Open world Duels [Merged]
There are too many of us who remember Gold Shire. The type of community this encourages is the type of competitive community that enjoys trolling. Not everybody but enough people to allow me to make the statement.
Anet created a game with basically non-competitive PvE. They made a SHARP demarcation between PvP and PvE. There’s no PvP in the open world for a reason. It was a design decison.
Now a percentage of people want to change that decision. They want to bring PvP to the open world. Every single game that mixes these two things, no matter what, ends up with one group of players calling the other group of players care bears.
The type of people who want this are, by and large, not the people I want to play with. I signed up for a game with cooperative PvE. One where you couldn’t steal nodes. It’s not the feature itself that’s a problem, it’s the type of environment and attitude that feature breeds.
Games train people how to play them. If you put in a rez where everyone can rez you, you’ll have more of a chance of being rezzed by someone. If you put in PvP into a PvE environment, you risk changing the entire environment.
That’s the problem in a nutshell.
One of the reasons I hated Rift was because, even though you could turn it off, PvP was allowed in the open world.
I guarantee you people will find ways to grief other people with it.
No no no no no i will uninstall this game immediately if open world duelling is added. Anet would miss out on my regular gem purchses then. Go to pvp or wvw if you want to duel.
Not everyone wants them…
I know I don’t. I don’t care if they add them, but it should be whenever Anet wants to added them. IMO there are other things they need to work on first.
Please give us a keyring…
At any rate, at this point, I think it’s pretty clear that the OP isn’t “speaking for the community” but at best speaking for a subset of the community. I would be happy for Anet to create maps that people can duel on….but not in the open world.
This part of the community would only want it if it’s either:
1) Restricted to a dedicated area, either it’s own map or a part of a map, or
2) You can only ask someone to duel via a special channel/system (ie. not spamming chat) and if another player disables that you cannot duel them, or even ask them to duel you.
I appreciate that other people do want it, and that’s fair enough, but the complete absence of any kind of open-world PvP is one of the best things about GW2 for me (and apparently a lot of other people) and I’d hate to lose that.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
By restricting it you are basically saying LEAVE IT AS IT IS. because it is restricted and that’s how it should stay.
It wouldn’t bother me if you could set it to auto refuse duels. I actually really like watching duels, so having them anywhere in the open world would be fun!
Oh great! not only do low level characters on noobs have to worry about champs, mobs with killer aoe, they have to worry about another player calling them out in open PVE that would go over like a kitten in a punch bowl.
If it were an optional thing, where you could turn it off so people could not even send you a duel request, thus saving you the trouble of even refusing it, how exactly would it affect or grief anyone who didn’t want to?
I’m not saying turn on open world PvP for everyone, because I agree with everyone opposed to it in that sense. The PvE world should be free to only PvE should that be what the player wants. I fail to see how an optional thing would affect or force anyone into anything or warrant quitting when you could tick the option to ‘off’.
This would be better than designated areas. So if some people are waiting for Tequatl and they want to duel while on that map to pass time, they are free to do so…without affecting anyone else on the map. Tequatl is just an example. People could and I can guarantee would use this all over the place. Unless you are horrendously mortified to see people somewhere on your screen duelling in the distance, whats the problem?
Events scale according to how many people there are in the vicinity- if those people are standing around dueling each other it still makes it more difficult for people actually doing the events
Dueling is an excellent way to increase your PvP skills and I heartily recommend it. However, the ability to duel is already in-game; the only thing missing is the ability to challenge random players in the open world.
It’s kinda like IRL where you have martial arts studios available to anyone who wants to train, but you wouldn’t challenge random people to fight on the way to the studio. Ideally, GW2 would model RL in this way—and currently does. Adding this to GW2 would be horrible in terms of game culture.
(edited by Raine.1394)
nope op if they implement open world duals im gone. i never liked them in other games and they are reason i dont play those games. ill go with vaynes idea if anet creates maps for those who want to do it it wouldnt bother me but keep it out of the open world
If it were an optional thing, where you could turn it off so people could not even send you a duel request, thus saving you the trouble of even refusing it, how exactly would it affect or grief anyone who didn’t want to?
