Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moirweyn.9872


Not excited about any of it. Not even a little bit.

I seem to remember a video where they said grinding was not fun….

“There are two types of people in the world…and I don’t like them.”

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mandrax.7342


LF1M ONLY full Ascended geared allowed , link gear on /w.
Anyone see this happen ?

Of course. It’s bound to happen.

I’ve only just managed to get my first few exotics, I guess they are already obsolete. I’ll probably not manage to even get the ascended gear before the next lot is released if the current time frame is anything to go by.

I came to this game to avoid the treadmill. I think my 15 year relationship with MMOs is coming to an end very soon… It’s a real shame, I guess that we can safely say that developers of all games are full of it, and we should never ever trust anything they say, ever.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


If they plan on release content they way they have been, that will keep me busy just fine. After lost islands is another December event. Then after that I am sure another content patch, ect ect.

Also I don’t have to pay a sub fee so I can play something else for a few weeks then come back!

Then why not just add the contents without the gear treadmill? That doesn’t address what I just said.

The new gear with better stats if too help get farther in the new challenging dungeon right? And maybe all future dungeon content?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shayde.2564


Quick and short : when I started playing I had a feeling that people are so nice and you know … “well brained”. Now when ANet tries to do something for A LOT OF PEOPLE that were just getting bored everyone else is crying about it. What I thought is the best, turned out to be the worst, people have a mindset that if there is any gear progression they have to participate in it else they feel inferior to others that have 5% stats more. If you don’t like gear progression, even as little as ANet wants to introduce, either stay away from the new dungeon and help gear up people that want to try it out (because you will need exotics before stepping there) or go craft, farm events or do whatever you want. The game is ment to be fun, and your “fun” doesn’t have to collide with others.

Ascended gear is BiS for all aspects of the game, with Omni or Offensive infusions it will be significantly better, and thus required to be competitive in both PvE and WvWvW. This goes against everything Anet has previously stated about gear progression and their intention to make skill > gear in Gw2. If Ascended gear were craftable or only usable in the new dungeon this would be a much lesser issue.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


You’re already gated by diminished rewards on exp mode dungeon runs for multiple runs, first run of day on each path is all that’s worth it for many players, even then several dungeons are rarely if ever ventured into because the skins are meh.

There is also a MASSIVE assumption that these won’t be craftable at all, that’s a bit short-sighted obviously as that would place the dungeon as a MANDATORY thing, something they’ve been criticized about already quite a bit with some of the the legendary grind forcing wv3 participation etc.

If people don’t like having a new goal set for them, and they’ve deluded themselves into thinking that the minor stat differences will swing entire battles on wv3zergocalypse then that’s their own issue.

spamming cof, ac or cm more because they’re popular would be hell and many were bored of it already and not even finished their sets from even one dungeon, but having nothing to give us renewed goals would kill the game for all but the die hard pvp fans, and even then there’s FAR better pvp games than Gw2, hate to break it to ya

Irony…. xD

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASP.8093


And in WvW stats mean very little, you can join in at a low level with low level gear and still play.

Depends on what you’re doing.

It’s easy to contribute usefully in WvW with any gear and level, but better stats do help you contribute a little bit more.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.5768


Well, so much for the Guild Wars tradition of no grind required. The only way this could be redeemed in my eyes would be to implement ascended items in a way that they are treated as exotics in WvWvW. This way PvE players that require new stats to feel good can get their fix in the new dungeon and the rest of us can keep enjoying the game. Stick to the MMO Manifesto Arenanet!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tallis.5607


Euh… how can you say that adding a new tier of gear is NOT an addition of a gear treadmill?

What else is it then?

It is what it is: they added a new tier of gear, that you must get to do the new end-game-content.

Don’t cover it up and say that it is something else.

The fact that they don’t add all the new tier items in the game at once does not make it anything else then what it is: a new tier of gear.

