-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
Dear Anet,
SAB has been closed for 15 months now. It’s also been 15 months since I’ve bought Gems. The latter number is going to keep increasing until the former number decreases.Now think about all the players who will say the same about other features. Also, think about the dozens of players who believe that SAB isn’t series content and a mere waste of time.
You get a community that will never be statisfied which is actually the truth.
We like different things and the company can’t make everyone happy. Therefore they try to balance it up to have an overall positive community while keeping the profit coming in.
They’ve never sold anything on the gem store that was rendered utterly useless for 15 months, other than the infinite continue coin. And then refused to grant any refunds on it. But you keep making your straw man argument that they can’t please everyone. It keeps getting more convincing every single time.
Dear Anet,
SAB has been closed for 15 months now. It’s also been 15 months since I’ve bought Gems. The latter number is going to keep increasing until the former number decreases.Now think about all the players who will say the same about other features. Also, think about the dozens of players who believe that SAB isn’t series content and a mere waste of time.
You get a community that will never be statisfied which is actually the truth.
We like different things and the company can’t make everyone happy. Therefore they try to balance it up to have an overall positive community while keeping the profit coming in.They’ve never sold anything on the gem store that was rendered utterly useless for 15 months, other than the infinite continue coin. And then refused to grant any refunds on it. But you keep making your straw man argument that they can’t please everyone. It keeps getting more convincing every single time.
It is indeed convinving.
Thanks for the credit.
Dear Anet,
SAB has been closed for 15 months now. It’s also been 15 months since I’ve bought Gems. The latter number is going to keep increasing until the former number decreases.Now think about all the players who will say the same about other features. Also, think about the dozens of players who believe that SAB isn’t series content and a mere waste of time.
You get a community that will never be statisfied which is actually the truth.
We like different things and the company can’t make everyone happy. Therefore they try to balance it up to have an overall positive community while keeping the profit coming in.They’ve never sold anything on the gem store that was rendered utterly useless for 15 months, other than the infinite continue coin. And then refused to grant any refunds on it. But you keep making your straw man argument that they can’t please everyone. It keeps getting more convincing every single time.
It is indeed convinving.
Thanks for the credit.
You’re awesome at sarcasm! Two thumbs, way up.
Repeat content for Halloween, repeat content for Wintersday. I am not sure why they can’t bring the,selves to do repeat content for April Fool’s Day.
Now think about all the players who will say the same about other features. Also, think about the dozens of players who believe that SAB isn’t series content and a mere waste of time.
You get a community that will never be statisfied which is actually the truth.
We like different things and the company can’t make everyone happy. Therefore they try to balance it up to have an overall positive community while keeping the profit coming in.
that would be a good argument if everyone would simply be demanding for a new chapter. The question is, why are the previous chapters closed to begin with?
Also + 1 to SAB, me and my boyfriend quit for a looooong time after SAB permanently closed. We came back, simply because we’re in between games right now, but unlike in the previous years when I would constantly buy 2000 gem cards, if I can’t earn enough gold to get the item, I don’t need it.
Bumpity bump. We miss our SAB.
(edited by L Step.8659)
As my previous thread got closed. I’m still curious as to at what stage people would agree that refusing refunds on the infinite continue coin is not okay.
How long can ANet keep real world money for a service that they aren’t providing? It’s been over a year now. Will it not be okay after two years? Three? Six months ago?
Bring back SAB ASAP
Dear Anet,
SAB has been closed for 15 months now. It’s also been 15 months since I’ve bought Gems. The latter number is going to keep increasing until the former number decreases.Now think about all the players who will say the same about other features. Also, think about the dozens of players who believe that SAB isn’t series content and a mere waste of time.
You get a community that will never be statisfied which is actually the truth.
