Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gervan.6837



What’s up guys? A friend of mine told me that the last event was only useful if you were lvl 80 (which I’m not). At least I got my Reef Drake pet and don’t have to go back in Southsun for a while

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


At least you got something you wanted, even if it wasn’t tied to the event.

Most of that tried the event were met by barriers of bugs and lag.
The last event was pretty bad getting booted out of the game just when about to open the reward chest after spending 2/3 hours on a laggy/buggy event. Some couldn’t even log in full stop.

I myself steered clear of the event after being unsuccessful in phase I and II. I spent my time playing a bit of Halo while I wait it out.

At least I can catch up on everyone over here though.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


You should get Lexy to describe a scene that happened when we were clearing out that pirate boss (in the wrecked boat) in the Cursed Shore…

Something out of Benny Hill… She was laughing while I died …

And so I bring you all the tale of feisty elementalist Tulaah (Lexy) and her trusty ranger sidekick Raith Neill (Bri) – a more fearsome pair of adventurers you have yet to meet (unless you’ve already met us of course).

Imagine, dear reader, a dark and gloomy ship wreck on the southern coast of the Cursed Shore. On the beach our intrepid adventurers struggle through the mobs of (surprisingly speedy) risen thralls, burning the corpses of fallen comrades as they go. Somewhere along the way they’ve picked up a random guardian who was obviously in need of support from the two strongest professions that Tyria has to offer – bless.

From deep within the rotting wreck comes the challenging roar of the ghostly Pirate Captain. The party advances across the slimy deck, intent on serving the Pirate Captain his ghostly ‘whatevers’ on a plate before making off with his loot. The strategy is simple; send in the guardian ‘meat-shield’ to tank in melee (it’s not like they ever met him before) whilst they deal some damage from range – simple!

However, the tide turns when the Pirate Captain shows a particular fondness for the ranger sidekick – perhaps she reminded him of someone who owed him money? The feisty elementalist and the seemingly unattractive ‘meat shield’ could only stand (and laugh) and stare in amazement as the crazy pirate chased the frantic ranger up and down the passageways of the crumbling wreck. Not even the rapidly spawning risen crew could resist joining the ‘Benny Hill’ style mob train which rapidly caught up with and brutally killed the brave (yet frustratingly slow) ranger.

So, dear reader, the moral of the story is this; if you’re a feisty elementalist take two sidekicks into Orr with you – risen are so fickle with who they’d rather eat, its best to give them a choice whilst you run away with your speed buff on

Was that the story you meant Bri?

For anyone not familiar with the Benny Hill reference or would just like to remind themselves of the theme tune whilst they read this story I’ve provided a link that should help you out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9I4nZx8UCs

tl:dr – Bri got chased by a mob whilst I stood by and laughed – it was funny

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

(edited by Lexy.3912)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Haha that always funny!

Sometimes I think I’ll never understand the enemy mechanics. This happens to my bro or if we’re in a party with his friend Nubhead everything will go after him!

I stand their laughing at him of course while the boss runs after him, especially when me and my bro took him to do AC Ex for the first time.
Makes you wish you should’ve taken a screen or tried recording it via fraps. :P

Also Lexy I think you should try your hand at more of this adventure writing!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


OH Lexy. You made my tummy hurt laughing. You describe what happens DAILY to me n G… cept I don’t laugh cos usually I am so insulted that they RUSH by me in such a panic to get to G. I chase after them… trying to get their attention… Trying to convince them that really I am worth at least a hit or two. Usually, at the end of a fight… I have full hit points and poor G has been mauled. I try and pick them off, while he heroically fights them all, dodging and running constantly.

I would like to see what happens when we put him and Bri together….

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Praying Kit does throw more shoes… prepares to dodge a hug…

WHO says you get hugs. YOU sir get SHOES.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206



I would like to see what happens when we put him and Bri together….

I think the mobs would probably be too spoilt for choice, get confused, go invincible and regroup. leaving us stuck in combat for eternity

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Trevarious.5796


Hi Everyone!
I think this is awesome! I’m new to the game but I love it so far! I really look forward to adventuring with more people!

