HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: olTThreelo.6710
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: olTThreelo.6710
I don’t understand why people are raging so hard. I mean yes $50 is quite a lot but it almost seems like nobody here has ever bought another game before. Let’s have a look shall we:
Evolve: $60 Pre-purchase
GTA V: $60 Pre-purchase
ArcheAge: $50 Founderspack
Sims 4: $60 Pre-purchase
WoW Mists of Pandaria: $40 Pre-purchase
Wildstar: $56 Pre-purchaseAnd so forth…. and if you think you get way more content for that you’re terribly misinformed. From the glimpse we seen of HoT we’re almost, virtually getting a new game and knowing Anet they will probably add tons of more, FREE content thereafter.
People keep complaining all the time how they would pay a subscription if it meant more content, then they give you a big chunk of content at a reasonable price in comparison to the rest of the market and people complain???
You would’ve easily paid about $300 by now if you had to subscribe and WoW even still makes you buy the expansion ON TOP of that. I think it’s appalling that people had this game with TONS of free content for TWO years and they STILL want everything just handed to them??? Do you WANT Arenanet to go bankrupt? Come on people… get real…
I know paying so much money sucks but this is the reality of the gaming market. GW2 is a triple A title and is the most popular after WoW. This is an amount completely to be expected in line with most other games of this quality or even lesser quality (Like ArcheAGe). If you want to buy it for cheaper wait for a sale….
As for the paying for the base game, you’re not paying for the base game you’re paying for the expansion as they have explained. New people just get the old game for FREE which is more than people can say for the WoW base game, I clearly remember that some expansions you got free but still had to pay for the rest.
Now can we all go back to talking about how awesome the Guild Halls and Arena thing looks!
Comparing full games to an EXP is nonsense.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: darkdomino.9578
So questioning the value of something a business is trying to push on you is entitlement? You keep using that word, I honestly think you don’t know what it means.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lydon.1890
I’m extremely disappointed at the price. I was expecting at least a free character slot with the standard expansion. Considering HoT is incomparable to GW1 expansions in terms of scale – Factions/Nightfall each introduced a new continent, 2 new professions, a free character slot and more – this is disheartening. What was going to be a no-brainer purchase for me has left me questioning whether I’ll be pre-purchasing at all. And I say this as someone who has been playing since the original GW2 beta.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: selan.8354
wth? I already did buy the digital deluxe edition before the game came out. now we are getting an expansion with another core game? wth anet?! that doesnt make sense at all. so there is no option to buy ONLY THE EXPANSION which we need? i dont need the base game i dont want it again!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
62$ Canadian for an extension?
I skip
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Giland.4507
There just needs to be more options available. Having options won’t detract from this. The current 3 packages are fine and encourages new players into the game. However, all of these issues could have been avoided if there were options available for those that already own the core game and want only the expansion.
Heart of Thorns Expansion ONLY Standard. Price $29.99-39.99
Heart of Thorns Expansion ONLY Deluxe (same extras). Price $54.99-64.99
Heart of Thorns Expansion ONLY Ultimate (same extras). Price $79.99-89.99
The price has some flexibility, but overall, more options are better. For the consumers, the fans, and the people at ArenaNet, the extra time and effort to add these additional options would be well worth it.
My 2 cents. Cheers.
if they priced it with a few $ off, there would still be enough People screaming: “Why did i have to pay 60$ for the Base earlier and 40 for the Expansion while New Players get both for 50?”
I am not one of those whiney Veterans. I paid 100€ a few minutes ago for the Ultimate Edition and already added the key to my Account. Is it expensive? Yes it is. But compared to other MMOs i have payed ~160-200 € over the last 3 years for the DDE and HoT Ultimate (not counting buying Gems, as that has no relevance in this matter). In a Sub Based MMO it would have been at least 540€ for the Subscription alone.
So you are saying that not being able to play the new class that is a good portion of what makes the expansion and saying that it is not of equal value when new comers can, makes us whiny, correct?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rebound.3409
That’s exactly why i opened this thread. Want someone to make a comparison list between GW2 (core) and HoT…maybe i am going over something so biblical that it’s worth the same amount as the core game.
