Open world Duels [Merged]

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: mistt.3698


was dueling in gw1*

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


ok, let’s play it your way.
why would anyone, with the way you want to push duels in an area where PvP should never happen, agree to add PvP in an PvE area?
better yet, we already have 2 PvP places and ppl giving you a solution to the duel problem by keeping it in WvW, give me one really good reason why PvE has to be ruined by duel lovers again?

you have 2 places to duel, sPvP and potentially WvW yet you want it in the only place PvE-ers can escape from the whole PvP crap.
all i see is “but i want to test my skills on other players” and “i just want to be able to duel someone” without actually giving a really good reason why, duels are fine if they stay in PvP-specific places.

and one more thing, if you want duels because it’s also in a different game then i ask you this, why do you waste our time when you can just as much play that game you so love to duel in.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcuss.6457


there can always be a auto duel decline option

Yes, just like there’s an auto-decline option for parties and guild invites. Oh wait.

Even if you could auto-decline, the spamming dueller will still insist on harassing you through other means – whispers, map chat, bunny-hopping around your character and following you on the broken contacts list, knowing exactly where you are, even when blocked.

This doesn’t happen. I will give you that it is entirely possible, but only within the realm of fantastic hypotheticals that get parroted in these threads. And it doesn’t happen nearly enough for it to be the reason to dis-allow duels.

I mean, how often do you get party/guild invite harassed? Yes it’s possible, but does it happen enough to warrant removing party invites altogether?

Except, it does as it’s happened to me and a few other people on here as we have repeatedly said in these threads. I know you are getting desperate in your demands for duels, and that as far as you’re concerned, the only valid arguments in this discussion are those that support your position, but you can refrain from accusing me and others like me of being liars and fantasists. Thank you.

I find its a weird coincidence that the people that don’t want to see duels also happen to be the only people that are constantly harassed when they decline duels and are somehow magnets for “duel spammers.” Some would call it perceptual bias.

I will still maintain that a fear of people “constantly wanting to duel you” is not a strong argument against allowing duels in the game. You’re basically coming up with the most extreme, negative situation possible and making it seem like it would be common-place. Especially since it is very likely they would have an ignore/auto-decline duel option.

If a fear of being harassed by duel spam is that big a deal, i honestly don’t know how you’ve made it this far in the game with all the other things that could be potentially abused. I mean, it’s entirely possible for someone to invite spam you, guild invite spam you, spam your mail box, follow you around and spam your /s chat, etc.

This argument could be used for everything, because there is always a fantastic possibility someone could single you out and harass you to the extreme for no reason. But in reality this situation is an outlier and almost never happens…except for that one time in WoW you read about and feel the need to use it as an example when it supports your argument.


It’s the same bullkitten argument over and over with these people. Bottom line, They don’t wont duel options because they wont use it.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcuss.6457


I know that many people want to duel others in their PvE getups, and I’m fine with that, but I do think it should be limited to designated areas.

Black Citadel —> The Bane --> perfect match

If it really was available to anyone at any time in open world, it should cost money. I’m already getting spammed with all sorts of requests from group dances to food fights to belching contests to costume brawl. All. The. Time.

Must be by your guildmates then, huh? Funny how I’ve never experienced this “common” phenomenon. maybe I just don’t appeal to the spamming audiences.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: omnimister.4219


yeah, I have to agree here, there needs to be dueling. I mean really whats the harm it would do but allow for epic battles to go down with friends and people who look cooler than others (In opinion) there really is no argument here.

The Knight Of Zero

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


was dueling in gw1*

GW1 was completely instanced . The only way to duel was to start a scrimmage in your guild hall .

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcuss.6457


ok, let’s play it your way.
why would anyone, with the way you want to push duels in an area where PvP should never happen, agree to add PvP in an PvE area?
better yet, we already have 2 PvP places and ppl giving you a solution to the duel problem by keeping it in WvW, give me one really good reason why PvE has to be ruined by duel lovers again?

you have 2 places to duel, sPvP and potentially WvW yet you want it in the only place PvE-ers can escape from the whole PvP crap.
all i see is “but i want to test my skills on other players” and “i just want to be able to duel someone” without actually giving a really good reason why, duels are fine if they stay in PvP-specific places.

and one more thing, if you want duels because it’s also in a different game then i ask you this, why do you waste our time when you can just as much play that game you so love to duel in.

give me one good reason as to why it shouldn’t be in PvE. It’s not forcing PvP in your world, you don’t have to accept duels. As for WvW and sPvP, those places are not for dueling. They have specific objectives to accomplish and you just make your team mad when you are holding up a spot and not contributing to the objective.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

ok, let’s play it your way.
why would anyone, with the way you want to push duels in an area where PvP should never happen, agree to add PvP in an PvE area?
better yet, we already have 2 PvP places and ppl giving you a solution to the duel problem by keeping it in WvW, give me one really good reason why PvE has to be ruined by duel lovers again?

you have 2 places to duel, sPvP and potentially WvW yet you want it in the only place PvE-ers can escape from the whole PvP crap.
all i see is “but i want to test my skills on other players” and “i just want to be able to duel someone” without actually giving a really good reason why, duels are fine if they stay in PvP-specific places.

and one more thing, if you want duels because it’s also in a different game then i ask you this, why do you waste our time when you can just as much play that game you so love to duel in.

I can see both sides of this argument mostly because I fall in a grey area for how it would be implemented. There are some really cool arenas/ruins with no DE’s around to interfere so how about designated areas in all the maps where dueling could take place. I would have loved to fight my guildies in a duel to test my new builds rather than toss myself into WvW to be rally bait. If duels were introduced world wide in PvE the option to troll would be too much for some players.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: hannahwho.2859


As long as i have the option to decline a challenge and not be forced to pvp i wouldn’t mind dueling.

Yes, i am a ranger that mains a longbow. Problem?

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


Nothing in this thread hasn’t already been said in Open world Duels [Merged]

I don’t understand why folks wouldn’t want to duel it in an easily accessible area like the arena in the Black Citadel. It would make it easier for duellers to find each other, and you wouldn’t have to spam challenge random strangers to find someone interested. Heck you could evolve it into a mini-game with betting, leaderboards, different duel types (disable healing for example) and all sorts of fun stuff.

I’m not opposed to there being a duelling option added, but I don’t want to have wade around folks duelling in the streets or have to fill up my ignore list with folks that won’t take no for an answer.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


Nothing in this thread hasn’t already been said in Open world Duels [Merged]

I don’t understand why folks wouldn’t want to duel it in an easily accessible area like the arena in the Black Citadel. It would make it easier for duellers to find each other, and you wouldn’t have to spam challenge random strangers to find someone interested. Heck you could evolve it into a mini-game with betting, leaderboards, different duel types (disable healing for example) and all sorts of fun stuff.

