6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?
1- Tengu-(duh)
2- Largos-Awesome wings and, possibly, a story to do with Bubbles.
3- Kodan- They’re just cool.
I think if they ever implement a new race it would be an unknown one from undiscovered continents or a race we already know that has a big population and it’s own sort of capital city. The Kodan will be a great idea for that. Since they have a lot of places to live in Frostgorge and the other snowing maps. As for those undiscovered ones they could make the Largos since they are sort of mysterious even though not undiscovered or imagine Giganticus Lupicus race!! Or a trully undiscovered race like the Seers or Mursaat returning and stuff. Also forgot to mention the quaggans they have a pretty fair amount of population. Anyway the Lupicus one would be epic as hell.
Aw wait forgot to mention what about the undead orrians! Yeah.. But if they would do that than forget cleansing orr and repopulating it.
And as for the Tengu well they look like a feline race like the charr so it would be sorta like the same thing, so yeah bad idea
(edited by kikojak.7051)
1. Margonites
They look and sound very interesting even though I don’t know if their wings will be used a lot, if at all, among issues.
2. The new reptilian race/“Draken” as someone on the thread called them
I also thought they could add a reptilian-like race, maybe they’d look like monster tortoises and the lore could be that they’re a hidden race of beings that awaken sometime after the EDs wake up to try and preserve as many life-forms as they can before the EDs destroy everything (unless there is already a race like that)
3. Tengu
These guys seem the most likely to be the new race to be added to the game, and if so, I’d be okay with that.
1. Margonites
They look and sound very interesting even though I don’t know if their wings will be used a lot, if at all, among issues.
They don’t exist as far as can be told. Margonites were just humans that became corrupted due to their loyalty towards Abaddon, as he was like their North Star so to speak. As a result they were corrupted when he went evil and became sterile.
Unless if you’re talking about the Largos… I originally thought maybe the Largos were Margonites but I’ve long since dropped that theory since the race themselves were just sea-faring humans.
Thinking reallisticly, Tengu. There’s enough space for a starter town beside Lion’s Arch. And a 1-15 area next to Claw Island.
My heart says Quaggans. Because they’re awesome. And I’d like to see a starter town competely under water.
As for a third, I don’t know. Maybe Skritt? Maybe Grawl? Kodan? Dredge? I know, I know! Jotuns!
Who knows, maybe one day we’ll get to play as Dwarves? O_o¿
I don’t raid, I barely fractal, and I suck beyond words at PvP and WvW.
But I try, and that’s what counts.
(edited by AngelDiscarnate.5489)
i wanna play another human but this time elonian or canthan LOLOLOLOL
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
Sorry for just having one pick…
- Tengu
Imagine what u can do in character Creation with feathers, beaks, colors etc….
1. Tengu
2. Kodan
3. Some sort of an Elf race, High-Elf prob. I would LOVE to have Elven characters... ohh my god.. Best race ever!
Pfft. Everyone knows the sixth race is Dev. Racial skills include invulnerability, teleportation, summoning red banners, and starting conga lines (rarely used, these days). Their capital city is Bellevue, which is a lot less interesting than it sounds, and racial armor is mostly t-shirts and soccer jerseys.
1. SKRITT! <3
2. Tengu!
3. Largos x3
After Guild Wars 1 the only kind of Tengu I like are dead Tangu. My opinion on this deepened during the defense of LA. Dead Tengu are the only appropriate kind of Tengu.
Hylek would be awesome considering how much fun Froglocks were in Everquest 1.
Personal Desires:
- Aquatic Inspiration http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs25/f/2008/077/1/2/The_Great_Old_One_by_Clayman84.jpg
-Already imagined, but would love to see (as is)
-(Because I’m still wondering what these are and who wouldn’t want to have this on your team?)
1. Tengu
2. Kodan
3. Some sort of an Elf race, High-Elf prob. I would LOVE to have Elven characters… ohh my god..Best race ever!
I think the Sylvari are the closest we will ever get to an Elf race. It’s for the same reasons they didn’t bring back the dwarves as a playable race. They kinda want to stay away from the typical fantasy races for the playables.