Name: Trevor
Main: Trevaryos (human warrior level 14)
Current Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Interested Activities: PVE adventuring mostly, Dungeons, and WVW later on
Active, mostly evenings PST (6:30-10:00 or so) weekdays, and right now, 8:30am-whenever on thursdays, weekends are a bit hectic but usually morning play

Yes I am willing to participate in Operation: Unions project,
I look forward to meeting people!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Welcome Trevor. Good to have you here.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


Yay for the ever-expanding Union!

One thing that I’ve been trying to do lately is hang around the 1-15 areas and help people I notice are having problems. It lets me get most of the daily achievement done easily, and today I got to help a fellow ele who was having problems dealing with monsters. We ran around shooting things with our staffs and having a blast.

I’ve done the Benny Hill routine too. The best one is where I can train a whole bunch of mobs onto a more aggressive mob, then AOE the whole lot and loot the bodies.

The worst one is where I can’t out run them, and they end of up munching on my corpse while I curse ANet’s slowing down running in combat and the irritating Ele downed state (no health regen while fleeing in mist form, ??? ).

(edited by Gilosean.3805)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Gilosean, what level are you at. G and I are working towards map completion and getting our mains to level 80. Still a long ways to go. We have rangers at level 78 but currently have no interest in getting them to 80. Has a lot to do with the voice acting turning us off the story. We started again with asura, which we are enjoying far more. Helping in the low level areas is something I can see us both doing. We have helped several lowbies… and had so much fun with it.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


thread. moves. so. fast!!! i spend a good portion of my work mornings catching up. which, mind you, i don't mind at all myself! ; )))

love the new dynamics in here. welcome to all the new comers!D hope you find a place and that you’re here to stay.

@Omerk/Notts/and everyoen else – would love to run dungeons! hmm, if we can’t get things running smoothly with EU servers, i’d be more than glad to run some on the NA side of things. ; )) the only thing is my TZ is in Asia lol, so most likely would have to be on weekends to catch most of ya.

@Kaii – great write up and thanks for reminding us what we’re standing for. i too, as stated before, will be running any fractal levels for fun! and to help people level up : )))

@Gilo – that’s great. : )) i usually always hit up the 1-15 areas for kill variety. a few moretypes and i should be on my way to sleep.. and i end up doing events with people around. ooops. :///

and yes, doode, i’d imagine i’d move even faster if i was in combat mode!! what with the added adrenaline, fight of flight insticnts… anyhoo.

@Bri/Lexy – gotta love you two. lolol. what a great read to start my morning and the feedback you wrote to ANet was endearing. captures what we, the Union, strive to stand for. you guys are the backbone of this initiative and keep spreading it!!!

@Glitch – always, always, /salute. p.s. i’ve been running some AC dungeons now (turns out i’ll be wanting 700 tokens+!! lol) and getting used to ’em. might need some more tips from ya though ; )))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zeus.9840


Name: Zeus
Main Character: Ceus
Current Server: Isle of Janthir
Interested Activities: I love playing every aspect of the game but I’m usually quite hesitant about doing dungeons as I like to take things easy and it’s hard to find a group of people who are really chill unless they’re your friends.
Active: I’m on everyday for about 6 hrs, but I’ll be on a bit less for the next few weeks as my finals exams are approaching.
Additional Comments: As I said earlier, I like to take things easy. I consider myself a
semi-hardcore player, but I’m a really chill guy. To list out my play style:

-I don’t mind doing dungeons with lower level people.
-I don’t mind (and as a matter of fact, I prefer) playing with people who like to take things easy and don’t feel the need to rush any content/dungeon.
-I play the game for FUN! If we’re doing an event or running a dungeon, I really don’t mind if you do something to cause the party to wipe and I really don’t mind losing.
-I’m generally very flexible with group activities. As I said, I’m a semi-hardcore player, so I’m cool with farming (for hours), running dungeons multiple times, WvW…etc.

All-in-all, I’m a really chill guy who is looking for really chill people to play the game with. I have actually met someone in-game who is really chill and we chat and play together everyday. He doesn’t mind doing WvW, running dungeons (we attempted to 2-man AC and it was a ton of fun) and just standing in one spot talking about stuff for an hour. There’s just the two of us right now but it would be really cool to play with a couple more people! Shoot me a pigeon mail anytime if you wanna join me and my buddy !

Operation Union…am I up for it? O.o Did you really just ask me that? OF COURSE I AM! This is a totally awesome thing you’ve started Glitch!