I’m not opposed to there being a duelling option added, but I don’t want to have wade around folks duelling in the streets or have to fill up my ignore list with folks that won’t take no for an answer.

Sure, but the only thing more accessible than an arena in the Black Citadel is allowing access to duels in the open world. Half the fun with dueling is that you can just come across someone and duel them right there on the spot. No one is going to want to duel if you have to party up and meet in another zone.

What if your killing time waiting for the rest of your party to show up and some stranger wants to duel you in front of the dungeon portal? Simply porting to another area takes a lot of effort when with open world dueling you could cut the duel short if you needed to in the event the rest of your party shows up.

This is why duels should be allowed in the open world. It kills the fun/immersion/motivation to duel when you have to go out of your way to do it and sit through at least one loading screen. That defeats the purpose of quick duel skirmishes.
Additionally, i think duels would be a great way to introduce new players to PvP. I have tried to get my PvP minded friends to play this game but the barrier to entry for pvp is simply too high. On a new character you have two options for fights:

You can play sPvP— this is an overwhelming task for someone who logs into the game for the first time. I tried sPvP right when i first got the game, having no knowledge about the game, and here i was given a 80 character with full skills, utilities, and traits that i simply had no idea what to do with.
When i lvl up in PvE, i am slowing introduced to all my skills so by the time i’m 80 i understand the significance of my traits and the synergy between my abilities. But just being given a full blown character with no knowledge what to do with it is overwhelming and simply drove my friends away.

then there’s WvW— While i love WvW, there is not much pvp for a new player to do beyond rolling with the zerg. If you manage to stumble across a 1v1 or small group fight you will get wrecked.
It is still a good opportunity for you to learn the viability of your limited skill set in a pvp setting, but the penalty for failure is too steep (actual death followed by a long trek across the map to get back to where you were).

If i could duel my friends that i just introduced to the game, it would give an easier to digest, scaled down version of what combat is like and what to expect from pvp. The other options available are meant for people that are already well initiated with the game.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

Nothing in this thread hasn’t already been said in Open world Duels [Merged]

I don’t understand why folks wouldn’t want to duel it in an easily accessible area like the arena in the Black Citadel. It would make it easier for duellers to find each other, and you wouldn’t have to spam challenge random strangers to find someone interested. Heck you could evolve it into a mini-game with betting, leaderboards, different duel types (disable healing for example) and all sorts of fun stuff.

I’m not opposed to there being a duelling option added, but I don’t want to have wade around folks duelling in the streets or have to fill up my ignore list with folks that won’t take no for an answer.

Sure, but the only thing more accessible than an arena in the Black Citadel is allowing access to duels in the open world. Half the fun with dueling is that you can just come across someone and duel them right there on the spot. No one is going to want to duel if you have to party up and meet in another zone.

What if your killing time waiting for the rest of your party to show up and some stranger wants to duel you in front of the dungeon portal? Simply porting to another area takes a lot of effort when with open world dueling you could cut the duel short if you needed to in the event the rest of your party shows up.

This is why duels should be allowed in the open world. It kills the fun/immersion/motivation to duel when you have to go out of your way to do it and sit through at least one loading screen. That defeats the purpose of quick duel skirmishes.
Additionally, i think duels would be a great way to introduce new players to PvP. I have tried to get my PvP minded friends to play this game but the barrier to entry for pvp is simply too high. On a new character you have two options for fights:

You can play sPvP— this is an overwhelming task for someone who logs into the game for the first time. I tried sPvP right when i first got the game, having no knowledge about the game, and here i was given a 80 character with full skills, utilities, and traits that i simply had no idea what to do with.
When i lvl up in PvE, i am slowing introduced to all my skills so by the time i’m 80 i understand the significance of my traits and the synergy between my abilities. But just being given a full blown character with no knowledge what to do with it is overwhelming and simply drove my friends away.

then there’s WvW— While i love WvW, there is not much pvp for a new player to do beyond rolling with the zerg. If you manage to stumble across a 1v1 or small group fight you will get wrecked.
It is still a good opportunity for you to learn the viability of your limited skill set in a pvp setting, but the penalty for failure is too steep (actual death followed by a long trek across the map to get back to where you were).

If i could duel my friends that i just introduced to the game, it would give an easier to digest, scaled down version of what combat is like and what to expect from pvp. The other options available are meant for people that are already well initiated with the game.

So your argument against arenas that would make the no duel people happy and give the duel people somewhere to go is that you don’t want to see a loading screen? You solve a lot of the problems that the anti-duel camp bring up if you limit it to arenas or ruins areas.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


So your argument against arenas that would make the no duel people happy and give the duel people somewhere to go is that you don’t want to see a loading screen? You solve a lot of the problems that the anti-duel camp bring up if you limit it to arenas or ruins areas.

Yes, that is my argument. Firstly, you can already do this in a custom sPvP game, so there already exists an arena for duels, but like i said, no one does it because the barriers to entry are too high. It literally doesn’t get any more easier or accessible than just requesting a duel from someone in the open world.

I think the issue of loading screens is actually a stronger, more tangible case for open world duels than the case against duels, the issue of “i just don’t want to see them.”

The only detriment to your gameplay is that you just dont want to see other people duel on your screen, yet you are fine with witnessing other players fight against NPCs on your screen.

My detriment is an acutal detriment to gameplay. There is no gameplay happening in a loading screen. And this is assuming there would just be one loading screen. If you have to port into and out of a duel arena that’s two load screens right there.

So yes, basing my arguments around my issues with load screens, i’ll admit, is a weak argument, YET i still think it’s a stronger argument than the one against open world duels.

the problem with arena duels – technical issues (“load screens”)

the problem with open world duels – personal issues (“i don’t want to see people duel”)

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


the problem with arena duels – technical issues (“load screens”)

the problem with open world duels – personal issues (“i don’t want to see people duel”)

Having a defined area for duels doesn’t mean you have to go through a loading screen whenever you want to duel. If you’re just killing time, there’s always costume brawl.

I find the attitude that if other folks are bothered by something it’s their personal problem and they should just suck it up so I can do whatever I feel like doing really depressing and anti-social. If it was one person that was annoyed, it might be their problem, but there are a significant number of folks that don’t want to deal with open world duelling. Why not compromise a little and have some consideration for other folks? Can’t we all just get along? :P

Besides, the more I think about it having a duelling arena might actually make me interested in giving it a try. I do like PvP, I just find duelling pointless. It might be more interesting if the competitors could each ante up something, sort like racing for pink slips. Or if there were leaderboards. It might even be fun to just be an audience and do a little betting with an NPC bookmaker with odds based on a win/loss record.

In my opinion, making it a mini-game with achievements would be more likely to interest folks in PvP than being annoyed with strangers challenging them and duellers fighting around them. I’ve played plenty of games with open world duelling, and I’ve never once seen someone say, “Wow, I never realized how fun PvP was until I accidentally hit accept after being spammed 50 times with a duel challenge and then getting roflstomped by a player that was twinked to the gills.”

