(edited by Drayos.8759)
Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]
At first I was hoping for a sword for ele, mainly because I love to melee…but, as stated…just about everyone gets a sword. Furthermore, the warhorn is, to this point, a bit underwhelming. Perhaps the Temptest can fix this.
By that I mean it could function differently than what we already know. Prior to the Revenant, hammer was only used as a melee weapon.
We know that warhorn is mostly about “blowing” into it but now, we have an Elementalist here, a master of magic. Instead of blowing he could :
=> swing it/spin himself and use the “wind” around him to “blow” into the warhorn.
=> use it as some sort of catalyzer and gather/absorb the elements around to apply buffs and/or “transform” the gathered elements into massive spells/burst.
These are just examples on how could the warhorn be used differently than what’s usually intended.
We don’t know anything yet about the spec and almost everyone is already upset about it. I think we should wait for the livestream and see if it really is as bad as everyone make it sound.
As for myself, of course I find sword better… But only as far as aesthetics are involved. Warhorn sounds more interesting in terms of gameplay potential.
Cheers and have a nice day fellow Eles! Don’t be too down by the news, let’s wait and see!
I think it’s a valid complaint to feel like Ele was pretty solid in the off-hand department. For me it feels like lazy design. It’s the least amount of skills they need to design. It’s also the least needed. I’ll be honest and say that I was disappointed by Sword mainhand when those rumors were swirling. Mainhand needs more love than off-hand but we have one 2-handed option and to get another two-handed option would have been my cup of tea.
I have decided to wait until the next x-pac is released and see what’s in it and purchase that since HoT will be included as well with that purchase. As a consumer I feel like I will be getting a proper value going that route. This x-pac feels light on content.
Sure, I main Ele and Ranger, but new weapon sets not being to my taste isn’t reason enough for me to not buy an x-pac. The million other little things that seem to be missing and the platformy/zergy hybrid they are making this x-pac are the main reasons I am foregoing this one.
the shoulders look very nice
If its anything like this http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Stormcaller then I can be happy.
That would be dumb. That horn was so big it had to be carved into a mountainside, and weighted more than an entire tavern of norns (walls, roof and beer included).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I think this sums up the WH on the ele well.
Taken from Reddit by a poster.
“Oooh, I see where they’re going with this. It’s another “high concept” theme. The Tempest is a class which utilizes the tears (water), screams and despairing wails (air), rage (fire) of all those ele players who cried for weeks that they did not want a warhorn. This faction of the elementalist profession will attempt to scare Mordremoth away by dramatically blowing into a horn. He will be terrified. In fact, that dragon won’t even know what hit him. What about Earth, you ask? Well, this will replace the Tempest’s skill bar entirely with a new summoned weapon, the shovel, with which the Tempest can dig him or herself kitten to lie in, and cry. This is needed for those times when other classes, with their shiny new Staves, Shields, Greatswords, Hammers, and Longbows laugh at the Tempest, for their questionable life decision of setting out to truly perfect the art of blowing into a silly looking horn in a most dramatic fashion."
Seems about right.
Love that description
Got a link to the reddit post? I’m curious what the comments to it are.
Please give us a keyring…
I actually think Elementalists should have gotten Dual Pistols if the design was meant to both shock and please.
Can you imagine dual pistols?!
Shooting elemental bullets that freeze, burn, call down lightning on each impact, or heal when shot through players. I think it would have made for an interesting playstyle and choice in a game with ranged warriors, and melee rangers, etc.
And just because a focus could do what a warhorn can regarding skill use doesn’t mean it will do what the other does and vise versa. Actually, I would go so far as to say they most definitely will not do the same thing if we do happen to get a warhorn.
Obviously, you are right. Focus doesn’t give swiftness.
umm apart from the Mined Martial Arts DPS Staff for the Thief which was mined from the same load as the warhorn
Also greatsword doesnt mechanically work as a greatsword, the swing rate and Finisher capability is more Hammers, also no leap etc etc which GS Generally carry sooo no it doesnt fit what GS would normally do for any standard proffessions currently.
LB Being a half SUpportive weapon for Guardian, where normally its a Power Long ranged Weapon, the Dragonhunter jumps to allys and things while having damaging capabilities too.
Offhands have proven to rework mechanics, Chronomancer got fifth shatters and a Whole new emchanic, Likelyhood Elementalist will be given a New F5 and some new mechanics to bring interesting plays forward.
I can’t believe all the QQing over this. Those of you that are hating on the warhorn because of it’s abilities have no idea what it will do yet.
Those of you hating on the warhorn because of looks… …um OK. “The weapon is bad kitten but it doesn’t match my outfit therefore I’m not going to use it?” There are no words.
No one expected the hammer to be ranged or the staff to be melee, but that is happening. Who knows what the warhorn will do?
Give it a chance. If after the reveal it looks bad, then have at the complaints. This isn’t white knighting, it’s just common sense.