And this is regarlessly of the infusion stat. If the infusion stat is like -10 agony, then you do not need to grind out the infusion, but you will still need to grind out the new pieces for the extra stats.

If the infusion is like +10 health regeneration, well, then you will have to grind out the infusion too.

But no matter what, you will always have to grind an extra tier.

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

(edited by Tallis.5607)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitsan.8453


I just came back to the game only to find that Nelson from the Simpsons designs it.

Ha Ha on me.

No to gear grind.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: greg.3792


this is a bait and switch scam.

lol you may be right

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tozen.9814


Just finished reading the blog article.

I really have mixed feelings about this. I like the new tier of items and am not terribly concerned about “power creep” based off the limited stat boost that ascended gear provides. However, it makes me a little bit sad that the normal upgrade slots in armor are going away. I was just thinking the other day how much I enjoyed the system of being able customize gear exactly the way I wanted it. Now, that customization is gone.

I’ll wait and see how it all pans out.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


Not excited about any of it. Not even a little bit.

I seem to remember a video where they said grinding was not fun….

A video, multiple interviews and a statement from the bloody company president.

I am looking forward to seeing AN trying to hand-wave all this away…

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moirweyn.9872


Honestly, when the whole zerg is hitting you at the same time – it doesn’t matter.

“There are two types of people in the world…and I don’t like them.”

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chronus.1326


Do we really need another condition and then another Boon (infusions) to counter this condition to make the game more intresting for us?

That is not new. Spectral Agony was a skill used by the Mursaat in Guild Wars. You needed to infuse your armor to survive it.

But infusion there was a mere text, sayng that the armor is “infused”. It didn’t do anything. It just passively protected you from Spectral Agony.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


Your last statement says it all: “The game is meant to be fun.”

But, sadly it is not. It is work. It is grinding, excruciating work. Crafting is a joke. It has no merit, nothing you craft is worth anything. “Farm Events”? Repetitive grinding is not “fun” in my book. Perhaps I am just not the right kind of gamer for Guild Wars.

Most of my friends who began the game with me in BWE1 have already left. Most “well brained” people do not enjoy tedium. I am only still around because my last spark of hope for Guild Wars has not yet been completely snuffed out by their idiotic decisions.

Your friends aren’t the only ones. I started off with this guild from ToR which is a good size gaming community guild who has many players in many mmos, but they and many others from this guild wanted to play GW2. So we did and 90% left within the month. Now there is basically no one left on of the many that started.

Everything you said is correct. But to add, I thought this was supposed to be a fun and good type of pvp based game. But the pvp came up way short and found nothing new or exciting in the pvp that made me want to play. I never played GW1 and heard the pvp was awesome so when GW2 announced they were going to add a lot more pve to the game as well, then I was stoked because I am an end game raider but wanted to try some fun pvp.

Well the pve ended being pretty boring and extremely grindish and repetitive. Like you said the farming of events, 1 whole heart quest per area, and then you had to farm crafting too if you wanted more xp and sorry but not a fan of that. I cleared the zones and ended up 4 levels short of the next zone to where I had to either just keep farming the events which I already was doing, craft, or go to a whole new starter zone to catch up. Sorry but I shouldn’t have to do that. They should have added a lot more quest type content.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flynch.6034


Surely LF1M ONLY full Ascended gear allowed ‘map grouping’ is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY, the same as LF1M ONLY full Exotic gear allowed anyway?

And if that is happening now, then what’s the beef with the new content?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


Legendary items were the highest tier prior to this patch.

Legendary items will still be the highest tier after this patch.

In their notes, they state that legendary items will be adjusted so that they are always the best-in-slot gear.

…So yea, they haven’t added a new tier above legendary.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archer.6485


Don’t like the sound of “ascended gear” it just sounds like a gear treadmill to me even if it turns out it isn’t. When I start hearing people shouting “LFM Full Ascended only” then I know it’s gone too far.

Can’t say I am all for these changes, it goes against a lot of what Anet said they wouldn’t do.

