Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IgorTolindar.6035


Hello all,

Ik talked to Glitch briefly through the ingame email system.
Appearantly he has trouble sending ingame messages, so here i am, posting for the second time in my life on a forum. Bit scary

First of all: Great initiative Glitch!

Now on to the other stuff:

I’m mostly a casual player, but always willing to help out others when i’m online. Either by answering questions or showing the way to a vista.

Name: Stephan (but i always respond to one of my ingame chars)
Main Character (so far): Shanna Trueblood, Sylvari necro
Current Server: Fissure Of Woe
Interested Activities: Socialising, PvE (later maybe the other things too)
Active: Playing European time (Dutch), some evenings, sometimes weekends.
Additional Comments: Diagnosed with Altitis, only 2 characters so far, but planning on a lot more. Overall friendly, very patient if the other one is willing to learn (or to teach haha)
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes, sure, i’ll be willing to spread the word of our lord Glitch

Well, if there is anyone willing to throw me an invite on the Fissure Of Woe server:

Main: Shanna Truebloom
alt : Bryan Cookie

See you all ingame!!,

Kind regards, Stephan

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Hey people!
Quick question: when i create a new avatar, does it has acces to the guild instantly? I think it is the case because you join the guild with your account, not your avatar. So all joined guilds should be there when you make a new char. But i’m wanne be sure because i’m thinking off starting a new char when my new pc arrives. And i still wanne be a member and proude presenter off The Legion
So let me know if i’m right or completely off the hook

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LameFox.6349


You need to select ‘represent’ for each different character, but yes it has access.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Ok. Just wondering if others have noticed this. Nottsgman and I almost always run together. It doesn’t matter WHAT I do… everything attacks HIM. If I shoot them first, they go after him. If I get their attention… they go after HIM. It is like he is a champ and I am…. well… as he puts it… a flicky thing. If my turrets draw agro, it goes to him. It doesn’t matter which professions or characters we are on. It is rare that I am attacked unless he manages (rarely) to go down. THEN the stupid things will acknowledge my pitiful existance. I feel like chopped liver. It is to the point I am specking for healing so that at least I can help him. I throw healing elixers and chase the kitten things down to try and kill them… and they RUN from me!!!! (I tried to tell him it is cos he is so kitten hot, but he won’t go for that)

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


The exception to the above is underwater. Seems seafood find me tasty….

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


just to add to this, because I thought the AI would go for lowest first (like in a few other games) we compared stats, and I have higher stats than Kit, and I’m higher level. she now has a bigger healthpool I think, but thats only because she has started stating for elixers, it still happened before that though :/

is funny to watch it happen, when they all just run from her to get at me

Edit: just found this, which explains it. this is the aggro mechanics of enemies, specifically the order of importance.

closest target to them
who is dealing damage
top damage dealers
who is using a shield
others (kiting, revving ect)

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

(edited by nottsgman.8206)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Guess I’d better add my name here……….

Victoria Rayne
Level 80
No guild
On from about 19:30 untill whenever (GMT)
Scratching around doing not a lot right now.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Welcome Victoria, Stephan, Fadari, Oniujuo and Gervan.
Good to have more people here.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


welcome Victoria, great to have you here sent you an invite to the guild

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Wow. 10 pages in and nearly 7k views.

Always happy to see new faces!

As to the aggro thing noone is completely sure about this. Also happens a lot when with my bro. Can try and sit there face taking with my War but everything still chases my bro.

As stated aggro cab depend on a number of things can have a combo of all those things depending on enemy. We’ll probably never really know why somethings want to chase certain people.

Maybe on in a little bit. Still got consolitis.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


thanks Lamefox, i was pretty sure about it, but just wanna check with the inside crowd

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryujinshi.5618


Name: Ryan
I bought GW2 a week ago and its been pretty awesome so far.

Main Character: Ryujinshi- Warrior
Current Server: Ferguson’s crossing
Interested Activities: Exploring, PvE, Doing events (a lot), talking to people
Active: Weekends (sometimes)
Additional Comments: Always doing events…..like all the time

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

May as well jump in myself.

Name: Johnathan.

Main Character(s): Johnathan Blackwolf – Ranger, Theresa Blackwolf – Mesmer, Mathew Blackwolf – Thief, Mallorie Blackwolf – Elementalist.

Current Server: Henge of Denravi, Vabbi, Blackgate, Maguuma, Northern Shiverpeaks, Aurora Glade. I move around a lot, often to simply because I want to.

