80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
*longbow* - 900 range (#3 1200, #4 600)
#1 ... channel similar to ele scepter air #1/mesmer GS#1; with a reverse of rangerLB/mesGS mechanics - more damage at closer range
#2 AoE that grants life force (draws lifeforce from enemies in the selected area into the bow)... then again... thats kind of axes deal... maybe it should have absolutely no lifeforce generation... that would be interesting
#3 some form of soft CC (cripple or chill) that does more damage at farther range but fairly obvious telegraph
#4 PBaoe pull (utilising the same stance as rangers barrage; shoots out tendrils at nearby enemies and pulls them inwards after a short channel)
#5 something similar to portal but with only1200 range (portal is 5000) and an obvious animation
*hammer* - with shadow~y effects AND CLEAVE
~swing again
~ PBAoE that reaps lifeforce from all enemies hit
#2 some form of aoe (stabs hammer into floor summoning fetid ground?)
#3 450 range dash (only slightly faster than OoC walk speed) with life force generation if it hits something
#4... something... idk... im gonna go play sab
Longbow- For some odd reason I can see this, and I like it
Greatsword/hammer- Mean & up close and personal (yes I like the look too).
anything 2h be nice, no torch!
Main hand focus?
Have the focus summon temporary pets for one-shot damage?
Summon a fire elemental that looks like a dragon from another MMO for fire damage!
Summon an Ascelonian prince for poser damage!
Summon an electric chipmunk for shocking damage!
Summon a Sylvari vegetarian for kudzu damage!
Summon an Orrian wino for the ultimate grapes of wrath damage!
Hammer, make it CC based like other classes. Add a fear, knockdown, and a #1 skill that cripples on every strike for 1-2 secs. Maybe add some sort of shield/aura ability that fears anyone that attacks in melee range or something like that. Conversely I could see Sword happening more than any other weapon.
Main hand focus?
Have the focus summon temporary pets for one-shot damage?
Summon a fire elemental that looks like a dragon from another MMO for fire damage!
Summon an Ascelonian prince for poser damage!
Summon an electric chipmunk for shocking damage!
Summon a Sylvari vegetarian for kudzu damage!
Summon an Orrian wino for the ultimate grapes of wrath damage!
You do realize we don’t have a single weapon that we actually hit stuff with right? My necro doesn’t beat people over the head with the staff, cut people with the axe, or even stab people with a dagger. The closest thing is Warhorn 4, that appears as though I might blow a bit of air on someone. Blowing air is the closest thing we get to directly hurting our enemies with an equipped weapon.
I think focus would fit just fine, albeit weirdly.
We could always do a voodoo doll-focus where we stick a needle in an opposing player’s foot and pin it to the ground, then one to the eye, one to the hand, etc.
Of course, that would make it a 2-h weapon…
You do realize we don’t have a single weapon that we actually hit stuff with right?
*sudden sobbing from my underwater dragon-thiny spear for noone loving it.
You do realize we don’t have a single weapon that we actually hit stuff with right?
*sudden sobbing from my underwater dragon-thiny spear for noone loving it.
I love my spear. We should have more under-water map to use it on. Instead, we have Quagg and fishing.
Oh, and naginata ftw.
You do realize we don’t have a single weapon that we actually hit stuff with right?
*sudden sobbing from my underwater dragon-thiny spear for noone loving it.
I love my spear. We should have more under-water map to use it on. Instead, we have Quagg and fishing.
Oh, and naginata ftw.
Yeah spears should just be transfered to land and be used as naginatas (even if technically they shouldnt be usable by males in that case since naginatas were originally just for female self defense before people just said its stupid to deny a more efficient war-scythe).
You do realize we don’t have a single weapon that we actually hit stuff with right?
*sudden sobbing from my underwater dragon-thiny spear for noone loving it.
I love my spear. We should have more under-water map to use it on. Instead, we have Quagg and fishing.
Oh, and naginata ftw.
Yeah spears should just be transfered to land and be used as naginatas (even if technically they shouldnt be usable by males in that case since naginatas were originally just for female self defense before people just said its stupid to deny a more efficient war-scythe).
Meh, the naginata is just a spear with an expensive saber blade but spears were way more popular than swords, even in Nippon, because of the cost/benefit curve.
Spear =/= naginata, kthx. Both are polearms, but not the same.
Meh, the naginata is just a spear with an expensive saber blade but spears were way more popular than swords, even in Nippon, because of the cost/benefit curve.
Actually they originated in the same way (war-scyhtes and naginatas), only one was a self defense tool/stick that was also used to carry water and the other a farming tool, then reworked into a (axe-ish) polearm/anti-cavalry slashing weapon respectively, spears are used to impale people (only unlike lances they can be thrown), not slash, what is kinda forgotten on the 2nd and 3rd chain of auto attacks in GW2.
