“Oh no! I’m in a game and I don’t know what to do!” In this day and age the rescources to overcome this scenario are almost infinite. But let me throw you the most relevenat:
ASK SOMEBODY. It’s an MMO For crying out loud.
hehe this made me laugh
but I dont think thats what Vayne really meant. I think he meant there is just no answer to the question.
Lets assume all content was released permanently. Now imagine a player who bought the game finished the whole storyline in a week and quit. He just logged on again today and asked you what he should do next?
Which one is the right answer?
Halloween, wintersday, lost short, flame and frost, The secret of southsun, dragon bash, sky pirates, the bazaar?
And thats at a high level
Some will suggest specifics they like..Ohh man you really need to go try dragon ball its a blast! forget about dragon ball guild missions are amazing!
guild missions take too much effort, now skyhammer thats an awesome pvp map you really need to experience
Nahh forget about PvP not so secret now thats a challenge.
etc… etc..
Poor guy his head would explode before he decides what to do!
Thank you. This is the problem almost every person already finds coming back and not knowing what to do. We see some people ask on the forum and get half a dozen contradictory suggestions.
Hell, I play the game every day and sometimes I’m overwhelmed by all the content. I think with content every two weeks, this game would become impossibly clogged. The player base would spread out further and further and the people who claim that we’re losing players would have more to crow about.
This way, everyone that cares about the Living Story is more or less on the same page.
Without the tragedy of the Living “Story” (oh gods, what a misnomer), they wouldn’t have to release half made content every two weeks. They could actually take their time and put out something worth playing.
Oh look killcannon doesn’t like the living story, it must be not worth playing. I guess all the people who are enjoying it are mistaken.
Oh look, Vayne has nothing constructive to say…again.
Hate to tell you, many, many, many, many, many players don’t like it. And more every day.
The one and only thing it’s good for is to make people log in due to a content treadmill.
Many many players DO like it. What’s your point? I particularly like the current content. So do lots of people I’ve talked to.
More every day? Proof? Your experience? Maybe you only hear what you want to hear.
Of course many players like it. It’s easy, it’s accessible, it doesn’t have a story that you have to ignore in order to get those short bursts of satisfaction stemming from menial achievements.
Guild Wars 2 was supposed to be a frustrated swear words MMO RPG and not an arcade game. I used to love Wintersday and the likes since it provided everyone with a happy and humorous distraction. But we’re about to reach a point where the RPG elements of the game are becoming the sidekick.
Furthermore, the argument that new players would be overwhelmed by the content is just ridiculous. The consequence would be to develop a game and abandon it right away. If you start playing GW1 now there’s Factions, Nightfall and EoTN to complete. Any game that has any addons will take more time to complete for new players. At least these players have the chance to do it!
How frustrating would it be to join a game that’s been around for a few years only to realize that huge chunks of the story, of the entire game, were temporary content. You’d feel left out and isolated without the ability to get ANY of these titles, rewards or experiences.
So I’d say: Release new stuff every 4-6 months, making it 70% RPG 30% jumping/races whatever and leave most of these 70% untouched. The rest you can remove since this is, after all, an RPG.
(edited by Veydar.5017)