your toons - with lore or against it?
Most of mine are with lore except two. I purposefully made them against type. I have a Sylvari Necro and a Charr Guardian.
I loved the thought of them being “not the norm” in their own cultures.
I went with the lore, i tried to make something against it but it didn’t really worked for me and felt awkward even though i still want to try charr ele for some reason.
How about you?
Charr elementalists were very common for flame legion charr for obvious reasons.
Most of mine are with lore except two. I purposefully made them against type. I have a Sylvari Necro and a Charr Guardian.
I loved the thought of them being “not the norm” in their own cultures.
Well Trahearne is a Firstborn and he is a Necromancer. Though I agree with you that is doesnt feel right is that is your opinion.
Personally I have a Norn Mesmer which is a little out of lore.
Most of mine are with lore except two. I purposefully made them against type. I have a Sylvari Necro and a Charr Guardian.
I loved the thought of them being “not the norm” in their own cultures.
Well Trahearne is a Firstborn and he is a Necromancer. Though I agree with you that is doesnt feel right is that is your opinion.
Personally I have a Norn Mesmer which is a little out of lore.
Yeah, but I made my necro before I even knew who Trahearne was. LOL. I thought I was making my toon a sylvari rebel. lol
It is hard to find a race/profession that goes against lore.
Sylvari Necro, we have 2 great examples, Killeen and Trahearne, so that is more than fine.
A Norn mesmer is fine specially following raven or snow leopard spirits, the goal of a norn is to be a legend, the way to reach it depends of the individual, there is a story from the GW2 norn week (I’ll make a really short version of that) of a norn that trained with a snow leopard shaman and later went to kill another norn, he trained to not need to sleep/rest for a long time and killed the other norn while he was sleeping, that doesn’t sound like a “norn-way” at all, but he reached his goal for sure and that all that matters.
Asura praise intelligence and any class can fulfill that role, one of the leaders of the Vigil is an asura, Warmaster Efut.
Human … well, everything can go with a human.
Charr casters (mesmer, necro, ele) is a bit harder to convince, since those are more likely to happen in the flame legion, but among them those are totally fine.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Most of mine are with lore except two. I purposefully made them against type. I have a Sylvari Necro and a Charr Guardian.
I loved the thought of them being “not the norm” in their own cultures.
Well Trahearne is a Firstborn and he is a Necromancer. Though I agree with you that is doesnt feel right is that is your opinion.
Personally I have a Norn Mesmer which is a little out of lore.
Yeah, but I made my necro before I even knew who Trahearne was. LOL. I thought I was making my toon a sylvari rebel. lol
Nope. Trahearne taking more credit he doesn’t deserve
Please give us a keyring…
Most of mine are with lore except two. I purposefully made them against type. I have a Sylvari Necro and a Charr Guardian.
I loved the thought of them being “not the norm” in their own cultures.
Well Trahearne is a Firstborn and he is a Necromancer. Though I agree with you that is doesnt feel right is that is your opinion.
Personally I have a Norn Mesmer which is a little out of lore.
Well considering the only professions used by norn in EotN were Warrior, Ranger, and one Paragon, I would say so.
Although I don’t know how exactly Necromancers are treated among the Charr, I made one and I think that at least this one “caster” is tolerated, as you can see many Ash Legion Charrs using necromantic spells like Life Siphon.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
I do have a charr ele myself, and I feel she does work with the world- she has her powers, and the Iron Legion leadership is not nearly so wasteful as to let them go undeveloped, but she feels under-utilized and perhaps just a bit marginalized, to the point where she feels pressured to develop skills as an engineer, to the detriment of her true talents.
I think that’s the sort of way it should work- a balance that allows for a caster charr while also acknowledging that such a combination would have repercussions in their society, with a dash of RP justification for my utter ineptitude with the class. It helps that eles are the most straightforward- they don’t toy around with life force or the mind, but with tangible, fundamental forces- easier to understand, and thus avoiding the additional unease of the unknown and rather creepy, and also easy for the brass to imagine clear applications for, especially in the utilitarian structure of the Iron Legion or the brute force mentality of Blood.