(edited by Zeus.9840)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Zeus – welcome!D IoJ, eh?? SoR here. grrr, wonder if i’ve ever ran into you on the battle field ; ))) same here! most of us are pretty chill. well, i haven’t really had the chance to play cross-server yet with most of the wonderful folk on here, bu ti’ve definitely had the honor or chatting with more than a few of them : )))

you’re definitely in the right place then. it’s all about hanging out. having fun. helping one another and having a good laugh when we wipe or people die.. (wait.. is this becoming a normal occurence now? XDDDD).

glad you’re found interest here! am sure those on right now will be able to send ya an invite. ; )))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Zeus… Welcome!!! And Isle of Janthir presses hand to her forehead dramatically GOOD to know there are more of us there. I do think we will have to look you up. G (nottsgman) and I are there and we detour for plants, trees, ore, butterflies and random baddies. Oh look a cave (one of his weaknesses) OH SHINEY!!! Love jumping puzzles (did i say that?) and hanging out with fun people. I know G will shoot you an invite when get gets on tomorrow, you haven’t gotten it by then.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


o what, i must have missed it, both G and Kit are on IoJ as well? lol.

@Kit – I LOVE JUMPIN PUZZLESSS! i used to suck at jumpin gin this game on my giant Norn and then i practiced a lot (i’ll still make the mor ethan occasionally stupid mis jumps though lol) did you do the new one at Southsun Cove yet? and the Clock tower?? there are a bunch i’ve yet to complete as well all a round Tyria.

@everyone – really can’t wait for the guesting feature : )))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


just another share : ))
was in Orr the other day, Cursed Shore – i actually don’t farm this actively, but just to get daily events done fast without having to really look (although after the Plinx chain nerf….). ran into another Guard who needed help with a SP, he /w me and we partied it up, finished the Plinx chain together (along with the zerg) and we went off our merry way to two-man the maze! took our a handful of stinky Risen on the way and we worked wonderously as a team!D the Orrian floaty sword thingy stood no chance against the will of Great Justice!! Tyria will prevail. only in our heart of hearts where we find a place for everyone around us, will be able able to take on the world and protest those that are dear to us from whatever Overlords that spawn from the deepest and darkest depths.

after that, we heroes bidded each other farewell, thanked one another and added each other as friends, then nicknamed him CS Maze SP, lol, just so i remember. ; )) i always make this a practice now, and have gotten to know more people this way.

always remember folks – making a difference, no matter big or small. no matter skritt or skelk. skale. what are they called again? XDDD

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


For those of you putting a link to Operation Union in your signature…
If you don’t want that long link to be displayed, you can link to the thread by using this format:

“What you want it to say” : URL
With no spaces around the colon.

I’ve added a link to my signature as well.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


o what, i must have missed it, both G and Kit are on IoJ as well? lol.

@Kit – I LOVE JUMPIN PUZZLESSS! i used to suck at jumpin gin this game on my giant Norn and then i practiced a lot (i’ll still make the mor ethan occasionally stupid mis jumps though lol) did you do the new one at Southsun Cove yet? and the Clock tower?? there are a bunch i’ve yet to complete as well all a round Tyria.

@everyone – really can’t wait for the guesting feature : )))

We are IoJ. Woot for more. We will have to group up at some point.

I hated hated hated JP the first day. They have made me cry… yes really. I love this game, but am such a noob. In general, JP were the bane of my existence. G loves them and I follow him. DID them cos I am a stubborn kitten THEN the clock tower came. bows head I would not give up. I heard that only 5% were forecast to make this puzzle. I jumped my freaken fingers off… and more than 12 hours later (yes I was one of THOSE) I finally made it (on my human ranger) then did it again on my Asurian Engineer. TRIED again on my Charr… and failed badly. G stayed with me… jumped it over 100 times. But I did it. The ones on Southsun were also done. Really nothing compares to the Tower. The one might as well have been a vista for all that it wasn’t a challenge. Stepping stones… and anything with a time limit… does stress me. But I don’t like giving up. I get them eventually. Kudos for G and his patience. He encourages me through them all.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


For those of you putting a link to Operation Union in your signature…
If you don’t want that long link to be displayed, you can link to the thread by using this format:

“What you want it to say” : URL
With no spaces around the colon.

I’ve added a link to my signature as well.

