Mounts [Merged]

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Mounts or no mounts I don’t care, but please give us longer speed boosts.

Heck make those tonics give 50% speed boost and they will actually become a hot item.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: DominatorIV.2847


I would like mounts in WvW, because honestly, it is a pain in the kitten when you die in a far away part of the map and then you have to spend 4-8 minutes walking back there. If mounts were added to this game, only put them in WvW.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


…sigh…. everyone has their own opinion on mounts and I am no different. I, however, do not want mounts. My reason is simple…I find the way point travel to be much simpler and more convenient. I would like the cost of the way points to be lowered some but other than that, no mounts.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


…sigh…. everyone has their own opinion on mounts and I am no different. I, however, do not want mounts. My reason is simple…I find the way point travel to be much simpler and more convenient. I would like the cost of the way points to be lowered some but other than that, no mounts.

And how would the inclusion of having mounts in the game change your use of waypoints? it wouldn’t

I’ve nothing against people using the WP system, but to argue for the exclusion of something simply because that person wouldn’t use it, is just plain invalid.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


I’m all for mounts. There are plenty of reasons for their inclusion. Plus, the economy would benefit from them. The distance between WP’s allows for them.

If you don’t want to use them / own them, fine, use the WP system and pay the fee that comes as a consequence of that decision. The rest of us who like / own mounts would have already paid our reasonable fees to purchase one, won’t be forced into using the WP system, just as you aren’t forced to use a mount.

Everyone is happy.

More options in everything in the game = potentially happier playerbase.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


I made a very lengthy post, as to why GW2 does not have a mount implemented and ways to go around it.

It is more then just because GW1 didn’t have one that GW2 won’t. It has a lot to do with the game mechanics itself and how the mount can throw off everything. That is why I made very lengthy post pointing out features in which the mount would cause problems and how we should change the mount in order for it to be implemented and yet at the same time not change the game-mechanics, especially since many character classes depend on certain “Speed skills.”

However, most people aren’t willing to read a 4 page post, pointing out many major issues with implementing mounts. If people really did want mounts they would read my post and although they may or may not agree with my idea of how to implement mounts, they could atleast understand some of the main reasons why mounts have not or may not be implemented. Once they understand these things, atleast we can then start to huddle up and figure out ways to balance mounts and get them in game vs. sitting here and saying put mounts in.

If I had time, I’d read your post. But there’s one thing that destroys all these arguments against their inclusion:

All these arguments about blocking npcs, difference in sizes, skipping content, yadda, yadda, yadda. All has been dealt with in other games.

And to those who say “GW1 didn’t have mounts!”. That argument holds no weight. This isn’t GW1, which was a co-operative game with much smaller zones.
This is GW2. An MMO with a gigantic world.

It’s a different game, with different rules that apply.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: LadyHorus.8214


Eh I personally have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, having some kind of faster mode of ground transportation would be nice. I couldn’t help thinking to myself that it wouldn’t be out of place at all if the Seraph for example, were riding on horses doing their patrols or some such. I don’t think it’d be weird for there to be a more realistic mount in the game, like a horse. I don’t feel anything extravagant would be necessary.

The reason I’d like having a cheap horse mount is because I find myself constantly switching to a weapon set for the speed boost only, although I really enjoy a different set more. Sure I could use consumables to give a small speed boost but what I’d really like is something like the weapon skill for speed on the side without my having to change my weapon sets around specifically for it. If that makes sense… So something like a ground mount would help this. However, I don’t feel that ground mounts should be available in combat areas (such as spvp or wvw which could potentially give an unfair advantage).

But on the other hand, I like that there aren’t any mounts in the game as it stands now. Like someone mentioned before, it would be all too easy to miss opportunities to help people who may be struggling. And think of all the really well hidden jump puzzles in many of the zones. I feel like if there were mounts, everyone would have them and use them most of the time to get from point A to point B, and miss a lot of what the world has to offer. I know for me personally one of the main reasons I’d like mounts is because I like to save money where I can, and the teleport costs are a bit much as it is now. Not going to break my wallet because I have plenty but, if I can save the money by running I’m going to.

Rosangela Marie: 80 Mesmer • Rosangela: 80 Elementalist
My Artworks! - Lady Horus Gaming

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


All the issues which people use against the inclusion of mounts, have in the most part been successfully dealt with in other games.