Well, I remember hearing “LFG Full exotics only!” for the current dungeons early in the game, but lately as more casual players reached 80 those types of LFG gradualy stopped.

To me the biggest difference is possibly the idea that you can only get ascended items from the dungeon where you need ascended items. If that’s the case, then I can see how later on people will get gated from entering certain content because future groups will only look for full infused players to do these “infinite difficulty” dungeon runs.

The ability to craft these items (or at least sell them on the TP) could solve this problem though. I wonder how rare they will be or how many difficulty levels you will have to in order to obtain them.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217



Post deem meaningless since its now merged.

(edited by Zplus.4217)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: greg.3792


I’ll just go back to aion, if i have to grind for gear might as well grind for a good looking one

Is it free to play yet? I would go back if it was.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


I like WvW. Will ascended gear’s better stats count in that? A year from now am I going to find myself at a distinct stat based disadvantage against somebody with all ascended gear in WvW because I don’t want to spend my time grinding for it?

And that is another huge problem with the game. Currently you can buy or craft the end tier stuff or even get it from Karma vendors. If you have to do dungeons to get the new ascended stuff then your forcing PvPers to do PvE and welp we all know how that goes. To the next game!…..or back to others.

Great point, if the new ascent tier is obtainable with all the usual methods
WvW badges
Karma vendors
Dungeons token…

i dont see the a real problem.
But if in addition to this, we need to change our items every one or 2 months… there is a HUGE PROBLEM!

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shahiel.8342



I haven’t really posted here a lot since the game came out, I’ve just been been enjoying the game. But I have to say that this is very disappointing.
The fact that you will be able to gain more power from one specific dungeon, forcing every serious wvw player, and everyone else for that matter, into a pve treadmill. It just goes completely against what they said this game would be about.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: prenavo.3926


This question only works if the majority of the games population answers this question. For that the majority of the players would have to be on the forums. I’m pretty sure more than half of the people who play never visit the forums.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiance.6213


looks like I’ll be spending more time walking the dog in future.

@ least I can see why they were so reluctant to hold back the patch notes now, I can only imagine the kitten storm that would have created (oh… wait, we have a thread-naught here already)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sergoros.4398


Yes…im very excited…in a bad way.

I hate the new ascended items

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildclaw.6073


No, not excited.

I can’t believe that Anet actually managed to sack 7 year of goodwill in one bold move. All because someone at Anet couldn’t keep their hands of a few tiny stat points.

The proper way to implement everything would of course have been to not require any new items at all, but simply add the infusion mechanic on top of existing gear. It would still be a kind of gear gate that perhaps would have cost a bit of negative goodwill, but it would be comparable to EotN reputations and there would be positive goodwill gained if the content was good.

Even adding new gear with exotic stats and infusion would have been a far smaller goodwill cost, as it could at least have been seen as an attempt to appease the dungeon crowd without affecting game wide balance. And the infusion slots could be seen as a mechanic for future dungeons.

But higher stats (however small the difference)? That is just a totally crazy decision in light of existing many year old communicated policies that has been reinforced over time. You simply don’t touch a fundamental goodwill center like that, because the risk is far greater than any reward you could gain.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tormented.6380


I am wondering in what way you obtain a legendary preccusor at the moment.
Also does this mean obtaining a legendary will become easier (leave out all the grind).
Will obtaining a legendary at itself become more than grinding and shelling out ’all your belongings ^^

Really stoked about what the future might offer…
Any ideas? Or comments?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kistell.5684


Surely LF1M ONLY full Ascended gear allowed ‘map grouping’ is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY, the same as LF1M ONLY full Exotic gear allowed anyway?

And if that is happening now, then what’s the beef with the new content?

Some people do ask for exotics but its pretty easy to get groups any way, adding further tiers of dungeons exasperates this ten fold.

Players wont want to run old content , they will be obsessed with running only the most difficult runs in the new dungeons.