Spear =/= naginata, kthx. Both are polearms, but not the same.
Only difference between any kind of sharp object on a stick is how its used, halberds can be used like spears (since are kind the baby of a axe and spear), all of the old greek and roman spears were usable as (very inefficient) naginatas, older and samurai naginatas (dual bladed) were usable as a labrys, etc So while it is true that its not the same, the devs sure didnt think so since a lot of other poleweapons are in the spear section (just as we got 2 scythes in the staff and shivs/daggers/blades dont make sense since in both cases the fighting styles are way different, normal scythe is more like dancing around/parry movements into slashes, quarterstaves are blocks into tripping the enemy and other non-lethal ways to disable the enemy, daggers are for stabbing, knives for cutting).
*a very worthless the more you know~
(edited by Andele.1306)
Four pages already, wow! Keep up the sweet ideas
Hammer! I just got one in my Necromancers PvP gear bag …
Not torch. I’m already up weaponsmith (dagger) and artificer (staff+scepter) and don’t want up huntsman >_<
I have to say, I’d LOVE to have a GS on my necro. I have Twilight and think it just looks so kitten good on my necro, it’d even tempt me to change builds from a full condi necro if needs be! (but hopefully the GS will be a condi weapon :P)
Necromancer could use a short-ish range 2H weapon with cleave, a finisher, and Torment. We only have one 2H weapon so that seems like an obvious requirement. Trait improvements should also be considered so that was another readon to favor the spear: staff buffs could be wrangled for the spear with Greater Marks translating into cleave range.
Built in limitations could be (1) no AoE other than cleave, (2) no combat mobility skills, (3) conditions should be single-target with a focus on Torment, Bleed, and non-damaging defensive conditions to compliment existing weapons while giving the profession something else effective in 1v1 or PvE boss fights.
I would really like to see a slower but stronger auto-attack than axe, too. Most of the Necromancer’s weapons benefit highly from Precicion so something closer to the staff’s speed for the first skill slot would favor power without precision, yet not apply burning too frequently. Bleeds attached to the auto-attack would not stack too quickly, either.
Regarding my choice of bleed as the primary condition along with single-target damage on the auto-attack, the scepter could use a partner in bleed application. Right now, we can stack bleed with scepter but changing weapons allows them to run out so somethingwith a slower rate of bleed application can help players balance bleeds below the cap.
Necromancer really needs a finisher, too, so it would be nice if there was a whirl similar to War’s axe/axe (without so much dizzy body-spinning, though.) However, I could also go for a leap that pulls the opponent. I know giving the Necro a real leap in position goes partly against the design philosophy unless it is only to a valid target.
Blind – I want another blind and maybe another cripple. A channel skill would be handy, too.
The next weapon will, hopefully, be an alternate 2H weapon to staff that works with and compliments scepter’s decent range with bleeds, or synnergizes with axe and MH dagger builds for different kinds of damage while competing for trait skill allocation.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
Ummmm, we DO have a weapon that we actually hit opponents with…been using MH dagger since release, and I’m fairly certain that I’ve hit something with it.
Once. Maybe twice.
More to the topic, I’m liking the idea of dual pistols more and more. Particularly if they’re cast in a direct-damage CC sense with GTAoEs. I just don’t want a repeat of Engi’s pistols, and the Thief pistols aren’t a good model for a new pistol set…
Ummmm, we DO have a weapon that we actually hit opponents with…been using MH dagger since release, and I’m fairly certain that I’ve hit something with it.
Once. Maybe twice.
More to the topic, I’m liking the idea of dual pistols more and more. Particularly if they’re cast in a direct-damage CC sense with GTAoEs. I just don’t want a repeat of Engi’s pistols, and the Thief pistols aren’t a good model for a new pistol set…
I was thinking this too, All these posts about how we dont stab or hit any one, but dagger skill1 is stabby-stabby. Our Spear also has several physical hits.
I would like a class with good dual pistol skills for a change. My money is on the mesmer or ranger getting some good dual pistol skills.
Great sword.
Ummmm, we DO have a weapon that we actually hit opponents with…been using MH dagger since release, and I’m fairly certain that I’ve hit something with it.
Once. Maybe twice.
More to the topic, I’m liking the idea of dual pistols more and more. Particularly if they’re cast in a direct-damage CC sense with GTAoEs. I just don’t want a repeat of Engi’s pistols, and the Thief pistols aren’t a good model for a new pistol set…
You don’t directly stab people with the dagger, you wave it in the air like a kid playing with a lightsaber and then the spells you cast (various bites/slashes) actually hit the person. Without those spells though you just look like a kid that just saw KungkittenPanda.