We like different things and the company can’t make everyone happy. Therefore they try to balance it up to have an overall positive community while keeping the profit coming in.They’ve never sold anything on the gem store that was rendered utterly useless for 15 months, other than the infinite continue coin. And then refused to grant any refunds on it. But you keep making your straw man argument that they can’t please everyone. It keeps getting more convincing every single time.
well… there is
revive orb transmutation charges etcetc
u have used them and theyre gone..
surely the infinite coin is still left in our inventory waiting to be used again..
but anet can argue that we got to use the coin.. so surely some used the coin more than others..
like the copper fed salvomatic.. all pay the price some salvage more others less..
but we all did use it.. (probably)
but leaving this aside.. id love to see the SAB opening again (even if it only lets us get into the previous worlds)
well… there is
revive orb transmutation charges etcetc
u have used them and theyre gone..
surely the infinite coin is still left in our inventory waiting to be used again..
but anet can argue that we got to use the coin.. so surely some used the coin more than others..
like the copper fed salvomatic.. all pay the price some salvage more others less..
but we all did use it.. (probably)but leaving this aside.. id love to see the SAB opening again (even if it only lets us get into the previous worlds)
There’s reasonable expectation. If you buy a pizza, you don’t complain to the store that it was only usable once. If you buy a car, you do.
We had reasonable expectation that an “infinite” continue coin would be reusable. Players at this stage can barely expected to still be playing 15 months later, let alone happily waiting to reuse an item they bought in September 2013.
While I’m sure that ANet are within their legal rights to do it. I find it incredibly disrespectful to customers to take their real world money and basically walk off with it.
It pains me every day, whenever I see a SAB mini, or someone with a SAB boombox, or I see my infinite continue coin. I don’t want a refund for my coin. If offered I would wholeheartedly decline – all I want, IS SAB – so much. please, just a little taste. It was, not one of the, but decisively the best mini game of any game I’ve ever played. It tickled my nostalgia chords. You hooked me Anet, and then you took away the bait! At this point in my end-of-game gw2 career I have but fractals to keep me entertained. However I can assure you I would be coming back week after week for months .. years on end if SAB were reintroduced.
Anet – have a heart, notice the 17 pages of people who desire more Super Adventure Box. We don’t need new levels, we won’t complain if you come out with new ones, we just want one of the best features of gw2 back!
Ps. The music in SAB is so unarguably awesome – for those who are unaware you can listen to it all again and again and again and again … and again @ https://soundcloud.com/arenanet/sets/guild-wars-2-super-adventure
SAB cured my Anatidaephobia!
Looking forward to SAB coming back, whenever in the distant future that might be.
No offense to the “likers” ..but if I wanted to play an 8-bit kinda platform game..I would buy the donkey kong handheld console from the mid 80ies
I still run around with the SAB soundtrack playing in the background, normally I would just get bored and go play something else, but just having the soundcloud set to repeat and running around, I can play the game for infinitely longer >.>
I edited this myself. Moderate that.
(edited by Firebaall.5127)
When it first came out as an April fools joke, people’s heads exploded.
During it’s second coming, folks gorged themselves on it like crack heads with an 8 ball.
It’s third appearance will usher in the cult of 8bit and fun will become mandatory.
When it first came out as an April fools joke, people’s heads exploded.
The next April Fool’s day paid homage to this fact, by exploding everyone’s heads.
As I said in the PAX Announcement thread, SAB standalone is coming!
Same as mounts/expansions: once the [merged] megathread leaves the first page, people cannot find it.
OP, here’s the thread you are looking for: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Super-Adventure-Box-merged-1/ Requesting merge.
I enjoy the LS as much as the next guy, and also have issues with it as much as the… next guy. But I still think SAB is the best thing that happened to GW2. I just can’t wait for it to come back, and when it does I know I will never leave it, with all my alts, till the day it goes away again. Like both previous times.
I heard every time someone makes a new thread about SAB, the push it back a month.
Super Adventure Box was the single most fun I’ve ever had in this game. It was like the developers were actually doing something called “fun” and had themselves personally discovered “humor”. There’s no reason for them not to have brought this back. World of Warcraft cashes in on stuff like SAB all the time with its jokes and puns about older games. Remember Linken in Un’goro Crater? Boot to the Head? NCSoft and Anet can’t seem to understand it was the single item of cultural reference which every single gamer could instantly identify with. But eh, Anet’s pretty much making it their standard to do everything possible to remain against the grain of what players want.
Super Adventure Box was the single most fun I’ve ever had in this game. It was like the developers were actually doing something called “fun” and had themselves personally discovered “humor”. There’s no reason for them not to have brought this back. World of Warcraft cashes in on stuff like SAB all the time with its jokes and puns about older games. Remember Linken in Un’goro Crater? Boot to the Head? NCSoft and Anet can’t seem to understand it was the single item of cultural reference which every single gamer could instantly identify with. But eh, Anet’s pretty much making it their standard to do everything possible to remain against the grain of what players want.
