12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ
I don’t think DR is better necessarily, they are in second due to better coverage (did I get that right?).
We have worse coverage.
IoJ always plays for second which is why the score between IoJ and DR is closer than it should be. DR is by far the superior server.
I’m sorry, I guffawed at that. Everyone thinks their server is the superior one. To make such a biased statement you need solid proof to back it up to be taken seriously.
Is beating them 6/8 weeks enough proof for you?
(Note that IoJ always plays for second too, if DR did that we would absolutely destroy them)
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)
@Jaxx and Tuluum – Totally right on numbers. Any server that is in a good lead will get way more fotm players than the ones that are losing. The fareweathers tend to jack up the numbers count to seemingly insurmountable odds.
Even thou I never agree with Gab ( whether he’s right or not ), it’s true. Unless IOJ stays home for the rest of the match and SF has a huge outpouring of 24/7 coverage, the scores of those 2 servers are going to be very very close. I can’t see any changeup for next week. Just play and have fun.
It doesn’t matter what any forum warriors may say, the wvw centric players will still be in wvw. Fairweathers and wannabe’s will go do something to avoid having to say they lost a fight. Last night was the general potluck : Win some, lose some, run like crazy mad on others.
P.S. Swinder! Quit attacking my poor litle defensless asura guardian at DR green supply. I was entirely a victim and the running around the house every 2 seconds had everyone in TS asking if I had worn out my running away shoes. Good fight and very very close. That group v group could have went either way for sure. And the GG whisper to one of my AoD brothers was a great show of character.
Hehe yea, our assist train was called on you! Always a fun time when i see you guys around. That’s why we go into DRBL.. can almost always guarantee some hang out time with friends. (Even if by friends i mean kill each other ^.^)
I don’t think DR is better necessarily, they are in second due to better coverage (did I get that right?).
We have worse coverage.
IoJ always plays for second which is why the score between IoJ and DR is closer than it should be. DR is by far the superior server.
I’m sorry, I guffawed at that. Everyone thinks their server is the superior one. To make such a biased statement you need solid proof to back it up to be taken seriously.
Is beating them 6/8 weeks enough proof for you?
(Note that IoJ always plays for second too, if DR did that we would absolutely destroy them)
So by your own ~logical~ argument, DR is superior to IOJ because of points! Aha! We’ve come full circle and dearest Gab, we’ll make a scoreboard stan out of you yet.
And if you poke back a few pages in this thread, and wade through the QQ and hallmarks of deleted posts, you’ll see an awful lot of DR pushing into IOJ’s BL, as I’ve noticed this week and has been reflected in this thread. Playing for second place is my fourth favorite hackneyed forum topic. Now we can all have fun with rollplay. IOJ = NSP and DR = AR. Whoot!
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame
Is it guaranteed that we’re getting a new opponent this week?
No, you won’t get a new opponent. If you focused IoJ 100% you would get a new opponent, DR is far to strong to be pushed out even though both IoJ and DH has been poking at us this entire week.
In essence: IoJ is the server that will move down. By attacking DR and not IoJ you are preventing that.
While thats true, it kinda sounds like your trying to get us to leave DR along
At least when I read that last line, I get the feeling you’re trying to make us focus solely on IoJ.
The faster I can get rid of Zoomhaven…
Don’t be judging us! :p I’m sure there are DR (or IOJ) players that do the same thing. Not all WvW player on any server cheats, if there were, I’m sure the server wouldn’t be in WvW at all.
Please give us a keyring…
I don’t think DR is better necessarily, they are in second due to better coverage (did I get that right?).
We have worse coverage.
IoJ always plays for second which is why the score between IoJ and DR is closer than it should be. DR is by far the superior server.
I’m sorry, I guffawed at that. Everyone thinks their server is the superior one. To make such a biased statement you need solid proof to back it up to be taken seriously.
Is beating them 6/8 weeks enough proof for you?
(Note that IoJ always plays for second too, if DR did that we would absolutely destroy them)
So by your own ~logical~ argument, DR is superior to IOJ because of points! Aha! We’ve come full circle and dearest Gab, we’ll make a scoreboard stan out of you yet.