I’m not saying turn on open world PvP for everyone, because I agree with everyone opposed to it in that sense. The PvE world should be free to only PvE should that be what the player wants. I fail to see how an optional thing would affect or force anyone into anything or warrant quitting when you could tick the option to ‘off’.
This would be better than designated areas. So if some people are waiting for Tequatl and they want to duel while on that map to pass time, they are free to do so…without affecting anyone else on the map. Tequatl is just an example. People could and I can guarantee would use this all over the place. Unless you are horrendously mortified to see people somewhere on your screen duelling in the distance, whats the problem?
You must have missed my post about the attitudes of the people who want it. Even in games where you have it turned off, people will challenge you to a duel and if you don’t respond (because it’s turned off), they start calling you out in map chat. They talk to you. And sure you can block and report them, but why should I have to. How does that positively help my experience.
Once again, Anet has created, every diliberately, a game where PvE and PvP are separate. It was a design decision.
You know that some kid somewhere, if you refuse to duel him, will follow you around using emotes to gesture. And you know, that wouldn’t bother me too much, but it would sure bother some people.
There are too many people like that for me to say it wouldn’t affect another person’s gameplay.
Vayne has it right, and I mentioned it before myself. Simply having an option to refuse duel requests would not be nearly enough. If that were the case, you’d get people calling you out in map chat. If you block them in map chat they’d find another way to harass you. I’ve seen it before in f2p games, and that’s why I’m so strongly against it. You want duels? Fine by me, just keep them in a specific arena and OUT of open world.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
1st all who says no to duels are probebly newbie at MMO’s.
and the other one make duels an option available anywhere then but not in the sities sit in LA speak do your stuff but ppl want to duel in open world in the maps and different zones if not …. it will be same to go in custom arena and duel friend = sucks.
make it possible outside LA and other major cities thats all
Please also include duel at the leaderboards.. lol
If people are so aggressively opposed to a dueling system, just add it to the Spvp lobby. No special arena/map required.
Edit: And WvW if people want to fight in their pve suits against others.
“Name” has requested you to duel.
“Name” has requested you to duel.
Open world pvp has always been very annoying to me. As long as there is an auto-decline check box for this im in =)
You must have missed my post about the attitudes of the people who want it. Even in games where you have it turned off, people will challenge you to a duel and if you don’t respond (because it’s turned off), they start calling you out in map chat. They talk to you. And sure you can block and report them, but why should I have to. How does that positively help my experience.
Once again, Anet has created, every diliberately, a game where PvE and PvP are separate. It was a design decision.
You know that some kid somewhere, if you refuse to duel him, will follow you around using emotes to gesture. And you know, that wouldn’t bother me too much, but it would sure bother some people.
There are too many people like that for me to say it wouldn’t affect another person’s gameplay.
So like every other MMO, a few bad seeds and a bad experience for some dictate the separated, disjointed, anti-social systems implemented. People can and will talk to you, call you out in map, common and whisper chats with or without duels. Stand in the wrong place during a boss fight, people will call you out. Die too many times, people will call you out. Have mis-matched colors on your armor, people will call you out. Why don’t we put up walls between every player so they don’t see each other at all. You might call these examples extreme and not common. About as uncommon as the people who go to the trouble of stalking someone who refused a duel. These people are as few as the others who call out every other thing in map chat now. You have seen things happen one way in another MMO. So thats automatically right and stands forever? I’ve seen it the other way. A duelling system implemented in a PvE open world that resulted in little of what you say. The result was people having fun, duelling each other, duelling out try out skills, builds and techniques. Duelling to fill time waiting for an event or dungeon. But the way I’ve (and probably others) have seen it is outright dismissed. Forget the possibility that the good could outweigh the bad.
I admit there’d be some kitten who would do what you are saying. I’m also more realistic in believing the majority of the playerbase would not be that way. The people you describe would be in a small minority. So a whole system gets made and/or dismissed based around these few kittens?