Its that simple.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dwarfstar.4928


I’m indifferent to mounts in this game. I loved collecting them in LotRO, however. IMHO, if they introduced mounts in this game it would have to be conditional. For instance: Once you buy a mount, you would be able to ride it in a given zone only after you have unlocked all the way points in that zone. If you have NOT unlocked ALL the waypoints, then you would only be able to ‘walk’ (lead by it’s reins) through the zone with it. In this way the mount would still be useful as extra storage until you’ve unlocked all the way points. That would be a nice compromise. Also, the mounts could only be obtained from the shop for say $10-$20 depending on the creature ( or from a special vendor) at extravagant cost to Karma.

“No, on second thought, let’s not go to Camelot. ’Tis a silly place.”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


I’m indifferent to mounts in this game. I loved collecting them in LotRO, however. IMHO, if they introduced mounts in this game it would have to be conditional. For instance: Once you buy a mount, you would be able to ride it in a given zone only after you have unlocked all the way points in that zone. If you have NOT unlocked ALL the waypoints, then you would only be able to ‘walk’ (lead by it’s reins) through the zone with it. In this way the mount would still be useful as extra storage until you’ve unlocked all the way points. That would be a nice compromise. Also, the mounts could only be obtained from the shop for say $10-$20 depending on the creature ( or from a special vendor) at extravagant cost to Karma.

That makes very little sense. What would be the reasoning behind stopping people from actually riding a mount in a zone when they haven’t unlocked ALL of the waypoints in that zone? What you are suggesting is just to make the situation cumbersome for people for no good reason.

Yes, someone who has a mount could possibly get to the waypoints and unlock them before someone who hasn’t got a mount. But so what? After that, said same person who doesn’t have a mount will undoubtedly use the WP system. Thus getting to where they want to go faster than the person who rides their mount to get there.

So if the justification for such a suggestion is centred around creating some kind of “balance” or “fairness”, it already exists.

Incidentally, have you tried to get all the waypoints in places like the zones in Orr? It’s not possible to do that solo.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dwarfstar.4928


I’m indifferent to mounts in this game. I loved collecting them in LotRO, however. IMHO, if they introduced mounts in this game it would have to be conditional. For instance: Once you buy a mount, you would be able to ride it in a given zone only after you have unlocked all the way points in that zone. If you have NOT unlocked ALL the waypoints, then you would only be able to ‘walk’ (lead by it’s reins) through the zone with it. In this way the mount would still be useful as extra storage until you’ve unlocked all the way points. That would be a nice compromise. Also, the mounts could only be obtained from the shop for say $10-$20 depending on the creature ( or from a special vendor) at extravagant cost to Karma.

That makes very little sense. What would be the reasoning behind stopping people from actually riding a mount in a zone when they haven’t unlocked ALL of the waypoints in that zone? What you are suggesting is just to make the situation cumbersome for people for no good reason.

Yes, someone who has a mount could possibly get to the waypoints and unlock them before someone who hasn’t got a mount. But so what? After that, said same person who doesn’t have a mount will undoubtedly use the WP system. Thus getting to where they want to go faster than the person who rides their mount to get there.

So if the justification for such a suggestion is centred around creating some kind of “balance” or “fairness”, it already exists.

Incidentally, have you tried to get all the waypoints in places like the zones in Orr? It’s not possible to do that solo.

Is this not a “suggestion” area? I thought I was making a suggestion not debating anything. LOL Calm the kitten down. =)

“No, on second thought, let’s not go to Camelot. ’Tis a silly place.”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Middzz.1490


All the issues which people use against the inclusion of mounts, have in the most part been successfully dealt with in other games.

Its that simple.

The most part ………..a rather dismissive and unmeasured term .
What you require mounts means a lot of redesign and work its not as simple as you try to portray it .
Scale at present is designed balanced on walk explore discover .
The ranges space of events creatures is also based on this.,the speeds reactions ranges of monsters also.
Inclusion of mounts would require a lot of rebalancing and rescaling which is far from simple .And would always have the ability to seriously hinder systems that work at present .
Just think through the effect of speed ….can an animal attack a mount ..can the mount outrun ….if the speed is adjusted can the player on foot escape far will the creature chase …how do you limit range how far chase before retreat … you keep slow reaction ranges as now ..simply make horses fast invunerable means of travel …how do you limit the effect player running one event another when in a close area …do we change the scale events ..the timing events …the distances between ….and we can go on and on and on .

