(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Obsidian Sanctum again?
I will be able to do it, mostly because I’m better than those noobs. I still feel incredibly bad for people that aren’t. it makes no sense to me that Anet would put yet another pve achievement in wvw. They are just fools to do this. We don’t want PvE players in WvW, and they don’t want to come there. Sure it sucks that they get rewarded for our hard work, but let them enjoy what they like. Anet needs to stop trying to force the groups together. Some enjoy both (me) awesome, some one or the other. It’s not Anets role to try and tell us what we should enjoy.
How many patches recently Anet has brought out that catered to the PvP’ers? Really. The fact that the kite achievement is in the Obsidium Sanctum makes it a PvP achievement not a PvE achievement by default.
And the fact that OS is now a seperate area from the EB makes it a pvp jumping puzzle mainly, not really part of WvW anymore besides that you need to take the gate and that the rewards are for WvW, and some PvE gear.
And what you are saying is that Anet chooses what ‘we’ should enjoy, how are you to tell Anet what you should be entitled to when they entended something completely different?
I think that we are more or less dealing with a community that is used to getting everything handed on a silver platter than an actual community who likes a challenge in the game. One achievement is making a worldy impact which is probably 20 points, which is less then completing your monthly? Let the achievement be hard for some people, let it be in OS. Let the people who actually have fun doing OS have a reward in the end instead of just a chest. ^.^
(edited by MinorDetail.9204)
My problem is with people like him that do it purely out of spitefulness and taking pleasure out of other people’s suffering. I do not and never will condone that.
Isn’t that what PvP is essentially about anyways? Even in sPvP or WvW, people like to kill off people. And even if Elshagan would do it out of spite, there are 10’s of others within the OS that would eat him raw for breakfast. Just don’t expect to do it solo if you have anyone in there like Elshagan.
The difference between camping OS and just about every other form of PvP in the game is that you are denying other players access to something that has no consequence for you.
Once per day badges and blueprints? It’s ten times easier just to earn them through regular WvW.
You gain nothing by camping other than the enjoyment out of of making other people miserable. And that is not what any form of PvP is suppose to be about
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU
New life Goal: Kill PvE’rs in Obsidian Sanctum enough so they Rage Quit.
^This I only go there for the siege.
Free siege equipment.
Changing your story every time you get forum-attacked ftw.
How many patches recently Anet has brought out that catered to the PvP’ers?
There have been PvP activities for almost all of the releases. I think Flame and Frost was the only chapter without one. (Sky Pirates didn’t have a dedicated PvP addition but Dragonball is still up and running.)
But there is something that I don’t understand when PvP and WvW players complain about being forces into PvE for achievements:
I don’t play PvE because the monsters are easier kills (in fact, I enjoy a bit of sPvP here and there). I play it because I am interested in the world, the lore, the story. I talk to the NPCs and immerse myself in Tyria. Players who spend 95% of their time in PvP and WvW are obviously more interested in combat and mechanics than story and dialogue. And that’s fine. But living story is living story. Why would you suddenly want to be included when you’ve already chosen to stay out of the world story?
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Fact to the matter is, Pvp’ers, like Elshagan said, are forced to PvE if they want to participate in the new content.
The difference being the PvE’ers don’t try and kill him when he does
In one of his messages he did say he would leave them alone. But rather after some arguments on the forums he made it his new goal. I do PvP within Obsidium Sanctum too, but only when threatened or attacked first. But once I do have to attack, anyone in sight at that point in time is dead. It’s the way it works in WvW or PvP, you have to look out for yourself.
And if PvE’ers don’t fight back, ofcourse they don’t stand a chance. See the story below, everyone within Obsidium Sanctum, 1v1 as equal chances of winning. So mostly ‘griefing’ is out of the picture already, unless the guys is camping you on purpose, and only you.
Oh and, I actually got killed once by a new player to WvW cause he thought I was gonna attack him. So don’t go and say this is all griefers, sometimes it might even be new people defending themselves since they can’t see or hear what your intentions are. (I got killed by being pushed off a rock xD lol never forget that epic moment)
Yes, in a later message he said he would not attack unless attacked first, bu in his initial post he made it perfectly clear he what his intentions were -
Until the day I do you PvE’rs can just keep quiet n endure the fact that I’ll enjoy killing every single one of you as you struggle in Obsidian Sanctum. ^^
New life Goal: Kill PvE’rs in Obsidian Sanctum enough so they Rage Quit.
So honestly I don’t care what his subsequent claims are. He made it clear he enjoys making others miserable so I see no reason to even try and see it from his point of view.
As for PvPing inside OS, I have no issue with it. I’ve done it myself, helping friends/guildies through. If players let us be, we let them be. More often than not we would have to push through campers to get it done. If you are forced into it, so be it. It’s WvW after all.
My problem is with people like him that do it purely out of spitefulness and taking pleasure out of other people’s suffering. I do not and never will condone that.
Now despite what my claims where who are you to tell me who’s a PvE’r or not when everyone basically has the same label on them? If you attack back you agree to PvP n I’ll enjoy killing you. If you don’t than there’s no fun in killing you. I’ve seen hardcore PvP’rs back out of fights n not fight back inside of OS. So just cause someone doesn’t fight back doesn’t make them a PvE’er.
So if you’re in there at same time I am n fight back? Well guess what I’ll do my best to kill you cause in my eyes be you a PvE’er or a PvP’er you’ll only be a “Server name” Invader or Assaulter or whatever.
I don’t play PvE because the monsters are easier kills (in fact, I enjoy a bit of sPvP here and there). I play it because I am interested in the world, the lore, the story. I talk to the NPCs and immerse myself in Tyria. Players who spend 95% of their time in PvP and WvW are obviously more interested in combat and mechanics than story and dialogue. And that’s fine. But living story is living story. Why would you suddenly want to be included when you’ve already chosen to stay out of the world story?
Not for the story, but for the reward of what could possibly be a good looking back skin, weapon skin or what not.
Januk Monkeydoodle: 80 Engi
Knowledge is your friend: 1 of every class for sPvP except Ele.
(edited by Elshagan.6342)
My problem is with people like him that do it purely out of spitefulness and taking pleasure out of other people’s suffering. I do not and never will condone that.