Eh, Necros use the same dagger animation as thieves, so yes they do stabby-stab with them. At least for the Autoattack.
I for one do not want to see GS on Necros. We already have that on half the professions already, and I’d rather save it for the rumoured third Soldier profession (Don’t quote me on that) and hope that would be some sort of Dark Knight class. I’d like to see Hammer or Rifle, mostly because those are under-represented at the moment (Only two professions can use either) and there’s currently no use for Hammers with Condi Damage stats, like Carrion or Dire.
I could also consider a ranged 1H weapon with a 1200 Units reach, such as Scepter works for Guardians. It’d most likely be Sword then (Also overused) or Pistol (This I’d also like to see).
If we don’t get greatsword then axe could be reworked into an aoe (as opposed to cleaving) weapon. It doesn’t exactly do very competitive damage anyway. Might as well give it a niche.
Don’t see how making the current axe be able to cleave really help it out that much. As a full power Necro, the auto on Axe is just doing 600-900 and we already have pretty good AoE from other sources. I’d rather see a range increase on it (as a necro that doesn’t use the staff, that would be great)
Axe was originally just a Vulnerability applicator and was not much good at anything else. It has been buffed in several ways, since, but its main purpose is still the same. If you are running minions or group support, axe should be one of your top weapon choices. I doubt Necromancer will get another vuln-stacking tool.
Cleave and Torment are higher priorities for the next weapon and I hope Blind and other defensive or mobility-reducing conditions are on the list, too.
A short-range 2H weapon is what most seem to want. If Necro had a second long-range weapon, stun, confusion, and paralyzation seem like good candidate conditions along with Necromancer DoT staples such as poison.
Except axe is a terrible vuln stacker. And most groups stack vuln passively. Im surprised necro doesnt have a vuln on crit trait tbh.
Axe keeps up 11-12 stacks of vuln with 0% condition duration. With 25% that goes up to 14-15. My PvE build has 50% condition duration, so it keeps up pretty high stacks on its own, and boosting any party’s direct damage DPS on a boss by over 15% is very much a good thing.
It is sustained stacks, not burst stacking.
Greatsword or Hammer.
1.Necro really needs a melee weapon that cleaves.
2. There are Necro NPCs that wield GS and Hammer.
Torch and Hammer! Torch for condi builds. Hammer for the tankiest most kitten CC class in game.
I’m surprised that so few people thought of the Dagger’s stabbyness!
I love Dagger’s auto, it’s even a running joke in my guild that I’m a maniac who always stabs things!
And I do often yell “Stabbedy stab stab!” or something like that while using it.
It reminds me of Final Fantasy 1’s Black Mages in a way.
Mainhand focus? Yea that’d be interesting.
An another crazy idea would be mainhand Warhorn, directing swarms of locusts as a weapon.
Probably just wouldn’t work well in practice at all, would need new character animations etc.
Still, a neat idea.
Eh, Necros use the same dagger animation as thieves, so yes they do stabby-stab with them. At least for the Autoattack.
Just to mention, weapon attacks have a same staple of animations (warriors use 2 of the ranger auto attack animations in their 100b); Eles actually also use the dagger slashy/staby/backstab move for some of their skills; the thing is that unlike the thief, when the necro uses them they dont have a physical animation on hit (despite being just as close range), look at it you just pull out the life force of the enemy and start sundering it apart or chewing on it with ghostly chomps, same example with axe 2, its just whirling mid air between the target and you.
Honestly it should stay that way (even if its against my nostalgia going around with a IDS and a keg of dwarf ale slashing and slapping things before eating their life away, the theme is a good one).
I’d have to say… Weaps that look like they would be wielded by someone who doesn’t lift.
It would seem a bit silly, using smoke on a stick to suddenly swinging around a 2handed GSword, or a brick on a stick.
Also, it seems were not one for a ‘edged weapon’. Isn’t that our excuse for dagger/axe not cleaving, they are too blunt and we just sort of poke with them?
Shield, Pistol, (would have said no to fire as it’s total wrong god, but we got dumbfire) Torch.
I’d have to say… Weaps that look like they would be wielded by someone who doesn’t lift.
It would seem a bit silly, using smoke on a stick to suddenly swinging around a 2handed GSword, or a brick on a stick.
Also, it seems were not one for a ‘edged weapon’. Isn’t that our excuse for dagger/axe not cleaving, they are too blunt and we just sort of poke with them?
Shield, Pistol, (would have said no to fire as it’s total wrong god, but we got dumbfire) Torch.
If an asura can weild a giant sword I think a Necro can.
I’d have to say… Weaps that look like they would be wielded by someone who doesn’t lift.
It would seem a bit silly, using smoke on a stick to suddenly swinging around a 2handed GSword, or a brick on a stick.
Every norn necro ever would disagree on this point.