This actually makes me excited about making an ele. Sword would have been boring, warhorn is much cooler!
I really don’t get people like you. What’s so cool about warhorn? The same animations for most of the skills? The very similar skills warhorn has across the classes? The fact it’s usually some kind of buff/support weapon? Or the idea ele could summon storms, which is already does with 7 skills btw?
Ele has no true melee, dagger is short range PBAoE, scepter is midrange and trash. There’s seriously so little option in the mainhands and we got enough offhands that are great already. What sense does it make to give eles offhand?
we see past Cosmetics, also just find Swords overrated, Im sorry but u rolled a Mage, Expect to be Ranged, its been this way for YEARS in MMOS and has never been a Disadvantage to the classes throughout games, how u can suddenly expect proffessions to be ripped away from their orgins is just ridiculous u Signed up to be a Mage.. and Expected it to be a thief.
Hack and Slash and Running around Spamming Evades like a Ranger is boring theres nothing cool or magical about a guy rolling around u repeatively stabbing u in the sides, I dont get why u want that, realistically that is all swords ever have done. its a boring concept, and i’ve never enjoyed any of the sword designs.
However Necro – Loved the Dagger/Warhorn, it was a fun playstyle for sure, so i cannot put the Warhorn down due to actually enjoying some of the styles of it, specially as this will Most likely be a very offensive version of the Warhorn bringing New Mechanics and Possibly a new F5 as its known they give Off hand weapons ALOT of new mechanics to make up for the Less skills in comparison to the main hand.
its a DIfferent Expansion a Different Meta a Different Era and No proffession will play the same as they do now or have done before, to say What would and would not be the best for a proffession is just untrue, not aimed at u but alot of warhorn hate is aimed at “OMG WE NEED CLEAVE ITS A MUST” and its untrue, No one knows WHat elementalist will need in HoT, nobody has played it or could possibly know what is coming so how they can know so much about the Proffession which isnt even here amazes me, wait to see what it brings and What its capabilities are in the new expansion before Claiming it isnt good for the elementalist to have.
I made a Elementalist to nuke things, Not Slash things down like a Warrior, i want to see the Warhorn i want big Animations i Want Massive Storms and Huge Damage… I wanna Unload Fiery Icy and Tornados Of Pure Doom and Power!
It’s just that…… No!
Where are ours, and the engineer’s weapon swaps? Yes, we get elemental attunements but we’re still missing out -regardless of weapon choice- on things such as sigil swaps during combat- whether for new damage sigils or on swap sigil activations.
Just saying…
What do you mean where is the weapon swap? Eles were made without, Revenant is still being made. Besides, you seriously want to get 20 additional skills ? No man, just no. That doesn’t make sense.
The OP’s maturity level is so impressive.
The irony in your statement makes me laugh.
You talk about maturity and yet cannot grasped the simple concept of opinions. Part of growing up is understanding that people will have a different opinion than yours. It isn’t the end of the world, if you like the war horn that’s cool, we don’t and we get to complain about. That’s why forums exist.
The point being, stop projecting your insecurities.
You’re wrong. Im saying that it’s immature to not buy something just because of one teaser image, when we know literally nothing about how the spec will work as a whole. I’m excited for the expansion and grateful for all the hard work the devs have put into it.
In my eyes it seems disrespectful to be so shortsighted.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
I can’t say I’m hyped, but I’m reserved some. I honestly think when they do the livestream everyone will be saying “OMG Ele’s will be OP” it’s kind of a theme besides the dark days right after the RTL nerf.
Change Celestial Amulet? Ele = OP
Strength Rune Change? Ele OP
Recent Patch? Ele OP
Obviously we were OP before when you could Ether Renewal and Mist form pre-RTL nerf patch.
I don’t see this being any different outcome from the forum/reddit playerbase as it is usually the case. Knee-Jerk reactions are common on the forums and no one will really know until we start using it.
Revenant was gonna be the OP! until it wasn’t and that was solely based on the livestream then people got their hands on it and was then UP. Which should have been obvious since it was you know missing a whole trait line and one of it’s legendaries.
I wouldn’t be hyped or disappointed just watch the livestream and reserve any real judgement until we can play it. I’d give stronger points to pre-play opinions of people people like Black Beard and Zelynn and other long time theory crafters here on the forums as they usually give more weight to numbers and not feelings.
TL/DR make a true judgement until you can play it.
As per usual a vacuum comparison. Revenants have resource management spam your 1 through 5 swap a weapon and spam your 1 through 5 and you WILL NOT be able to use your Utilities, Heal, or Elite because they have a resource cost. If you can’t see how that makes the revenant totally different I don’t know what to tell you just because they can “swap something” doesn’t make it comparable to Elementalist.
