Mesmer Update Notes 10/15/13
So, who else noticed how broken the mesmer falling trait is right now?
Now that you mentioned… Went to see the trait and tried on a Risen…
Oh, let’s see, now people can abuse more efficiently with the Sky Hammer map abuse !
Has anyone else noticed the decrease to the number of bounces to winds of chaos on a staff Mesmer or am i patch too late?
Wait… WHAT?
I just tested this and all appears to be working as expected. I tested IE as well, no problems.
So, who else noticed how broken the mesmer falling trait is right now?
Now that you mentioned… Went to see the trait and tried on a Risen…
Oh, let’s see, now people can abuse more efficiently with the Sky Hammer map abuse !
Holy kitten is that broken. Quick, everyone get into WvW and start dive bombing those zergs
Hell yeah i think i just did the dmgrecord with 1hit over all time in gw2^^
Used chaosstrom and +4%^4 mantrabuff and hitted 7.515.169 dmg on a bird in southsun. :P
Edit: There’s still potential with sigil of the night +10% and 25 stacks might and bloodlust^^ but for the moment i think i’m the one that did most dmg with a mesmer :P
Equinox [EqnX]
20% chance on duelist now, finally
gg mesmers
no infinite vigor for rangers anymore either. So nice of you to stop by and grace us with your apparent lack of self confidence.
This change hurts, regardless of whether it’s considered a fix or a nerf. I guess the scepter buff offsets the change somewhat. Traited, we can now apply 5 stacks of torment every 8 seconds that lasts at least 8 seconds.
It definitely hurts the Sword/Pistol + Scepter/Torch builds… I’ll probably try replacing Sword/Pistol with something : /
20% chance on duelist now, finally
gg mesmers
no infinite vigor for rangers anymore either. So nice of you to stop by and grace us with your apparent lack of self confidence.
This change hurts, regardless of whether it’s considered a fix or a nerf. I guess the scepter buff offsets the change somewhat. Traited, we can now apply 5 stacks of torment every 8 seconds that lasts at least 8 seconds.
It definitely hurts the Sword/Pistol + Scepter/Torch builds… I’ll probably try replacing Sword/Pistol with something : /
Actually you don’t use that trait to get infinite vigor and only works with healing spring which is a very bad heal anyway unless you’re in a group , you slot 20 in BM to get bird pet swapping get vigor for 5 seconds and then Lightning reflexes utility for 12 seconds of vigor every 32 seconds. Oh yea, our bird pet swap trait now gives it 5 secs of vigor to all allies in the radius.
Thanks and come again!
You must be pretty bad to get owned by confusion bomb. Let alone that there’s far stronger 1v1 builds out there.
Illusionary Defense: Fixed this trait to properly decrease damage taken by 3% per illusion.
Alright guys and girls. Time to prepare yourselves. Mesmers got a buff. Commence the QQ parade until we get nerfed again.
Illusionary Defense: Fixed this trait to properly decrease damage taken by 3% per illusion.
Alright guys and girls. Time to prepare yourselves. Mesmers got a buff. Commence the QQ parade until we get nerfed again.
Hate to rain on your parade, but that’s a nerf. I tested it recently, it reduced damage 3%, 5%, and 10%.
Hell yeah i think i just did the dmgrecord with 1hit over all time in gw2^^
Used chaosstrom and +4%^4 mantrabuff and hitted 7.515.169 dmg on a bird in southsun. :PEdit: There’s still potential with sigil of the night +10% and 25 stacks might and bloodlust^^ but for the moment i think i’m the one that did most dmg with a mesmer :P
Maybe with this trait, people will actually have “madness descending” on them. I have a feeling someone at Anet thought it would be hilarious, specially considering this is the Halloween patch with the Mad king and all.
Hate to rain on your parade, but that’s a nerf. I tested it recently, it reduced damage 3%, 5%, and 10%.
Haha, that first part shouldn’t have been in there. Just the part about me waiting for the QQ about Mesmers being overly OP because we got buffs to anything. At all.
However, while we are on it…I am not a fan of taking more damage instead of less >: although in the end I suppose it is not a HUGE nerf.
