Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Xander – oo, mind if i join you for CoE exp? i’ve done all three paths and not an expert, but i know what to expect. : )) i’m looking to get some armor from them. i kind of like it too actually.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xander.9024


@ akamon The more the merrier. I’ve been trying to do the other paths but very few, if any, people want to do the others. If you’re up for it tomorrow(later today) send me a tell, I might not wake up till around 10am or later though and my meds are kicking my rear so I better get to bed now.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aank.4837


Hi all!

Name: Aank
Main Character: Jaankin
Current Server: Seafarer’s Rest
Interested Activities: Socialising, Dungeons, PvE, Occasional PvP
Active: Mostly evenings and random times on weekends
Additional Comments: Like to wander about. Will often stop in the middle of a quest to go explore random spot. (will sometimes try and do that after finishing dungeons as well, often with additional repair costs.) Am not in any kind of hurry that I wouldn’t stop for a chat.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


This is great!
I remember when we were chatting in that other illusive thread (you know, the one about helping other players with dungeon runs) that some off us where thinking about how great it would be to get more people together that shared the same basic mindset. And now, it seems like a snowball on a steep mountain! The new people just keep coming and coming, and they are very welcome!!

As for my lack off being online, i’m truly sorry! My laptop has given me some major troubles but it seems that that is fixed now. So i’m gonna come in maybe tonight, if not, tomorrow during the day. So all look out, Noppy is coming back

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Kaii.5149


Hello there Aank lol. You sound a bit like me when it comes to just doing what you like to do, not really paying attention to how much money you make or costs. Apparently we have plenty of room for people again so the more the merrier.

And not that I’ve met you before, but welcome back Noppy lol.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@Aank Welcome! You’ll be invited in soon. Either contacted by Akamon, bri, Noppy or Lexy.

@Noppy Haha I remember that thread.
The source where the idea began…
Hope to see you soon!

@Kaii Noppy had some technical issues.
Noppy was back on the old thread that’s faded into existence…

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Noppy.1348


And here i’m once more!! (you’ll gonna be sorry that my laptop is working again :-p )

Just wanted to share a “noob” incident that happend to me just a few minutes ago.
I was looking for a Vista that i needed to complete the map, and yep, there it was. Offcourse on top off a building, where else?? grin grin
So your noble servant runs to the building, start climing stairs and at a certain point, i think, here it becomes harder. So i search how i could reach the point by jumping on ramps, dropping off and almost getting killed by a little to deep cliff. I guess that you’ll have been in the same situation
But the “noob” thing comes now. After another drop to the deep, I approch the building from a new side, and by simple following the stairs, i make a turn to the right and there….. yes indeed, there is the Vista!!

So i spend about 15 minutes to get to a Vista that i could have reached in just 2 minutes. Talking about a noob!! soooo shamefull
But hey, i’m playing the game again, so its a positif turn on things

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: nottsgman.8206


lol Noppy I think everyone’s done that before. maybe you get to a certain level and suddenly get in to the mindset of “oh its on a building its going to be difficult to get”. did it myself in Metrica Province the other day. the vista was about half way up the building, so I went all the way to the top and jumped down to it, only to realise I could have actually got there from the middle level itself and ran up the ramp to it :/

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


ummm who’s glitch?

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


@Nepocrates He’s the person responsible for this very very long thread and some others. He also started with us the guild.
Hopes that is enough info, otherwise just ask more

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


I didn’t do nuffin! You folks are the silly ones that decided to follow me!

I’m like batman. My identity is secret!

@Noppy I only started TWO threads!

I’m nobody, go talk to the awesome folks on this thread !

(edited by Glitch.6849)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Noppy.1348


Hehe, that maybe true Glitch, and we love to follow you into this mad and exciting journey.
And about the 2 threads: they count as a multitude off that, since the lenght, the number off replies and the textwalls (i know, guilty myself on that last part)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


I think a few are guilty of the Wall ’O Text saga.