And if you poke back a few pages in this thread, and wade through the QQ and hallmarks of deleted posts, you’ll see an awful lot of DR pushing into IOJ’s BL, as I’ve noticed this week and has been reflected in this thread. Playing for second place is my fourth favorite hackneyed forum topic. Now we can all have fun with rollplay. IOJ = NSP and DR = AR. Whoot!
Wut? Rather, in terms of points DR is superior to IoJ. I think that is as clear as day to everyone?
Yes, I was kitten off at a special someone who trash talked me and DR on the forums so I decided to turn his Hills keep into my housiehome.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
…is it just me? Or has it seem that IoJ’s been pretty quiet in this thread as of late?
Or rather I guess DR and DH has a very rather vocal usual suspects… I suppose I’m also eager for SF to show up in this tier as well, for some slightly different material to talk about.
All you guys will say then is DH/SF has numbers and have no skill. That sums it all right there. If/when SF joins us, I hope to tag team DR out of T6 and the end of cheating/hacks/number/no skill/zerg/ and what ever im missing.
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]
I don’t think DR is better necessarily, they are in second due to better coverage (did I get that right?).
Wut? Rather, in terms of points DR is superior to IoJ. I think that is as clear as day to everyone?
Ok, so what is the reason you’re beating IoJ in points? Is it because you have better coverage (which is one of the reasons DH is stomping the scoreboard) or is it because you are just better? Cause imo, I think the reason is better coverage/more coverage when it matters (ie, NA primetime). Not an attack, just a man tryin to understand ( so please treat it as such and don’t go all atomic on my kitten )
Frankly, I think IoJ would have a better time in T7, I do think DR fields more people than IoJ does. It’ll be very interesting to see what happens when SF comes to T6.
PS: We need more screenshots!! (But not of the accusatory/youhave1203684193465morepeoplethanusnoobzor type) Alright? Alright.
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes
jesus dh. Right now on ioj is what we mean by having more people.
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos
I don’t think DR is better necessarily, they are in second due to better coverage (did I get that right?).
Wut? Rather, in terms of points DR is superior to IoJ. I think that is as clear as day to everyone?
Ok, so what is the reason you’re beating IoJ in points? Is it because you have better coverage (which is one of the reasons DH is stomping the scoreboard) or is it because you are just better? Cause imo, I think the reason is better coverage/more coverage when it matters (ie, NA primetime). Not an attack, just a man tryin to understand ( so please treat it as such and don’t go all atomic on my kitten )
What does it matter? You didn’t follow this discussion from where it started did you?
The end result of Darkhaven focusing on DR will be the same, it doesn’t matter why DR is superior to IoJ. All that matters is that we are, and that this match up will stay as is for much longer due to Darkhavens actions and DR’s superiority.
And I think all servers in this match up made it pretty clear that we don’t want to be in it anymore.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I don’t think DR is better necessarily, they are in second due to better coverage (did I get that right?).
Wut? Rather, in terms of points DR is superior to IoJ. I think that is as clear as day to everyone?
Ok, so what is the reason you’re beating IoJ in points? Is it because you have better coverage (which is one of the reasons DH is stomping the scoreboard) or is it because you are just better? Cause imo, I think the reason is better coverage/more coverage when it matters (ie, NA primetime). Not an attack, just a man tryin to understand ( so please treat it as such and don’t go all atomic on my kitten )
What does it matter? You didn’t follow this discussion from where it started did you?
The end result of Darkhaven focusing on DR will be the same, it doesn’t matter why DR is superior to IoJ. All that matters is that we are, and that this match up will stay as is for much longer due to Darkhavens actions and DR’s superiority.
And I think all servers in this match up made it pretty clear that we don’t want to be in it anymore.
Is it possible to face-palm yourself into delirium??? You kitten all over us for supposedly saying we’re better than you and now you roll with this? Wow.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
PS: We need more screenshots!! (But not of the accusatory/youhave1203684193465morepeoplethanusnoobzor type) Alright? Alright.
