Dumb. All content takes resources. Designing minis and tonics take resources. Is there a large scale protest against new minis?

Unnecessary because of waypoints? Dumb. People are already using builds with 25% perma boost. If speed boosts are unnecessary then replace signet of air and traveler’s runes and signet of locust speed boost with something else.

Because GW2 shouldn’t have mounts and players should go play other games that have it? This takes the Darwin prize. GW2 doesn’t have other pvp modes or duels or GvG or raids or “challenging content” or precursor crafting. Should this stop people from asking for them?

I like mounts and I’m prepared to support my argument with my wallet. More than RNG tickets or town clothes or more boosters or MORE BACKPIECES.

If you’re opposed to mounts let your wallet speak.

It is not stupid. It is based on the idea, put out in GW1 with builds. All builds are compromises and have strengths and weaknesses. You want the 25% speed boost from your profession? Then you have to compromise on your build to put it in. You want your UBER build and speed boost? You can’t have it in this game. That is how the game was designed form the beginning.

Your argument would actually take away from viable builds in the game.

Again, as others have stated, this is a very selfish reason.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


I want mounts. Why?

Because compromising my build to include perma 25% run speed is stupid.

Because paying through the nose for Traveler’s Runes, which provide little benefit other than perma 25% run speed, is stupid.

Because sacrificing a slot on my skill bar for perma 25% run speed is stupid.

This isn’t about having more maneuverability. People are doing this to move around faster.

Comments about not putting mounts in, what are they?

Takes up resources? Dumb. All content takes resources. Designing minis and tonics take resources. Is there a large scale protest against new minis?

Unnecessary because of waypoints? Dumb. People are already using builds with 25% perma boost. If speed boosts are unnecessary then replace signet of air and traveler’s runes and signet of locust speed boost with something else.

Because GW2 shouldn’t have mounts and players should go play other games that have it? This takes the Darwin prize. GW2 doesn’t have other pvp modes or duels or GvG or raids or “challenging content” or precursor crafting. Should this stop people from asking for them?

I like mounts and I’m prepared to support my argument with my wallet. More than RNG tickets or town clothes or more boosters or MORE BACKPIECES.

If you’re opposed to mounts let your wallet speak.

Well said. As I read the responses, there isn’t a compelling reason to be against them.

We don’t need a compelling reason to be against them, because…to get a continuation of ..No mounts , which is the status-quo, we do not need to compell Anet to do anything. Just keep telling them we are perfectly ok with their continuing decision to not provide speed-boost mounts.

You keep trying to frame this as a debate where all you need say is “well, why not mounts?” and we need to " provide compelling reasons against them."

it is just the reverse, I realize you do Not wish it to be so, but it is.

You want change… Advocates for change need to provide compelling reasons for change.

1. It would be cool,
2. I want it.
3. I cannot be bothered to swap weapons and utility skills.
4. I want permanent speed-boost
5. I want mounted combat.

All of these are desires. They are not compelling reasons.

YOU need to provide compelling reasons to Anet. Not us… Anet. We have seen all these before, and Anet has not been compelled to provide mounts.

WE that do not wish mounts don’t have to provide a single reason, since we are not asking for resources, time, and energy to be put into some redesign of the game.

All WE have to say is.." we are content with Anet’s continued decision to not provide Speed-boost mounts."

As to the " but we already have speed boost in towns" false equivalence… the argument there is not about the speed-boost, but about the mount model, and mount animations that would have to be rendered. THAT would add to screen clutter etc…

I understand no one on your side likes hearing reasoned arguments, or debating against them. It seems that some, not all…but some on your side simply wanna go * plugs up ears… goes * " lalalalalalala i can’t hear youuuuu I want it!"

We that do not want speed boost mounts continue to agree with Anet’s continued decision to not provide speed-boost mounts.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Witch’s broom has no animations, etc … it doesn’t demonstrate the mechanics needed for mounts is in place.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

You know all ,what would be the most easiest solution for everybody ?
This 10 Step Plan!

