Vizunah Square
Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered
Vizunah Square
Also, saying a build is OP because most warriors are running it is BEYOND funny. I guess Shatter Mesmer must be MASSIVELY OP because that’s all they run. We run it because it’s generally the strongest build we have, especially in PvP.
…the removed part of your post simply don’t deserve comment… but this one… ahahah is particularly ridicolous man ahahahh… really… do you want to know the truth? but please don’t answer me with more no-sense statements.
Skull Crack build is OP because it’s really easy to use (also a noob can use it with excellent results) and the fact that everyone even the most demented player can use it (and, in fact, everyone use that ridicolous build) make that build OP for 2 reason:
viability -> also the noobest player can kill a medium skilled one
power -> simply the best squishy build in 1vs1
the problem is that too many people like to easy win … then you have your game… enjoy it but please shut up!
“warrior is the hardest class to play!”
“warriors need more damage!”
“warriors need more sustain!!!”
“warriors need more everything!”all these statements… i can’t find the right words to describe them… i think i’ll become offensive against warriors noob players (about 50% of gw2 players) … so i’ll simply say: the are merely false.
The difference between a skull crack warrior and a shattercat mesmer is that while a skull cracker warrior, as everyone said over and over, is really really really… really easy to use instead a shattercat build isn’t. I challenge you to create a mesmer (shattercat build) and kill everyone in HotM! I don’t think that you can… simply because you are used to press two random button and down an enemy… but you have much to learn (refered to every noob warrior) not about classes… but about game mechanics.
If only Arena Net would make stuns harder to use (not a reduced duration… or longher cd, simply more buttons to get it)… 90% of skull cracker players will change classand that’s the truth.
I played phantasm mesmer once… it wasn’t hard at all. With Phantasms I could deal heavy damage while running away. So skillcapped, yeah.XD
Mine was a bit of a joke, about the fact warriors are now strong because only the best remained… but it’s as absurd as saying warrior players are noober than the ones playing other classes.
And I have yet to see all those mighty warriors dominating the scene in HotM.
(the ones playing two random buttons are a joke to beat. Really. If you can’t manage to do it, you are as BAD as them.)
because he doesn’t know it himself
i’m playing warrior in pvp since game launch, i’have tried the skullcrack/100b build, and i have to say it’s really kitten and far from overpowered. With this build you are soooo predictable and people have sooo many way to escape the “deadly combo” and while you are doing it you are immobile, in pvp being immobile mean you are some dead meat soon.
Really don’t try this against brained ennemies you’ll only end frustrated.
Dude, we’ll never be able to convince you thakittens overpowered, That much is obvious..Nor will we convince most of the warriors on this forum of the same thing…..What most of us are saying is, When they come in and gut your class and build… Don’t be surprised… I’ll bump this thread when they do it… So you can remember next time to listen to other classes that have gotten nerfed fairly hard.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
i’m playing warrior in pvp since game launch, i’have tried the skullcrack/100b build, and i have to say it’s really kitten and far from overpowered. With this build you are soooo predictable and people have sooo many way to escape the “deadly combo” and while you are doing it you are immobile, in pvp being immobile mean you are some dead meat soon.
Really don’t try this against brained ennemies you’ll only end frustrated.
Dude, we’ll never be able to convince you thakittens overpowered, That much is obvious..Nor will we convince most of the warriors on this forum of the same thing…..What most of us are saying is, When they come in and gut your class and build… Don’t be surprised… I’ll bump this thread when they do it… So you can remember next time to listen to other classes that have gotten nerfed fairly hard.
I’ll go back to hammer and make people cry even more.
However, would that mean it’s fair? Was all ANet does right, warriors wouldn’t have needed buffs in the first place.
We say “the whole build is FAR from unbeatable”. And many of us showed ways to fight this build. Is it too strong? I don’t know. And neither do you. You just act as if you held the truth in your hand.
Even if you come here and say “This will be nerfed” what do you want us to do? Stop playing the build? Stop playing Signets? Hell, considering we don’t know what will be nerfed, we should stop playing warrior already.
We will keep playing it, and tell you ways to fight us. If they want to nerf us, so be it. But I won’t fell guilty for playing this build (and I played it before anyone said it was OP), ok?
Oh, and when in my build I say warrior is viable in pvp people still laugh.
But I guess our class won’t be gutted. Rangers haven’t been gutted. If Anet did, it would be a big fail by them.
However, about the whole “warrior is easy mode, warrior is hard mode” thingy, I think the truth is variable:
Warrior is as hard as the enemy makes it.
Many skills are strong, but limited (example: hammer/mace can completely shut down someone… but they are easily avoided, too.)
So you are OP against mobs, very strong against new players… and underdog in high level pvp.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
i’m playing warrior in pvp since game launch, i’have tried the skullcrack/100b build, and i have to say it’s really kitten and far from overpowered. With this build you are soooo predictable and people have sooo many way to escape the “deadly combo” and while you are doing it you are immobile, in pvp being immobile mean you are some dead meat soon.
Really don’t try this against brained ennemies you’ll only end frustrated.
Dude, we’ll never be able to convince you thakittens overpowered, That much is obvious..Nor will we convince most of the warriors on this forum of the same thing…..What most of us are saying is, When they come in and gut your class and build… Don’t be surprised… I’ll bump this thread when they do it… So you can remember next time to listen to other classes that have gotten nerfed fairly hard.
The only thing they could do to my build is move Unsuspecting Foe. If they do that, I’ll probably just put 10 back into Strength and get my Death From Above again for WvW hilarity.
Some of us aren’t defending this build because we use it. We’re defending this build because the arguments used against it are vacuous at best.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Some of us aren’t defending this build because we use it. We’re defending this build because the arguments used against it are vacuous at best.
