Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Remain humble and classy, SoR.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Heartless.7153


No way this was going to be another close game. Population is out of control. We can have all the tenacity and determination in the world but in the end the numbers win oit. We logged in last night and found blue map again. We gathered a few and pushed. We took keeps in GoM and turned a third of the map red despite SoR’s zerg at our spawn which we promptly sent to their spawn multiple times. We ended up moving to various maps turning it red (which I notice none of you guys posted your updates go figure) and proceeded to mop the floor dropping your zerg teams and stopping their push. The entire time we were running around wiith the out manned buff. What happened then? We had to log off for work and RL and your “team” went and captuured back empty keeps and trying to zerg our spawns using 40+s people killing low level outmanned players foolish enough to enter the game. 10 vs 1 yeh. You guys are pro

Calm yourself, little boy.

To the rest of YB & GoM, I wish you all the best of luck in future matches. Just I as I wish my own realm some good fortune.

Lynxian | [GOD] | Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Heartless.7153)

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420


I agree with Mara on this point, let’s keep it civil Sanctum. We’ve won, and had outstanding matches in the past 3 weeks I have been here. However, do not get complacent or kitteny. I come from Tier 1 (Stormbluff isle, queue times were unbearable even for a guild group of 50), and it’s no walk in the park. We must remain vigilant and focused, or otherwise we’ll be the next ones stomped out like a joke.

Gates of Madness and Yak’s Bend :
I apologize on behalf of Sanctum for some of the rude behavior they have displayed, please do not allow a select few to bring our server’s integrity into question.

I look forward to facing such respectable opponents once again.


Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] :
Sanctum Of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Eliandal.8735


For all servers:

There are bot in the lake, free easy kills/badges/loot on YB BL.

Check the skritt, in YB BL, however beware, there’s a specific guild from YB who has 1-2members who are not afk and will watch the 10-20 player bot train. (Still easy kills, ect…)

Just a happy fun FYI. On and the YB bot train on their BL at skrit resets back up about every 10minutes or so.

It would really be best for all to kill these bot trains until they stop logging and eating up WvW spots, or until Anet bans them. (Yes many have reported them.)

Please PLEASE kill them, over and over and over. We’ve reported the YB ones daily to no effect – and it’s even sadder because we ARE queueing, and for no benefit to us since the actual number of people available is usually not enough to do anything except ninja supply/towers and then flee before the SoR zerg comes rumbling through

Cuthache | Ranger
Yak’s Bend!

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


I agree with Mara on this point, let’s keep it civil Sanctum. We’ve won, and had outstanding matches in the past 3 weeks I have been here. However, do not get complacent or kitteny. I come from Tier 1 (Stormbluff isle), and it’s no walk in the park. We must remain vigilant and focused, or otherwise we’ll be the next ones stomped out like a joke.

Gates of Madness and Yak’s Bend :
I apologize on behalf of Sanctum for some of the rude behavior they have displayed, please do not allow a select view to bring our server’s integrity into question.

I look forward to facing such respectable opponents once again.


Agreed. I apologize as well. While I am proud of how our server responded after getting schooled on Friday night, there is no reason to gloat. In particular, Yaks was very sportsman like in returning a hacked orb. We have fought well, but we have also benefitted from more players in the last few days.

It’s easiest to be poor winners. Easy and good to be respectful winners. It’s very difficult to be honorable losers. Show some compassion, SoR. Our namesake would agree.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: sajjiro.4907


all i can say is this week is making me a sad panda and i hope next week makes me a happy panda or i will have to write Anet a strongly worded letter .

sajjiro enigineer Yaks Bend

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Corpus.5347


SoR player here. Just wanted to comment on the current matchup. It is hard to come back from this kind of thing, and really that has everything to do with the way WvWvW is designed. with everything highly upgraded and at full supply, with all the supply camps camped/dominated, it is almost impossible to come back from a situation like this. I really dont like that. I would love to see you guys rally and beat us down to our last keep. I like to see all sides having fun like some of the previous matchups. We have been in this situation before too, and it is just demoralizing. You get in, you cant run anywhere, and there is hardly any allies because no one wants to stick around to get spawn camped. Rallying at this point logistically seems next to impossible.

I guess I just wanted to say, weve been there, it sucks. It has nothing to do with the quality of guilds on your server. Once youve been put in this position it is very very hard to get out of it. The outmanned buff only buffs your ability to PvE. It would be nice if we could reach a gentleman’s agreement where you take back a tower each in each of your various borderlands. as well as a supply camp, that would at least get you a foot hold and permit us to fight on more even ground. I really dont know how we’d go about reasonably organizing such a thing. I hope everyone has a better matchup next week. Also hope to see you guys rally and knock us on our kitten if possible.