Step 1: Implement racial based Mounts with an innate 25% Movement Speed.
(Humens = Horses/Gryphons for example, Sylvari = Kirins/Thorn Wolves, Asuras build their own Golems as Mounts, Norn transform themself just into Animal Spirits getting basically that way a second health bar, before they return back to their normal form, Charrs craft Steam Vehicles, like Motor Bikes)
Step 2: Remove all Traits, Runes, Sigils & Signets with passive 25% Movement Speed, time to change these into more useful interesting skills/traits that aren’t only used for the speed boost. improve therefore Class Options for Swiftness
Step 3: Give Mounts a Sprinting Feature, that lets them run temporarely at 33% Movement Speed, as long the Mount has Endurance
Step 4: Add into the Graphic Options a Deactivation Button for the Visibility of Mounts, activatign it puts all mounted players for your Account under CULLING, making them for you complete invisible (No names, no chat from them, no titles, no nothign, they be for you, as if they simply wouldnt exist)
Step 5: Let Players get 5 Mount Skills when being mounted for Mounted Combat based on which Mount you use, exactly like Siege Golems
People run already around in WvW with half an army of Siege Golems and thats no problem for the game (nor the players!!, otherwise we would have seen for 2 years now complaint,s that Anet should remove Siege Golems due to all the lag, clipping and what other nonsensical “compelling arguments” get repeated here like a broken record every single posting
Step 6: Limitate the usage of Mounts for only outside of Towns and WvW. The usage of Moutns in the SPvP Lobby and inside Towns won’t be possible
Step 7: Let players automatically dismount, if their Mounts get downed in combat, as they would have same as like Siege golems their own Stats/Healths, but would naturally be alot easier to beat, than a sturdy big Siege Golem, therefore they are naturally faster, more mobile and could be like Gummy suggests more useful in overall by beign able to support in WvW with Supply Transportation ect., what could lead to the removal of Supply Dolyaks, and its rediculous Achievement that anyways nobody will ever reach. By removing it the Achievement gout get changed and capped at say kill 1000 Supply Dolyaks giving players 10 AP for that … the title of that achievement could get reintroduced under a better new achievement thats well designed and not so ridiculous like the current WvW Achievements
Step 8: Sell Mounts as Gemstore Skins, let the feature self be a hard to get prestige achievement like working on a legendary Weapon. This will guarantee, that the game won’t instantly get flooded with Mounts, when everything what anet sells in the Gemstore are only Mount Skins, but not usable Mounts itself
Step 9: Redesign/Improve the big WvW Maps to make them more fittign for Mounted Combat also and general Mounts, as also to implement other good features from EotM into the other Maps, like Anet said, that EotM will be used basically as Testing Ground for Features that will find later their way into the other Maps.
Step 10: Let players that get anyhow dismounted not just appear suddenly like poof out of nowhere out of the culling, if a player uses the option mentioned in Step 4.
Let it happen when the player is distracted by tons of AoE combat effects somehow slowly, so that you don’t get suddenly lots of screenclutter more that could burst your FPS ect. down in an instant.
Or maybe ANet could do it so, that you get so see again invisible players that dismounted, when you relog into the game or so, that could also be a solution, a kittene, but it would work and prevent that sudden appearing problem.

So, what you want to basically redesign the whole game engine so you can have a mount? That is basically what you are asking A.Net to do.

As it is, just putting a mount in, would be a huge undertaking. Designing so there is very little or no clipping, how the characters move on the mount, making sure ALL the sizes of characters have the mount size to them, etc. It is not as simple as click a box and mounts appear.

Again a selfish reason – ‘I want mounts so A.Net needs to redesign the whole game so I can have one’.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Maybe this is not the game for you. Blah blah blah

Maybe I’m wasting my time with you, since your arguments can be summarized into the following:

1) Go play a different game. (Not going to bother)

2) The “technology of Tyria makes it unnecessary to ride creatures”.

Utter bullkitten. The Charr have tons of mount-like vehicle that would qualify as a mount. You could even use Juju wurms and Siege Devourers in GW1.

The Norn personal story already sends you on a quest to locate a missing Charr VEHICLE.

In GW2 Hobotron got stuck because i couldn’t afford the waypoint fare. In old Lion’s Arch, there is an NPC that explains how “going though a portal is instantaneous” to another NPC. Obviously it is not a ubiquitous technology that everyone uses.

3) Clipping
Even existing armor clips. Shall we tell Charr players to “go play another game” where armor doesn’t clip?

4) Screen Clutter, Griefing, Lag

You’re kidding right? Does the speed boost in the city make us any more griefers? Any more laggy? We already have swiftness boon in the game. Has anyone blamed lag on that?

As for main reason FOR mounts, I mentioned it in my FIRST post here. A quality of life feature shouldn’t be locked into builds and skill bars and runes. Our skill bars are compact as it is

If balance is an issue, NORMALISE it so it doesn’t provide unfair advantage in gameplay.