I ran this build for a while in the past, and again after the july patch. Hated it. Retraited. Effective? Yes. Fun? For me, no, not really.
So…. as someone who has played the build, played against the build. and currently is unbiased towards the build (since I dont play it and have no attachments to it), I think it’s balanced.
I run a much worse (but more fun) build now, and I STILL dont have problems beating these other warriors in WvW or sPvP. Kitten man.
The other day in sPvP I fought a really, really good War running this build. He got me twice, and I was getting frustrated. Then I realized why, because, he wasn’t using this build to beat me.
He was using the build as a mere tool, a means to turn his skill into results. The build was not carrying him, the build was allowing him to utilize his own ability to predict my behavior, and react accordingly. And he was good at it, blocking, dodging, stunning perfectly. He had it down.
As soon as I realized this after my 2nd death, I started really fracking with him, hard. I became unpredictable, doing random moves and maneuvers in the fight, turning to run and earthshakering over my shoulder, pausing and standing still like an earthshaker was coming, causing him to blow his block, meanwhile im really typing /dance… suddenly he was the predictable one. His only real win condition was to skullcrack/100b me and that’s all he could really aim for. I bagswapped a GS before one fight, and when he skullcrack me, swapped, and started 100b, I popped endure pain, swapped, and 100b’d him right back. He was so surprised (and 100b takes a second to cancel) he ate nearly the entire thing.
I didn’t lose any more fights to him.
Like you said, this build is better than yours. Just because you were able to beat him with a worse build (you said this yourself) by playing better/more unpredictable doesn’t mean it’s not OP.
The argument is pretty bad.
@Dand: Very much enjoyed that story. I wish more people would take a step back and realize a few things:
1. Often, even for telegraphed moves, the player is being read more than the ability being used. See: Earthshaker. A surprise Earthshaker is hardly ever dodged in my experience, but one that someone can “see coming” is dodged frequently. It’s like how in an FPS when you’re crouched around a corner, your nerves are jazzed and read to pull the trigger. If you’re just running around the corner, your “oh shi-” reaction time is going to be light years (in reaction terms) behind the person who is tense and ready to strike.
2. Often, the player is being beaten by the player, and not the build. Sure, some builds are more universally good against a whole slew of builds, and that power can be really detrimental to someone. In my case, Hammer/GS suffers against blind spam, and I have a really difficult time locking Mesmers down. However, I guarantee that if I could go back and re-watch the fight without being in the moment, I’d be like “What am I doing, he’s over there” or “You stepped in Black Powder’s AoE… AGAIN?!?!?!”. That isn’t to say I don’t hate the changes to blind, I totally do. But there’s something to be said for considering what you did wrong instead of how the game just ruined your day.
Also, Endure Pain + 100B turn-arounds on Warriors are one of my favorite past-times. Back when Bull’s Charge + 100B was a big deal, I did that all the time. Against that build especially, it basically means you just win the fight with the advantage you get from it.
Good stuff.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Like you said, this build is better than yours. Just because you were able to beat him with a worse build (you said this yourself) by playing better/more unpredictable doesn’t mean it’s not OP.
The argument is pretty bad.
Just because a build is considered “better” than another doesn’t mean it’s immediately OP.
Your argument is even worse. In fact, you should feel bad about it, because it’s so useless to the conversation at hand.
I’m still waiting for people against this build to actually put any effort into presenting their builds and demonstrating their own weaknesses. Too afraid of the spotlight, I suppose, or just uninterested in putting forth the effort. If the latter is true, I see no reason why I should put forth any effort countering said arguments.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Like you said, this build is better than yours. Just because you were able to beat him with a worse build (you said this yourself) by playing better/more unpredictable doesn’t mean it’s not OP.
The argument is pretty bad.
Just because a build is considered “better” than another doesn’t mean it’s immediately OP.
Your argument is even worse. In fact, you should feel bad about it, because it’s so useless to the conversation at hand.
I’m still waiting for people against this build to actually put any effort into presenting their builds and demonstrating their own weaknesses. Too afraid of the spotlight, I suppose, or just uninterested in putting forth the effort. If the latter is true, I see no reason why I should put forth any effort countering said arguments.
I just don’t think the method he’s using to demonstrate the build is not OP, is effective. I mean it is pretty obvious that player skill matters too. A really good player using a mediocre build could possibly beat a crappy player with an OP build. Does that mean the OP build is balanced? No it just means the crappy player got outplayed.
I know you’re trying to defend your class, but come on.
Along the same vein, I’m still looking to hear some actual counters to this build other than lolStunBreak, lolDodge, lolBlind, lolRange because those are generic counters to melee builds.
If a build was not OP, it wouldn’t even need to be defended. It would be a non issue. It’s pretty obvious you guys are panicking at this point…
(edited by Excalibur.9748)
I just don’t think the method he’s using to demonstrate the build is not OP, is effective. I mean it is pretty obvious that player skill matters too. A really good player using a mediocre build could possibly beat a crappy player with an OP build. Does that mean the OP build is balanced? No it just means the crappy player got outplayed.
I know you’re trying to defend your class, but come on.
Along the same vein, I’m still looking to hear some actual counters to this build other than lolStunBreak, lolDodge, lolBlind, lolRange because those are generic counters to melee builds.
One counter is to frack with him, like I started doing. This warrior build is extremely predictable, defensively, you have…. mace block, shield block. Offensively you have skullcrack/100b, and shield bash, which is often just to interrupt a heal or a precursor to skull/100b.
You know what his endgame is the moment you see him.
Like you said, this build is better than yours. Just because you were able to beat him with a worse build (you said this yourself) by playing better/more unpredictable doesn’t mean it’s not OP.
The argument is pretty bad.