Ahh, the great feeling when your fellow awesomes are along side you on this epic adventure!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: akamon.2769


did someone say Wall O Text??? nd nd. i’ll try to keep this short. lol

@Xander – bahh, i had a meeting and left the office! lol so didn’t see your message. hope you’re feeling better by now. did you mention which timezone you are in? though i’m online most of the weekend so hopefully i’ll be able to catch you! been itching to do some dungeons ; )) will do all paths and any paths.DD

@Noppy – glad to have you back!! hahaha would never regret you having your laptop and bringing even more life to this place. doode, same thing happened to me O__________o i’m racing a buddy for map completion, he’s already on his second one though and i lost a good precious 20 mins as well.. running around and around this giant piece of rocky hill. passing by many annoying mobs (with snares) and trying to be smart and jumping from rock to rock.. when finally.. on what must have been my third time around the giant platform, was just an extremely simple path up to the vista…. :/// lol and i’m like. good thing no one was around to see that hahaha

@Aank – welcome!DD like @Kaii said, the more the merrier!

just sent a couple more invites out last night. i’ll keep checking again but seem the regular folk are doing a great job of making sure everyone gets an invite! thanks again, Glitch ; )))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


and another “enlightening” moment in gw2. the other day, while roaming Orr, i tend to check karma merchants now in serach of new armour (putting together my exotic set! so looking for kewl skins too). and i found a merchant that sold aqua stuff. so far, i don’t spend NEARLY enough time in the water, unless if it’s necessary so i’ve never really paid attention to my gear.

i mouse over the aqua breather / under water helm. and notice, the current one i’m wearing at level 80 was a white piece, no extra stats, and a defense of 6.

no wonder i always have a tough time underwater!D not sure how big of a difference it’ll make. but once i get a new mask, i’ll hopefully be more looking forward to underwater exploration and combat.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: prodigalsaint.1026


Name: Saint
Main Character: Lumi Frostfang, Norn Ranger
Current Server: Isle Of Janthir
Interested Activities: all things PvE and socializing
Active: Mostly evenings and random times on weekends (aus)
Additional Comments: always willing to help others

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


aha! another Isle of Janthir roamer, there doesn’t seem to be many. welcome Saint

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


Got onto TC tonight. But I stayed up too late doing it and now I’m too tired to explore it… lol. So that will have to wait until later on tomorrow. I will say that even after being on the server for only 5 minutes or so, the atmosphere of Lion’s Arch was very different, and quite a bit more energetic.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xander.9024


@akamon I’m in central time zone, how’d your meeting go? I’m pretty much always on so it won’t be a problem catching me..lol

@Kaii another one onTC if you need anything send me a tell.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: akamon.2769


@Kaii – that’s great! congrats and there are a few from TC on here. am sure it’ll be a blast ; )))

@Xander – sounds good! lol it went way longer than expected. i’m on HKT, lol, so… 14hrs ahead of you? i’ll be on my tonight (so your tmr morning i’m assuming?) haha i’ll defs shoot you a message when i see ya. gonna actually try to bring a friend (newbie) through AC maybe if you’re interested (probs in about 6 hours from now) – even i’m not that familiar but he really wants to go. he’s lvl 36 so barely making the AC exp cut. :PPP haha we’ll see how it goes

@Bri – lol i didn’t check the level but i assume so? i just never thought to change it… hahaha oops. my weps are blues and greens too. hopefully i’ll be able to upgrade! and nice drops! i am looking to find kewler skins for my underwater too. definitely good way to travelD

and thanks for the tip! that’s very good actually and as can tell by my lvl 6 breather, i would not have thought of that either lol and i guess the same goes for any set runes! unless if someone has a single rune in their helm. cool stuff! : )))

can’t wait to get home and plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aank.4837


@Kaii and Glitch…
What servers are you on? Kaii, you said TC, which server is that? Got a feel yet for how social it is?

I’ve played GW2 for a few weeks now. I played WoW for a year and then some. Was in a great small guild. Really friendly, always chatting and joking about, really got to know each other, and did dungeons together constantly. In with some nice people but guild chat is often quite and only done group runs maybe twice now.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Aank – i’m not Kaii nor Glitch, lol, but TC i assume would be Tarnished Coast and Glitch would be on Aurora Glade : )))

how do you liek gw2 so far?? this is my first MMO and loving it. have a friend who played WoW too and he’s quite enjoying gw2 so far as well. by group runs do you mean in general PvE? or in dungeons? i know a bunch of people here died some dungeons, even cross-server : )) (but usually EU with EU servers and vice versa for NA works best due to lag, etc)

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Aank.4837


@Akmon, thank’s for sorting that.

I really like GW2. I realized at some point in WoW that it had become a numbers game and the adventure was over for the most part but this seems to feel all about the adventure, which I’m lovin’. As far as groups, I was thinking more dungeons. I’m used to wandering around solo tho I’m not at all against teaming up.

