(edited by VBMeireles.4951)
Mounts [Merged]
Funny discussion because the first mount has already been introduces with Halloween. Yes it misses the permanent speed boost but the broomstick is a mount.
Then you might don’t like the permanent speed boost but did you ever see a thief who maxed out all his speed / teleport abilities? He is like Road Runner.
Mix the two together and you have the mounts like everybody imagines it.
Did you also see the Moa racer in LA? And I saw some stables I think in queensdale that let me think.. I will probably be able to buy mounts here in the future.
I really think they will come in the future. Maybe November 15, maybe with the first expansion.
People should really stop with the mount threads. If you want a mount, go play WoW
People should stop with the WoW referances since it shows their ignorance. WoW wasnt the 1st to have mounts, isnt the only with mounts.
I don’t understand all the constant negativity and WoW comparisons. Adding mounts to GW2 does not mean it would have to work exactly as in other MMO’s.
Think of it this way: Would it be cool to ride around on your very own Dolyak, or skeletal horse? Hell yes!
Would it break the game? Well that depends entirely on how the team would implement this feature. And you can be sure that they would not add the feature unless it worked with the rest of the game. In other words, let Anet worry about balancing issues. And keep the ideas coming.
What kind of mounts would be fun?
Moa Bird, Dolyak, Necrid Horse, Bone Dragon, Drake…
It would also be interesting if mounts some how encouraged other players to have benefits from it as well. How would mounts work with other players?
No, mounts would not be fun. They ruin the game.
Once you have mounts, everyone wants a mount. Worse still, if mounts give you some kind of stat advantage, everyone has to have a mount.
With mounts, the areas where a lot of players are standing around just looks cluttered and ridiculous.
It’s just a crap idea. You’ve got minipets and ranger pets if you want to collect animals.
I don’t understand all the constant negativity and WoW comparisons. Adding mounts to GW2 does not mean it would have to work exactly as in other MMO’s.
Think of it this way: Would it be cool to ride around on your very own Dolyak, or skeletal horse? Hell yes!
Would it break the game? Well that depends entirely on how the team would implement this feature. And you can be sure that they would not add the feature unless it worked with the rest of the game. In other words, let Anet worry about balancing issues. And keep the ideas coming.
What kind of mounts would be fun?
Moa Bird, Dolyak, Necrid Horse, Bone Dragon, Drake…
It would also be interesting if mounts some how encouraged other players to have benefits from it as well. How would mounts work with other players?
I’m glad you see it like I do.
Mounts are awesome, they make your character look unique and some of them can be really great looking. Also, they could link it to achievements, get 50/50 mounts and get this legendary one, it would be a drive to play the game more, I love collecting stuff like mounts, I had tons in WoW.
I am for mounts, as I think that waypoints are a massive money sink and I would prefer to have a cheaper (albeit slower, so that waypoints will not be made redundant) way of getting around. It would also be more realistic, as adventurers would not go everywhere on foot but would have some sort of animal to ride on. Furthermore, they would also be logical for NPCs such as the Seraph, Lionguard, Charr soldiers etc. to be riding mounts while on patrol or on campaign. Seeing as most of GW2 is loosely based on Earth’s history, I don’t see why there are no mounts like there were on Earth in the Middle Ages/Renaissance/Industrial Revolution/Dark Ages.
To solve the problem of areas looking cluttered mounts could be disabled in cities (as I believe several people have already suggested) and other high-population areas. People who prefer to have their character travelling on foot could still have mounts, but could hide them like you can with head, shoulder and back armor, so you still have the speed boost but do not have a visible mount. However, I agree that there should not be certain mounts that are better than others, overly impressive mounts with loads of spikes and fire everywhere that distract attention from the character itself, or flying mounts.
Mounts are a nice way of adding even more personalisation to your character and are a logical way of getting around if you are an adventurer. I believe they should be added to GW2, but Anet should take care not to let them ruin the game for those people who dislike the idea of mounts.