I understand the appeal of going mano-a-mano in your PvE gear instead of doing sPvP, but I don’t understand why it’s only appealing to some folks if it is open world.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


the problem with arena duels – technical issues (“load screens”)

the problem with open world duels – personal issues (“i don’t want to see people duel”)

Having a defined area for duels doesn’t mean you have to go through a loading screen whenever you want to duel. If you’re just killing time, there’s always costume brawl.

I find the attitude that if other folks are bothered by something it’s their personal problem and they should just suck it up so I can do whatever I feel like doing really depressing and anti-social. If it was one person that was annoyed, it might be their problem, but there are a significant number of folks that don’t want to deal with open world duelling. Why not compromise a little and have some consideration for other folks? Can’t we all just get along? :P

Besides, the more I think about it having a duelling arena might actually make me interested in giving it a try. I do like PvP, I just find duelling pointless. It might be more interesting if the competitors could each ante up something, sort like racing for pink slips. Or if there were leaderboards. It might even be fun to just be an audience and do a little betting with an NPC bookmaker with odds based on a win/loss record.

In my opinion, making it a mini-game with achievements would be more likely to interest folks in PvP than being annoyed with strangers challenging them and duellers fighting around them. I’ve played plenty of games with open world duelling, and I’ve never once seen someone say, “Wow, I never realized how fun PvP was until I accidentally hit accept after being spammed 50 times with a duel challenge and then getting roflstomped by a player that was twinked to the gills.”

I understand the appeal of going mano-a-mano in your PvE gear instead of doing sPvP, but I don’t understand why it’s only appealing to some folks if it is open world.

i said it before and i’ll say it again, it doesn’t get more accessible than the open world. more accessible = good, less accessible = bad.

I’m not trying to be inconsiderate to the anti-duel crowd. I just don’t think compromises should be made for something that wont effect you if you don’t want it to.

For example, i have never cared for the super adventure box. I understand other people enjoy it, but it’s simply not for me.

Now imagine if i cried on the forums, “why do they waste their time developing SAB?? why do i have to listen to people discussing the SAB in chat? why do i have to see people carrying around silly SAB skins with their annoying sounds? Why am i getting mail about the SAB!? SAB is detrimental to my gameplay!!”

But in reality, i just choose not to do it, and accept that their are people out their that do enjoy it. And their enjoyment of the SAB doesn’t effect my gameplay if i don’t participate in it.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


ok, let’s play it your way.
why would anyone, with the way you want to push duels in an area where PvP should never happen, agree to add PvP in an PvE area?
better yet, we already have 2 PvP places and ppl giving you a solution to the duel problem by keeping it in WvW, give me one really good reason why PvE has to be ruined by duel lovers again?

you have 2 places to duel, sPvP and potentially WvW yet you want it in the only place PvE-ers can escape from the whole PvP crap.
all i see is “but i want to test my skills on other players” and “i just want to be able to duel someone” without actually giving a really good reason why, duels are fine if they stay in PvP-specific places.

and one more thing, if you want duels because it’s also in a different game then i ask you this, why do you waste our time when you can just as much play that game you so love to duel in.

give me one good reason as to why it shouldn’t be in PvE. It’s not forcing PvP in your world, you don’t have to accept duels. As for WvW and sPvP, those places are not for dueling. They have specific objectives to accomplish and you just make your team mad when you are holding up a spot and not contributing to the objective.

one reason, i even have to choose?
well, trolling comes to mind, annoyance also comes to mind, annoying duels while trying to enjoy the game is yet another one…….oh wait, you said one right?
also, if you’re holding a spot, how is that my problem?
it’s still in a PvP area and in an open world, not a PvE world but an open world nonetheless.

and again, you still have not given a reason why it should be in a PvE place, all you do is throw the exact same question to the opposite person and never provide even one good reason.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


ok, let’s play it your way.
why would anyone, with the way you want to push duels in an area where PvP should never happen, agree to add PvP in an PvE area?
better yet, we already have 2 PvP places and ppl giving you a solution to the duel problem by keeping it in WvW, give me one really good reason why PvE has to be ruined by duel lovers again?

you have 2 places to duel, sPvP and potentially WvW yet you want it in the only place PvE-ers can escape from the whole PvP crap.
all i see is “but i want to test my skills on other players” and “i just want to be able to duel someone” without actually giving a really good reason why, duels are fine if they stay in PvP-specific places.

and one more thing, if you want duels because it’s also in a different game then i ask you this, why do you waste our time when you can just as much play that game you so love to duel in.

give me one good reason as to why it shouldn’t be in PvE. It’s not forcing PvP in your world, you don’t have to accept duels. As for WvW and sPvP, those places are not for dueling. They have specific objectives to accomplish and you just make your team mad when you are holding up a spot and not contributing to the objective.

one reason, i even have to choose?
well, trolling comes to mind, annoyance also comes to mind, annoying duels while trying to enjoy the game is yet another one…….oh wait, you said one right?
also, if you’re holding a spot, how is that my problem?
it’s still in a PvP area and in an open world, not a PvE world but an open world nonetheless.

and again, you still have not given a reason why it should be in a PvE place, all you do is throw the exact same question to the opposite person and never provide even one good reason.

it should be in the open world, or “PvE” place because it is 1) accessible and 2) there is no specific objective in the open world.

I can’t believe i am explaining this. If you join WvW, sPvP or even a dungeon group, there is a specific objective at hand, and if you’re not working towards that objective your wasting everyone’s time.

If you are sitting AFK in the open world, you are only wasting your time and it is only to the detriment of yourself (unless it’s a zone with an overflow, like teq or something)

FUTHERMORE – Dueling is not “true pvp” because you do not actually die. If i’m not mistaken, you can costume brawl in PvE, which i would assume constitutes as PvP in a PvE zone…oh did i just blow your mind!?

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


and further, FURTHERMORE, all your reasons against dueling don’t actually impact your gameplay. They do not impede your ability to play.

It might be annoying but youre character is not forced to stay there until you accept the duel. Someone writing to you in chat, may be annoying, but doesn’t actually impede your gameplay. Just switch to combat log and its like nothing ever happened.

If you are annoyed by seeing two people duel you should be just as annoyed by seeing someone fight an NPC in the open world.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

So your argument against arenas that would make the no duel people happy and give the duel people somewhere to go is that you don’t want to see a loading screen? You solve a lot of the problems that the anti-duel camp bring up if you limit it to arenas or ruins areas.

Yes, that is my argument. Firstly, you can already do this in a custom sPvP game, so there already exists an arena for duels, but like i said, no one does it because the barriers to entry are too high. It literally doesn’t get any more easier or accessible than just requesting a duel from someone in the open world.

I think the issue of loading screens is actually a stronger, more tangible case for open world duels than the case against duels, the issue of “i just don’t want to see them.”