If an asura can weild a giant sword I think a Necro can.
We dont even need to, a giant demon or one of the reapers from the underworld can hold it for us, i mean if mesmers can trick gravity itself then why can we abuse our connection to spirits for physical tasks?
If an asura can weild a giant sword I think a Necro can.
We dont even need to, a giant demon or one of the reapers from the underworld can hold it for us, i mean if mesmers can trick gravity itself then why can we abuse our connection to spirits for physical tasks?
You mean something like this? It would be cool to look at for sure. Doesn’t even have to hurt that much. :P
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
If an asura can weild a giant sword I think a Necro can.
We dont even need to, a giant demon or one of the reapers from the underworld can hold it for us, i mean if mesmers can trick gravity itself then why can we abuse our connection to spirits for physical tasks?
You mean something like this? It would be cool to look at for sure. Doesn’t even have to hurt that much. :P
Aside from the butchering of history (Oda was rarely on the actual battlefields fighting nor did he have such fancy hair), yeah, even if i thought more of Shaman King, FMA or Blue Dragon in terms of influence.
Either way (for the character) giant black claws (like mini version Shady-Bs) holding a dark/underworld version of the weapon infront/a bit above us that is actually used to attack while the PC just does cast animations (like with staff and offhands) if we get the melee 2h weapons.
Great sword for sure, yes have plenty of options to be a ranged caster but the in your face reaper style play would be nice and right now we only have dagger that lacks any meaningful cleave (very important in wvw and even pve)
Except axe is a terrible vuln stacker. And most groups stack vuln passively. Im surprised necro doesnt have a vuln on crit trait tbh.
I would rather have more Weakness than Vulnerability, anyway, and the former is more thematically correct for Necromancer.
2H, short range, slow hits with high damage and Bleed application, cleave as the only AoE, single target Torment, Weakness, Blind, finisher, and a channel.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
As a debuffer class you would think we would have the best vuln stacking. But engi is so much better for it. Id like vuln on the auto attack of gs/sword.
As a debuffer class you would think we would have the best vuln stacking. But engi is so much better for it. Id like vuln on the auto attack of gs/sword.
I agree that vulnerability is important but doesn’t axe auto already fill this role?
we really need a weapon with 1200 range and power based aoe skills. like a power version of staff with well marks. it can be both longbow or greatsword.(you know mesmer can use gs as a ranged weapon, necro can do something similar to it. why gs? because gs always gets the best skins)
looks like they aren’t fixing condition cap issue so we need power based aoes instead of conditions. also so many players whine about conditions, this can reduce condition usage of necros as well. all power weapons are single-targeted and don’t have 4x aoe skills like staff, plus they are melee. this is main thing that a power necro lacks in wvw or world events.
(edited by Umut.5471)
A rifle with high single target damage, daze, poison, and cripple would be handy.
As a debuffer class you would think we would have the best vuln stacking. But engi is so much better for it. Id like vuln on the auto attack of gs/sword.
I agree that vulnerability is important but doesn’t axe auto already fill this role?
Theres no point maintaining 15 stacks of vuln on a single target if you are reducing your own dps to half of every other class. At the very least to make axe somewhat better as a vuln weapon, it should cleave/cone attack.
Aside from the butchering of history (Oda was rarely on the actual battlefields fighting nor did he have such fancy hair), yeah, even if i thought more of Shaman King, FMA or Blue Dragon in terms of influence.
Either way (for the character) giant black claws (like mini version Shady-Bs) holding a dark/underworld version of the weapon infront/a bit above us that is actually used to attack while the PC just does cast animations (like with staff and offhands) if we get the melee 2h weapons.
I really like the idea of something holding the weapons for us, that could be pretty sweet.
I’m still pulling for power-based Hammer.
Something with high-debuff (weakness, vulnerability, cripple, immob) on skills 2-5, and then, for once, a high-damage, cleaving AA. Something that, if you’re unlucky enough to have to tangle with a Hammer Necro, will force you to completely rethink your strategy.
No real ideas on how this will play out without becoming too OP, but the sad reality is that power Necros bring very little to PvE parties, and tend to be less-than-intimidating in PvP settings.
Well, that and I REALLY want to use Entropy on my Necro.
Uh, power necros are not less-than-intimidating at all in PvP.
Uh, power necros are not less-than-intimidating at all in PvP.
Agreed for WvW, especially since everyone expects you to run condis. You can really surprise them
I was hesitant to want pistols only because I want to avoid being too much like mesmers. But the ideas I’ve been reading here have changed my mind. A phantasmal duelist is very different from the dark soul hunter we’d become. Something a la unholy Alucard would be insane, casting marks that would curse an area, firing corrupted bullets, blanketing an area in choking dust, etc.
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