Isn’t that what PvP is essentially about anyways? Even in sPvP or WvW, people like to kill off people. And even if Elshagan would do it out of spite, there are 10’s of others within the OS that would eat him raw for breakfast. Just don’t expect to do it solo if you have anyone in there like Elshagan.
The difference between camping OS and just about every other form of PvP in the game is that you are denying other players access to something that has no consequence for you.
Once per day badges and blueprints? It’s ten times easier just to earn them through regular WvW.
You gain nothing by camping other than the enjoyment out of of making other people miserable. And that is not what any form of PvP is suppose to be about
I don’t want to start the whole ’it’s you card’, you are right I agree with that. But if people are becoming miserable from getting killed within a pvp jumping puzzle, isn’t that kinda their own problem?
Don’t get me wrong I get the frustration, I have screamed on TS alot of times during OS, especially when it wasn’t a seperate area and you had to walk all the way back to find the keep not in your factions control. But once I noticed it was getting the better of me I left and came back at a different time or date to finish it off with a fresh mind.
So many things to-do within the game that gives people enjoyment and if 1 lowsy achievement, that probably isn’t either needed or can be skipped without getting the full meta achievement, can ruin your day by getting killed within a, and hence the word, PVP Jumping Puzzle I would second your thoughts and maybe leave the whole achievement for what it is?
@Dedlaw same as the message I said before, but maybe this is fun for someone within a game. Who are you to decide they ‘want’ to make people feel miserable, maybe they are there cause they got ganked and it’s a stress relief? So many factors in play, which none of us can judge anyone for.
How many patches recently Anet has brought out that catered to the PvP’ers?
There have been PvP activities for almost all of the releases. I think Flame and Frost was the only chapter without one. (Sky Pirates didn’t have a dedicated PvP addition but Dragonball is still up and running.)
But there is something that I don’t understand when PvP and WvW players complain about being forces into PvE for achievements:
I don’t play PvE because the monsters are easier kills (in fact, I enjoy a bit of sPvP here and there). I play it because I am interested in the world, the lore, the story. I talk to the NPCs and immerse myself in Tyria. Players who spend 95% of their time in PvP and WvW are obviously more interested in combat and mechanics than story and dialogue. And that’s fine. But living story is living story. Why would you suddenly want to be included when you’ve already chosen to stay out of the world story?
If you are pulling the living story element here, isn’t the living story to change the ‘world’ of Tyria? Isn’t WvW part of Tyria? So why not put something in there since it is ‘the living world’? Don’t get me wrong, like i said above, I understand but to make such a fuzz out of 1 achievement is going a bit to far for me. 1 achievement out of how many are there to complete? Common guys, we got better things to do then worry about 1 achievement right? I mean Canada has a flood now, Egypt is almost in another Civil war, and we are here complaining about an achievement in a game.
@Pixelpumpkin P.s: Even though I do pvp more often then I PvE, i got all of the living story achievements upto this date, every single one of them.
(edited by MinorDetail.9204)
Oh, and I play on a Tier 1 server, where our competitors have 24/7 coverage. A 10 man group trying to get through during Sky Pirates was insufficient to overcome the gankerfest.
I’m on Tier 1 as well and have no trouble at all running OS solo every day in 5 minutes to get my free siege. And I’m not on the server with 24/7 coverage.
This is just a classic example of people blowing the topic way out of proportion just because they don’t like a particular element of content.
New life Goal: Kill PvE’rs in Obsidian Sanctum enough so they Rage Quit.
^This I only go there for the siege.
Free siege equipment.
Changing your story every time you get forum-attacked ftw.
I don’t see how that’s changing my story. Since the free siege is only reason I even go to OS to begin with. Doesn’t change what I might do while inside or what I’ll do once I got my free siege. Not once did I say I’ll spend an entire day in there. ;P
Januk Monkeydoodle: 80 Engi
Knowledge is your friend: 1 of every class for sPvP except Ele.
I don’t get this supposed counter argument that pvp is excluded from living story. That’s not the complaint. No one is asking to take the wvw achiement out – they just want it out of the meta achievement of which 6/7 is pve. I would be all for a wvw exclusive meta achievement – have caches all over wvw for people to collect. That would be awesome. The complaint is the mix of pve and wvw under a single meta.
I don’t get this supposed counter argument that pvp is excluded from loving story. That’s not the complaint. No one is asking to take the wvw achiement out – they just want it out of the meta achievement of which 6/7 is pve. I would be all for a wvw exclusive meta achievement – have caches all over wvw for people to collect. That would be awesome. The complaint is the mix of pve and wvw under a single meta.
If iirc it isn’t even in the meta achievement.
You need 16 achievements for the meta and there are 26. So how is the WvW kite tied in with the meta?
So if that was the case of this topic, can we close it now and move on? ^.^
(edited by MinorDetail.9204)
I don’t get this supposed counter argument that pvp is excluded from loving story. That’s not the complaint. No one is asking to take the wvw achiement out – they just want it out of the meta achievement of which 6/7 is pve. I would be all for a wvw exclusive meta achievement – have caches all over wvw for people to collect. That would be awesome. The complaint is the mix of pve and wvw under a single meta.
If iirc it isn’t even in the meta achievement.
It is – spotting all the kites gets you a meta achievement, very similar to the aether blade caches (Learn to Kite).
I don’t get this supposed counter argument that pvp is excluded from loving story. That’s not the complaint. No one is asking to take the wvw achiement out – they just want it out of the meta achievement of which 6/7 is pve. I would be all for a wvw exclusive meta achievement – have caches all over wvw for people to collect. That would be awesome. The complaint is the mix of pve and wvw under a single meta.
If iirc it isn’t even in the meta achievement.
It is – spotting all the kites gets you a meta achievement, very similar to the aether blade caches (Learn to Kite).
Every single kite is an achievement by itself, and learn to kite is if you have found them all. So if you have i.e 7 kites to find you have 7 achievements + learn to kite = 8.
EDIT: used the right numbers from the dulfy achievement overview guide.
EDIT2: Seriously now that I am reading this achievement overview guide from the first page properly, has anyone read it completely? Cause if so go and read it again! Even in the ‘meta achievement’ overview at the top it lists more achievements than you need for the meta achievement.
(edited by MinorDetail.9204)
I don’t get this supposed counter argument that pvp is excluded from loving story. That’s not the complaint. No one is asking to take the wvw achiement out – they just want it out of the meta achievement of which 6/7 is pve. I would be all for a wvw exclusive meta achievement – have caches all over wvw for people to collect. That would be awesome. The complaint is the mix of pve and wvw under a single meta.