I think they should make confusion from combos last 10 seconds base. Its just not worth it to waste a projectile and get 5 seconds.
Does anyone know if they fixed the wastrels punishment bug? It reduced damage :o
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
I think they should make confusion from combos last 10 seconds base. Its just not worth it to waste a projectile and get 5 seconds.
Does anyone know if they fixed the wastrels punishment bug? It reduced damage :o
It was stealthfixed a few weeks ago but maybe they killed the trait again^^ Just test it with someone in pvp
Equinox [EqnX]
I do love the Medic’s Feedback change though – it was already an amazing trait, this just makes it even better!
They just updated the visual appearance, not the actual duration. Feedback has always lasted ~1s longer than its visual dome. They just fixed that on Feedback and Medic’s Feedback.
Browsing through all the trait facts, one good thing I noticed is they finally clarified what wastrel’s punishment is. “Increased damage to foes not using a skill”. That’s not bad actually. I think many, including myself, thought this meant foes needed to be stunned or dazed.
That means it’s pretty useful in PvE.
Except if you’re using Illusions …
The increase 300 attack distance when traited is mediocre compared to the reflect gained by focus skills when traited. Only by having substantially higher combo finisher chances will it then be on par with the focus in terms of gain from selecting the trait.
Well, Focus has always been the strongest one. But at the same time its secondary effect useless on 75% of PvE mobs. Cleaning and additional range always has its benefits.
I guess the 100% combo finisher was oneof the reasons to nerf confusion in PvP.
I think they should at the very least increase the % by a fair amount like to 50% when traited becuase 20% is really bad. Now it’ll just give an extra 1 or 2 stacks.
That’s what you call “spoiled kid”.
even one or two stacks deal quite the noticable amount of damage in PvP. It’s just that confusion is useless in PvP. They should balance it to 300~400% of its current damage (same with retaliation) for PvE.
Actually I liked your definition better squallaus. I don’t think Pyro’s is accurate with regards to “multiple hits of damage over time”. That’s typically not a requirement for channeled skills. Take Mantra charging for example or some of the Elementalist staff skills.
Well, ANet is lacking a precise keyword table. Channeled skills are such as Mes Scepter #3, but ANet also called the trait “Protected Mantras” as “while channeling mantras”.
But what Pyro said is correct in for most descriptions, including the projectile finisher explanation. “Channeled” skills usually are multihit skills, but you can further generalize and specify at the same time saying:
“Charging is the preparation of a spells effect” and
“Channeling is having effects while the castbar is present”.
Both effects use the cast bar as visual indication, but one has its effect after the castbar is finished and one while the castbar is not finished. Like Mantras (former) or Scepter #3 (later).
This change hurts, regardless of whether it’s considered a fix or a nerf. I guess the scepter buff offsets the change somewhat. Traited, we can now apply 5 stacks of torment every 8 seconds that lasts at least 8 seconds.
Well, if that skill only was usefull in PvE … Mobs need to attack much faster (and weaker) for confusion, retaliation and block skills …
I think they should make confusion from combos last 10 seconds base. Its just not worth it to waste a projectile and get 5 seconds.
I find that almost every combo effect is too weak. None of my party actually “micro-organizes” combo fields/ finishers during dungeons. I mean … 2s burning at 20% chance ? Chaos Armor for 3s in PvE ?
Sure, there’re some nice ones (Water healing and fire might), but they the minority.
@Mantra update
as an active mantra user … I love the tooltip updates. All mantras now show the restorative mantra and mender’s purity effect. I still miss the blue indication of reduced recharges, but well.
But the aoe abilities of mantras … well … they have ? it’s so weak. I’ve tested it multiple times on junglewurm, does the aoe stability even break fear for allies ? or does it give them stability which does not remove fear ? I have to use cleansening mantra … which is no stunbreaker …
So generally … for my mesmer
nothing changed
I believe with Mantra of Concentration, the stability boon is AoE, but the stunbreak is for you only.
I do love the Medic’s Feedback change though – it was already an amazing trait, this just makes it even better!