A lot of defenders on these forums (not this thread necessarily) but no one is man enough to make the comparison chart..why? They should be ecstatic to make one and prove the naysayers wrong.
Not even ANet? For a company that wants to sell their product (to which we still don’t know a lot about) at almost full possible price, i don’t see them saying anything. Why? They should be ecstatic to show us on what their hard work and dedication went in…the result and they should come out saying “50$ is CHEAP for what we did..look here…and this..and that”…i see nothing.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: phys.7689
Think then about ppl who bought the game 2 weeks ago for example, what about them? They need to pay again for core game if they want HoT. What Anet is doing is just wrong and unfair.
Let’s talk about free MMORPG that gives alot of content and events, what about that? You paid 50$ for the game, they need to give us alot of content and event, simple. Not selling a 20$ expansion at a 50$ price.The thing is, we don’t know it’s a $20 expac. We don’t know it’s kitten expac. We just don’t know.
All i was saying early is that they have my trust. They price it at $50 then I will pay it. It’s their product and I value it.
I didn’t play GW1 but lots in my guild did and as far as i can tell they have never really failed with an expac before.
the price isnt crazy, but it should probably come with a charachter slot, or cost less.
As far as the, we dont know if its small.
We kind of have a hint, but thats the other problem.
they havent released most the info, and they havent even released a date.
what are the elite specs?
how many zones are there?
what is the challenging content?
release date? release window?
too little information to sell this right now far as i see it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lukejoe.1592
Yeah…so should I buy the expansion for $50 and then shell out $10 more to actually use it, or should I just buy a whole new account for $50 and get 5 new slots free?! ANET is making an arbitrage opportunity (bad) and seriously hurting the player experience to do it (really bad).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Batelle.1680
I never said they should go over the limit. What i am asking is the content they advertised worth the pricetag of the original content-filled game or not. Am still waiting for someone to make the list i asked for to clear things up for me.
Which is, again, not something you can do when it comes to an MMO. You’re being willfully ignorant of the fact that the original game was an investment, one that required seriously undervaluing the work they had done in the hopes that enough people would buy in and continue to support it through incidental purchases.
The fact that they’re not undervaluing HoT the way the undervalued the base games means that no comparison can be made between price and content. Instead, you have to look at what you have been given before versus what you paid, and wait until you have been given enough information to judge HoT’s content on its own merits, divorced from expectations raised by an undervalued base game, and decide for yourself whether HoT is worth $50.
(and, don’t get me wrong, it’s fair to not pre-purchase the game right now because they haven’t listed all of the features…I’m just more concerned with the idea that we are expecting Anet to basically give their work away for free)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732
I got the Ultimate version. By far out of the 3 worth it. 50$ in gems, char slot, and other goodies. But that being said, they should give one char slot no matter what. The tossing in of the curret version is great for new players so they don’t need to buy the current version and the xpac. But for players that already own the game, not tossing in a char slot makes it seem like a grab for extra money. But then again, I threw 99$ at them.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Leo G.4501
So questioning the value of something a business is trying to push on you is entitlement? You keep using that word, I honestly think you don’t know what it means.
You’re not questioning anything, you’re basically just demanding more.
If something a business is selling isn’t worth the value they’re selling it for, don’t buy it.
I’m not. I still don’t think the price is unfair. I’ll buy the expansion when I know I’ll have time to enjoy it and hopefully, by then, it will have a more worthwhile price.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: aspirine.6852
That is pretty much a terrible comparison OP.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zeno.5271
Guys you cann’t compare the game after 2.5 years with it’s content what you got for free btw with the expension , sure it’s not near the content acumulated in the past years but let’s try to compare gw price at launch with content with the preice of the expension.
I think they will wait another few years for the new expension and in the meantime they will add a lot of content.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Uproller.1849
I think the bigger misstep in marketing was the lack of character slot. It’s basically a neon sign saying “We’re really greedy and will squeeze you for every penny we can!”
its called hint hint for $25 more you can get a character slot and some other sweets thrown into it – effectively raising the price of the expansion to $75 since the standard package is useless to current players.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dragosf.3291
How self-entitled must one be to believe they deserve more than what they’re paying for?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rin.1046
I just had a thought. We have all been looking at this from the standpoint that current owners of the core game will have to buy a slot/delete a char to play the revenant. This is based on the idea that the bundle will not give more than the standard 5 slots that comes with the ‘free’ core game. But what if HoT comes with a free slot too? Do we know whether HoT will come with a slot or not?