If iirc it isn’t even in the meta achievement.
It is – spotting all the kites gets you a meta achievement, very similar to the aether blade caches (Learn to Kite).
Every single kite is an achievement by itself, and learn to kite is if you have found them all. So if you have i.e 7 kites to find you have 7 achievements + learn to kite = 8.
EDIT: used the right numbers from the dulfy achievement overview guide.
Exactly..so you agree with me, the individual kite achievements add into a meta achievement. …? That is, a meta achievement, not the meta achievement. Again, exactly like Caching Out.
(edited by rfdarko.4639)
I don’t get this supposed counter argument that pvp is excluded from loving story. That’s not the complaint. No one is asking to take the wvw achiement out – they just want it out of the meta achievement of which 6/7 is pve. I would be all for a wvw exclusive meta achievement – have caches all over wvw for people to collect. That would be awesome. The complaint is the mix of pve and wvw under a single meta.
If iirc it isn’t even in the meta achievement.
It is – spotting all the kites gets you a meta achievement, very similar to the aether blade caches (Learn to Kite).
Every single kite is an achievement by itself, and learn to kite is if you have found them all. So if you have i.e 7 kites to find you have 7 achievements + learn to kite = 8.
EDIT: used the right numbers from the dulfy achievement overview guide.
Exactly..so you agree with me, the individual kite achievements add into a meta achievement. …?
No it’s not, if you need 16 achievements to get the meta and there are 24, means you can miss 8 of them, not getting the WvW kite means you will lose one, and not able to complete Learn to Kite, so that leaves you with 22 achievements left to do.
22/16 is more than you need in the first place so you don’t NEED to do the WvW kite in order to get the meta achievement!
EDIT: Dude, no offense but you are breaking boundries here. You are now arguing on a level we had before, it is A meta achievement and if people want it and are able to they will get it. If people can’t do it, they won’t. And for those who can’t, they will still get THE meta achievement anyways. So what is the problem besides 20-30points of achievement?
I don’t get this supposed counter argument that pvp is excluded from loving story. That’s not the complaint. No one is asking to take the wvw achiement out – they just want it out of the meta achievement of which 6/7 is pve. I would be all for a wvw exclusive meta achievement – have caches all over wvw for people to collect. That would be awesome. The complaint is the mix of pve and wvw under a single meta.
If iirc it isn’t even in the meta achievement.
It is – spotting all the kites gets you a meta achievement, very similar to the aether blade caches (Learn to Kite).
Every single kite is an achievement by itself, and learn to kite is if you have found them all. So if you have i.e 7 kites to find you have 7 achievements + learn to kite = 8.
EDIT: used the right numbers from the dulfy achievement overview guide.
Exactly..so you agree with me, the individual kite achievements add into a meta achievement. …?
No it’s not, if you need 16 achievements to get the meta and there are 24, means you can miss 8 of them, not getting the WvW kite means you will lose one, and not able to complete Learn to Kite, so that leaves you with 22 achievements left to do.
22/16 is more than you need in the first place so you don’t NEED to do the WvW kite in order to get the meta achievement!
No, but you need it to get Learn to Kite. Thus why I said 6/7, not x/ 16.
I don’t get this supposed counter argument that pvp is excluded from loving story. That’s not the complaint. No one is asking to take the wvw achiement out – they just want it out of the meta achievement of which 6/7 is pve. I would be all for a wvw exclusive meta achievement – have caches all over wvw for people to collect. That would be awesome. The complaint is the mix of pve and wvw under a single meta.
If iirc it isn’t even in the meta achievement.
It is – spotting all the kites gets you a meta achievement, very similar to the aether blade caches (Learn to Kite).
Every single kite is an achievement by itself, and learn to kite is if you have found them all. So if you have i.e 7 kites to find you have 7 achievements + learn to kite = 8.
EDIT: used the right numbers from the dulfy achievement overview guide.
Exactly..so you agree with me, the individual kite achievements add into a meta achievement. …?
No it’s not, if you need 16 achievements to get the meta and there are 24, means you can miss 8 of them, not getting the WvW kite means you will lose one, and not able to complete Learn to Kite, so that leaves you with 22 achievements left to do.
22/16 is more than you need in the first place so you don’t NEED to do the WvW kite in order to get the meta achievement!
No, but you need it to get Learn to Kite. Thus why I said 6/7, not x/ 16.
Rephrase that, you ‘want’ to get Learn to Kite, you don’t ‘need’ to get it.
(edited by MinorDetail.9204)
I didn’t say I need to get the achievement, I said you need to get all 7 for the meta.
I get and appreciate the argument that 15 achievement points is not that much. But to me changing the meta achievement to 6/7 would only be a good thing, and would prevent a lot of needless frustration. It wouldn’t take anything away from wvw players, because they could still get the achievement, and have to do one less pve JP. Unless there is a very strong argument against it, I don’t see what would be wrong with that solution. Yes, I’ll live. But why shouldn’t I suggest something that could be better, which benefits everyone? I’m not whining, I’m providing feedback with a positive suggestion. I’m not sure that “just deal with it” really adds to the conversation.
I didn’t say I need to get the achievement, I said you need to get all 7 for the meta.
I get and appreciate the argument that 15 achievement points is not that much. But to me changing the meta achievement to 6/7 would only be a good thing, and would prevent a lot of needless frustration. It wouldn’t take anything away from wvw players, because they could still get the achievement, and have to do one less pve JP. Unless there is a very strong argument against it, I don’t see what would be wrong with that solution. Yes, I’ll live. But why shouldn’t I suggest something that could be better, which benefits everyone? I’m not whining, I’m providing feedback with a positive suggestion. I’m not sure that “just deal with it” really adds to the conversation.
So what you are saying is, make the achievement even easier to get so it caters more to the casual player that already gets everything handed on a silver platter by a butler with the name of Alfred?
Common. I bet you, that if a mayority of the players weren’t able to get the cache in OS in the first place they wouldn’t have but the Kite in their obsolete meta achievement in the first place. It saves alot of headache for some people, but taking it away from OS and the ‘a’ meta achievement might ruin the fun for others since you actually have to work for it, instead of pick your nose and wait for it to pop up.