So what does a new player do? they have a dilemma they need to get at least a set exotics to run the basic new dungeon (which many people are no longer doing) , but their are virtually no people running older content for them to get to that stage.

Every time you add a new set and dungeon based on sets , it makes it harder and harder for new players to join so they quit.

The same also applies to very casual players whom get left behind , this is some thing ANET promised would not happen.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Levetty.1279


I am very excited for this. I think it is a step in the right direction. No matter how pretty the game is or how cool some of the armor looks, there will always be some form of progression in an mmo. It is the nature of the beast. I think they are taking great strides in trying to make this game appeal to a wide range of tastes as to make the game have a better player retention rate. More people playing is a good thing.
I look at it like this.
1. If you like open world pve…you’ve got it.
2. If you like regular dungeon running…you’ve got it.
3. If you like spvp… you’ve got it.
4. If you like wvw…you’ve got it.
5. And now, if your into getting new things for more power, you’ve got that too.
None of it is required, yet all paths are available for every play style.
In the end in almost every mmo, the acquisition of new stuff is the driving force behind it all. If some people need a carrot on a stick to keep them going, so be it. Eventually, (I’m crossing my fingers here) They may introduce raids!!! GASP!!! Oh the horror! People just need to relax and see where this new stuff takes us. I seriously doubt it’ll be as bad as people think. Besides, even if it did become a wow clone in the future, I’d rather play this than have to pay a monthly sub to do the same thing. People just need to chill out.

Seriously why did you buy GW2 in the first place? Aren’t the millions of other MMOs enough for you? Why does GW2 have to be exactly the same?

The same question can be said for those who believes endgame gear progression is bad thing and believe Gw2 should not include it. Why should GW2 be exactly like GW1?
Now I’m not saying needing to get a certain stat to be able to do dungeon isn’t ridiculous – that’s completely dumb.

But if its just a better tier of gear with non of the infusion stuff I’m all for it. Guild Wars 2 is not meant to be guild war 1 as it is nothing like guild wars 1 from the get go. If I want a game where I’m only ever gonna grind for skin I’ll go play GW1.

Excatly! If people thought that Guild Wars 2 was going to stay the same as Guild Wars 1 then they are in for many more surprises!

Also compared to other MMO’s Guild Wars 2 has many things they don’t have.

Combat is different
Graphics are different
Questing is different
Dynamic Events is different
Personal Story line is different than most MMO’s (minus SWTOR).
WvWvW is different
Quickbars are different
Being in multiple guilds is different
Dungeons are slightly different
Crafting is slightly different

Its a BUY2PLAY game (which was a huge bonus for me)

Those are just some of the reasons why I bought Guild Wars 2.

You could say if you don’t like the gear progression can just go back and play Guild Wars 1! Be thankful it’s still up and running!
People who did not like SWTOR and wanted to go back to SWG didn’t have that choice!

So in short, GW2 is now just another WoW clone and if you don’t like go play a 7 year old game.

Well enjoy the mess they are creating with this while it lasts. The people who like it will eventually just all head back to WoW just like they have done with every other WoW clone and you will end up with just half a server left.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riduy.1682


I feel like screaming at you people…

Why, exactly? Others opinions aren’t going to hurt you. I don’t really feel like screaming at you even though you completely fail to understand my point of view too, because it wouldn’t help us understand each other at all.

We have all had some excellent tantrums and counter tantrums about everything and everyone has got nice and uptight so it might be a good time to chill out a bit around here.

Because you haven’t even seen the content or how its attained. Think of it mathematically. You know you’ve went from point A (fine) to B (rare) to C (exotic), its taken you factors of X and Y to achieve each step lets say time and skill. At this point all we actually know is there is a fourth step D now… which given new content was always going to happen. (Could be worse it could have been a level cap increase :p)

What most people miss is that we don’t know the (X) time and (Y) skill that’s going to be required to achieve each piece which will ultimately decide the gear treadmill’s impact.