THANKS. Did it… (took a few tries cos I learn slow) but like it.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


For those of you putting a link to Operation Union in your signature…
If you don’t want that long link to be displayed, you can link to the thread by using this format:

“What you want it to say” : URL
With no spaces around the colon.

I’ve added a link to my signature as well.

THANKS. Did it… (took a few tries cos I learn slow) but like it.

It looks good, I’m glad I could do something to help, even if it’s a small thing lol.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

I had a nice time working with another player trying to get the same skill point/vista near Breached Wall Waypoint in Diessa Plateau. Took us good hour to figure out how to get up there and work through the enemies. Mind you when we got stuck the mobs were spawning too often but luckily there were two of us.

We pwnd the skill point up there by defeating the VET, then suddenly my game-buddy went AFK. I jump across the ridge to get the vista but he was still AFK. At that point the VET respawned and killed him. I waited till he came back, which he did, and asked you need rez? So I redid the whole trip to get to that skill point…killed the VET, rezzed my online-buddy and soon after parted our way.

Tis was a good moment and honestly I had fun!

Proud member of Legion of Honour XIII

Do not click this link!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


For those of you putting a link to Operation Union in your signature…
If you don’t want that long link to be displayed, you can link to the thread by using this format:

“What you want it to say” : URL
With no spaces around the colon.

I’ve added a link to my signature as well.

THANKS. Did it… (took a few tries cos I learn slow) but like it.

It looks good, I’m glad I could do something to help, even if it’s a small thing lol.

i did it too! and thanks for the tip. lol, used to the old formating, but even that i didn’t do. so appreciate the reminder.. lol hope i did mine right! we’ll see after i submit this aha

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Kit & G – definitely group for dungeons for now, i know you’re going to love ‘em! and YESSSS haha i was the same. i would always be stuck. or falling to my death. :/// whereas my wife breezes through stuff easy peasy mac and cheesy on her first try. O.o it’s always good ahving someone with ya. and the clock tower was definitely by far the most challenging, but i also had the most fun! i got so much practice out of doing! well done for doing it more than once and on different races! always took me getting used to

G, you’re quite the jumping puzzle master, ain’t ya?? haha and well done sticking by . big kudos to ya! and you’re one of ’em who did the clock tower for fun then, eh? lolol.

i only ended up doing it once on my Norn and then i left. for fear of being in people’s ways too much. :PPP then right as i was about to leave, a giant Norn in full pink armour shows up. i left the instance laughing myself silly. teehee.

@Death –D that’s awesome. that part took quite a while fo rme to find as well. if we’re thinking of the same thing lol. is that the jumping puzzle one? good man for hanging around ; )) people like you willing to wait for someone who may or may not come back, especially since you two worked hard together, is few and far between. /salute!

let’s keep building moments as such ; ))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: omerk.2709


@everyone who wants to do dungeons.

I’m not aiming at a strict time frame. Been there, done that, got the T shirt. Now I want a more lenient approach.
I’m not aiming at progress towards doing the heroic mode like it was in WoW. It’s about having fun in a dungeon group with people you like, who have the will and patience to play togather.
I don’t intent to set the time to sunday/friday/whatever. On weekdays when I know I can commit to a group and not have to leave in the middle (I have 2 babies at home, and it’s not fair to let my wife handle all the fuss around them), I’ll form a group.
Should there be enough people, we’ll form as many groups as we can.
If people want, we’ll go Orr and take on difficult boss fights aimed at large groups instead.
If there are people who need to do story modes in order to unlock, and the groups we have don’t fit/want that, we’ll break the groups, and reform in order to unlock as many explore modes as we can, so all our options will be enabled.

However, I don’t want to get to a point that someone who wants to level solo and they log in should feel obligated to help since we need a 5th person.
I do think that we should help each other, even if we already did that instance.
Only exception is Glitch who did AC more than the devs and QA teams, and I think that it’s safe to say that he did it more than all the players in the game combined, who shouldn’t feel he has to help AC, unless he wants.

Having said that, I take this thread to give you all a tip about HoTW story mode.
clear your inventory before you go there. There is a ton of loot for everyone there, I got back to LA with ~25 new items after having salvaged ~40 due to lack of space.
The reason I’m saying it is that my current weapons are a result of the mystic forge session I had after that instance, which could have been much better if I had room in my bags.
If you’re planning on salvaging though, bring around 5 salvage kits.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


: )))

@Omerk – wise words and thanks for the advice!! i plan to do HotW soon. it looks gorgeous in there! sigh, would love to be able to play with you all.