Other than Humans of course… >.>
I only really want one race to become playable (Largos), but I can see Tengu becoming playable as well. As for a third race, I can’t see anything else become a playable race, unless they add a new one.
1. Quaggan
2. Skritt
3. Quaggan or Skritt
1. Tengu
2. Kodan
3. Some sort of an Elf race, High-Elf prob. I would LOVE to have Elven characters… ohh my god..Best race ever!
I think the Sylvari are the closest we will ever get to an Elf race. It’s for the same reasons they didn’t bring back the dwarves as a playable race. They kinda want to stay away from the typical fantasy races for the playables.
Other than Humans of course… >.>
Sylvari actually got a redesign because they were too elven like.
1.) Dwarves
2.) Tengu
3.) Skritt
I don’t think any of the minor races from the order quests will become playable. just doesn’t make sense.
If it’s a known race at all it’ll probably be Tengu, as some have pointed out ^^
Largos seem to always have their masks on, I don’t know if this wouldn’t have to much of an impact on gameplay for a race (who as of now only differ in style).
Considering the suggestions bouncing around in the Guild Hall CDI right now for airship guild halls and ship-vs-ship GvG battles, I just had to re-up my old vote for tengu.
On the very slim chance that I should fly, I think I shall fly as a bird.
1. Hylek
2. Kodan
3. Tengu
All three have established lore and cultures. All three have a heavy presence in the Tyria as we see it today. All three have established home areas (though the Hylek are spread out and don’t seem to have a central hub but whatever, it can be made! lol) And all three look really good for NPC races!
I just want to be a frog person, really. haha
1. Grawl (totems magic)
2. Tengu
3. Mursaat
Charr Kodan Nord
Should I go left where nothing is right,
or right where nothing is left?
Looking back at the first page of posts, my responses remain unchanged interestingly. Actually, not surprising, given the lack of new lore on the non-playable races since then. Choices being:
- Tengu
- Largos
- Kodan
And I still see Kodan as being unlikely due to the customization limitations of a polar bear race (all fur must be white). Though there could be means of bypassing this.
Any of the five racial symapthy races (quaggan, skritt, grawl, ogre, hylek) are highly unlikely to occur simply due to the design of the game.
Any non-humanoid race (centaur, krait, naga, etc.) are unlikely due to armor appearance capability issues (tengu can easy share with charr, kodan with norn, largos with human/sylvari).
Any “pure-black” race (mursaat, krait, centaur, etc.) are beyond unlikely due to the lore and story, though work-arounds can be added, if such occurs hopefully it’ll be done well. Similarly, this goes for the ancient races (Seers, dwarves, mursaat, Forgotten, jotun); due to their lore, in that they’re all extinct/near extinction, it’s unlikely to see them playable.
However, I do have an additional suggestion I don’t think anyone mentioned:
They’ve been my favorite Cantha race/group for a long while, and their lore is already interesting with appearance elements that set them similar to but still different from the current playable races. If we go to Cantha, they and naga are the most likely of non-humanoid races that survived simply due to the difficulty of exterminating them (the Echovald Forest has a history of slowing an preventing invaders, while the naga could retreat to the depths of the nearby waters).
Some sort of an Elf race, High-Elf prob. I would LOVE to have Elven characters… ohh my god..
Best race ever!
ArenaNet’s outright stated that they created the sylvari to avoid having an elf race archtype. When they originally designed the sylvari race, they were much more humanoid and with pointed ears. They were redesigned to be more like human-looking plants rather than plant-looking humans.
But yeah, you’ll never get an elf race. Sylvari’s the best you’ll get.
Though humans are meant to fill the role elves usually do (the wizened race).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
Tengu (most likely to be added)
Rebel Palawa Undead of some sort (huge customization potential and would be very different).
Largos (all around cool race that seems to already have some depth added to their society)
So wardens. They basically satyrs on steroids?