The only detriment to your gameplay is that you just dont want to see other people duel on your screen, yet you are fine with witnessing other players fight against NPCs on your screen.

My detriment is an acutal detriment to gameplay. There is no gameplay happening in a loading screen. And this is assuming there would just be one loading screen. If you have to port into and out of a duel arena that’s two load screens right there.

So yes, basing my arguments around my issues with load screens, i’ll admit, is a weak argument, YET i still think it’s a stronger argument than the one against open world duels.

the problem with arena duels – technical issues (“load screens”)

the problem with open world duels – personal issues (“i don’t want to see people duel”)

If I was against watching duels I wouldn’t play so much wvw as a roamer. I want to duel my guildies so I can test my builds for wvw. There are some awesome arenas and ruins that would make awesome pvp areas. My argument is why can’t the two sides meet in the middle. Spvp is not the same because it is far more limiting in your gear/build choices.
There are far more reasons than I don’t want to see them in all of these duel threads. Interfering with De’s, griefing (imo mostly because the block feature is a joke) being two that I agree with.
Just mark areas on the map with a red circle and give a warning on your screen that you are entering a pvp zone. If you are a dueler you could shut the notice off but a pve only player would know to steer clear. Scatter them all across the map in those places that are dead to revitalize them. Put them near dungeon entrances so you would have something to do while waiting for your party to fill. Now does that sound like a compromise that you could live with?

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lucentfir.7430


I know that many people want to duel others in their PvE getups, and I’m fine with that, but I do think it should be limited to designated areas.

Black Citadel —> The Bane --> perfect match

If it really was available to anyone at any time in open world, it should cost money. I’m already getting spammed with all sorts of requests from group dances to food fights to belching contests to costume brawl. All. The. Time.

That’s okay but what’s goingto happen if you just restrict it to those areas with a arena is the home cities basically will become flooded like Lion’s Arch. I’d rather not have that. Also I don’t think anyone is going to harass you for duels specifically or spam you with anything unless you provoke them by talking crap. That’s the only way i see anyone getting spammed with anything.

Reth Grimrazor – Charr Guardian – [GWB]Grim Warband – Tarnished Coast
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


So your argument against arenas that would make the no duel people happy and give the duel people somewhere to go is that you don’t want to see a loading screen? You solve a lot of the problems that the anti-duel camp bring up if you limit it to arenas or ruins areas.

Yes, that is my argument. Firstly, you can already do this in a custom sPvP game, so there already exists an arena for duels, but like i said, no one does it because the barriers to entry are too high. It literally doesn’t get any more easier or accessible than just requesting a duel from someone in the open world.

I think the issue of loading screens is actually a stronger, more tangible case for open world duels than the case against duels, the issue of “i just don’t want to see them.”

The only detriment to your gameplay is that you just dont want to see other people duel on your screen, yet you are fine with witnessing other players fight against NPCs on your screen.

My detriment is an acutal detriment to gameplay. There is no gameplay happening in a loading screen. And this is assuming there would just be one loading screen. If you have to port into and out of a duel arena that’s two load screens right there.

So yes, basing my arguments around my issues with load screens, i’ll admit, is a weak argument, YET i still think it’s a stronger argument than the one against open world duels.

the problem with arena duels – technical issues (“load screens”)

the problem with open world duels – personal issues (“i don’t want to see people duel”)

If I was against watching duels I wouldn’t play so much wvw as a roamer. I want to duel my guildies so I can test my builds for wvw. There are some awesome arenas and ruins that would make awesome pvp areas. My argument is why can’t the two sides meet in the middle. Spvp is not the same because it is far more limiting in your gear/build choices.
There are far more reasons than I don’t want to see them in all of these duel threads. Interfering with De’s, griefing (imo mostly because the block feature is a joke) being two that I agree with.
Just mark areas on the map with a red circle and give a warning on your screen that you are entering a pvp zone. If you are a dueler you could shut the notice off but a pve only player would know to steer clear. Scatter them all across the map in those places that are dead to revitalize them. Put them near dungeon entrances so you would have something to do while waiting for your party to fill. Now does that sound like a compromise that you could live with?

I don’t like the idea of being limited to where i can duel in the open world, sorry. Maybe prevent it in major cities or near trade posts, that would be fair.

But the idea behind open world duels is that you can go: “See that cool cliff over there? Let’s duel on it!” That’s what i want to do. “waiting in front of a dungeon? Let’s duel here!” Designated zones eliminate the pick-up-and-play nature of duels.

Honestly, let people duel near DE. Then they will die, lol. If dueling in GW2 is anything like WoW, you fight to 1 health and the duel ends. Then you get hit by a low lvl mob at 1 health and die. That is incentive enough to avoid enemies during duels.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


and why would i, as a PvE-er, stay clear in a place where it’s made for PvE?
really, is it really so difficult to comprehend that a PvE place is made for PvE and not PvP
i don’t care if it’s not true PvP, i don’t care if it might hold a place in WvW, i care when players fight each other in a place you’re not suppose to fight in PvP style.
if you want to test your build, play WvW, that’s a really big testing ground.
also, allot of players don’t even go to WvW to play WvW, they go there to buy weapons and armor, to go to LA for free and to join up and make a party so they don’t need to look all over the place.

If you are annoyed by seeing two people duel you should be just as annoyed by seeing someone fight an NPC in the open world.

ok, i’m done with you, you simply have no respect for someone else’s play style.
all you want is shoove duels in a place where it doesn’t belong and keep on whining about it because you want it, you don’t even think about anything else but your self.
you are not the only one playing and i am not the only one against duels, play PvP in PvP places and leave PvE alone.
you want to test builds, play PvP where you’re suppose to.
you want an objective, play WvW or something.

so, is that clear enough or do i have to go all sesamstreet on you.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


and why would i, as a PvE-er, stay clear in a place where it’s made for PvE?
really, is it really so difficult to comprehend that a PvE place is made for PvE and not PvP
i don’t care if it’s not true PvP, i don’t care if it might hold a place in WvW, i care when players fight each other in a place you’re not suppose to fight in PvP style.
if you want to test your build, play WvW, that’s a really big testing ground.
also, allot of players don’t even go to WvW to play WvW, they go there to buy weapons and armor, to go to LA for free and to join up and make a party so they don’t need to look all over the place.

If you are annoyed by seeing two people duel you should be just as annoyed by seeing someone fight an NPC in the open world.

ok, i’m done with you, you simply have no respect for someone else’s play style.
all you want is shoove duels in a place where it doesn’t belong and keep on whining about it because you want it, you don’t even think about anything else but your self.
you are not the only one playing and i am not the only one against duels, play PvP in PvP places and leave PvE alone.
you want to test builds, play PvP where you’re suppose to.
you want an objective, play WvW or something.

so, is that clear enough or do i have to go all sesamstreet on you.

i didn’t know you knew how to use quotes, i’m impressed.