While I still think it is not fair that current players will not benefit from the ‘free’ part of the bundle, if HoT comes with an extra slot that would help ease things a lot for me. Maybe someone, or Anet, can clarify on this?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Toxsa.2701
Core game is a free bonus to a set Heart of Thorns price to incentivize new players to get the game and not have them pay double.
Your post is pointless.
Nobody misses you. Go away.
As the white Knight emerged from the mists of foolishness, he failed to realize his kingdom was ruled by a dishonorable king.
$50 for an expansion 3 years late to a game with no real content for players that have been playing since day one. Nothing like being treated like a peasant by a game company.
In all honesty. Anet owes its players a whole lot. This expac should be only $30 for people that have the core game already. After being constantly reminded that nothing major was going to come out month after month. This seems pretty horrid.
If the expac is not worth that price tag then I truly do feel sad for us veteran players that have stuck with the game since day one. With the hope of something to do in the game other than running around repeating the same thing since the first year.
Haha, no real contents huh.
If there’s really 0 content why’re you still playing? The hyperbole in this forum is just laughable. Maybe you should play those games with raids and gear treadmills for the real contents.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Profano.9514
The price is honest, imho.
Just add 1 character slot if you link HoT to an GW2 account created before the prepurchase announce … we are all happy.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cormac.3871
When GW2 came out I think I paid 50% more for the boxed version, because we pay more in Australia for some unknown reason. The kicker is that we don’t have any servers near us, and a European playing on NA servers has less latency. So it could be worse.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503
@Chocobo But WHY 50$ for something that we already paid for? The content in HoT seems way less than in the core game, that is 50$. If they wanna pay for HoT, then let it be only HoT, not something that we already paid for. HoT itself should be like 20-30$ for vet players, without the core game. Ppl thinking that Anet are fair to us with that 50$ price, the vets, they should stop posting in this kind of topics, cuz in this kind of topics, the majority can have a final word, those that see what Anet did there with the info at FAQ….paying again for the game, just to get an expansion.
At least if they would give us in those 50$ some gems and a character slot, that would be a bit more fair.
Anet priced the Xpan at $50, when you’re buying the pre-purchase you’re only buying the XPAN, not the base game. The base game is just a little freebie they’re giving to players who don’t have the game, Anet is basically saying that after 3 years the base game’s price has depreciated to $0. So don’t think of it as buying the base game again, this was just poor wording by Anet when listing the prices.
And I think $50 with a character slot or gems would be more fair. Read my earlier comments.
But an Xpan that delivers more than 60+ hours of play is worth $50 no matter how you look at it. Just think of a bunch of other games you would shell out $50 for, and think only about the amount of play-time you spend on them. I swears, you’ll be shock to see that on average it hovers around 60-80 hours, some even less. Any game that can deliver 60+ hours of play-time is worth $50, that’s less than $0.02/min. I have a hard time imagining that HoT will be less than 60+ hours if you just consider how long it’ll take to complete the mastery system.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: selan.8354
this price seems like a slap in the face. no character slots and nothing for 50$ plus a base game after i already have digital deluxe pack…. i mean if there was a 50$ version for veteran players that add a bank slot and a characterslot or even a world transfer token, yes, id pay the 50$ but why do i need a basegame in this?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aramir.6413
From the information released about what we can expect from the upcoming expansion, no I do not believe it to be a fair price.
I am not making the comparison with other games or models, I am making the comparison with the base game. Do you really feel you are getting the same amount of content? So far I am not.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Batelle.1680
Veteran players have gotten almost three years of game time and free updates that new players will never have/experience (unless they pay for the Living Story stuff). If you think all that is worthless, then I’m not sure why you care about HoT in the first place.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zeno.5271
The price is honest, imho.