Just because a build is considered “better” than another doesn’t mean it’s immediately OP.
Your argument is even worse. In fact, you should feel bad about it, because it’s so useless to the conversation at hand.
I’m still waiting for people against this build to actually put any effort into presenting their builds and demonstrating their own weaknesses. Too afraid of the spotlight, I suppose, or just uninterested in putting forth the effort. If the latter is true, I see no reason why I should put forth any effort countering said arguments.
I just don’t think the method he’s using to demonstrate the build is not OP, is effective. I mean it is pretty obvious that player skill matters too. A really good player using a mediocre build could possibly beat a crappy player with an OP build. Does that mean the OP build is balanced? No it just means the crappy player got outplayed.
I know you’re trying to defend your class, but come on.
Along the same vein, I’m still looking to hear some actual counters to this build other than lolStunBreak, lolDodge, lolBlind, lolRange because those are generic counters to melee builds.
If a build was not OP, it wouldn’t even need to be defended. It would be a non issue. It’s pretty obvious you guys are panicking at this point…
So you’re saying, and I quote:
“If a build was not OP, it wouldn’t even need to be defended”
So because the build is being attacked by users on a forum who have been demonstrated to not really understand the game, it’s OP because their attack has created a defense around it by those who don’t think it’s OP.
I bet you haven’t stopped and thought about a single thing you’ve said.
Also, we actually do consider it a non-issue. Note the counters we’ve provided that counter this build. You’re asking for “actual” counters, because the mechanics put in place by the game designed to counter the strategy employed by this build aren’t enough for you.
Blinds, proper stun-break usage, kiting, and dodging through melee range in anticipation of his only appropriate move to put damage on you.
What else could you possibly want?
This is the type of person adamantly fighting for this build to be considered OP. Take heed.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
I played phantasm mesmer once… it wasn’t hard at all. With Phantasms I could deal heavy damage while running away. So skillcapped, yeah.XD
Mine was a bit of a joke, about the fact warriors are now strong because only the best remained… but it’s as absurd as saying warrior players are noober than the ones playing other classes.
And I have yet to see all those mighty warriors dominating the scene in HotM.
(the ones playing two random buttons are a joke to beat. Really. If you can’t manage to do it, you are as BAD as them.)
1)i said “shattercat build” non “phantasmal build”; because phantasmal build (aka GS/sword-pistol 30/20/0/0/20) is a noob build like skull cracker warriors.
2)i said that skull cracker warriors are noob simply because if they want to play that build they must be considered noob!
3)warriors still dominate the scene in hotm… read the above answer to “why skull crack build is strong and for noob”
4)the one playing with 2 random botton is a joke in 1vs1 (and i talked about “vs medium skilled” players) but in a 2vs2 or 3vs3 … or simply a 5vs5 you can’t block/avoid everithing… and when you avoid a necro’s mark, ele’s knockbacks and thieves bursts… then you see coming a kitten (i still don’t want to be offensive…) warrior stunning you and dealing 10-20k damage in few moment’s (10k with the most tanky and 20k with the most zerker one)
it is a good build. But a warrior can counter it by endure pain and 100b back and mesmer can mirror image blur frenzy and shatter. It depends on reaction… Because u think u are safe after cc others, i can cc break immediately and invulnerable damage back…
Blinds, proper stun-break usage, kiting, and dodging through melee range in anticipation of his only appropriate move to put damage on you.
What else could you possibly want?
This is the type of person adamantly fighting for this build to be considered OP. Take heed.
He posted he runs 30/30/5/5/0 S/D – SB thief… glass cannon with not much invested in the init regen that a 3 spamming sd thief really needs (e.g. jumper build) or acrobatics for more dodge – so he doesn’t have access to many of these counters.
Basically, his build doesn’t really have any way to deal with the skullcracker build… so his argument that the build is overpowered is probably just coming from the fact that he encountered a build he can’t 1v1.
Guess what, it’s a team game and you should not be able to 1v1 every class. As people have said, you have plenty of options for adapting, such as switching to D/P and using #5 blind to shut this type of warrior down, or investing in init regen or acro and having tons of evades via 3 spamming. Otherwise, get help from your team and know that you do not have the setup to take down this kind of build.
I’m still looking to hear some actual counters to this build other than lolStunBreak, lolDodge, lolBlind, lolRange because those are generic counters to melee builds.
“I want to hear counters other than these 4 perfectly legit counters you already told me”
(edited by Leadfoot.9071)
I played phantasm mesmer once… it wasn’t hard at all. With Phantasms I could deal heavy damage while running away. So skillcapped, yeah.XD
Mine was a bit of a joke, about the fact warriors are now strong because only the best remained… but it’s as absurd as saying warrior players are noober than the ones playing other classes.
And I have yet to see all those mighty warriors dominating the scene in HotM.
(the ones playing two random buttons are a joke to beat. Really. If you can’t manage to do it, you are as BAD as them.)
1)i said “shattercat build” non “phantasmal build”; because phantasmal build (aka GS/sword-pistol 30/20/0/0/20) is a noob build like skull cracker warriors.
2)i said that skull cracker warriors are noob simply because if they want to play that build they must be considered noob!
3)warriors still dominate the scene in hotm… read the above answer to “why skull crack build is strong and for noob”
4)the one playing with 2 random botton is a joke in 1vs1 (and i talked about “vs medium skilled” players) but in a 2vs2 or 3vs3 … or simply a 5vs5 you can’t block/avoid everithing… and when you avoid a necro’s mark, ele’s knockbacks and thieves bursts… then you see coming a kitten (i still don’t want to be offensive…) warrior stunning you and dealing 10-20k damage in few moment’s (10k with the most tanky and 20k with the most zerker one)
Actually, this build is WEAKER than hammer build. Almost same damage, less cc, less AoE effectiveness. Only bonus is the fact you move a bit faster around, making you a more effective roamer.