I always build my characters to fit in with game lore.
As belzebu said, there is no playable race/class combos that are actually against the lore. They may not be the sterio typical poster child of said profession but all classes have lore built around them that make it so they are lore friendly to all races.
Most of mine are with lore except two. I purposefully made them against type. I have a Sylvari Necro and a Charr Guardian.
I loved the thought of them being “not the norm” in their own cultures.
Sylvari neros are not that uncommon actually.
And Charr guardians, some of the random iron legion soldiers are actuall guardians.
Personally I have a Norn Mesmer which is a little out of lore.
Raven follower. Infact there is a crazy norn you can fight to reach a skill point who is a mesmer and Raven worshipper.
As for “With lore” Pretty much any race/class combo is doable with the lore, including backstories.
Every one of my character follows the lore, though many don’t follow the personal story. (For example, one of my characters is a Seraph officer, in her actual story she never joins an order and instead stays in Kryta as a Seraph calavry leader.)
My human necromancer noble, actually dresses like a noble. I suppose you could play any of the classes with any race. Although understandably less Charr would be magic users.
I’ll admit that at first, I was disappointed by the lack of hitech engineering stuff for my Asura engineer. However, once I got a proper rifle and armor skin, combined with the golemancer rune set, it didn’t feel so out of place anymore.
My warrior asura feels awkward… Although that’s probably just because I was expecting over sized weapons (a greatsword is barely bigger than a norn dagger).
My human necromancer noble, actually dresses like a noble. I suppose you could play any of the classes with any race. Although understandably less Charr would be magic users.
So does mine, that’s not at all weird. There is a human npc dressed nicely trying to teach his son about grenth to follow in his footsteps as a necromancer in DR. :P
It would be really interesting to hear in detail how some of these characters fit into the lore. I know that some people, often RPers, will write up short stories to describe their toons’ histories, but not everyone is a talented writer.
It might be interesting though, to write up a mock wiki page for your toon. I for one would read them. I have a lore-compatible Sylvari warrior, maybe I’ll write one up myself.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Heh. I wouldn’t mind doing that, but I am not going first.
Ok, I’ll go first then.
Hmm…well, the thing is, my characters don’t usually have a fully written background story. It’s often more a loose combination of personality traits and loosely coupled events.
My human elementalist for example, is a book smart noble. She’s the descendent of my GW1 elementalist, who got stuck in Tyria while representing an ancient Canthan trading guild. An earth elementalist at heart, she’s got a working relationship with Melandru but considers her more of a ‘strong earth spirit’. She’s a pacifist and prefers to stay at home with a good book over travelling the world. However, she knows it’s not possible because she has responsabilities to the Priory (which is why she still travels a lot). She also loves cats. She’s also a teamplayer, not a leader, and was more than happy to push Trahearne to the front when the Pact needed someone.
Instead of writing an actual background for my character, I tend to write up short stories about events in their lives. For example, when my character got a set of golemancer runes, I wrote a short story (than I can no longer find, sorry) from the perspective of her cat, where she showed my Asuran engineer that she could conjure up an ‘elemental golem-projection’. At the end of the story, the Asura was genuinely impressed that she mastered something a 10-year old Asura could do. My character ended up crying, being consoled by her cat.
Whenever I role-play, I tend to use this as the basis to form my responses. My character would be meek, not very eager to express her opinion. She wouldn’t be at the forefront and she certainly wouldn’t go about saying “let’s charge in and kill ’em”. She would have a lot of theoretical knowledge but little practical. Instead of being the main focus of the story, she’d be ‘part of the support group’ mainly because she’d be so hesitant to act. She does what she must, but not always what she wants.
(edited by ThiBash.5634)
It would be really interesting to hear in detail how some of these characters fit into the lore. I know that some people, often RPers, will write up short stories to describe their toons’ histories, but not everyone is a talented writer.
I had a small notepad file I wrote up while I was slowly working through how “Tobias Trueflight” existed in Ascalon, and now today. That’s right, I took a crack at explaining the inexplicable.