Sorry the mounts you have stated are not really mounts, they are situational – The Wurms you cannot use out of that particular area instance. You actually become that wurm , you don’t ride on top of it.

So basically, your argument is flawed.

How is a mount = quality of life? Name one thing that it would improve besides selfish and egotistical reasons? I mean, Look at ME I am cool!! I ignore all the bling in the game because it doesn’t really do anything as to how you play. Bling doesn’t make a player better.

The skill bars are compact because it is a basic design of the game. Please understand that. It is meant to make sure players have to make compromises on their builds. They want swiftness, well, the build has to encompass that. GW1, was the same way. It is a basic design principle that A.Net has worked on since Day 1 of the company. What you are asking them to do is totally abandon that and redesign the game so you can have what you want. That in and of itself is SELFISH.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


Maybe this is not the game for you. Blah blah blah

Maybe I’m wasting my time with you, since your arguments can be summarized into the following:

1) Go play a different game. (Not going to bother)

2) The “technology of Tyria makes it unnecessary to ride creatures”.

Utter bullkitten. The Charr have tons of mount-like vehicle that would qualify as a mount. You could even use Juju wurms and Siege Devourers in GW1.

The Norn personal story already sends you on a quest to locate a missing Charr VEHICLE.

In GW2 Hobotron got stuck because i couldn’t afford the waypoint fare. In old Lion’s Arch, there is an NPC that explains how “going though a portal is instantaneous” to another NPC. Obviously it is not a ubiquitous technology that everyone uses.

3) Clipping
Even existing armor clips. Shall we tell Charr players to “go play another game” where armor doesn’t clip?

4) Screen Clutter, Griefing, Lag

You’re kidding right? Does the speed boost in the city make us any more griefers? Any more laggy? We already have swiftness boon in the game. Has anyone blamed lag on that?

As for main reason FOR mounts, I mentioned it in my FIRST post here. A quality of life feature shouldn’t be locked into builds and skill bars and runes. Our skill bars are compact as it is

If balance is an issue, NORMALISE it so it doesn’t provide unfair advantage in gameplay.

Sorry the mounts you have stated are not really mounts, they are situational – The Wurms you cannot use out of that particular area instance. You actually become that wurm , you don’t ride on top of it.

So basically, your argument is flawed.

How is a mount = quality of life? Name one thing that it would improve besides selfish and egotistical reasons? I mean, Look at ME I am cool!! I ignore all the bling in the game because it doesn’t really do anything as to how you play. Bling doesn’t make a player better.

The skill bars are compact because it is a basic design of the game. Please understand that. It is meant to make sure players have to make compromises on their builds. They want swiftness, well, the build has to encompass that. GW1, was the same way. It is a basic design principle that A.Net has worked on since Day 1 of the company. What you are asking them to do is totally abandon that and redesign the game so you can have what you want. That in and of itself is SELFISH.

Well said. The players that wish for speed-boost mounts either do not understand, that Anet has made temporary speed-boost at the expence of some other skill… a part of the game design philosophy for this particular game.

Either they do not understand it, or they do not want to understand it. Maybe because if they understand it, then they need to accept that temporary speed-boost is all they are going to receive.

Secondly, sitting on a creature for transport, is not a part of this game’s design philosophy. Even the dolyak pack-herders while using the dolyaks to ferry items back and forth, do not ride the dolyak, they walk beside the dolyak.

Riding on a beast is pretty much against the lore of the game, and the culture displays that technologically it is not needed. Since it is not needed no one is running around riding a beast, and putting it though unnecessary pain and discomfort, just so they can say " weeeeee Look at me!!!!!"

We are content with Anet’s continuing and consistent decision, to not provide speed-boost mounts.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Nerelith:

Can you please come up with something new, you keep on blubbering your same stuff now like the how many time already after another in a row? 5th? 6th? 7th?
Can’t count it anymore. Its enough!

Your blubbering doesn’t become more “compelling” so more often you repeat yourself with one and the same stuff over and over and over again…
You can’t know whats compelling for Anet, you are no fortune teller, so you also can#t know what can become for them one day compelling despite what they have maybe said once in the past, time doesn’t stop, things will change over time, same as like technolically progression didn’t stop iover the past 10 years, what makes today many things possible to solve, that weren’t solveable so easily 10 years ago
You make your life yourself too easy

You self said, that you would basically accept mounts, if you would not have to see them ever in the game, if they would be basically a visual option to be deactivated.
Thats what I clearly mentioned in my 10 Step plan under Step 4

So why are you keeping on blubberign your compelling argument nonsense here, when Anet clearly has today all the technological options free for use to solve your little personal issues with mounts by allowing you to let everything that has to do with your so hated mounts fall under the game’s culling option to make it for you as you want it completely invisible???