I for one enjoy it, and I know many people who do so to. And taking that away from ‘a’ meta achievement gives them no reason to go there in the first place, it is challenging when people are around and fun and can end up in funny situations where you will do a deskface with laughter.
I’m not sure it’s a matter of difficulty – there are things you can do to make it easier as have been suggested above, but much of it is luck. The time of day, what server your on, what guild your in, etc. Not everyone can play at 3 am, and not everyone has a big guild to back them up.
An ideal solution for me would be to have a similar, separate meta achievement for wvw which rewards the same number of points. Maybe even more, if everyone agreed that it is, as you describe, more difficult. But for this patch, I doubt that’s possible.
For you, it’s fun. For many people, it is not. There would still be equal reason to go there – for you, since you enjoy wvw, you would use it for your 6/7, and you would have to suffer one less “boring” pve kite. For me, since I don’t find pvp fun (and ive given it every chance), I would choose the pve ones. I don’t think that would be taking anything away – it would just let people play more of the playstyle they enjoy.
Please point out where I attempted to equate the significance of not taking showers to not playing GW2. I don’t do that. That is a silly comparison.
Okay, here you go:
When people say “it’s optional,” they usually mean that the consequences of NOT doing it is minimal. For example, taking a shower is purely optional, yes, but the consequences of not doing so is quite significant. [….]
[…] the consequences of not playing the game is far more significant than the consequences of not getting 15 achievement points.
If that is not a comparison, then please explain to me in what other way not playing the game is “far more significant” than not getting 15 achievment points?
If A > B (Consequences of not showering > consequences of showering)
And C > D (Consequences of not playing the game > Not getting achievement points)
That means A = C?
No it doesn’t.
My whole original point is that when people talk about things that are “optional,” there are things that are more “optional” than others. You stated this very well yourself.
You have said that a lot of things in life are optional but there are some things that are less optional than others and you’ve given the example of showering. And I agree with you on that.
So why are you trying to accuse me of disagreeing with the very concept which I brought up originally? (Things have different degrees of significance. It’s silly to compare them)
Once was bad enough, twice is total crap!
Jesus, they add more easy ways to get achievement points and to bring some life to the JP and you guys complain about zerg camping? I play engi and have made that JP every time I’ve tried, even when there’s a zerg trying to kill me. Are you trying to say that Engi is OP now? If you can’t complete the JP on your own, get a port or bring friends to help, don’t complain about it on the forums so that Arenanet can please your personal needs.
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay
Like stated above, its an achievement. Some will require you to do stuff you may not enjoy, others might.
It is optional like almost everything else in the game.
As the great Sheldon Cooper said: “We have to take in nourishment, expel waste and breathe in enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying. Everything else is purely optional”
Yet, something tells me that a life that’s reduced to fullfilling the non-optional tasks would be pretty boring, don’t you think?
The point I’m trying to make is: The fact that it’s optional isn’t really a reason for people not to want it to be good and entertaining.
While Im sure Shelden Cooper might have said that, it doesn’t change the fact that achievements will be spread throughout the game.
Arguing this point is useless, a simple “BAZINGA” after I stomp your corpse will suffice =D
@rfdarko I understand everything you are saying but even with all of your idea’s with won’t change my mind at all. Some achievements have to be out of reach where people have to step out of their own comfort zone in order to get it. i.e Unfriendly Skies, that achievement could only be gotten if you had the right party, the right determination and the right mechanics memorized. Probably a large amount of players didn’t get that achievement cause it was ‘to hard’.
In all honesty it wasn’t, maybe for them it was, but are they entitled to the achievement because it is outside of their comfort zone and skill? If so, why not hand them out when you login in the first place?
I hate running AC with a passion for example, and in order to get what I need and to have a party that I trust, that can do the job and will be fun, I have to run AC with my guild cause that is the only thing they are interested in aparently. If an achievement would be inside AC in the next patch, I would man up, gather people and bite through the sour apple just to get it.
And that is the same thing this is, you don’t need a large guild to complete OS just a bunch of friends who know their class and you can do it. And if you see lots of people of a server in front of you and you don’t trust it, stay back and defend the point for others to go through and wait till the group up front has passed on so you can go there, and rince repeat. At max, with friends who never ever done the OS jumping puzzle, it took us an hour with them falling like crazy, running into lots of groups with and without PvP battles, having fun at the traps and getting through the dark room.
But to get back to what Elshagan said, Pvp’ers are semi-forced into PvE (if for WvW only just to get gear and mats and shizz). So why not let PvE’ers enter WvW from time to time for a simple achievement?
(edited by MinorDetail.9204)
Now despite what my claims where who are you to tell me who’s a PvE’r or not when everyone basically has the same label on them? If you attack back you agree to PvP n I’ll enjoy killing you. If you don’t than there’s no fun in killing you. I’ve seen hardcore PvP’rs back out of fights n not fight back inside of OS. So just cause someone doesn’t fight back doesn’t make them a PvE’er.
So if you’re in there at same time I am n fight back? Well guess what I’ll do my best to kill you cause in my eyes be you a PvE’er or a PvP’er you’ll only be a “Server name” Invader or Assaulter or whatever.
“if you attack back” implies your attacking me first, so if I fight back I’m fare game, If I don’t I’m a free kill?
And I never attempted to tell you who is PvE and who is PvP. I’m not the one that labeled them. I made it clear that I don’t think PvP inside OS is wrong, I do it myself when necessary. What I dislike about you is your self-proclaimed enjoyment derived from making other people miserable, that you would drive people to rage-quitting merely for your own amusement.
Sure, every player from another server just shows up as “server name Invader”. That does not mean you are under an obligation to be a kitten towards them. But I guess common courtesy is a rare thing these days
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU
I am a PvE player myself, who has not been able to complete OS due to camping. I sympathize with PvP and WvW players because they have not been receiving the same content releases that PvE players have. That said, ANet absolutely needs to stop combining these two play styles into one achievement set. Perhaps ANet needs to start doing more PvP/WvW oriented “living story” updates that can go along with what PvE players are doing. Living Story is not PvP, and ANet needs to stop trying to make it so and just create separate content for PvP/WvW players.
@MinorDetail – You cannot compare Unfriendly Skies being an achievement in the meta with OS for the mere fact that dungeons are, and always have been, part of the PvE community. The dungeon may be out of the comfort zone of many players, but at least they are still in what the game considers PvE and Living Story is PvE.