1st all who says no to duels are probebly newbie at MMO’s.
Says who? You?
I’ve been playing MMOs for years and hardcore duellists are little more than an annoyance in many MMOs. They simply do not understand the meaning of the word “no”. “No” to them means they can continue to spam-request me, to bombard me with /whispers about what they would like to do with my mum, to bunny-hop around me like an obnoxious, attention-starved child and finally to harass me through map chat.
I’ve seen and experienced it all. Don’t ever presume you speak for me, or people like me.
1st all who says no to duels are probebly newbie at MMO’s.
Says who? You?
I’ve been playing MMOs for years and hardcore duellists are little more than an annoyance in many MMOs. They simply do not understand the meaning of the word “no”. “No” to them means they can continue to spam-request me, to bombard me with /whispers about what they would like to do with my mum, to bunny-hop around me like an obnoxious, attention-starved child and finally to harass me through map chat.
I’ve seen and experienced it all. Don’t ever presume you speak for me, or people like me.
What he said… plus signature.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Every couple days someone new posts a request for duels. And every time that happens, the same dozen people creep out from their WoW PTSD support group meetings to say “no! no one wants duels, and everytime this is posted everyone is against the idea.”
While there is no way to prove what the majority wants, i will say the fact that it’s never the same people suggesting duels, but it’s always the same people speaking out against them is telling.
That being said, i think the negative aspects of duels are blown way out of proportion on these forums. I just made a character on DC universe online over the weekend. This game has duels and an option to block duels. I can happily report that i was not duel spammed, harassed, my general play wasn’t disrupted by others dueling. In fact, i even declined a duel, and that was the end of it…go figure!
based on these boards i would assume a handful of max levels would have trolled me for hours until i finally accepted their duel, which after losing, i would be subjected to various levels of harassment and name calling until i logged out…hrmm..
Every couple days someone new posts a request for duels. And every time that happens, the same dozen people creep out from their WoW PTSD support group meetings to say “no! no one wants duels, and everytime this is posted everyone is against the idea.”
While there is no way to prove what the majority wants, i will say the fact that it’s never the same people suggesting duels, but it’s always the same people speaking out against them is telling.
That being said, i think the negative aspects of duels are blown way out of proportion on these forums. I just made a character on DC universe online over the weekend. This game has duels and an option to block duels. I can happily report that i was not duel spammed, harassed, my general play wasn’t disrupted by others dueling. In fact, i even declined a duel, and that was the end of it…go figure!
based on these boards i would assume a handful of max levels would have trolled me for hours until i finally accepted their duel, which after losing, i would be subjected to various levels of harassment and name calling until i logged out…hrmm..
I suggest that you go through the dozens of threads and count names. You would find out that you are wrong.
Every couple days someone new posts a request for duels. And every time that happens, the same dozen people creep out from their WoW PTSD support group meetings to say “no! no one wants duels, and everytime this is posted everyone is against the idea.”
While there is no way to prove what the majority wants, i will say the fact that it’s never the same people suggesting duels, but it’s always the same people speaking out against them is telling.
That being said, i think the negative aspects of duels are blown way out of proportion on these forums. I just made a character on DC universe online over the weekend. This game has duels and an option to block duels. I can happily report that i was not duel spammed, harassed, my general play wasn’t disrupted by others dueling. In fact, i even declined a duel, and that was the end of it…go figure!
based on these boards i would assume a handful of max levels would have trolled me for hours until i finally accepted their duel, which after losing, i would be subjected to various levels of harassment and name calling until i logged out…hrmm..
I suggest that you go through the dozens of threads and count names. You would find out that you are wrong.
i dunno man, ive posted in the majority of the duel threads and i see a lot of the same people in the anti-duel camp posting in the same threads. I bet a lot of them have argued with me personally, as well, haha.
I mean, if duels were such a universally hated topic, why do we see so many suggestions, so frequently, that ask for it?
