[Envy], [Moon]
Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]
[Envy], [Moon]
I’ve been staying out of this mess, but I just couldn’t let THAT statement go by!
Gaile Gray and the mini polar bear incident DO come to mind to contradict that statement!
For those of you that don’t know: During a Wintersday event, a miniature polar bear (Ursula, I know) was added into the Wintersday chest. You could only get it from that chest which was only available during Wintersday. Someone asked Gaile Gray, GW1’s main PR rep) if it WAS added. She INSISTED that it was not and to not waste your time. Only a few days prior to Wintersday closing, she backtracked and said it WAS added. (You’d have to go back and look at the old stuff to see how poorly it was handled.) Many people were up-in-arms about the whole thing. I learned then and THERE not to trust a word from ANYONE regarding this game (Well, there was also the “favor” incident, which CONFIRMED for me not to trust them, but that’s a whole other Oprah!)
Every time any conversation about ANet clarity back in GW1 days ends with bringing up the Polar Bear.
Probably because it was one of the very few mess ups by Anet back then, though I would probably focus on the insistence there was no exploid / duping mechanism while there was, but let’s clear one thing about Polar Bear:
Yes, Gaile insisted there was no Polar bear, because she was convinced – and actually told after she asked the Team about it, if I’m not mistaken – there was no Polar Bear. So she did her job as best as she could.
This was not a whole facade by ANet to hide existence of Polar Bear. It was a bad instance of PR not being kept up to date.So please don’t bring that up.
OK, to clarify: It was after this incident of poor communication that I no longer trusted anything they said. I didn’t say they were eveil and should rot in the Underworld! (And BTW, you are REALLY whitewashing the whole mess there!) Glad to see you still enjoy the taste of their Koolaid, but, because of the handling of that fiasco, I learned you can’t trust what you’re told. Honest mistake or not, it was handled poorly, as was the “favor” clock crap, which was handled even MORE poorly.
You don’t like it being brought up? Sorry, it happened. People don’t forget, and as this thread CLEARLY illustrates, it doesn’t forgive easily either!
I don’t like that being brought up because it proves nothing.
The update was added “under the rug” and people who were supposed to know about it, didn’t. Gaile actually did ask people in charge – who should have known – and was told there was no Mini Polar Bear. I’ve always thought the whole thing was a developer prank/easter egg gone really bad, but with no bad intentions.The difference with what is happening now is the scope.
Gear progression, or lack of it, was one of the fundamental features.
I know I’ve said this before…but didn’t the game already have gear progression???
Typically, you would get level 80, and then your next major task would be to get fully decked out in exotics. I mean, am I wrong on this? Cause I don’t think I am.
GW2 has gear progression, it ALWAYS had gear progression. The only thing it does not, and should not, have is a massive gear grind that is necessary to be competitive in WvW. So long as Ascended items aren’t that, then I don’t think they have broken any promises.
I mean, I can understand being annoyed that this new tier was released VERY soon after release, and a bunch of people were under the impression that exotics were top-of-the-line, so they spent money transmuting them. That is a big bummer, and ANet should either apologize for releasing Ascended too quickly, or offer these players a free way to transmute their ascended gear to look like their exotics when they get it.
But otherwise…I don’t see the big deal.
[Envy], [Moon]
This isn’t related to the thread really but mods keep moving it here so w/e – Does anyone have any information on changes to transmuted legendary weapons? Bearing in mind that the non-transmuted ones are meant to be raised in line with whatever is BiS.
“By that logic anything up until now that wasn’t an Exotic tier item has been considered an obsolete item? "
Yes. Yes it is. Seriously? Look at rares : 15 silver a piece. Look at exotics, 1+ gold for most of them (usually, the minimum craft cost + a %). . .
Yellows cost more then 15 silver to make, yet sell for 15 silver. WHY? Simple, that’s the price ectos are at. Hence, obsolete. People go drops -> maybe yellows -> exotics and never look at yellows again. (I went blues/greens to exotics personally)
The biggest difference in moving from rares to exotics are the base stats such as weapon damage and armor value. The additional Power/Precision/Toughness/etc increase is hardly noticeable, to me anyway. I had no trouble stomping the PvE scene or the WvW scene with my rares and when I upgraded to exotics I saw a slight increase in my performance but nothing that made me think “OMGWTFHAVEIBEENDOINGTHISENTIRETIME!?!?!”. Anyone who deems something “obsolete” because it’s lacking a whopping 5 stat points is, IMO, probably a min/maxer. I can kick someone’s teeth in with 3k Power or 2k Power, hardly makes a difference in the grand scheme of stats.