Interested activities: All corners of the game, I do it all, and try to do it all often.

Active: Randomly. My job requires me to come and go at random hours, sometimes for a week or two at a time.

Additional Comments: I’m a long time community guy, anonymous wiki mod, and community outreach specialist for my guild. I’ve got a few different accounts in Guild Wars and in Guild Wars 2. I’ve got a (disturbingly) large amount of knowledge about every video game I’ve ever come in contact with. I’ll actively help with any activity and any question. If I don’t know the answer to something, my google-fu is strong, and if the information you want exists, I can find it.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hello Solid Gold and Nels! You’ll get a warm reception from a lot of folks here.
I currently have consolitis playing Halo 4. :P

Did anybody enjoy this Lost Shores event. I tried the earlier stages and was met with some disappointment; bugs, lag.

Apparently the later phases have been much worse. With the phase 3 battle being nothing short of horrendous told from many people. The first stage alone is either bugged or still continuing for most. Many calling this whole event FUBAR.

I don’t know, I’m kind of glad I didn’t actively pursue the event. Didn’t seem like I missed much. The only downside was I didn’t get to check in how everyone was doing this weekend in game.

I probably will seem everyone next week. I was too busy laughing so much about how people respected my ‘god like’ skills. Apparently people on console do not understand the terms of flanking, picking when to fight, continued movement and awareness.

I spent many laughs where people tried to cheeky take me only to find I jump over them and perform a cheeky assassination.

Playing console is a bunch of laughs. When you finally get used to using a 5700dps mouse then the max sensitivity feels like the slowest setting on a mouse.

How’s everyone else’s thoughts on Lost Shores?

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Welcome Ryan and Johnathan. Happy you can join us

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


I actually enjoyed the last event, there wasn’t any lag like I got with the first event (that was just unplayable), sure there was some, but not bad. I had fun doing it, was the 2nd of the 3 I had done, because I skipped the actual 2nd one because of the lag the first one had. it did put me off. then Paul and Lexy spoke about going, and I thought it would be fun to go in together kitten you no guesting for not allowing us), still managed to play with Paul though, and Kit, so it was all the more fun. took 2 hours!! after my eyes hurt, lost a load of money to the armour repair guy, and collected a load of loot from the big chest. then I got booted from the login server (yay me!) so this is where the story ends. good times were had though

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Ok. gonna put in my two cents. I enjoyed it. I spent more time resing people than anything else… it is what I am good for. Spent a lot of time down, and picked up by Nottsgman and Paul A LOT. Had a lot of giggles and wasn’t overly bothered by the lag, except in chat. Wish we could have had Lexy and Bri join us… but we still enjoyed their company. Loved seeing so many people coming out and playing

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


I loved the first 2.5hrs of the event – the last 10 minutes I do not want to talk about – far too angry!!!!!

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Lexy… I am honestly pissed and upset for you. I really hope you get compensation for it… I would be so angry in your place sweetie. offers hugs when you calm down

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Thanks Kit – I will be back for hugs later (how much later depends on Anet)

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


so not fun that that happened to you hope they do something like re-run the event (minus lag, bugs and disconnects). is a shame you went through all that for nothing

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Yea it’s a big problem for many! >:L
I too am upset you didn’t get what you worked for!
hugs, will quietly muttering under my breath about this silliness

Hey folks I started up ANOTHER thing over at discussions:


Appreciate your usual support. Counting on you beautiful people!
(I couldn’t help it, I start threads like wildfire)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


funny you mentioning that, I just read it lol

you muttering about the hugging? if so you might want to get used to that, Kit is ever so huggy, she gives them away whenever she can (she even looks for excuses to)

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


NOT gonna say sorry. NOT gonna do it.

YUP am huggy. Get used to me. I am here to stay. I will ATTEMPT to not hug you Glitch. But attempt is the key word there. There are some people who resist hugs. But touch is a very necessary part of life… and in a friendly way, I touch. :P

Least I don’t attack everyone like I do G…. He gets the brunt of it… poor guy

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Haha we wouldn’t have it any other way Kit!

And we all know G is a special kind of guy, one only deserving of such treatment.
Begins sneaking off to avoid a hug

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


affectionately throws a shoe at Glitch

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

(edited by Kiteisa.3189)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hey! I can feel that through the screen!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


see it as a sign that she likes you

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


it was a nice shoe too… :P

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I showed up in LA, found out how laggy it was, and fled to Orr to farm. It was still laggy there, but it’s Orr farming, so it worked anyway.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


lol, am so glad an happy to see so many new faces here and even more chatter!D that is forever welcome.

@all the new peeps – a BIG welcome!DDDDDDDDDDD

@Lexy – sorry to hear what happened. :/// ANet should be taking serious steps to get things fixed! hopefully everything works out the way it ought to, and then some.

i, for one, didn’t partake in any of the “one-time” events, lol, as i actually chose sleep over games. they all started at 4am for me, and seeing as how tired i already am now at work with a close to full night’s sleep, i’m glad i chose bed over Tyria. that being said, i LOOVE Tyria. and the karka were pretty fun. i did hear the events were quite buggy though. all in all, great event, perhaps some execution could use a little polishing though. but then again, this game is relatively super new in MMO terms.

@ Ascended Gear – Glitch, i completely hear ya. i for one did not know about their manifesto. lol, i just got the game cause it looked kewl and my wife was a huge gw1 player and she was excited for gw2. i got the game and loved it and was pleasantly surprised to hear it wouldn’t be a gear-grind. that exotics would be higest level in terms of stats. the way i see this new type of gear, it will drive people who focus on min/max to want them. the way i understand it, you can use infusions, but you can’t use the regular runes? that for one, is a huge turn off for me and i’d rather keep my runes. not sayin ascended gear are sour grapes, but the few extra stats (so far) don’t seem all that appealing. and it seems more fractals dungeon focused? if they bring the agony condition out into Open World, then we can see an even bigger problem.

the gating problem is widely spreading already. there are people calling out for only lvl 8’s and up only. what if a friend of mine decides to join two weeks from now? doesn’t ANet advocate attracting newcomers all the same? now in map chat, there are only goign to be people spamming for high levels. and varing levels at that so it would be impossible to keep track of what lvls u need to be.. but the new-comers would find it really hard to find anyone willing to do lvl 1’s. OF COURSE, this is where the Union comes in!!! because i, for one, will always be willing to scale back down and help others in need. but the majority of the public, am sure will remain “elitist”, as Glicth pointed out.

that being said, i do appreciate the new dungeon. it’s a great mechanic. it’s fun. though perhaps not as rewarding as the existing dungeons, i DID really love some of the mini-dungeons. colossus one to be exact. absputely adored it and was fun trying to figure things out on my own. but perhaps ANet does need to sometimes take into account what possible situations could come of these wonderful updates.

back to Ascended gear, i do hope they don’t keep releasing more and more stats. people will argue if there’s nothing to grind for, then they won’t play the game and ask for more. at the same time, the same people complain about grinds…. hmmm. i would be extremely happy if they just kept releasing new maps, areas, dungeons and or maybe even an extension of the personal story! with more fights that require organized play, that you can’t just faceroll through because you got better and better gear. something that takes practice and skill to learn and slowly progress.

@the aggro mechanics… i’ve heard each mob / boss have different triggers? i know that toughness for one is HUGE. as well as if you’re reviving a downed player, etc. just yesterday was doing AC Path 1. and we ran into the troll! this guy’s a bonus element in the dungeon and you can draw him to fight with another mini boss. watch them fight then you reap the profits. anyways, our party said to let the two of them fight, but they kept shooting from ranged and didn’t seem to aggro either of the mobs. i did the same, and for fun, i used my Guardian elite, TOme of Wreath and started laying fire on them. and then all of a sudden the Champ Troll turned away from the other mini boss and started coming at me. kept following me until i had to run into the water. aftere a bit, i saw the two going at it again and ran back up. right when i was near enough, the troll came for me again right away. he even ran past all my other teamamtes, who were still hitting him, whereas i wasn’t doing anything (so there was proximity, and/or dmg being dealt at play here) but he was still going after me for whatever reason. so he made a point that he only wanted to get at me. i then jumped in the water again. de-aggro. O______________o lol, so not entirely sure how it works exxactly.

okay, writing too much now. :ppp again, welcome all!! i am looking forward to the guesting feature. and let’s group for dungeons soon?? the website and or fb group would help a lot. : ))) good to see this going strong!!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

At least you guys could even get in. I’ve been hanging out on forums, and playing GW1 since friday because I get an error every time I even try to log in.

On a the bright side, I’ve made one daily best score in a challenge mission, got 9 new hero armors, one new maxed title, and made a huge dent in cartographer/vanquisher for all three campaigns on my third account.

I’m going to try to keep it going strong, so if you have some HoM points to grab, or just want to tackle something interesting, let me know. I’ll be on a character named Roeth Larelynn.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Nels! hey there! sorry to hear you weren’t even able to log on :/// hope ANet keeps learnign and growing and creating better events! they have great ideas, so missing a bit of refined exexution, especially with server connectivity and how it holds up. i get DC-ed a lot whenever new builds come on. they tell me i need to check with my ISP, but i know that’s not the issue. :ppp haha. i have utmost faith in thsi company and thi game though.

that being said, i never played gw1 but have only heard amazing things. glad to see that’s still going for ya and you were able to make personal bests! ; )))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I don’t really think ‘gating’ is the issue people are making it out to be. Or rather, it can’t really be solved unless content is just so easy anyone in anything can do it. I mean you already had groups who would specifically look for people who are experienced in speed running that particular dungeon or whatever. The people who want things to be as efficient as possible will always be there, and if it’s not your level or gear it’ll be your class, your build, your experience or just your skill level.

The greater problem is that finding pick-up groups in general is difficult enough to make being excluded from hyper-serious ones an actual hindrance at times.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@LameFox – thanks for reiterating that! very very true and it’s the finding groups that are hard. hopefully ANet will be able to implement a system where peopl ewill be able to find groups more readily. so far, i haven’t troubles with finding groups, regular dungeons or fractals, but i can see how it can be a problem. for e.g. take a low populated server – most people will be high level, then new comers join said server, because all others are full, and everyone’s at lvl 10+, the new comers, unless if there are enough to group together, they will never be able to find a group.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

I think the reason finding groups is hard is because, much like Guild Wars 1, the game is easy to solo through almost everything, on any profession. The only things you’ll actually need a party in are 8 dungeons, 1 personal story quest that happens in a dungeon, and tournament PvP. Mix in the fact that you get the same rewards from solo farming in PvE, and are significantly more likely to find hotjoins than tournaments going on in PvP. Now add the years of general MMO play, where playing with others meant sharing the rewards with a larger group, and getting less for yourself.

With very few places it’s required, very few mechanical rewards, and the stigma of reward splitting from so many other games, it’s hard to see why people would even want to group together.

Of course, if people would group in every day PvE, and realize that it has no downside and is pretty fun, the stigma goes away, and if people realized how small the difference in challenge between fully geared in exotics and naked is, the lack of rewards doesn’t seem like such a big deal.

Oh, and on a side note, I’m still unable to log in so I’ll still be in GW1.

My final to-do list for 30/50 HoM points:
Sorrow’s Furnace
Fissure of Woe
The Underworld (grab black widow)
War in Kryta (Some hard mode)
Four hero armors from the Shadow Nexus.
7 runs through Glint’s challenge.

If anyone needs anything from any of those, I’ll be running them in Normal Mode, on a ranger named Roeth Larelynn sometime tomorrow afternoon pacific time.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

(edited by Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


hopefully things’ll only get better from here.. only means there’s room for growth and improvement, no?? do have faith that ANet’s listens to (some of) us.. and hopefully they pick the right words and suggestions to work on.

@Lexy – stay tuned! ANet should be fixing that and hope you get better than the rest rewardsD

@Bri – glad you were still able to find some fun out of the event! as laggy / bugged as it was : ))

@all else – have been reading more and it’s basicall thread after thread of people complaining, calling quits and more.. i really think ANet had great ideas but perhaps did not expect the event to turn out this way. so what can we do as a community here??

a lot of the complaints seem to be finding groups for Fractals, and or regular dungeons now, since even less people are doing the dungeons. i’m on a chase for a legendary and other exotics myself, but i will always gladly help others with things that they need. so on that note, if anyone reads this and wants to do Fractals from lvl 1, shoot me a tell. looking to do story mode dungeons as well as any path since i haven’t done most of them (only slightly versed in AC, CM, CoE and SE).

: ))) and hopefully people can keep passing this forward and doing the same for everyone else.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


…. sigh.
what is becoming of this community!!! for the most part, people i’ve ran into have been awesome. and especially on here as well with you lot. but, some people are just.. too self-entitled, if you will.

i want to see the community to keep growing because of the good players, the helpful ones, ones that you were able to share fun moments with, that you were able to go “lol” after a wipe in a dungeon…

for some reason, humans are drawng to negative news. so when new-comers come, all they will notice are the bad.. needs more good to balance it out. it’s there! just not as pronounced as the bad, and people don’t seem to care for it. :///

stay steadfast, Union!D

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Thanks everyone for your messages and support for my unfortunate ‘accident’ last night – especially from those of you who couldn’t even play the event because of timezones/etc – I have had some time to calm down and have moved from thermo-nuclear to marginally-fuming.

I in no way want to turn this into a thread about what went wrong with the event or the pros/cons of having ‘one-time’ events, but I did want to share with you all part of the feedback I sent to Anet as part of my support ticket. Personally, the sense of community and support shown by the group I went through the event with was the one thing that kept me on for 2.5hrs – although the NA-EU party chat and screams of “hatchling, hatchlings – not the face!!!” from me and Bri on mumble did help too.

And I would do it all again, lag and all, if I knew that the sense of community would be there again from everyone – and that I wouldn’t freeze and loose out on my chest of lovely loot

Here’s part of what I fedback to Anet -

" Thanks for your quick reply and thanks to Arenanet for recognising this was a real and common issue and promising to take some action to investigate and compensate.

Whilst I appreciate your advice about looking for a still running event on a different overflow, it was late (11pm) by the time I missed the first chest and I have work this morning so couldn’t spend any longer last night looking for a live event.

I also wanted to give some positive feedback to you all (despite my unfortunate circumstances) as I did really enjoy that 2.5hr battle. There may have been lag and the enemies were largely invisible when first spawning, however there was also a tremendous sense of community spirit, something which I really love about this game. This is evidenced by the fact that the only time I had to ressurect by waypointing was during the very end of the battle (when my game froze) – every other time I was downed or dead I was quickly rez’d by a fellow player and I did much of this myself in return. I would happily participate in events like this in future, although I fear the ‘one-time event’ thing just causes everyone more problems than the ethos warrants.

I realise the support ticket is probably not the best way to provide feedback, but I did want to make sure I sent it."

And I also realise that these are only my thoughts on the matter, some of you may have had different experiences of the event.

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

(edited by Moderator)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: omerk.2709


Guys, now that the event is over, I’d like to start focus on dungeons.
My ranger is level 30, so can finally do the AC story mode with it.
As for the rest of the instances, I’d do any of them, uncluding ones I’ve done, for guildies who need them.
The more people reach higher levels, the more diversity and versatility we can add to our groups.

Since we’re not all online togather, I suggest we aim to form groups at around 19:00 gmt on weekdays.
What this means, for example, is that if I’m online at 18:00, I won’t go with a pug group or fill up my group untill 19:00 so I can make sure guildies come first in priority.
Untill 19:00 we can work on personal stories, farming events (Orr, massive flooding the area with a large group of guildies when guesting will be anabled can be real awsome), level alts, etc.

What do you say?

Edit: the above isn’t a restrictive schedule, it’s more of a time frame to aim to.
Also, the best format I think, is to form a group with people who want to do a dungeon and aim for the highest level dungeon that that particular group allows.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Haha! bri, that gets me everytime! Different variation but same barrel of laughs! I’ve even watched that film in history once but can’t look at it the scene the same way.

I believe a dungeon run event will be good now that the ‘Event’ is over. It’s a great way to level, earn gold and to get new cosmetics.

Good shout by omerk! 1900 GMT will be a good time as most of our EU buddies are on time by then. However shall it be on Friday, Saturday or Sunday… ???

Will we run a weekly session or an event lasting so many weeks before switching to something else?

I know what dungeon I’ll be running!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


I’d like to run dungeons, well at least I think I would, can’t really say having never been in one, but the idea is one I like.

anyway, I would like to, but I don’t know how good of an idea that would be with the character I’m levelling (lvl 45 engineer, who I have now decided is going to be my “main”). anyway if someone would be ok with me coming along (I am open to advice and tips on the journey from anyone who’s gone before) that would be great.

and then theres that thing that bothers me the most. I won’t be able to run with alot of you, because I’m on a NA server so want guesting to come soon.

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


G, as always everyone’s welcome!

Once Guesting is on. It’ll be even better. Main thing that’s disappointed me, put guesting in! I can live with the bugs if I get more social interaction with my new friends.
It’ll be a good laugh for everyone.
Bring Kit along so I can see why everything enjoys attacking you.
Maybe you have cookies in your pockets?

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


goes without saying I’d bring Kit (she gets dragged everywhere with me), dungeons are a fear of hers after playing WoW and how the people there treated her, but she’s willing to give it a try with you guys

I think doing a run with the people here would be fun. will be great to have a group to have a good time with and especially people who I can laugh with when I die pitifully lol

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aden Celeste.3650

Aden Celeste.3650

Hi there!

Name: Aden Nova
Real life name: Why would you want to know?
Interests: Adventuring all over Tyria, surviving impossible odds, walking tons (I dont teleport UNLESS absolutely necessary)
Personality: I wont leave a man down, even npcs (although sometimes I let them be, since they die constantly, and never learn their lessons)

Im at crystal dessert, hope to meet all of you soon!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


I thought I would throw in my opinion about this whole ascended gear thing.

While I don’t particularly like the ascended gear, I feel that most of my initial concerns were unnecessary. While I have no idea what their plans are for the future, the ascended gear currently has no real value outside of the fractals of the mist dungeon. Additionally, ascended gear is account bound. This means that it is necessary to do the dungeon in order to obtain it, and that it will not be purchasable for large amounts of gold on the trading post. I’ve also been told that the drop rate for the items makes them relatively simple to obtain once you reach the appropriate difficulty within the dungeon.
That’s good since without agony resistance, you can’t progress beyond a certain point. This is most likely where the exclusion of players initially began. However, exclusion at this point becomes necessary, as people without the gear simply can’t survive.
Any exclusion previous to this and for any other reason is the same as it has always been for any other dungeon. There will always be people who are arrogant and elitist, and seek to look down on others. There will also always be people who refuse to teach and help others reach the same level of power because they themselves were not given that help. They believe that since they had to struggle, everyone should have to, and also that since they served their time struggling, they shouldn’t have to anymore. It’s a debatable point.
My understanding of what Operation Union has always been, is to help players of all classes, all races, all levels of ability and gear, to support each other and continue to grow stronger and make others stronger.

Ascended gear doesn’t challenge the goals of this union, we are faced with the same things we always have been. While everyone may not agree with the implementation of ascended gear, I feel that it’s addition is not a harmful one. The harm is, and always has been, caused by players who exclude others for unacceptable reasons.
That is what we should continue to overcome, and show the community as a whole that we do not agree with. Not ascended gear itself.

For those of you that read this, I appreciate you taking the time to do so.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


Oh, and I’m also more than happy to run from level 1 fractals. I don’t have any ascended items myself yet. I’m also available for other dungeons. In fact I’m available to help with anything that people might happen to be struggling with. If I’m not representing at the time, just whisper me and I will switch over.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


Bring Kit along so I can see why everything enjoys attacking you.

You should get Lexy to describe a scene that happened when we were clearing out that pirate boss (in the wrecked boat) in the Cursed Shore…

Something out of Benny Hill… She was laughing while I died …

would really like to hear that story! come on Lexy tell us? I’ll give you cookies

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


@ Nels Sorry you couldn’t get on. G and I couldn’t for a while yesterday (read G couldn’t and I wouldn’t cos he couldn’t) and it drives me (read we) mental.
@ Lexy We enjoyed having you. Missed Bri when he left but understood. Glad we entertained you.
@ Omerk swallows hard Dungeons would be great. Doing it with people from here are a lot less… scary. G covered my fears above… so yeah nods
@ Glitch “Bring Kit along”? really… did you say that? makes face and looks at her other shoe The only time Kit is not trailing him like a puppy is when Kit is at WORK. grumbles And I will be throwing things at you when we DO get to party up. Usually elixers but you can pretend they are shoes…
@ Notts DIE Pathetically snorts YOU die gracefully and still look sexy doing it. So there.
@ Aden… Welcome. Join the fun.
@ Kaii… I like your willingness to have anyone join. It makes me smile… cos G and I are that way too.
@ everyone. hope you have a great day. So far mine is going great and I can’t wait to get in game.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@Aden Celeste:
The name section is for you to add your account name or whatever you’d like to preferably be called.

Good to hear you’re having a great day Kit and also hope everyone else is too. Currently bored doing Calculus, don’t worry it’s nice and easy.

I’ll be on later on in the week to catch up on what I missed, however the temptation of pwning console noobs is all too tantalising.
However thanks for the interest.

Also this is already on pg 11? This is soooooooooooooooooo long.
Praying Kit does throw more shoes… prepares to dodge a hug…

(edited by Glitch.6849)