Also, wanted to add that ive seen ToG in a few different games now (last I saw you was in darkfall) You guys always seem like a pretty cool group. Kinda neat running into you guys again. Keep on kicking kitten

Rhyzen – warrior
Cyrix Casden – engineer
GSCH – Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Spartyr.6795


I just want to see one good push from Yak’s and GoM. Ignore each other and hit Sanctum of Rall (I’m on Rall, btw).

I know both servers are capable of handing a defeat to just about anyone, on just about any given day, but your morale is down. Kitten morale. Particularly from Yak’s, I’ve seen good strategies and hard fought battles.

If you would ignore the score, say this Thursday, and login and aim to take back everything, I want to see if you can do it. Consider it a challenge. Forget the score.

Login on this Thursday with everyone you can muster, and see if you can even the daily points through Friday.

Spartyr – Norn Thief
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


I just want to see one good push from Yak’s and GoM. Ignore each other and hit Sanctum of Rall (I’m on Rall, btw).

I know both servers are capable of handing a defeat to just about anyone, on just about any given day, but your morale is down. Kitten morale. Particularly from Yak’s, I’ve seen good strategies and hard fought battles.

If you would ignore the score, say this Thursday, and login and aim to take back everything, I want to see if you can do it. Consider it a challenge. Forget the score.

Login on this Thursday with everyone you can muster, and see if you can even the daily points through Friday.

Love to, wont happen, GoM has been pushing in their own BL for the last 2 days, 70 or so people show up, a zerg starts, and a few smaller groups start taking down camps and towers. Zerg hits garrison, about 45 seconds after something turns green, 200+ SoR show up smash crap for 20 mins then head to the next area that has changed color. Supplies cannot be run, Yaks die, no time to build a defense. Not whinning mind you, its just the reality of the match, we’re out manned it seems 4 to 1.

Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


SOR will get hit hard next week, and we will lose some players. I think we will get balanced out as a result.

There is something fishy with the queue system. Yaks should not have any queues base on the numbers I saw last night. Let’s hope that anet looks into the queue system. If its broken, it’s bad for the game.

Yaks – you fought us very well for a few weeks. I wish transfers were more difficult, but I can’t trash those who joined our community.

Well there’s a name I haven’t seen in a good while. Hello to you, good sir!

LOL yeah isn’t that Columba from Aion?

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Eihder.8961


Honestly this match up just shows the effects server hopping has on wvw. Rall got rolled day 1, day 2 people started transferring into it, day 3 they took all the maps etc. This is what causes the inconsistencies in the match up system. You cant match up constant variables across all servers or guess where people will jump to next. Goodluck Rall, just pray the hoppers dont screw you the next week lol.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: gosu.4128


I get it, server hopping ruins WvW.

But what I don’t get is that why we don’t do anything about the things we CAN change. We can’t change transfers, so learn to accept it and work with it. What we CAN change is the way we play WvW.

What pisses me off most is people saying “oh yea oh yea it’s anet’s fault oh yea there’s nothing we can do about it”. There IS something you can do about it, it’s to correct the way GoM plays WvW. Get out of the zerg, play smart, don’t be idiots like we continue to be day in and day out. So what if people transfer? Look at Kaineng, they’re in a deeper crap hole than we are, but they still manage to find way to have fun, play skirmishes, play WvW the way it should be.

GoM is embarrassing. GoM commanders who keep repeating things and expecting different results are embarrassing. GoM players who follow zergs thinking it’s “legitimate WvW” and calling skirmishes “illegitimate” is embarrassing.

Honestly, the blame game is getting old. Accept the way things are and do something about it. If Kaineng is having fun while being in a worst situation than we are, why can’t we?

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I had a lot of fun eating grub last night. After first joining Yaks borderland and seeing TOG at lakes tower and taking out a small group at our spawn around midnight PST I thought we were in for a good fight. I definitely want to give props to TOG for still getting amongst it against all odds. Stay true guys, you have a never give up attitude that is commendable. I decided to use the time working on my defence skills and gathering resources & was forced to eat grubb on EB becuse the little guy with the pink marshmallow afro demanded i eat some.