OK. A few points. Weapon damage has a very major role in how much damage you do. The higher quality of the weapon, the higher the base damage. THEY ARE MAKING LEGENDARIES BETTER. Just thought I’d toss that your way in case you missed it. The single biggest factor in power escalation is going to be the legendary weapons that are already in play… they are upgrading them. This will have dramatic effect in the game… but you’ll notice yourselves soon enough.
The other point I’d like to make, because it was mentioned earlier in this thread…. “attack” isn’t a stat. I don’t care what your hero panel says, because it just isn’t a stat. The damage formula at no time EVER adds your weapon damage to your power stat. It is completely irrelevant what your “attack” is. Your 2000 attack could be over 25 times better than my 2000 attack…. how you ask? 1k weapon damage times 1k power = 1 million … vs my 20 weapon damage times my 1980 power = 39600. Arbitrary and unlikely, but illustrates the point. Attack isn’t inherently meaningful.
Math on a forum like this gets skipped over, so I won’t go into too much detail.
Check the wiki. The formulas are there, and the other relevant ones aren’t difficult to work out.
It suffices to say you have it all wrong. Just on this bit here, weapon damage adds with power to determine direct damage dealt, which is inversely proportional to the sum of armor and toughness.
So, I’m sure it’s been hashed out to death, but I just saw the “guide” to the dungeon, along with the picture of the rewards, and the description of how you get the tokens.
Now, it’s pretty clear from the icon (looking like part of the glowy piece from Linsey’s original blog), the stats (particularly that there are two ‘sets’ of stats, and one of them is ‘baked-in’), the name (“Prototype”) that the Prototype Fractal Capacitor is the precursor item to the Ascended back piece.
It’s also pretty clear (we’ve been told that the Ascended piece comes from a Mystic Forge recipe) that to get the Ascended piece is going to require the Prototype Exotic model, the “Gift of Ascension”, and possibly two other recipe components.
The Prototype Fractal Capacitor costs 1350 tokens, and the Gift is an additional 500. So the token cost is roughly on par with the cost of a full set of dungeon equipment, including weapons. For one piece.
The rate at which you get tokens, at least according to the information that that site has, is 5 tokens per ‘Fractal’, with each ‘Fractal’ taking 15-30 minutes. So the rate at which you acquire the tokens is slower than it was to get Dungeon tokens at launch (before they quadrupled the daily bonus and moved all the tokens to the last chest, in response to complaints about the massive, tedious grind).
So much for “Hey, maybe it won’t be too that bad.”
Truth of the matter is, this is a mass market game, with a large audience with different wants and needs. Not everyone wants the exact same thing from it.
I couldn’t agree with you more. That’s the crux of the issue, a good chunk of us don’t want to be forced to do dungeons.
Which is why I felt relieved when I read that you would eventually be able to get Ascended gear in WvW.
But why eventually? Why not from day 1 of the new gear?
well considering as of right now back slot items dont drop at all any were and rings hardly ever drop there’s probably some more work that needs to be done, my bet is when they aadd more of the gear set it will also start droping in WvW and such
As a side note, they are counting on the slow release of Ascended gear to contribute to the feeling of it being a longer-term goal than exotics.
That is exactly what I fear and despise. It’s a freaking shame. They are designing ascended armor to be released over months, if not years, so that you can never with any confidence say: “Now I’m done with the stat progression!”
This isn’t related to the thread really but mods keep moving it here so w/e – Does anyone have any information on changes to transmuted legendary weapons? Bearing in mind that the non-transmuted ones are meant to be raised in line with whatever is BiS.
You’re screwed, just like the rest of us. Legendary skin or not, it’s an exotic weapon now with exotic stats, and it’s being replaced. Better get ready to get your grind on, and don’t forget another fine transmutation stone.
Sorry, wish I had better news.