@ Pax

Ya, I forgot that you get downed when using a Siege Golem, but you could basically take this as one of its downsides, therefore, that you have so many more health points with them, much more defense and strong attacks with that you can also take down gates/walls, whats something you wouldnt be able to do with mounts.
It would be Anets decision, if getting beaten while using the Mount should put you directly into downed state with normal mounts too, or not.
I suggest only that Moutns should have their own Health Bar like Siege Golems, because getting instantly dismounted when beign hit or in genral engaging combat would be silly and unfitting, nor wouldnt that allow for a Mounted Combat System, which basically using a Siege Golem already is, just that the Golem isn’t an animal that you ride, buit instead a Battle Suit in that you are sitting inside …

I basically find the suggestions of Gummy good, different mount types would be an enrichment based on Damage, Control, Support based on which type of Mount you use, you could get different 5 Mount Skills

Naturally can Anet put their efforts also into other thigns of the game, but this isn’t an compelling argument, that you can take forever.
Other things also get “somewhen” done and only anet can decide about it, what they are working on in which priority.
Fact is, anet has multiple development teams, they aren’t only working always on one thign only, but have multiple different smaler to bigger projects they work on in teh background.

And hey, if Anet even finds the ressources to implement by the way such unneccessary thigns that got added JUST FOR FUN, like the Super Adventure Box, and this so far even twice with yet still 2 more worlds missing, then they will surely also find the time and ressources to work on something like Mounts as a new Feature perhaps with the next bigger Feature Pack (whenever it will come, or with the 1st expansion maybe 2015 if speculations & rumors are right).

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


Its quite simple. There doesn’t need to be a completely new system.

?? Quite simply it does because it doesn’t exist ingame. You can think up any system you want … that doesn’t make it magically appear ingame. Skins, animations, rules for access, at a minimum. None of that exists for mounts. If they allow possibility to fly … etc… CLearly you haven’t though about what kind of mounts people are wanting here. They want to climb up on dragons and wolves, etc… because it’s pretty. The argument we need mounts for speed is nonsense because we have that. It’s about aesthetics.

It is simple, you put a player on a mount. Past MMO have tried it, and it works. Maybe you are exaggerating the difficulty of making a mount too much.

Past MMO’s have tried it. This game is not those games, this is a different game. Saying past MMO’s have tried it, is not a compelling reason to bring speed-boost mounts to this game.

Present MMO’s are also still trying it. Instead of trying to turn THIS game into a clone of those games, we prefer it remain as it is.

The fact is, that whether it be a 20,000 man-hour project or a 1 man-hour project…. it is STILL time , energy and resources that need to be invested for a reason which to me appears frivolous, that would only please a group of players that seem to have home-sickness for a feature that already exists in other games…. ( speed-boost mount) without acknowledging the fact that it already exists in this game ( Temporary Speed-boost without the mount)

From what I can gather, i appears to me that what they want is either… speed-boost with the mount attached, permanent speed-boost without needing to compromise on weapon or utility skill selection, or both.

Those are a part of Anet’s game design philosophy. If a player wants speed-boost they need to compromise by giving up something else. it is all over the game…" you want this? you need to give up that"

Which is what leads me to conclude that many players, not all, but many that want speed-boost mounts want to turn THIS game,…. into another game.

We that do not desire this change don’t wish our game to turn into a clone of some other game.

That is why I say that maybe those players would be more content playing a game that already has what they want, speed boost mounts.

We are content with Anet’s continued and consistent decision, to not ptovide speed-boost mounts.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


@ Nerelith:

Can you please come up with something new, you keep on blubbering your same stuff now like the how many time already after another in a row? 5th? 6th? 7th?
Can’t count it anymore. Its enough!

I do not need to come up with anything new. The fact is, since all I want is the status – quo, I don’t need to come up with anything.

And yet, I do provide reasons. It’s just you do not like reading them.

Here is the thing, YOU need to come up with compelling reasons other than:

1. It would be cool.
2. I want it.

And yet you try to distract and put people on the defensive.

It is incumbent on YOU, to provide compelling reasons. Not me. This is pure distraction. YOU need to provide reasons that compell Anet.

How do we know what does or doesn’t compell Anet? there is a fool-proof way to know.