However, at this point you gotta be trolling me. You already have PvP in PvE zones with costume brawls, so you’re first point is out the window.

And do you seriously think that people on the same teams in PvP should be able to duel each other, while there is a whole enemy team that they should be dealing with? People are already complaining about GvGers taking valuable WvW spots, so also making it a place for people to duel is a better solution?

At this point i really feel like i am reading and comprehending your posts, while you have posted the same thing 3 times without zero regards to rebuttals against your arguments.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

Dude calm down. Duels take place in small out of the way areas and don’t take up that much space. Both sides have valid arguments.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


Dude calm down. Duels take place in small out of the way areas and don’t take up that much space. Both sides have valid arguments.

but why do anti-duelers care where people duel if they have no interest in duels themselves? The anti-duel crowd has completely exaggerated the impact duels would have on the game to strengthen their argument.

I don’t think the anti-duel arguments are valid because the frequency of duel spamming, trolls related to duels, and duels impacting people visual space are so slim that it is a non-issue. They’ve taken the most extreme, worst outcomes that might happen if duels existed and made it seem like it would happen all the time.

In reality, and in similar games with duels these events are outlyers and are statistically insignificant. They are possible and may happen, but not enough to impact an individual player’s game.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

Dude calm down. Duels take place in small out of the way areas and don’t take up that much space. Both sides have valid arguments.

but why do anti-duelers care where people duel if they have no interest in duels themselves? The anti-duel crowd has completely exaggerated the impact duels would have on the game to strengthen their argument.

I don’t think the anti-duel arguments are valid because the frequency of duel spamming, trolls related to duels, and duels impacting people visual space are so slim that it is a non-issue. They’ve taken the most extreme, worst outcomes that might happen if duels existed and made it seem like it would happen all the time.

In reality, and in similar games with duels these events are outlyers and are statistically insignificant. They are possible and may happen, but not enough to impact an individual player’s game.

Are you not reading my post? I want dueling but I don’t want to screw over the entire PvE community to get it. Look at it this way. Some people wanted LS in WvW ( don’t ask me why). When it was implemented they put it in places that made a lot of people mad. Some people want to only PvE and that is their choice so why do we have to invade their game mode with ours everywhere.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

(edited by bloodletting wolf.2837)

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orbixitron.3218


Personally I’d love to be able to duel people in a ‘PvE’ environment, of course for fun. But I can understand why people would be against that and the subsequent issues it would cause with people abusing it. Costume brawl is kind of the lighthearted PvE version, although doesn’t make up for actually testing your skills against friends 1v1.

While you could use arenas for 1v1 and I suspect Anet hope people will create custom arenas for that purpose, I’d love to see this either implemented in sPvP properly. Either a game mode you can set your arena to (so it isn’t based on capture points as such) or just having a training area/instance within the mists.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


I’m not trying to be inconsiderate to the anti-duel crowd. I just don’t think compromises should be made for something that wont effect you if you don’t want it to.

For example, i have never cared for the super adventure box. I understand other people enjoy it, but it’s simply not for me.

I’m not anti-duel, I’m just against open world duelling. You keep saying it won’t affect us, and we keep saying it will. It’s not like most of us have never played a game with open world duelling. We know exactly how it plays out based on experience. You as an individual might not be inconsiderate, but you can’t speak for the entire population.

Now imagine if i cried on the forums, “why do they waste their time developing SAB?? why do i have to listen to people discussing the SAB in chat? why do i have to see people carrying around silly SAB skins with their annoying sounds? Why am i getting mail about the SAB!? SAB is detrimental to my gameplay!!”

But in reality, i just choose not to do it, and accept that their are people out their that do enjoy it. And their enjoyment of the SAB doesn’t effect my gameplay if i don’t participate in it.

I’m not arguing against development time being spent on duelling. I actually think it would be a really cool feature if ANet invested more time into it than adding /duel. SAB isn’t a very good comparison, because it’s limited to a specific area, and folks can’t spam you with invitations to join SAB.

On one hand the open world duellers are saying – “oh we’ll just duel in out of the way areas and you’ll never be impacted” and on the other hand they’re saying “I want to be able to duel anyone anywhere at any time”, so I remain unconvinced that limiting duelling to specific areas isn’t a good compromise.

Just like you believe that open world duelling isn’t that inconvenient for the folks that don’t want to deal with it, I believe that easily accessible, limited areas aren’t that much of an inconvenience to the folks that want to duel. As a matter of fact, I see a lot of advantages to giving duellers a location (or several) to gravitate to so they can find other like-minded folks to test themselves against. Actually what’s happened in every game that I’ve played with open world duelling is that there was an unofficial area where most folks would gather to duel. What’s the problem with making it official?

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


Dude calm down. Duels take place in small out of the way areas and don’t take up that much space. Both sides have valid arguments.

but why do anti-duelers care where people duel if they have no interest in duels themselves? The anti-duel crowd has completely exaggerated the impact duels would have on the game to strengthen their argument.

I don’t think the anti-duel arguments are valid because the frequency of duel spamming, trolls related to duels, and duels impacting people visual space are so slim that it is a non-issue. They’ve taken the most extreme, worst outcomes that might happen if duels existed and made it seem like it would happen all the time.

In reality, and in similar games with duels these events are outlyers and are statistically insignificant. They are possible and may happen, but not enough to impact an individual player’s game.

Are you not reading my post? I want dueling but I don’t want to screw over the entire PvE community to get it. Look at it this way. Some people wanted LS in WvW ( don’t ask me why). When it was implemented they put it in places that made a lot of people mad. Some people want to only PvE and that is their choice so why do we have to invade their game mode with ours everywhere.

Sorry i did read your post but i’m also addressing more issues that have been brought up in this thread. I didn’t get to edit that post so some of the general comments probably seem addressed to you.

I don’t expect us to completely agree on these issues, but more debate only brings to light different caveats on the topic that outside readers may not realize, which is why i persist.

That being said we generally disagree on if dueling even constitutes as “invading someone else’s game.” Yes, i understand it can be frustrating if someone wants to duel you and you…sigh are forced to click “decline” and actually interact with another person in a multiplayer game, but these issues are just insignificant to me.

I don’t see having to click “decline” as an invasion of someone’s space. I don’t see two people dueling in a open, generally empty world as “invading” someone’s PvE environment. I mean, if i’m going to duel someone i’m not going to say “oh hey lets go duel right where that dude is fighting that mob!”

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


I’m not trying to be inconsiderate to the anti-duel crowd. I just don’t think compromises should be made for something that wont effect you if you don’t want it to.

For example, i have never cared for the super adventure box. I understand other people enjoy it, but it’s simply not for me.

I’m not anti-duel, I’m just against open world duelling. You keep saying it won’t affect us, and we keep saying it will. It’s not like most of us have never played a game with open world duelling. We know exactly how it plays out based on experience. You as an individual might not be inconsiderate, but you can’t speak for the entire population.