Charr already have cars all around BC. Mechanised mounts won’t break the lore. I would really like to see +33% MS mounts added to game. Since stacking swiftness manually is lame, routine and boring.
No, mounts would not be fun. They ruin the game.
Once you have mounts, everyone wants a mount. Worse still, if mounts give you some kind of stat advantage, everyone has to have a mount.
With mounts, the areas where a lot of players are standing around just looks cluttered and ridiculous.
It’s just a crap idea. You’ve got minipets and ranger pets if you want to collect animals.
No, hold on, wait a second. How would they ruin the game? People haven’t been reading when they post, I see.
1. They aren’t against the lore (mechanical mounts, or organic; either would work)
2. Mounts won’t ruin anything – improper implementation may.
3. Most people agree that we don’t want them in cities or PVP – Please direct me to any other place where people are constantly standing around doing nothing but wasting space (which, in case you didn’t know, is already cluttered)
4. Hoarding minipets and having a mount are not ever going to be synonymous.
Also please don’t resort to telling everyone that they should just play a ranger. Rangers are fun, but I’ve no desire to play one just to hoard pets. Seriously? Was that really just used as an excuse?
These things are all vanity options (Rangers pets are NOT, in case you didn’t know) that people want more of. Why is that so terrible? Once one person has a mount, everyone clearly does NOT want one because we have plenty of people who want nothing to do with them posting here, yourself included.
And who says there’s any reason for mounts to have stats? If that were the case, they’d be equipment, and THAT might be a crap idea. Mounts in general aren’t.
New rebuttal pls.
And to anyone claiming mounts are against the lore… Ahem:
And to anyone claiming mounts are against the lore… Ahem:
To be fair, lorewise all that was 250 years ago. Things now a days are very different than the way they were back then.
Again, not saying im against mounts, just pointing out a fact.
Let mounts have the costume mechanic and a specific slot in costume window (H)
We have something similar now with the broom in Witch costume
And to anyone claiming mounts are against the lore… Ahem:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_HorsemanTo be fair, lorewise all that was 250 years ago. Things now a days are very different than the way they were back then.
Again, not saying im against mounts, just pointing out a fact.
Please also understand that these people are claiming that never in the history of either game have mounts ever existed in any way, shape, or form. Which is untrue, this is the second post full of links to things that disprove it.
250 years may have passed but that’s hardly a logical reason for people (not you – just generalizing) to think that suddenly nobody would have any reason for mounts. They’re faster than walking and would get you to places that are between two waypoints. It also could just be a leisurely experience.
We have people looking at a housing system, a marriage system, and other things that are generally less common – or at least less likely – in MMOs and mounts of all things are what people are getting hernias over? Really guys? These things that show up in a ton of other games, that have proven they don’t make games fail and improve the experience have people tripping.
I really can’t even comprehend it.
How about in Pve for level 80s?
And to anyone claiming mounts are against the lore… Ahem:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_HorsemanTo be fair, lorewise all that was 250 years ago. Things now a days are very different than the way they were back then.
Again, not saying im against mounts, just pointing out a fact.
Please also understand that these people are claiming that never in the history of either game have mounts ever existed in any way, shape, or form. Which is untrue, this is the second post full of links to things that disprove it.
250 years may have passed but that’s hardly a logical reason for people (not you – just generalizing) to think that suddenly nobody would have any reason for mounts. They’re faster than walking and would get you to places that are between two waypoints. It also could just be a leisurely experience.
We have people looking at a housing system, a marriage system, and other things that are generally less common – or at least less likely – in MMOs and mounts of all things are what people are getting hernias over? Really guys? These things that show up in a ton of other games, that have proven they don’t make games fail and improve the experience have people tripping.
I really can’t even comprehend it.
the points that people are being picky about is how they think that mounts would detract from the overall gaming experience. While i agree with no permanent speed increase via mounts, i think that other than that, mounts can add a certain depth into the game, especially for role players. though it would have to be implemented carefully so that it doesnt disrupt the nature of the game.