Every couple days someone new posts a request for duels. And every time that happens, the same dozen people creep out from their WoW PTSD support group meetings to say “no! no one wants duels, and everytime this is posted everyone is against the idea.”
While there is no way to prove what the majority wants, i will say the fact that it’s never the same people suggesting duels, but it’s always the same people speaking out against them is telling.
That being said, i think the negative aspects of duels are blown way out of proportion on these forums. I just made a character on DC universe online over the weekend. This game has duels and an option to block duels. I can happily report that i was not duel spammed, harassed, my general play wasn’t disrupted by others dueling. In fact, i even declined a duel, and that was the end of it…go figure!
based on these boards i would assume a handful of max levels would have trolled me for hours until i finally accepted their duel, which after losing, i would be subjected to various levels of harassment and name calling until i logged out…hrmm..
I suggest that you go through the dozens of threads and count names. You would find out that you are wrong.
i dunno man, ive posted in the majority of the duel threads and i see a lot of the same people in the anti-duel camp posting in the same threads. I bet a lot of them have argued with me personally, as well, haha.
I mean, if duels were such a universally hated topic, why do we see so many suggestions, so frequently, that ask for it?
Because new people come into the game and want them – since the search function on the forums is broken they start a new thread.
Keep it in PvP and im fine with it otherwise no . i dont PvE to PvP
Every couple days someone new posts a request for duels. And every time that happens, the same dozen people creep out from their WoW PTSD support group meetings to say “no! no one wants duels, and everytime this is posted everyone is against the idea.”
While there is no way to prove what the majority wants, i will say the fact that it’s never the same people suggesting duels, but it’s always the same people speaking out against them is telling.
That being said, i think the negative aspects of duels are blown way out of proportion on these forums. I just made a character on DC universe online over the weekend. This game has duels and an option to block duels. I can happily report that i was not duel spammed, harassed, my general play wasn’t disrupted by others dueling. In fact, i even declined a duel, and that was the end of it…go figure!
based on these boards i would assume a handful of max levels would have trolled me for hours until i finally accepted their duel, which after losing, i would be subjected to various levels of harassment and name calling until i logged out…hrmm..
I suggest that you go through the dozens of threads and count names. You would find out that you are wrong.
i dunno man, ive posted in the majority of the duel threads and i see a lot of the same people in the anti-duel camp posting in the same threads. I bet a lot of them have argued with me personally, as well, haha.
I mean, if duels were such a universally hated topic, why do we see so many suggestions, so frequently, that ask for it?
Because new people come into the game and want them – since the search function on the forums is broken they start a new thread.
that doesn’t change the fact it is a pretty common request/suggestion.
I mean, none of us can claim to know what the majority wants. But if dueling wasn’t such a popular request, we wouldn’t see so many people requesting it.
I mean, it’s to the point now where people are creating suggestion posts to request the creation a subforum just to contain the mass amount of duel and mount requests.
Like i said, no one knows what the majority wants. But it’s hard to argue that “no-one” wants duels when posts like this are made almost daily.
No no no no no i will uninstall this game immediately if open world dueling is added. Anet would miss out on my regular gem purchses then. Go to pvp or wvw if you want to duel.
Really? a Dueling option is the thing that makes you quit? I don’t think you’re going to be around much longer then, and i really don’t think anet is concerned about your gem purchases.
You nah-sayers are overreacting. I agree that I wouldn’t want dueling available in cities. But why not have an option available everywhere else? Just as long as there is an option to disable invites. “Oh but people would harass me into dueling them”, this really isn’t as big a deal as some of you blow it up to be, and would rarely happen. If it does, report them. This would also help resolve people dueling in WvW and holding up the que for people who actually want to Play WvW properly.
Nah-sayers really have no reasonable argument as to why this shouldn’t be implemented.
(edited by Arcuss.6457)
No no no no no i will uninstall this game immediately if open world dueling is added. Anet would miss out on my regular gem purchses then. Go to pvp or wvw if you want to duel.
Really? a Dueling option is the thing that makes you quit? I don’t think you’re going to be around much longer then, and i really don’t think anet is concerned about your gem purchases.