See the arguments for the change on the forums ( so far I don’t see any for speed-boost. Just a repetition of " because I want it.") and if they implement the change the arguments were compelling, if we don’t then they weren’t.

I read your " 10 step plan". Basically you want this game to cease being the game it is, be completely re-designed into a completely different game, with all the time, energy and resources that would drain from other projects,…. so that you can have a mount?

It seems to me you do not wish to play Gw2, you wish to play some other game.

Maybe you would be happier playing a game that already has mounts?

Secondly, your " enough!" may have vented some frustration, which is a good thing, sometimes it’s best to vent. Holding things In can be bad for your health. I hope that helped.

As for us:

We are content with Anet’s continued and consistent decision, to not provide speed-boost mounts.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gummy.4278


I’m not arguing that from a lore POV that they can’t or shouldn’t exist. IIt’s simply not practical. My stance is simple 3 points … there is no need for mounts, it’s alot of work for little return, it’s not inline with the concept of the game. Two of those points aren’t even my opinion. Mounts would not get people anywhere faster than current methods. Mounts would not improve GW2 bottom line based on the work required to implement them. As a business decision, mounts would be dubious; a gamble. Anet doesn’t need to gamble.

Based on the information you obtained from the last Anet meeting you attended? Obviously, from those statements you work for and know from first hand experience and the actually intricate workings and dealings of the current business model. If you do not work for Anet, don’t make points that you can not back up with actual facts or links to to prove you are correct, everything else is just hearsay.

The idea that mounts would not go any faster than current methods was a compromise that most pro mounters had conceded to quell the theories that going faster would somehow break the game. However in my design ideas I did come up with a skill for the damage type mount that had a Charge! skill that gave a 50% speed buff to u and your party or the nearest allies for 2 or 3 seconds.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


However in my design ideas I did come up with a skill for the damage type mount that had a Charge! skill that gave a 50% speed buff to u and your party or the nearest allies for 2 or 3 seconds.

It is unnecessary to completely redesign the game for this to be implemented since it is already in the game.

Many professions can already grant a temporary speed boost to allies. If you wish to do this, the answer is simple..Play one of those professions, and use those skills.

it is ridiculous to expect Anet to redesign the game, because you don’t wish to play a profession, and use the skills that grant you what you want.

The skills are already in the game that do what you wish.

I believe that the guardian can grant a temporary speed boost to allies, and the elementalist. Maybe one of the hunter spirits, all the warrior banners.

I am sure there are others. We do not need mounted speed boost to provide you what the game has already implemented. If you don’t wish to avail yourself to what the game has already provided, then it sounds like a personal problem.

As to your " compromise" I for one, don’t seek compromise. See for players like me, the options are :

1. Mounted speed-boost
2. No mounted speed-boost.

Since we want what Anet is already providing … option 2. we do not need to compromise. You seem to feel you can say " well deep down i want 200 % speed Boost on a combat mount, so let’s compromise on a 50 % temporary speed boost combat mount?"

50 % is unbalanced. It is overpowered. Giving a Mount the ability to grant a 50 % speed boost however temporary will make those mounts mandatory. If you say you fail to understand why, that is being disingenuous.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758



You are definetely overexaggerating here.
Did you overread the part, where I say, that Anet should improve all Class Options for Swiftness, therefore that the permanent 25% Boost should get removed??
I guess you did.

No, I didn’t “overread”, it’s just a horrible idea.

There are classes even in this Game, which have no permanent Speed Boost at all, like the Guardian or the Mesmer, which have to rely themself just only on Swiftness to move faster. […]

The subject of Guardians and Mesmers not having innate speed boosts has been discussed before, while I don’t remember the justification for mesmers not having it, a developer said guardians don’t get a speed boost trait and their swiftness abilities have massive cooldowns because it’s to balance their buffing abilities in WvW; simply put, ANet doesn’t want guardians to be able to get to a fight as quickly as others because they bring more to it than other classes (that’s ANet’s stance, I personally don’t agree, but it is what it is).

You don’t think that’s fair? Great, go ahead and tell ANet why you think they should add innate speed boosts to guardians and mesmers and un-nerf guardian swiftness cooldowns, and be sure to back up your argument with numbers to disprove their reasoning; but suggesting the removal of a feature because you don’t understand/are not aware of their reasoning is unreasonable at best.

Removing these options in WvW won’t affect anybody […]

Movement Speed Boosts in the real small SPpP Maps aren’t relevant.