That said, there is a major difference. PvP players being forced into PvE will experience a consistent environment, one where it will be easy to “quickly” learn the mechanics of what is going on and you can learn the content because it is consistent. This works well with these limited time releases. PvE players being taken into PvP, however, do not have this luxury and are instead subjected to an inconsistent environment where you may not even have the chance to learn the puzzle because you are dead in seconds.
(edited by Mimir.4690)
I don’t want to start the whole ’it’s you card’, you are right I agree with that. But if people are becoming miserable from getting killed within a pvp jumping puzzle, isn’t that kinda their own problem?
Don’t get me wrong I get the frustration, I have screamed on TS alot of times during OS, especially when it wasn’t a seperate area and you had to walk all the way back to find the keep not in your factions control. But once I noticed it was getting the better of me I left and came back at a different time or date to finish it off with a fresh mind.
So many things to-do within the game that gives people enjoyment and if 1 lowsy achievement, that probably isn’t either needed or can be skipped without getting the full meta achievement, can ruin your day by getting killed within a, and hence the word, PVP Jumping Puzzle I would second your thoughts and maybe leave the whole achievement for what it is?
@Dedlaw same as the message I said before, but maybe this is fun for someone within a game. Who are you to decide they ‘want’ to make people feel miserable, maybe they are there cause they got ganked and it’s a stress relief? So many factors in play, which none of us can judge anyone for.
If the achievements were not limited-time only, I’d be more inclined to agree with the idea that it’s the player seeking it’s fault. Take the standard JP achievment. You have all the time in the world to complete it, so if you walk in and get attacked, you just leave. No rush.
As it stands, the JP is more rive with campers than it has been in months due to the time-limit set on achievements. Get it or lose out, and so unskilled players are led to slaughter. There can be several factors contributing as to why they are feeling forced to endure PvP even though they might not wish to.
And don’t misunderstand me, I’m not generalizing against everyone that kills in OS. As I said I’ve done it myself when needed. I in no way decided that they all “want” to make players miserable. Elshagan blatantly admitted to it, hence my focus on him.
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU
(edited by Dedlaw.9130)
Still trying to figure out how some of us manage to do OS without any issues every day, and other people here claim that they couldn’t even do it one time – not even with a mesmer portal? – in the weeks during Sky Pirates.
Like I said earlier, this sounds a lot like people just being really dramatic about something that they don’t like, not an actual concern about the game.
Alright, to all of you here that think Anet should have not put these achievements in, ill explain this once and once only.
1. These achievements are optional, so if you’re not into putting in effort to actually achieve your achievements, don’t do it.
2. Would you rather a game hand you the gear and equiptment you want or need? Or would you rather work for it so you have some kind of satisfaction?
3. If you want this game to be easy mode, don’t even bother entering WvW, heck, don’t even bother doing dungeons, or sPvP or even entering Orr.
4. Fun? Whats fun? I don’t like trying to kill people in WvW, im just here to capture their towers and soak in that sweet sweet loot and exp.
Forums posts like these need to stop. Instead of whining and complaining about zergs killing you in a JP, do something about it. Anet adding more options for you to acquire achievement points is not a bad thing, i had assumed that was common sense, but apparently not. For those worried about not being able to get the chest at the end of the JP, it has badges in it for a reason, just like players who drop badges when you kill them, you have to work for them.
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay
Oh great, this again. To be honest my first experience getting the cache was only as frustrating as the puzzle itself before I got to the end, got my chest and then got ganked. Then I swore to never go there again because I got my cheevo and I didn’t need any more of that.
But… the cheevos call. Time to get up at 4am to do this kitten again.
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
@Mimir You are right that they don’t have to deal with campers, but they do have to deal with other stuff that get on their nerves, which might range from stupidity in dungeons to not being able to dodge a simple AoE on the ground which is highlighted to make it easier.
You are now asking Anet to change their view on the game and the aspects (PvE & PvP) to cater to more casual players than they already do. The living story events have been around for a month or so, with a small update 2 weeks in. Even a casual player like a guildy of mine who plays probably 2hours 3x a week is still able to get most of the achievements for the living story events and he did the OS cache yesterday during prime-time while being baited and attacked, asked for help in his friendlist and the guild and before they knew it they had 12 people who needed the cache and got victorious in the end.
All I am saying here is that if people would rather put their energy and time in completing OS or any other achievement that is outside of their comfort zone, instead of whine and dining on the forums they would have already gotten it. And yes I know some guilds and people are out to give people a hard time to get the achievement, but isn’t it more fun to say in the end ‘hahaha your gank party is broken and we got our achievement :P’ instead of ‘I am to scared to go to OS cause I will get ganked.’?
Imho A-net made the decision to put the cache and the kite in OS for a reason, which reason we might not know but they did. So we gotta live with it, or not accomplish the achievement. That’s it! Demanding or providing feedback based on your own oppinion without knowing the backbone breaking decision of ‘why’ they put it there in the first place just undermines their capabilities of making decisions. And developers that would read those topics and comments would probably lose an hour or 2 sleep over it, since they do make this game to give us fun.
How many patches recently Anet has brought out that catered to the PvP’ers? Really. The fact that the kite achievement is in the Obsidium Sanctum makes it a PvP achievement not a PvE achievement by default.
Um, you are confusing PvP with WvW aren’t you? Essentially every balancing patch is something new for PvP, even if it isn’t for WvW. Please don’t do that, they are significantly different. WvW is PvE with the ability to kill other players. In that case it’s more like pvpve. Aside from that there have been “pvp” activities, even if they were badly designed. Example is the dragon ball, you don’t take a players skills awa in a contest of skill. There is no counter play, no real tactic.
And what you are saying is that Anet chooses what ‘we’ should enjoy, how are you to tell Anet what you should be entitled to when they entended something completely different?
You need to look up what the word entitlement actually means. I see so many of your type using words they don’t understand.
Please learn what a word means before you try using it.
I think that we are more or less dealing with a community that is used to getting everything handed on a silver platter than an actual community who likes a challenge in the game. One achievement is making a worldy impact which is probably 20 points, which is less then completing your monthly? Let the achievement be hard for some people, let it be in OS. Let the people who actually have fun doing OS have a reward in the end instead of just a chest. ^.^
The only challenge in this game is PvP (imo). WvW is not PvP just to be clear.