Too many commanders on at 1 point popping our tags in EB when we were PvDooring.
was 10 commanders on that has tags up but there was at lease 5 more without tags on
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]
Is it possible to face-palm yourself into delirium??? You kitten all over us for supposedly saying we’re better than you and now you roll with this? Wow.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
I think so. Either way, Ive got just the picture for this specific occasion.
ioj: dont stand in clumps like that when there are mesmers around.
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos
I think the more interesting alignment would be (DR+IoJ) pushing DH. IoJ and DR defend their own BLs, and stay out of the other’s BL. One (DR or IoJ) go offensive in EB, the other (IoJ or DR) go offensive in DHBL. This would give DH a first hand experience of having to deal with numbers on multiple fronts, which we experience every week. If DH can stand up to that, well they deserve their place. If they get rolled, well we can all say the only reason why they are 1st is numbers. I think (#2+#3) v. (#1) would be way more interesting than (#1+#3) v. (#2) as it has been.
I don’t think DR is better necessarily, they are in second due to better coverage (did I get that right?).
Wut? Rather, in terms of points DR is superior to IoJ. I think that is as clear as day to everyone?
Ok, so what is the reason you’re beating IoJ in points? Is it because you have better coverage (which is one of the reasons DH is stomping the scoreboard) or is it because you are just better? Cause imo, I think the reason is better coverage/more coverage when it matters (ie, NA primetime). Not an attack, just a man tryin to understand ( so please treat it as such and don’t go all atomic on my kitten )
What does it matter? You didn’t follow this discussion from where it started did you?
The end result of Darkhaven focusing on DR will be the same, it doesn’t matter why DR is superior to IoJ. All that matters is that we are, and that this match up will stay as is for much longer due to Darkhavens actions and DR’s superiority.
And I think all servers in this match up made it pretty clear that we don’t want to be in it anymore.
Is it possible to face-palm yourself into delirium??? You kitten all over us for supposedly saying we’re better than you and now you roll with this? Wow.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Being superior does not mean that you are better than DR in any way that I care about. I care for personal skill, group synergy, tactics and strategy. (If you haven’t figured this out by now I will just ignore you, since you seem to be ignoring me).
As such, no Darkhaven is not better than DR according to me. However, with the current ranking system, you are the superior server due to your numbers and coverage. This can’t be that hard to comprehend can it?
In reality, WvW comes down to coverage and numbers. Or do you think it’s a coincidence that the higher up in tiers you go, the longer and more frequent the queues are? Rest assured though, there is absolutely nothing impressive about this. Would you prefer to watch a soccer game where every competing team could field as many players as they possibly could, rather than their 11 strongest?
Maybe you should facepalm yourself into delirium.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)
I think the more interesting alignment would be (DR+IoJ) pushing DH. IoJ and DR defend their own BLs, and stay out of the other’s BL. One (DR or IoJ) go offensive in EB, the other (IoJ or DR) go offensive in DHBL. This would give DH a first hand experience of having to deal with numbers on multiple fronts, which we experience every week. If DH can stand up to that, well they deserve their place. If they get rolled, well we can all say the only reason why they are 1st is numbers. I think (#2+#3) v. (#1) would be way more interesting than (#1+#3) v. (#2) as it has been.
Honestly, I kind of think that is the intent behind the general system of WvW. Ideally, even if one server is stronger than each of the other servers individually, they would struggle to deal with both.
edit: I know for certain that DH doesnt even have close to the combined numbers of DR and IoJ.
In practice, however, this seems to be incredibly, incredibly difficult to pull off for any meaningful length of time. Not impossible, by any means, its just hard to get people on the same page on a single server, much less two.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Would you prefer to watch a soccer game where every competing team could field as many players as they possibly could, rather than their 11 strongest?
I wouldnt mind watching that. Add tazers into the mix for added lulz.
DR is ahead of IOJ atm due to IOJs’ oceanic people doing something else this week, or at least appear to. I’m used to checking the maps when I wake up and seeing red & green. Not so much red this week.
Personally, I’ve had a lot of fun this matchup. We have new mortal enemies ( I will killz you Nova! ), new friends ( Friends don’t let friends take thier Yak ), and even found some common ground with other servers. Now if I could just get my new bff Melodey to answer my calls all would be well.