I’d tell you more, but you haven’t proven you can be trusted yet.
I had a small notepad file I wrote up while I was slowly working through how “Tobias Trueflight” existed in Ascalon, and now today. That’s right, I took a crack at explaining the inexplicable.
I’d tell you more, but you haven’t proven you can be trusted yet.
Ah, don’t be like that. I know we would all love to scrutinize the inscrutable.
As for me, I guess I’ll start with Cinder, since I already mentioned her before, and frankly, as my least developed she could use the love. She’s an elementalist/engineer, Iron Legion. (I know secondary classes aren’t mechanically possible in 2, but I figured that they share enough of an intellectual focus to not require too much difficulty to integrate. It serves as a justification, anyway.) She has natural talent in both fields, but splitting her focus hasn’t done her any favors, so she’s only a mediocre combatant. Most of her early contributions to the cause took a more constructive form- good ol’ Iron Legion engineering tradition, bolstered by more novel application of elemental magic (while fire magic can only add a little flexibility to existing heating equipment, being able to cool things down in a rush is much more difficult for machinery to pull off, and having ready access to magnetism and electricity expands possibilities even further). More recently, with Smodur’s emphasis on cooperation with the other races, Cinder’s been moved to diplomatic missions, with promotion to centurion thrown in when she demonstrated both an aptitude for the work and a need for more perceived authority to deal with the other side. She finds the work suits her, as she gets along well with others (rare enough in a charr) and doesn’t carry nearly so much rancor for humans as some of her kind, on account of having occasionally been on the receiving end of such attitudes herself. Cinder’s been pretty lucky in that account, being an elementalist, which is fairly uncomplicated and easy to understand for magic, in the Iron Legion, known for it’s progressive attitudes and willingness to make full use of what’s at hand, and a female to boot, and so not a defection risk. Still, every race has it’s bigots with bones to pick, as well as people who have had a thoroughly bad day and really just want a drink and a scapegoat. She sympathizes with humans, even if their customs, especially their social structure, amuse her.
(edited by Aaron Ansari.1604)
I had a small notepad file I wrote up while I was slowly working through how “Tobias Trueflight” existed in Ascalon, and now today. That’s right, I took a crack at explaining the inexplicable.
I’d tell you more, but you haven’t proven you can be trusted yet.
Ah, don’t be like that. I know we would all love to scrutinize the inscrutable.
Fine, I’ll summarize.
Tobias Trueflight is known to have been a member of the Ascalon Vanguard and fled Ascalon with Prince Rurik sometime in 1072 AE. Records become remarkably murky about his involvement, some saying he was a loyal and brave member of the White Mantle, others say he fought with the Shining Blade to put Queen Salma on the throne. What is known for certain is there are records of him (corroborated by Nicholas Sanford) having traveled far and wide through many lands and continents of Tyria.
He eventually married a woman of Elonian descent named Cersei Jubari (known as the ‘Lioness of Istan’ but records are hard to acquire these days from Elona) and left for Ebonhawke with the bulk of the Ebon Vanguard. There are three children unaccounted for from these times, the eldest presumed lost in the Searing.
Through the lines of descent, it is known Tobias Trueflight was named after his ancestor as a measure of respect by his mother. Second of his name, Tobias was evacuated with some of the citizens of Ebonhawke during the Ogre Revolt and left without parents and his older sister having already entered training as a Seraph. As it was, he was raised by humble common folk in the city and took great pains to start learning the arts of archery and animal training so he could bring pride to his family name.
There’s more but I think the full report got filed away somewhere before Tobias got passed off to field work with Lightbringer Leftpaw. It’s probably lost in the mess somewhere.
Well considering the only professions used by norn in EotN were Warrior, Ranger, and one Paragon, I would say so.
That’s not true. There was a monk and a ritualist off the top of my head. I would assume there were others that I’m not remembering. Actually I think there was an ele in an event outside the EotN, but the memory is fuzzy.
