50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
I like sky hammer when I’m winning.
Fear not! The ANET development cycle is long with rigorous testing. Removing skyhammer from solo queue and adding a bank to the mists is so much harder than you might imagine.
Like my post states, I think Skyhammer is a cheap and horrible level. Call me a baby or whatever but it shouldn’t be in single queue sPVP. The hammer only adds a level of cheapness and stupidity to the encounter. Also, I think we should be able to at least vote on what map we get stuck with, sorta like in Halo matchmaking or whatnot. Here’s some honest feedback Anet.
+1 for removing skyhammer or at least get map voting to the game (which will pretty much remove skyhammer from soloqueue).
They have removed PvP maps before, why not remove this piece of kitten that most of the player base doesn’t want?
What they could do to “fix” skyhammer is to add map voting before the match starts, which would in turn pretty much delete skyhammer.
Since I pretty much only see the people who dislike skyhammer post their opinions, I think it’s time to let the people who like skyhammer show their opinions! (and yes there are many people who like skyhammer)
The reason why I like skyhammer is because it requires a completely different approach. And I must admit that it’s nice to see people get mad, simply because they don’t know how to fight in this match.
I hope Arenanet will keep skyhammer as it is, should it be removed out of solo Q? No, if you don’t know how to handle the mapstructure, then that just means you have something to improve on!
Please post what you like about skyhammer! And if you want to post what you dislike about it, then this is not the thread for you and even better, there is are multiple threads where you can post your negative opinion in and where it will be appreciated!
Engi stealth. Magnet pulls, GG. Then say we don’t know how to approach it? I assume by approach you mean, play a gay class with a gay build to win and feel remotely skilled because in one map you can 1v1 people far better skilled than you due to stealth/pull/fear/knock back wins? You’re post makes me SICK LOL
/Big Daddy Essi
I really hate this stupid map. If i just dc when i get skyhammer does this have any impact on my account?
Why do you assume that people that dislike the map are bad at it?
The map doesn’t take a lot of skill to play, it’s just not enjoyable and quite buggy.
Please post what you like about skyhammer! And if you want to post what you dislike about it, then this is not the thread for you and even better, there is are multiple threads where you can post your negative opinion in and where it will be appreciated!
Seems like a quote is needed! I hope I don’t have to ask a moderator to remove the posts that aren’t related to the OP.
Seems like a quote is needed!
I hope I don’t have to ask a moderator to remove the posts that aren’t related to the OP.
You don’t want discussions, yet you provoke one with stating :
“I hope Arenanet will keep skyhammer as it is, should it be removed out of solo Q? No, if you don’t know how to handle the mapstructure, then that just means you have something to improve on”
“…simply because they don’t know how to fight in this match.”
It’s a misinformed opinion and any misinformation needs to be up for discussion.
I love to stealth and then pull people to their death with scorpion wire. Then I realize I feel like I am cheating, because there is literally no counter play to what I am doing.
Oh, I also love to afk in spawn with other people who feel the same and just get a good conversation going about how much we “love” this map.
Im not a fan of the map but i loved the pirate map since it was the only map we could underwater fight. Underwater fighting was awesome but that like other maps required a certain amount of skill in understand what skills people were gonna use. The skyhammer map makes people mad cause its 2-3 types of classes dominating with a certain skill set rather then a lack of understand of the map or approach.
Engi stealth. Magnet pulls, GG. Then say we don’t know how to approach it? I assume by approach you mean, play a gay class with a gay build to win and feel remotely skilled because in one map you can 1v1 people far better skilled than you due to stealth/pull/fear/knock back wins? You’re post makes me SICK LOL
/Big Daddy Essi
So people should play a hetero class with a hetero build to win? Since when is hetero superior to gay?
Keep this map, it has an awesome and interesting approach to pvp!
I rarely get knocked off. I know how to position. I still hate this map.
I hate it because I have to outplay my opponents because they have much more 1-shot potential than I do. If I make a mistake. I die. If they do, doesn’t matter because they build tanky. I also hate it when playing my engineer (simple condi spec) because it’s brainless to pull someone off with magnet.