@Bri – no harvest nodes in dungeons, iirc. and yes, those do take up a lot of room! lol. so you can leave ’em behind in the time being. and just keep the three equipped in case you come across stuff you really want outside and near the dungeon area that is.

and LOL. i remember that bit! O____o i had so much trouble with that for some reason. lol.. and i felt bad! them little dolyaks.

@ all – as Omerk mentioned, no one should feel obligated to do or be anything being part of this initiative. i personally will encourage and challenge you all to always lend a helping hand – though i can say pretty confidently that, most of you already do (a large reason as to why you’re here in the first place!). : )))

for apples!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@Kaii Ty for the tip must’ve been doin it wrong.
However I might stick with my crazy string of code. Everyone else can be the professional ones.

Big welcome to all you new folks! Hope you enjoy your stay.

@bri good luck, I still got my trendy bog standard gear.
I’m a man of practicality, I’ll get on the style boat later.

If I ever get a precursor I don’t want I’ll be sure to put it up here.

Good to read through the news everyone, enjoy the day while I only have 2 lessons for college.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: delmarqo.5038


This is some thread. Sorry if this link has been posted numerous times:

Someone sent this to me. It’s fledgling but a great idea:

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@ new-comers, i’ve sent invites out already : )))
if anyone’s still missing one, do let people know on here! and you will be more than promptly taken care of.

@delmarqo – thanks for sharing that link! i’ve heard about it but haven’t checked it out yet. looks pretty good. may have to give it a shot as well ; )) spread the word!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


blinks at wall of text since leaving last night

like Kit said earlier, we always like going back to low levels, even now. the thing I don’t like about it is that in those zones (even at lvl 40) you are 1 or 2 shotting the enemies, and that doesn’t give anyone who’s actually at that level a chance. good for champs, but usual mobs, you’ve slaughtered them before the level 5 melee person even got close enough to hit.

welcome fellow IoJ wonderer, glad to have more from the same server, us IoJ folks seem to be pretty rare in this group.

thanks for the tip, but I like being different with my unrefined link. will remember it for other things though.

oh yeah, I’m one of those crazies who did the clock tower for fun did it with human, asura and charr (which was the most difficult), then stuck with my asura for the rest of the time (he was fresh out of character creation then) jumping puzzles have to be one of the best things in this game for me. me and Kit randomly go around the ones we know just to switch things up, sometimes we find others there struggling with them and offer to show them the way. I’ve spent hours helping others get to the end (even showing them again because they fell). its great fun, full of laughs and you meet random new people who you helped get a chest full of shinies, how could it get better?

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: omerk.2709


@bri, another tip for inventory – use alts.
I have all character slots occupied with alts I’ll be leveling up one of these days.
However, for now, they are my bank as the bank space isn’t enough.

To keep things simple each of them has a “subject” that it stores such as weps and armor upgrades, jewels (my main is jewler and lots of the stones despite being usable don’t fit in the collectibles), etc.
Now, that the gathering tools are account bound, it makes it even easier to keep them on an alt.

And I’ll use mumble.
I used it in the past and if I remember correctly there is a compatibility version and a regular one.
Is it still like that or that mumble now has built in backward compatibility? if it requires specifying the version, which do you use?
Also, my accent and English aren’t spoken as well as written. I mostly read books, and I program for a living, but haven’t really spoke the language.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Good find delmarqo!

I don’t it has been posted on this thread. I haven’t been away of this thread myself.

bri just send the details here and I’ll add it to the front page.
It’ll be good for everyone interested. I’m unsure about the Teamspeak thing, possibly keeping it separate as my brother and his friends get pretty vocal even when messing about. I doubt many of you will enjoy the frequent cursing from what I gather.Still welcome to join if you want.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


@Glitch – what makes you think the language is any less ‘vocal’ with Bri and I

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


You always seemed like both very nice people. Is there something I don’t know about…???

I dunno there frequent swear hear and there. I don’t know if many like that. Also there is constant ripping of each other. I purposely stood in front of Nubhead while he was downed dancing in front of him while laughing at him in TS. This erupted so much profanity from him, I naturally again continued to laugh. I enjoy tolling our group from time to time. Like when he was down in AC Ex concentrating on Kohler I find the Troll and bring to him.

