Strange AI Behaviour in BF

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: TheSwede.9512


So, I’m probably not the first one to mention or experience this, but I feel that the AI of the Svanir in particular is quite … odd, in Bitterfrost Frontier. But in some cases, this extends to all enemies you encounter there.

Primarily, they seem a lot less eager to run up and actually attack me even when that is their primary or only way to do it. I’ll go through the most obvious oddjobs one by one:

Svanir Brute
Giant greatswords, possess that nasty Wave Attack that really wreaks havoc if you eat it in melee range…

Where the Brutes rarely ever go. For some reason they seem entirely content keeping their distance from me, much like a Ranged Mob would, while I just pepper them with arrows. Occasionally they’ll pull off their wave attack again, and they do attack back when I get close to them, but it feels strange that these guys are so scared of a little intimacy that they’d rather stand and eat ranged attacks all day.

Veteran Corrupted Ice Elemental
These guys have the eyes of a hawk! No seriously, their aggro range is ridiculously sized compared to other enemies, which isn’t really that much of an issue to deal with really. But it gets a bit annoying when you’re out picking berries in the woods and charge into that group with a Veteran Troll and a wolfpack, only to suddenly get frozen mid-lunge and eating every last Wolf Leap, because that veteran Ice Elemental on the other side of the River is part of Jormag’s elite sniper force and has more than 300 confirmed kills in Frostgorge.

Corrupted Wolves
Kinda fickle, these ones. NEVER misses the chance to leap at you and Chill you so that they can… then prance about, sometimes completely ignoring you afterwards. It’s kinda 50/50 with these pooches, half the time they’ll happily try and rearrange my spinal cord, other half they seem to forget that I’m even there and start making their way back to their original position.

You sure these guys aren’t corrupted cats?

Corrupted Griffon Chick
Tangent, but to whoever came up with this idea: Who hurt you? And why?

Veteran Corrupted Trolls
Can these guys please get maybe Quarter/half a second’s longer channel on their “2-3s of stand right there and do nothing, please” attack? I know that it generally follows their “NOT IN THE FACE!” Ice burst skill, but it’s annoying to deal with 2s of being Frozen without a shot at Stunbreaking when it comes outta nowhere like that.

I’m just there for their berries, really.

Innuendo intended.

I think that’s about all I had to say about the strange AI. Wanna give some kudos as well to the guy who created the Veteran Ice Storms and reworked the Icebrood Colossus into a Glass Cannon that will murderfy you if not focused down properly. Good work on giving the mobs some diversity, took some time before I realized that those Colossi weren’t just big, dumb and harmless anymore.

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(edited by TheSwede.9512)

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Fairly close to what I am noticing. It does seem off, maybe they where nervous that people would die too much if the ai really focused on players instead of giving them breathing room.

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Donari.5237


I hadn’t noticed as it was a long chaotic day on release with me running from one shiny to the next. I’ll look when I go back in.

My side-question is, is “BF” the right acronym here? I really thought this was going to ask about the Bloodstone Fen rock targeting changes.

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


I like the mobs on Bitterfrost. They are nicely dangerous and varied in attack skills.

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Lost Dragons Tail.3760

Lost Dragons Tail.3760

I thought it was just me that the foes where acting funny to. I’ve noticed the, I think brutes with the great swords, will come at me with a swirl attack then wander off aimlessly for a second or two then do the spin attack and repeat. Do they just have one attack or something? Then the casters will aoe and as soon as I get out of the aoe they will walk back a few steps and turn and just look at me. Did I confuse the AI or something?
And on a side note I was debating on either using BfF or bf for Bitterfrost Frontier. But as already mentioned using bf can get a bit confusing with bloodstone fen and bff may get confused as Best friend forever. LOL

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I hadn’t noticed as it was a long chaotic day on release with me running from one shiny to the next. I’ll look when I go back in.

My side-question is, is “BF” the right acronym here? I really thought this was going to ask about the Bloodstone Fen rock targeting changes.

Maybe it should be BFF? =P

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Gryphon.2875


Maybe Jormag’s minions are just crazy because of all the mixed-up magic signals these days?

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Cerpin.7839


Those wolves! I noticed their antics right away and I really like them. It’s fun to have wtf moments when you’re in a new place. Their behavior is so bizarre it makes things more interesting and had an odd way of pulling me into the surroundings right away.

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: LordEnki.9283


I also noticed this. It can be really, really annoying. It’s like they just keep resetting in position but not in health/ cooldowns.

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I don’t see any issues.
Did notice that enemies attack in large packs, and just like a group of ninjas, don’t always focus fire until death. They flee, evade, switch targets and ‘recharge’. This changes things up. Makes it so I have to pay attention to what is currently a threat and what isn’t.

It could look like pathing issues or AI issues, but I’m giving the designers credit for at least planning it to make PvE mobs more interesting. I can’t get away with a “kill target”, “once target is dead switch targets”, “kill target” mentality… as it’s very inefficient here.

(edited by Redfeather.6401)

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Tiny Doom.4380

Tiny Doom.4380

I also thought it was mainly pathing issues rather than anything intentional. Pathing in GW2 has always been peculiar. Of course, I wasn’t really paying close attention. Mostly I just tend to dodge roll and hit all the AEs until everything dies or stand back and range, class depending. Seems to work as well in Bitterfrost a sit does almost everywhere else. Other than the insane mob density in some areas and the plethora of Veterans mixed in with everything else, which reminds a little of Orr the first time around, Bitterfrost seems fairly standard apart from the weather effects..

I did notice that anything that isn’t a Veteran seems to have the hitpoints of a sickly kitten though, which is handy.

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



Literally everything OP stated, perhaps I’m a bit more forgiving with the other mobs. I only really get ticked off when it comes to the wolves’ constant chilling leaps combined with the griffons that seem to chain chill you for days.

Oh, I almost forgot – WHY can’t we stunbreak out of the vet troll’s seemingly eternity frozen skill he does to you? That is such a pain on squishier professions like ele. Perhaps make the cast time slightly longer, thanks.

Mind you, I can easily get by with certain professions like warrior/guardian/engi with on-demand condi cleanse or gimmick boon duration resistance.

I’m legit only there for the berry route farm but ANet probably thought it would be hilarious to add every chilling mob in existence on every patch of berries EVER. (Yeah, that’s exaggerating but you get the jist).

One thing I’ve noticed with mob AI in particular – the griffons. Very common will I set foot in their faces without attacking, of course, just to gather the berries and walk out like they weren’t even aggro’d. They just stood there and wandered around. I know it’s not the right thing & their mechanics need to be tweaked to be more ‘active’, but enjoy it while you can…

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Nightmare.1234



this ice brood wolf learnt to climb a tree, very impressive AI.

I also had one of the ice broods even scale a non AI pathed area by teleporting to my postion every second as I scaled the cliff. I would say anet got a few AI issues they need sort out with these new AI mechanics they testing.

Death Good