But the one thing I like about Skyhammer when it’s a 4v5, or my team gives up so I can afk in spawn without feeling bad.
Engi stealth. Magnet pulls, GG. Then say we don’t know how to approach it? I assume by approach you mean, play a gay class with a gay build to win and feel remotely skilled because in one map you can 1v1 people far better skilled than you due to stealth/pull/fear/knock back wins? You’re post makes me SICK LOL
/Big Daddy Essi
So people should play a hetero class with a hetero build to win? Since when is hetero superior to gay?
Well human society has been dominated by the straight male population for a huge part of our history so in that sense it was superior.
[Purely joking mind you.]
scroll a few hundred pages back and look at the posts about " remove temple, it sucks, if you don’t remove temple, i’m quitting the game, we are 99% that hate temple.
No. Skyhammer has been criticized and players have asked to take it out of tourney play from the start. Temple has never received anything like this amount of hate, and is generally considered a good map. Don’t try and write this off as some kind of community knee-jerk reaction that happens all the time.
This is not the only epic skyhammer thread, there have been many since its release, with several community polls clearly showing that most people want it gone. Do a poll on Temple and see what happens.
In fact I did do a poll on some other maps (forget which ones now) because some people said “only people who are angry vote in polls, that’s why the skyhammer polls showed so many people want it out”. However, when polled on other maps people voted overwhelmingly for keeping them.
Skyhammer sucks. There are several well thought out and detailed posts as to exactly why this is a terrible map, and how it is almost the antithesis of everything players had been asking for in pvp.
i remeber some pools (If not mistaken) about voting for removing other maps for “testing” …was like 10-20% for other map’s removal compared to 80+% about skyhammer…so the community feedback is quite clear…to bad they don’t give a single kitten about player’s feedback and community in general..
Why do you assume that people that dislike the map are bad at it?
The map doesn’t take a lot of skill to play, it’s just not enjoyable and quite buggy.
“quite” buggy. Yes.
We know how to roll for the map – I’m sure many of the people who’re told “you just suck” would have great success if they ran their troll engi builds – but a great many people just don’t find its mechanics fun or interesting.
Instant kills and such a stupid powerful shared secondary objective don’t feel fair in any way, aren’t satisfying to pull off, and really really don’t fit with the way combat flows in GW2.
Skyhammer is actually my favorite map.
And no, I’m not being sarcastic/facetious.
Ok so here’s what I dont get: Why do they stick to S.H. as if their life depended on it? If we ask for added features that take work to implement in the game I somewhat understand that the tiny pvp community is not on their priority list.
But deleting does not take too much work. And the community would cheer… Was it created by the boss’s son or girlfriend or something? I just dont get the stubborn refusal… as if this thing was some pride/ego issue.
The issue is not about who likes or dislikes Skyhammer.
The question is – is it suitable for rated play? Skyhammer is a map where you can bypass combat and still kill people with a single skill, and you can wipe an entire teamfight with a single button. I’d go as far as considering Skyhammer a minigame like Sanctum Sprint or Keg Brawl – just because you are “good” at skyhammer doesn’t mean you can actually play the game.
How could we ever have a working matchmaking with such a random factor in it? It’s basically the same as randomly giving players a win or lose after 3-4 matches. Or like making a football championship where every 4th match is basketball.
Biggest problem is that the devs aren’t objective when it comes to this map, and this attitude has no place in a company like ArenaNet.
Or like making a football championship where every 4th match is basketball.
Why does this not exist already?
Yes, this complete “different approach” makes the worst player in PVP turns out to be much better than he deserves.
Seriously, those invisible pull is getting old and requires absolutely 0 skill, just one trick pony. Skyhammer undodgable, making all fight meaningless because who ever owns the Hammer wins that fight.
Anet is one of the trollest company in existence.
People NEVER ask for the removal of Capricorn and they go all the way to remove it because they’re too lazy to balance under-water combat.