And in overall PvE you have your so beloved WAYPOINTS […]

In Towns you can get as it has been said also […]

I don’t know what to say if you seriously think nobody would be affected by the removal of innate speed boosts. I’ve never met anyone (well, you being the apparent exception) who doesn’t prefer a permanent 25% boost even if they can maintain permanent swiftness, because a) it doesn’t feel like there’s a big difference between 25% and 33%, and b) it’s simply much more convenient not having to keep track of the duration and spamming a skill just to travel.

Seriously though, if the innate speed boost was that useless because of zerg perma-swiftness, town NPCs, and WPs, then people would just choose another trait, pick another sigil, or buy other runes. It’s an option, you can choose not to take it if you don’t like it, but don’t suggest something that forces others to change how they play just because of your personal opinion.

I see no “compelling” reasons, why ANet shouldn’t remove the permanent movement speed 25% boosts, shifting that feature over to mounts, when players could get as compensation good improvements to their swiftness options to use those utilities, traits, rune effects ect. for better alternatives

1) Because it’s bad design to remove a feature that people like.
2) Because removing a feature people like to justify mounts will only breed more hatred toward mounts.
3) Because it would punish players who do not want mounts by removing the convenience that speed boosts sigil/traits/runes provide.
4) Because as long as ANet continues to believe that Guardians and Mesmers should not have innate speed boosts, the only way they would be willing to equalize everyone’s speed (by removing innate speed boosts) is if they nerf Guardians and Mesmers first. Do you want Guardians and Mesmers to be nerfed?

PS. also dont forget, there exists a Speed Booster, that could get also improved from +15% to +25% Speed Boost

Seriously? Suggesting a gem store item?

“If you don’t want mounts pay gems for your (one hour) innate speed boosts”? Can you honestly tell me you don’t see a big honking problem in that statement?

(edited by Pandaman.4758)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360



You are definetely overexaggerating here.
Did you overread the part, where I say, that Anet should improve all Class Options for Swiftness, therefore that the permanent 25% Boost should get removed??
I guess you did.

No, I didn’t “overread”, it’s just a horrible idea.

There are classes even in this Game, which have no permanent Speed Boost at all, like the Guardian or the Mesmer, which have to rely themself just only on Swiftness to move faster. […]

The subject of Guardians and Mesmers not having innate speed boosts has been discussed before, while I don’t remember the justification for mesmers not having it, a developer said guardians don’t get a speed boost trait and their swiftness abilities have massive cooldowns because it’s to balance their buffing abilities in WvW; simply put, ANet doesn’t want guardians to be able to get to a fight as quickly as others because they bring more to it than other classes (that’s ANet’s stance, I personally don’t agree, but it is what it is).

You don’t think that’s fair? Great, go ahead and tell ANet why you think they should add innate speed boosts to guardians and mesmers and un-nerf guardian swiftness cooldowns, and be sure to back up your argument with numbers to disprove their reasoning; but suggesting the removal of a feature because you don’t understand/are not aware of their reasoning is unreasonable at best.

Removing these options in WvW won’t affect anybody […]

Movement Speed Boosts in the real small SPpP Maps aren’t relevant.

And in overall PvE you have your so beloved WAYPOINTS […]

In Towns you can get as it has been said also […]

I don’t know what to say if you seriously think nobody would be affected by the removal of innate speed boosts. I’ve never met anyone (well, you being the apparent exception) who doesn’t prefer a permanent 25% boost even if they can maintain permanent swiftness, because a) it doesn’t feel like there’s a big difference between 25% and 33%, and b) it’s simply much more convenient not having to keep track of the duration and spamming a skill just to travel.

Seriously though, if the innate speed boost was that useless because of zerg perma-swiftness, town NPCs, and WPs, then people would just choose another trait, pick another sigil, or buy other runes. It’s an option, you can choose not to take it if you don’t like it, but don’t suggest something that forces others to change how they play just because of your personal opinion.

I see no “compelling” reasons, why ANet shouldn’t remove the permanent movement speed 25% boosts, shifting that feature over to mounts, when players could get as compensation good improvements to their swiftness options to use those utilities, traits, rune effects ect. for better alternatives

1) Because it’s bad design to remove a feature that people like.
2) Because removing a feature people like to justify mounts will only breed more hatred toward mounts.
3) Because it would punish players who do not want mounts by removing the convenience that speed boosts sigil/traits/runes provide.
4) Because as long as ANet continues to believe that Guardians and Mesmers should not have innate speed boosts, the only way they would be willing to equalize everyone’s speed (by removing innate speed boosts) is if they nerf Guardians and Mesmers first. Do you want Guardians and Mesmers to be nerfed?