Can we just have someone from A-NET “clarify” why we are seeing stat increases? The most recent official post was very vague & tip toed around the issue which left more questions than answers.
my two cents,
I have watched as ArenaNet’s philosophy slowly change over the years. First word came that we’d be getting WoW’s 80 levels, then announced we’d be getting a robust system where players would play numbers rather than challenges – robust stats progress [wow]. Jeff Strain and James Phinney, who spearheaded the horizontal hub system EoTN and other gw1 innovations, left the company. Current lead designer, a former WoW developer, seemed very proud about the many aspects that were turning GW1 into WoW II.
It is a hard call in truth, EoTN, Hardmode, gw1 generally, had just scratch the surface of an entirely new concept for the MMO genre, horizontal progress as ‘entertaining content’ – access – rather than the human hamster on stat crack, spinning the hamster wheel – gating by stats.
Now that ArenaNet has moved so much closer to WoW, the company has realized they’ve created a ‘half measure’ an incomplete product that is neither WoW or GW1, a hybridization, though less hybrid and more a corruption; a collision of two incompatible systems.
ArenaNet has to now make a choice as players sense the fabric is flawed, both wow players and old gw1 players. The game is beautiful, but it lacks a true soul. What should that soul be? Well, we have lost two of the best designers for the original GW1 structure, so my educated guess is that ArenaNet, to regain financial ground, needs to move to the WoW model, as current ‘lead’ development embraces WoW model most of all.
It will make a beautiful WoW II, but as you can see from my sig I choose to take my business elsewhere; already tried WoW, and GW2, not much difference between the two when you add the unattainable end game carrots [stats].
I was actually enjoying the game [gw2], have collected lot of small suggestions with larger relevance, a good sign I am invested. But now there is little ArenaNet can do to repair the lost faith in their integrity.
My business advice to ArenaNet, fulfill your destiny, make the ‘easy’ choice go for WoW II, build a complete tier system for the stat hungry. Though it may be the soulless choice in the end, the profits may improve a bit
So, I’m sure it’s been hashed out to death, but I just saw the “guide” to the dungeon, along with the picture of the rewards, and the description of how you get the tokens.
Now, it’s pretty clear from the icon (looking like part of the glowy piece from Linsey’s original blog), the stats (particularly that there are two ‘sets’ of stats, and one of them is ‘baked-in’), the name (“Prototype”) that the Prototype Fractal Capacitor is the precursor item to the Ascended back piece.
It’s also pretty clear (we’ve been told that the Ascended piece comes from a Mystic Forge recipe) that to get the Ascended piece is going to require the Prototype Exotic model, the “Gift of Ascension”, and possibly two other recipe components.The Prototype Fractal Capacitor costs 1350 tokens, and the Gift is an additional 500. So the token cost is roughly on par with the cost of a full set of dungeon equipment, including weapons. For one piece.
The rate at which you get tokens, at least according to the information that that site has, is 5 tokens per ‘Fractal’, with each ‘Fractal’ taking 15-30 minutes. So the rate at which you acquire the tokens is slower than it was to get Dungeon tokens at launch (before they quadrupled the daily bonus and moved all the tokens to the last chest, in response to complaints about the massive, tedious grind).
So much for “Hey, maybe it won’t be too that bad.”
They intended to be a middle ground between the relative ease of exotics and extreme difficulty of legendaries. So yeah, enjoy the grind.
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
They are designing ascended armor to be released over months, if not years, so that you can never with any confidence say: “Now I’m done with the stat progression!”
Sure you can. Just stop playing. That’s what I plan to do if they release this garbage to the live servers. My gear progression stops very abruptly.
This isn’t related to the thread really but mods keep moving it here so w/e – Does anyone have any information on changes to transmuted legendary weapons? Bearing in mind that the non-transmuted ones are meant to be raised in line with whatever is BiS.
You’re screwed, just like the rest of us. Legendary skin or not, it’s an exotic weapon now with exotic stats, and it’s being replaced. Better get ready to get your grind on, and don’t forget another fine transmutation stone.
Sorry, wish I had better news.
Complete and utter speculation.
I can’t imagine ANet would just screw you out of your legendary, just because you decided to transmute it…which is what I expect most people probably do.
[Envy], [Moon]
Live Q&A with Lead Designer Isaiah Cartwright at 6 Eastern
Complete and utter speculation.