Plot twist
Tempest Summons Wind blade from the Warhorn
Exactly. I feel like it will be some sort of AoE nuking weapon, which hasn’t been done by previous warhorns and is a powerful niche that OH dagger and focus haven’t fulfilled. Even staff only has one skill (meteor shower) that I’d consider an AoE nuke, its has sustained rather than burst AoE pressure, and of course that varies on attunement.
If the fire skills of warhorn have some decent burn application or a fire field in between in power between ring of fire (probably the eles best skill right now) and flamewall, then celestial will still be viable on it, since you’d still get the sustain and boonspam from water/arcane and tempest could give it more burst damage potential. Even with cele stats, burst damage is still possible, such as with burning speed and fire grab, or crazy cele rifle intelligence sigil combos from engi in the past.
If it doesn’t have burning, then it’ll probably be better for a glassier set up, but we’ll have to see. If the warhorn is meant to be a glassy weapon, than it’s nuke skills will have to be really really powerful, and the ulities would have to give it something akin to stealth/ports/blocks that are useful enough to allow for decen survivability, which is the current downfall of fresh air builds, that otherwise do have the damage to be compete, just not other tools to seal the deal.
Anyway, speculation aside, I am thrilled to see what arenanet has decided for the elite spec, as their creativity has been impressive as of late!
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
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I mean, Chronomancer also got an offhand and the shield skills seem pretty good.
It’s not so much about getting an offhand weapon per se, it’s about said offhand being the warhorn.
Mesmer+Shield is just in a completely different league, in that it always had the potential to be good (imo anyways).
I’m just confused as to why precisely warhorn would be worse? We don’t know its skills? Ele could use it entirely differently from other profs? I don’t get why it’s inherently inferior?
Well for now – All Warhorn skills on All classes are pretty lack luster and do not seem very viable, apart from the shoutbow warrior using a WH.
For me Id say that the WH is so limited in what it can do (apply wind to WH) about it – call birds, blast finisher, buff, (all of these the ele already has with the standard set of skills – may be not the bird but they can already summon Elemental beings to fight for them) So what is it exactly adding to the class?
IMO they could have given the ele like the sword or a combat staff (even if they already have a ranged staff) that would have been more creative or inspiring. a WH feels kinda Meh.
Locust swarm on necromancer is an amazing skill, it’s probably the fastest form of life force generation the necromancer has in a teamfight.
Meanwhile the ranger warhorn gives group support in pve. The shoutbow warhorn trait was actually nerfed for being too strong.
So clearly you don’t play these other classes if you think their warhorn skills suck.
True I dont main A ranger or a Necro, but even I have noticed how bad the Warhorn skills are.
Sigh, yea great group support – still pretty useless, does it clean conditions? No.is it better than say the warriors one… No… also Pve, thats the easiest content in the whole game, hardly fair to judge a weapons viability because it does OK in pve. everything does OK in pve.
Necro on the otherhand – its again ok – all you do is blow on it (same old animations – not looking promising for the ele) – it only helps you so in theory your horn is busted if only you get effected (troll)- Id say the necro one comes close to the being ok like the warriors, i mean it does daze/interrupt apart from that, not much more.
My point still stands that MOST WARHORNs are pretty useless compared to their other available weapon choices. The WarHorn is stil llimited in what it can do , and animation wise what else can it do but get “blown into”? still a very Meh weapon to be given to any class.
You’ve clearly never watched top Necromancer gameplay, where they dote on how warhorn is by far the best offhand for power/minion/cele necro. This is because it has fast life force generation, CC and lets you get places faster. The other offhand choices for necromancer, especially focus, suck, really quite hard.
This is the age of ranged hammers and melee staffs and magical longbows and time traveling shields. You must be truly ignorant if you think that the ele warhorn is going to lack any flavor or uniqueness.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Because we have no way to cleave in melee outside of…1 ability in terms of weapons. Sadly, you’re in the boat that doesn’t understand why this is a huge disadvantage for all forms of content, but I can only speak for PvE.
So, staff is pretty much dominant in the current meta in PvE…until we start fighting mobile mobs. You know…what might be considered challenging content. Staff is the best DPS in what WoW deemed a Patchwerk fight. Essentially a boss fight with no mechanics for DPS to avoid and the boss would stay in the same place the entire fight. Once a boss starts moving, Staff DPS can start lowering as the abilities take more time to land…or even might be difficult to land.
Now to circumvent this problem, we’d need some form of melee burst with an actual cleave mechanic. This why we can just be close enough to the boss to continue to do damage. Scepter and Staff pretty much have the same problem of needing to have stationary targets to do their damage. Dagger on the other hand isn’t as limited.
So, run dagger simple solution! Except not really. Fire is pretty much a necessity for damage as Burning Speed is a very strong ability. On top of now lasting longer to blast out more might and give out fury. And now we get to the problem of Lightning Whip. So, in order to play dagger to its fullest damage, we need the most access to lightning whip. Solution: Fresh Air. Okay, that solves that problem, but opens up another. Now we HAVE to pick 2 specializations in order to even get Dagger/X to compete with staff.