Some of them do not seem to care.

PS. also dont forget, there exists a Speed Booster, that could get also improved from +15% to +25% Speed Boost

Seriously? Suggesting a gem store item?

“If you don’t want mounts pay gems for your (one hour) innate speed boosts”? Can you honestly tell me you don’t see a big honking problem in that statement?

Reminds me of a scene from Outbreak. Awesome movie with Dustin Hoffman, I recommend it highly…

Dustin Hoffman has become aware the Military has a vaccine to a virus that is spreading and endangering millions of lives. But the military refuses to provide it because they have a weaponized form of the virus, and providing the vaccine, even if it saves lives, will weaken their weapon.

Dustin Hoffman: They want their weapon.
Assistant: even if it kills millions and risks everybody???( incredulous)
Dustin Hoffman: They want their weapon.

They don’t care how the implementation of speeed boost mounts would impact anyone else.

They want their speed boost mounts. Even if it negatively impacts the rest of the player-base? They want their speed boost mounts.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


It seems to me that some of the players that want speed boost are proposing the game be redesigned so that speed boost mounts become viable.

Their arguements unfotunately boil down to

Player with Speed Boost mount becomes 110 % more effective, but let’s make changes to the game to make Player without the speed boost mount only 90 % as effective as he used to be.

Then or course they will probably say " If Player B chooses to NOT buy a Mount, even if it makes him less effective to not have a mount, that is their choice. Players are free to choose to be less effective, as Long and they accept the consequences of those choices."

Here is the thing for me… The moment that players with a speed-boost mount are more effective than players without…. even a small % that makes the speed-boost mount mandatory. Even for those hating speed-boost mounts.

Personally, I think this is highly selfish. To desire the game be completely redesigned, even if it makes other players less effective, just so it makes speed boost mounts relevant.

I highly doubt that Anet will find this position reasonable.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gummy.4278


Anyone who says something to the effect of “You want this game to cease being the game it is, be completely re-designed into a completely different game, with all the time, energy and resources that would drain from other projects.”

Forgets Anet did this already:

GW1 was completely re-designed into a completely different game. Its now GW2. You want to know something else I played GW1 all the way back since the beginning. That game was gem as it did not play like most games out there and never did I ever hear anyone ask for mounts even though they did provide us with some in the expansions.

But here is the real trick and you can see this for yourself on the wiki.
Utopia was a planned expansion that got cancelled and most of its design got eaten up and turned mostly into Eye of the North which was the turning point that made this newer game GW2. On the Wiki it notes about the features of the cancelled expansion.

“Little is known about the features of Utopia, however, horses, giant beetles and other mounts are featured heavily in artwork for the cancelled campaign. It’s possible that these were a planned feature, or part of a planned profession for C4, but for whatever reason were not implemented. Mounts may, in fact, be one of the “exciting new features” the ArenaNet team wished to implement, but couldn’t due to technical or time constraints, or the fact that it wouldn’t work with what they had done previously."


Does anyone remember this?

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m not arguing that from a lore POV that they can’t or shouldn’t exist. IIt’s simply not practical. My stance is simple 3 points … there is no need for mounts, it’s alot of work for little return, it’s not inline with the concept of the game. Two of those points aren’t even my opinion. Mounts would not get people anywhere faster than current methods. Mounts would not improve GW2 bottom line based on the work required to implement them. As a business decision, mounts would be dubious; a gamble. Anet doesn’t need to gamble.

Based on the information you obtained from the last Anet meeting you attended?

Based on the fact that it takes time money and effort to make when they aren’t needed in the game, especially if they already compromise current game content and concepts.

I don’t really care what fancy buffs you think a mount could have. Fancy buffs aren’t compelling reasons to make a whole new system to deliver them. If you want fancy buffs, it’s simply a new elite skill or whatever. There are plenty of ways to deliver buffs to team mates in the game already. Justifying mounts with buff delivery … nonsense.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Anyone who says something to the effect of “You want this game to cease being the game it is, be completely re-designed into a completely different game, with all the time, energy and resources that would drain from other projects.”

Forgets Anet did this already:

GW1 was completely re-designed into a completely different game. Its now GW2. You want to know something else I played GW1 all the way back since the beginning. That game was gem as it did not play like most games out there and never did I ever hear anyone ask for mounts even though they did provide us with some in the expansions.

But here is the real trick and you can see this for yourself on the wiki.
Utopia was a planned expansion that got cancelled and most of its design got eaten up and turned mostly into Eye of the North which was the turning point that made this newer game GW2. On the Wiki it notes about the features of the cancelled expansion.