Pretty much on the lore side with my characters. Some are loose decendants or reincarnation of my GW1 characters of course, however thanks to class and race differences it might be not so easy:
Corvo Raven
Was my Main in GW1
Corvo Raven was trained to be an Assassin in the monestary. Taking part in the fight against Shiro, he traveled the world, helping out wherever he can, while writing about his travels. He fought in Kourna and later in Kryta, where his live ended. His last whereabouts were in the Maguuma jungle, where a copy of his diary was found in a rotten state.
That diary was left near the area, which later became the grove. Being absorbed mostly it took a lot of Corvos residual emotions and feeling into the magic flow. They say things that were important to a person usually carry a bit of it with them, so through some part of him appeared in the dream in front of a young Sylvari.
Inspired by his deeds he took on the name of this man he knows nothing about, but still feels so close.
Tracking down his way through Tyria to reconstruct the diary. Be it through copies or fragments in his mind.
Jaken Highwind
My new Main in GW2
Jaken was a simple Mesmer who joined the evacuation of Acalon with Prince Rurik. After they reached Lions Arch however he sailed to Kourna, where he joined the Sunspears. Becoming a dilpomat after the fall of Abaddon he and his ancestors traveled back and fourth between the lands till the conection was lost through the rise of the eldar dragons.
Having lost their social standing over the years, the young Jaken joined a gang of rouges. However he always looked back on his history, remembering how important and powerfull they were. How much he wanted to break out of the confined walls of Destinies Reach.
With the attack on Shamor his live changed. Climbing the ranks, sweettalking and deciving with his mesmer magic he joined the Order of Whispers and took part in the attack on Zaithan.
Realising that being part of an army is not what he has wanted, though, he left to travel the lands.
His vacation however was cut short, thanks to the troubles that Scarlet Briar brought upon the continent.
Trying to investigate he started to gather trophies from his victories. His most prized possession is a full light armor from the aetherblade pirates, including their revolver and one of their leaders Rapier….
From a Lore Standpoint, any profession is just as viable for any race. Charr dislike Magic and treat it with suspiscioun, but when push comes to shove they really couldn’t care less wether you rain steel, mortars or flaming meteors straight out of the skies on your enemies, as long as you get the job done and follow orders. One member of your Warband is even an Elementalist, Euryale, and you can later on recruit a Necromancer just as well.
Norn can logically be any profession, they do not take specific pride in physical prowess over intellectual prowess after all. All a Norn cares about is making their legend by being the very best (That noone ever was) in whatever they set out to master, be it smithing, hunting, elementalism or mitten weaving.
Sylvari are curious and tries their hand at just about anything they come across. Furthermore, their unique form of birth and afterlife (Awakening and presumably returning to the dream) gives them a whole other view on death, removing any bad stigma humans, charr or other lifeforms have of it.
Even Asura can be anything they want. If their profession requires physical strength or resilience, they’ll use magitech to weigh up against other races, if not focusing on other aspects such as speed and agility.
Thief – Duelist | Ranger – Strider | Engineer – Technician |
Elementalist – Spellweaver | Necromancer – Warlock | Mesmer – Trickster |
you can be charr ele with lore
choose the option that your father was a Sorcerous Shaman
there were Charr Eles in GW1 too that you fought
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
I had thought that maybe Engineer might be good for an Asura, but this was when I knew nothing about the game and wrongly expected an Asuran Engineer to be able to make a Golem. And I mean make a Golem that stays around all the time, not the ones from the racial Elites.
Actually, I find the Engineer class to be somewhat subpar as far as lore goes vis-à-vis Asura. I mean, look at all the crazy Metamagical-synergetic-alchemical-energy type technology the Asura are capable of, and you start off with a poison dart pistol and shield. C’mon. Even a flamethrower and turrets (that make tick-tock noises – of all things!) seem so … crude … when the Asura are clearly capable of very high technology.
The engineer armour you see in the character selection screen for Asura, for instance, screams high tech – energy weapons and the like – yet the actual skills you get are industrial age/steampunk type stuff.
So Engineer IMO is more of a Human-type and definitely Charr class as far as lore goes.
Ele is much more Asura-like at least as far as the College of Synergetics is concerned (studying pure energy, etc.) but regarding the other Colleges, there is no real corresponding “Asura”-friendly high-technology class, lore-wise, in the game.
