05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Dear FA,

We saw the super secret RP walk and bailed. (wink, wink)

Congratz on SM!

(Kidding you guys earned it!)



Jayne, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and tarnish the image of FA, but there is a growing population that participates in RP Tuesdays. Granted, it mostly involves a lot of alcohol being consumed as we track invaders with our sonar beards and slay them for their dastardly acts, however, in recent weeks the participants have been growing in number.

I’m sorry if this will forever ruin your image of our server. I know the hubby (not really her husband) has been itching to tell you but he just didn’t have the heart to.

Oh I think this is fabulous, not bad RP is the way to go! It really rallies the troops!

Let us know when you’re going to do your next RP walk and we’ll .. well YOU know what we’ll do, lol. *wink, wink

L’enfer, c’est les autres

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aurust.8961


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

See my above posts… its how DB is going about it that is rubbing people so hard. They get excited and explode all over the forums.

Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: lani.7431


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

Do you realize that DB used to have this alot? Mostly servers trying to steal our sea population from us. In fact.. TC approached every single WvW guild on DB and asked them to transfer and when that didn’t work they tried to manipulate us into moving.

Hmm.. I may go hang out in the T1 thread for a bit so many T1ers here.

Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

(edited by lani.7431)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I think that DB is purposefully lowering their rating because they think they can eat up some easy points on two “fattened pigs” later on when they get whatever guilds they are currently farming for.

Good luck to them.

It doesn’t really matter what they do. Nobody is really going to respect any victory won by bank rolling a bunch of huge guilds over.

What if I told you that guilds are paying for their own transfers? DB isn’t “bankrolling” anything.

Why are you trying to hide this? Please refer to this post from a member of RE… somewhere page 2 or 3.

Repair bills have been astronomical this weekend… I guess we’re experiencing the full might of TC, now that their PVE/college population is back in WvW…

Hope you enjoyed your stay in Tier 2.

Don’t be that guy.

Yeah for real. I think DB is just burnt out from pushing too hard. In any case, great fights so far everyone!

its not that db is burt out most of certain wvw guilds have been farming gold to assist other guilds (coming soon) in getting to db

I’m not “hiding” anything, I’m just pointing out that it’s not like DB just has some giant war chest and we’re bribing all these guilds. What’s happening is people are choosing to come here and some of the WvW guilds already here are helping them out with their transfer fees. If someone considers that dishonorable or cheap I don’t really know what to tell them. I might laugh though.

That being said, I love how DB is still getting all the negative attention despite TC’s observable population increase. They weren’t “full” two weeks ago, but I don’t see people saying they deserve to be disrespected for it.

Tell me what massive recruitment effort has TC undertaken over the past two weeks and how many and what WvW guilds have we gotten here in that time? but i think you’ll find that question hard to answer because you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about

I like how you conveniently include “over the past two weeks” in there.
TC got plenty of transfers, just not as recently as we did.

Also, maybe worth noting couple months ago myself, other officers in my guild, and my guild leader, were all very subtly and privately approached by various representatives of different TC guilds all trying to butter us up and get us to transfer off DB and into TC.
And if my tiny little can-barely-put-more-than-10-people-in-wvw-on-any-night-but-reset guild was getting attention from TC, I would wager we were far from the only ones.

So let’s not pretend TC doesn’t recruit, just like every other server.

If you would actually read the conversation you were replying to the time frame give for Tc going to “full” status was two weeks, thus why i chose two weeks. Nice try.

He still has a point. DB is getting all kinds of crap for recruiting guilds so they can compete in T2. It doesn’t really matter to me what people respect or not, you can’t compete if you don’t have the population.

I didn’t bring up TC being full to deride them, I’m just pointing out that no one has… well, pointed it out. DB is getting pooped on because people are transferring there and I don’t really think that’s fair, and I highly doubt that TC has never ever ever gotten any transfers. I just think it’s silly to look down on another server for that reason. If people want to play on @@server@@, they have every right. They paid their $60 and their transfer fee just like the rest of us. You don’t have to like it, but to come on the forums and make a big deal out of it is just childish.

Now let’s go sit by the fire and sing Kumbaya or something. This pointless angst is making my head hurt.

That being said, I love how DB is still getting all the negative attention despite TC’s observable population increase. They weren’t “full” two weeks ago, but I don’t see people saying they deserve to be disrespected for it."