Now imagine if i cried on the forums, “why do they waste their time developing SAB?? why do i have to listen to people discussing the SAB in chat? why do i have to see people carrying around silly SAB skins with their annoying sounds? Why am i getting mail about the SAB!? SAB is detrimental to my gameplay!!”

But in reality, i just choose not to do it, and accept that their are people out their that do enjoy it. And their enjoyment of the SAB doesn’t effect my gameplay if i don’t participate in it.

I’m not arguing against development time being spent on duelling. I actually think it would be a really cool feature if ANet invested more time into it than adding /duel. SAB isn’t a very good comparison, because it’s limited to a specific area, and folks can’t spam you with invitations to join SAB.

On one hand the open world duellers are saying – “oh we’ll just duel in out of the way areas and you’ll never be impacted” and on the other hand they’re saying “I want to be able to duel anyone anywhere at any time”, so I remain unconvinced that limiting duelling to specific areas isn’t a good compromise.

Just like you believe that open world duelling isn’t that inconvenient for the folks that don’t want to deal with it, I believe that easily accessible, limited areas aren’t that much of an inconvenience to the folks that want to duel. As a matter of fact, I see a lot of advantages to giving duellers a location (or several) to gravitate to so they can find other like-minded folks to test themselves against. Actually what’s happened in every game that I’ve played with open world duelling is that there was an unofficial area where most folks would gather to duel. What’s the problem with making it official?

I agree that, in games with duels, players generally tend to gravitate towards what become known as “dueling areas”. It may not seem like that big a deal, but giving players the freedom to decide those things is what makes MMOs so epic. I like being given freedom to decide where i would like to duel, not being given a designated spot.

So while players may generally gravitate towards dueling in one area, the difference is simply being given the freedom to do so. I think being given that freedom is a huge deal.

Like i said in my post above, most of the disagreement comes from the our own perceptions of the actual impact dueling will have on other people’s games. I think that impact is minimal and just overblown on these forums.

I have played other games with dueling, as well (WoW, SWTOR, DCU), and most duels occur in areas that players tend to gravitate towards, and not really as much out in the open world, yet they are still free to do so if they want. Which is why i maintain that dueling in the open world will not significantly impact your game or impede your ability to play if you choose not to duel.

(edited by Scrambles.2604)

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcuss.6457


ok, let’s play it your way.
why would anyone, with the way you want to push duels in an area where PvP should never happen, agree to add PvP in an PvE area?
better yet, we already have 2 PvP places and ppl giving you a solution to the duel problem by keeping it in WvW, give me one really good reason why PvE has to be ruined by duel lovers again?

you have 2 places to duel, sPvP and potentially WvW yet you want it in the only place PvE-ers can escape from the whole PvP crap.
all i see is “but i want to test my skills on other players” and “i just want to be able to duel someone” without actually giving a really good reason why, duels are fine if they stay in PvP-specific places.

and one more thing, if you want duels because it’s also in a different game then i ask you this, why do you waste our time when you can just as much play that game you so love to duel in.

give me one good reason as to why it shouldn’t be in PvE. It’s not forcing PvP in your world, you don’t have to accept duels. As for WvW and sPvP, those places are not for dueling. They have specific objectives to accomplish and you just make your team mad when you are holding up a spot and not contributing to the objective.

one reason, i even have to choose?
well, trolling comes to mind, annoyance also comes to mind, annoying duels while trying to enjoy the game is yet another one…….oh wait, you said one right?
also, if you’re holding a spot, how is that my problem?
it’s still in a PvP area and in an open world, not a PvE world but an open world nonetheless.

and again, you still have not given a reason why it should be in a PvE place, all you do is throw the exact same question to the opposite person and never provide even one good reason.

I just provided you with a reason. The problem is that you don’t want to hear it. You’re so focused on not having it that you fail to listen to reason. Dueling allows for something optional to do in open world. you think your going to get trolled by other players, but you’re not. You think it’s such a burden for you when you are PvEing and see someone dueling, but you could just walk right past them and keep enjoying your PvE. Your whole argument is childish and selfish to say that it’s not your problem. WvW’ers are having to deal with PvE in WvW content (IE: Living Story), so it’s not like they haven’t broke the formula already anyway.

All the good reason’s to have duels are typed out all over this forum, you just don’t read them. And all the bad reason’s are the same pointless arguments over and over again, that really don’t justify not allowing dueling.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcuss.6457


you don’t even think about anything else but your self.

So he’s selfish for wanting duels, but dueling in WvW is “not your problem”?

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


So while players may generally gravitate towards dueling in one area, the difference is simply being given the freedom to do so. I think being given that freedom is a huge deal.

Like i said in my post above, most of the disagreement comes from the our own perceptions of the actual impact dueling will have on other people’s games. I think that impact is minimal and just overblown on these forums.

I have played other games with dueling, as well (WoW, SWTOR, DCU), and most duels occur in areas that players tend to gravitate towards, and not really as much out in the open world, yet they are still free to do so if they want. Which is why i maintain that dueling in the open world will not significantly impact your game or impede your ability to play if you choose not to duel.

At this point, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. We accept restrictions on our individual freedom every day so our community as a whole can have a better quality of life, so I don’t find the freedom to choose argument that compelling. You keep telling me open world duelling doesn’t impact me, and I keep telling you it does. If you can’t accept that something that doesn’t bother you could really bug someone else, we can’t make any forward progress and we’ll have to shake hands and part ways.

I’m not arguing my perception of what will happen with open world duelling – I’m arguing from my experience. Your experience is different from mine, because you are actually interested in duelling. My experience is getting pestered by some hyperactive player hopping in circles around me and spam challenging me as fast as I can decline as I’m trying to go about my business and folks insisting on duelling in the most populated areas of the world, which I can’t blame them for because it’s the best way to find opponents, but which is incredibly annoying to me, even though you might not find it to be a big deal.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: WhiteAndMilky.2514


Duels prease, in a designated area, so as to not annoy others.

I play all the things 80. Pew Pew Pew. Killin joor commanders.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: coglin.1867


Arenanet Your Community wants duels already.
options to duel other ppl in all over tyria….
so plz open your Eyes at :“duels” duels duels duels duels duels duels duels
duels duels duels duels duels duels duels and duels.
people could spend so much time dueling and having alot of fun instread of sitting in LA and doing nothing.

I love how some really rude folks presume to speak for me and the entire community as a whole. If you want it, that is great. I was completely indifferent about. That is until I read how you presume to speak for me and anyone else who doesn’t want it.

Just because your sitting in LA doing nothing, doesn’t mean the rest of us are either. Just saying.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


So while players may generally gravitate towards dueling in one area, the difference is simply being given the freedom to do so. I think being given that freedom is a huge deal.