And if this is a noob build, Hammer/Mace is noob, too: I can easily use Mace stuns to setup Hearthshaker, thus nullifying the problem of highly telegraphed skills. All I have to do is manage to stay alive without evades or protection until that time comes.
Sure, we are the king of HotM. Definetely.
And if someone wants to play that build because he likes that? Just like… I like the weapons? I never thought someone should be considered a noob only because of the difficulty of the build he plays.
And it’s in group fights where this build is weaker: yuo can be quickly focused down, your AoE is neglectible and… well, even if you stomp someone, another will come and save him.
Also because this is a roamer build. You WILL fight in 1v1s or max 2v2s, if you are doing your job.
Talking about spvp.
About the easy factor: I find it MUCH, MUCH, MUCH easier to play as engi. Even if it has 3 times the number of skills a warrior has. Heck, especially for that reason.
But yeah, we are ALL noobs if that makes you feel better. I’m sorry, but I won’t play mesmers: I don’t like them.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
kitten is still going…..
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
kitten is still going…..
I know, we are all a bit excited… it’s been a year since the last time someone called warriors OP.
And this while my guildies laugh at me trying to bring warrior into tourneys (I play engi when I go with them)
because he doesn’t know it himself
Warrior wins occasional 1 on 1… 12 pages of crying
I guess this is what happens when another profession other than the top tier has a chance to beat people up… key word chance
You’re still just flat out wrong in saying we got overbuffed. We are now fairly strong in 1v1s, yet still lose to Mesmers and some Thief specs. In team fights the most we can do is lock down a single guy or stun 2 people for a shorter duration. You don’t see TPvP teams suddenly running double Warrior like you see double Necro. If a team wants a warrior they have to build around having them and most don’t see the point. I can attack their home and probably beat their light bunker but if they have 1 skill with Stability, a Stun Break, or Protection, I won’t be able to kill them in a timely manner even if I don’t miss a single skill, giving backup for them plenty of time to arrive. As for WvW it’s not a bad solo roaming build but in a zerg fight stun locking one dude isn’t exactly going to shape the battle.
I have to say the mace/shield / gs build can hold its own in wvw if you use each of the hard CC moves on different targets (which basically means you’re constantly moving and taging people). The GS blade trail throw helps with preventing enemies from being able to effectively escape, and of course whirlwind is good for either initiating into a zerg to avoid a large chunk of incoming fire as well as escaping. Also whirlwind attack can pop necro marks on the ground without you actually getting affected by them (iirc). I guess it’s all a matter of how you use the weapon combo to your advantage, but keeping 2-3 people unable to do anything or forcing their stun breaks / stability pops early is one step close to wiping them out (kinda like forcing someone’s flash skill out in LoL during early laning phase. You don’t kill them right away, but you take away their main means of survival.)
just don’t think the method he’s using to demonstrate the build is not OP, is effective. I mean it is pretty obvious that player skill matters too. A really good player using a mediocre build could possibly beat a crappy player with an OP build. Does that mean the OP build is balanced? No it just means the crappy player got outplayed.
I know you’re trying to defend your class, but come on.
Along the same vein, I’m still looking to hear some actual counters to this build other than lolStunBreak, lolDodge, lolBlind, lolRange because those are generic counters to melee builds.
If a build was not OP, it wouldn’t even need to be defended. It would be a non issue. It’s pretty obvious you guys are panicking at this point…
I know you are trolling but come on.
Dodge and stun breaks are perfictly valid.
Are you asking for class specific defenses?
Seriously, do you not dodge or carry stun breaks because those are the most basic defenses in the game. This build is countered easily with the most basic defenses in the game. People are telling you how to counter this build with the most basic defenses in the game.
You people have yet to demonstrate any kind of overpoweredness to this single target and easily defended against by the most basic defenses in the game.
(edited by CreativeAnarchy.6324)
Healing signet is OP, I can’t kill wqrriqr anymore. I used to sneeze at them and they die, but now I can’t kill them anymore. Please nerf them to remind me that my skill with a thief is superior.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Any warrior from TC or SOR server that uses the constant regen condtion bunker build or this so call “overpowered” stun build please duel my s/d ele from BG for a video footage demonstration. I want to show our fellow eles how to defeat such play style.
Hunter/Excal: It astounds me how you can simply ignore the counter points I have presented, it makes me think you simply have no good answer.
I’ll ask again, how is a build that can at most work against a single target be OP? Sure you can Shield Bash one and Skull Crack another, but the guy that got shield bashed isn’t stunned for very long, in fact using Shield Bash for anything besides setting up a Crack or stopping a heal tends to be a waste. Never in any part of the game will I be doing massive damage to more than one person. The only reason 100b is damaging is because of Unsuspecting Foe, anyone else caught in the 100b will take poor damage because my crit chance won’t be nearly as high. Not to mention if someone is foolish enough to stand in 100b while not CC’d…well there’s not much hope for them. Locking down a single target isn’t overly important as in GW1. In GW1 there were Monks and most Warriors were used as a means to lock them down so they couldn’t heal their team. In GW2, especially in TPvP, however if I lock down one guy I’m not as useful as the Necro or Engi that just applied a ton of conditions to multiple people or the Ele that spiked down a target and stomped them. Most 1v1s vs non-glass targets take a while to end so it’s not optimal for far point attacking, in fact 1v1s vs similarly build classes may become a stalemate where neither can win, which helps neither team. The most kitten ing piece of evidence is how Warriors are still not seen frequently in organized TPvP. You can build for having this spec on your team but most won’t bother.