And to anyone claiming mounts are against the lore… Ahem:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_HorsemanTo be fair, lorewise all that was 250 years ago. Things now a days are very different than the way they were back then.
Again, not saying im against mounts, just pointing out a fact.
Please also understand that these people are claiming that never in the history of either game have mounts ever existed in any way, shape, or form. Which is untrue, this is the second post full of links to things that disprove it.
250 years may have passed but that’s hardly a logical reason for people (not you – just generalizing) to think that suddenly nobody would have any reason for mounts. They’re faster than walking and would get you to places that are between two waypoints. It also could just be a leisurely experience.
We have people looking at a housing system, a marriage system, and other things that are generally less common – or at least less likely – in MMOs and mounts of all things are what people are getting hernias over? Really guys? These things that show up in a ton of other games, that have proven they don’t make games fail and improve the experience have people tripping.
I really can’t even comprehend it.
the points that people are being picky about is how they think that mounts would detract from the overall gaming experience. While i agree with no permanent speed increase via mounts, i think that other than that, mounts can add a certain depth into the game, especially for role players. though it would have to be implemented carefully so that it doesnt disrupt the nature of the game.
I don’t doubt at all that Anet wouldn’t bother with them if they weren’t sure how to keep them from messing everything up. But I really do think people should stop thinking in this mindset that nobody else matters lol. If we assume mounts are done as vanity items and have little to no utility otherwise, then it doesn’t hurt anyone other than the people who can’t step off the pedestal and realize that not everyone likes what they like.
Mounts would be entirely optional for players. Waypoints would still exist, so it isn’t like anyone would really be missing anything by not having them. We just want other things to collect – preferably without requiring we run the same dungeon a million times.
I wouldn’t want to /see/ mounts. They clutter the landscape and could easily be used to grief people in certain areas – particularly jumping puzzles.
But as you say, in the end, for whatever reasons, it boils down to likes and dislikes. The people who want mounts think they’d be a cool addition and the people who don’t want them think they’ll detract from the fun/beauty/whatever of the game. -shrugs-
As for suggestion that only some rank would get mounts is out of the question.
it’s called racism! Besides mounts in this game are completely unnecessary due to way points.
Why everything has to be only for lvl 80 for you people?
Though i am all for mounts as they would add so much more depth to the game, i disagree that they should be restricted to 80. I think 30 is a good level.
The only benefit I see to a mount is when all waypoints are contested and you have to run the map just to get where you wanna go. Otherwise it’s so easy to get places. So what if you have to kill a few mobs on the way, yeah might be a little annoying but it’s not the end of the world.
Suggestion perhaps would be, adjust how the waypoint becomes contested. I’ve seen before when I couldn’t use it due to an event but the event wasn’t on the waypoint. I still would have had to run to the action. Maybe adjust it to where contested waypoints would only become contested should the event be in a city, village, or on the actual waypoint where had u been able to port there you’d be right in the middle of the action.
I say yes to some sort of mount (maybe rent out a temporary one from a vendor on the map) as at level 80 it costs 2 silver to teleport anywhere.
Or even no mounts until you have completed a map, but I shouldn’t be breaking my bank waypointing(in which case you don’t experience your surroundings), and after running through a map a few times, walking from map to map to get anywhere is tiring.
I support the idea of adding mounts. Not every class gets a passive speed boost, mounts would help everyone level the playing field.
If this was a problem in WvW and PvP? Just give everyone a PvP specific mount just like they do your gear once you enter the mists.
I didnt purpose mounts because we need them, i purposed them because they are cool. Therefore the arguement that we dont need them because of waypoints is kinda irrelevant. Especially since i purposed that they will only grant the equalivent to having perma-swiftness, and therefore will hardly be needed anyway. Really it’s got some uses but mostly it was for “cool” factor.