Now then, let’s add Tempest and Warhorn into the mix. Say that Warhorn pretty much gives us enough damage and utility to be a comparable choice to Focus. In order to run a dagger build in PvE, Fire-Air-Tempest are mandatory. And if bosses are very mobile…yep pretty much mandatory.
This is NOTHING AT ALL like Mesmer getting Shield. Mesmer is not kitten for having a shield. Chronomancer might be an alternative, but it might not be necessary. And even then Mesmers and EVERY other profession will have access to a regular melee weapon with cleave. You might argue Engineers don’t, but rifle is very mobile and doesn’t require a sitting target to do damage….and their toolkit outshines our Lightning Hammer in terms of mechanics as it doesn’t remove their toolbelt AND their weapon slots. (We essentially lose 21 skills and our class emchanics to run a conjure).
So please educate yourself before saying get over it. A lot of us want Warhorn to be good. The problem with warhorn IS NOT warhorn. It’s that we don’t have any good main hands. I’m hoping that dagger is given better and regular autoattacks in the upcoming expansion as it fits their design principle concerning Elite specs. However, without such a change, elementalists are now at a huge disadvantage for fighting mobile bosses.
Ty for taking the time to structure your answer. Here is my reply :
1st of all, I’m a pve player and while I do not practice speed clear, I follow pve tournaments and read dps spreadsheets enough to understand what we’re talking about.
I agree with you about the classic PvE build :
- staff is inefficient as soon as your target starts moving.
- scepter requires pre-stack and brings little self sustain, although in an organised group, either someone will babysit you or stuff will die so fast survival won’t be an issue.
- dagger is the most flexible option for both solo and group content (kudos to Neko and Zelhyn for their guides about this build btw) and both dagger and focus have their use.
However I strongly disagree about the need of a melee cleaving weapon :
- dagger can cleave even though it’s damage is not great however it’s cleaving at 300 range which is all things considered awesome.
- hammer is the true melee cleaving weapon. This is why it was not nerfed during the June 23rd update. The devs know it fills an important role so they didn’t touch it.
- the engineer tool kit has much more utility than the hammer but it doesn’t have a matching dps especially in pve where it’s not part of the engineer meta (except for trash run). So the comparison you made is void.
All in all the sword as a melee cleaving weapon would not bring anything the ele does not already have.
Wharhorn on the other hand could bring something new : sustained PBAoE damage. Think about locust swarm. Elementalists do not have a skill that has similar functionnalities. We have some auras but they are punishing skills rather than offensive skills and thus have almost no use in PvE.
A storm surrounding the elementalist and damaging/debuffing ennemies standing close fill a niche previously unoccupied in the ele kitten nal. In encounters where invulnerabilities or anti-projectiles are not needed, the warhorn could bring some extra dps to a dagger build.
As such I am much more interested by warhorn than I am by swords.
(edited by VodCom.6924)
An offhand means we could get a super synergy. Scepter warhorn.
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.
Credentials worth nothing for the kind of individual who dismisses a weapon and phantasms he hasn’t even tested himself considering chronomancer has been unavailable to the public lol.
Like you know about how great it could be any better than I do? Like people know who you are any better than I do?
Every argument you make can be reflected at yourself. Meet me in the mesmer forums during recess, and we’ll settle this.
Edit: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/PvP-Will-you-use-Shield/first#post5304908
Here is the discussion thread where we will settle this once and for all. I’m fine with being proven wrong, but we’ll have to see what the general mesmer community thinks.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
(edited by nearlight.3064)
Offhand dagger have all ele skills that actually make ele worth playing so this warhorn will be useless.
Really?… lol cause no actually that isnt true at all..
Lightning whips great… and is on mainhand Dagger.
burning speeds great and is on mainhand Dagger And Warhorn could be better anyway tbh, u have no idea.
Judging by the datamined singularity concept, this spec might bring a playstyle of staying in one attunement rather than swapping them constantly.
That would be terrible for PvE. Staff would be so strong other weapons won’t even be able to even remotely compete with it.
tbh im hyped, i was dissapointed at the sword rumours, at the end of the day, i rolled a mage, not a thief not a warrior i dont expect to be stuck with a hack and slash playstyle thats heavily reliant on rolling around evading peoples attacks through various abilities, its just makes 0 sense for a Wizard to ever consider doing that, it was a Illogical idea and tbh just not needed in the slightest. Mages have throughout MMO history been full Casters and Never seen a Disadvantage.
I am hoping the warhorn brings some Long ranged Powerful nuking capability, to add that variation of ranged capability when ur normal Dagger capabilities such as Lightning whip is just out of reach
Either way i cant wait to see it.