They just updated the visual appearance, not the actual duration. Feedback has always lasted ~1s longer than its visual dome. They just fixed that on Feedback and Medic’s Feedback.
No, the bubble produced by Medic’s Feedback never lasted as long as the bubble from the actual Feedback skill (~2 seconds less) – I’ve run both for ages, I know this. They’ve increased the duration on the rez-bubble to match regular Feedback length.
Also, regarding breaking ally Fears: you actually want to use the condition cleanse mantra for that, not the stability one. Fear is a condition; it’s blocked if you already have stability, but gaining stability when you’re already feared won’t clear it. Either a condition cleanse OR a stun-break will, though, so now you can break fear on allies using Mantra of Resolve (pitiful range though, grrr). On yourself either mantra works, as always (since Concentration is a stun-break for yourself).
The only thing in the game that breaks stuns on allies (that I know of) is Guardian’s Virtue of Courage traited with Shielded Mind (Virtues GM).
Yeah, but that makes a 2s AoE stability even more pointless. The main use of the skill was the stun breaker (+2s “protection” from other stuns). I don’t like clean mantra because I have mender’s purity, so I use stability mantra for stunbreak and fear. Alot bosses tend(ed) to use fear multiple times in succession and stability helped a bit (well, you had to time it since 2s is just a waste). I could always use my healing mantra to cancel fear (unless is removed another condition), but I bound stability mantra to not having use my healing or slotting a redundant mantra.
As I said … pointless change. 2s stability is useless and I almost never use cleansening mantra.
@Medic’s Feedback
k, didn’t know this
What would be the best build option for an Mesmer now. Let’s assume I play Dungeons, WvW and I do not care about a prefered playstyle. What would be “hardcore” complementing the current kit.
For dungeons, something like 10/30/0/30/0 or 0/20/0/25/25 phantasm would be your best bets.
WvW, you’ll want to spend 5 seconds retraiting to… whatever the best build is.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
What would be the best build option for an Mesmer now. Let’s assume I play Dungeons, WvW and I do not care about a prefered playstyle. What would be “hardcore” complementing the current kit.
I use this build for Arah,
However depending on group make-up, I sometimes switch out off-hand sword for pistol. This is pretty beast on Lupicus.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Yeah, but that makes a 2s AoE stability even more pointless. The main use of the skill was the stun breaker (+2s “protection” from other stuns). I don’t like clean mantra because I have mender’s purity, so I use stability mantra for stunbreak and fear.
I agree with you there, particularly because the range is so terrible. Sure, you could spam it twice (or three times if traited) and push out 4-6 seconds of stability, but it’s pretty inferior to Stand Your Ground for example. And constantly having to waste three seconds recharging it just makes it worse.
I can see it potentially being useful in PvP/WvW teamfights to eat the first stun bursts from the enemy, but in PvE the only situation that comes to mind is the Harpy Fractal (since everyone’s clumped on tiny platforms anyway, and you can see the orb coming).
i just notice that Scepter #1 skill 3rd attack(which gives clone) has %77 damage nerf
so Scepters chain dps decresed to 0.44 which means %6 less damage than GS(300-600)range dps [without multiple damage which gs has can *3 to line]
sword wins with 0.90 dps chain..
gs by ranges
staff 0.22 which can give *2 + conditions
phantasms have same damage as before
not all tested at HoTM and there can be %1 to %5 wrong solution
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
(edited by Azo.5860)
i just notice that Scepter #1 skill 3rd attack(which gives clone) has %77 damage nerf
Oh really? I’ll have to look at that.
Just noticed, but tooltips accurately reflect PU traited stealth in blue.
it was before patch.. 1.33 co-efficient now check 0.748
and for dps in 60sec there should have 46 attacks mean / 15chains + 1 attack means
chain coefficient*0.766(46attacks / 60sec) =ll be dps.. can be other conditions as server delay etc.. my record can be mistake check.. i done it for all skills.. and dunno much but there is something have in my mind with Halting strike
there should be have some buff for it abiut %10 to %20 and there is a random effect mostly with MoD but rarly it can seems with chaos storm that halting strike can be instead of ~1.15 to 3.7 something where as it can have some different calculation cuz it doesnt fit with crit damage.. dunno what…
harrrr again getting upset.. Anet show us what is it.. WHY NOT? what is it ? 304?
and another thing i didint test mantra of pain before update it seems high to me it can get something maybe..
and didnt read any posts yet.. about update..
my note Nothing change maybe if i would have time i would go for guardian :P
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
all test were on HoTM would like to see if there any difference in wvw..