Making an achievement hard is fine. Making it a part of something they have clearly chosen not to take part in is another. I’m fairly certain you would have the same reaction if it was an actual pvp achievement instead of wvw. Your post reeks of the noobs I talked about earlier. The kind that prey on pve players because they aren’t good enough to compete with the real pvp players.
Jesus, they add more easy ways to get achievement points and to bring some life to the JP and you guys complain about zerg camping? I play engi and have made that JP every time I’ve tried, even when there’s a zerg trying to kill me. Are you trying to say that Engi is OP now? If you can’t complete the JP on your own, get a port or bring friends to help, don’t complain about it on the forums so that Arenanet can please your personal needs.
Are you trying to tell me that engi are weak? Imo the single best condition profession out there is far from weak. Maybe in pve I honestly don’t know, but in pvp I would say you are far far from weak.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
For those worried about not being able to get the chest at the end of the JP, it has badges in it for a reason, just like players who drop badges when you kill them, you have to work for them.
If you think the complaints are about the chest at the end then you’re sorely mistaken.
There are people who love to have all of the achievements from the events. If this were another of the WvW achievements no would be raising a ruckus about it.
Some of us are in PvE guilds and dislike PvP (and/or WvW). I enjoy WvW and the whole concept of it….but the interactions within the jumping puzzles reek of PvP where it does nothing to benefit your server for what happens in there. As someone else said, the people camping these puzzles for the sole purpose of killing PvE players going in there is like slaughtering ambient creatures. As long as I’m not completely out numbered I can usually hold my own, but not everyone is used to dealing with fighting other people. It is not like fighting PvE mobs.
If they disabled the direct attacking in there and left it so that players could trigger the traps, pick up the rocks and toss them, that would be different….and I think it would be fun. You’d get people using the traps that are in there to take out the other side rather than hiding in the dark to back stab the first person to walk by. I like strategy and skill not dealing with cowards who gang up on others just for the sake of killing them.
Still trying to figure out how some of us manage to do OS without any issues every day, and other people here claim that they couldn’t even do it one time – not even with a mesmer portal? – in the weeks during Sky Pirates.
Like I said earlier, this sounds a lot like people just being really dramatic about something that they don’t like, not an actual concern about the game.
Maybe you have more resources (time, flexibility) than some?
Some of us aren’t 100% flexible with their time management due to having families and jobs and such. Logging on for an achievement at 4 am was definitely an option for me when I went to uni, but now, not so much.
Secondly, when you start it, you have to see it through to the end. Since it is in a WvW map, you can’t log off when you run out of time and continue later. A time commitment of unknown length, also a problem for people with real life commitments.
This becomes a bigger problem when your internet connection isn’t 100% stable and you DC sometimes. Bam, all progress lost, start over. If you have nothing else to do that afternoon, this is fine; but I’m beyond that age.
So, I did the JP in the last chapter – it took me a couple of hours on the ONE night I had the time for it, and all the time I was stressing out because I didn’t know whether it was ultimately getting me anywhere or not, and because I really, REALLY needed to go to bed to get a few hours of sleep in before my day job. This creates additional pressure and makes jumping puzzles significantly less fun. If you feel that this is just me being dramatic, well, I guess it’s your right to have impressions and opinions, but my own assessment is very different.
Just a few examples of additional struggles, for perspective
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
@Mimir You are right that they don’t have to deal with campers, but they do have to deal with other stuff that get on their nerves, which might range from stupidity in dungeons to not being able to dodge a simple AoE on the ground which is highlighted to make it easier.
You are now asking Anet to change their view on the game and the aspects (PvE & PvP) to cater to more casual players than they already do. The living story events have been around for a month or so, with a small update 2 weeks in. Even a casual player like a guildy of mine who plays probably 2hours 3x a week is still able to get most of the achievements for the living story events and he did the OS cache yesterday during prime-time while being baited and attacked, asked for help in his friendlist and the guild and before they knew it they had 12 people who needed the cache and got victorious in the end.
All I am saying here is that if people would rather put their energy and time in completing OS or any other achievement that is outside of their comfort zone, instead of whine and dining on the forums they would have already gotten it. And yes I know some guilds and people are out to give people a hard time to get the achievement, but isn’t it more fun to say in the end ‘hahaha your gank party is broken and we got our achievement :P’ instead of ‘I am to scared to go to OS cause I will get ganked.’?
Imho A-net made the decision to put the cache and the kite in OS for a reason, which reason we might not know but they did. So we gotta live with it, or not accomplish the achievement. That’s it! Demanding or providing feedback based on your own oppinion without knowing the backbone breaking decision of ‘why’ they put it there in the first place just undermines their capabilities of making decisions. And developers that would read those topics and comments would probably lose an hour or 2 sleep over it, since they do make this game to give us fun.
My point wasn’t about the difficulty of the content in terms of comparing dungeons with OS – it was that dungeons are a part of PvE, and Living Story is PvE. OS, a part of the Living Story (aka PvE achievements) is a PvP achievement and I think people are frustrated that for one reason or another, they are being “forced” to go into a PvP area for PvE content.
I absolutely agree with you about finding Guildies and I certainly will be giving that a shot, because I had fun doing the puzzle and I don’t even mind giving WvW a try. However, and probably because I am coming at this from a PvE perspective, I do not understand why ANet would set PvE players up for this scenario, knowing that there are WvW players who are going to go in just to kill PvE players. I tried OS several times for the cache, different times, etc. and each time, there were campers who were obviously trying to take advantage of PvE players trying the JP. It is just, as others have said, bad design.
And I’m sure the developers did place it in here for a reason. However, we haven’t heard a word from them with the Sky Pirates event, and I imagine they will remain quiet for Bazaar as well. Regardless, I do look forward to trying this again and hopefully with a group, I can get it done and maybe not be so turned off from WvW.
How many patches recently Anet has brought out that catered to the PvP’ers? Really. The fact that the kite achievement is in the Obsidium Sanctum makes it a PvP achievement not a PvE achievement by default.Um, you are confusing PvP with WvW aren’t you? Essentially every balancing patch is something new for PvP, even if it isn’t for WvW. Please don’t do that, they are significantly different. WvW is PvE with the ability to kill other players. In that case it’s more like pvpve. Aside from that there have been “pvp” activities, even if they were badly designed. Example is the dragon ball, you don’t take a players skills awa in a contest of skill. There is no counter play, no real tactic.