I like the idea of using them as a playable race, mostly because that would mean Cantha, haha.
Why X race would never work:
Dwarves: They all turned to stone, according to the lore. Over time, there was no way for them to resist it, so none of them could have remained in fleshy form. Since a bunch of rocks can’t breed, there are no new Dwarves being made, and since they are fighting a dragon, they’ve been dying off rapidly for 250 years. There are probably only a few left.
Skritt: They are a hive mind. A Skritt hero would be incapable of leaving its home city without being reduced to animal-like intelligence. Unless they are in massive numbers, skritt have the attention spans and logic of toddlers. A lone hero has to be a focused, logical problem-solver.
Hylek: In Arenanet’s book, “The Making of Guild Wars 2”, it is specifically stated that Hylek were designed as “a race not intended to be playable”. They don’t have enough body shape or feature variety, there is absolutely zero gender dimorphism between them, and shaping clothing to their figure would be a nightmare.
Quaggan: They have the exact same problems as the Hylek.
Kodan: While their society is complex enough for a playable race, variety would be an issue. Kodan all look exactly the same. White bears, and more white bears. The Claw has painted fur, but underneath it you have another lookalike. At least the hylek and quaggan come in different colors.
Naga: Appearance issues: how will the clothing be fitted to a snake? How does a snake do jumping puzzles?
Centaurs: Same as Naga, the clothing problem… and how do centaurs swim?
Undead: That isn’t a race, that’s a medical condition. “Undead” can encompass the living corpses of Everything, which is precisely why it won’t work.
We’re left with Tengu and Largos. And even they are doomed to have tons of wardrobe problems, because a-net probably wouldn’t make accommodations for largos wings or tengu bodies. Hello, more clipping!
Thought I’d also bump/update the races I’d be lobbying for. So far, the first three are still the same as before, although the positions changed a bit:
- Largos: Most awesome race ever. Pity we know so little about them.
- Elonian Undead: Former living humans only. Storywise it could be explained simply that the PC was part of the Elonan resistance but got killed in his/her first mission, only to be reanimated into the servitude of King Joko. The first chapter would be about serving the undead monarch as his loyal lieutenant, the second (after a horrid, revolting conclusion at the ending of the first that shakes the anti-hero’s beliefs in/bond to his/her master) about finding a way to break free of his control. Third could be about (re)establishing connections with the Order of Whispers and the Elonian resistance.
- Tengu: C’mon, if there is to be an expansion — which is a very big if, unfortunately — these guys will be in, that’s a given. At the same time, I forced them back to the 3rd place because I feel they are a little too overrated and were colossal jerks — again, thanks to the incompetence of the LS writers — during the siege of Lion’s Arch.
And the fourth race I’d be really psyched about are redeemed Margonites. Very basic brainstorm story done on-the-spot incoming:
After pledging allegiance to the goddess Kormir, the Apostate and the Lost joined forces to gather all Margonites who were showing willingness to give up their corrupt faith in a disgraced and now dead god. Without a purpose anymore, many of those who lamented their demonic state flocked to the new leaders of their kitten ed race, reverting to the faith of the Six once more. As they’ve proven they were earnest about their change of heart and had the capacity to fully redeem themselves, all gods agreed to give the Margonites a second chance. With a sacred ritual combining the blessings of Dwayna and Melandru, the demonic nature of all those who underwent the rite was purged. They regained their physical bodies; fertile but mortal again. However, Abaddon’s mark could not be undone; six eyes on an elongated forehead (as well as some extra stuff for the sake of character creation awesomeness: like the rotten wings of the Warlock, but now more Seraph-looking (3 pairs), or the Ascendant’s angel-wings, etc.) perceive the coasts of southeastern Elona (figured they wouldn’t be placed right where Joko’s made his new capitol); their old-new homeland in a familiar environment — where they’d first arrived as human seafarers eons ago. The Margonites are overwhelmed how much the world changed, but if there’s something they excel at, it is rapid adaptation.