Another point that as far as I can tell you also largely avoided responding to is the predictability of this build. If you see Mace/Shield Warrior you KNOW what his plan is, to wear down your defenses and go in for the 100b. Things to look out for is a Shield Bash that is probably either there to try to trick you into using your Stuns/Stability or to set up a Crack (I actually wouldn’t recommend doing this btw, good players wait for the Crack so you can actually deal more damage by getting out a Mace 1 combo). You also know how often they can use the Crack, just like in old Halo games where people would keep track of weapon spawns you can roughly know when the skill is ready again and save a simple dodge for it. Skull Crack actually does have a unique animation, a horizontal swipe that when compared to the other mace attacks looks different. I know it’s not an easy thing to see but just like how I can now time a Mesmers Blurred Frenzy or how soon after a Thief will attempt a backstab after using Heartseaker through a blind field you too can “feel” a Crack coming. Actually a lot of builds in this game are very predictable, it;s just that certain builds make up for this by being more spammable than even Skull Crack.
I have my money that either you will claim that this post “isn’t worth responding to” or you’ll repeat the same nonsense you have been for over 12 pages. I honestly don’t know why I even bother.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Stun breakers, cc, stability, kite ability, Any of these basically full counters them and renders them useless. It’s a gimmick build for abusing bad players that don’t carry stun breakers, etc. It’s also not advised to duel them unless you know how to counter one trick ponies.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
Some of us aren’t defending this build because we use it. We’re defending this build because the arguments used against it are vacuous at best.
I ran this build for a while in the past, and again after the july patch. Hated it. Retraited. Effective? Yes. Fun? For me, no, not really.
So…. as someone who has played the build, played against the build. and currently is unbiased towards the build (since I dont play it and have no attachments to it), I think it’s balanced.
I run a much worse (but more fun) build now, and I STILL dont have problems beating these other warriors in WvW or sPvP. Kitten man.
The other day in sPvP I fought a really, really good War running this build. He got me twice, and I was getting frustrated. Then I realized why, because, he wasn’t using this build to beat me.
He was using the build as a mere tool, a means to turn his skill into results. The build was not carrying him, the build was allowing him to utilize his own ability to predict my behavior, and react accordingly. And he was good at it, blocking, dodging, stunning perfectly. He had it down.
As soon as I realized this after my 2nd death, I started really fracking with him, hard. I became unpredictable, doing random moves and maneuvers in the fight, turning to run and earthshakering over my shoulder, pausing and standing still like an earthshaker was coming, causing him to blow his block, meanwhile im really typing /dance… suddenly he was the predictable one. His only real win condition was to skullcrack/100b me and that’s all he could really aim for. I bagswapped a GS before one fight, and when he skullcrack me, swapped, and started 100b, I popped endure pain, swapped, and 100b’d him right back. He was so surprised (and 100b takes a second to cancel) he ate nearly the entire thing.
I didn’t lose any more fights to him.
Nike………………………buy my kitten shoes!
Actually, this build is WEAKER than hammer build. Almost same damage, less cc, less AoE effectiveness. Only bonus is the fact you move a bit faster around, making you a more effective roamer.
And if this is a noob build, Hammer/Mace is noob, too: I can easily use Mace stuns to setup Hearthshaker, thus nullifying the problem of highly telegraphed skills. All I have to do is manage to stay alive without evades or protection until that time comes.
Sure, we are the king of HotM. Definetely.
And if someone wants to play that build because he likes that? Just like… I like the weapons? I never thought someone should be considered a noob only because of the difficulty of the build he plays.And it’s in group fights where this build is weaker: yuo can be quickly focused down, your AoE is neglectible and… well, even if you stomp someone, another will come and save him.
Also because this is a roamer build. You WILL fight in 1v1s or max 2v2s, if you are doing your job.
Talking about spvp.
About the easy factor: I find it MUCH, MUCH, MUCH easier to play as engi. Even if it has 3 times the number of skills a warrior has. Heck, especially for that reason.But yeah, we are ALL noobs if that makes you feel better. I’m sorry, but I won’t play mesmers: I don’t like them.
Ok… i really wanted to avoid this theard because of its stupidity… but your demostration of ignorance led me here… once again… to show how your statements are no-sense and kid like… let’s go.
1) Skull Crack build is weaker than hammer build only if use by a noob (2 random button… do you remember?) and hammer build is still less used because need more (only a bit more) skill to be used … so it’s really hard to see a good warrior with this build
2) Skull Crack build doesn’t need toon of cc… basically you need 1 stun and 1 hundredblades to finish a combat… so no need of all those cc.
3)hammer build deal less damage per second than skull crack one simply because hammer is way slower and with greater cd (while you can perform a complete skull crack combo every 8 seconds).
4) “Sure, we are the king of HotM. Definetely.” yes that’s the sad truth… but there are also condition build in hearth of the mists which are OP… so basically skull cracker warriors can be considered the most strong non-condition build (maybe togheter with full zerker thieves… maybe)
5) if someone like to play this weapons he/she will surelly find toon of fun by using gs 3# and 5# or shield and mace… but “for fun sake” no one will never use that ridicolous combo “skull crack + 100b”… unless you find that build/combo/equip/guide on google and you are the next… noob. gratz
6)actually in group fights skull cracker role is to wait for an easy prey… so no one will hit you if you stay at ranger… then you can press your 2 buttons and kill someone… easy… or do you think that this is hard? because if you do… i don’t think gw2 is the right game for you… you are still playing in ultra-easy mode (for mindless people).
7)you are surely using engi condition build… as i said condition builds are the OP build of hearth of the mists… so basically you passed from the “noob skull crack build” to the noobest “every class-condition build”. good job man… when you decide to play this game seriously you will find toon of fun (or the full zerker rifle-static discarge build)
8)i’m not a mesmer fan i simply know that THIS is an hard class to play (except phantasmal)
9)actually and REALLY you are all (again, not the few skilled warriors… but you aren’t one of them of course) noob player but not because i’m saying this… because facts and 90% of comunity know that as a reality so basically there is nothing you can say that will save you, poor noob skull cracker users, from that TAG. Enjoy.