And what you are saying is that Anet chooses what ‘we’ should enjoy, how are you to tell Anet what you should be entitled to when they entended something completely different?
You need to look up what the word entitlement actually means. I see so many of your type using words they don’t understand.
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/entitledPlease learn what a word means before you try using it.
I think that we are more or less dealing with a community that is used to getting everything handed on a silver platter than an actual community who likes a challenge in the game. One achievement is making a worldy impact which is probably 20 points, which is less then completing your monthly? Let the achievement be hard for some people, let it be in OS. Let the people who actually have fun doing OS have a reward in the end instead of just a chest. ^.^
The only challenge in this game is PvP (imo). WvW is not PvP just to be clear.
Making an achievement hard is fine. Making it a part of something they have clearly chosen not to take part in is another. I’m fairly certain you would have the same reaction if it was an actual pvp achievement instead of wvw. Your post reeks of the noobs I talked about earlier. The kind that prey on pve players because they aren’t good enough to compete with the real pvp players.
Uhm im sorry but are you saying pve achievements are something pvp based players want to do? It works both ways buddy. Oh, and once again, these achievements are 20 points, im sure they will be forced to do them because they don’t have 1,000 other pve achievements they could do.
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay
For those worried about not being able to get the chest at the end of the JP, it has badges in it for a reason, just like players who drop badges when you kill them, you have to work for them.
If you think the complaints are about the chest at the end then you’re sorely mistaken.
There are people who love to have all of the achievements from the events. If this were another of the WvW achievements no would be raising a ruckus about it.
Some of us are in PvE guilds and dislike PvP (and/or WvW). I enjoy WvW and the whole concept of it….but the interactions within the jumping puzzles reek of PvP where it does nothing to benefit your server for what happens in there. As someone else said, the people camping these puzzles for the sole purpose of killing PvE players going in there is like slaughtering ambient creatures. As long as I’m not completely out numbered I can usually hold my own, but not everyone is used to dealing with fighting other people. It is not like fighting PvE mobs.
If they disabled the direct attacking in there and left it so that players could trigger the traps, pick up the rocks and toss them, that would be different….and I think it would be fun. You’d get people using the traps that are in there to take out the other side rather than hiding in the dark to back stab the first person to walk by. I like strategy and skill not dealing with cowards who gang up on others just for the sake of killing them.
I only addressed people who want the chest at the end of my post, that way i wouldn’t have to post another response to explain myself to them too. I’m sorry, did you say the jump puzzle reeks of PvP? In WvW? That can’t be possible! Do you think people who like PvP want to step into the land of PvE and do those achievements? No, but we do them anyways because guess why. We don’t have a choice either.
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay
Depending what world you are on, I would gladly help you get there. ^.^ Even if you would be one of the worlds we are up against. You did know there are several positions within OS where you can get an invisibility buff for about 3-5min? Makes it a whole lot easier as well.
@Dan You hit the nail right on the head.
@GSSBlunaspike Sorry but that quote made you sound more like a smart-kitten then an honest replier. WvW might have PvE aspects but the main focus is Player versus Player which is PvP, go google it you might actually understand it afterwards.
Maybe you have more resources (time, flexibility) than some?
Some of us aren’t 100% flexible with their time management due to having families and jobs and such. Logging on for an achievement at 4 am was definitely an option for me when I went to uni, but now, not so much.
Secondly, when you start it, you have to see it through to the end. Since it is in a WvW map, you can’t log off when you run out of time and continue later. A time commitment of unknown length, also a problem for people with real life commitments.
This becomes a bigger problem when your internet connection isn’t 100% stable and you DC sometimes. Bam, all progress lost, start over. If you have nothing else to do that afternoon, this is fine; but I’m beyond that age.
All the typical excuses. “But I have a life!”… “I’m an adult! I don’t have time!”
Yeah yeah, heard it all before.
For the record, I’m 34, have a job, have a wife, have a house and large piece of land to maintain, blah blah, blah. No excuses here.
I don’t do OS at 4am or anything ridiculous. I typically do it at prime time because that’s when I get home from work. So yeah, hard to buy that excuse, too.
Time commitment? It takes all of 5 minutes to do after you’ve done it once to learn it. 20 seconds if a mesmer is there helping people. Sorry, can’t accept that excuse, either.
This isn’t some terrible hardship being imposed on you. It’s not even required to finish the main achievement. Stop acting as if it’s this terrible thing that’s just impossible for anyone to do and is ruining your entire life.
Now despite what my claims where who are you to tell me who’s a PvE’r or not when everyone basically has the same label on them? If you attack back you agree to PvP n I’ll enjoy killing you. If you don’t than there’s no fun in killing you. I’ve seen hardcore PvP’rs back out of fights n not fight back inside of OS. So just cause someone doesn’t fight back doesn’t make them a PvE’er.
So if you’re in there at same time I am n fight back? Well guess what I’ll do my best to kill you cause in my eyes be you a PvE’er or a PvP’er you’ll only be a “Server name” Invader or Assaulter or whatever.
“if you attack back” implies your attacking me first, so if I fight back I’m fare game, If I don’t I’m a free kill?
And I never attempted to tell you who is PvE and who is PvP. I’m not the one that labeled them. I made it clear that I don’t think PvP inside OS is wrong, I do it myself when necessary. What I dislike about you is your self-proclaimed enjoyment derived from making other people miserable, that you would drive people to rage-quitting merely for your own amusement.
Sure, every player from another server just shows up as “server name Invader”. That does not mean you are under an obligation to be a kitten towards them. But I guess common courtesy is a rare thing these days
Did you even read half of what I wrote? IF you don’t fight back there’s no fun in killing you so might as well leave you alone. Besides making people rage-quit in OS is nothing new people do it on a daily basis.
On the other hand you ask for common courtesy in PvP? PvP is PvP, you go in n you might die. Simple as that.
Januk Monkeydoodle: 80 Engi
Knowledge is your friend: 1 of every class for sPvP except Ele.
I only addressed people who want the chest at the end of my post, that way i wouldn’t have to post another response to explain myself to them too. I’m sorry, did you say the jump puzzle reeks of PvP? In WvW? That can’t be possible! Do you think people who like PvP want to step into the land of PvE and do those achievements? No, but we do them anyways because guess why. We don’t have a choice either.