I can’t imagine ANet would just screw you out of your legendary, just because you decided to transmute it…which is what I expect most people probably do.
Just farm an Ascended weapon and transmute the skin on them :o
Exotic is soooo easy to get. You have money; therefore you have exotics.
Point being Loosifah? Do you understand that this fact was the whole point of this kitten game in the first place? The people that love this game are sick to death of gear grind. I never want to play another game with god kitten gear grind. If the people that need numbers to go up a little needed gear grind than go play a game with gear grind. Instead Anet caved and betrayed what I believe is the majority of their player base.
The reason this thread is the biggest on these forums and has ton of first time posters posting against this utter kitten should be a clue to them that the kittened up. I doubt it though.
(edited by Aaron.4807)
Complete and utter speculation.
I can’t imagine ANet would just screw you out of your legendary, just because you decided to transmute it…which is what I expect most people probably do.
Just farm an Ascended weapon and transmute the skin on them :o
True, but honestly, if you got a legendary weapon already, it should be best in class no matter what. They even stated that.
It would be upsetting if you can never transmute a legendary weapon for fear that you will have to grind another weapon in the future.
[Envy], [Moon]
The Prototype Fractal Capacitor costs 1350 tokens, and the Gift is an additional 500. So the token cost is roughly on par with the cost of a full set of dungeon equipment, including weapons. For one piece.
The rate at which you get tokens, at least according to the information that that site has, is 5 tokens per ‘Fractal’, with each ‘Fractal’ taking 15-30 minutes. So the rate at which you acquire the tokens is slower than it was to get Dungeon tokens at launch (before they quadrupled the daily bonus and moved all the tokens to the last chest, in response to complaints about the massive, tedious grind).
If these numbers hold true, I’m going to have to make some more pop corn.
So much for “Hey, maybe it won’t be too that bad.”
They intended to be a middle ground between the relative ease of exotics and extreme difficulty of legendaries. So yeah, enjoy the grind.
Not only that, but all of the Relics, Gifts, and Prototype Fractal Capacitors are Account Bound, so not only is it a massive, massive grind (for mechanical rather than cosmetic purposes, meaning you’re forced into it if you just want maximum efficacy), but it’s not even a grind that you can partially alleviate by buying the components outright with gold (which, obviously, can be earned just about anywhere in the game, doing just about anything you think is fun).
The plug should be pulled on this patch.
Can we just have someone from A-NET “clarify” why we are seeing stat increases? The most recent official post was very vague & tip toed around the issue which left more questions than answers.
my two cents,
I have watched as ArenaNet’s philosophy slowly change over the years. First word came that we’d be getting WoW’s 80 levels, then announced we’d be getting a robust system where players would play numbers rather than challenges – robust stats progress [wow]. Jeff Strain and James Phinney, who spearheaded the horizontal hub system EoTN and other gw1 innovations, left the company. Current lead designer, a former WoW developer, seemed very proud about the many aspects that were turning GW1 into WoW II.
It is a hard call in truth, EoTN, Hardmode, gw1 generally, had just scratch the surface of an entirely new concept for the MMO genre, horizontal progress as ‘entertaining content’ – access – rather than the human hamster on stat crack, spinning the hamster wheel – gating by stats.
Now that ArenaNet has moved so much closer to WoW, the company has realized they’ve created a ‘half measure’ an incomplete product that is neither WoW or GW1, a hybridization, though less hybrid and more a corruption; a collision of two incompatible systems.
ArenaNet has to now make a choice as players sense the fabric is flawed, both wow players and old gw1 players. The game is beautiful, but it lacks a true soul. What should that soul be? Well, we have lost two of the best designers for the original GW1 structure, so my educated guess is that ArenaNet, to regain financial ground, needs to move to the WoW model, as current ‘lead’ development embraces WoW model most of all.
It will make a beautiful WoW II, but as you can see from my sig I choose to take my business elsewhere; already tried WoW, and GW2, not much difference between the two when you add the unattainable end game carrots [stats].
I was actually enjoying the game [gw2], have collected lot of small suggestions with larger relevance, a good sign I am invested. But now there is little ArenaNet can do to repair the lost faith in their integrity.