No simply the problems with mounts have not been answered just ignored it seems .

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shandim.8694


All the issues which people use against the inclusion of mounts, have in the most part been successfully dealt with in other games.

Its that simple.

The most part ………..a rather dismissive and unmeasured term .
What you require mounts means a lot of redesign and work its not as simple as you try to portray it .
Scale at present is designed balanced on walk explore discover .
The ranges space of events creatures is also based on this.,the speeds reactions ranges of monsters also.
Inclusion of mounts would require a lot of rebalancing and rescaling which is far from simple .And would always have the ability to seriously hinder systems that work at present .
Just think through the effect of speed ….can an animal attack a mount ..can the mount outrun ….if the speed is adjusted can the player on foot escape far will the creature chase …how do you limit range how far chase before retreat … you keep slow reaction ranges as now ..simply make horses fast invunerable means of travel …how do you limit the effect player running one event another when in a close area …do we change the scale events ..the timing events …the distances between ….and we can go on and on and on .

No simply the problems with mounts have not been answered just ignored it seems .

Mount supporters have addressed the issue of speed many times in this thread. Either the mount could be dismounted upon entering combat, it could have no speed bonus at all, or it could have no speed bonus but a short dash ability. Regardless, it wouldn’t create any more problems with zone exploration and mob aggro than speed boons would, if implemented properly.

(edited by Shandim.8694)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


…sigh…. everyone has their own opinion on mounts and I am no different. I, however, do not want mounts. My reason is simple…I find the way point travel to be much simpler and more convenient. I would like the cost of the way points to be lowered some but other than that, no mounts.

And how would the inclusion of having mounts in the game change your use of waypoints? it wouldn’t

I’ve nothing against people using the WP system, but to argue for the exclusion of something simply because that person wouldn’t use it, is just plain invalid.

As I said, it is only my personal opinion…

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: artsymptom.9851


I would like to have mounts, remember what I said about I have a real horse, even if I have a car, love to explore with him.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scorpio.3821


I can’t imagine my Charr riding an animal… Maybe a motorcycle… =]

Legate of the Legion.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.3289


Arena-Net has therefore placed a sufficient number of Way-points to enhance the game-play without the use of mounts, I don’t think they’ll add this in the future or think about it any time soon.

“A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom”
StormBluff Isle

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I want mounts as a vanity feature, much like the various armor/weapon skins/mini pets. I don’t particularly care if there’s a drastic movement speed increase, or an increase at all. But I want the option to hoard more stuff.

That said, a bit of a speed increase would be nice in WvW :c Nothing like dying and having to run across the entire map to regroup with whoever I’m running around with.

There are centaurs, so I’d imagine horses wouldn’t be a huge stretch for humans. Asura are honestly small enough to ride a moa if nothing else, but I think a golem of some sort would better suit the purpose. Norn could probably manage with Dolyaks. Charr build things probably just as often as asura at least, so they could no doubt come up with their own locomotive. Sylvari and oakhearts.

Other possibilities might stretch out and cover skale, drakes, bears, spiders. I mean, really, there are a lot of options if this were to be done right. And I think that if it were honestly a possibility, most players wouldn’t mind dropping a few gold on it if they DID bring you a more permanent speed boost, because you can rack up a pretty nice fee on waypoints anyways (unless you literally want to run everywhere… but come on.)

(edited by Fievre.4510)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


I’m indifferent to mounts in this game. I loved collecting them in LotRO, however. IMHO, if they introduced mounts in this game it would have to be conditional. For instance: Once you buy a mount, you would be able to ride it in a given zone only after you have unlocked all the way points in that zone. If you have NOT unlocked ALL the waypoints, then you would only be able to ‘walk’ (lead by it’s reins) through the zone with it. In this way the mount would still be useful as extra storage until you’ve unlocked all the way points. That would be a nice compromise. Also, the mounts could only be obtained from the shop for say $10-$20 depending on the creature ( or from a special vendor) at extravagant cost to Karma.

That makes very little sense. What would be the reasoning behind stopping people from actually riding a mount in a zone when they haven’t unlocked ALL of the waypoints in that zone? What you are suggesting is just to make the situation cumbersome for people for no good reason.

Yes, someone who has a mount could possibly get to the waypoints and unlock them before someone who hasn’t got a mount. But so what? After that, said same person who doesn’t have a mount will undoubtedly use the WP system. Thus getting to where they want to go faster than the person who rides their mount to get there.