I have mumble client downloaded too. It really does depend if you’re willing to put up with the occasional profanity. I know folks such as Omerk wouldn’t like the environment being a parent and all, preferring a less swear free talk.

Seriously they swear a lot for some reason when all of them are around. Probably should get them checked for tourettes. :P

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Nice work bri. I’ve also put it in the top post. So we won’t lose it.

This bit more work than TS but I think I can read the instructions.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DEKeyzToChaos.7381


tl;dr (okay, I skimmed)… but I’ll pick up from here!

Name: DEKeyz (pronounced De Keyz), DEK (typing only), or Keyz.
Main Character: Scoithniamhe, Sylvari Elementalist
Current Server: Eredon Terrace
Interested Activities: PvE, Dungeons, Socializing, WvW (in order)
Active: Nights (US) and weekends
Additional Comments: No mic, but I can type when out of battle and while casting Meteor Shower! My current goal is to find a group of people with enough time to run 2 fractals in a row. I always manage to find the leavers that quit as soon as someone is downed…

(edited by DEKeyzToChaos.7381)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


Name: Debsylvania.7396

Main Character: Deb

Current Server: Borlis Pass

Interested Activities: Dungeons, PvE, Occasional PvP. Socializing, too, but sometimes I just prefer some quiet time.

Active: Random evenings and weekends

Additional Comments: I belong to a tiny guild that consists of some family members and a few friends from previous games. Sadly, there’s just not enough of us on, or leveled high enough to be able to do dungeons, and I’d really like to try them out!

Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes, indeed.

I am so happy to have finally read this thread and found people who are absolutely counter-elitist! Bravo to you all!

I have enjoyed this game very much so far and view it as a long term thing that I’m not in a hurry to plow through.

My main is level 80, a ranger (Deb), and I have managed to get her geared in mostly exotics. I have some alts in the works that I am enjoying.

The only thing I haven’t really tried yet is the dungeons. Pugs seem to be populated by folks that expect you to know the dungeons well now.

If I were to manage to find a group, I fear I’d be dragged through the instance at top speed and I would far prefer to learn the dungeons with other players who don’t mind if we don’t break a speed record getting thru them. I’m a pretty patient soul and don’t quit easily, so bailing on my dungeon group isn’t in my vocabulary.

I do have some dungeoning/raiding experience from having played some other MMOs (WOW,SWToR, Rift, Aion), so I have a sort of broad idea of what to expect. Also, I have my own vent, but can load Mumble.

Forgive me for babbling, but I feel like I’m coming in late to this gathering you’ve created and would like you to know a bit more than just name, rank and serial number.

I’ll keep following this thread for further developments. Take care, all!

P.S. It occurs to me that you may all be from European or Oceanic servers. I’m not sure how to check, is there a list that will tell me? I’m in the U.S., specifically in the Midwest (Central time zone).

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

(edited by Debsylvania.7396)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hello DEK and Deb! Big welcome to both of you!

There are quite a few of us. We’re all dotted around the place. You can do dungeons cross server as long as you’re in the same region. Sucks until Guesting as I’d e more than willing but I’m on an EU.

@Deb If you want to get to know some folks just post any questions here. A lot of our members are always around.

Also don’t worry about being late, as long as you got here!

@DEK most members have not yet moved into Fractuals but there’s loads willing to learn. (I had a few completions but only low tiers due to no A.Gear.)

Hey Deb who says we ain’t elitist? We’re very serious about those who truly want to help others and want to make a better community.We’re still all about meeting new folks and having a laugh first though.

As long as you got the heart.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

Yes, that was the jumping puzzle with the vet near the skill point and vista across a small gap onto a pillar. Took us a while to figure this one out lol. We were running in circles around the skill point. Then, I thought, maybe need to go down further. One path lead to another and we got it done


Thanks for the inventory tip – I might create bags with more slots then. One thing I could recommend is to have a spare ‘Bank Access Express’ item in your invetory just in case it fill up or you want to transfer some good items to it.