My business advice to ArenaNet, fulfill your destiny, make the ‘easy’ choice go for WoW II, build a complete tier system for the stat hungry. Though it may be the soulless choice in the end, the profits may improve a bit
Actually that makes a lot of sense.
The posts in this thread…
THEY’RE OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Envy], [Moon]
Live Q&A with Lead Designer Isaiah Cartwright at 6 Eastern
And you think that he answhere any question about this change of route?
-Mike Obrien
lol u failed maths obviously ascended gives players an edge over others! else u wouldn’t see that many people QQing over the treadmill issue
(edited by Gnatoay.7581)
The posts in this thread…
THEY’RE OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You beat me to it :P
TITANS (Zhe Titans [TNT])
Proud Feminist (derp)
The posts in this thread…
THEY’RE OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You beat me to it :P
I’ve been stalking this thread for like an hour, waiting to hit it at exactly 9001 lol.
[Envy], [Moon]
Well according to the notes infusions AND ascendent gear is being released. I guess Im done with this game now. Going to stick around to see the lost shores event then ill be deleting it from the harddrive.
Live Q&A with Lead Designer Isaiah Cartwright at 6 Eastern
And you think that he answhere any question about this change of route?
The timing is eerie.
We will see.
It will make a beautiful WoW II, but as you can see from my sig I choose to take my business elsewhere; already tried WoW, and GW2, not much difference between the two when you add the unattainable end game carrots [stats].
I was actually enjoying the game [gw2], have collected lot of small suggestions with larger relevance, a good sign I am invested. But now there is little ArenaNet can do to repair the lost faith in their integrity.
My business advice to ArenaNet, fulfill your destiny, make the ‘easy’ choice go for WoW II, build a complete tier system for the stat hungry. Though it may be the soulless choice in the end, the profits may improve a bit
Too soon, give them time to turn it around. The patch hasn’t been released yet, so have a little patience and let them see the error of their ways. I’m deleting as well if they patch this ascended or agony stuff into the game. But I’m giving them until the moment the patch is released. They did very, very well with GW1, and I’m trying to hold on to the tattered shreds of my faith in Anet.
I stand corrected, they did patch it to the live servers just now over the massive outcry against it. I’m torn if I want to finish my last 1/4 of a level to reach rank 20 in spvp or if I should just uninstall now. I guess I’ll just think about it for now, and decide later. I was going to play now…but instead I guess I’m going to shop around for another game.
So long, Anet. I wish you’d said you were going to do this before release so I wouldn’t have wasted money on your game.
(edited by Shieldbreaker.4012)
9000 responses. No thread ever as far as I know reached that for GW2. Time to listen Arenanet.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
So, I’m sure it’s been hashed out to death, but I just saw the “guide” to the dungeon, along with the picture of the rewards, and the description of how you get the tokens.
Now, it’s pretty clear from the icon (looking like part of the glowy piece from Linsey’s original blog), the stats (particularly that there are two ‘sets’ of stats, and one of them is ‘baked-in’), the name (“Prototype”) that the Prototype Fractal Capacitor is the precursor item to the Ascended back piece.
It’s also pretty clear (we’ve been told that the Ascended piece comes from a Mystic Forge recipe) that to get the Ascended piece is going to require the Prototype Exotic model, the “Gift of Ascension”, and possibly two other recipe components.The Prototype Fractal Capacitor costs 1350 tokens, and the Gift is an additional 500. So the token cost is roughly on par with the cost of a full set of dungeon equipment, including weapons. For one piece.
The rate at which you get tokens, at least according to the information that that site has, is 5 tokens per ‘Fractal’, with each ‘Fractal’ taking 15-30 minutes. So the rate at which you acquire the tokens is slower than it was to get Dungeon tokens at launch (before they quadrupled the daily bonus and moved all the tokens to the last chest, in response to complaints about the massive, tedious grind).
So much for “Hey, maybe it won’t be too that bad.”
This is classic
If you get five from a chest or whatever delivery device they choose to use, to complete the dungeon
What do you think the drop rate will be in say …..
WvW 1 per 50000 loot bags a day?
Just wondering here cause they do say you will be able to get this from WvW someday, over the rainbow… oH sorry
or will the actual piece be in the loot bag in WvW?
The posts in this thread…
THEY’RE OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You beat me to it :P
I’ve been stalking this thread for like an hour, waiting to hit it at exactly 9001 lol.