(edited by alccode.1297)
There’s also an Elementalist who was in my charr’s warband: Eurayle. Lots of fun, that one.
Regarding toons & lore, my feeling is honestly that almost any combination can be made to work. Not the least because we almost do see every possible combination in the game (as far as NPCs are concerned, I mean, every race having trainers for each profession is the trivial example but there are plenty of other NPCs around).
For instance, Sylvari are supposed to be not very much into technology and are attuned to the Pale Tree, nature, etc. (literal tree-huggers), but you could see a Sylvari embracing technology as an outgrowth (no pun intended) of their natural curiosity. I’ve thought this way even before such obvious lore-friendly examples such as Scarlet Briar herself.
Same can be said for almost any other race/class. Someone mentioned Norn Mesmer being “out of lore”, but that is simply not true, such a combination is clearly in line with the spirit of Raven, which aligns itself with “wisdom, cunning, trickery, and knowledge” (it’s almost the Norn cultural equivalent of Lyssa).
We also see especially with the Pact, a mishmash and radical acceptance of any and all possible combinations of races and classes, cut across all positions (leaders, grunts, scholars, etc) A veritable melting pot. Dare I say that Anet are implicitly encouraging this kind of radical and across-the-board multicultural acceptance that is a reflection of how things can and should be in the real world (and I would agree).
Etc., etc….
So in short, I bet that any “lore unfriendly” combination can be actually made to be lore-friendly with just a little creative thinking.
So in short, I bet that any “lore unfriendly” combination can be actually made to be lore-friendly with just a little creative thinking.
. . . soooo, how about that charr engineer who is the twin brother of Tybalt Leftpaw who stalks Whispers members and whispers about apples?
I give all my characters appropriate names and back stories to fit with the lore, that’s half of the fun of creating a character! Those backstories don’t always follow the personal story, since that’s of course the same for every player.
With profession/race combinations, well I think every race can easily justify every profession.
Corvo Raven’s story
That was a really cool idea!
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Here is a bit about my Sylvari warrior. It’s formatted and written as a wiki entry, as if this is an NPC in the game that all players can encounter, rather than my PC.
Laelvryn was born of the cycle of noon. He awakened in 1303 AE in the Maguuma Wastes. He is not of the Pale Tree.
In his first minutes awake, he saved the life of another Sylvari awakening from a nearby pod. Her pod was entirely buried in rocky sand, and she nearly died during her awakening. He named her Nhaevryn and she named him Lael. His name was not changed to Laelvryn until 1325. The two were very close until 1304 when Laelvryn died. The cause of his death is not known.
Death and Reawakening
In 1304, Laelvryn was found near death in Aurora’s Remains. Cadeyrn, a young Secondborn at that time, brought him to the Grove. Mender Serimon told Cadeyrn that Laelvryn was beyond help, but Cadeyrn placed his body inside a pod from which another Sylvari had recently awakened. He died soon after. However, as Mender Serimon was removing his body from the pod, he noticed that his wounds had began to heal. Cadeyrn is reported by Mender Serimon to have checked on Laelvryn every day until he left the Grove and founded the Nightmare Court, but Laelvryn did not wake.
Laelvryn finally woke in 1325 as a Sylvari of the Pale Tree. He has never discussed his past and it is unclear whether he remembers anything prior to his dream, though some dialog suggests his memories are not entirely lost. For example, when he met the Pale Tree she addressed him as Lael but he asked to be called Laelvryn and could not explain why. This has been interpreted by some players as a subconscious hope to be reunited with Nhaevryn, and has led others to speculate that the two may have been linked in a way similar to the Dream of Dreams links Sylvari of the Pale Tree.
The Sylvari whose pod Laelvryn slept in was present for his death, but was never identified. She encountered Nhaevryn hiding in the Grove immediately after Laelvryn’s death. In exchange for information about the Grove, Nhaevryn told this Sylvari where she and Laelvryn were born. Some players have speculated that this Sylvari was Ceara, and that this information was a driving motivation for her earliest visit to the Maguuma Wastes.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
The problem is, there ISN’T a race/profession combo that goes against lore.
There are charr magic users in the Legions, it’s just that many in charr society hold a prejudice against such.
Sylvari are out to learn and experience, so everything fits them.
Norn have sages and shamans who are important in their society—so they would have both martial and magical professions.
Humans have no problem with any profession.
Asura just do whatever the flip they want, and woe be unto the bookah that tries to say otherwise.
When I think of lorebreaking characters, I think of characters who don’t have lore-appropriate names, or characters with lore-breaking appearance traits like a neon pink dragon ball hairdo.
For myself, I make the majority of my toons lore-based.
Corvo Raven’s story
That was a really cool idea!
Thanks. I do not know how feasabkle it is, but if we can use objects belonging to persons to summon them, then ther ahs to be some kind of connection.
Furthermore my main in GW1 was a Assassin, but I do not like playing a Thief in GW2. Missing a Sylvari in my line up I had to become a little bit creative to get that conenction done…
Still have to figure out the trasition from Human to Norn though, since it appears they are not interbreedable (see thread), which makes my Guardian lore unfriendly, ugh….
I guess this isn’t lore unfriendly, but… how practical is a norn thief?
… tallest and fattest sized male norn thief…
I should really get back to working on Tobias’ experiences, or rather to work on something I’d dashed off in a moment of thought which I’d called “Brisban Expedition” and now really think needs finishing with LS2’s current plot.
I guess this isn’t lore unfriendly, but… how practical is a norn thief?
… tallest and fattest sized male norn thief…
I should link, but I can’t for obvious reasons, The Spoony One’s talk on “The Barkittennock Spell”. Where he details a half-orc thief who was mocked by the party wizard:
“Come on, pick my pocket then.”
So the thief shrugged, and used Sneak Attack to beat him over the head and knock him out, and when he woke up he handed back his belongings.
Charr thief and norn necromancer.
It… Somewhat works?
There are tons of charr thief NPCs in game, basically the entire Ash Legion. In GW1, there were charr of every profession as well.
In EotN you do a quest where a norn summons the dead from the underworld. He was technically a ritualist I think, but there you have it. Maybe he was a Rt/N.
Charr thief and norn necromancer.
It… Somewhat works?
Ash Legion welcome Charr thieves any time, many there ARE thieves.
Norn necromancer is no issue at all, specially because norns are close to the spirits and have a very shamanistic culture, “specialize” in the spirits/force of the underword is just another way of look at it.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Most of mine are with lore except two. I purposefully made them against type. I have a Sylvari Necro and a Charr Guardian.
I loved the thought of them being “not the norm” in their own cultures.
Sylvari neros are not that uncommon actually.
And Charr guardians, some of the random iron legion soldiers are actuall guardians
Actually, when I created those two toons on the first day of the three day head start, I knew neither of those things. And honestly, neither did anyone but the people creating and running the game. When I created them, not much was fully known about either race.
We knew a whole lot about the charr. There were no guardians in GW1, but they did have charr ritualists, paragons and monks, which is as close as you can get.
I swear they talked about sylvari taking up all aspects of life out of curiosity as well. But probably no hard examples.
@ Fluffball. I didn’t mean we didn’t know much about the Charr in GW but that we didn’t know much about modern day charr. Also, in one of the short stories I believe that came out, one warband said that they really respected one of their members, even though he was a guardian. So even though a race may have access to a class doesn’t mean it is normal or looked highly upon.
And we did have some insight that the Sylvari were a completely integrated race, but not to what extent just as you said.
So I stand by what I stated above. When I created my toons, like many others, the Guardian class seemed to be very non-charr. And a race that seemed to be one that celebrated life, which we knew very little about, a necro seemed to be a class that would have been anathema to them. “All things have a right to grow.”
My guys started out as fan characters for a different game and were adapted into GW2 with no special background story in mind, since that would require specifics I hadn’t delved in to. Mostly I’ve been trying to match their look and not really worry about lore.