What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

For the record:

TC took mountains of flak when they started getting transfers about a month ago. That’s all done now, but TC definitely got trolled pretty hard when we got 5-6 guilds from CD and 1 from FA.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aurust.8961


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

WTF I promised to stay off the forums for the week, but I must answer this….. They did to recruit our SEA guilds

EXACTLY!!! How did you feel about it? It literally made you go “WTF” AND made you come back to the forums even. Hopefully this clears it up for some people on DB that are still wondering why their server is getting negative attention (again, not from me).

Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

(edited by Aurust.8961)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pervin.5036


Oh I think this is fabulous, not bad RP is the way to go! It really rallies the troops!

Let us know when you’re going to do your next RP walk and we’ll .. well YOU know what we’ll do, lol. *wink, wink

Will do but please bring sun block and extra cookies… I found out the hard way that Nantucket red is the color of your skin when you leave the island. And well, the cookies are always a welcomed addition.

[HB] Commander Skarlack – Necro

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Every server has a right to recruit. Not a kitten thing anyone can do about it. Whining about it just creates animosity. Whoever DB gets, we’ll deal with it.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

The comment you responded to was trying to say, if i am not mistaken, that if your response to a stronger opponent is to just recruit more and more until you just win by throwing bodies at everything you won’t get much respect.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Oh I think this is fabulous, not bad RP is the way to go! It really rallies the troops!

Let us know when you’re going to do your next RP walk and we’ll .. well YOU know what we’ll do, lol. *wink, wink

Will do but please bring sun block and extra cookies… I found out the hard way that Nantucket red is the color of your skin when you leave the island. And well, the cookies are always a welcomed addition.

I will bake up a fresh batch just for you!

L’enfer, c’est les autres

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arkanfel.8403


See my above posts… its how DB is going about it that is rubbing people so hard. They get excited and explode all over the forums.

Well hopefully that will start to die down a little after this week :p

For my part (and I think most of my guild agrees) I don’t really think DB is going to Tier 1 with her current coverage formula. Even if she did, it would probably take the better part of a month anyway. TC is a stronger server than a lot of people in DB have faced yet, and I don’t think that was fully realized after our first match in T2. TC makes a great gatekeeper to Tier 1.

Sarabi “the Roaring Fury” Aminata

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gellor.6497


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

WTF I promised to stay off the forums for the week, but I must answer this….. They did to recruit our SEA guilds

EXACTLY!!! How did you feel about it? It literally made you go “WTF” AND made you come back to the forums even. Hopefully this clears it up for some people on DB that are still wondering why their server is getting negative attention (again, not from me).

Actually no, I wasn’t WTF. I thought it was natural for a server to try to recruit our SEA guilds since they are the hardest ones to recruit.

Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

It is a false comparison, TC is the rp server we have a consistent and booming pve population- one that is certainly contributing to our full status. There is a difference between having a full server and actively recruiting guilds to bandwagon up through a tier.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: eithinan.9841


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

Actually [DRGN] 1 upped this and spammed our bl’s with recruitment messages when we were against the server they were on when we were in t3.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gellor.6497


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

The comment you responded to was trying to say, if i am not mistaken, that if your response to a stronger opponent is to just recruit more and more until you just win by throwing bodies at everything you won’t get much respect.


Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: lani.7431


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

WTF I promised to stay off the forums for the week, but I must answer this….. They did to recruit our SEA guilds

EXACTLY!!! How did you feel about it? It literally made you go “WTF” AND made you come back to the forums even. Hopefully this clears it up for some people on DB that are still wondering why their server is getting negative attention (again, not from me).

Actually no, I wasn’t WTF. I thought it was natural for a server to try to recruit our SEA guilds since they are the hardest ones to recruit.

^^^ No one on Dragonbrand cared because we know anyone that transfered off and fell for a lame spam in Lion’s Arch wasn’t worth keeping.

Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

WTF I promised to stay off the forums for the week, but I must answer this….. They did to recruit our SEA guilds

EXACTLY!!! How did you feel about it? It literally made you go “WTF” AND made you come back to the forums even. Hopefully this clears it up for some people on DB that are still wondering why their server is getting negative attention (again, not from me).

Actually no, I wasn’t WTF. I thought it was natural for a server to try to recruit our SEA guilds since they are the hardest ones to recruit.

Gellor darling. Aurust is a well-known troll and isn’t even in this tier. Just ignore him. Let him rant about recruiting or whatever he wants. He thrives on getting a reaction.