You nah-sayers are overreacting. I agree that I wouldn’t want dueling available in cities. But why not have an option available everywhere else? Just as long as there is an option to disable invites. “Oh but people would harass me into dueling them”, this really isn’t as big a deal as some of you blow it up to be, and would rarely happen. If it does, report them. This would also help resolve people dueling in WvW and holding up the que for people who actually want to Play WvW properly.
Get off of a stacked server and the duelist wouldn’t be an issue.
Personaly I would like it
Get off of a stacked server and the duelist wouldn’t be an issue.[/quote]
You don’t even know what server i’m on so how can you make this claim? I’m on a mid level silver league server. the fact is that dueling in WvW is a problem everywhere.
I’d love open world duels!
And for anti-duelers, I’d like them to have an “ignore all duels” checkbox.
Sounds like win/win to me.
stop saying keep the duels in the PVP people wants option to duel in open world with their “real gear” and their legendaries + in open world and different zones . note: if you dont want duels turn it off ,duels are only a big + to the game and option to spend time, in wow i can say that i have spent 30% of my time skilling up with the duels and learning alot from it
in wow i can say that i have spent 30% of my time skilling up with the duels and learning alot from it
1) Alot isn’t a word and never has been. It’s “A lot”.
2) GW2 isn’t WoW. Deal with it.
What about class balance ? you know the game is not balanced on 1vs1 right ?
there can always be a auto duel decline option
there can always be a auto duel decline option
Yes, just like there’s an auto-decline option for parties and guild invites. Oh wait.
Even if you could auto-decline, the spamming dueller will still insist on harassing you through other means – whispers, map chat, bunny-hopping around your character and following you on the broken contacts list, knowing exactly where you are, even when blocked.
What about class balance ? you know the game is not balanced on 1vs1 right
I don’t want to duel for class balance, i want to duel for fun!
there can always be a auto duel decline option
Yes, just like there’s an auto-decline option for parties and guild invites. Oh wait.
Even if you could auto-decline, the spamming dueller will still insist on harassing you through other means – whispers, map chat, bunny-hopping around your character and following you on the broken contacts list, knowing exactly where you are, even when blocked.
This doesn’t happen. I will give you that it is entirely possible, but only within the realm of fantastic hypotheticals that get parroted in these threads. And it doesn’t happen nearly enough for it to be the reason to dis-allow duels.
I mean, how often do you get party/guild invite harassed? Yes it’s possible, but does it happen enough to warrant removing party invites altogether?
there can always be a auto duel decline option
Yes, just like there’s an auto-decline option for parties and guild invites. Oh wait.
Even if you could auto-decline, the spamming dueller will still insist on harassing you through other means – whispers, map chat, bunny-hopping around your character and following you on the broken contacts list, knowing exactly where you are, even when blocked.
This doesn’t happen. I will give you that it is entirely possible, but only within the realm of fantastic hypotheticals that get parroted in these threads. And it doesn’t happen nearly enough for it to be the reason to dis-allow duels.
I mean, how often do you get party/guild invite harassed? Yes it’s possible, but does it happen enough to warrant removing party invites altogether?
Except, it does as it’s happened to me and a few other people on here as we have repeatedly said in these threads. I know you are getting desperate in your demands for duels, and that as far as you’re concerned, the only valid arguments in this discussion are those that support your position, but you can refrain from accusing me and others like me of being liars and fantasists. Thank you.
there can always be a auto duel decline option
Yes, just like there’s an auto-decline option for parties and guild invites. Oh wait.
Even if you could auto-decline, the spamming dueller will still insist on harassing you through other means – whispers, map chat, bunny-hopping around your character and following you on the broken contacts list, knowing exactly where you are, even when blocked.
This doesn’t happen. I will give you that it is entirely possible, but only within the realm of fantastic hypotheticals that get parroted in these threads. And it doesn’t happen nearly enough for it to be the reason to dis-allow duels.