And yup, I also support Konig’s idea of Wardens for Cantha. I’d take them over the tengu any time.
A fantasy of sci-fi cyborg implants grafted into the desiccated flesh of Guild Wars’ corpse.
I’m not sure if they can be considered a race or a faction, but if they can be called a race, I’d love to play a Zephyrite. Lots of possibilities for lore in their personal stories, and they fit in well with the existing classes. Would be especially nice if they had a slightly more alien appearance to reflect their evolution during their time in space.
Why X race would never work:
Skritt: They are a hive mind. A Skritt hero would be incapable of leaving its home city without being reduced to animal-like intelligence. Unless they are in massive numbers, skritt have the attention spans and logic of toddlers. A lone hero has to be a focused, logical problem-solver.
The skritt don’t actually have a hive mind. Their percieved increase in intelligence is a highspeed communication among all present skritt. So they look at a situation from many different angles. But we have lone heroic skritt wandering the world, doing ust fine.
Hylek: In Arenanet’s book, “The Making of Guild Wars 2”, it is specifically stated that Hylek were designed as “a race not intended to be playable”. They don’t have enough body shape or feature variety, there is absolutely zero gender dimorphism between them, and shaping clothing to their figure would be a nightmare.
All of this is also true of the charr, initially. So while a-net may well keep hyleck unplayable, none of these are reasons why this race could never work.
Why X race would never work:
Skritt: They are a hive mind. A Skritt hero would be incapable of leaving its home city without being reduced to animal-like intelligence. Unless they are in massive numbers, skritt have the attention spans and logic of toddlers. A lone hero has to be a focused, logical problem-solver.
The skritt don’t actually have a hive mind. Their percieved increase in intelligence is a highspeed communication among all present skritt. So they look at a situation from many different angles. But we have lone heroic skritt wandering the world, doing ust fine.
Hylek: In Arenanet’s book, “The Making of Guild Wars 2”, it is specifically stated that Hylek were designed as “a race not intended to be playable”. They don’t have enough body shape or feature variety, there is absolutely zero gender dimorphism between them, and shaping clothing to their figure would be a nightmare.
All of this is also true of the charr, initially. So while a-net may well keep hyleck unplayable, none of these are reasons why this race could never work.
Lone skritt may be capable of being heroic, but they do need to be directed by somebody—you don’t see any skritt in leadership positions. I still don’t think a lone skritt, however heroic, is capable of doing some of the things our characters have been required to do. Co-command the pact, lead interracial armies and make logical tactical decisions in a war, gain the allegiance of mistrustful groups, ect.
Being a hero is one thing, being a good leader is something more.
The charr are precisely one of the reasons Hylek won’t make it as playable. The charr suffer extreme clipping and stretching issues with much of the armor—even though they were chosen to be playable before that armor was made. If Arenanet didn’t bother to make the armor to accommodate beast-races in the first place, why would they go back and edit each and every piece just for Hylek? Because, for Hylek to work, that’s exactly what Arenanet would have to do.
I think that Krait/Naga are still doable. They can “jump” by coiling their tails underneath themselves and using it like a spring. The biggest difficulty would come with designing leggings/boots for them due to their lack of legs, but it could be changed to trunk/tail sections, and just wrap an armor texture around them (with some ridges or spurs or tassels for decoration).
More importantly, there is a huge variation of appearances between different krait, and you can easily tell male and female krait apart.
Lone skritt may be capable of being heroic, but they do need to be directed by somebody—you don’t see any skritt in leadership positions. I still don’t think a lone skritt, however heroic, is capable of doing some of the things our characters have been required to do. Co-command the pact, lead interracial armies and make logical tactical decisions in a war, gain the allegiance of mistrustful groups, ect.
Being a hero is one thing, being a good leader is something more.
The charr are precisely one of the reasons Hylek won’t make it as playable. The charr suffer extreme clipping and stretching issues with much of the armor—even though they were chosen to be playable before that armor was made. If Arenanet didn’t bother to make the armor to accommodate beast-races in the first place, why would they go back and edit each and every piece just for Hylek? Because, for Hylek to work, that’s exactly what Arenanet would have to do.