I just really enjoy dungeons with people you know. I love when wipes result in “loooooool!!!” and not a rage quits.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Noppy.1348


@bri kitten there is still soooo much i don’t know off this game!!
Gonna have to read the wiki a bit more to get into that “rune stuff” you’re talking about
But happy to see that there are people that know what they’re doing!
So i will be nagging you to death once i level a bit more and need to know a bunch off stuff and feel just to lazy to check the wiki :p

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aank.4837


Actually, I’m bringing in a couple of RL friends and would love to find a home for us all. Want a social guild that is actually social, laid back, and up for laughs and repair bills. We all played WoW a bit, tho didn’t realize it til after we all quit.

We’re all into all bits of the game: PVE, PVP, Dungeons, long walks on the beach, and candle lit dinners.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Bri – that’s good stuff. i’m currently working on my rune of the soldier’s set. 6pc bonus is remove a condition when i shout. though not sur ehow much shouting i’ll be doing underwater (har) i kid i kid so looks like i’ll have to pick up another one! ; )) mann really hope i’ll be able to play with you one of these days. still donno how guesting will work, since we’re on EU vs NA servers lol

@Aank – that’s awesome! : ))) again, the more the merrier! and yes, gw2 really is all about exploration. it’s crazy. and sometimes i like just running around and looking for kewl stuff / spots. and then when i find a nice place i’ll just /sit lol or even /sleep if i’m tired. gw2 is solo-able, and also a different kind of fun when grouped! dungeons are pretty fun. demanding if it’s your first time, but not necessarily. i personally love doing them and like you said, with a good bunch, if you wipe, you can jus tlol about it hahaha

long walks on the beach definitely possible! for candle lit dinners, maybe we can hit up some centaur camps.

if you’re not in the Guild yet, i’ll send you an invite when i get home! i represent from time to time when i see more players on. usually my timing is weird though since i’m in Asia haha but over the weekends it’s a bit better.

@Noppy – hahaha, i was pretty overwhelmed with this game when i started. but you’ll get it! haha just in case, you can always /wiki in chat with whatever you want to wiki while in game. and it’ll pull up your browser with the wiki page. it’s pretty useful sometimes ; )) (for e.g. “/wiki molten lodestones” and then enter)

p.s. i love that people share stories / tips in this thread every so often! helps keep the convo going, community building as well as changing up the pace. muchos appreciated all.

half hour until i get off work!DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


So many new replies since I went to bed lol.

Yes, as you heard TC is Tarnished Coast. I just switched servers so I don’t have a good feel for it yet but I moved to TC because of the things I heard about it. I plan to explore various areas today and take note of activity and player attitude. Although if you’re looking for a home for yourself and a bunch of friends TC might be tough for everyone to get into.

Thank you I’ll be sure to do that.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


hey people, very sad Noppy is coming here once more
i thought my problems with the laptop were over, but it seems they were just hiding and now showing there ugly head again.
Main problem is the heath when playing games.
I know, laps are not the best choice to play games on, but for now, i’ll have to do with it. No desktop atm, but saving for a new one and looking A LOT at different sites to see whats out there at this moment and looking what it may cost (so far looking at a target off 1000 euro for a new system, and some more for a screen, keyboard, mouse and sound)
So i will keep crashing the forums and spill my idea’s to you all, but when i’m online, it will not be for long streches but more like little visits (seem to be able to play around 30-60 minutes before my system gets too hot for me to feel ok).
I hope i get the money together soon and if any off you has some suggestions for a new system, mail me (no need to get this thread even bigger then it allready is Feels like a guild forum by now, but with only 1 single thread )

So that is the latest update from me, see you around folks and stay happy

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xander.9024


@Noppy I run a laptop to play games, when was the last time you put some thermal paste on the cpu/gpu?

(edited by Xander.9024)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Aww dang it Noppy. Hope you get it sorted soon!!!
I was lucky enough to get computer parts for my birthday and Christmas from my Dad!
Yea, my Dad’s awesome!

Also welcome new folks, like Aank! Hope everyone’s settling in nicely. I’ll be online soon after homework.

Also: Noppy and Akamon I see what you did there…
Bows graciously

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


bri’s the go to guy for all your technical needs.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Also the website will most likely be built over time. This is as my brother’s priority is his Mechanical Engineering course. He’ll get around to it when he can but don’t worry it be there!

Hope everyone’s supporting the troops this month with the Poppy Appeal! I know a bit of my birthday money is going towards it. (My birthday’s coming up real soon!)