People been requesting to remove Sky-hammer from Solo Q for more than a year, and still there’s ZERO staff responding/ addressing any of the Sky-hammer issue.
Way to drive away customers, such genius company.
GW2 loses much population in PVP and WvW all because of Anet’s actions and neglect, which Anet is fully responsible for it. The reason why Anet company can now only make money out of living story is all because of their stubbornness and neglect to PVP and WvW community..
Truly pathetic.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
The OP mixes a few things up, probably just trolling for attention. It is not the fact that people who dislike the map are playing bad, they just don’t want to alter their builds to use a few skillless utilities to pull people over a platform. It takes no skill to kill someone here, and you say it does, which is a failure, and I bet you will be outplayed on every other single map. No skill needed/boring/unbalanced/highly depending on your team and professions are just out of it’s range on SoloQ. The map is broken, not to mention you sometimes need to be killed by those worms when youre in downstate if you fall trough a platform. Go kitten on hotjoins, a perfect troll map belongs there.
I Personally enjoy this map, Ive had just so many good fights on the corner points.
Sumo wrestling fellow Engineers off the level while we exchange Knockbacks and pulls.
Stealth pulls, chain fears, knock backs are all fun and challenging to counter play and I don’t get frustrated from failed attempts because at the end of the day, I know that I have acess to every trick they have. Although, 70% of the time I die it’s from me accidentally running off the level or my Rocket Boots that kills me… At least I didn’t give my enemies any satisfaction.
Its better to work with Skyhammer than against it.
This map is one of the best ways to learn the importance of dodge rolls.
I understand the number of players who are intimidated by this maps mechanics, as it is easily the most unique map structure that exists and is the only map that requires a completely different state of mind to monopolize out of the available PvP maps. This can feel very frustrating and unforgiving when accustomed to the safety of the other exsisting maps that require very little terrain awareness and provide little to no punishment for lack of awareness.
My advice to excel? Play some Smash Brothers.
I Personally enjoy this map, Ive had just so many good fights on the corner points.
Sumo wrestling fellow Engineers off the level while we exchange Knockbacks and pulls.
Stealth pulls, chain fears, knock backs are all fun and challenging to counter play and I don’t get frustrated from failed attempts because at the end of the day, I know that I have acess to every trick they have. Although, 70% of the time I die it’s from me accidentally running off the level or my Rocket Boots that kills me… At least I didn’t give my enemies any satisfaction.
Its better to work with Skyhammer than against it.
This map is one of the best ways to learn the importance of dodge rolls.
I understand the number of players who are intimidated by this maps mechanics, as it is easily the most unique map structure that exists and is the only map that requires a completely different state of mind to monopolize out of the available PvP maps. This can feel very frustrating and unforgiving when accustomed to the safety of the other exsisting maps that require very little terrain awareness and provide little to no punishment for lack of awareness.
My advice to excel? Play some Smash Brothers.
That makes me laugh.
Learn to dodge? Meaning you have to heart-read 1 2 3 and predict an invisible pull that’s out of nowhere lol.
Forcing you to run those one-trick pony spec to win calls skill?
Fearing everyone down in hammer room and use hammer to dominate the whole area, so skillful? How come treb doesn’t has that big of an impact if I know how to dodge it every 3 seconds when I hear it?
Do you know why Anet can’t put Skyhammer in TPVP? Because this map is completely worthless and imbalance. They know it yet they do nothing. They want to drive the last of PVP community away and try to get more brainless PVErs (that’s why they go all the way to revamp the level system which NO-ONE EVER REQUEST) to spend on their overpriced Gem Store.
I enjoy it when I’m fighting a turret engi on point A, cluttering up my screen with 6 turrets and explosions, and a stealthed thief comes along and scorpion wires me for an instant kill. I usually have to stop playing because I have way too much fun when that happens.
I Personally enjoy this map, Ive had just so many good fights on the corner points.
Sumo wrestling fellow Engineers off the level while we exchange Knockbacks and pulls.