“Little is known about the features of Utopia, however, horses, giant beetles and other mounts are featured heavily in artwork for the cancelled campaign. It’s possible that these were a planned feature, or part of a planned profession for C4, but for whatever reason were not implemented. Mounts may, in fact, be one of the “exciting new features” the ArenaNet team wished to implement, but couldn’t due to technical or time constraints, or the fact that it wouldn’t work with what they had done previously."


Does anyone remember this?

Just because they had some concept art DOES NOT MEAN IT WAS GOING TO BE IN GAME. Ever think they showed that concept art because they wanted to show off how good the artists were and needed to show something that wasn’t proprietary at the time? Also, just because there is art, doesn’t mean it has been modeled to fin in – that is another step in the process.

Utopia is not GW2. Utopia was dropped for development of GW2, that was stated by A.Net. A.Net, more than likely, started GW2 and Utopia more than likely at the same time and picked the best game scenario that fits in the lore and that was GW2.

(edited by Dusty Moon.4382)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


Anyone who says something to the effect of “You want this game to cease being the game it is, be completely re-designed into a completely different game, with all the time, energy and resources that would drain from other projects.”

Forgets Anet did this already:

GW1 was completely re-designed into a completely different game. Its now GW2. You want to know something else I played GW1 all the way back since the beginning. That game was gem as it did not play like most games out there and never did I ever hear anyone ask for mounts even though they did provide us with some in the expansions.

But here is the real trick and you can see this for yourself on the wiki.
Utopia was a planned expansion that got cancelled and most of its design got eaten up and turned mostly into Eye of the North which was the turning point that made this newer game GW2. On the Wiki it notes about the features of the cancelled expansion.

“Little is known about the features of Utopia, however, horses, giant beetles and other mounts are featured heavily in artwork for the cancelled campaign. It’s possible that these were a planned feature, or part of a planned profession for C4, but for whatever reason were not implemented. Mounts may, in fact, be one of the “exciting new features” the ArenaNet team wished to implement, but couldn’t due to technical or time constraints, or the fact that it wouldn’t work with what they had done previously."


Does anyone remember this?

The complete redesign of Guild Wars and release of Gw2, is in No way comparable to completely redesigning gw2….. to make mounts relevant in gw2 .

If you say you do not see the differences you are being disingenuous. Now, if you want mounts with a Gw2 Lore background, skill set, engine, and classes, I am sure that none of us that do NOT want mounts would object to you doing as your post suggests….

Suggest to Anet that they release a new game set in the Gw2 Universe, that focuses on Mounts, Speed Boost and Combat.

That way , just as we STILL have Guild Wars for the players that did not find Gw2 to their liking, we will also have Gw2…for those that do not want Mounts.

You can name it " Gw2: Knights Triumphant" or something.

Edit: Actually this is a good idea. See the proposition has been made that the majority of the player base wants mounts.

It seems to me that if this is in fact so, “Gw2:Knights Triumphant” would quickly drain the Gw2 game since it would be giving all those players In gw2 what they wish, Speed-boost mounts and mounted combat.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Of course the opposite might also happen. No one goes to play the new game, but it would finally answer the question. Do enough players want Mounted Speed Boost and Combat enough to play a game designed for it?

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gummy.4278


I’m not arguing that from a lore POV that they can’t or shouldn’t exist. IIt’s simply not practical. My stance is simple 3 points … there is no need for mounts, it’s alot of work for little return, it’s not inline with the concept of the game. Two of those points aren’t even my opinion. Mounts would not get people anywhere faster than current methods. Mounts would not improve GW2 bottom line based on the work required to implement them. As a business decision, mounts would be dubious; a gamble. Anet doesn’t need to gamble.

Based on the information you obtained from the last Anet meeting you attended?

Based on the fact that it takes time money and effort to make when they aren’t needed in the game, especially if they already compromise current game content and concepts.

I don’t really care what fancy buffs you think a mount could have. Fancy buffs aren’t compelling reasons to make a whole new system to deliver them. If you want fancy buffs, it’s simply a new elite skill or whatever. There are plenty of ways to deliver buffs to team mates in the game already. Justifying mounts with buff delivery … nonsense.

I have an understanding of how the business works, what I try not to do is speculate on things without the numbers that can prove my point.
I have already proven that Anet will compromise current game content and concepts.
I also don’t really care less what you think as well, so by that token at least we agree.