Just add 1 character slot if you link HoT to an GW2 account created before the prepurchase announce … we are all happy.
Agreed Let’s pitch this Deal to ArenaNet
Same price and everyone who already has an account since the announcement gets a charachter slot
The Question is how can we escalate this to Arenanet , if any Anet staff member reading this and can answer pls share it with us.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
How self-entitled must one be to believe they deserve more than what they’re paying for?
How blind must one be to pay more than the real value of a product, while others get to have a 50$ discount.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076
Oh, my bad then.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Biohazard.7523
Is it possible to buy with dollars expansion and play it in Great Britain?
Or do people have to buy with pounds in Great Britain ?
I can change my ip and buy it from america.
Will expansion cost 50 yuan in china ? Because that is 8$
Does anyone know if china will get that expansion so I can wait few months and buy it for 8$ with china ip ?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rebound.3409
I am more in the lines “i am concerned if their work is actually worth the price”…and their silence in general doesn’t make that feeling go away. Am i ignorant for putting the value of my money over the value of a product i don’t know much about? How is that? If they care so much about secrecy they shouldn’t have released the pricetags of the expansion we don’t know know much about..they could have evaded the PR kittenstorm they are in now.
Also please….i would have understood the original game would be an investment as you put it if it were their first game. GW2 would have been a GUARANTEED success just based on how GW1 and all it’s expansions were received (which were cheaper and added a ton of stuff btw..and didn’t hide behind a wall of silence).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Teratus.2859
Ok so im seeing this all over the forums and its really getting on my nerves
so im going to put this in plain English for people so they understand.. and if they don’t well then I don’t know how else to reason with people who are just that ignorant
Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns is €44,99 (or whatever in your respective currency)
That is the base price of the Expansion.. so buy it or don’t thats your choice
other MMO Expansions are not much different in their pricing either just take World of Warcraft for example and that game has a monthly subscription fee on top of that so really ask yourselves if €44,99 is taking the ….?
Secondly the Core game included… This has NO!! impact what so ever on the pricing of the expansion..
HoT would still be €44,99 with or without the Core game being included..
this is nothing more than a FREE!! benefit to promote the game and expansion to new players in one go..
its not a scam or a screw you to the current install base.. so please people.. calm down and chill out before Anet sets a bunch of Forum Reapers on you
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: nerevar.6247
I think the bigger misstep in marketing was the lack of character slot. It’s basically a neon sign saying “We’re really greedy and will squeeze you for every penny we can!”
This is quite laughable. I love the amount of people who think they’re entitled to free stuff just because they’re veterans . The only greedy people here are people asking for free stuff. You’re still paying the same price for the expansion as everyone else. If you own the core game already since launch, GREAT! You have enjoyed 3 years of free updates and support for the game while you probably have stacked hundreds if not thousands of hours for a game you only had to pay once for. Not only that but the free updates and support will continue you to come before and after the expansion. /Thread
(edited by nerevar.6247)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: NEOCROM.8957
Pay the game at 50$ again, but to come with gems or character slot, or pay the expansion 30$ but doesnt come with gems or slot, could be more fair if they do 1 of this thing.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Raikidd.5803
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
Nothing is free EVER. I’ m going to buy the game(not pre order) from a local retailer at 35euro.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: quacthulhu.2546
Wait for the price to go down over time, or an “upgrade only” version, or a “choice of base game or gems” concession.
If/When it doesn’t happen, then we have full authority to rage
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TidusGoh.7128
er, i bought the game for half a year now, and i have to pay the same amount again, not everybody buy them at its inception u know, it would be good to have some kind of bonus for existing players looking to upgrade.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: selan.8354
actually yes, if they would give people that already got the base game gems and a character slot along with the expansion then that would be fine for me so i dont feel like anet doesnt appreciate me as a veteran player..(which this feels like atm)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mosharn.8357
Interesting fact:
Most games’ expansion in NA cost 49.99 on default. (even those games with sub fee)
The price is fair tbh.The core game is cheap now that you can get it with 10 dollars during discount period or maybe ebay. So the truth is the price of expansion is $50 dollars. It’s not really a “bundle price”, it’s the expansion price with a maybe 10 dollar worth of game attached to it.
If you find the x-pac to be too expensive, just don’t buy it. Maybe use that money to buy your meal that would be consumed in 2~3 days. Maybe just find a part-time job to earn 60 dollars in one day and buy the game too.
Seeing how the outburst of the community, I actually clearly see the picture of what’s the most common age-group of this game . No wonder so many nonconstructive posts in the forum.
what I’m mostly worried about is the content for the price tag. I can’t trust anet after how they have released content for the game so far. But if there is enough content to amount to the $50 then yes then its totally fair.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573
Unless they have been hiding 99% of the content I am not going to buy HoT at this price. It must be a joke…
Wildstar is going to F2P and SWTOR’s 4th expansion which promises to be a similar size to GW2’s is going to launch at $20… Sorry you just lost my business.
(edited by ZudetGambeous.9573)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169
if they priced it with a few $ off, there would still be enough People screaming: “Why did i have to pay 60$ for the Base earlier and 40 for the Expansion while New Players get both for 50?”
Well, that’s the thing. The only option that would satisfy a large portion of consumers that already own the base game, regardless of the price paid, lingers around $20-30. The price has some flexibility since the base game is worth something in my opinion.
I may fall into the minority with this thought, but I believe when Anet states that they are giving the base game for free with the expansion undervalues the work, effort, and quality that went into the base game.
With that thought in mind and recent sales in the past leading up to the expansion in which the core game was priced between $10-20 seems like a reasonable amount to discount from the current packages that include the base game for expansion only packages.
It’s not perfect. As you stated, there are people who are or have recently purchased the base game for more than $20. At the same time, I also feel that any price below $30 for the initial release of Heart of Thorns would also undervalue the amount of work the current staff of ArenaNet has put into creating this expansion.
Just my opinion. Hopefully, we all can agree to disagree. Cheers, mate.
(edited by Wondrouswall.7169)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: darkdomino.9578
Defending Anet to the very end. How noble.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MarkoNS.3261
yea im not buying exp at this price especially since it seems they charged us for the base game again. so the old players are buying 2 versions so the new players can get it cheaper.
(edited by MarkoNS.3261)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dbgfeller.8120
Nono guys you got it all wrong:
The core game is what you pay, the expansion is a FREE BONUS!
See what I did there? If you buy a bundle, you pay everything of it. I got GW2 already, I don’t need a bundle, I just need the expansion. I don’t care if it’s cheap or expensive, the point is that I don’t want to pay for something I already own.
You’re not paying for a bundle. You’re paying for the expansion like everyone else.
Expansion + GW2 = Bundle.
I was never good in math, but I think this is correct, right?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aleksander Suburb.4287
50$ (or €) is ok for me, but I want a collector’s edition like first time. So I hope there will be a improved collector’s edition. The digital items of the last one, were not as good as I thought But the analog Rytlock was great :P
Is there a chance for collector’s edition + pre purchase?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: skowcia.8257
if you look at the world through the cold cynical eyes of economics
You rang?
Anet demands a respect for them but it seems it doesnt go the other way around and doesnt respect their customers by any means making jokes and fun from us.
For me thats another reason why i wont even bother considering to buy HoT unless i see apologies to the community from John on GW2 news.
I wont respect anyone that doesnt respect me.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Galen Grey.4709
They’re already doing that.
Link because I see nothing on the announcement or in the FAQ. If true then there is no issue.
The current outcry is a perception of value, whereas this is more about deceptive business practices.
Quote: “We’ll most certainly help anyone out who just bought the core game and would like to make the change to a HoT pre-purchase.”
How nice of ANet to bury that info in a Reddit thread instead of putting it somewhere where people could see it, like… oh, maybe the preorder page! That’s such a great idea, but I’m sure they just missed it. Surely, they’re not hoping people will miss their chance for a refund. With the latest lack of shady practices on Anet’s part, it’s easy to believe in their good intentions.
Likewise, the expansion is probably missing an extra character slot to teach veteran players to use the gem shop. It’s like a tutorial!