Tonight will be bot farming night for me, I hate bots so I’m going to spent at least 2 hours tonight making sure they are wasting their time.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Commander Cougs.6948

Commander Cougs.6948


Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


Stop trying to be the smart pants.
While what you talk is “big and cool” in words, just in words.
Pulling it off in THS game as it stands is impossible.
Why? Like i said, ok we begin the guerrilha tactic. Nice we get a tower and leave, we dont have power to defend it anyway, then 3~5 mins after that the tower is taken back.
Sorry dude, this isn’t changing the course of battle. No matter how you look at it.
Guerrilha tactics works in real world because you get ambushed and killed is end, you are done, minus one enemy in the oposite team.

While in a game, the numbers don’t change, and even worse Thx to the ress system, it not even slow down the enemy.

If you like conquering places with no players defending it, thinking you are changing the game, go ahead, do that, but not fool yourself.
You are just playing seek and hide, your impact over the actual game is zero, and you aren’t in a WvWvW you are in PVE mode in a PVP map.

Don’t try to be smart. And if you like of PVE, there’s ppl who don’t.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Confu.9567


It would be really nice if people wouldn’t be so petty and act like bullies when you’re around a skill point area, all by yourself. Especially when it’s really obvious you’re not fighting back. :/

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Bunnehboo.6025


.. yeah to be honest im not having nearly as much fun as last weeks match up
in fact CDS isnt doing WvW tonight we’re really not needed when you have almost the other two teams score multiplied by two…. we’re just going to farm Orr as a guild and earn money… There’s no que times in the morning so i’ve been taking that chance to do the jumping puzzles on all maps for badges of honor and stocking keys for when they fix the vault .
. really just waiting for this week to be over which is depressing but when there’s only 2 points to capture on a map there no motivation


Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


Sanctum’s bots are in the water around the west Quaggan camp in our realm, have at it boys.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: gosu.4128


@ Divinorium

You’re doing a great job at turning our server aren’t you? I applaud you for that.

You love making assumptions.
You love insulting people who have the good intention of trying to help the server. Their approach may be wrong, but they have the same intention as everyone else, which is to get this server out of the gutter.
You love picking apart people’s proposed solutions, without offering any alternatives of your own.

People like you deter players with good intentions away.

You might want to think about getting rid of that condescending tone of yours, it adds nothing to the conversation, or the solution. Not just in the forum, but in team chat too. I’ve argued with your stubborn kitten too often and all it does is add to demoralization.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


SOR will get hit hard next week, and we will lose some players. I think we will get balanced out as a result.

There is something fishy with the queue system. Yaks should not have any queues base on the numbers I saw last night. Let’s hope that anet looks into the queue system. If its broken, it’s bad for the game.

Yaks – you fought us very well for a few weeks. I wish transfers were more difficult, but I can’t trash those who joined our community.

Well there’s a name I haven’t seen in a good while. Hello to you, good sir!

LOL yeah isn’t that Columba from Aion?

The one and only master troll. Lol. Good to see you two.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


Sorry dude, Anet need to handle it.
“If you put it in the table, we shouldn’t touch these bots, since they make your zerg smaller.”

See how it’s easy, to twist things and gain advantage over a flaw of the game?

If you think you should have total control over the WvWvW, with no players skill, just because you are in bigger numbers, like you showed in the Downed state topic. Sorry to say that dude, you are just making use of a flaw in the game.

PS: If your team/guild is stupid enough to let a thief kill and finish someone in mid of 30 like you said. Your team deserve to be wiped.

I just put the Truth as it stands, you look for the bright-side, i don’t.
You can keep fooling yourself the much you want. But since everything you have said/done keep ending in failure. I think it’s time to begin to look for others answers aside the “bright-side”.

While it’s good see a “bright-side” getting stuck there without ever trying something different will never solve anything.

PS: While i do support killing bots, i just put that there to show another face of the same coin.

(edited by Divinorium.8952)

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


Honestly gosu, I don’t get this. I know for a fact the zergs on GoM here, are not even the main focus of whats really going on. Yes there is normally a decent size zerg running around a map. There are also 3 or 4 groups of 5-10 led by different people doing stuff to both support the main force and harass the enemy. These groups run supply, try and build up keep/garrison defense and protect yaks. Just because you personally do not see it, or take part in it, does not mean it isn’t happening.

I get that its frustrating, we’re overwhelmed this match by numbers, its pretty evident by now. I would suggest putting together a smaller force of your own and working to help the larger group, keep chatter on the map going, watch movements, just generally report on map chat what you are doing so on and so forth. Bashing your server on the forums makes you look like a dink and does not help the situation at all. In fact when moral is so low, its worse than thick headed commanders.

Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: gosu.4128


@ Thundar

That’s all I do in WvW. In fact I was just in your party yesterday, rolling camps.

Perhaps you’re right. But something needs to change, and obviously when anyone says anything that differs from the status quo in team chat, they get flamed, and they continue to do things that are proven to not work. So my hostility is probably due to that frustration. I’ll tone it down I promise.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


Gosu, its cool brother, I get all pissy in vent and sound like I’m gunna kill a family of kittens. Just keep calm and conquer. We’re outmanned this round and thats the main crux of the issue, lets not inflame the situation further, we did fantastic last round. We’ll do so again.

Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


Wait for us SoR! Hopefully DR fails more and we jump up two brackets!

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Deceite Sazen.5430

Deceite Sazen.5430

I just wanted to say, you beat us last week but it was a epic match…. however on Friday you guys got smoked, this being before you got all the transfers! Sure we might be demoralized now, but transfers from the number 1 server will tend to do that to a player. I, as well as us at [Rag] will keep owning! BTW next week we will dominate again! Sure it sucks that you have the bigger army, but all those guys who transferred you will get yours!

We may not be the best server…. but all those dudes who left Yaks to go to Rall, you can keep ‘em. We only wanted dedicated Yak’s here. We are going to keep fightning. It may be over for us now, but I wish you Rall guys good luck in your next match if you do move up a spot. But just remember we Yak’s will come for you!

You can kick us, you can beat us, but [Rag]’s JUST KEEP COMING!

Ectoplasm Ltd [GLOB]
Yak’s Bend

(edited by Moderator)

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Moaning Marv.2194

Moaning Marv.2194

wait yak’s transfered here? oh noes it’s jq all over again!

Moaning (thief) Marvolo (mes) Mordaunt (necro)
Knights of the White Wolf
Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Yeah we don’t really want transfers from anywhere tbh no matter what rank they came from. We’ll welcome them to the community sure, but if they transfer off for whatever reason, they wont be missed. I know that GSCH and all of our SoR guilds will always be here and that’s all that matters to me. I’m disappointed that some Yaks transferred here when they should be out there with TOG.

Btw I noticed a player from [Thai] on Yaks Bend last night, maybe you guys will get some top tier transfers too. Since the Titan Alliance split, they might start looking to servers like Yaks, Nsp, Darkhaven and Gates. I don’t think we have room for anymore on Sanctum though, I don’t really want to be a top tier server with 5 hour queues when I can have just as much fun in the mid tier with 1 hour queues.

Just like Yaks, we only want dedicated Rallers here.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


I find it hilarious how some of these SoR people are telling us how to play WvWvW.

“Just cooperate together and push. We’ve seen it before”.

Yeah okay, we take a tower and get COMPLETELY SWARMED. Then SoR camps our pk for hours.

Thanks for coming out guys.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Wait for us SoR! Hopefully DR fails more and we jump up two brackets!

HNN I cannot stress enough how much I want to fight you guys again. Maintain the rage, we’ll fight again one day

btw don’t let Worban turn you into a cuddly HNN :P

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Sue.4361


Who’s having fun in WvW?

Pretty lame, huh?

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Deunanna.7430


My fun factor died when I saw 5 commanders on one borderland, and only recognized 2 names of the bunch. So many band wagoners now…

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Sue.4361


My fun factor died when I saw 5 commanders on one borderland, and only recognized 2 names of the bunch. So many band wagoners now…

I hear ya.

There are more new commanders than there are enemies now.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Aaron.4807


My fun factor died when I saw 5 commanders on one borderland, and only recognized 2 names of the bunch. So many band wagoners now…

If we are going to continue to be good we need to welcome them so we can all work together. What made SoR super fun is that all of the core guilds have come to know and work with each other very well and we all have the same never say die attitude. It is SoR, we may lose but we always fight. That said, the free transfers need to have a week or two week long no WvW penalty at this point to discourage server jumpers. People coming over say they want awesome matches like we have had and shorter queues…


Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Sue.4361


People coming over say they want awesome matches like we have had and shorter queues…

Those days are over.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


2 new servers opened up today. If there are any Tier 1 guilds still looking for shorter Queues and a challenge to give these new servers a kickstart. People love nothing more than an underdog new server climbing from last place to first. This is your chance.

Delrimor and Steamspur mountains are calling for you.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Aaron.4807


And the people that chose Sanctum of Rall from the beginning really chose this server for a reason and you can bet your kitten none of us are leaving.


Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


And the people that chose Sanctum of Rall from the beginning really chose this server for a reason and you can bet your kitten none of us are leaving.

Right there with ya pal. I’m SoR till either this game dies or I die

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


My fun factor died when I saw 5 commanders on one borderland, and only recognized 2 names of the bunch. So many band wagoners now…

Ouch, that hurts friend. Some of us are just following our friends and don’t mean to jump on the ‘flavor of the week’. I hope Hand has settled here but who knows?

Maybe we’ll all hop again and you’ll go back to enjoying the game.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


To those that are with us now, you are certainly welcome here. I just don’t think we want or need anymore transfers after this week. I only pointed out the new servers incase more guilds were considering moving here. There are better alternatives that offer a new experience. Kaineng proved that new low tier servers can be just as much fun, hopefully these new servers will too.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: etsmith.9025


@ commander cougs .. the only reason that map is blue is your transfers. you got more people playing when other servers aren’t That is the power of rall . that is the power of zerg. enjoy … at some point the tables will turn.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


@ commander cougs .. the only reason that map is blue is your transfers. you got more people playing when other servers aren’t That is the power of rall . that is the power of zerg. enjoy … at some point the tables will turn.

I hope they do at some point because I’m tired of your excuses

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


Spent some time in EB tonight, some wild parties there, and oh my, GoM showed up too!

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: etsmith.9025


@ commander cougs .. the only reason that map is blue is your transfers. you got more people playing when other servers aren’t That is the power of rall . that is the power of zerg. enjoy … at some point the tables will turn.

I hope they do at some point because I’m tired of your excuses

I’m sure you are getting tired of being reminded that your servers “skills” revolves around mass zergs.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


@ commander cougs .. the only reason that map is blue is your transfers. you got more people playing when other servers aren’t That is the power of rall . that is the power of zerg. enjoy … at some point the tables will turn.

I hope they do at some point because I’m tired of your excuses

I’m sure you are getting tired of being reminded that your servers “skills” revolves around mass zergs.

You think you are aggravating me with this line but all it does is amuse me during an otherwise boring work day. If you didn’t reply I would still be sitting at my desk hitting refresh while counting down the hours till I finish work.

At least TOG continue to fight. You just make excuses and troll

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Moaning Marv.2194

Moaning Marv.2194

any server that’s winning will be called the zerg.

Moaning (thief) Marvolo (mes) Mordaunt (necro)
Knights of the White Wolf
Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: etsmith.9025


@ commander cougs .. the only reason that map is blue is your transfers. you got more people playing when other servers aren’t That is the power of rall . that is the power of zerg. enjoy … at some point the tables will turn.

I hope they do at some point because I’m tired of your excuses

I’m sure you are getting tired of being reminded that your servers “skills” revolves around mass zergs.

You think you are aggravating me with this line but all it does is amuse me during an otherwise boring work day. If you didn’t reply I would still be sitting at my desk hitting refresh while counting down the hours till I finish work.

At least TOG continue to fight. You just make excuses and troll

LOL i have no intention of aggravating you. I’m just waiting for the call to take another tower gotta give your zerg its targets for when we log off.

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: etsmith.9025


you really should teach your people how to fight without having full groups .. i mean really 2v1 .. and they lost


Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


you really should teach your people how to fight without having full groups .. i mean really 2v1 .. and they lost

Looks like they weren’t even level 80, wonder what levels they were?

Also, you should drop the rude comments. Some people can’t 1v1 pvp well, yet can know more about locations to place things in WvW. Everyone has their knack in a game. Takes all kinds to make a server have fun and be successful.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

(edited by Mishi.7058)

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Waterbear.2764


Some fun pictures for they day! Farmed me some badges of honor today. First was the lake in Yak’s Bend

Then to Sanctum of Rall where I forgot to take an after shot. Spoiler alert, they all died. But not until after 2 individuals jumped me while I was killing the pile.

If those are legit guild tags, you need to shame those people into oblivion. This happened again later when a bunch of [CD] kept trolling me and a few guildies in the lake on Sanctum of Rall borderlands. If people honestly want bots to be taken care of, they can either 1) wait for Anet to do something or 2) support those from other servers killing your bots. Judging by the current situation, it would behoove everyone to remind people regularly that “those killing botters are good, leave them be.”

Just saying. Anyhow, made ~50 badges today, looking forward to tomorrow ^.^

Edit: had to get rid of unintentional smiley

(edited by Waterbear.2764)