Same goes with the other guy. Please check his posting history.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months – our Population Status rarely has anything to do with our WvW turn-out. Posting about it like it does just makes you look silly.

2) Most everybody I’ve talked to on TC has great respect for the original Dragonbrand Guilds and Players. The reason you are “feeling the heat” is because of how Rawnoodles has been going about his “campaign” to turn DB into his own personal T1 fiefdom. It took less than a week for him to post on these forums that he was an “Official Representative” of DB and he and [RE] at the very least are self-admittedly out there looking to “buy” Guilds.

Maybe [CO] wasn’t any part of that (most likely I’d guess) but you are getting lumped in with the dross just based on the timing of your switch and your attempts to defend something that is in fact happening.


05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gellor.6497


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

WTF I promised to stay off the forums for the week, but I must answer this….. They did to recruit our SEA guilds

EXACTLY!!! How did you feel about it? It literally made you go “WTF” AND made you come back to the forums even. Hopefully this clears it up for some people on DB that are still wondering why their server is getting negative attention (again, not from me).

Actually no, I wasn’t WTF. I thought it was natural for a server to try to recruit our SEA guilds since they are the hardest ones to recruit.

Gellor darling. Aurust is a well-known troll and isn’t even in this tier. Just ignore him. Let him rant about recruiting or whatever he wants. He thrives on getting a reaction.

Same goes with the other guy. Please check his posting history.

Wait are you kidding me? He isn’t in this tier

Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months – our Population Status rarely has anything to do with our WvW turn-out. Posting about it like it does just makes you look silly.

2) Most everybody I’ve talked to on TC has great respect for the original Dragonbrand Guilds and Players. The reason you are “feeling the heat” is because of how Rawnoodles has been going about his “campaign” to turn DB into his own personal T1 fiefdom. It took less than a week for him to post on these forums that he was an “Official Representative” of DB and he and [RE] at the very least are self-admittedly out there looking to “buy” Guilds.

Maybe [CO] wasn’t any part of that (most likely I’d guess) but you are getting lumped in with the dross just based on the timing of your switch and your attempts to defend something that is in fact happening.

^ pretty much

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

WTF I promised to stay off the forums for the week, but I must answer this….. They did to recruit our SEA guilds

EXACTLY!!! How did you feel about it? It literally made you go “WTF” AND made you come back to the forums even. Hopefully this clears it up for some people on DB that are still wondering why their server is getting negative attention (again, not from me).

Actually no, I wasn’t WTF. I thought it was natural for a server to try to recruit our SEA guilds since they are the hardest ones to recruit.

Gellor darling. Aurust is a well-known troll and isn’t even in this tier. Just ignore him. Let him rant about recruiting or whatever he wants. He thrives on getting a reaction.

Same goes with the other guy. Please check his posting history.

Wait are you kidding me? He isn’t in this tier

He is from SoR ( Sanctumite? Rallian?)

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: lani.7431


Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

Actually [DRGN] 1 upped this and spammed our bl’s with recruitment messages when we were against the server they were on when we were in t3.

I miss those days. Being pounded in the ground with verbal warfare from other servers.

Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aurust.8961


Well, I’m off for now. To much drama stirring in this thread.

Parting words. DB, I suggest you try your best to not create a rift between the DB natives and the recent transfers. This tends to happen when there is a sudden massive influx of players, as the natives may start to feel like they are being supplanted, especially if the loudest voices on the forums are from the new guys.

Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gellor.6497


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months – our Population Status rarely has anything to do with our WvW turn-out. Posting about it like it does just makes you look silly.

2) Most everybody I’ve talked to on TC has great respect for the original Dragonbrand Guilds and Players. The reason you are “feeling the heat” is because of how Rawnoodles has been going about his “campaign” to turn DB into his own personal T1 fiefdom. It took less than a week for him to post on these forums that he was an “Official Representative” of DB and he and [RE] at the very least are self-admittedly out there looking to “buy” Guilds.

Maybe [CO] wasn’t any part of that (most likely I’d guess) but you are getting lumped in with the dross just based on the timing of your switch and your attempts to defend something that is in fact happening.

If you have proof of noodles saying “We are wanting to buy guilds” then post it. None of this “we are farming gold to help transfers”…

Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Iconik.8712


Wait. DB is defending their stance on all the transfers and saying it’s no big deal? No way! If it’s no big deal, you’d have to wonder why people keep going to DB. I mean…other than the fact that these guilds are paying for the transfers.

Oh Hey Girl – Troll Thief Extraordinaire Tarnished Coast – www.twitch.tv/iconikk

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arkanfel.8403


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

It is a false comparison, TC is the rp server we have a consistent and booming pve population- one that is certainly contributing to our full status. There is a difference between having a full server and actively recruiting guilds to bandwagon up through a tier.

Every server has PvE populations, I don’t really understand what you’re getting at by pointing that out. There’s still only 3 full servers in NA, and 2 of them are in Tier 1.

Also, again, TC has recruited guilds in the past. Recruiting guilds is part of the metagame and it’s valid whether you personally care for it or not. No one in T1 or T2 really has moral high ground on that issue, except possibly JQ.

Sarabi “the Roaring Fury” Aminata

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Oof. Enough.

I’m about to send you all to your rooms.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

It is a false comparison, TC is the rp server we have a consistent and booming pve population- one that is certainly contributing to our full status. There is a difference between having a full server and actively recruiting guilds to bandwagon up through a tier.

Every server has PvE populations, I don’t really understand what you’re getting at by pointing that out. There’s still only 3 full servers in NA, and 2 of them are in Tier 1.

Also, again, TC has recruited guilds in the past. Recruiting guilds is part of the metagame and it’s valid whether you personally care for it or not. No one in T1 or T2 really has moral high ground on that issue, except possibly JQ.

I’m not claiming higher ground. We took a lot of flak and nastiness for trying to recruit in our weak timezones; expect the same.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gellor.6497


Oof. Enough.

I’m about to send you all to your rooms.

I agree this is moronic..

Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arkanfel.8403


1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months

10/10 would wat again

And actually, yeah, total server population and WvW turnout tend to correlate. When they don’t (it happened with Kaineng) bad things tend to happen to the server. TC has been pretty stable and well populated I’ll grant you, but you can’t possibly be suggesting that she has never recruited WvW guilds. As someone pointed out earlier, DB is only getting pooped on because they happened/are happening more recently. Full stop.

Sarabi “the Roaring Fury” Aminata

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arkanfel.8403


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

It is a false comparison, TC is the rp server we have a consistent and booming pve population- one that is certainly contributing to our full status. There is a difference between having a full server and actively recruiting guilds to bandwagon up through a tier.

Every server has PvE populations, I don’t really understand what you’re getting at by pointing that out. There’s still only 3 full servers in NA, and 2 of them are in Tier 1.

Also, again, TC has recruited guilds in the past. Recruiting guilds is part of the metagame and it’s valid whether you personally care for it or not. No one in T1 or T2 really has moral high ground on that issue, except possibly JQ.

I’m not claiming higher ground. We took a lot of flak and nastiness for trying to recruit in our weak timezones; expect the same.

I didn’t say you were. I’m just saying (again) that it’s silly to criticize DB for something that every competitive server does. We’ve recruited guilds, so what? TC did it, BG did it, SoR did it. If individual guilds/players are being jerks about it then by all means let them have it, but all this talk about how dishonorable it is for DB to be recruiting WvW guilds really rustles muh jimmies.

Sarabi “the Roaring Fury” Aminata

(edited by Arkanfel.8403)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gellor.6497


1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months

10/10 would wat again

And actually, yeah, total server population and WvW turnout tend to correlate. When they don’t (it happened with Kaineng) bad things tend to happen to the server. TC has been pretty stable and well populated I’ll grant you, but you can’t possibly be suggesting that she has never recruited WvW guilds. As someone pointed out earlier, DB is only getting pooped on because they happened/are happening more recently. Full stop.

This has been answered by someone in this thread.. They received CD guilds and 1 FA. It’s no big deal

Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: MarauderKing.4572


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

It is a false comparison, TC is the rp server we have a consistent and booming pve population- one that is certainly contributing to our full status. There is a difference between having a full server and actively recruiting guilds to bandwagon up through a tier.

Every server has PvE populations, I don’t really understand what you’re getting at by pointing that out. There’s still only 3 full servers in NA, and 2 of them are in Tier 1.

Also, again, TC has recruited guilds in the past. Recruiting guilds is part of the metagame and it’s valid whether you personally care for it or not. No one in T1 or T2 really has moral high ground on that issue, except possibly JQ.

As a current JQ for a few more days I can say even we did it. JQ brought over SF, RAGE, CRNG, PRX, etc (apologies if I forgot anyone) from SBI and other servers and a bunch of other guilds when were locked in a hard fight between SoS and JQ during the winter time. Now we competed to get those guilds at the time – but if you really look at this game, the quality of the players makes up part of the equation but the other part (and maybe the more important part) is coverage. The server with the most time slots covered has the best position.

Haniko – [FIRE] FIRE Gaming Community
Dragonbrand (Ex-JQ)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

If you have proof of noodles saying “We are wanting to buy guilds” then post it. None of this “we are farming gold to help transfers”…

Gellor I know how much you love DB and always defend it but I suggest you have a talk with Fuzzion, officers in [TW] or [Choo] as well as likely several other top Guilds out there.

This isn’t a “secret” because it was all over the T1 Thread a few weeks back.


05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gellor.6497


If you have proof of noodles saying “We are wanting to buy guilds” then post it. None of this “we are farming gold to help transfers”…

Gellor I know how much you love DB and always defend it but I suggest you have a talk with Fuzzion, officers in [TW] or [Choo] as well as likely several other top Guilds out there.

This isn’t a “secret” because it was all over the T1 Thread a few weeks back.

I read the T1 thread, we ahd people posting things like “see ya in a few” blah blah blah. Not once did I read “We are buying guilds”. So please if you have proof or if they do post it here.

P.S. I don’t always defend DB hence why I was called out by some people

Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arkanfel.8403


1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months

10/10 would wat again

And actually, yeah, total server population and WvW turnout tend to correlate. When they don’t (it happened with Kaineng) bad things tend to happen to the server. TC has been pretty stable and well populated I’ll grant you, but you can’t possibly be suggesting that she has never recruited WvW guilds. As someone pointed out earlier, DB is only getting pooped on because they happened/are happening more recently. Full stop.

This has been answered by someone in this thread.. They received CD guilds and 1 FA. It’s no big deal

Right, and some people gave them crap for it at the time. They didn’t deserve it then any more than DB deserves it now. People need to stop caring so much about where guilds choose to play and just enjoy the matchups. Top-tier NA WvW has actually gotten a lot more competitive score-wise these last few months and I really like that. If guilds moving around a bit or getting more active in WvW is what’s making that happen, we should encourage it.

Sarabi “the Roaring Fury” Aminata

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zoja.2631


Score and Map for our worker drones!


Zona Eshe
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


My, my, you’ve all come out to play. Two pages worth of drama within… six or so hours?

Apologies to everyone whose score updates didn’t pass to the next stage; please try again next week!

I think that DB is purposefully lowering their rating because they think they can eat up some easy points on two “fattened pigs” later on when they get whatever guilds they are currently farming for.

Good luck to them.

And I’d have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!


Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

(edited by Usagi.4835)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

How would you feel if tier 1 players came into DB LA and started spamming recruitment messages to shore up their coverage?

Let me say that I personally would never do that, I feel it’s base and classless. But, and I know this is hard for some to understand, I have no problem with people doing it if they feel it’s in their best interest. I have seen other servers in our LA on several occasions, and I simply ignore them.

Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

The comment you responded to was trying to say, if i am not mistaken, that if your response to a stronger opponent is to just recruit more and more until you just win by throwing bodies at everything you won’t get much respect.

But more bodies is the only reason the opponents are stronger in the first place. Was there a deadline to have your people by to earn some “respect”? I must have missed that memo.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aurust.8961


My, my, you’ve all come out to play. Two pages worth of drama within… six or so hours?

Apologies to everyone whose score updates didn’t pass to the next stage; please try again next week!

I think that DB is purposefully lowering their rating because they think they can eat up some easy points on two “fattened pigs” later on when they get whatever guilds they are currently farming for.

Good luck to them.

And I’d have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!


I may have accidentally started the drama with this post from page 5:

I think that DB is purposefully lowering their rating because they think they can eat up some easy points on two “fattened pigs” later on when they get whatever guilds they are currently farming for.

Good luck to them.

And once again, me saying “whatever guilds they are currently farming for” was a reference to the below post by a member of RE in this thread on page 3 implying that DB isn’t really playing for real.

its not that db is burt out most of certain wvw guilds have been farming gold to assist other guilds (coming soon) in getting to db

Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

(edited by Aurust.8961)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: nOCter.4263


If you have proof of noodles saying “We are wanting to buy guilds” then post it. None of this “we are farming gold to help transfers”…

Gellor I know how much you love DB and always defend it but I suggest you have a talk with Fuzzion, officers in [TW] or [Choo] as well as likely several other top Guilds out there.

This isn’t a “secret” because it was all over the T1 Thread a few weeks back.

Quote any post that stated we are looking to buy any guilds coming into db, you are just going around on a smear campaign against our guild and members, show us any evidence that supports your claim, just talking and sourcing it to a source that doesn’t exist just won’t cut it.

Leader of Troll Syndicate [FKU]

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Man Aurust is good. He sucks you all in. Stirs the drama pot, then sits back and laughs as everyone starts scrapping with everyone else.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Blackelk.3784


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months – our Population Status rarely has anything to do with our WvW turn-out. Posting about it like it does just makes you look silly.

2) Most everybody I’ve talked to on TC has great respect for the original Dragonbrand Guilds and Players. The reason you are “feeling the heat” is because of how Rawnoodles has been going about his “campaign” to turn DB into his own personal T1 fiefdom. It took less than a week for him to post on these forums that he was an “Official Representative” of DB and he and [RE] at the very least are self-admittedly out there looking to “buy” Guilds.

Maybe [CO] wasn’t any part of that (most likely I’d guess) but you are getting lumped in with the dross just based on the timing of your switch and your attempts to defend something that is in fact happening.

Pretty good summations I had loads of respect for the DB who made it to the top of T3 and into T2 by themselves. I have a complete lack of respect for those who have chosen to try and derail any of the t1 servers through underhanded tactics and back room deals. Plain and simple this is a game and the way some people go about playing the game that causes them to get heat. In the end when you let some clowns come on the forums and represent your server as a whole its small wonder that people start to assume that’s how your server is and that is how you choose to play.

Guild Lead -[MMAC] Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

I’m not claiming higher ground. We took a lot of flak and nastiness for trying to recruit in our weak timezones; expect the same.

From last week’s thread:

Look look! FA did the same thing we are doing that makes it right!!! Own it DB or should i say WB- its okay to do what you do but you’ll get flak. No big deal right? Own it.

It’s only okay to mimic bad behavior if you do it, but everyone else is held to a higher standard?

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Efface.8460


05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: nOCter.4263


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months – our Population Status rarely has anything to do with our WvW turn-out. Posting about it like it does just makes you look silly.

2) Most everybody I’ve talked to on TC has great respect for the original Dragonbrand Guilds and Players. The reason you are “feeling the heat” is because of how Rawnoodles has been going about his “campaign” to turn DB into his own personal T1 fiefdom. It took less than a week for him to post on these forums that he was an “Official Representative” of DB and he and [RE] at the very least are self-admittedly out there looking to “buy” Guilds.

Maybe [CO] wasn’t any part of that (most likely I’d guess) but you are getting lumped in with the dross just based on the timing of your switch and your attempts to defend something that is in fact happening.

Pretty good summations I had loads of respect for the DB who made it to the top of T3 and into T2 by themselves. I have a complete lack of respect for those who have chosen to try and derail any of the t1 servers through underhanded tactics and back room deals. Plain and simple this is a game and the way some people go about playing the game that causes them to get heat. In the end when you let some clowns come on the forums and represent your server as a whole its small wonder that people start to assume that’s how your server is and that is how you choose to play.

What underhanded tactics and back room deals, tell it to the public since you choose to bring it out here, bring out all your evidence that we spread lies and deceit on the t1 servers. yet another underhanded attempt at trying to create dissension among the dragonbrand guilds.

Leader of Troll Syndicate [FKU]

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kelvingts.2035


What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.

No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.

Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.

1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months – our Population Status rarely has anything to do with our WvW turn-out. Posting about it like it does just makes you look silly.

2) Most everybody I’ve talked to on TC has great respect for the original Dragonbrand Guilds and Players. The reason you are “feeling the heat” is because of how Rawnoodles has been going about his “campaign” to turn DB into his own personal T1 fiefdom. It took less than a week for him to post on these forums that he was an “Official Representative” of DB and he and [RE] at the very least are self-admittedly out there looking to “buy” Guilds.

Maybe [CO] wasn’t any part of that (most likely I’d guess) but you are getting lumped in with the dross just based on the timing of your switch and your attempts to defend something that is in fact happening.

I don’t know if Rawnoodles claimed to be a official rep for Dragonbrand or not, but [RE] as a guild is part of Dragonbrand now, they have every right to represent Dragonbrand and if they claim to be something they aren’t then that’s the servers problem.

Kelvingts – Human Warrior
Adventurethyme [BMO] , Dragonbrand

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Slyfe.7231

The Slyfe.7231

Well if you look closely, I wasn’t actually talking to you at first. I was responding to a post that implied DB deserved no respect because the server was “bankrolling” its guilds. That’s not exactly what is going on, no one is actually being paid to come here.

‘Getting more people’ is never going to be a strategy folks will respect. Doesn’t matter if you are paying them or not and any success a server has after getting a bunch of transfers is tainted.

I don’t understand that philosophy.

If a server receives an influx of players, which puts them on par with the servers above them, why is that a bad thing?

If a sports team lands the high-price, big name free agent, are they then “tainted” because they didn’t do it with less talent?

If the game is about coverage, and someone decides to address that issue, why are they badmouthed for trying?

The closest sport I can come up with is baseball (no salary cap). In that case yes teams are “tainted” when they’re seen to be buying up all talent. Now if there was some sort of balancing feature to keep servers competitive, then any moves within that construct would be received better.

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Efface.8460


I’m not claiming higher ground. We took a lot of flak and nastiness for trying to recruit in our weak timezones; expect the same.

From last week’s thread:

Look look! FA did the same thing we are doing that makes it right!!! Own it DB or should i say WB- its okay to do what you do but you’ll get flak. No big deal right? Own it.

It’s only okay to mimic bad behavior if you do it, but everyone else is held to a higher standard?

nice pull

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


TC tried to recruit my grandma. I have evidence. Do I need to bring it up again for the billionth time? Because that’s all I ever do. Like seriously, guys! They tried to recruit my grandma! That’s so low. Let me jump on the bandwagon and tell everyone how TC tried to recruit my grandma! Oooooohhhmyyyygoddddd!

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Slyfe.7231

The Slyfe.7231

I think that DB is purposefully lowering their rating because they think they can eat up some easy points on two “fattened pigs” later on when they get whatever guilds they are currently farming for.

Good luck to them.

It doesn’t really matter what they do. Nobody is really going to respect any victory won by bank rolling a bunch of huge guilds over.

What if I told you that guilds are paying for their own transfers? DB isn’t “bankrolling” anything.

Why are you trying to hide this? Please refer to this post from a member of RE… somewhere page 2 or 3.

Repair bills have been astronomical this weekend… I guess we’re experiencing the full might of TC, now that their PVE/college population is back in WvW…

Hope you enjoyed your stay in Tier 2.

Don’t be that guy.

Yeah for real. I think DB is just burnt out from pushing too hard. In any case, great fights so far everyone!

its not that db is burt out most of certain wvw guilds have been farming gold to assist other guilds (coming soon) in getting to db

I’m not “hiding” anything, I’m just pointing out that it’s not like DB just has some giant war chest and we’re bribing all these guilds. What’s happening is people are choosing to come here and some of the WvW guilds already here are helping them out with their transfer fees. If someone considers that dishonorable or cheap I don’t really know what to tell them. I might laugh though.

That being said, I love how DB is still getting all the negative attention despite TC’s observable population increase. They weren’t “full” two weeks ago, but I don’t see people saying they deserve to be disrespected for it.

The status of a server’s population has little to do with actual WvW numbers… or have you forgotten that TC is also the unofficial NA RP server? If I remember correctly, we were also (somehow) designated as the unofficial PvE server on Reddit a few months ago.

There was a solid week (or two) of how TC was buying its way to 1st and “destroying” T2 by creating a massive imbalance… you must of missed that.

Having a green button is painful; instead of quoting posts, I end up making them the scoreboard update!

You should stop spewing misinformation. If you were paying attention, the tier was already imbalanced because Kaineng was imploding.

You still get good fights in Tier 2, right? So why are you still crying? It’s not like we were winning by +595 all day, every day.

If you choose not to play, don’t blame other people. As was demonstrated yesterday, FA does have the population to do big pushes. Perhaps not all the time, but that’s irrelevant

Relax just relaying the vibe hence the quotes over destroying. The context being TC got quite a lot of flak over our transfers which ol’boy seemed to miss.