Like i said in my post above, most of the disagreement comes from the our own perceptions of the actual impact dueling will have on other people’s games. I think that impact is minimal and just overblown on these forums.

I have played other games with dueling, as well (WoW, SWTOR, DCU), and most duels occur in areas that players tend to gravitate towards, and not really as much out in the open world, yet they are still free to do so if they want. Which is why i maintain that dueling in the open world will not significantly impact your game or impede your ability to play if you choose not to duel.

At this point, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. We accept restrictions on our individual freedom every day so our community as a whole can have a better quality of life, so I don’t find the freedom to choose argument that compelling. You keep telling me open world duelling doesn’t impact me, and I keep telling you it does. If you can’t accept that something that doesn’t bother you could really bug someone else, we can’t make any forward progress and we’ll have to shake hands and part ways.

I’m not arguing my perception of what will happen with open world duelling – I’m arguing from my experience. Your experience is different from mine, because you are actually interested in duelling. My experience is getting pestered by some hyperactive player hopping in circles around me and spam challenging me as fast as I can decline as I’m trying to go about my business and folks insisting on duelling in the most populated areas of the world, which I can’t blame them for because it’s the best way to find opponents, but which is incredibly annoying to me, even though you might not find it to be a big deal.

He who sacrifices liberty for security deserves neither :P Not the best application of the quote but i believe it’s still apt. The point of trolls is to ruin everything, so if you let features get restricted based on the behavior of a tiny percentage of trouble makers you let the trolls win.

Just because someone has trolled you with duel requests once, twice, or a dozen times, is not a great reason to ban open world dueling for everyone for all of eternity.

But you’re right, we are just at odds on this issue. Dueling isn’t important to you, so i can see why you wouldn’t want to put up with minor inconveniences…that might not even happen…or could already happen in game and dont….or do already happen in game but apparently isn’t a gamebreaker at this point.

I’m still impressed you guys manage to get trolled so often in the same games i’ve played and not been trolled in. Maybe i just have a thicker skin then i realize :P

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sernius Alathar.6538

Sernius Alathar.6538

Arenanet Your Community wants duels already.
options to duel other ppl in all over tyria….
so plz open your Eyes at :“duels” duels duels duels duels duels duels duels
duels duels duels duels duels duels duels and duels.
people could spend so much time dueling and having alot of fun instread of sitting in LA and doing nothing.

They listened to you and allowed you the ability to create private instances in the mists, it’s there please pay attention and use it. Open dueling is tedious and irritating, I personally have played enough games with that blah-blah wants to duel message pop op on my UI to know I never want to see it here, did you ever consider that maybe other players don’t want to be hassled while in the middle of chatting, or playing the game?

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


Arenanet Your Community wants duels already.
options to duel other ppl in all over tyria….
so plz open your Eyes at :“duels” duels duels duels duels duels duels duels
duels duels duels duels duels duels duels and duels.
people could spend so much time dueling and having alot of fun instread of sitting in LA and doing nothing.

They listened to you and allowed you the ability to create private instances in the mists, it’s there please pay attention and use it. Open dueling is tedious and irritating, I personally have played enough games with that blah-blah wants to duel message pop op on my UI to know I never want to see it here, did you ever consider that maybe other players don’t want to be hassled while in the middle of chatting, or playing the game?

In an interview, one of the devs acknowledged that you can in fact play 1v1 in a custom sPvP match, but also said it was an awkward round-about way of doing it, and they would like to add dueling in the open world in the future.

I’m sorry that you get irritated when someone requests something from you in game, whether it be via request to duel, a private message, or a guild or group invite, but the very nature of MMOs is that at some point you may have to interact with another player.

I don’t think the argument “i shouldn’t have to deal with other players” carries much weight when half of the appeal of MMOs is that much of what you do involves consensual interaction with other players. As long as there is a measure of consent in place (accept or deny a duel request) the issue comes down to nitpicking and overblowing the worst possible consequences of dealing with other real persons.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sernius Alathar.6538

Sernius Alathar.6538

I’m not saying I don’t want to interact with players, I am an active member in multiple guilds, as well as an officer in my primary, do not presume that because I want to be challenged by some insignificant noobling that I am being anti-social. I do not like the mechanic, when alternatives exist.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


I’m not saying I don’t want to interact with players, I am an active member in multiple guilds, as well as an officer in my primary, do not presume that because I want to be challenged by some insignificant noobling that I am being anti-social. I do not like the mechanic, when alternatives exist.

There are no alternatives to open world dueling, except for in WvW. And even if you manage to duel in WvW successfully, you’re still taking a spot from someone who might otherwise be contributing to the war effort in WvW.

You’re not being anti-social by being afraid of getting duel requests, you’re just being too darn sensitive. Some “insigificant noobling” who requests a duel from you is not preventing you from playing the game. Ignore them and go about your business like an adult, so the majority of players who would use duels properly can enjoy it. It’s not fair that your fear of a tiny minority of players trumps the requests of a larger percentage of the player base that would not bother you.

I swear, if group invites weren’t implemented in this game originally, you would have people coming to the forums saying “don’t implement group invites! It’s not necessary since you get your own loot and you cant steal mobs from people! Trolls will just incessantly spam group invite and will never leave me alone!”

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


He who sacrifices liberty for security deserves neither :P Not the best application of the quote but i believe it’s still apt. The point of trolls is to ruin everything, so if you let features get restricted based on the behavior of a tiny percentage of trouble makers you let the trolls win.

And that small anti-social percentage of the population is why we can have unrestricted freedom. We can’t drive as fast as we feel like, we can’t walk around nude in public because it make some folks really uncomfortable, et. al. If we choose to live in a neighborhood with a homeowner’s association, we can’t paint our houses that bright purple color we really love. We put up with that restriction because at least we won’t have to look at our neighbor’s house painted in that neon green color we really hate.

I believe in maximizing freedom, but I also recognize that there is a balance to strike so that everyone’s freedom is maximized at the cost of each individual in a community not having complete freedom. If you want complete freedom, you have to live away from society.

Just because someone has trolled you with duel requests once, twice, or a dozen times, is not a great reason to ban open world dueling for everyone for all of eternity.

I’ve shown respect for your point of view and you keep saying that my point of view is silly and painting me with the “over-sensitive” brush. My skin is actually pretty thick – it has to be as a woman that has been an Engineer for coming up on three decades now and a gamer longer than that. What I don’t tolerate very well is being annoyed when I’m trying to enjoy a few hours away from work, whether it is by other players or by the game mechanics.

I don’t play MMOs that require me to return to quest givers anymore, because it annoys me. I could ignore the dailies and cut down my annoyance, but why would I? It’s a game and I’m not having fun, so why play? Likewise, I could ignore the annoyance of the small percentage of duel trolls, but why wouldn’t I speak up and express that it annoys me so I potentially don’t have to? Will I rage quit over open world duelling? No, of course not, but I’m not going to suck it up it silence if I have a chance to influence the direction of the game toward a less annoying experience for me.