[Zoo] Zerg Of One
Personally, I’ve had a lot of fun this matchup. We have new mortal enemies ( I will killz you Nova! ), new friends ( Friends don’t let friends take thier Yak ), and even found some common ground with other servers. Now if I could just get my new bff Melodey to answer my calls all would be well.
I actually have had a ton of fun as well. I know some take this really seriously.. but I have had a blast with both IoJ and DR on the field. For the first time, I actually have specific guild targets that I will drop everything I am doing just to go fight. I love that, and havent felt that way in a long, long time.
I know the scores are a bit lopsided, but I have really been enjoying the fight win or lose. There seems to be a slow respect forming between the servers for me. I really enjoy some of the forum wars as well, though perhaps, some take it a bit more seriously than others.
gab..you diddnt beat us this past reset night.
Clearly we didnt. This is 4.5 hours into last reset, after we lost most of our numbers and starting losing all the points we controlled for the first 3 hours. Admittedly last week’s reset was one of the worst showings as far as numbers we’ve had in months (had outmanned buff for a good amount in EB). The week before it took over 7 hours for us to lose the point advantage we got during reset. (I have screens of that too, so please don’t try and flame it)
Tarnished Coast
Ah yes, here we are again outmanning DR. :|
Second pic is from today at around 2pm, first pic is from the night before last, around 8pm (PDT).
There are quite a few players/guilds that a few of my AoD family will go out of thier way for. You say so-and-so is in the zone…. and I know it’s on like donkey kong.
Any talk about the pro players versus the scrubs will always end in hurt feelings. IMHO, if you give real effort you’re a winner in my book. People were getting on Swindler early on. I base people off thier actions. He takes his wins and losses just like we do. I’m sure there’s plenty more on every server.
[Zoo] Zerg Of One
There are people on DR who also brag. In fact in this thread there is this:
Darkhaven’s overwhelming 70+ zerg loses to DR’s small (but basically godlike) roaming but not playing for points party!:
Followed by a bragging youtube video. Once again, DR can do something but DH cannot.
Mate. I’m on Darkhaven. I was facetiously pointing out that DH doesn’t always have the largest zerg. Not by a long shot. I was also quietly bragging at how my Confusion stacks were ruining people.
The points are pretty basic:
- DH fields more players than the other servers (note: because we’re winning. If we hopped up a tier and got slammed the first week, the population would drop dramatically. Fairweatherhaven, you could say.) and wins the point tally because of it.
- DH pretty much owns EB. Lots of zerging. DR and IoJ steer clear in even their peak hours, though they put up good fights with those they have. Both servers absolutely do field zergs as big as the DH at times. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose.
- DR is more vocal on the forums than IoJ
- A few of the most DR vocal take on groups much larger than theirs. If they win, it’s because they’re superior. If they lose, it’s because the zerg was too big. DH has some great players and small groups, but they’re not as obvious. Note that the fighting tends to happen around the ruins between two (very close) spawn points and two highly contested towers. OINK is solid and always fun. asdlkjQQasdlkjaf alliance is solid too but they find it just as enjoyable to gank fewer numbers as any other zerg (in my experience). Note also that a 30v5 is just as silly as a 6v1. HARD in IoJ hits like a semi if you give them a chance. There are plenty others but my list ends there.
- DR kitten es DH off on the forums. So DH goes their BL to kitten them off in turn. Avoid trying to reason out playing for 1st, 2nd, 3rd with the various independent zergs doing different things without any consideration to point tally.
- Smaller DH groups do beat larger DR or IoJ groups. Just because it’s not you 3/4/5 people perma-foruming doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
- DH has worse coverage than AR/ whichever else was mentioned, despite what some (ahem) people who “play in T5” think. Trust us, it wasn’t that long ago that our Monday afternoons brought utter despair at how all the weekend’s hard work yielded nothing better than a huge deficit and an entirely owned AR map.
That should just about cover it. I too look forward to a Tier mixup. Maybe these completely misconstrued arguments will dropped.
…beware the unicorns.
(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)
I don’t think DR is better necessarily, they are in second due to better coverage (did I get that right?).