I mean, how often do you get party/guild invite harassed? Yes it’s possible, but does it happen enough to warrant removing party invites altogether?
Except, it does as it’s happened to me and a few other people on here as we have repeatedly said in these threads. I know you are getting desperate in your demands for duels, and that as far as you’re concerned, the only valid arguments in this discussion are those that support your position, but you can refrain from accusing me and others like me of being liars and fantasists. Thank you.
I find its a weird coincidence that the people that don’t want to see duels also happen to be the only people that are constantly harassed when they decline duels and are somehow magnets for “duel spammers.” Some would call it perceptual bias.
I will still maintain that a fear of people “constantly wanting to duel you” is not a strong argument against allowing duels in the game. You’re basically coming up with the most extreme, negative situation possible and making it seem like it would be common-place. Especially since it is very likely they would have an ignore/auto-decline duel option.
If a fear of being harassed by duel spam is that big a deal, i honestly don’t know how you’ve made it this far in the game with all the other things that could be potentially abused. I mean, it’s entirely possible for someone to invite spam you, guild invite spam you, spam your mail box, follow you around and spam your /s chat, etc.
This argument could be used for everything, because there is always a fantastic possibility someone could single you out and harass you to the extreme for no reason. But in reality this situation is an outlier and almost never happens…except for that one time in WoW you read about and feel the need to use it as an example when it supports your argument.
(edited by Scrambles.2604)
there can always be a auto duel decline option
Yes, just like there’s an auto-decline option for parties and guild invites. Oh wait.
Even if you could auto-decline, the spamming dueller will still insist on harassing you through other means – whispers, map chat, bunny-hopping around your character and following you on the broken contacts list, knowing exactly where you are, even when blocked.
This doesn’t happen. I will give you that it is entirely possible, but only within the realm of fantastic hypotheticals that get parroted in these threads. And it doesn’t happen nearly enough for it to be the reason to dis-allow duels.
I mean, how often do you get party/guild invite harassed? Yes it’s possible, but does it happen enough to warrant removing party invites altogether?
Except, it does as it’s happened to me and a few other people on here as we have repeatedly said in these threads. I know you are getting desperate in your demands for duels, and that as far as you’re concerned, the only valid arguments in this discussion are those that support your position, but you can refrain from accusing me and others like me of being liars and fantasists. Thank you.
I find its a weird coincidence that the people that don’t want to see duels also happen to be the only people that are constantly harassed when they decline duels and are somehow magnets for “duel spammers.” Some would call it perceptual bias.
I will still maintain that a fear of people “constantly wanting to duel you” is not a strong argument against allowing duels in the game. You’re basically coming up with the most extreme, negative situation possible and making it seem like it would be common-place. Especially since it is very likely they would have an ignore/auto-decline duel option.
If a fear of being harassed by duel spam is that big a deal, i honestly don’t know how you’ve made it this far in the game with all the other things that could be potentially abused. I mean, it’s entirely possible for someone to invite spam you, guild invite spam you, spam your mail box, follow you around and spam your /s chat, etc.
This argument could be used for everything, because there is always a fantastic possibility someone could single you out and harass you to the extreme for no reason. But in reality this situation is an outlier and almost never happens…except for that one time in WoW you read about and feel the need to use it as an example when it supports your argument.
A quick fix would to have dueling areas sprinkled in maps instead of being every where. The fact that it wouldn’t be good enough for you makes me think that you would be one of those duel spamming trolls.
there can always be a auto duel decline option
Yes, just like there’s an auto-decline option for parties and guild invites. Oh wait.
Even if you could auto-decline, the spamming dueller will still insist on harassing you through other means – whispers, map chat, bunny-hopping around your character and following you on the broken contacts list, knowing exactly where you are, even when blocked.
This doesn’t happen. I will give you that it is entirely possible, but only within the realm of fantastic hypotheticals that get parroted in these threads. And it doesn’t happen nearly enough for it to be the reason to dis-allow duels.
I mean, how often do you get party/guild invite harassed? Yes it’s possible, but does it happen enough to warrant removing party invites altogether?