I’m not annoyed you have an opinion, just that your opinion is based on factitious conclusions. Take a step back and realise we don’t have the big picture.

It doesn’t matter if it takes a day or a month, it’s a principle. It’s not the leak we fear, it’s the flood that follows. Its very existence denotes a gear treadmill, and if it’s as simple as clicking a button and BAM you get free Ascended armor, then there would be no need for it in the first place. As Lindsey stated it was to cater to the more “hardcore” segment of players, so you can likely bet it’s stupidly inefficient to get. I heard you like Ascended armor, so I designed this Fractals dungeon that you NEED to have Ascended armor to run to get more Ascended armor.

Stats =/= progression. You can expand the game through story, mechanics, professions, etc. This is simply UNNECESSARY, regardless of how trivial the stat (8% increase power/precision in that example, compounded by all jewelry/armor) is or how long it takes to acquire.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diablo.9301


yes the 4% more MF make you kill zerg alone

What makes you think the new ascended gear will only be available for explorer type gear?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


Your last statement says it all: “The game is meant to be fun.”

But, sadly it is not. It is work. It is grinding, excruciating work. Crafting is a joke. It has no merit, nothing you craft is worth anything. “Farm Events”? Repetitive grinding is not “fun” in my book. Perhaps I am just not the right kind of gamer for Guild Wars.

Most of my friends who began the game with me in BWE1 have already left. Most “well brained” people do not enjoy tedium. I am only still around because my last spark of hope for Guild Wars has not yet been completely snuffed out by their idiotic decisions.

You should probably just quit, obviously you arent enjoying it and have gotten to the point where your mind wont let you enjoy any of the content.

And this just proves my point about this community. He gives constructive criticism and then told he should just quit the game. “Oh no. Someone is talking bad about my precious game.” Maybe they are bored etc. but have interest in the game still and hoping some things change. They have every right to voice their opinions on the game as much as you do praising it.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Thing is it’s not the content people are against, it’s the philosophy behind the content…
If done right you are correct this could be a good thing. However from what information we have been given people are not seeing that. So all in all I guess it is a wait and see. For myself if I don’t like/agree with or find fun the content to come I just simply will not do that part of it.

I have two level 80’s right now with 100% world complete on both of them. Am I boring myself by grinding all day in Orr? No, I am doing what I find fun. What does this have to do with anything? I don’t know I’m tired lol and I see people saying things like “would you prefer to grind in Orr all day or look forward to this new content?” and just find it obsurd. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alanis.6094


Surely LF1M ONLY full Ascended gear allowed ‘map grouping’ is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY, the same as LF1M ONLY full Exotic gear allowed anyway?

And if that is happening now, then what’s the beef with the new content?

I’m on SBI, which is a very, very popular server.

I can’t recall a single time I’ve ever seen a LFM spam that required people to have/link exotics.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: showatt.9413


I can understand the direction of aquiring gear up to a point. Ascended gear and infusions are interesting, ofcourse a grind to get and ofcourse Arenanet breaking their own philosophy by doing so, but for me a grind is not really the problem.

The biggest problem I see is the AGONY CONDITION. Quote from the blogpost:
“This extremely dangerous condition ticks percentages of player health away and can’t be cleansed by normal means. Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must.”

So…defense from this condition becomes a MUST… this means you NEED to have specific infusion upgrades linked to your gear in order to venture (further) into a dungeon and expirience it’s content.

The above is purposefully creating a gating mechanism 1 on 1 comparable to the Radiance gating mechanism which was implemented by Turbine in the Lord of the Rings Online…long story short:

Turbine realised (far too late, but at least did) that the implementation of their Radiance mechanic was creating more and more of a rift between competitive players and casual players. Casual players got barred from experiencing (new) content because they didn’t have the nescessary amount of Radiance to even enter a (new) dungeon. Eventually Turbine scrapped the whole Radiance mechanic and everyone could experience all content again. More info about this gating system in Lotro: Agony? Infusions? Did none of the Devs play LotRO?