I’m still impressed you guys manage to get trolled so often in the same games i’ve played and not been trolled in. Maybe i just have a thicker skin then i realize :P

I like hybrid builds and taking the least popular classes/weapons/skills and making them work. It makes me look like an easy target for folks that think DPS is the only way to win, so I get challenged a lot by burst damage twinkers who think I’m going to be a quick and easy kill.

One of the best PvP experiences I ever had was repeatedly trouncing a granite tank in one of the City of Heroes PvP zones with my empathy defender. Lol he was so angry and kept coming back for more and I obliged him. For folks that aren’t familiar with COH – empathy defenders were supposed to be healers and stand around supporting other folks while they DPSed and granite tanks were supposed to be impossible to kill because of their insane defenses. For me PvP is all about the meta-game and countering the flavor of the month. It entertains me to teach the folks with the cookie cutter uber builds that being predictable is a huge liability when competing against real humans.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


Sorry, i’m not trying to be disrespectful. I am not arguing against you, i am just arguing against your argument. And your argument is incredibly sensitive

I just feel if there was a feature that you would like to see implemented, that would greatly increase the satisfaction of your gameplay while not impeding my ability to play the way i would like, i would not take issue with it. But i am pretty easy going…if a troll wants to duel spam me for 10 minutes it’s not going to ruin my day, and may not even be a blip on my radar, haha. I would probably go let my dog outside and laugh about this fool who keeps trying to interact with an AFK me. In the big picture, that one interaction with a troll is a drop of water in the ocean that is the rest of my gameplay experience.

Where you argue the implementation of open world dueling would not be game breaking for you, i would argue the lack of open world dueling is gamebreaking for others. I have a lot of friends that never got into GW2 because they could never get into pvp (i wrote about this in more detail in an earlier post in this thread).

It’s sad that GW2 is the only MMO without dueling, because i’ve tried the other MMOs and GW2 is just a lot better in all other aspects.

(edited by Scrambles.2604)

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


i just don’t get something, you want duels, ppl give you options and you simply ignore all of them.
we suggested an arena, you ignore it, we suggest it only be done in WvW, you see it as a horrible idea.
however, the moment we say that open world dueling in a PvE place is a bad idea you come up with all kind of excuses that make no sense, you have no idea how many problems dueling adds in the game.
i rather have them not add something to prevent problems then add something that will only cause problems, even potential profit loss due players leaving.

you don’t have an issue with duel trolls because you your self enjoy duels, ppl who simply can’t stand it are plagued with all kinds of annoyances and it does effect the gameplay, even to a point of no return.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


i just don’t get something, you want duels, ppl give you options and you simply ignore all of them.
we suggested an arena, you ignore it, we suggest it only be done in WvW, you see it as a horrible idea.
however, the moment we say that open world dueling in a PvE place is a bad idea you come up with all kind of excuses that make no sense, you have no idea how many problems dueling adds in the game.
i rather have them not add something to prevent problems then add something that will only cause problems, even potential profit loss due players leaving.

you don’t have an issue with duel trolls because you your self enjoy duels, ppl who simply can’t stand it are plagued with all kinds of annoyances and it does effect the gameplay, even to a point of no return.

i don’t have a problem with duel trolls because – 1) they don’t exist in a significant frequency. It is a possibility if you consider the worst possible outcome and then say it will happen all the time, but in reality this rarely happens.

and 2) Even if you are duel spammed, this does not prevent you from doing anything in the game. You can ignore them, decline the request, go about your business, and the troll cannot do more than request a duel…and this is assuming ignore doesn’t prevent this or there is an auto-decline option.

If you don’t want to duel—don’t—and your game doesn’t change. Your other points have been addressed multiple times but despite all reason, you still seem to be ignoring them.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


and what part of “duels ruin the immersion of PvE” is considered?
i don’t know how many games you have played but i have played to many games to count and every time there are open duels it always ends up with annoyance, not just from a PvE aspect but also from a PvP despise aspect.

i enjoy playing in a PvE environment where we battle grand monsters, go out on an adventure and solve great mysteries.
i don’t enjoy seeing others fight each others, being bothered with duel invites and having all kinds of insults being trowed at me.

as it is now is fine the way it is, adding duels adds problems even with an auto decline option.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


and what part of “duels ruin the immersion of PvE” is considered?
i don’t know how many games you have played but i have played to many games to count and every time there are open duels it always ends up with annoyance, not just from a PvE aspect but also from a PvP despise aspect.

i enjoy playing in a PvE environment where we battle grand monsters, go out on an adventure and solve great mysteries.
i don’t enjoy seeing others fight each others, being bothered with duel invites and having all kinds of insults being trowed at me.

as it is now is fine the way it is, adding duels adds problems even with an auto decline option.

This is just a difference of opinion. I find a world more immersive when you have players participating and interacting with it and eachother. I am also seriously confused that seeing a player fighting a mob is fair game, but seeing a player fight another player suddenly ruins everything?

You can claim that people will chase you down and harass you constantly in the open world all you want, while i can claim duels would gravitate towards a certain area and most people will just leave you alone in the open world, but in reality neither of us can say what would happen for sure.

The only thing we can say for certain is that in the event that you are chased down, duel requested, and harassed, despite any reasonable preventive measures that would be put in place that exist in other games, (functional ignore, auto-decline, or even a cooldown on how frequently you can request a duel from a person) you are still fully capable of playing the game just as if dueling wasn’t even there.

(edited by Scrambles.2604)

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: serialkicker.5274


There are trolls everywhere, even on forums and you still use them. Ok, not the best example, but i couldn’t resist.

I don’t see any harm in implementing this feature. Only potential way of harrasing would be someone could follow you everywhere, because they can see where you are on contact list. But even that is not likely, if you change the map, will they really tp to there and search whole map for you?

Besides this would be another perfect reason for anet to finally remove the stupid ability for players to see others where they are even if they are blocked. Who tought of this bright idea, it makes no sense.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bevillian.1260


A box comes up, Player X would like to duel. If you don’t respond within a few seconds, it goes away and you can’t be asked again for a minute or so. Make it have the same rules as spamming. when the duel starts, those to players have the ability to use all skills on each other while everyone else stays allied. A flag stomps down signifying the beginning. Please implement.

Guild Wars 2 Needs Hall of Heroes

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcuss.6457


GW2 needs open world duels. There is no good reason not to have it, ANET.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I think PvE players don’t want duels in PvE because they don’t want to be bothered with any request, even if the box goes away if unanswered and can’t be reclicked again or even if there is an option to exempt them from any duel request.

People just don’t want to be hasseled with stuff they have no interest in doing. That is how I am and I agree with those against dueling in PvE zones because I just don’t want to hassle with stuff that I’m not interested in doing.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.