Wut? Rather, in terms of points DR is superior to IoJ. I think that is as clear as day to everyone?
Ok, so what is the reason you’re beating IoJ in points? Is it because you have better coverage (which is one of the reasons DH is stomping the scoreboard) or is it because you are just better? Cause imo, I think the reason is better coverage/more coverage when it matters (ie, NA primetime). Not an attack, just a man tryin to understand ( so please treat it as such and don’t go all atomic on my kitten )
What does it matter? You didn’t follow this discussion from where it started did you?
The end result of Darkhaven focusing on DR will be the same, it doesn’t matter why DR is superior to IoJ. All that matters is that we are, and that this match up will stay as is for much longer due to Darkhavens actions and DR’s superiority.
And I think all servers in this match up made it pretty clear that we don’t want to be in it anymore.
Is it possible to face-palm yourself into delirium??? You kitten all over us for supposedly saying we’re better than you and now you roll with this? Wow.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Being superior does not mean that you are better than DR in any way that I care about. I care for personal skill, group synergy, tactics and strategy. (If you haven’t figured this out by now I will just ignore you, since you seem to be ignoring me).
As such, no Darkhaven is not better than DR according to me. However, with the current ranking system, you are the superior server due to your numbers and coverage. This can’t be that hard to comprehend can it?
In reality, WvW comes down to coverage and numbers. Or do you think it’s a coincidence that the higher up in tiers you go, the longer and more frequent the queues are? Rest assured though, there is absolutely nothing impressive about this. Would you prefer to watch a soccer game where every competing team could field as many players as they possibly could, rather than their 11 strongest?
Maybe you should facepalm yourself into delirium.
The point was that you are doing what you bashed for us for supposedly doing.
I’m not claiming superiority. However, Darkhaven is much more than mad zergapalooza and zombie hordes nom-nomming on loot bags. We have some amazing WvW guilds and groups that are key to our success and believe in communication to get things done. To insinuate that we lack strategy, tactics, synergy, etc is a blanket observation and your opinion. If we insinuated the same to you then you would quickly be on here with verbal backlash.
I’m not here to verbally spar with you. It wouldn’t accomplish anything anyway. If you have a hate-on for DH that’s ok. Hopefully you’ll have someone new to fight soon and you can tell them how they’re only winning because of numbers and coverage.
So DH goes their BL to kitten them off in turn.
Probably the best thing I’ve ever never said.
…beware the unicorns.
I’m not here to verbally spar with you. It wouldn’t accomplish anything anyway. If you have a hate-on for DH that’s ok. Hopefully you’ll have someone new to fight soon and you can tell them how they’re only winning because of numbers and coverage.
Here is a funny little quote for you. What I say about numbers is my honest appraisal and not something I say because I am losing.
My honest opinion is that EB is the most organized server out of all three in this match up. They consistently make use of better strategy, whereas BP and DR quite often compensate with numbers.
I ended up putting my alt account on EB after the match up as a result.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
ebay was always fun to fight. good roaming population.
Then maguuma 2.0 came along and started zerging everything
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos
I just wanted to say that, despite social tensions between the servers, I’ve had a blast in this match up. While it’s never fun to come in third week after week, I do enjoy the struggle of retaking a keep and the thrill of victory when we finally reclaim what’s ours. I spend a fair amount of time roaming around the BL’s and I’ve met some cool sparring partners on both DH and DR that show respect for other players and will take time away from the zerg to enjoy a duel or two. DH, I admire your persistance, everytime we think we’ve broken a siege you guys come back in full force to keep us on our toes. DR, it’s been really fun having such a close score with you guys, forcing us to keep pushing and not just lay down and accept third.
What I’m saying is, I like you guys, it’s been an interesting matchup so far, and we need to stop flooding the forums with unfounded hate and get back on the battlefield.
What I’m saying is, I like you guys, it’s been an interesting matchup so far, and we need to stop flooding the forums with unfounded hate and get back on the battlefield.
+10 points right there. <3
To the Riot thief glass cannon in redvale just now whats wrong… so afraid of losing to a ranger 1 on 1 again you rush me with another glass cannon…
Edit: shouldnt say you suck… at least your willing to fight im tired of people running away from me… im a ranger for petes sake.