So if the justification for such a suggestion is centred around creating some kind of “balance” or “fairness”, it already exists.

Incidentally, have you tried to get all the waypoints in places like the zones in Orr? It’s not possible to do that solo.

Is this not a “suggestion” area? I thought I was making a suggestion not debating anything. LOL Calm the kitten down. =)

You mistake my interest in your post as a sign of being emotionally upset. I am not.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


All the issues which people use against the inclusion of mounts, have in the most part been successfully dealt with in other games.

Its that simple.

The most part ………..a rather dismissive and unmeasured term .
What you require mounts means a lot of redesign and work its not as simple as you try to portray it .
Scale at present is designed balanced on walk explore discover .
The ranges space of events creatures is also based on this.,the speeds reactions ranges of monsters also.
Inclusion of mounts would require a lot of rebalancing and rescaling which is far from simple .And would always have the ability to seriously hinder systems that work at present .
Just think through the effect of speed ….can an animal attack a mount ..can the mount outrun ….if the speed is adjusted can the player on foot escape far will the creature chase …how do you limit range how far chase before retreat … you keep slow reaction ranges as now ..simply make horses fast invunerable means of travel …how do you limit the effect player running one event another when in a close area …do we change the scale events ..the timing events …the distances between ….and we can go on and on and on .

No simply the problems with mounts have not been answered just ignored it seems .

The fact is that what you are describing is commonly referred to as the act of being “dismounted” in many MMO’s that feature mounted travel. Something that both has been addressed and works fine in other games. Meanwhile said games STILL allow players to run around all they like on foot, and the game still works fine. Go figure

Now, unless a dev says otherwise, any arguments connected with the notion of “major reworks” of mechanics is purely speculation, and therefore cannot be used as concrete justification against the inclusion of mounts in the game. Incidentally, I’m not saying that the inclusion of mounts in the game would be a really simple task either. For that reason, I do not try to speculate as to the amount of work required.

However, just because the amount of effort involved isn’t known, that doesn’t mean that people cannot / should not offer suggestions for things to be included in the game.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: doittoit.1974


I’ve nothing against people using the WP system, but to argue for the exclusion of something simply because that person wouldn’t use it, is just plain invalid.

It’s about resource allocation. Spending time on a mechanic that wouldn’t be used is a waste of resources that could be used to strengthen a more important aspect of the game, or generate new content. The fallacy in your argument, Tarkaroshe, is why not include everything you possibly can as long as it won’t directly hurt the game experince. It should be obvious a game/company can’t do this for several reasons such as the stress on the game, expense, and the time to create and install all said items.

That being said I wouldn’t mind mounts as a cheaper alternative to waypoints. Waypoints can get pretty expensive and not sure why the cost of way points aren’t static to the location rather then increasing with a characters level.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


I’ve nothing against people using the WP system, but to argue for the exclusion of something simply because that person wouldn’t use it, is just plain invalid.

It’s about resource allocation. Spending time on a mechanic that wouldn’t be used is a waste of resources that could be used to strengthen a more important aspect of the game, or generate new content. The fallacy in your argument, Tarkaroshe, is why not include everything you possibly can as long as it won’t directly hurt the game experince. It should be obvious a game/company can’t do this for several reasons such as the stress on the game, expense, and the time to create and install all said items.

That being said I wouldn’t mind mounts as a cheaper alternative to waypoints. Waypoints can get pretty expensive and not sure why the cost of way points aren’t static to the location rather then increasing with a characters level.

Who said it wouldn’t be used? Sorry, but you appear to be taking my quote out of context and jumping to wild conclusions here.

A person said that they didn’t want mounts in the game, because THEY wouldn’t use them, because they found the WP system convenient. That’s not a good justification for excluding something for everyone else. That’s just basically a case of being selfish.

Now, IF the devs had agreed with the notion of only including things that everyone / the majority would use, then in all likelihood we wouldn’t see a lot of the features that are in the game….For instance, PVP may have been left out. After all, we know that only a portion of the playerbase actually takes part in it and therefore it could be potentially considered as a “waste of resources” using your own logic.

But as we know, regardless of how many take part in PVP, it is still expected to be included in an MMO today. It is part of the “foundation” of a typical MMO in today’s industry. But that expectation flies in the face of the very logic you are using.

The point I’m trying to make here is that something doesn’t HAVE to be used by everyone, in order to have enough justification for it’s inclusion in the game.