Some pretty serious generalizations there. Not every gamer identified, or even liked, SAB. There are even <gasp> players that don’t want it back.
NCSoft and Anet can’t seem to understand it was the single item of cultural reference which every single gamer could instantly identify with.
What did you grow up with, a Super Nintendo? An NES? An Atari 2600, even?
Keep in mind that gamers today might not have. A 16 year old kid today was born around 1999. Their first console might have been a GameCube, or a Wii.
Tons of people, if not most, won’t even know what “retro” refers to. They’ll think it’s some kind of artistic choice to make things “non-HD”. The last thing they’ll do is identify with it.
NCSoft and Anet can’t seem to understand it was the single item of cultural reference which every single gamer could instantly identify with.
What did you grow up with, a Super Nintendo? An NES? An Atari 2600, even?
Keep in mind that gamers today might not have. A 16 year old kid today was born around 1999. Their first console might have been a GameCube, or a Wii.
Tons of people, if not most, won’t even know what “retro” refers to. They’ll think it’s some kind of artistic choice to make things “non-HD”. The last thing they’ll do is identify with it.
Born in 1998 Still My father Had one and gave it to me so I still know what it referes to
SAB was and is Awesome , I hope it will come back
Living Story is great, but let’s be honest… there’s more fun than just Dev’s trolling us with promises they don’t come through on.
If you want to see the Super Adventure Box again… this year… not in some vague promise again post your support for its return here!
I’m in support of seeing the SAB return! (Give us the SAB already!)
I tend to play Guild Wars less and less, however SAB is something I would be a nerd for.
I’m in support of seeing the SAB return! (Give us the SAB already!)
I loved SAB, and would absolutely love for it to be something we can revisit anytime we want. Please make SAB permanent!
There is a merged thread, why do you insist on creating more wasteful threads?
You are also not adding to whats already been said a million and 1 times.
More maps.
PvP maps.
More dungeons.
More weapons.
More classes.
ALL are more important than rehashing old content, no matter how fun you may have found it.
(edited by Novuake.2691)
If we’re going get to anther break between season 2 and 3 (oh I so hope not) the least they can do is give us SAB (even if there isn’t any new content).
If we’re going get to anther break between season 2 and 3 (oh I so hope not) the least they can do is give us SAB (even if there isn’t any new content).
This seems reasonable.
I would only be in favor of SAB coming back if it were made PERMANENT rather than the temporary mess it started as. Why keep the NPC and the entry point for it in Rata Sum but remove the feature?
I personally don’t care for SAB, but I’m sick of seeing all this “Bring back SAB” stuff. Just bring it back and make it permanent. That will put an end to about half of the spam posts, at least. Less reading for you, ArenaNet.
Bring it back permanently, and if it isn’t back soon, refund the people who paid real world money for the infinite continue coin 15 months ago. Ideally, those refunds should have started going out several months ago.
/Message Body length must at least be 15.
/Message Body length must at least be 15.
Your joking? I thought I was the only one. :O
Sure I wouldn’t mind if it became available again soon, but so many other things I would rather see
return it soon or refunds pls. 15 months “reusable”. top kek.
SAB is pretty much the only thing that excites me so much in GW2.
Is it ever going to see the light of day again?
Its on the table, so someone just has to carry the table into daylight.
yep, the world is crumbling ,way points are dying, forts are getting crushed, people are getting slaughtered but hey, i wanna go play a game in a virtual world. Im sure traherne ,logan, marjory and all the other gang can do just fiiiine without me
Probably within a few months unless they do another season of WvW. I expect the next update will be a feature pack followed by another gap before SAB or WvW.
Mod!!!!!! Merge time!!!! another one
I barely even even logged in at all in 2014. Multiple times I logged back out on seeing the empty shell of SAB in rata sum, still inaccessible. I played for several hours today and had some fun, but here’s that empty shell, once again crushing my spirit.
As much as I want to play world 3, I would be playing tons of gw2 all over again if you just brought back the first two. I have at least two friends who have moved on to other mmos who would do the same.
Just do it already!
Please bring us back some sab between the end of season 2 and the beginning of heart of thorns
If blue SAB weapons are not returning, will be get blue SAB armor skins as non-tribulation loot then? =)
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