Maybe we will get a purge stealth skill from that war horn… cross fingers till they bleed…
1. The dagger can cleave on one autoattack, which is what made builds with it so restrictive.
2. Hammer takes away all your other weapon skills and offers very little in return apart from that 1 autoattack. Mechanically, that leaves a lot of room for the sword to add in CC, mobility, defence, everything else.
3. The engi tool kit is more about CC and defence, making it then also have top DPS would make it extremely overpowered. The sword doesn’t need to have as much CC and defence as that.
Ty for taking the time to structure your answer. Here is my reply :
1st of all, I’m a pve player and while I do not practice speed clear, I follow pve tournaments and read dps spreadsheets enough to understand what we’re talking about.
I agree with you about the classic PvE build :
- staff is inefficient as soon as your target starts moving.
- scepter requires pre-stack and brings little self sustain, although in an organised group, either someone will babysit you or stuff will die so fast survival won’t be an issue.
- dagger is the most flexible option for both solo and group content (kudos to Neko and Zelhyn for their guides about this build btw) and both dagger and focus have their use.
However I strongly disagree about the need of a melee cleaving weapon :
- dagger can cleave even though it’s damage is not great however it’s cleaving at 300 range which is all things considered awesome.
- hammer is the true melee cleaving weapon. This is why it was not nerfed during the June 23rd update. The devs know it fills an important role so they didn’t touch it.
- the engineer tool kit has much more utility than the hammer but it doesn’t have a matching dps especially in pve where it’s not part of the engineer meta (except for trash run). So the comparison you made is void.
All in all the sword as a melee cleaving weapon would not bring anything the ele does not already have.
Wharhorn on the other hand could bring something new : sustained PBAoE damage. Think about locust swarm. Elementalists do not have a skill that has similar functionnalities. We have some auras but they are punishing skills rather than offensive skills and thus have almost no use in PvE.
A storm surrounding the elementalist and damaging/debuffing ennemies standing close fill a niche previously unoccupied in the ele kitten nal. In encounters where invulnerabilities or anti-projectiles are not needed, the warhorn could bring some extra dps to a dagger build.As such I am much more interested by warhorn than I am by swords.
*Yes, dagger can cleave…on ONE skill. I’m saying what if ALL of the autoattacks on dagger could cleave like Lightning Whip (obviously each would be different, but they’d all cleave). Fire AA is only good on a single target and water needs to make sure that the projectile doesn’t hit…anything to return.
*Hammer is NOT a weapon. It’s a utility. ANd one that requires us to give up 20 skills AND our entire mechanics to use. Imagine if Mesmers had to give up clones and shatters to equip a sword. Or if Necromancers had to give up Death Shroud to get greatsword…(Let alone get a BETTER melee Shroud). It works, but too much is given up in order to get it.
*It’s not a great comparison, but it shows the difference between conjures and kits as Elementalist and Engineers are the only professions to lack a weapon that gives them cleave. (As Necro Dagger was buffed in regards to that to at least provide SOME form of it).
Yes, Warhorn could provide all of that, but I am NOT going to argue why Warhorn is good/bad until I see it. I’m going to argue that Dagger/X is so drastically underperforming that ANY offhand has to be blatantly overpowered in order to make up for the weakness of the main hand. Dagger requires two specialization and 4 traits in order to consider being viable. Which means if Tempest is good, there will be NO choice for running Warhorn at all. (Scepter is even more mandatory) This is BAD for warhorn. I’m complaining about this because I WANT warhorn to be given a fair chance. I’m not a fan of the warhorn skins, but I still want to be surprised if Warhorn and Tempest are awesome. Regardless, they are both going to be tied to the main hands…or Tempest will just be another option to run staff with. And I will refuse to play an Ele for some time if Staff continues to dominate for a few more years. I’m tired of staff. I want something new.
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”
People need to stop trying to justify the crappy Warhorn as a selection by claiming it’s going to be something different. It doesn’t matter that it’s a Warhorn, it matters that it’s an offhand weapon. An offhand sword or offhand shield or whatever would be just as bad.
/Dagger is an amazing weapon already full of AOEs, mobilty, defenses and CCs as well as many blast finishers. Focus is also an amazing weapon full of ranged CCs, AOEs, defenses and blast finishers. Between the two of these there’s no additional roles to fulfill because they’re already so amazing at what they do. That is the problem.
Exactly. I feel like it will be some sort of AoE nuking weapon, which hasn’t been done by previous warhorns and is a powerful niche that OH dagger and focus haven’t fulfilled. Even staff only has one skill (meteor shower) that I’d consider an AoE nuke, its has sustained rather than burst AoE pressure, and of course that varies on attunement.
lol what? Yea screw that Lava Font that can crit for 4k a pop while you auto attack for 4k a pop while Meteor Shower simultaneously also can hit for 4-6k a pop.
Sure glad they might give Elementalists some AOEs. Gosh we’re so starved for AOEs as a class! I would now insert a list mockingly all the AOE’s we have as a class on every single weapon as well as the countless AOEs we have as in our Utilities but quite honestly I don’t have the time to recount almost literally every skill we have.
gs would have been cool, axe would have been cool, I REALLY wanted a sword… Warhorn makes me think support… ugh…
The OP’s maturity level is so impressive.
The irony in your statement makes me laugh.
You talk about maturity and yet cannot grasped the simple concept of opinions. Part of growing up is understanding that people will have a different opinion than yours. It isn’t the end of the world, if you like the war horn that’s cool, we don’t and we get to complain about. That’s why forums exist.
The point being, stop projecting your insecurities.
You’re wrong. Im saying that it’s immature to not buy something just because of one teaser image, when we know literally nothing about how the spec will work as a whole. I’m excited for the expansion and grateful for all the hard work the devs have put into it.
In my eyes it seems disrespectful to be so shortsighted.
Actually, a person can use whatever reason they can dream off to decide NOT to spend their money. The job of the company is to convince the consumer to buy their product.
It is not the customer’s job to care about the feelings of developer. They are not making guild wars 2 as a favor to me, they are making a PRODUCT to sell to ME. Now if the expansion was free, then maybe. The point being, they are not doing it for anybody’s benefit, they are doing it because they want my hard earned money or the money I am earning posting on this forum instead of doing work.
How the spec works in irrelevant, the issue here has been that the ele does not need an off hand, it needed a good main hand. Scepter doesn’t know WTF it is trying to be, dagger has its own problems.
Singularity a mechanic that works by forcing player to stick to once attunement isn’t going to make things better.
with that said, you could be right, but the magic 8 ball next to me says “it’s arena net, any dumb thing is possible.”
Eventually, the pain will be over, but for now I am going to QQ all the way to I get over it.
Arena net isn’t making the product for my benefit, they want my cash. We don’t have to be grateful, especially when they are kittening up. Well mainly the balance team is kittening up.
I appreciate the non ele balance team.
I bought the Ultimate Xpac and I made Bolt as my first legendary then bound it to my thief. At the time, I did it because I was so excited about the potential, and now I feel ripped off. Nothing about the xpac excites me anymore. Elementalist made this game enjoyable to me. I made plenty of passes at this game and ended up quitting on 80 after 80, until I came back and tried an Ele and stuck with the game. I don’t want to see a traffic cone strapped to the hip of the character I made my first and favorite legendary with, nor do I want to start another class when I’ve spent more money just on cosmetics etc. for my Ele than I did on the xpac. I’d rather just quit with a negative impression of Arenanet. Nothing is going to change their mind about this if they think it’s the right direction for Ele, but nor will anything change my mind that it’s not. It’s made me question whether they really have a direction for this game I’m interested in. I’d return the xpac if I could – the excitement is thoroughly gone.
Polyscia – Elementalist
Mercedene Underfoot – Thief
Im hyped … I’m going to laugh with glee if they pull something over on us … here is my guess:
“Elemental Singularity” will be a channel that deals aoe damage/effects based on our attement after being in the attunement for a while and pressing the attunement’s key. The animation would be us conjuring an elemental blade of the appropriate attunement while whirling around, doing a whirl finisher and such.
THEN our mainhand abilities shift into their elemental sword version alternatives as long as we remain in the same attunement, changing our 1 skills into auto chains.
Staff would give us elemental twohanded swords :P
A man can dream!
By the way, you can actually see sword hilts in the art for both the new reveal and the data-mined elite spec art.
(compacted for readability)
dagger skill #2 can hit multiple targets in all attunements
Dagger skill #3 does this as well for fire and water.
What you are complining about is that the auto-attack do not. However, as some theorycrafters have explained a long time ago, as an elementalist you should dance between attunements and use AA as least as possible in PvE, because they are all lacklusters. The ele’s AA are designed to be lacklusters because you have 20 weapon skills that you should use instead of auto-attacking (talking about dagger builds here).
Conjures do not prevent you from switching attunements. They prevent you from using you survival weapon skills. This is a real drawback, but remember that the conjured hammer has utilities build in it’s AA (namely, the blind and explosion on 3rd hit).
We feel we are locked in a single attunement because we trait for water and aim at maximising dps by staying in water as long as we wield the hammer. However, you can change your traits and still be able to swap to clear condis or grant protection/stability to your group while wearing the hammer or any other conjures.
The meta scepter/hammer builds are constructed with DPS in mind, and since we almost always play this way in pve, we tend to forget that there are other (less efficient in organised dungeons) ways to play the lightning hammer.
Though I guess we’ll have to wait the livestream (and the beta) to give a proper jugement.
I prefer no weapons for ele… just the hands.
Okay deal, turn Ele into Invoker from DOTA2. Ele will be too hard for most to use and there for no plebs will be owning on the class.
It’s actually funny seeing people reacting to this weapon with “I quit the game!” without even knowing what the hell the elite spec does and how it does. I’m actually very hyped because anet can pull out an amazing spec based on the most bland weapon. Of course I might be wrong, yeah, but why don’t we wait until the end of the week so we can ACTUALLY SEE what is coming for Elementalists?
If I remember correctly mesmer players were just like this with the incoming shield “Wth, sheild no mh pistol!?”, yet after the reveal apparently the Chronomancer is one of the most hyped elite specs.
I don’t care what it does, I still don’t want a traffic cone strapped to my hip. It could have beautiful spell effects and be the most OP spec in the game, I still don’t want to play it.
Polyscia – Elementalist
Mercedene Underfoot – Thief
Given that we have precident of ANet utilising weapons differently on different classes (Necro Axe, Mesmer Greatsword, Ranger Axe, etc), why is there so much hate for Wh when we don’t even have a clue what it will do yet, and Anet said any class that just gets an offhand will also be getting new mechanics added.
I bought the Ultimate Xpac and I made Bolt as my first legendary then bound it to my thief. At the time, I did it because I was so excited about the potential, and now I feel ripped off.
Man, I dunno what to say. You made a legendary for your ele and bound it to your account… without confirmation that the ele were getting swords. Oo
I mean… that’s a friggin’ huge risk you took. Binding a legendary based on datamined intel is not a good move. I hope you won’t do this mistake again.
I have a guildie who crafted bolt expecting to be able to use it on his ele, but he had the presence of mind not to bind it until official confirmation. Guess what ? He made 3k gold tonight.
This should be how tempest works
Dont forget Ele Dagger – since when was Dagger a Ranged Weapon :P.
Revenant Staff. Rumoured thief Staff Reaper Greatsword
there isnt realistically much keeping to the baselines of what each weapon set people seem to beleive they do, theres no simularity between Dragonhunters LB and Rangers LB theres no simularity between how a Mesmer and Rangers use Torch.
its Just basically a group of people who think swords look cooler therefore WH couldnt be good.
(edited by Drayos.8759)
The OP’s maturity level is so impressive.
The irony in your statement makes me laugh.
You talk about maturity and yet cannot grasped the simple concept of opinions. Part of growing up is understanding that people will have a different opinion than yours. It isn’t the end of the world, if you like the war horn that’s cool, we don’t and we get to complain about. That’s why forums exist.
The point being, stop projecting your insecurities.
You’re wrong. Im saying that it’s immature to not buy something just because of one teaser image, when we know literally nothing about how the spec will work as a whole. I’m excited for the expansion and grateful for all the hard work the devs have put into it.
In my eyes it seems disrespectful to be so shortsighted.
Actually, a person can use whatever reason they can dream off to decide NOT to spend their money. The job of the company is to convince the consumer to buy their product.
It is not the customer’s job to care about the feelings of developer. They are not making guild wars 2 as a favor to me, they are making a PRODUCT to sell to ME. Now if the expansion was free, then maybe. The point being, they are not doing it for anybody’s benefit, they are doing it because they want my hard earned money or the money I am earning posting on this forum instead of doing work.
How the spec works in irrelevant, the issue here has been that the ele does not need an off hand, it needed a good main hand. Scepter doesn’t know WTF it is trying to be, dagger has its own problems.
Singularity a mechanic that works by forcing player to stick to once attunement isn’t going to make things better.
with that said, you could be right, but the magic 8 ball next to me says “it’s arena net, any dumb thing is possible.”
Eventually, the pain will be over, but for now I am going to QQ all the way to I get over it.
Arena net isn’t making the product for my benefit, they want my cash. We don’t have to be grateful, especially when they are kittening up. Well mainly the balance team is kittening up.
I appreciate the non ele balance team.
Maybe you need to take a break from the game and play something else if possible. I’ve realized in the past that disagreeing about balance (particularly with necro in previous patches) was really stressful and unfun, so I took a break from the game to play other stuff on the 3DS. I may disagree with your position on warhorn since I think MH dagger is great and scepter is weird but can work (and that the only reason the offhands dagger is strong is because of burning), but you’re entitled to your opinion, and I sincerely hope that you are able to move past this, even if it means leaving gw2 to do so.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
I guess it woulda been nicer to have sword now that I think of it. Nomatter how good the Warhorn is, Scepter and Dagger skills are still boring to me. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Dual Warhorn or 2Hand Warhorns. XD Honestly I still dislike Elementalist even though it was my 2nd Favorite in GW1 so it could really use some major core mechanic changes for me.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
The OP’s maturity level is so impressive.
The irony in your statement makes me laugh.
You talk about maturity and yet cannot grasped the simple concept of opinions. Part of growing up is understanding that people will have a different opinion than yours. It isn’t the end of the world, if you like the war horn that’s cool, we don’t and we get to complain about. That’s why forums exist.