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
I was testing Empowering Mantras and the tooltip for shatters doesn’t get updated with a charged mantra (but the % increase damage seem to apply from an empyrical test in the mists)
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
anyone can check phantasms plss.. tooltips are wrong..
when i check with 1047.5 weapon strength izerker gives ~2.2 co-efficient where as with steady 284 weapon strenght it gives 7.80 co-efficient..
before patch and now with steady weapons it has same co-efficients phantsms.. but probably it doesnt use our weapon stregth that use phantsms weapon stregth ?
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
yes it uses his own weapon stregth phantasms.. cuz with steady or 80 weapon damage does not change.. so co efficient if izerker hits to 2600 armor avarage 780 and if i ve 916 power and use 80Gs 1047.5 weapon stregth.. it is 2.1135 co-efficietn with x4 hits.. so each hit 0.5283co efficient however 780/4=195 x4
should be izerkers tooltip but it is 296 (there is %51 difference)
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
it was before patch.. 1.33 co-efficient now check 0.748
and for dps in 60sec there should have 46 attacks mean / 15chains + 1 attack means
chain coefficient*0.766(46attacks / 60sec) =ll be dps.. can be other conditions as server delay etc.. my record can be mistake check.. i done it for all skills.. and dunno much but there is something have in my mind with Halting strike
there should be have some buff for it abiut %10 to %20 and there is a random effect mostly with MoD but rarly it can seems with chaos storm that halting strike can be instead of ~1.15 to 3.7 something where as it can have some different calculation cuz it doesnt fit with crit damage.. dunno what…
harrrr again getting upset.. Anet show us what is it.. WHY NOT? what is it ? 304?
and another thing i didint test mantra of pain before update it seems high to me it can get something maybe..and didnt read any posts yet.. about update..
my note Nothing changemaybe if i would have time i would go for guardian :P
Azo, in my tests of the damage coefficient for ether clone, it was .7878 prior to the patch.
(edited by Pyroatheist.9031)
Somebody… explain.. the math….. can’t.. brain.. it.. =[ My phantasms never do .7878 damage. /Twists blonde hair around index-finger
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Undocumented Ninja-buff: The scaling coefficient for mind stab (gs 3) has increased from about .60 to .85.
In normal terms, 30% damage buff.
Undocumented Ninja-buff: The scaling coefficient for mind stab (gs 3) has increased from about .60 to .85.
In normal terms, 30% damage buff.
Wow, that’s a nice buff!
Undocumented Ninja-buff: The scaling coefficient for mind stab (gs 3) has increased from about .60 to .85.
In normal terms, 30% damage buff.
i checked it from my paper
(phantsms co-efficients are wrong cuz of i was testing them with steady but where it doesnt use my weapon stregth it use regular 80excotic weapon strength
it should be the same as 0.85 before patch and now.. nothing change..
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
Somebody… explain.. the math….. can’t.. brain.. it.. =[ My phantasms never do .7878 damage. /Twists blonde hair around index-finger
hey chaos its: and
we have everything so what is co-efficient.. how we do that example on hotm on heavy armor golem ,dummy(he has 2600 atmor)
i use steady weapon to can see exact number(cuz steady weapon has something 258-258) and than we see co-efficient of that skill.. but for phantasms it doesnt use your weapon stregth it use its own (maybe regular 80lvl weapon) so if u use phantasm with lvl 1 weapon or lvl 80 weapon it doesnt change damage..