Though if they never add mounts i really dont care. I just think it would be an awesome achievement for someone who puts in the time and effort to get one(whatever the reason may be).
I forget some of the other mounts in GW1, here is another I just remembered.
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Siege_Devourer on the official Guild Wars Wiki! I even like the first part its says “You have mounted a siege devourer.”
From GW2 the quest “Desperate Medicine” Petra actually says “Look, Moa’s! There big, but skittish. It would be real easy to spook them! Remember when we used to ride Rancher Mepi’s herd? I bet these birds are just as skittish.”
And to anyone claiming mounts are against the lore… Ahem:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_HorsemanTo be fair, lorewise all that was 250 years ago. Things now a days are very different than the way they were back then.
Again, not saying im against mounts, just pointing out a fact.
Yeah 250 years is a long time. And just like our reality, the charr started making mechanical mounts and mechanical siege weapons. No one ever said the mounts Anet could give us has to be living breathing creatures.
I dislike mechanical mounts myself , worst thing in SWTOR to me , yes out of all the other stuff , is that lack of animal mounts.
Hell i would pick a horse over any bike anytime.
Also , i support mounts cause i find them beautiful and amazing , and i think on a game like GW2 , based on looks over all else , they would fit like a glove.
A. Several posts already about mounts. Actually too many to care for but in any case, post there.
B. Mounts would ruin many things in the game. Such as skipping over content by running past it all, cluttering up hot spots with large animals, Permaswiftness would just be extremely unfair in WvW since the whole goal should be keeping teamates alive and pushing forward, not respawning and running back to battle quickly to resupply your server meat shield. Mounts worked ok in some games but it serves no need in this game. Even as a aesthetic since we got titles, skins, and dyes.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
+1 for ones again another mount thread !
I am all for it btw! Mounts are always good to have.. there’s like no RPG that doesn’t use them. Besides if you can have tons off fluffy mini pets then what the hell is wrong with a 33% speed boost mount.. you can already perma boost your self anyways with most classes if not all.
Just make them PVE only and not allowed in towns etc and keep them looking to style off the game (some how people are picturing purple unicorns with sparkles and Laser beams shooting out off there kitten etc)
(edited by Gibbel.5734)
i think this is a bad idea because everybody should get a mount!
I dislike mechanical mounts myself , worst thing in SWTOR to me , yes out of all the other stuff , is that lack of animal mounts.
Hell i would pick a horse over any bike anytime.
Also , i support mounts cause i find them beautiful and amazing , and i think on a game like GW2 , based on looks over all else , they would fit like a glove.
We agree, but for the sake proving that mounts are not just living creature,s I went and made that point….
We agree, but for the sake proving that mounts are not just living creature,s I went and made that point….
Heh ic , well that is just personal preference anyway.
Still glad to have you on the animal mounts side!
They could made a moa mount http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/8/81/2010_July_Moa_render.jpg/180px-2010_July_Moa_render.jpg
I forget some of the other mounts in GW1, here is another I just remembered.
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Siege_Devourer on the official Guild Wars Wiki! I even like the first part its says “You have mounted a siege devourer.”From GW2 the quest “Desperate Medicine” Petra actually says “Look, Moa’s! There big, but skittish. It would be real easy to spook them! Remember when we used to ride Rancher Mepi’s herd? I bet these birds are just as skittish.”
have to quote myself here read the part about the personal story DM.
For God’s sake, you’ve started without it, let it be that way with only waypoints, mounts are not necessary, and they clutter the area, it’s just crap idea… instead, it would be better to improve minis system, a nicer interface to handle them would be a nice way (hate having to activate them everytime and how they have to be in the bag, there should be a separate panel/inventory).
For God’s sake, you’ve started without it, let it be that way with only waypoints, mounts are not necessary, and they clutter the area, it’s just crap idea… instead, it would be better to improve minis system, a nicer interface to handle them would be a nice way (hate having to activate them everytime and how they have to be in the bag, there should be a separate panel/inventory).
so what you are saying is that we should ride the mini’s? That might be just comical and all, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.