Us heroic PC’s take jobs from skritt. If they can lead heroes like us, there will certainly be skritt capable of leading laymen. keep in mind, most asura and humans aren’t built for leadership either, but as a PC, we are the outliers capable of doing anything.
On hyleck, these are certainly good points and good reasons why they might not happen. But my point was that none of those reasons are why they can’t work so that was what I was responding to.
1. Tengu (easily the most likely candidate)
2. Largos (less likely, but still…)
3. Dwarves (in the very long term, after Primordius is dead lore- and game-wise)
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
According to the book that came with the Collector’s Edition the Tengu were a planned playable race, which makes sense since they use the same animation skeleton as the Charr and have established lore already.
So my top 3 list would definitely be
All possess sentience and culture, and cover various modes of living from land to water.
My top 2 (sorry, don’t have a 3rd) are Tengu and Centaur.
Tengu is obvious. Won’t bother explaining things.
Centaurs, however, are kind of a new thing in-game. We have an entire tribe of centaurs that are friendly now living in the Maguuma Wastes. Many of the combat animations have already been set up. While swimming animations would need to be developed (a challenge, for sure) and certain skills would need radically different animations (like most Whirl finishers), it’s definitely the second most likely race to be made playable.
Something aquatic in origin. Something really different. Not recommended for first timers. Acquired taste. Like Kodan, in an area like frostgorge; or quaggan, hylek, largos maybe, and whatever it is give them spear skills on land.
Just to be contrary to popular suggestions, mine are
1. None
2. None
3. None
What you have is what you get…okay, maybe, possibly, a super slim chance of Tengu, but that’s it. Largos, no, they are solitary hunters and don’t appear to be well adapted to leading others, though they would make an excellent candidate for those that want to solo.
“just to be contrary to popular—”
If they were, if you had a choice, what would you want it to be. Way to ruin everyone’s fun
But yes
1. Centaur: Because “I can outrun a— ACK!” and because playable centaurs in an MMO would be my dream
2. Kodan: Snowy tribal/spiritual bear people… yes please
3. Skritt! I know they aren’t the most popular but come on!! I’d love to play a mad ratty scientist making humans run through mazes
1. Mursaat (anet plz)
2. Tengu
nothing else matters to me
-50 for Largos zzzzz
“just to be contrary to popular—”
If they were, if you had a choice, what would you want it to be. Way to ruin everyone’s funBut yes
1. Centaur: Because “I can outrun a— ACK!” and because playable centaurs in an MMO would be my dream
2. Kodan: Snowy tribal/spiritual bear people… yes please
3. Skritt! I know they aren’t the most popular but come on!! I’d love to play a mad ratty scientist making humans run through mazes
I see you didn’t bother to read my entire post, I did put my choice, even if it was only 1 option: Tengu. As for 2 other options, I’d have to come up with something that doesn’t even exist currently, or some unknown races that might be discovered on another land mass.
Red Ooze
Blue Ooze
Chromatic Ooze
1) Asura
2) Charr
3) Norn
Because they mainly do things for Humans and Sylvaris
May I say that there are many technical and Lore issue to overcome for even the best candidates. However a choice must be made.
That choice is part and parcel of a true “expansion” content package that will have a reasonable chance of at least satisfying a good portion of the then current player-base.
That said I see no reason why Arenanet cannot re-engineer the Kodan race to include all large bear species to join the current polar bear form – issue solved. The Kodan will be an excellent choice for a Far Shiverpeaks content package that includes the Elder Dragon – Jormag.
For a potential return to Elona I would saw few choice could realistically rival the Centaur. Like the Charr before them – they in Lore had always been a great rival for humanity. There again will be major technical issues to overcome – but their Lore connection to that continent make them the best choice. Thus is my choice for this expansion content release.