(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)
Some of us aren’t defending this build because we use it. We’re defending this build because the arguments used against it are vacuous at best.
the only “vacuous” thing here is your ignorance of gw2 game mechanics and your inexperience (in that field at least).
I want to step in here real quick and let people know regarding warrior ‘dominance’ in HOTM.
Yea, that’s not true.
You can’t count hotjoins as ample ground to verify Warrior viability. In HOTM, only tPvP is king – and there’s a reason why there’s barely a handful of warriors in high end tPvP.
Regarding this build, I think it’s a good introductory build to CC Warrior, but for the life of me (in HOTM), I would never run GS.
I’m war since the release and i have test mace+shield/GS… This “build” is a realy pathetic… I came, i saw, i conquered… Just with 2 buttons… Too too easy to kill. Simply roll his head on the keyboard to win…
Clearly, i will not play this build because it is cheated.
It isn’t your fault or the build’s fault that enemies refuse to pack stun breaks and proper stability to deal with warrior. People are simply shocked by the fact that they can’t just ignore the class with their normal setup anymore.
Some of us aren’t defending this build because we use it. We’re defending this build because the arguments used against it are vacuous at best.
the only “vacuous” thing here is your ignorance of gw2 game mechanics and your inexperience (in that field at least).
I liked the part where you substantiated your claims about my ignorance.
Also, I’ve been playing around with Siphon/Power builds today in tPvP, and I’ve run into all kinds of Mace+Shield Warriors. I’ve mainly been running Axe and Dagger as my Main Hands, which are basically directly countered by this build.
Even when it was almost always 2v1 against me with one of them being this exact build, it was quite easy to survive for a while. I couldn’t do anything because my builds were total trash, but with a few utility changes, it really wasn’t much of an issue. I really think people are just too attached to their glass cannon explosion builds.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Can anyone from BG or TC server (that is not a necro) defeat Twin Scroll from SoR 1v1 against his warrior? I wreck my brain out trying to find an opening to get him down but it was completely impossible when his mace/shields cd is low while regenerating health per seconds, his main stun cd also low and duration is insanely high once caught while your stunbreakers are on cd. Being a bunker yet still have great amount power and critical dmg made him invincible for me. I have defeated many other warriors with this mace/shield, gs stun lock build with my s/d burst non-glass cannon ele but he was an exception during the many duels we fought.
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
Can anyone from BG or TC (that is not a necro) defeat Twin Scroll 1v1 against his warrior? I wreck my brain out trying to find an opening to get him down but it was completely impossible when his mace/shields cd is low while regenerating health per seconds, his main stun cd also low and duration is insanely high once caught while your stunbreakers are on cd. Being a bunker yet still have great amount power and critical dmg made him invincible for me. I have defeated many other warriors with this mace/shield, gs stun lock build with my s/d burst non-glass cannon ele but he was an exception during the many duels we fought.
The signet buffs makes warriors no longer weak to consistent damage like it was before when healing surge was the only thing viable. Basically if you cant burst a warrior you wont kill him (assuming he is tanky enough). Its kind if like your ele, consistent damage wont kill you but burst will.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
Warriors were over buffed that is why the meta is runing around them, every team has at least 2 warriors…. OH WAIT!.
The signet buffs makes warriors no longer weak to consistent damage like it was before when healing surge was the only thing viable. Basically if you cant burst a warrior you wont kill him (assuming he is tanky enough). Its kind if like your ele, consistent damage wont kill you but burst will.
Kind of hard to burst through the warrior build when it has 3700 armor, an auto-invuln, an instant invuln (each 4s long), a 2.5 s block, and 8s of complete condi resistance. How much Attack power do you think people can stack w/o being 100% glass (and even then)?
I guess everyone needs to run the poison sigil to stand a chance?
The BIG problem is Mace/Shield+Gs is the only “decent” build we have to play Spvp, not our fault that Anet made warrior so bad at PVP, even with this Mace/Shield Build any decent team/player can laugh at us as we try to catch them.
Can anyone from BG or TC (that is not a necro) defeat Twin Scroll 1v1 against his warrior? I wreck my brain out trying to find an opening to get him down but it was completely impossible when his mace/shields cd is low while regenerating health per seconds, his main stun cd also low and duration is insanely high once caught while your stunbreakers are on cd. Being a bunker yet still have great amount power and critical dmg made him invincible for me. I have defeated many other warriors with this mace/shield, gs stun lock build with my s/d burst non-glass cannon ele but he was an exception during the many duels we fought.
The signet buffs makes warriors no longer weak to consistent damage like it was before when healing surge was the only thing viable. Basically if you cant burst a warrior you wont kill him (assuming he is tanky enough). Its kind if like your ele, consistent damage wont kill you but burst will.
I know this Paundro but there was not enough opening to burst him down and you know I can burst very bunker players (with 3000+ of armor). There were many ways for him to avoid my burst and still keep constant pressure on me. He was very bunker yet bursty as well. I completely doubt even a glass cannon thief would be able to output enough dmg to burst him down because Twin Scroll will avoid most of the damage with block, endure pain or stun to interrupt even if the thief ambushes him in mid fight plus a glass thief will get nuked fast and easy.
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
I know this Paundro but there was not enough opening to burst him down and you know I can burst very bunker players (with 3000+ of armor). There were many ways for him to avoid my burst and still keep constant pressure on me. He was very bunker yet bursty as well. I completely doubt even a glass cannon thief would be able to output enough dmg to burst him down because Twin Scroll will avoid most of the damage with block, endure pain or stun to interrupt even if the thief ambushes him in mid fight plus a glass thief will get nuked fast and easy.