Much respect to those in the Forces and may those gone always be remembered

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


When I first read your post, I was trying to figure out what on earth mechanical engineering had to do with web design lol. But then I figured out I was reading it wrong and had a nice chuckle. Anyway I look forward to seeing the site.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@Kaii Haha maybe it has a lot to do with designing a website? He’s pretty good at it.
bri also knows his way around tech so can probably put out some suggestions too.

We’ll probably have a test when it’s up and talk about ease of use and accessibility.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


@Xander the laptop went to the shop for a full cleaning and replacing the paste in march this year, so fairly new, also i cleaned up the vents just a week ago. So that should be not an issue. Problem is that the guy in the shop told me that the series laptop that i own are having all the same problem, and that problem is heat.
I have an HP Pavilion dv7 and the main problem with these boys is that the graphics card is very strong for a laptop and that create a lot off heat.

@bri Ouch, no fun thing when you burn out your laptop. Have not had that…. yet.
the way things are going, it would be happening if i keep playing for a long time. So like i told before, it will be short visits to Tyria ’till my new rig is here.
thanks for the helping hand, at this moment i have a friend off mine looking at parts and collecting info for me to decide what way i can go. So a bit off waiting for now and just keeping everybody bored on the forums by my rambling

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Wow, so many things to happen tomorrow.

11th November.
1 Month after Operation: Union, continues to grow strong.
My Birthday comes along again, where this kid turns into an adult.

Most important of them all, remembrance of all those serving

So you can understand why this day is so important to me.

First of all thank you. Seriously I can’t even attempt to express my gratitude to you, to all of you.

Thank you for those who are steadfast and continue to support the Operation for without you this would be nothing

I am so thankful for the guidance of Lexy and Akamon., without their guidance I would have given up and all this would have continued without me.

Thank you to those who continued to support me right from the very beginning, those like bri, Noppy and Kaii

I am so grateful for these people for without them, I am nothing

So tomorrow we pay respect to the serving forces, in debt to personnel such as nottsgman. They will always have my utmost respect.

Remember those who serve and protect, and forever remember those who gave

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


In honor of this occasion I present to you this picture of myself…..as a baby quaggan.


The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hahah, that’s so funny!

Thanks Kaii!

Hope everyone’s having a good Sunday but not forgetting the meaning of today.
Don’t know where everyone is though.

Ah, today is good. Got awesome stuff, so smiles over here.
Happy Birthday to me! (If only I was born 2.5 hrs later instead of at 8:30am.)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hey folks thanks for the messages.
Slightly worried where some of the awesomes gone as I haven’t heard from a few and hope everyone is okay.

Always good to hear from some new folks. Don’t be shy just say hello!
Also sorry if I haven’t invited some of the others that put their name forward. Been bit busy.

Yea so any of you lurkers come and say hello!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Hey people!
First off, Gratz Glitch on your birthday! Hope you had a wonderfull day and enjoyed it

Second, i need some advice for my new desktop. I have figured it out for the most part but i do need some info about graphics cards. At this moment i’m looking at a GTX 660 or GTX 660 Ti (have no idea what the difference is between the 2, but the price difference is about 100 euro).
If you can advise on one off the 2 or on a completely different one, go ahead. I’m looking for a card that is able to play GW2 offcourse, but also good for Skyrim, Borderlands 2 and Diablo 3 (3 games that i still need to play to the end ) But i’m also on a small budget so don’t go overboard and advise a card that cost me an arm and a leg

Hope to hear soon off you all!
Greets Noppy

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: akamon.2769


helloooOOOooo monday!!D
how was everyone’s weekend?
as always, glad to see this place hustlin’ and bustlin’ ; )))

@Glitch – happy birthday!!! doode, did i miss it? although, i never see you online! haha it was just that one lucky chance. ; )) hope you had a good one. and thanks for the reminder. you don’t hear much about it over here in HK. but definitely /salute! to all those serving.

p.s. you know we always got your back, not even the Risen can rise against us! (ha)

@Kaii – haha that’s awesome. i went out of my way to get those tonics. i bought at least a 100 in one go. lol, and have to keep some in bank so i don’t burn thru them all ://

@Noppy – ahh, you had our hopes up! glad you’re still here with us on the forums though. hopefully you’ll be able to sort out your situation soon. i’m running on a laptop as well, and my harddrive was wonky after a while too so i upgraded. so far it’s been already. got a cooling pad too. not sure how much it helps, but at least i feel better. i try to monitor my heat as well eery so often. make sure all’s in check. i’ve also turned the settings down low. but like most have said, desktops are optimal for gaming. the desktop in our household is reserved for the wife and her thief though lol ; )))

can’t offer any advice here, but am sure many are more capable of helping you out!

p.s. how is Borderlands 2???? i want to get started, but i’ve been stuck in Tyria since day one. haha my d3 survivor buddies have been trying to get me back on, but haven’t stepped on in a while too now lol

good to see our group has such a diversity of backgrounds, walks of life. and even better that we can all come together and hang out


Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


Writing this separately.