You know…I don’t see a single PvP or WvW achievement mingled in with the PvE ones. You can ignore the PvE achievements like us PvErs ignore those in the WvW and PvP sections.
But yet again to get the PvE achievements for the living story we have to deal with people who have nothing better to do than to hide in the dark and kill people that can’t see them.
You know…I don’t see a single PvP or WvW achievement mingled in with the PvE ones. You can ignore the PvE achievements like us PvErs ignore those in the WvW and PvP sections.
So the overwhelming majority of achievements in the game being in PvE isn’t enough for you?
But yet again to get the PvE achievements for the living story we have to deal with people who have nothing better to do than to hide in the dark and kill people that can’t see them.
No you don’t. Just skip that one and still get the primary meta done. Yay. Quit acting like ANet is twisting your arm and forcing you to do something that you clearly dislike so much that you’ve convinced yourself its impossible.
I only addressed people who want the chest at the end of my post, that way i wouldn’t have to post another response to explain myself to them too. I’m sorry, did you say the jump puzzle reeks of PvP? In WvW? That can’t be possible! Do you think people who like PvP want to step into the land of PvE and do those achievements? No, but we do them anyways because guess why. We don’t have a choice either.
You know…I don’t see a single PvP or WvW achievement mingled in with the PvE ones. You can ignore the PvE achievements like us PvErs ignore those in the WvW and PvP sections.
But yet again to get the PvE achievements for the living story we have to deal with people who have nothing better to do than to hide in the dark and kill people that can’t see them.
Uhm. What. “You can ignore the PvE achievements like us PvErs ignore those in the WvW and PvP sections.” Thats what i said to you, but with regards to PvErs avoiding the PvP achievements? But on that note, what about the living story acheivements which are PvE and you get a cool reward for doing them? Like the shattered dragon wings, do you think i wanted to sit there walking up to pinatas and pressing ‘f’ for an hour? No, but i wanted the wings, and there was no PvP way of getting them.
Also, how would you NOT consider this acheivement a PvP one? It’s in WvW is it not? This achievement isn’t required to gain anything other than 20 points, unless you’re OCD and need ALL of the achievements, in which case, you have no choice.
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay
Like the shattered dragon wings, do you think i wanted to sit there walking up to pinatas and pressing ‘f’ for an hour? No, but i wanted the wings, and there was no PvP way of getting them.
Strictly speaking, as far as I remember you DID get both guaranteed zhaitaffy and a wings drop chance with every Dragonball match.
It would have been a lot harder / taken longer to get the wings, but hey, it takes PvE players a lot longer to get through Obsidian Sanctum, too. And some don’t succeed.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Isn’t this what guilds are for get like 50 guildies and trounce all people in puzzle. put mez on top and port all up. Most active guilds have 100 members so should be easy for a guild to rush the jump puzzle. Just go kick kitten and take names.
I only addressed people who want the chest at the end of my post, that way i wouldn’t have to post another response to explain myself to them too. I’m sorry, did you say the jump puzzle reeks of PvP? In WvW? That can’t be possible! Do you think people who like PvP want to step into the land of PvE and do those achievements? No, but we do them anyways because guess why. We don’t have a choice either.
You know…I don’t see a single PvP or WvW achievement mingled in with the PvE ones. You can ignore the PvE achievements like us PvErs ignore those in the WvW and PvP sections.
But yet again to get the PvE achievements for the living story we have to deal with people who have nothing better to do than to hide in the dark and kill people that can’t see them.
Uhm. What. “You can ignore the PvE achievements like us PvErs ignore those in the WvW and PvP sections.” Thats what i said to you, but with regards to PvErs avoiding the PvP achievements? But on that note, what about the living story acheivements which are PvE and you get a cool reward for doing them? Like the shattered dragon wings, do you think i wanted to sit there walking up to pinatas and pressing ‘f’ for an hour? No, but i wanted the wings, and there was no PvP way of getting them.
Also, how would you NOT consider this acheivement a PvP one? It’s in WvW is it not? This achievement isn’t required to gain anything other than 20 points, unless you’re OCD and need ALL of the achievements, in which case, you have no choice.
What he said, Pvp’ers are forced to PvE when they want something for that particular content. So if you have to take your time to get one achievement which isn’t even needed for the big overall meta achievement, then don’t do it.
Like the shattered dragon wings, do you think i wanted to sit there walking up to pinatas and pressing ‘f’ for an hour? No, but i wanted the wings, and there was no PvP way of getting them.
Strictly speaking, as far as I remember you DID get both guaranteed zhaitaffy and a wings drop chance with every Dragonball match.
It would have been a lot harder / taken longer to get the wings, but hey, it takes PvE players a lot longer to get through Obsidian Sanctum, too. And some don’t succeed.
If memory serves, you couldn’t get the shattered wings as a drop, only the holographic ones. Zhaitaffy could also only buy you the holographic wings.
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay
On the other hand you ask for common courtesy in PvP? PvP is PvP, you go in n you might die. Simple as that.
Yes, common courtesy. As I said, just because they have the “Invader” name tag does not mean you have to be a kitten to them. About 2 weeks ago about 20 BG and SoR had an unofficial truce in OS as both sides helped friends and guildies through while fighting off the JQ campers at the top. JQ ended up camping the entrance so we had to stealth the last few stragglers past them, then left them again to their camping.
20min of not being under obligation to kill anything red and everyone got what they wanted.
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU
On the other hand you ask for common courtesy in PvP? PvP is PvP, you go in n you might die. Simple as that.
Yes, common courtesy. As I said, just because they have the “Invader” name tag does not mean you have to be a kitten to them. About 2 weeks ago about 20 BG and SoR had an unofficial truce in OS as both sides helped friends and guildies through while fighting off the JQ campers at the top. JQ ended up camping the entrance so we had to stealth the last few stragglers past them, then left them again to their camping.
20min of not being under obligation to kill anything red and everyone got what they wanted.
Do you expect everyone to share the same thinking? In a PvP designed Jump puzzle, some may just go for the loot and achievements and avoid combat, but some find enjoyment in killing others. You go into the map fully knowing that everyone is hostile, don’t expect common courtesy when some enemies only see you as a loot bag.
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay