[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Headcase.4618


So I’m playing on my Warrior last night and someone in LA map chat was showing off their lightward battlestaff and it got me thinking, what if the Warrior’s next elite spec was a support-based “Spiritual Warrior” or something, and their weapon would be a melee staff and their utility skills would be spirits like what Rangers have.


[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: xHEROnPAINx.3781


i don’t think id like that too much being a support warrior. i think i’d like a more dark approach to it like DemonSlayer with a bunch of earth breaking fx utilities(like a rock wall) and dark fiery main skills

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Khael.7325


I don’t really see that happening. They specifically said they want the warrior to remain a purely physical class and that sounds too mystical. The only weapons left for the warrior are staff, dagger, short-bow, scepter, and focus. I don’t see scepter or focus ever being a thing, and even the other 3 sounds kinda forced.

Personally I hope they aren’t fully committed to introducing a new weapon with each elite spec. I would much rather them make it so that when you choose an espec it just changes the skills of a particular weapon. For instance, let’s just say they added the Barbarian espec and it focused on the greatsword. When you equiped the gs with the barbarian spec, it’s skills would be either completely changed, or heavily altered. Maybe instead of the sword rush (skill 5) you get a long ranged leap. This way we would still get new skills without having to resort to out of place weaponry and strange specs.

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


i don’t think id like that too much being a support warrior. i think i’d like a more dark approach to it like DemonSlayer with a bunch of earth breaking fx utilities(like a rock wall) and dark fiery main skills

Oh yes more dark of the death please!

Well it don’t have too much options for now. When you are saying all the elite specs we have there is three categories: DPS, control, Support.
We already have dps spec with berserker so, normally, next elite spec would be something based on control or support.
The problem that the warrior have is that he has near all the weapons in the game, making the choices for him very straigh. Pretty sure next elite spec would be something with pistols, coz warrior have already longbow and shortbow are don’t going to be very usefull i think. So something like a gunslayer in heavy armor based on controls i think. Or something with scepter for a more supportive approch but scepter is too magic for a warrior, focus too. So pretty sure it’s gonna be something with pistols or dagger.

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Khael.7325


On the off chance that anet decides to allow warriors some magical capabilities, I’d love to suggest either an Earthshaker or Gaia espec. It would use the staff (mostly physically and for melee) and empower it’s attacks with the physical aspects of the earth.

Some basic skill ideas:
Fissure – slam your staff into the ground, creating a fissure that stuns enemies in a line and blocks a path for a short duration.

Dust Devil – spin furiously, stirring up dust and sand to blind and damage enemies. Can move while channeling.

Boulder Toss – launch a boulder at the targeted area, dealing heavy damage and immobilizing enemies.

Gaia Shield – temporarily become as hard as stone, gaining protection and stability for a short time.

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BlackBunny.3681


The problem is warriors have all the best weps for a warrior type class right now… We didnt need torch condi we already had Gard burn build…. I think the best direction is if they have to make another elite spec is for the spec to change the current outdated abilities on weps like Gsword,axe,hammer or longbow…. or just make a spec thats based around 2 hander weps like gsword,hammer and Bow that changes some abilities around.

If you want to be fair warriors are outdated right now and in another 1 or 2 of spec releases.Some of the older specs will need to be updated. I mean who plays a warrior to use a septor or a torch or a dagger…. we play warrior for the 2handers the bows the dual weps….. I think the focus will change from adding another wep to changes the current abilities of currently used weps next xpac if there ever is one.

(edited by BlackBunny.3681)

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Tipper.6973


A tanky spear wielding support archetype would be awesome! Land spears pls anet!

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

The Pacifist

It’s all choke holds and extreme old school WWF wresting moves.

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Khael.7325


A tanky spear wielding support archetype would be awesome! Land spears pls anet!


[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: SpookyPoo.8135


a warrior with Thief skills – be a stealthing, shadowstepping CC machine!

It’s not like there isn’t precedent – remember these absolute kittens?!

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Headcase.4618


The Pacifist

It’s all choke holds and extreme old school WWF wresting moves.

This is either ironic or an obscure wrestling reference.

As for those saying that warriors are strictly physical based only, I feel I should point out that while it’s mostly true, they also use signets (which have magic stored inside them),and summon seemingly ordinary banners that buff other players (although I might be over thinking that one), then there’s the berserker who has a torch skill that cures conditions by setting themselves on fire. Interpret that how you will.

The point is while yes, warriors are more physical based then other professions, they aren’t completely devoid of magic and have some potential to use it.

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSwede.9512


Considering that Berserker was all about Conditions, Damage and some Control thrown in on the side, I’m guessing that the next Warrior Elite Specialization will be Suppor- and/or Defense-based.

A few ideas:

Weapon: Pistol Main and/or Off-hand
Skills: Troopers (Minions) (Medic [H], Archers, Bard, Saboteur, Assassin, Phalanx [E])
Mechanic: Burst Skills are replaced with Rallies, which is dictated by Off-hand rather than Main-Hand. For example, with Shield equipped they get Steel Wall, which causes the Warrior to pulse Protection to nearby allies while damaging and knocking back enemies coming too close.

Commander Minions would differ from Necromancer minions in that they have 2 “modes” instead of a default mode and activated skills. For instance, Medic has “Heal” where they cast healing magic on allies, and “Ressurect” in which they seek out downed allies and tries to rally them. Archers have “Snipe” where they focus fire on the Commander’s target, or “Barrage” where they attack less frequently but with AoE Barrages instead.

Trait examples could be:
Avenging the Fallen: Troopers grant Boons to nearby Allies on death.
For the Greater Good: Rally Skills restore Health and Endurance to nearby allies.
All for One: Troopers grants nearby Allies an increase in their Stats.

Weapon: Staff
Skills: Mantra (Less Magical, more the good Ol’ "Convincing yourself that cuts don’t hurt).
Mechanic: Access to a new F2 skill called “Stow”, which is exactly what it sounds like. The Fighter stows his weapons and gains 5 new powerful Unarmed attacks. In this mode, Adrenaline slowly detoriates similar to Berserk mode, but not quite as fast. This mode lasts until Adrenaline has run out or the Fighter willingly quits it.

Fighter Mantras differ greatly from Mesmer Mantras in that they Pulse Boons to the Fighter and nearby allies While channeling, and once done it gives access to a single, powerful skill such as an Attack or a large AoE Buff. For example, Mantra of War Channels Might and Fury to nearby Allies and grants access to Warcry, which will Break stun, Damage and Knock Back enemies around the Fighter.

Example Traits are:
Transcendant Rage: Fury you apply now also grants Regeneration.
Like Water: Gain pulsing Stability while Channeling a Mantra. Activating a Mantra Weakens nearby enemies.
Lionhearted: Damage is decreased by 3% for each nearby enemy, up to a maximum of 5 enemies.

Warrior – Wardancer | Guardian – Lorekeeper | Revenant – Vindicator |
Thief – Duelist | Ranger – Strider | Engineer – Technician |
Elementalist – Spellweaver | Necromancer – Warlock | Mesmer – Trickster |

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Arewn.2368


Sounds more like something a guardian would get.

Also, gif land spear NAO.

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: online.1278


lol i need sceptor in fact, since warrior has no one-hand ranged weapon kkkk

The Korean Gamer (Best Warrior NA)
My Stream : http://www.twitch.tv/eSportsKorea see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!

[Speculation] Next elite spec for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Chase.2798


I think a really cool idea would be main hand shield usable with offhand sword axe or mace would be cool, new elite specialization being Spartan third skill would be shields edge (drives shield edge into enemies skull gives 1 sec quickness, applies 1 stack confusion and immob on hit 5 sec cooldown)
Elite turns sword axe or mace into spear when using mainhand shield, moves being drive a thrust with spear and a spin move.

New utiliities would be minions
Summon shield master
Summon spear master
Summon healer
Summon wall
Summon the dead

Elite skill:
Summon balthazar

Big Papa Chase – Warrior and Guardian
Papa’s Lady Luck- Necro