To see how great mounts will be , check these awesome ones from Perfect world game.
I don’t play it anymore , but I just loved it’s mounts.
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
A. Several posts already about mounts. Actually too many to care for but in any case, post there.
B. Mounts would ruin many things in the game. Such as skipping over content by running past it all, cluttering up hot spots with large animals, Permaswiftness would just be extremely unfair in WvW since the whole goal should be keeping teamates alive and pushing forward, not respawning and running back to battle quickly to resupply your server meat shield. Mounts worked ok in some games but it serves no need in this game. Even as a aesthetic since we got titles, skins, and dyes.
A. read title before making statement that make you look silly. Id have thought the huge MERGED in the title was a dead giveaway. It being half the actual title id have thought you would have spotted that.
B. People skip past content with waypoints so thats an invalid point. Perma swiftness is available to several classes if they choose it. No one is asking for it to grant anything more than you can do yourself (its mainly aesthetic). Since this is a game basically based around aesthetics, adding another lare to that cant be a bad thing.
Personally Im sick of hearing how such a feature would ruin the game. Maybe if Anet put some braindead in charge and we got flying sparkle ponies with perma 100% speed (but i seriously doubt thats gonna happen).
For God’s sake, you’ve started without it,
Wouldnt the whole world be a better place if everyone thought that? I mean get off that PC/laptop since the human race started without it, thens its odviously not needed. But since you will likely go duh RL and game dont have the same rules ok. Ill mock up a petition to Anet to NEVER introduce ANYTHING, change ANYTHING, since we all bought the game already there is really no reason to even touch it again.
(edited by Lutharr.1035)
Still no reply from a Dev and what not ! Thread is getting pretty big tons of views !
Is that my Purple Unicorn with rainbows shooting out his bud galloping towards me ?
+1 for mounts !
Oh, and lets not forget, 250 years may have passed. But Dolyaks are still around. If they were used as mounts before, there is no reason why they could not be used as mounts now.
And as pointed out, we also had siege devourer mounts and junundu wurms in Guild Wars 1, and they were a lot of fun! Why wouldn’t they be fun in GW2?
They could made a moa mount http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/8/81/2010_July_Moa_render.jpg/180px-2010_July_Moa_render.jpg
I’m dreaming to ride on a Moa one day.
aw shucks! I was gonna post about the Moa mounts. There are already several corrals of Moa’s around. A armored Moa! *thumbs up* heh
Simply saying ’no mounts’ without justification of your statement is absurd.
To the people who keep saying it would make us skip content, that is completely absurd!
I ALWAYS run towards dynamic events but usually don’t always make it, instead I have to keep switching weapons for speed enhancers and movement spells like ‘ride the lightning’ and it just gets repetitive and boring. If we had mounts we’d just be getting to content faster and more easily, it’s an upgrade to what we normally do.
AND, they will not make tons of crowds of clutter, name me one place where people just stand there? (excluding towns because mounts wouldn’t be in towns.)
No mounts ! We have waypoints .. Also walking is better for exercise . Walking makes you explore places , get attacked by monsters … with mounts you will skip everything…
I post gw2 screenshots if you wanna take a look :)
You already can skip everything if you want.
And you’ll be able to explore places with mounts too.
Seriously, stop stating this. Because it is simply not true.
And no one ever told why we can have perma-swiftness in-game, but can’t have mounts, that serve same purpose.
Mounts are totally nice way to improve game experience for alot of players.
You already can skip everything if you want.
And you’ll be able to explore places with mounts too.Seriously, stop stating this. Because it is simply not true.
And no one ever told why we can have perma-swiftness in-game, but can’t have mounts, that serve same purpose.
Mounts are totally nice way to improve game experience for alot of players.
how fast is perma swiftness. +10% speed? in order for mounts to appease the speed need crowed, mounts would need to exceed swiftness speed permanently, and that is not a good idea, because it makes skipping content that much easier, and there is no need to promote that kind of behaviour.
im not against mounts, but i am against mounts with perma extra speed.
We won’t be able to use our skills and buffs during riding so we won’t get extra swiftness.
Mounts should give us the normal swiftness that can come from any class.
Many players create builds that specialized in swiftness ,because it’s the only way to get it.
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
A. read title before making statement that make you look silly. Id have thought the huge MERGED in the title was a dead giveaway. It being half the actual title id have thought you would have spotted that.
You’re assuming that NinjaEd directly posted in this thread rather than one of the daily “Mounts, NAO!” threads that keep turning up and getting merged here.
We won’t be able to use our skills and buffs during riding so we won’t get extra swiftness.
Mounts should give us the normal swiftness that can come from any class.
Many players create builds that specialized in swiftness ,because it’s the only way to get it.
So let players create swiftness builds, that doesnt mean there should be mounts. there are plenty of players who don’t play swiftness builds and are fine with traversing the world on foot as is.
there is no reason for mounts to have an increase in speed. most players want mounts for the sake of just having them, so make them useful and not something that can be used as an additional method of skipping content.
Like i’ve said before, sure people skip content, so why promote it with mounts?
No mounts ! We have waypoints .. Also walking is better for exercise
. Walking makes you explore places , get attacked by monsters … with mounts you will skip everything…
no ….someone I think already said that mounts should be the reward from doing 100% map completion , if that was the case tell me how much content are they gonna skip?
Only what they want to get to, which is the players choice to skip whatever anyway. The people who want a continuous speed buff on mount, don’t want to fight something in between the areas getting to the content they want to do. As a lot of the content is timed, if you get there to late then it was a wasted trip, not to mention most times they want to get to a outpost that is also contested, which means no waypoint travel.I have seen first hand this effect.
If we had waypoints in our real life world, this is what would happen.
One, the waypoints have to have two pieces of equipment, one at both ends of the proposed travel points. That means the equipment is probable gonna be expensive as a kitten, which is why they charge a large fee to use the equipment, but only 10% of the population would probably be able to afford this type of travel. Much like our current air travel options, but It would probably not make it so that air travel options would stop. The majority of the world’s population is poor. This is why there are so many types of travel in our world.
Now if they device only needed the one piece equipment to make the transfer then you would be able to move to any spot in the world and your point would be right.
Second, they would limit the travel points to large cities with heavy populations, as there would not be enough reason to put a device in that cost so much in low travel destination areas or unsavory areas. Meaning that if you could teleport to the bathroom, you probable would, unless it cost you 500$ every time you did and 1million to put in the equipment to make it so.
Third, our nature is not about distance, but time. You will always pick the fastest method of travel that you can afford. And if that method of travel is not available for the area you intend to go you will pick the next fastest method. People practically run you over on the highway just so they can get home and laze on the couch, its the perception of time and what you want to do with your time that is important to people. Just like I noted before, You will need other forms of travel to satisfy the needs of the whole population not just the rich.
Forth, Recreation…some forms of travel are kept, as a form of recreation. Speed has a way of giving ourselves pleasure. This is why some people who can’t really afford it have recreational vehicles so they can have fun. The adrenaline rush you get from going faster than you normally can is fun to some. Meanwhile some of these methods are not fast at all , the enjoyment from these types, are they actually make you slow down. You will feel enjoyment cause your pace of life is slowed down, again the perception of time is slowed, that you feel like you have more time centered around yourself. If you move about very fast all the time you will want slow down types to relax more. I know a lot of people that keep horse’s as their recreation, they feel more at nature when they are riding them. Not what most people on here perceive them to be in game at all, most say in game, it would detach you from the beauty of the in game world.
So all in all its “Time” and “Money” that is the factor that determines what you use as a form of travel and at what times you use it. Does this apply to the game world? No, you get two types of travel and no other choices, and this is why a lot of people want mounts and some don’t.