In fact, sometimes even the features and items in games that aren’t heavily used by the majority can actually still benefit the game. Just look at WoW and its “sparkle ponies” that blizzard sells on its store. Those things sell in unbelievable quantities, making Blizzard quite a tidy bit of money. Don’t you think that Anet should therefore consider selling mounts on the BLTC, regardless of how often the players would actually use them in the game? After all, more money for Anet has got to be good for the game, wouldn’t it? Also, part of the development costs for introducing mounts into the game could potentially be offset by selling some particular ones on the BLTC.

As for my own arguments, I am fully aware of the ramifications of resource allocation. But remember, no one is demanding their inclusion as a matter of highest priority. And any speculation regarding the amount of effort required to introduce mounts into the game is futile unless we have concrete figures to hand, which are verified by the devs themselves.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


In short / TL,DR: Although at first glance the inclusion of mounts in the game may be considered as a “waste of resources” based purely on the notion that not everyone would use them, in the mid-long term if such items proved to be popular on the BLTC, they could be turned into yet another source of income for Anet. More variety could then be added to increase potential sales.

More sales = more money for Anet = potentially more development time / money spent on the game.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shandim.8694


Bumping to prevent repeated posts.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Monk Gerwin.7039

Monk Gerwin.7039

Simple and plain:
No mounts.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mara Gossep.2761

Mara Gossep.2761

We really don’t need mounts. GW2 works pretty kitten well without mounts.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blude.6812


As others have said remove/reduce the riduclous cost(sinkhole) of waypoints I wouldn’t want a mount.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safer Saviour.9685

Safer Saviour.9685

I support almost all the major arguments against mounts, so I won’t rehash them all by paraphrasing. However, one thing I have noticed in reading through this thread is the continual reference to humans with horses.

Horses are extinct in Tyria. Finito. Gone.

Furthermore, personal transformation has /evolved past/ riding beasts. Teleportation is a part of the lore, as are tanks, airships and other motor vehicles.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: andrijas.7038


I would love to see mounts in this game. Before you go on saying “oh you have waypoints, what’s the use of mounts!”, let me just say that I do not want them for speed. I would love to see them because of roleplay. As far as I’m concerned they could move walking speed and they wouldn’t be like world of warcraft (riding dragons, birds, etc…), but plain horses (ok, maybe a horse with barding could be cool too).

So basically just for aesthetics and roleplay, NOT for speed. They would obviously cost some gold and people wouldn’t really NEED them, but rather buy them if they think it fits their RP.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: zogrim.6925


Pff horse… I’d want to ride in a Charr Battle Tank :P

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Squirrelbane.2510


I want a rainbow unicorn

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trevilocalypse.5627


Horses for roleplay actually sounds awesome.

I, for one, feel that walking to a faraway destination looks right, but takes too long. And jogging to a location doesn’t take too much time, but it looks wrong. Waypoints ruin the value of roleplaying because it doesn’t feel like a proper journey.

This is a brilliant suggestion. Perhaps give the horses a +15% speed increase. Also, being able to choose your colour horse or being able to dye the saddles would also be nice. Adds a form of uniqueness.

I really hope horses are added.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bust Nak.6150

Bust Nak.6150

I made a simular suggestion before. I don’t care about speed, I just want to look cool on my mount. Throw in a few custom anim (much like the pirate toy sword or cook’s pan) then it’s all good.

Lionguard Lyns fan club member.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alex.9567


i just want a decent Asuran power-suit, something that id actually want to use. in a small why this is currently the closest thing to a mount in game.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


No. No mounts. Ever. They cause more problems than they are worth. Period.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Can we lock this thread? There are about 100 more on this topic…tired of seeing it.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

Also don’t care about speed, i just want a nice big dark horse to gallop around on xD

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

@mrsrachelm oh very convincing. Please tell us the other things YOU think should be removed/never added so we can get right on that. Try adding a real reason next time.

Personally I want my asurans to have moa mounts. Love moas and that would just look great. I don’t care about the speed buff (though it would be nice) as I’m more concerned with the cosmetic look of it all. Mounts are a wonderful part of MMOs and usually serve as the basic mode of transportation outside of swift traveling.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

For the love of god, there is no place for mounts in Tyria, GW1 lasted years without them and i am sure that the same will apply for GW2. I hope ANet will at least comment on this thread and clarify this issue.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


fun fact, the only mention of horses in all of Guild Wars lore is a snippet of canthan lore that implies horses more than confirms.

so best case scenario for you mount lovers, you’d be mounting dolyaks and moas.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Novalitus.7382


Why are people against mounts? All they do is add an extra nice layer to the game lol. I dont see the problem….