Blaze, I think your best bet is to take sigil of doom to try and mitigate his healing. I really think that is the only thing this build is weak to, but that may not be enough. Also if you are S/D, your blinding flash can prevent many of the skullcrack. Without that, this build doesn’t have much. I think you will also have to bait out his invulns by doing half bursts as opposed to full nukes. That is all I can think of. I am having trouble vs. this build as well, and personally don’t want to have change my sigils just to have a chance.
Some of us aren’t defending this build because we use it. We’re defending this build because the arguments used against it are vacuous at best.
I ran this build for a while in the past, and again after the july patch. Hated it. Retraited. Effective? Yes. Fun? For me, no, not really.
So…. as someone who has played the build, played against the build. and currently is unbiased towards the build (since I dont play it and have no attachments to it), I think it’s balanced.
I run a much worse (but more fun) build now, and I STILL dont have problems beating these other warriors in WvW or sPvP. Kitten man.
The other day in sPvP I fought a really, really good War running this build. He got me twice, and I was getting frustrated. Then I realized why, because, he wasn’t using this build to beat me.
He was using the build as a mere tool, a means to turn his skill into results. The build was not carrying him, the build was allowing him to utilize his own ability to predict my behavior, and react accordingly. And he was good at it, blocking, dodging, stunning perfectly. He had it down.
As soon as I realized this after my 2nd death, I started really fracking with him, hard. I became unpredictable, doing random moves and maneuvers in the fight, turning to run and earthshakering over my shoulder, pausing and standing still like an earthshaker was coming, causing him to blow his block, meanwhile im really typing /dance… suddenly he was the predictable one. His only real win condition was to skullcrack/100b me and that’s all he could really aim for. I bagswapped a GS before one fight, and when he skullcrack me, swapped, and started 100b, I popped endure pain, swapped, and 100b’d him right back. He was so surprised (and 100b takes a second to cancel) he ate nearly the entire thing.
I didn’t lose any more fights to him.
L2Win.Nike………………………buy my kitten shoes!
lol’d at this one
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
Can anyone from BG or TC (that is not a necro) defeat Twin Scroll 1v1 against his warrior? I wreck my brain out trying to find an opening to get him down but it was completely impossible when his mace/shields cd is low while regenerating health per seconds, his main stun cd also low and duration is insanely high once caught while your stunbreakers are on cd. Being a bunker yet still have great amount power and critical dmg made him invincible for me. I have defeated many other warriors with this mace/shield, gs stun lock build with my s/d burst non-glass cannon ele but he was an exception during the many duels we fought.
The signet buffs makes warriors no longer weak to consistent damage like it was before when healing surge was the only thing viable. Basically if you cant burst a warrior you wont kill him (assuming he is tanky enough). Its kind if like your ele, consistent damage wont kill you but burst will.
I know this Paundro but there was not enough opening to burst him down and you know I can burst very bunker players (with 3000+ of armor). There were many ways for him to avoid my burst and still keep constant pressure on me. He was very bunker yet bursty as well. I completely doubt even a glass cannon thief would be able to output enough dmg to burst him down because Twin Scroll will avoid most of the damage with block, endure pain or stun to interrupt even if the thief ambushes him in mid fight plus a glass thief will get nuked fast and easy.
What server is this guy on? I still havent lost to a mace/gs warrior yet but i know you are good and know their counters before the signet buff patch so its interesting you are having issues.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
The BIG problem is Mace/Shield+Gs is the only “decent” build we have to play Spvp, not our fault that Anet made warrior so bad at PVP, even with this Mace/Shield Build any decent team/player can laugh at us as we try to catch them.
I love this kind of reasoning. So because all your other specs suck you should have 1 that completely trashes half the classes and gives the rest a very hard time assuming they are running 3 stun breakers and a specific weapon set?
Bullkitten. So I have to change builds, traits and weapon sets in order to counter a single class but get owned by 7 others. That makes perfect sense!
The BIG problem is Mace/Shield+Gs is the only “decent” build we have to play Spvp, not our fault that Anet made warrior so bad at PVP, even with this Mace/Shield Build any decent team/player can laugh at us as we try to catch them.
I love this kind of reasoning. So because all your other specs suck you should have 1 that completely trashes half the classes and gives the rest a very hard time assuming they are running 3 stun breakers and a specific weapon set?
Bullkitten. So I have to change builds, traits and weapon sets in order to counter a single class but get owned by 7 others. That makes perfect sense!
I had to change my build to counter the current condition meta that’s been floating around, while still maintaining my tanky dps playstyle. Am I upset? Nope. You adapt and move on.
P.S. I also changed my ranger’s build from the ground up to be able to better handle conditions and stuns, but his playstyle hasn’t changed at all. What’s your excuse lazy kitten
Can anyone from BG or TC (that is not a necro) defeat Twin Scroll 1v1 against his warrior? I wreck my brain out trying to find an opening to get him down but it was completely impossible when his mace/shields cd is low while regenerating health per seconds, his main stun cd also low and duration is insanely high once caught while your stunbreakers are on cd. Being a bunker yet still have great amount power and critical dmg made him invincible for me. I have defeated many other warriors with this mace/shield, gs stun lock build with my s/d burst non-glass cannon ele but he was an exception during the many duels we fought.
The signet buffs makes warriors no longer weak to consistent damage like it was before when healing surge was the only thing viable. Basically if you cant burst a warrior you wont kill him (assuming he is tanky enough). Its kind if like your ele, consistent damage wont kill you but burst will.