Proud member of Legion of Honour XIII

Do not click this link!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


@Death Reincarnated
honestly made me laugh you suggesting ‘Bank Access Express’, while a great idea, I thought about my bank space (or lack thereof), I have maybe 5 spaces total free.

no such thing as late when the doors are always open and like Glitch said, feel free to ask anything here or in game, I’m sure you’ll get loads of replies.

oh and there is a way to check where the servers are, the wiki lists them by location:

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

@Death Reincarnated
honestly made me laugh you suggesting ‘Bank Access Express’, while a great idea, I thought about my bank space (or lack thereof), I have maybe 5 spaces total free.

Yeah I know this might be the down side, but at least its another option to remove some items from your characters inventory when going through the dungeon.

Proud member of Legion of Honour XIII

Do not click this link!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@G – good stuff! and even more kudos to you. even as a Norn (i was always the runt of the family :///), i couldn’t see myself when bigger charr or norn were around. imagine being an Asura! a human or sylvari could block your view! lol XDDD i’ve been too focused on everything BUT jumpin gpuzzles and really need to go out of my way to experience all of them. i REALLY wanna do the one with the baby quaggans. and die. on purpose.D that’s awesome, i spent a good chunk of time showing someone the jumping puzzle in WvW too (it was downtime on our BL and he was just following me so i asked him if he’d done it before). it’s a tough one on your first try, especially he was new to JP’s and he had to leave before we got it done : (((

@Death – nice! lol am sure it took me just as long or even longer to figure it out! but it’s one of the most satisfying feelings when you DO figure it out, how to get places and stuff. every so often though, i’ll get ahead of myself and be like, “HA! vista, you can’t fool me!” and i run all the way around or far to where i THINK you can get up. find nothing. go back to where the vista on the map and there’s like a clear cut path right up to it. O.o lol

@Deb and DEK! a huge welcome to both of you! : ))))

DEK – what fractal level are you now? i’m willing to do two runs in a row, as long as i have the time set out. usually weekends would be good so maybe we can try to set up a time? though, i’m only lvl 3 now. and i’m weary because the first time i went in, i got DC-ed and might wait until the servers calm down a bit after the event. wouldn’t wanna be part of a good group, and then get DC-ed and leave peple behind :///

Deb – MIDWEST! where abouts? i was in St. Louis, MO for about 5 years : )) back in HK now too, so yes, Oceanic for me as well :pp i usually don’t see a lot of people on when i’m on t hough haha. anyways, i’m definitely willing to take it nice and easy for the dungeons! i’ve done a handful, but there’s still more than enough for me to explore! i didn’t start dungeons until i was lvl 80 and even by then, most people rushed through and i felt all i did was following them and doing what they told me to do. and because of that, i didn’t even really know how to run dungeons unless i paid attention. that’s what i enjoyed about the fractals. was at least given the chance to start off on the same slate as everyone else – and figuring things out as you go, was extremely rewarding : ))) tons of fun. so if you’d like, a bunch of us are keen on doing some dungeons too!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zeus.9840


Ah! What a warm welcome! This is awesome, thanks guys! I just logged in to complete my daily and I noticed the invite. I’m going to set it aside for now since I’m quite busy with school stuff atm and I rather accept the invitation on a day where I’ll be on for more than a half hour. I look forward to chatting with you guys more!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


hey Zeus ; )) feel free to accept it whenever. if we see you on, we won’t badger you! i promise >:DDD so don’t worry lol.

on weeknights, i’m usually just getting on to do dailies as well. weekends is where i get to spend a bit more time : )) hope to see you soon in-game as well!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: omerk.2709


This evening at around 19:00 gmt I’ll be online and will form a group for ac story mode.
I’ll go with my lvl 32 ranger, and a friend also with a ranger level 35.
Should we succeed in doing this in a timly manner, we’ll also do an explorable mode run, this time with my level 80 guardian.

Anyone who needs story mode to unlock or have done this and wants to help is more than welcome, I’ll announce in guild chat when I start forming the group.

Make sure you have mumble installed and ready to use as bri posted.

Hope to see you there.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: deffy.1320


When i have some time over the weekend i’ll pull my beyers headset out and go direct to sound card, i like using my amp normally so no voice chat, so i’ll try mumble then, i need mentoring :p

Name: M Eight Seven
Main Character: Human Warrior
Current Server: Gunnar’s Hold
Interested Activities: Lvling through the game, group events and learning to play better. Maybe dungeons but the first dungeon i did was like virginal sex, so not very good and i didn’t get to finish.
Active: I play when i can, but can play for many hours sometimes, try to play every day, but sometimes if i’m really busy i don’t, as i have very young children (where is my dog crate)
Additional Comments: Have a fast connection over 100 Mb’s and have been building my own gaming rigs since 98/99, yes i have an ekitten, so my rigs aren’t lacking but my MMO skillz are.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project: i suppose the answer to that would have to be yes.

Now i need to read that other thread for noobs.

“Deleted for being inappropriate”

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DEKeyzToChaos.7381


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

@akamon I’m actually only Fractal level 2 and am saving up mats for a basic exotic armor set. My guildmate (lvl 80 guardian) is to a-scared to try anything tougher without getting a good group (and the guild isn’t large enough to field a party). I’m used to dying all the time, so trying something over my head doesn’t bother me as much. Weekends are in general good, though this weekend is crazy b/c of Thanksgiving.

@M Eight Seven (duffy): Welcome! And who needs a dog crate when you can buy them a Wii and teach them good gaming habits early? I have fond memories of Mario, Duck Hunt, and the Sesame Street games on the NES.

(edited by DEKeyzToChaos.7381)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shnoof Bullet.2631

Shnoof Bullet.2631

Name: Jacob
Main Character: Arcané angel – elementalist
Current Server: Ring of fire
Interested Activities: : Exploring, PvE, PvP, And Dungeons (eventually…)
Active: Weekends and evenings
Additional Comments: I am very new to MMOs this is my 1st one and i have been playing since release date and i am still very low level as i do not not what to play as.

(edited by Shnoof Bullet.2631)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


Thanks so much, folks, for the cheerful greetings! It’s good to see so many friendly “voices” out there.

@Glitch — I really do enjoy helping other players. Sometimes I’m afraid people will think I’m nosy or a closet stalker or something because I will often watch other players for a minute or two if I see they are going after something that looks tough. I don’t like to intrude but I’ll jump in if it looks like they can use some help.

@Akamon — I’m in Topeka, KS, which is about 5 hours west of St. Louis. That’s a really great part of the country, very historical (as you no doubt know), with lots to see and do. Topeka is not nearly so diverse in its offerings, but I like it anyway! HK… now there’s a city with some serious history. It’s the epitomy of “exotic” when you’re situated where I am!

I really am quite keen on jumping into some dungeons. Coordinating may be a bit tricky for the next few weeks as we’re in the thick of the holidays now. I’ll be watching for a guild invite and once that’s accomplished it’ll be easier to line up some runs.

@Bri — Hello fellow Ranger! I had to laugh when I saw your comment about fur and feathers flying re: three rangers had volunteered for that dungeon (as I play one too!). Fabulous, isn’t it, to have the freedom to field groups with any conceivable combination?

Here’s hoping those of you who are celebrating Thanksgiving will have a great holiday! I’m the cook, so if I’m logged in to the game, it’s in between food prep stages.

Take care, all!

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Okay, halfway through this MASSIVE posting since my last visit (really people, i get away for only a FEW DAYS!! and then this, its unbelievable!!) and i really need to express some feelings here

I really really LOVE the great vibes that come from this wonderfull group off people!! I think that what Glitch has started here is a “once in a lifetime” thing. We have gathered a great number off people that like to play this game as it should be played. We wanne help each other (and even people that haven’t joined us…. yet) and go out off our way to do that.
Now there is talk about going into dungeons and once again, the idea is to help people that haven’t yet ventured into those parts off the game.
I feel blessed to be part off this great group and can’t wait to join you all once more in the game. (Let’s hope they deliver my new pc very soon)

@ all the new people: Welcome!! you have found us and that means you’re looking for the same kind off people as we all did at one point in time. We do like to chat a fair bit, and we do create some “wall off text” postings but we also are here to help you all and having a great time playing this game.

@bri: thanks for th mumble info, i never heard about it, but it sounds great and indeed, voice chat is a great tool for difficult things like dungeons but also for having fun And Glitch, swearing is a human thing, so i guess i can handle it

@Deb: as sad before, no thing as a late entry here everybody with the right mindset is welcome, no matter what time they stumble trough the door So feel welcome here and when needed help, there should be somebody here that has the needed info or can lend you a hand in the gameworld (and if Anet would be so kind to get us Guesting, then we could help even more in Tyria).

So, back to reading again, let’s hope i can catch up with you lot, since you all seem to post an awful lot off stuff