Please, as if there is any such thing as burrying anything on the internet
its been less then 12hrs devs cant be everywhere all the time.
no no, the tutorial was in the base game, it had 5 slots instead of 8 to let you practice buying slots 3 times and get the hang of it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: xXMapcoXx.9614
First of all i would like to state that this is my opinion.
There are a lot of post,a lot of angry people and a lot of people who are devoted to GW franchise.
Before you start talking that 50$ is to much for an expension take into consideration the following costs:
Everyone knows that making a good game is not cheap think of how many people do you need to pay just for developing the content:- Software Architects
- UI Designers
- Software engineers
- Testers
- 3D Animatorsand people upper the food chain , managers marketing specialists and so on
for a software developer the average salary is 70k$ in US of course if youre a specialist then you earn more.I think there was at least 100 people involved in creating the content so 7mill$ just for the developers which means that at current price at least 140000 people need to buy the standard edition just to pay the developers creators:D
Of course 50$ is not cheap but everything has a cost i followed the HOT announcements and if you look at all the changes what are developed during this time you will understand hopefully that it isn’t cheap.
Secondly Wow is not like GW. They have different model. (P2P vs B2P) and if you start to think of the Financial part Wow 1 Year is 120$ + Expension which was 20-50$. But if you buy this expension for 50$ now or maybe it will be cheaper in the future you don’t have to spend another dime on your account.From the content part i think we will get more content in this expension the in an expension in WOW withouth the nneed to grind another 10 levels and grind for new gear. It’s much harder to acquire gear in GW then in WOW but the gear is way more valuable.
It has 3 different editions you can buy which one suites you better, nothing is forced on you.
Sorry for the long post have a potato and a nice day
PS: This is my first post so pls don’t rage.
I’m a software devoper so i know how many people are involved in a game of this magnitude
That is true it is your opinion and here is mine kitten you!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dbgfeller.8120
I don’t care if it’s cheap or expensive, the point is that I don’t want to pay for something I already own.
Which is?
Which is the core game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: darkdomino.9578
No apparently 1 is equal to 1+1… Because reasons
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: evilunderling.9265
A lot of defenders on these forums (not this thread necessarily) but no one is man enough to make the comparison chart..why? They should be ecstatic to make one and prove the naysayers wrong.
That comparison chart would make the expansion look terrible, as has already been explained.
But in reality, the amount of raw content that’s there on paper means little — what really matters is the amount of refined content. GW2 has enough filler for both itself and the expansion already.
(edited by evilunderling.9265)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: xXMapcoXx.9614
First of all i would like to state that this is my opinion.
There are a lot of post,a lot of angry people and a lot of people who are devoted to GW franchise.
Before you start talking that 50$ is to much for an expension take into consideration the following costs:
Everyone knows that making a good game is not cheap think of how many people do you need to pay just for developing the content:- Software Architects
- UI Designers
- Software engineers
- Testers
- 3D Animatorsand people upper the food chain , managers marketing specialists and so on
for a software developer the average salary is 70k$ in US of course if youre a specialist then you earn more.I think there was at least 100 people involved in creating the content so 7mill$ just for the developers which means that at current price at least 140000 people need to buy the standard edition just to pay the developers creators:D
Of course 50$ is not cheap but everything has a cost i followed the HOT announcements and if you look at all the changes what are developed during this time you will understand hopefully that it isn’t cheap.
Secondly Wow is not like GW. They have different model. (P2P vs B2P) and if you start to think of the Financial part Wow 1 Year is 120$ + Expension which was 20-50$. But if you buy this expension for 50$ now or maybe it will be cheaper in the future you don’t have to spend another dime on your account.From the content part i think we will get more content in this expension the in an expension in WOW withouth the nneed to grind another 10 levels and grind for new gear. It’s much harder to acquire gear in GW then in WOW but the gear is way more valuable.
It has 3 different editions you can buy which one suites you better, nothing is forced on you.
Sorry for the long post have a potato and a nice day
PS: This is my first post so pls don’t rage.
I’m a software devoper so i know how many people are involved in a game of this magnitude
:DThat is true it is your opinion and here is mine kitten you! the only real reason i said kitten you is your smiley at the end of your title
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