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
Somebody… explain.. the math….. can’t.. brain.. it.. =[ My phantasms never do .7878 damage. /Twists blonde hair around index-finger
hey chaos its: and
we have everything so what is co-efficient.. how we do that example on hotm on heavy armor golem ,dummy(he has 2600 atmor)
i use steady weapon to can see exact number(cuz steady weapon has something 258-258) and than we see co-efficient of that skill.. but for phantasms it doesnt use your weapon stregth it use its own (maybe regular 80lvl weapon) so if u use phantasm with lvl 1 weapon or lvl 80 weapon it doesnt change damage..
example with izerker.. i see on heavy golem minimum 711(its 4hit attack so 1 hit is 711/4) damage and maximum 848 damage (so i make it 711+848/2=780 avarage) so 780 = weapong stregth(1047.5 [ its avarage of pvp 80 gs] ) x Skill co-efficient( we are looking for it) x our power(example naked 916power) / armor (H.golem has 2600)
so 780 = 1047.5 * coefficient * 916 / 2600
780 = 369,0423076923077
co-efficient = 2,113578805848819
so izerker can do each attack is 0,5283947014622047 [x4]
However Tool tips on izerker should show as 195 x4 but it seems 296 × 4
means tool tips show %51.8 more damage on izerker… ?
so whats the mistake we do.. ?
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
The mistake is, that you think phants are affected by YOUR weapon’s strength. Do the test with steady weapon and you get the same damage. But if you calculate the skillCoefficient by the formula for weapon attacks, it seems to get stronger with weaker weapons.
Phants do not use the weapon attack formula since they ignore your weapon’s atk (at least in pvp). That’s pretty much the reason even steady weapons don’t deal steady phant damage.
The mistake is, that you think phants are affected by YOUR weapon’s strength. Do the test with steady weapon and you get the same damage. But if you calculate the skillCoefficient by the formula for weapon attacks, it seems to get stronger with weaker weapons.
Phants do not use the weapon attack formula since they ignore your weapon’s atk (at least in pvp). That’s pretty much the reason even steady weapons don’t deal steady phant damage.
The way phantasms work (tested and confirmed now) is that they use the normal damage calculation, but they use their own special level 80 exotic internal weapon. Basically, do the whole damage calculation as normal, but instead of using your weapon damage, just plug in a generic level 80 exotic.
So just to confirm. Mind Stab got a 30% ninja buff or no?
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
So just to confirm. Mind Stab got a 30% ninja buff or no?
from me no.. mind stab looks same..
secpter #1 skill 3rd atack have nerf huge
and phantsm tool tips that u see damage in your skill bar is wrong it should be maybe %51 lower* verification required on izerker i tested
and i ve question about phantsm weapons what they use pvp regular 80 greatsword? and same as in wvw?
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
So just to confirm. Mind Stab got a 30% ninja buff or no?
from me no.. mind stab looks same..
secpter #1 skill 3rd atack have nerf hugeand phantsm tool tips that u see damage in your skill bar is wrong it should be maybe %51 lower* verification required on izerker i tested
and i ve question about phantsm weapons what they use pvp regular 80 greatsword? and same as in wvw?
And I think that the scepter skills didn’t get nerfed and gs3 got buffed :p. My scepter attack numbers are the same now as they were pre-patch.
ohh it can be for scepter.. but i sure with gs3 and look here it show the same
- This page was last modified on 1 March 2013, at 07:10.
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
I saw that pistol FIX coming from miles away. We deserved that.
But nerfing our confusion even more was a bad idea to be honest. The least they could do is buff the torch so our confusion builds wouldn’t suffer.
Torch phant has the longest cd and even when not taking that cd into consideration, the attack itself is inferior compared to other phantasm attacks.
A way to fix it would be reducing the cd so it matches other phantasms. (20 sec would be ok i guess)
Also a longer confusion/retaliation duration would be nice.
It seems… iBerserker gained Whirlwind Finisher again. Only 1bolt at the end of the attack and it’s random direction.
Wait, did they nerf confusion dmg yet gain?
traited pistol will not be %100 projectile finisher it ll be as on tool tips %20 projictile finisher
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
traited pistol will not be %100 projectile finisher it ll be as on tool tips %20 projictile finisher
Thanks for clarifying. I know about this already, it’s a bug fix, not a nerf imo. Thought there was some other stealth nerf to confusion dmg.