Now, with this AGONY CONDITION creating exactly same gating mechanism (for now only in this dungeon, but it would be naive to think that it won’t be reoccurring in future dungeons), it seems that Arenanet did not learn from mistakes that have occured and resolved in other games. In my opinion the implementation of this agony condition is completely flawed and a definite turn for the worse!

Thank you.

God i wish every player is like you and not such extremist who wish to abolish endgame gear progression entirely.

honestly, Ascended gear should’ve been just another tier of gear with better stats that you can get if you want to, not a requirement for the new dungeon that’s coming out.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antiriad.7160


1) I wonder about the situation of people who have spent substantial amounts of real money in in-game armour/weapons that are now devalued, because wrong “assuring” information was given to them by Arenanet in advance. Isn’t that actually something similar to fraud?

A good luck finding an attorney to pick that up. Unless you plan to sue and fund it yourself this is an empty threat.

Besides that no you can’t. You paid for an in game currency. Just like in the real markets changes happen and can cause currency to be higher or lower valued. You can’t sue over decisions you made in the past like that. Could you imagine the stock market? I lost money because your stock value went down I’m going to sue you to get my money back!!!! Ummm no sorry. Also look at the real estate market. You buy a house and it devalues. You don’t get to sue the previous owner for fraud.

I would never spend money on in-game stuff related to “power” of your character. It feels like you’re playing chess and instead of moving a pawn to the 8th line to turn it into a queen someone offers you a queen for $10 instead. Doesn’t make sense oO?!? Except if you don’t actually want to play the game but just get over with it already (but then you should just resign aka quit).

However, since you brought up the stock market, that’s actually a good example: A company has to release certain information about their plans and situation, which is than evaluated by people buying stocks. And if the company actually lied about those facts (this has nothing to do with market speculation or anything) then they are liable and will instantly get sued.
It was just an interesting thought experiment here, as I said, I do not spend money anyway. (Except if I wanted marble chess pieces, why not!)

Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Logun.2349


People speak out for what they want, everyone has that right.

To each their own, but if you want an endless gear grind end game, that game has been done and copied at least a dozen times. Can’t GW2 be something different instead of pandering to players that just want to graft the mechanics of the last 13 years on to this one.

This will just cements that whole gear progression mentality into the game. How long do you think it’s going to take before you start to here …” no sorry we are only taking players into our “Guild / Group / Party/ Dungeon Run” with full Ascended sets …sorry try a noob Guild.

I think this just goes against the whole design template for this game. GW2 was about taking down the barriers that prevented players from interacting, and tiered gear systems that lock out contents is a 360 to that core philosophy.

That’s what people are upset about because this is exactly what was preached for the last 5 years by the Dev team. No surprise here that this has caused an uproar of epic proportions.

First of all the point in “something diffrent” is to satisfy everyone, no? Explorers, crafters, casuals, hardcores, pvpers etc etc. Its already much diffrent than other MMOs, you can’t say “hey let’s create something diffrent, how do we do it? Oh I know let’s remove one of the main aspects in typical MMOs and call it a new era MMO”.

Secondly, you can’t generalize people like that. People are creating guilds to find people that share their interests/goals in game. Do you think that now every guild is a mass of random players? That there are no PVP/RPG/PVE/WHATEVA specific guilds? If so, than I am sorry to burst your bubble but you are very wrong sir.

About the menality problems… the problem with people’s mentality in general is that they can’t share things. They want to feel special. That’s why people are raging about gear progress they want to be like “LOL YOU NERD PLAYING WOW? I AM PLAYING GW2 THERE IS NO GEAR PROGRESS GET A LIFE”. They want to feel that they are part of something unusual, the problem is – How to tell them, that dividing mmos into pvp/pve/with gear progress/no gear progress/whatever you come up with is not the only way to make MMO special. Why can’t gw2 be good for everyone?

LOL …. what you think makes it good …. I think makes it Bad …it’s that simple.