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.
(edited by irishhaf.1692)
Quite a few straw men being torn down in here lately. Who said that DR is outnumbered in every single fight that occurs? Who said that DH never wins any fights when they are outnumbered?
There are four WvW maps running 24/7, it’s silly to make over-reaching generalizations.
There are obviously going to be fights where DR has the number advantage and there are obviously going to be fights where DH (or IoJ) wins despite DR having a number advantage.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
(edited by Oozo.7856)
This movie is a solo/duo/small group movie. There is some footage not from this matchup but most of it is. Most of the group fights have a guild versus guild element to it. By pointing this out, I’m not trying to call anyone out. I’m just trying to let the viewer know which fights are more challenging than fighting a PUG.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Hah I love Gaz just sitting there with his arms crossed
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos
Hah I love Gaz just sitting there with his arms crossed
Yeah, first fight with Xsorus I was winning pretty easily (I made a few mistakes in the fight in the movie which allowed him to get away so he could kite and heal) but Gaz backstabbed him when he was low health so I had to ditch that clip.
After that we were letting him 1v1. Gaz beat him at least once.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
if we are evenly matched we beat you the majority of the time., not sometimes. You are using this numbers/coverage claim as an excuse for a poor performance.
LOL does DH really think this way? Honestly this made my day, thank you for the good laugh.
gab..you diddnt beat us this past reset night.
Clearly we didnt. This is 4.5 hours into last reset, after we lost most of our numbers and starting losing all the points we controlled for the first 3 hours. Admittedly last week’s reset was one of the worst showings as far as numbers we’ve had in months (had outmanned buff for a good amount in EB). The week before it took over 7 hours for us to lose the point advantage we got during reset. (I have screens of that too, so please don’t try and flame it)
I don’t know what time zone you are in, but this screenshot clearly is not 4.5 hours after reset. There have been about 8000 points scored total. With 2780 scored per hour just from ticks plus the extra yak/sentry points, this screen had to be taken 2.5-3 hours after reset. This is still during prime time and actually shows DH with a huge PPT lead.
Also, the way DR got ahead at the start was taking over IOJ territory. Meanwhile, IOJ had their zerg in DH bl. So… DR playing for second?
However, I do remember DR doing better than this in the previous resets, but I don’t remember specific points.
(edited by Zinrae.3769)
gab..you diddnt beat us this past reset night.
Clearly we didnt. This is 4.5 hours into last reset, after we lost most of our numbers and starting losing all the points we controlled for the first 3 hours. Admittedly last week’s reset was one of the worst showings as far as numbers we’ve had in months (had outmanned buff for a good amount in EB). The week before it took over 7 hours for us to lose the point advantage we got during reset. (I have screens of that too, so please don’t try and flame it)
I don’t know what time zone you are in, but this screenshot clearly is not 4.5 hours after reset. There have been about 8000 points scored total. With 2780 scored per hour just from ticks plus the extra yak/sentry points, this screen had to be taken 2.5-3 hours after reset. This is still during prime time and actually shows DH with a huge PPT lead.
Also, the way DR got ahead at the start was taking over IOJ territory. Meanwhile, IOJ had their zerg in DH bl. So… DR playing for second?
However, I do remember DR doing better than this in the previous resets, but I don’t remember specific points.
This was during reset. Approximately 30 min after reset. We had about 20 players in DH BL at start but got called to assist IoJ BL.
You know, yes, I was being too [redacted] reasonable towards those smug cheating Darkhaven. It’s not bloody enough that you’d pretend that you don’t have overwhelming numbers or superior coverage. No, no, you’d have to pretend you’re all sweet and innocent while your arrow cart exploiters are busy eating up our siege.
Absolutely disgusting.
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood
That first picture makes it perfectly clear. Did you happen to see the guild tag of the person on the AC? I know you cant publicly say it, but please send me a PM if you did.
Why are we using these things DH? Seriously. This isnt some life or death situation where “anything goes.” Its a game where we challenge ourselves against others, and to use things like this gives us ALL a bad name.
Completely ridiculous.
edit: To be perfectly clear, I want nothing to do with a server that continues to use this. Its bullkitten. Obviously, I am just one person, but I guarantee I am not alone.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
That first picture makes it perfectly clear. Did you happen to see the guild tag of the person on the AC? I know you cant publicly say it, but please send me a PM if you did.
Why are we using these things DH? Seriously. This isnt some life or death situation where “anything goes.” Its a game where we challenge ourselves against others, and to use things like this gives us ALL a bad name.
Completely ridiculous.
edit: To be perfectly clear, I want nothing to do with a server that continues to use this. Its bullkitten. Obviously, I am just one person, but I guarantee I am not alone.
Can you please be the supreme ruler of Darkhaven now? Seriously, why can’t all of DH act like this guy?
As far as I know ever since we fought IoJ in tier 5 they have tried for second in every match up, majority of the time hitting us.
The reason why our guys hit IoJ on reset is because many didn’t like how they snaked into second place, or at least that’s what I think it is.
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life
Can you please be the supreme ruler of Darkhaven now? Seriously, why can’t all of DH act like this guy?
It just bothers the hell out of me because I have no doubt, at this point, that I have contributed to this by building those ACs. I am accepting my responsibility in it.
Its completely kittening ridiculous that we, DH, are resorting to this sort of deplorable behavior.. and for what? We are already winning by a huge margin, and even if we werent, there is still NO EXCUSE for this.
I can guarantee I will be publicly asking ANYONE who places an AC near a wall whether or not they are cheating. I will then watch. If it hits anything that it isnt supposed to, or if its even HINTED that its being used in this way, I will be reporting immediately.
You know, I have been a leader in almost every game I played, and a kitten good one. Because of my health, and the stress involved in leadership, I have taken a backseat this time around. But, as I see it, I would rather deal with that stress than guilt by association to this sort of bullkitten.
Normally, I am pretty laid back, but this sort of thing truly does bother me. Ill do what I can to put a stop to it.
I also want to add that I will be publicly informing our server of this behavior through /map and /team chat each time I log in and before I log out.
I know that there are many who are unwittingly participating in this, and they should be made aware of it. If awareness can be raised about the issue, ideally, the behavior will cease. Even though we would win without using it, I really want nothing to do with it.
I am aware this is “just a game,” but I think its indicative of a more deeply rooted societal problem that reveals ones true nature once they even have a hint of a mask of anonymity.
And apologies to those whom I felt had questionable intentions behind the accusations. I will learn from it, and do better.
IoJ crossed swords at Bay DRBL at the same time DH crossed swords at Hills DRBL. Looks like we are the hot date at the prom this spring.
(edited by Lepew.7890)
Sadly no, couldn’t really tell where exactly the offending AC’s were (and I figure there was three, as indicated by the third picture). There was a tad too many DH throwing stuff at me that I really couldn’t give it a good look over. Picture number 2 is basically what I could see before I had to scurry back.
I know, it’s not the whole server, but still, I was (and am) quite miffed to find out that it’s been going on. Figured Darkhaven already had enough of an advantage…
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood
Very good job DR for Defending Etharion Hills had tons of fun…..even though we wiped, Wish we had such tenacious and very determined Defenders
[SE] guild
(edited by Moderator)
Sadly no, couldn’t really tell where exactly the offending AC’s were (and I figure there was three, as indicated by the third picture). There was a tad too many DH throwing stuff at me that I really couldn’t give it a good look over. Picture number 2 is basically what I could see before I had to scurry back.
I know, it’s not the whole server, but still, I was (and am) quite miffed to find out that it’s been going on. Figured Darkhaven already had enough of an advantage…
I understand.
Like I said, I will do my part, but I am only one person. And one who has remained relatively silent overall. But, I hope I am not alone in it.
If I am, I have no issue transferring to another server.
I consider acts like this one of the highest forms of disrespect. I may make jabs, but they are in good spirits. Respect is a really, really big thing for me.
Aww~ I’ll still respect you. <3
I’ll stomp on you repeatedly and eat all your badges, but I’ll respect you.
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood
Tuluum you have earned my respect as well!
Deadly Legends [DDLG]
Droppin baddies since 2012