The Tengu may be said to be the most assured race to be released as a playable race as we have already been give the name of their city state – The Dominion of the Winds. Thus a perfect fit for a Cantha expansion content release.
Each continent(/or extention in the case of the Far Shiverpeaks) have become, I believe an essential part of the world of Guild Wars of which Tyria is but one part.
Each release will obviously need to mean a whole of game upgrade thus a vehicle such as the current “Living Story” mechanic can NEVER succeed to match.
@Nicholas S Lin.6187
Or they can develop Norn background and history instead of adding a new race.
Because they left Far Shiverpeaks because of Jormag. And if they develop Norn lore, it’ll expand Spirits of the Wild lore too. We’ll know what happened to the Spirits who remained, letting Norns flee to safety. And it’ll develop Svanir’s Sons lore, because they worship Jormag and are Norns too.
If they could expand lore or current races instead of adding new one.
I call it the Warcraft Syndrom. When a company add races just to provide something “totally new” and let everything else rot in a corner because it’s not “totally new” anymore. Blood elves were forgotten for 6 YEARS by Blizzard and Draenei/Worgen never get anything since the time were they’re “new races”.
Also, do you want more clipping issue ? It’s how you get more clipping issue. And any other flaw because they’ll never fix bugs if GW2 get Warcraft Syndrom. Why bother with not new races bugs? Make a new one and people will forget them!
My first inclination would be to kill all other races introduced in EotN and go back to being human-focused. However, I would quickly miss my Sylvari.
So I would say wipe the norn and asura from existence, make Charr non-playable, keep humans and Sylvari, and add Largos.
People cry enough about charr/asura armor (hell even the other races) I just don’t see how they can add another set of armor…sets. Unless of coarse they make asura/charr/(insert non-human race) tengu armor ;-)
1. Largos
2. Tengu
3. Skritt (I too, am from Skrittsburgh and ironically I own 6 pet rats)
Wake up, Tyria!
1. Tengu
2. Kodan
3. Largos
Anything at all, no matter how much work or lore wise impossible?:
1. Krait
3. Most anything, but I will mention Ogres since they’re not very hinted at but pretty easy to do I’m sure (?)
If I were to pick three races that would fit in with the theme and direction of GW2
1. Skritt- Great for a Primordus centric expansion. They can dig deeper into Skritt and Asuran lore. This would also allow them to just reuse old maps and add levels underneath them. Gives us the possibility of new elite specialisations that heavily emphasise on single-target effects, while adding destructible terrain and environments (discourages needless AoE).
2. Kodan- Great for a Jormag centric expansion. They can expound on Kodan and Norn lore, while re-purposing old and uninhabited snowy areas. This could give rise to mobile eliete specialisations that rely on frequent movement for both damage and survival (staying in one place might cause the snow to become unstable, while moving frequently would get rid of a constant chill-like debuff for certain encounters)
3. Largos- Great for the unnamed deep-sea elder dragon, if they give it an expansion. We’ll get to know even more about the elusive Largos, and it will be a great way for ANet to give underwater combat the revamp it needs. This also opens a huge opportunity for new elite specialisations that specialise in underwater combat.
Those three races shouldn’t pose such a big problem with regards to cropping and re-sizing of armor and weapon pieces, so they’re pretty feasible.
Should they decide to bring back the dead…
4. Ogre- They would be a great addition, should they decide to bring Kralkatorrik back. This would also be a great time for Glint’s egg to hatch, creating a possibility for the Exalted to join the fray as a new viable PC, but the gear would be a huge issue to work around. This would be great for adding “tankier” elite specialisations that enable players to take advantage of soaking damage, forming crystals that can be used to buff their output or throughput.
5. Tengu- Having Zhaitan come back to cause a second “Great Tsunami” that would break their version of The Great Wall of China would force them into the fold. This would be great for the addition of aerial combat, with new elite specialisations that emphasise on that (like gliders, but this time we can do stuff while flying)
Planning on upgrading to a GTX980ti by late 2016
(edited by beefjus.9347)
1.Largos, 2.Djinn or 3.exalted