Except, it does as it’s happened to me and a few other people on here as we have repeatedly said in these threads. I know you are getting desperate in your demands for duels, and that as far as you’re concerned, the only valid arguments in this discussion are those that support your position, but you can refrain from accusing me and others like me of being liars and fantasists. Thank you.
I find its a weird coincidence that the people that don’t want to see duels also happen to be the only people that are constantly harassed when they decline duels and are somehow magnets for “duel spammers.” Some would call it perceptual bias.
I will still maintain that a fear of people “constantly wanting to duel you” is not a strong argument against allowing duels in the game. You’re basically coming up with the most extreme, negative situation possible and making it seem like it would be common-place. Especially since it is very likely they would have an ignore/auto-decline duel option.
If a fear of being harassed by duel spam is that big a deal, i honestly don’t know how you’ve made it this far in the game with all the other things that could be potentially abused. I mean, it’s entirely possible for someone to invite spam you, guild invite spam you, spam your mail box, follow you around and spam your /s chat, etc.
This argument could be used for everything, because there is always a fantastic possibility someone could single you out and harass you to the extreme for no reason. But in reality this situation is an outlier and almost never happens…except for that one time in WoW you read about and feel the need to use it as an example when it supports your argument.
A quick fix would to have dueling areas sprinkled in maps instead of being every where. The fact that it wouldn’t be good enough for you makes me think that you would be one of those duel spamming trolls.
to be honest, i tend to play by myself and i don’t really bother anyone. In other games, dueling has been a good way for me to make friends.
I know that many people want to duel others in their PvE getups, and I’m fine with that, but I do think it should be limited to designated areas.
Black Citadel —> The Bane —> perfect match
If it really was available to anyone at any time in open world, it should cost money. I’m already getting spammed with all sorts of requests from group dances to food fights to belching contests to costume brawl. All. The. Time.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
i have an idea, what about making duels possible ONLY in WvW.
it keeps PvP where it belongs and keeps annoying duel brats away from PvE, we PvE-ers only have one place and you want to ruin it…..keep your hands of our only neck of the woods.
i have an idea, what about making duels possible ONLY in WvW.
it keeps PvP where it belongs and keeps annoying duel brats away from PvE, we PvE-ers only have one place and you want to ruin it…..keep your hands of our only neck of the woods.
That’s funny, cuz i would argue for duels everywhere EXCEPT WvW.
I already have to wait an hour in queue just to do actual WvW. I wouldn’t want to wait that long or longer because people are dueling in WvW instead of contributing to the war effort. If you are taking a limited spot in WvW you should be WvWing.
Not just duels, GvG possible all around the open world, but not in cities.
PvP = player verses player
PvE = player verses environment
so is aPvE place a place for duels, something that is, in fact, PvP?
PvP = player verses player
PvE = player verses environment
so is aPvE place a place for duels, something that is, in fact, PvP?
you just repeated what you first wrote, but in a different way. And duels aren’t necessarily the same as PvP because: 1) it requires consent from both parties and 2) you don’t die from a duel.
But if we went with you logic, empty, open world environments would remain as such, while people on the same teams in sPvP and WvW are dueling each other instead of focusing on the objective.
But by all means, continue to base you logic on arbitrary indicators of what constitutes as PvE or PvP and continue to ignore my rebuttals.
i always find if someone wants to duel you youve done something to tick them off so if you decline a duel attempt they tend to harass you thinking thats the way to get you to accept there request. i can see where champion farming would totally escalate this behavior. champ farmers get upset when someone kills champ early whole group harass person who killed such champ trying to get him to duel. its bad enough now with the argueing in map chat when it happens think how much worse it could be with the possibility of dueling. i totally agree keep dueling out of wvw and yes ive seen some in there it ticks me off when they take space and theres a queue and they arent doing anything to really help there server. i still say set up free arenas or certain areas for those who want to duel. that way i can stay away from it completely. im willing to give a little bit for yall to have it but dont muck up my game. same went for those who wanted harder material.