The point being, stop projecting your insecurities.
You’re wrong. Im saying that it’s immature to not buy something just because of one teaser image, when we know literally nothing about how the spec will work as a whole. I’m excited for the expansion and grateful for all the hard work the devs have put into it.
In my eyes it seems disrespectful to be so shortsighted.
Actually, a person can use whatever reason they can dream off to decide NOT to spend their money. The job of the company is to convince the consumer to buy their product.
It is not the customer’s job to care about the feelings of developer. They are not making guild wars 2 as a favor to me, they are making a PRODUCT to sell to ME. Now if the expansion was free, then maybe. The point being, they are not doing it for anybody’s benefit, they are doing it because they want my hard earned money or the money I am earning posting on this forum instead of doing work.
How the spec works in irrelevant, the issue here has been that the ele does not need an off hand, it needed a good main hand. Scepter doesn’t know WTF it is trying to be, dagger has its own problems.
Singularity a mechanic that works by forcing player to stick to once attunement isn’t going to make things better.
with that said, you could be right, but the magic 8 ball next to me says “it’s arena net, any dumb thing is possible.”
Eventually, the pain will be over, but for now I am going to QQ all the way to I get over it.
Arena net isn’t making the product for my benefit, they want my cash. We don’t have to be grateful, especially when they are kittening up. Well mainly the balance team is kittening up.
I appreciate the non ele balance team.
Maybe you need to take a break from the game and play something else if possible. I’ve realized in the past that disagreeing about balance (particularly with necro in previous patches) was really stressful and unfun, so I took a break from the game to play other stuff on the 3DS. I may disagree with your position on warhorn since I think MH dagger is great and scepter is weird but can work (and that the only reason the offhands dagger is strong is because of burning), but you’re entitled to your opinion, and I sincerely hope that you are able to move past this, even if it means leaving gw2 to do so.
There are two options here one for me and you.
option one.
I could stay and keep reminding Arena net at my displeasure for their terrible decisions. If a bunch of people could convince Arena net to change their business model from LS focused to expansion based. I am sure eventually arena net will at the very minimum realize that they really need to rework scepter to make it viable.
Also the reason why I play this game now is because I like the necromancer, it might be at the bottom now but at least the reaper looks a like a lot of fun.
Option 2:
You get over the fact that not everybody will agree with you and or blindly kiss Arena net’s bum. Don’t worry about me, worry about yourself. So what if someone doesn’t agree with your point of view? That is life.
Remember Arena net created this forum solely to attract disgruntle opinions. At the end of the day, we are both going to do whatever makes us happy.
What will this week bring for #GW2HoT? ~RB2
Delusion Ruby, delusion.
I really wanted a sword for ele.
Why anet is so great in destroying my expectations?
(edited by Aedil.1296)
If you get sword now you’ll get horn with next specialization, so it’s a pointless argument.
Better to have the best for last.
Honestly I’m curious about the warhorn and how it will play out, and I think it a unique choice, but there’s just one thing that makes me dislike it…..the skins! I take the title of Fashion Wars 2 very seriously and warhorns overall have some of my least favorite skins in the game. Not to mention I already had a perfect match ready for them. I have 2 asuran ele’s, twins by their bio in fact, who are polar opposites. They have the same armor, same looks, yet ones armor is blue and he’s the good one and the others is red and he’s the bad one (evil twin so to speak lol). I had it all planned out to use Jormags Breath for blue and the Fiery Dragon Sword for red (even started playing GW1 again for achievements Q_Q) but now it’s all for naught lol.
But meh other that my own personal lament for the customization I lost I got no quarrels with it lol.
gs would have been cool, axe would have been cool, I REALLY wanted a sword… Warhorn makes me think support… ugh…
yeeeeh, it isnt going to be support in the slightest, we all know that lets face it NOTHING in this expansion has been keeping with the flow of what base game had.
Necromancer – Greatsword Slower Swings, Heavy Damage Lots of Finishers 0 Leaps, irregular to what the Greatsword commonly does.
Guardian – Longbow Support features and Not full Power, Very different to general use of the bow, If ur looking at Ranger LB which is Pure Damage.
Chronomancer – Shield some how connected with time and a fifth Shatter.
Revenant – Melee Staff and Ranged Hammer, Hammer being a Slow throwing weapon uncommon for ranged Damage and Melee Support hasnt been seen before tbh, so very different.
Rumoured thief Staff – Not only is it a DPS Staff which is un-normal it too is Melee…. so again irregular.
Obviously the WH will be a Offensive weapon, prolly holding Massive damaging Nukes from range allowing us to have Long and Short ranged capability in one set up giving u exactly what u have asked for now 2 years.
Probaly warhorn skills are not supposed to be offensive and simple looking animations.