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


^ mounts allow you to easily skip content, and that’s kind of the opposite of what should ever happen in a game.

there is already a waypoint system for you fast travellers, just pay the fee.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Don’t care for mounts, but I wouldn’t mind them. But they definitely need to up the speed boost, especially for rangers.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: andrijas.7038


why does this keep swinging to “why do you need mounts when you have waypoints?”?
Mounts for the looks, who cares about speed!

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


why does this keep swinging to “why do you need mounts when you have waypoints?”?
Mounts for the looks, who cares about speed!

would you ride a car to work if you could press a button on your wrist watch and teleport yourself to the office?

that’s kind of the idea here. it doesn’t make sense even for roleplayers, unless there’s a new kind of roleplaying that completely disregards lore and common sense.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: HumaCarrionEater.8254


I don’t want them. In practice in other MMOs I have played, people sat around on them cluttering up major cities. Or they outright abused them, by parking them over required vendors/quest givers.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: andrijas.7038


why does this keep swinging to “why do you need mounts when you have waypoints?”?
Mounts for the looks, who cares about speed!

would you ride a car to work if you could press a button on your wrist watch and teleport yourself to the office?

that’s kind of the idea here. it doesn’t make sense even for roleplayers, unless there’s a new kind of roleplaying that completely disregards lore and common sense.

do you drive a plane to work/school? it’s faster way of travel than car…

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


why does this keep swinging to “why do you need mounts when you have waypoints?”?
Mounts for the looks, who cares about speed!

would you ride a car to work if you could press a button on your wrist watch and teleport yourself to the office?

that’s kind of the idea here. it doesn’t make sense even for roleplayers, unless there’s a new kind of roleplaying that completely disregards lore and common sense.

do you drive a plane to work/school? it’s faster way of travel than car…

actually no, a plane is not faster, nor is it more cost efficient. the amount of procedures required to take off, fly, and land would take you longer than just walking.

but here’s the thing: teleportation in tyria costs a ridiculously small fee, definitely less than keeping a living animal healthy and fed. no one uses any transport other than teleportation, be it via waypoint, be it via asura gate. the only moment you see anything other than teleport and walking being used for transport are with war machines.

either way, i just raised this point to debunk the “but it’s for roleplaying” argument, unless roleplaying took a new meaning, and now means “twisting the world’s lore and customs to whatever i want it to be”

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conan.4312


First off, I want to say that I have not read this entire thread, so dont flame me if something I say is redundant. I am simply posting here because having mounts in this game would be my #1 dream suggestion, and this is the suggestion forum, so i am posting to be heard. Secondly, i will say I love alot about this game. it is so superior to any other MMO out there in alot of ways. BUT….I play MMOs (as Im sure many others do) to immerse myself in a fantasy world I wish i could have actually been a part of (in my case middle age fantasy). I am no pathetic, lifeless nerd, mind you. I have a wife and 4 children, and a wonderfully busy real life. I just want to experience every aspect of that fantasy world as deeply and realistically as possible. What midievil fantasy world could possibly be complete without a hero on his trusted MOUNT? Why walk, when you can ride? Theres a reason why every culture who discovered the benefits of mounted travel and combat abandoned pedestrian lifestyle and became dominant. I get tired of people saying " mounts have no place in GW, because of what?lore I guess?" or “yay, they did it cuz WoW has mounts, and we dont wanna be like WoW” or " it will ruin the game, take away from exporation, or teamwork" or “we have waypoints”. Hogwash to all of that!! We have seen mounts in GW, we see beasts of burden(aka pack animals) all over the world of Tyria, and we even see some mounted heros on some load screen concept art. If we want realism it only stands to reason, if all these beasts are around, no hero in his right mind would be running around when he could be mounted. Waypoints?? Please!!! You can have your waypoints, but a hero would still mount up when exploring , farming or heading into battle to and from said waypoints if given the choice. Besides they are costly and more interruptive than mounts. There is a reason WoW has been such a huge success, I dont care how many of you are wow haters. Even with an outdated game Wow continues to draw people back again and again, because they have figured out how to immerse folks into their world in every aspect, even MOUNTS! Mounts add another level of achievement or goal setting. Mounts add heroism. Mounts add diversity. Mounts add immersion. Mounts WILL add to playerbase and success of this game, cuz some folks JUST FLAT OUT WANT A MOUNT in an MMO!!! The ones who dont will still play this game for all the reasons they already play it. Im not saying everyone should share my opinion, only that the excuses i have seen and heard for not having them are not valid. If you dont want a mount, dont get one. Continue running around afoot. BUT, dont hate on or deprive those of us who thoroughly enjoy them and who think that adding mounts would put an already great game into legendary status.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