Stealth pulls, chain fears, knock backs are all fun and challenging to counter play and I don’t get frustrated from failed attempts because at the end of the day, I know that I have acess to every trick they have. Although, 70% of the time I die it’s from me accidentally running off the level or my Rocket Boots that kills me… At least I didn’t give my enemies any satisfaction.
Its better to work with Skyhammer than against it.
This map is one of the best ways to learn the importance of dodge rolls.
I understand the number of players who are intimidated by this maps mechanics, as it is easily the most unique map structure that exists and is the only map that requires a completely different state of mind to monopolize out of the available PvP maps. This can feel very frustrating and unforgiving when accustomed to the safety of the other exsisting maps that require very little terrain awareness and provide little to no punishment for lack of awareness.
My advice to excel? Play some Smash Brothers.
That makes me laugh.
Learn to dodge? Meaning you have to heart-read 1 2 3 and predict an invisible pull that’s out of nowhere lol.
Forcing you to run those one-trick pony spec to win calls skill?
Fearing everyone down in hammer room and use hammer to dominate the whole area, so skillful? How come treb doesn’t has that big of an impact if I know how to dodge it every 3 seconds when I hear it?Do you know why Anet can’t put Skyhammer in TPVP? Because this map is completely worthless and imbalance. They know it yet they do nothing. They want to drive the last of PVP community away and try to get more brainless PVErs (that’s why they go all the way to revamp the level system which NO-ONE EVER REQUEST) to spend on their overpriced Gem Store.
Feisty arnt we?
And some data for you:
-I never optimize my build regardless of the matchup or Map choice. (How would I truly test the potential of my builds?)
-Yes, you must learn to “heart-read 1 2 3” skills so that you can dodge them for This is Guild Wars 2 PvP. Map selection is irrelevant profession/skill mechanics are identacle regardless of map choice.
-Believe it or not, There is counter play to all of the most hated methods for Skyhammer knock outs. Most of which are as easy as proper positioning, and by simply assuming there’s always a player with a pull or Knock back lurking around the corner waiting to take advantage of your ignorance. You will be able to read them much more clearly with more practice.
• Invisible Pull: If you hear the Skyhammer Tile Panels crack, prepare to dodge roll or avoid the Incoming pull. If they pull you without stepping on the glass, you will have enough time to Break Stun and dodge roll off the Tile with enough time for a nice counter attack.
-The hammer room is a prime example of positioning. Most players sprint towards the foe arming the Hammer, only to be knocked through one of the adjacent tiles. Instead, work with Skyhammer, assaulting the foe from afar with the Entrance gate at your back. When you need some breathing room back step through the gate giving you complete freedom of disengage/engage where the foe wielding the Hammer can only nervously guess when you are going to re engage him with his pants down.
I’m not saying it’s the best map, it’s just something different and for those that think Skyhammer requires no skill, you should watch two high skilled players duke it out over a point applying everything mentioned above, seamlessly. It’s almost as entertaining as playing.
You seem to think of it as a 1v1 map wolf, in reality pulls are made to interrupt 1v1s that are in progress. You really overestimate the skill required to be good in that map.
Other than that what bugs me the most is the numerous bugs, the portal to hammer often gives a debuff without portalling you. Sometimes you die instantly by hitting the edge of the map without falling down and sometimes you don’t die at all and the wurms have to kill you.
Here’s the thing about sky hammer that I love.
The “pure” capture maps, especially Legacy, tend to have a gameplay that snowballs after the first kill. It takes a while to physically rotate, and numbers disadvantages are too severe after this. You get the first kill, you win two points & probably get other kills, and then if you play conservatively you’ll win.
Many people think Legacy is the best map, but the games played are very boring to watch, especially the ToL games at the highest levels.
Every form of Pvp in guild wars is capture points, but capture points is uninteresting without some sort of twist.
Only in sky hammer do you get the dramatic 100 point swings back and forth, only the sky hammer is a mechanic stronger than an extra player.
And trying to hold the hammer against a stream of sky hammer trolls constantly assaulting you is really really fun, except for the long death lockout.
