Wtf twisted kitten logic is being thrown around here?
Guild group + 15 pugs runs into guild group + 23 pugs. They smash into each other and people on both sides get insta gibbed, then ppl start dropping left and right, rallies fire off, it’s all “kitten i kittened up, LOL RALLY.” Good times.
The two guilds decide they enjoyed the fight and would really like to just test their metal against each other. They go way the hell out of the way and fight it out for a while.
To this situation you respond “OMFG THEY’RE NOT CONTRIBUTING TO WVW” and kitten like that? Who the hell elected you time keeper? Should these people punch a time card when they log in that you’ll check at the end of every day too? Why aren’t you kittening about ppl akitteng, or uplevels kitten ing themselves into SM, or the mass of people running past 3 superior ACs in a lords room that have 4 mins left on timer? Or why aren’t you getting anal about some other aspect of “not contributing” that takes place EVERYWHERE!?
Kitten off with the quantification of server contribution, along with the arbitrary little “standards” you have placed on being qualified to enjoy a game mode. Am I going to run off and kitten out random individuals in map that aren’t on the commander tag and smashing the tower because they’re not currently contributing? Hell no, get real.
Stupid. Anet FAILED to accommodate a KEYSTONE element of their game. Period. sPvP is far too restrictive, WvW is the ONLY environment that can accommodate organized Guild vs Guild fights in a manner that offers a lot of flexibility (gearing choices, food use, etc, compared to say the sPvP environment), and the kittening game is called Guild Wars. Kitten off.
Who the hell are you to prioritize YOUR idea of how to play this game over someone else’s? To each their kittening own. This doesn’t even begin to touch on the fact that the VAST majority of GvG orientated guilds make up a large portion of THE dedicated WvW players who are out there for 3+ hours EVERY DAY smashing into zergs, fighting off the forces, to allow the towers and keeps to be taken and the precious WXP and ascended mats to be mindlessly farmed. As if PPT even matters anymore, Anet kitten d PPT of any meaning it had. Siege, holding points, etc, is really just there for the people who enjoy that large picture strategic element that unfortunately only this MMORPG offers. That’s to say it’s meaningless unless you decide to make it meaningful. That’s to say most people will not give a kitten and will just jump on whatever train is rolling throuugh the towers. Should rename this game Paper Wars as far as WvW is concerned.
Many guilds that participate in GvG, multiple hours the majority (lets say 5+) of the week out there raiding, supporting, contributing. And you have a problem with affording them one day of that week maybe an hour in some remote location on the most inactive borderland available typically on days in lowest activity (weds, thurs). Even from a PPT point of view it’s rare for those days to have any sort of deciding factor on the outcome of the match.
Honestly… Are you kidding me? Get Real.
Anet failed in design. They then make design choices that are counter productive in addressing the many complaints about WvW. They render PPT completely irrelevant (that is with league implementation because don’t come at me like the rank 6 server has a chance against the rank 1). Most people will log on friday, see how the dice roll, and if it’s a one sided match they’ll go farm whatever current PVE event provides the greatest gold/hour. If not, they’ll give WvW a shot. Blood lust has kittened over controlled balance in all aspects of WvW (from 1v1 to 30v30 to 50v5 to defense in off hours in general).
It feels like being deliberately cornered into sPvP for any semblance of competitive competition and speaking for my self kitten sPvP’s restrictions etc. That’s not what I got this game looking for. The element of this game that REALLY sets it apart from the mass of MMOs out there is WvW and the quality of the combat system. Now we plan to strangle that element to death? Great.
So much of the kitten I’ve read on the official forums about GvG and recent changes, etc, is so entirely self centered and misguided I can’t even take it seriously. It sucks to see a game I had seen so much potential in and enjoyed so much pull a kittening titanic and sink.
Frosura master race