My human noble mesmer is actually the secret descendent of Prince Rurik of Ascalon and Lady Althea.
Whenever a person asks about the legitimacy of her claims to the Ascalonian throne, she shows them the rings on her fingers, Rurik and Adelbern’s Signet Rings, as well as the Preserved Red Iris Flower and Althea’s Ashes that she carries around with her. Then she turns them into a moa for fun.
My human noble mesmer is actually the secret descendent of Prince Rurik of Ascalon and Lady Althea.
Whenever a person asks about the legitimacy of her claims to the Ascalonian throne, she shows them the rings on her fingers, Rurik and Adelbern’s Signet Rings, as well as the Preserved Red Iris Flower and Althea’s Ashes that she carries around with her. Then she turns them into a moa for fun.
. . . there’s an Ascalonian throne?
Also, where in the Shiverpeaks did you dig up that signet ring? I mean, it’d have to be there since it’s well documented that’s where Prince Rurik was killed by the leader of the Stone Summit trying to escort his people through the Frost Gate.
Those tales of his body resurfacing during a raid on the mursaat in the Ring of Fire aren’t very plausible, all things considered.
Lastly, are you sure those are Althea’s Ashes and not something else . . . I hear some black marketeers were selling “genuine reliquaries” of those ashes back in those times to displaced Ascalonian people.
. . . there’s an Ascalonian throne?
Also, where in the Shiverpeaks did you dig up that signet ring? I mean, it’d have to be there since it’s well documented that’s where Prince Rurik was killed by the leader of the Stone Summit trying to escort his people through the Frost Gate.
Those tales of his body resurfacing during a raid on the mursaat in the Ring of Fire aren’t very plausible, all things considered.
Lastly, are you sure those are Althea’s Ashes and not something else . . . I hear some black marketeers were selling “genuine reliquaries” of those ashes back in those times to displaced Ascalonian people.
Well there’s not exactly a throne anymore…
My mesmer got Rurik’s ring while exploring Stonepate’s tomb with Magister Seiran of the Priory. That evil dwarf must have stolen it as a prize. She recovered Aldelbern’s ring while helping Eir in the Ascalonian Catacombs.
She dual wields Fiery Dragon Swords as a reminder to one day re-claim Magdaer and Sohothin from Rytlock and Logan some day. For now, she tolerates them enough to work with them against the bigger threat.
With the peace treaty between humans and charr, my mesmer has taken to exploring old Ascalon in her free time when not battling dragons and evil Sylvari. As part of her travels, she has spent lots of time and gold to track down Althea’s resting place and recover her ashes, as well as making the pilgrimage to King’s Watch from her house in Ebonhawke.
. . . there’s an Ascalonian throne?
Also, where in the Shiverpeaks did you dig up that signet ring? I mean, it’d have to be there since it’s well documented that’s where Prince Rurik was killed by the leader of the Stone Summit trying to escort his people through the Frost Gate.
Those tales of his body resurfacing during a raid on the mursaat in the Ring of Fire aren’t very plausible, all things considered.
Lastly, are you sure those are Althea’s Ashes and not something else . . . I hear some black marketeers were selling “genuine reliquaries” of those ashes back in those times to displaced Ascalonian people.
Well there’s not exactly a throne anymore…
My mesmer got Rurik’s ring while exploring Stonepate’s tomb with Magister Seiran of the Priory. That evil dwarf must have stolen it as a prize. She recovered Aldelbern’s ring while helping Eir in the Ascalonian Catacombs.
She dual wields Fiery Dragon Swords as a reminder to one day re-claim Magdaer and Sohothin from Rytlock and Logan some day. For now, she tolerates them enough to work with them against the bigger threat.
With the peace treaty between humans and charr, my mesmer has taken to exploring old Ascalon in her free time when not battling dragons and evil Sylvari. As part of her travels, she has spent lots of time and gold to track down Althea’s resting place and recover her ashes, as well as making the pilgrimage to King’s Watch from her house in Ebonhawke.
Not bad. Yes, definitely getting the “itch” to polish out the thing I put together for Tobias now.
Especially about the distant cousin Elena Corso.