What the Game was preached to be, and sold a lot of people on, is the very thing there changing, and what you want me to thank them for the misleading advertisement.

Check out the manifesto, you bought GW2 and they made no bones about what their end game was going to be like. Now it’s changing to please you, and I’m in the wrong for wanting what they preached for 5 years?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zen.1740


So tell me, do you have to get full exotics now? Or full ascend? Do you have to do anything to keep the game as fun as it was before the news? Because your post AND signature clearly states that you stopped having fun after you read the news.

No I stopped having fun in GW2 when I reached level 58. From there Tequatl the Sunless was boring and made me realize that all of the dragon events would be scripted and not dangerous. Though I was trying to do the whole event naked with 3 other people, because apparently most MMO players take 4 months to get to level 30, and we were alone at that level (played from head start) and of course this game is a joke when it comes to earning money (to pay for waypoints and repairs). Around this time, shortly after, any mention of bugged events in any area was met with an explosion of map chat from zealot Arenadrones telling me and anyone else to go back to WoW. This just killed any hope of the already cancerous community.

After reaching 80 and being the victim of a string of hilarious jokes from ArenaNet, including classics such as; bots not being banned and even encouraged, diminishing returns, expensive repair cost, mystic forge gold sinks (cash shop gambling), excessive waypoint travel costs, wasted time in bugged events, exploiters getting a head start on the economy, kitten waving from legendary precursors being allowed to rise by hundreds of gold, patches that broke dungeons more, collecting COSMETIC dungeon sets requiring unprecedented amount of grind, I realized that there was nothing to do except farm (while being discouraged from farming) and then I stopped logging in.

I wait for the game to get better, but it’s chances are slim at best. Maybe if they lost their Nexon mentality.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Metafrank.9017


This question only works if the majority of the games population answers this question. For that the majority of the players would have to be on the forums. I’m pretty sure more than half of the people who play never visit the forums.

So who were the people that were for it? Because Linsay states that the decision was made due to feedback of the community. Well, it’s certainly not THIS community, I think that is pretty obvious now.

The Spirit of Guild Wars
† November 16th, 2012

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Its silly. Position yourself as a “no gear grind” game. A large amount of people who WANT one quit, leaving a large concentration of people who don’t.

Then add a gear grind. A few (but very few, as they already moved on) people come back. What happen to the rest?

This, 10 x this.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: smug.3895



You can’t go back on a such a huge premise of the game like gear progression. I wouldn’t care so much if they never said that because then I wouldn’t have bought the game for myself and my friends.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abra.5230


This change saddens me. I have two characters fully decked out in exotics and I was happy with that because I trusted that is all that I will ever have to worry about gear again, just like in gw1. If ascended items as described in the blogpost really make it into the game I will stop playing, period.

Which is quite sad because I really enjoyed WvW and sPvP, but I also enjoy PvE from time to time. If I now have to participate in gear farming to keep up with the PvE content then I’d rather not play the game at all, no matter how entertaining sPvP is.

It’s just too disappointing compared to what was said when the game was advertised, even if it only affected PvE (and it doesn’t, it also affects WvW).

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Remember that one that started collapsing because of that easily farmed event in the Mad Kings Zone? The even that resulted in an emergency fix where they nerfed the chest to the point it was no longer worth doing the event?

Wonder how everybody is going to feel when they can’t sell their exotics because of all the new ascended armour coming in over the next few content updates. To forget peoples reaction to it that easily you would think it hadn’t happened only last month.

There are 2 pieces coming out a ring and a back , and they are only useful in the new dungeon that will probably give exos for the higher rewards so its really no big deal.

Please read the blog post.

They will have higher stats then Exotics, eventually you will be able to wear full Ascended.

This will kill the exotic market and probably take the high tier crafting material with it.

They have higher stats because you can not add runes or gems to them , without this they would be worse than exotics.

No, please read the blog post like I asked you too. It specifically states that Ascended has higher stats.