Haha, yeah I was doing the same. But got in to late . I’m slow. But I’m glad someone managed to do it atleast
TITANS (Zhe Titans [TNT])
Proud Feminist (derp)
Vegeta! What does the scouter say about this thread’s hate level?
From Kotaku Q/A:
Do you think the new dungeon will make the old dungeon obsolete because of the better stats on armor you’re getting?
No, we limited the rewards for this new dungeon to rings and back items, our goals are to keep invalidating old content to a minimum because that just limits the fun an interesting things for people to do. This is why we also added some new unique rewards into our repeatable dungeons!
-Mike Obrien
Vegeta! What does the scouter say about this thread’s hate level?
It’s over 9000!!!!!!
No matter your thoughts on this subject you do have to admit, it is sort of funny. After numerous patches to add and adjust DR to try to stop people from running the same dungeon over and over, they go ahead and put in a dungeon they want you to run over and over.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
Live Q&A with Lead Designer Isaiah Cartwright at 6 Eastern
I saw one “hard” question come up – the third question – it was magically deleted and unanswered.
This is all just a PR sales snowjob interview.
Live Q&A with Lead Designer Isaiah Cartwright at 6 Eastern
I saw one “hard” question come up – the third question – it was magically deleted and unanswered.
This is all just a PR sales snowjob interview.
Yep its pretty horrendous so far, but then again I wasnt expecting any answer from this. Especially since they just push the patch out with the junk in it and havent responded to us besides that silly post the other day.
Just like other heart felt posts, this one may very well be infracted and deleted, but here goes anyways.
I got this game because I was told that this is a different MMO, because they have a vision they believed in and stand behind, as my gw2 client is downloading the latest update, all those words have become empty promises and nothing but a sales talk, kinda reminds me of the other big disaster in the gaming industry earlier this year.
I played this game everyday and any free times I could get for myself, I have gotten 2 of my friends to buy this game and they each got 3-4 of their own friends to buy this game as well. Now I would like to let you guys know that I will never, I repeat, never recommend this gaming company to anyone that I know, in fact I will tell anyone to steer well clear off it.
Trust is a funny thing, you break it once and it’s all over.
I’m finished in this thread, hf gl with the grind guys.
Live Q&A with Lead Designer Isaiah Cartwright at 6 Eastern
I saw one “hard” question come up – the third question – it was magically deleted and unanswered.
This is all just a PR sales snowjob interview.
Yep I posted a ration none inflammatory question about stat tiers and the future plans and it was deleted. Reposted again… and deleted.
This “any questions” is a sham.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.
Live Q&A with Lead Designer Isaiah Cartwright at 6 Eastern
I saw one “hard” question come up – the third question – it was magically deleted and unanswered.
This is all just a PR sales snowjob interview.
Yep I posted a ration none inflammatory question about stat tiers and the future plans and it was deleted. Reposted again… and deleted.
This “any questions” is a sham.
Same, and the very same thing happened to me.
Freyar (Who’s… 3 hours ago
I’m concerned over ascended gear. Is Guild Wars 2 supposed to be moving towards traditional MMO progression? One of the reasons I stepped away from WoW and others was so that I could enjoy an MMO at my own pace without the risk of being excluded by something like Gear Score.
IsaiahCartwright @Freyar (Who’s best… 3 hours ago
I can see your concern, our goal with ascended items is to fill the gap in our progression between exotics and legendary as well as give us a new tool with the infusion slot to give more depth of rewards by offering new and interesting infusions that are directed at different game types.
the closest we will get to an answer
" Freyar (Who’s… 16 minutes ago
I’m concerned over ascended gear. Is Guild Wars 2 supposed to be moving towards traditional MMO progression? One of the reasons I stepped away from WoW and others was so that I could enjoy an MMO at my own pace without the risk of being excluded by something like Gear Score.
IsaiahCartwright @Freyar (Who’s best… 2 minutes ago
I can see your concern, our goal with ascended items is to fill the gap in our progression between exotics and legendary as well as give us a new tool with the infusion slot to give more depth of rewards by offering new and interesting infusions that are directed at different game types.
basically did not answer the question and went back to PR speak. They are all on damage control now.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.