The map has its issues (I am no fan of the ledges next to the side capture points that you can only get o with teleports), but it would be a shame if guild wars 2 became even more capture points vanilla.
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
Anet your map SUCK, need 0 skill for play this kitten now delete this kitten plz ….
Oh wow, this post almost left the first page — can’t let it do that.
Just got skyhamburgers again, the only map where everyone switches to an engi, and the outcome is determined by whichever team has the most pulls.
No one likes it. This post is going to be merged into, “Skyhammer”, like the rest.
skyhammer multiple times in a row — lovely! lets at least rename this map to engihammer?
I love it. I vote for it to stay. It promotes situational awareness, positioning, and learning to use stability.
r u engi?
/15 chars
You guys are doing this all wrong. Anet doesn’t have to do anything because people are just complaining about this stupid map. I don’t know why they haven’t removed it, but it’s clear they aren’t going to unless you force the issue. What this means is that you have actually stop playing this stupid map. By that, I mean AFKing, DCing, or just YOLOqueing Team Arena. If Anet sees a good number of people actively resisting the map, to the point where SoloQ actually suffers, then they might do something about it. Until then, this thread is just dumb noise, easy to handwave away with “LOL BUT SOMEPPL LIKE IT”.
I love Skyhammer no matter what class im playing, it requires dodging and its funny when people dont !!
r u engi?
/15 chars
you couldnt just type
“Are you playing an engineer?” = 24 characters
I love when bad players actual claim it takes situational awareness ….while in reality you would need a sixth sense to avoid my stealth pulls.
few seconds later…
No skill involved. Just wait untill youre in his blind spot or untill after a dodge and stealth pull. Every chimp can do it.
(edited by supvil.3470)
r u engi?
/15 chars
Y u talk lik dis?
No. I don’t even have an engi but I do have all of the others.
You guys are doing this all wrong. Anet doesn’t have to do anything because people are just complaining about this stupid map. I don’t know why they haven’t removed it, but it’s clear they aren’t going to unless you force the issue. What this means is that you have actually stop playing this stupid map. By that, I mean AFKing, DCing, or just YOLOqueing Team Arena. If Anet sees a good number of people actively resisting the map, to the point where SoloQ actually suffers, then they might do something about it. Until then, this thread is just dumb noise, easy to handwave away with “LOL BUT SOMEPPL LIKE IT”.
I recommend yolo queueing team arena! I do it all the time, the more the merrier
You guys are doing this all wrong. Anet doesn’t have to do anything because people are just complaining about this stupid map. I don’t know why they haven’t removed it, but it’s clear they aren’t going to unless you force the issue. What this means is that you have actually stop playing this stupid map. By that, I mean AFKing, DCing, or just YOLOqueing Team Arena. If Anet sees a good number of people actively resisting the map, to the point where SoloQ actually suffers, then they might do something about it. Until then, this thread is just dumb noise, easy to handwave away with “LOL BUT SOMEPPL LIKE IT”.
I recommend yolo queueing team arena! I do it all the time, the more the merrier
it takes too long if you don’t have a team
and when I do get a que , i get qued up with you
You guys are doing this all wrong. Anet doesn’t have to do anything because people are just complaining about this stupid map. I don’t know why they haven’t removed it, but it’s clear they aren’t going to unless you force the issue. What this means is that you have actually stop playing this stupid map. By that, I mean AFKing, DCing, or just YOLOqueing Team Arena. If Anet sees a good number of people actively resisting the map, to the point where SoloQ actually suffers, then they might do something about it. Until then, this thread is just dumb noise, easy to handwave away with “LOL BUT SOMEPPL LIKE IT”.
I recommend yolo queueing team arena! I do it all the time, the more the merrier
it takes too long if you don’t have a team
and when I do get a que , i get qued up with you
Would you rather play on skyhammer or fight me?
yes delete this POS map.
please remove from solo queue and put this map in its own queue.
please remove from solo queue and put this map in its own queue.
Yes, it can be called the Super Smash Bros queue.
No stab, engi only, final destination
see ya next week
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