If you look at the picture and add the numbers of the exotic together with the gem slotted into it it still has lower stats then the Ascended one shown.

Infusion might make that stat difference even more but even if it doesn’t then Ascended is still better and nobody will want exotics anymore.

The bonus I get for the runes I use is not worth losing to get a small increase in stats.

All those runes you can slot into your accessories and backpack? I’m sorry have you used some kind of exploit there?

Also the exotic market isn’t tied to you, its tied to supply and demand. The demand for exotics is going to drop right off once people can get these higher stats. Most people already use ruby orbs and similar if they are going full glass cannon, these ascended items have them built in from the get go.

You do know that there will be full sets of armor eventually

Yes that is what the thread is about. The new armour will kill the exotic armour market. Do you read anything?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riduy.1682


All I can say is, I do not have 300 gold to buy a million Greatswords to throw into the forge for a CHANCE to get one. I’m looking forward to what they come up with. Because honestly.. if you can get all the things needed to craft one, you deserve it.. It’s hard enough without the precursor being 3-400 gold being tossed around by the super-rich.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcbully.7289


Although I can not stand the rabid fans who twisted and hyped every thing to a unreal level all the while bash other games and people who didn’t agree, I feel sorry for them. They were lied to.

They put there neck out there everyday defending things like the lack if progression and the Halloween event, only to have the rug pulled out from under them.

I for one support the change, but I’m not blind to the pain and embarrassment hardened supporters are feeling.

I hope you guys pull through. We might not always agree, but we are the community, not the devs, publisher, or shareholders, we are. I support you guys.


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Webba.3071


Although I can not stand the rabid fans who twisted and hyped every thing to a unreal level all the while bash other games and people who didn’t agree, I feel sorry for them. They were lied to.

They put there neck out there everyday defending things like the lack if progression and the Halloween event, only to have the rug pulled out from under them.

I for one support the change, but I’m not blind to the pain and embarrassment hardened supporters are feeling.

I hope you guys pull through. We might not always agree, but we are the community, not the devs, publisher, or shareholders. I support you guys.


I appreciate this sentiment a lot, would be nice to see more of it from all sides of the discussion tbh.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jupiter.6325


No game is safe from the hardcoar phat lootz raider!

Seriously, kudos to all the people who burned through all of the content in a week.
You won!
Now you can strut around in your ascended gear…until the next tier is released.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coin Flunk.3024

Coin Flunk.3024

Yeah, this forum community is really quite ridiculous. No matter what, theres always something to complain about. Im so glad its not like this in game.

Your not the only one who’s glad the community forum isn’t like this in game.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: showatt.9413


Although I can not stand the rabid fans who twisted and hyped every thing to a unreal level all the while bash other games and people who didn’t agree, I feel sorry for them. They were lied to.

They put there neck out there everyday defending things like the lack if progression and the Halloween event, only to have the rug pulled out from under them.

I for one support the change, but I’m not blind to the pain and embarrassment hardened supporters are feeling.

I hope you guys pull through. We might not always agree, but we are the community, not the devs, publisher, or shareholders. I support you guys.



Though I really don’t see what’s so wrong about dev hyping up their game. I mean it’s not like Anet pulled a Peter Molyneux on us and created a gear that’s grossly overpowered to the previous tier.

The gating mechanic must go. Gear progression must be in. That’s my 2 cent.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zetsubo.2589


Legendary items were the highest tier prior to this patch.

Legendary items will still be the highest tier after this patch.

In their notes, they state that legendary items will be adjusted so that they are always the best-in-slot gear.

…So yea, they haven’t added a new tier above legendary.

That’s fine, but the fact that they have to adjust the Legendary stats even once means that max-stat gear wasn’t fixed from the start of the game, although that was promised to us by the devs: no need to ever go out of your way to get gear again, get max-stat gear once, have it forever.

I see zero reasons why they should break that promise and that is the problem I have with Ascended armor (which DOES increase the ceiling of gear stats).