Freyar (Who’s… 3 hours ago
I’m concerned over ascended gear. Is Guild Wars 2 supposed to be moving towards traditional MMO progression? One of the reasons I stepped away from WoW and others was so that I could enjoy an MMO at my own pace without the risk of being excluded by something like Gear Score.
IsaiahCartwright @Freyar (Who’s best… 3 hours ago
I can see your concern, our goal with ascended items is to fill the gap in our progression between exotics and legendary as well as give us a new tool with the infusion slot to give more depth of rewards by offering new and interesting infusions that are directed at different game types.
And that answers absolutely nothing, we have gotten just as much from the blogpost, not to mention there is no gap in progression…
Total PR doublespeak, ignoring the fact that many, many people have pointed out that there is no progression gap between Exotics and Legendaries, whether statistical or in terms of acquisition difficulty.
Freyar (Who’s… 3 hours ago
I’m concerned over ascended gear. Is Guild Wars 2 supposed to be moving towards traditional MMO progression? One of the reasons I stepped away from WoW and others was so that I could enjoy an MMO at my own pace without the risk of being excluded by something like Gear Score.
IsaiahCartwright @Freyar (Who’s best… 3 hours ago
I can see your concern, our goal with ascended items is to fill the gap in our progression between exotics and legendary as well as give us a new tool with the infusion slot to give more depth of rewards by offering new and interesting infusions that are directed at different game types.And that answers absolutely nothing, we have gotten just as much from the blogpost…
was just gona post the exact same question what a kittenfoot anwser.
Freyar (Who’s… 3 hours ago
I’m concerned over ascended gear. Is Guild Wars 2 supposed to be moving towards traditional MMO progression? One of the reasons I stepped away from WoW and others was so that I could enjoy an MMO at my own pace without the risk of being excluded by something like Gear Score.
IsaiahCartwright @Freyar (Who’s best… 3 hours ago
I can see your concern, our goal with ascended items is to fill the gap in our progression between exotics and legendary as well as give us a new tool with the infusion slot to give more depth of rewards by offering new and interesting infusions that are directed at different game types.And that answers absolutely nothing, we have gotten just as much from the blogpost, not to mention there is no gap in progression…
I know. I am sick of hearing that from Anet. It is not a gap in progression but a gap in GRIND. There is a kitten clear difference between the two.
basically did not answer the question and went back to PR speak. They are all on damage control now.
The only damage control they can do is to roll back the servers to prepatch, edit out the new tier and the agony/infusion stuff, and repatch it to live. Anything else is trash and worthless.
Total PR doublespeak, ignoring the fact that many, many people have pointed out that there is no progression gap between Exotics and Legendaries, whether statistical or in terms of acquisition difficulty.
Yep they just wanted to create an artifical gating mechanism (infusion) and another tier to keep people playing. Its funny though, this very action is forcing me to leave.
No matter your thoughts on this subject you do have to admit, it is sort of funny. After numerous patches to add and adjust DR to try to stop people from running the same dungeon over and over, they go ahead and put in a dungeon they want you to run over and over.
Nice find also one must ask will diminishing return be removed from the Original Dungeons now that it has no effect on the new dungeon?
the closest we will get to an answer
" Freyar (Who’s… 16 minutes ago
I’m concerned over ascended gear. Is Guild Wars 2 supposed to be moving towards traditional MMO progression? One of the reasons I stepped away from WoW and others was so that I could enjoy an MMO at my own pace without the risk of being excluded by something like Gear Score.
IsaiahCartwright @Freyar (Who’s best… 2 minutes ago
I can see your concern, our goal with ascended items is to fill the gap in our progression between exotics and legendary as well as give us a new tool with the infusion slot to give more depth of rewards by offering new and interesting infusions that are directed at different game types.basically did not answer the question and went back to PR speak. They are all on damage control now.
Of course he can see our concern but it doesn’t matter anyway. They already have our money. Pre-purchase was a wise decision.
Let’s face it, we were played. Hats off ArenaNet, I didn’t see it coming.
Sad isnt it, I had honestly hoped this game would be different. But as with every other mmo that has come out since wow, I feel cheated, frustrated, and depressed as I leave the game.
You know? I was planning on logging in for the lost shores event, I dont think Ill do that now. Going to just simply log on, say goodbye to my guild, then log off and delete the game.