First off, I want to say that I have not read this entire thread, so dont flame me if something I say is redundant. I am simply posting here because having mounts in this game would be my #1 dream suggestion, and this is the suggestion forum, so i am posting to be heard. Secondly, i will say I love alot about this game. it is so superior to any other MMO out there in alot of ways. BUT….I play MMOs (as Im sure many others do) to immerse myself in a fantasy world I wish i could have actually been a part of (in my case middle age fantasy). I am no pathetic, lifeless nerd, mind you. I have a wife and 4 children, and a wonderfully busy real life. I just want to experience every aspect of that fantasy world as deeply and realistically as possible. What midievil fantasy world could possibly be complete without a hero on his trusted MOUNT? Why walk, when you can ride? Theres a reason why every culture who discovered the benefits of mounted travel and combat abandoned pedestrian lifestyle and became dominant. I get tired of people saying " mounts have no place in GW, because of what?lore I guess?" or “yay, they did it cuz WoW has mounts, and we dont wanna be like WoW” or " it will ruin the game, take away from exporation, or teamwork" or “we have waypoints”. Hogwash to all of that!! We have seen mounts in GW, we see beasts of burden(aka pack animals) all over the world of Tyria, and we even see some mounted heros on some load screen concept art. If we want realism it only stands to reason, if all these beasts are around, no hero in his right mind would be running around when he could be mounted. Waypoints?? Please!!! You can have your waypoints, but a hero would still mount up when exploring , farming or heading into battle to and from said waypoints if given the choice. Besides they are costly and more interruptive than mounts. There is a reason WoW has been such a huge success, I dont care how many of you are wow haters. Even with an outdated game Wow continues to draw people back again and again, because they have figured out how to immerse folks into their world in every aspect, even MOUNTS! Mounts add another level of achievement or goal setting. Mounts add heroism. Mounts add diversity. Mounts add immersion. Mounts WILL add to playerbase and success of this game, cuz some folks JUST FLAT OUT WANT A MOUNT in an MMO!!! The ones who dont will still play this game for all the reasons they already play it. Im not saying everyone should share my opinion, only that the excuses i have seen and heard for not having them are not valid. If you dont want a mount, dont get one. Continue running around afoot. BUT, dont hate on or deprive those of us who thoroughly enjoy them and who think that adding mounts would put an already great game into legendary status.

i stopped reading about a 4th of the way through, because there’s no way to read that wall of text. please use paragraphs next time.

anyway, i’m not flaming you, but i’d recommend your read some of my posts in this very page, which explain how mounts would actually break immersion, as mounts haven’t been a thing in tyria for centuries, and will definitely not happen again, now that teleportation costs so little.

what people forget is that tyria isn’t a medieval world, it’s a steampunk world. animal labor has been mostly replaced with machinery, gunpowder exists, the charr hit the industrial revolution, asuras re-created the asura gate network, which connects all 5 major cities (as well as other key points, including strategic locations in previous and current wars, like ebonhawke and fort trinity), AND they created a waypoint network, which allows people to travel instantly for a small fee (smaller than feeding an animal would ever cost).

any distance that doesn’t justify a waypoint travel (or when they have to transport stuff), people just walk. and they can’t defend whatever they’re transporting if they’re on top of a moa or dolyak, because those would be the mounts available.

why would you only be able to mount moas (stupid hybrids between chocobos and ostriches) and dolyaks (fat buffalos)? because there are no horses in tyria. horses are extinct, and may actually have never existed in tyrian land. so your only mount options would look ridiculous and impractical, which is why tyrians don’t ride mounts.

TL;DR: the immersion/RP argument is flawed, because mounts go against almost every staple of tyrian society. it would be like riding a horse around a major city on present day. sure it’s technically feasible, but it’s stupid, ridiculous, impractical and expensive.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

(edited by BrunoBRS.5178)