I know this Paundro but there was not enough opening to burst him down and you know I can burst very bunker players (with 3000+ of armor). There were many ways for him to avoid my burst and still keep constant pressure on me. He was very bunker yet bursty as well. I completely doubt even a glass cannon thief would be able to output enough dmg to burst him down because Twin Scroll will avoid most of the damage with block, endure pain or stun to interrupt even if the thief ambushes him in mid fight plus a glass thief will get nuked fast and easy.
What server is this guy on? I still havent lost to a mace/gs warrior yet but i know you are good and know their counters before the signet buff patch so its interesting you are having issues.
He is from TC. really good warrior. Very challenging to defeat or even come close to haha. The closest I came to defeat him was the only time I brought his health down to 30% and that was only because he horribly lagged for like 2 secs xD. Definitely give him a try if Jq faces tc again. Still really missing all the great jq roamers!
Edit He is actually from SOR sry, confused him with another warrior from TC i was also dueling.
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
I know this Paundro but there was not enough opening to burst him down and you know I can burst very bunker players (with 3000+ of armor). There were many ways for him to avoid my burst and still keep constant pressure on me. He was very bunker yet bursty as well. I completely doubt even a glass cannon thief would be able to output enough dmg to burst him down because Twin Scroll will avoid most of the damage with block, endure pain or stun to interrupt even if the thief ambushes him in mid fight plus a glass thief will get nuked fast and easy.
Blaze, I think your best bet is to take sigil of doom to try and mitigate his healing. I really think that is the only thing this build is weak to, but that may not be enough. Also if you are S/D, your blinding flash can prevent many of the skullcrack. Without that, this build doesn’t have much. I think you will also have to bait out his invulns by doing half bursts as opposed to full nukes. That is all I can think of. I am having trouble vs. this build as well, and personally don’t want to have change my sigils just to have a chance.
That’s interesting never tried that sigil before. Just yesterday I got bored of the sigil of generosity after using it for a couple of weeks and replaced it with sigil of energy. Question about the sigil, For how long does the poison condition from this sigil last? and is the description correct with having only 5 secs cd on weapon swap?. Sounds a bit too good with if that is the actual cd. Or is the 5 secs actually the duration of poison condition if it is not removed?
Also using blinding flash to try to prevent him from skullcracking me (slang) wasn’t very efficient against him. He would almost always see it coming and do an auto mace atk to get rid of it.
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
Can anyone from BG or TC (that is not a necro) defeat Twin Scroll 1v1 against his warrior? I wreck my brain out trying to find an opening to get him down but it was completely impossible when his mace/shields cd is low while regenerating health per seconds, his main stun cd also low and duration is insanely high once caught while your stunbreakers are on cd. Being a bunker yet still have great amount power and critical dmg made him invincible for me. I have defeated many other warriors with this mace/shield, gs stun lock build with my s/d burst non-glass cannon ele but he was an exception during the many duels we fought.
The signet buffs makes warriors no longer weak to consistent damage like it was before when healing surge was the only thing viable. Basically if you cant burst a warrior you wont kill him (assuming he is tanky enough). Its kind if like your ele, consistent damage wont kill you but burst will.
I know this Paundro but there was not enough opening to burst him down and you know I can burst very bunker players (with 3000+ of armor). There were many ways for him to avoid my burst and still keep constant pressure on me. He was very bunker yet bursty as well. I completely doubt even a glass cannon thief would be able to output enough dmg to burst him down because Twin Scroll will avoid most of the damage with block, endure pain or stun to interrupt even if the thief ambushes him in mid fight plus a glass thief will get nuked fast and easy.
What server is this guy on? I still havent lost to a mace/gs warrior yet but i know you are good and know their counters before the signet buff patch so its interesting you are having issues.
He is from TC. really good warrior. Very challenging to defeat or even come close to haha. The closest I came to defeat him was the only time I brought his health down to 30% and that was only because he horribly lagged for like 2 secs xD. Definitely give him a try if Jq faces tc again. Still really missing all the great jq roamers!
Edit He is actually from SOR sry, confused him with another warrior from TC i was also dueling.
SoR huh, hopefully full T1 players will go again tomorrow.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
The problem, guys, is that you get too exited and keep replying to guys like excalibur.
Stun breakers is the answer. Just that.
Even if to keep last month FotM players content, they have to give other classes more stun breakers. No more stabilities, tho, please.
That’s interesting never tried that sigil before. Just yesterday I got bored of the sigil of generosity after using it for a couple of weeks and replaced it with sigil of energy. Question about the sigil, For how long does the poison condition from this sigil last? and is the description correct with having only 5 secs cd on weapon swap?. Sounds a bit too good with if that is the actual cd. Or is the 5 secs actually the duration of poison condition if it is not removed?
I cannot verify this works, but I am just assuming it will as poison is the best counter to constant health gain builds. The sigil has the same 9s cooldown as other swap sigils, but the poison lasts for 5s, at least according to the wiki. I am not sure how effective this will be, but might work if you time your swap so the sigil procs right after his burst. You should be able to maintain about 50% uptime.
Also, Baltzenger, I agree other classes need MORE stunbreakers. On ele, they moved some of our best stun-breakers to relatively useless skills, nerfed mistform so it can now be dazed/stunned/feared/immobilized/ etc while IN it, and compensated us by putting stunbreaks on relatively useless skills. However, even with maximum low-cd stunbreaks, skullcrack can still be spammed much faster than stunbreaks come back.
(edited by BlackBeard.2873)
Stun breakers, cc, stability, kite ability, Any of these basically full counters them and renders them useless. It’s a gimmick build for abusing bad players that don’t carry stun breakers, etc. It’s also not advised to duel them unless you know how to counter one trick ponies.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
tbh healing signet does need to be toned down a bit its a bit to much hps right now
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>