Q – does anyone have Sorrow’s Embrace story mode done? and want to help me out with a couple (1.5 to be specific) EXP run?? i am missing 80 tokens for my legendary gift. lol. probs just going to do path 3.D

What: Sorrow’s Embrace exp (but need someone who has access)
When: Most likely Tuesday night Hong Kong time (i.e. PST around 9 – 10am Tuesday)
Who: yours truly! and other good peeps ; ))) plus, i haven’t had the Honour of playing with any in the Legion yet so would love to do so.

i’ve run this quite a few times and confident i should be, key word – should, able to lead people around this time. can try the toerh two paths as well, but so far there’s a lot of rage on the forums about these two after last update. ahaha

so give me a shout if you’re interested!!!D

p.s. want to do AC, CoE, HotW as well.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lordkabal.4857


I’d be interested in this

Name: LordKabal
Main Character: Nadja Torres
Current Server: Ferguson’s Crossing
Interested Activities: PvE, Dungeons, Jumping Puzzles, Wv3, and sPvP
Active: every day after doing college work.
Additional Comments: Willing to help with dungeons cross server, but not willing to transfer due to main guild being well advanced.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes, Will Represent when asked. always available to answer questions via whispers.

Killer Instinct [KI]
Ferguson’s Crossing

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@lordkabal – a hearty Tyrian welcome to you! : ))) good to see you being active in all that gw2 has to offer. don’t worry, world transfers not required. all you need, which you have already, is the willingness to join and also just being there to help others when they have questions! hope you’ll be able to get out of this as much as everyone else! : ))

an invite will be sent your way soon! i’ll check myself tonight as well if i can get on.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: lordkabal.4857


@akamon – I won’t be in game anymore tonight, getting a bit too tired to focus on anything right at this time of night, I’ll be sure to check when I wake up.

Killer Instinct [KI]
Ferguson’s Crossing

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Tomshardware such a great go to site

Also good to hear that everyone is okay and doing great!

Hello there lordkabal ! Welcome!
One of will send you an invite sometime soon.

Great to see some new folks and hope to see some more!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Gilosean.3805


Name: Gilosean
Main Character: Giyen
Current Server: Henge of Denravi
Interested Activities: Socialising, PvE, Occasional WvW, Exploring
Active: Evenings, weekends. I may have some time during the day on slow days, but that’s not predictable and I can get pulled away at any moment.
Additional Comments: I like chatting and just wandering around finding neat places. Also jumping puzzles.

Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes!

(edited by Gilosean.3805)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Gilosean – welcome! : )))
jumping puzzles are FUN. can’t wait for guesting and maybe we can explore some together. i’ve only done so far.. the LA one’s, one in … Mount Maelstrom i think? one in the lower level Norn areas and the Clocktower during halloween. and oh, the WvW ones. which one’s your favorite?

@Everyone – if you are waiting for an invite and haven’t gotten one yet, please don’t hesitate to remind us a little. ; )))

glad to see this group going. have you guys all seen the Lost Shores update?DD
will be exciting times.

p.s. again, planning to run SE’s explorable tonight! lemme know if you’re interested!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


There’s this one jumping puzzle in Caledon Forest that’s just a blast every time I run it. I forget the name, Malvorn’s Spiral or something like that? You have to jump on floating rocks and trees, and it’s all about careful positioning and situational awareness above a beautiful backdrop. At the end is a

Sylvari trying to train benign spiders, and a backdoor into a Nightmare Court area.

And if you miss, you get to fight undead and crazy moas. Fun!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


oooo, doode, that sounds so fun. thanks for the heads up! that sounds so fun. love these little details they put in the game. hahaha. i will most likely miss and end up fighting the infested jungle areas and moas. i wonder how moas would taste? lol

going to slowly tackle these JP’s one at a time ; )))
and OH, i did the Griffonrook run too (without the bomb though). one of these days! ahha

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall