WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Wench? Be nice to me! Before I club you!
You wouldn’t club an adorable little asura, would you?
Also, here’s a little behind-the-scenes insight intoTarnished Coast. What follows is an excerpt from a voicechat transcript of a strategy meeting involving High Commander Gary Busey and a couple of our guild leaders…
TC1: Okay, so what’s the plan for Aspenwood?
GARY: I have to tell ya, I don’t like sleeping in tents.
TC2: …Tents?
GARY: Aspenwood. That’s that company that makes the trendy camping gear, right?
TC1: No, Mr. Busey, we’re talking about—
GARY: Oh wait— Aspenwood! Yeah! Where the old folks live in Maryland!
TC1: No—
TC2: Actually, he’s right about that.
TC1: Okay, but—
GARY: Yeah, visited a fan there recently. I’d recommend it. Good flow, y’know what I mean? That’s important. Especially for old people. Feng shui, man.
TC1: …Right. Uhm. We’ll… we’ll keep that in mind.
TC2: We were actually referring to Fort Aspenwood, one of our server opponents this week.
GARY: Oh, right, right. Yeah. Yeah, I getchya.
TC1: Yeah.
GARY: Okay, listen up. Seriously…
TC2: We’re listening, Gary.
GARY: …seriously, if I poke myself under my right arm… I get a twinge in my left knee. The human body is a wonder, isn’t it? I mean, it’s really amazing.
TC1: Uhm—
GARY: Hey! Guys! Hey, I gotta go. But this has been great. I feel like we had, y’know, real expansion happening here. Real connection! Yeah! Bye now!
TC2: Bye, Gary!
TC1: Well, uhm. Now what?
TC2: Actually, I think he was trying to tell us something with that arm-knee thing…
The above, having now been posted on the Internet, is obviously a True Story.
Wench? Be nice to me! Before I club you!
You wouldn’t club an adorable little asura, would you?
Nothing stopped me before… Nothing stopping me now…
I enjoyed that video! I was rolling with the KnT crew while in TS3 with them, so hearing your communications and seeing your side of the battle was a lot of fun. We were impressed by how much damage you guys seemed to be putting out. Great fights! The BG/TC/FA fights that happened in Bay a little bit later were hilarious.
Hey thanks! Yeah, the fights that followed the initial takedown were great. So many epic battles. After a while we kept trying to pull groups into the water so we could have a water battle.
We got one against Icoa on Friday and we really wanted to have another crack at it. Videos of this epic underwater adventure to come!
So this is what a thread looks like without SoS/SoR/SBI/JQ, ahhhh refreshing. I missed you TC and I am glad we are back. FA, welcome to the party much love from BG.
I enjoyed that video! I was rolling with the KnT crew while in TS3 with them, so hearing your communications and seeing your side of the battle was a lot of fun. We were impressed by how much damage you guys seemed to be putting out. Great fights! The BG/TC/FA fights that happened in Bay a little bit later were hilarious.
Hey thanks! Yeah, the fights that followed the initial takedown were great. So many epic battles. After a while we kept trying to pull groups into the water so we could have a water battle.
We got one against Icoa on Friday and we really wanted to have another crack at it. Videos of this epic underwater adventure to come!
Ah yes, the infamous water battle against Icao. If you get video of that up here, I hope include all of us talking. I think we were all laughing the entire time as everyone’s health ticked between 90% and 100%. That’s not a comment about Icao, but about large scale underwater combat.
This video also demonstrates some particularly bad culling issues. In the third fight VS TC in the NE part of Bay, myself and some other people in a gank squad are killing from the west side (you can see the dunk marks on Azi’s minimap) but we didn’t render to friendlies for the entire fight.
The last fight with KnT shows what appears to be a peculiarity with the new culling mechanic I suspect, in that it appears to have a variable range at which characters are forced to cull past a certain range, even if already loaded. At the start of the fight it’s around 1600, but for whatever reason (I suppose proximity) that range deteriorated to around 800 mid fight, as you see us flow in and out of vision depending on Azilyi’s perspective. It’s equal in so far as neither side has any idea how many people the other have
The lack of total models being updated to screen, is per Habib a server side limit. I’m only guessing the total Enemy/Friendly binning is probably limited to 25 per side to match squad caps, with a priority for nearest friendly/foe.
In the end it’s something everyone hopes Anet can resolve soon.
Blahblahblah, scores update:
The last fight with KnT shows what appears to be a peculiarity with the new culling mechanic I suspect, in that it appears to have a variable range at which characters are forced to cull past a certain range, even if already loaded. At the start of the fight it’s around 1600, but for whatever reason (I suppose proximity) that range deteriorated to around 800 mid fight, as you see us flow in and out of vision depending on Azilyi’s perspective. It’s equal in so far as neither side has any idea how many people the other have
Could be worse… you could have 19 guildies + 5-8 friendlies and portalled up onto a wall to find out, “oh hey, they’ve got about 40 or so up here and they’re all running really angry high DPS builds” :o
(the ‘queue bug’ also seemed to be getting all 3 servers that weekend as we noticed some pretty wildly fluctuating population levels)
Some major ‘revision’ was done on the fly after that! All part and parcel of fighting new guilds on the battlefield to learn how they work and respond, most of the RET guild members should be grateful to their commanders in the bay engagement… if they’d slipped up even so much as once, we’d have gotten you
omg, this is the most beautiful thread I have ever seen. I am so happy to be here.
Only time I died was against a few awesome TC thieves whilst guiding the yak and at SMC with the entire ICOA and TC server coming down on us at the same time and still held it for 2 wipes of BG and 1 wipe of TC.
Good fun this matchup.
That was nowhere near the number ICoa usually runs, and oddly enough with so few players there are ques on all 4 maps most of the day.
Is it confirmed Anet reduced map caps?
And yes, SM yesterday was 6 hours of on and off fun =D
(edited by GekoHayate.2451)
Also, here’s a little behind-the-scenes insight intoTarnished Coast. What follows is an excerpt from a voicechat transcript of a strategy meeting involving High Commander Gary Busey and a couple of our guild leaders…
TC1: Okay, so what’s the plan for Aspenwood?
GARY: I have to tell ya, I don’t like sleeping in tents.
TC2: …Tents?
GARY: Aspenwood. That’s that company that makes the trendy camping gear, right?
TC1: No, Mr. Busey, we’re talking about—
GARY: Oh wait— Aspenwood! Yeah! Where the old folks live in Maryland!
TC1: No—
TC2: Actually, he’s right about that.
TC1: Okay, but—
GARY: Yeah, visited a fan there recently. I’d recommend it. Good flow, y’know what I mean? That’s important. Especially for old people. Feng shui, man.
TC1: …Right. Uhm. We’ll… we’ll keep that in mind.
TC2: We were actually referring to Fort Aspenwood, one of our server opponents this week.
GARY: Oh, right, right. Yeah. Yeah, I getchya.
TC1: Yeah.
GARY: Okay, listen up. Seriously…
TC2: We’re listening, Gary.
GARY: …seriously, if I poke myself under my right arm… I get a twinge in my left knee. The human body is a wonder, isn’t it? I mean, it’s really amazing.
TC1: Uhm—
GARY: Hey! Guys! Hey, I gotta go. But this has been great. I feel like we had, y’know, real expansion happening here. Real connection! Yeah! Bye now!
TC2: Bye, Gary!
TC1: Well, uhm. Now what?
TC2: Actually, I think he was trying to tell us something with that arm-knee thing…
The above, having now been posted on the Internet, is obviously a True Story.
I can’t believe nobody commented on this. This is awesome! That Gary, what a cutup.
Blahblahblah, scores update:
That smile….just scares me :O.
My character does not approve of the amount of sillyness in this thread, but I do. I feel so conflicted.
Blahblahblah, scores update:
That smile….just scares me :O.
Yeeeeeah…..same. ._.
So this is what a thread looks like without SoS/SoR/SBI/JQ, ahhhh refreshing. I missed you TC and I am glad we are back. FA, welcome to the party much love from BG.
I don’t know what your experience with SBI was like in T1, but when TC faced their depleted server recently, they were nothing but class on the forums. I like those guys.
omg, this is the most beautiful thread I have ever seen. I am so happy to be here.
Well yeah, at least, this thread doesn’t have so many pages of QQs, flame wars and trolls that result in thread locked like the match-up thread for Mag/DB/FA last week xD
So this is what a thread looks like without SoS/SoR/SBI/JQ, ahhhh refreshing. I missed you TC and I am glad we are back. FA, welcome to the party much love from BG.
I don’t know what your experience with SBI was like in T1, but when TC faced their depleted server recently, they were nothing but class on the forums. I like those guys.
It’s possible the unpleasant ones migrated, or became humble in defeat. You can look through some of the old threads if you’d like, they all start well enough, but devolve into hate and bickering soon enough.
But hey, they’re cool now, that’s all that matters right?
(edited by Ardon.4105)
BG: Whenever we break into a keep to take it back from TC you guys seem to appear out of nowhere.
It’s like our wall breaches are a magical portal that summons Blackgate invaders to the party. It’s funny how we take something back from TC and end up sweeping for BG mesmers.
BG: Whenever we break into a keep to take it back from TC you guys seem to appear out of nowhere.
It’s like our wall breaches are a magical portal that summons Blackgate invaders to the party. It’s funny how we take something back from TC and end up sweeping for BG mesmers.
Welcome to fighting against a Tier 1 server :P
BG: Whenever we break into a keep to take it back from TC you guys seem to appear out of nowhere.
It’s like our wall breaches are a magical portal that summons Blackgate invaders to the party. It’s funny how we take something back from TC and end up sweeping for BG mesmers.
Welcome to fighting against a Tier 1 server :P
I’m surprised no one ever coined the term backdoorgate, our name is so exploitable.
But hey, it happens to the best of us. An open door might as well be an invitation right?
So this is what a thread looks like without SoS/SoR/SBI/JQ, ahhhh refreshing. I missed you TC and I am glad we are back. FA, welcome to the party much love from BG.
I don’t know what your experience with SBI was like in T1, but when TC faced their depleted server recently, they were nothing but class on the forums. I like those guys.
It’s possible the unpleasant ones migrated, or became humble in defeat. You can look through some of the old threads if you’d like, they all start well enough, but devolve into hate and bickering soon enough.
But hey, they’re cool now, that’s all that matters right?
That mean SoR is problably twice as annoying, since all SBI went there…
I hate to spoil the surprise for Tarnished Coast, but the Gary Busey you have leading you is a total fraud. However, when you consider facts about the composition that makes up your feeble role-playing server, it shouldn’t be that surprising to have it revealed to you that you have phonies among your ranks…
You will now lose to a non-roleplaying server at your supposed specialty of what you call “roleplaying”.
The unofficial non-roleplaying server for Guild Wars 2 was ‘officially’ the Eternal Grove server, which was later annexed to be under the military protection of Fort Aspenwood. A moat was built around this fort to accommodate the all-seeing transfers from Isle of Janthir. This is why you will often see people talking about our Janthir transfers. But the original alliance with the Eternal Grove and it’s spiritual forces still exists as well and is a territory of Fort Aspenwood. FA still retains the most hardcore non-roleplaying community in the game.
Fort Aspenwood is so adamant about not playing as roles, that we do not really roleplay when we roleplay. Instead, what we do is use a very specific science that allows us to incorporate different personas into one being so that we do not need to pretend we are other people when we need to role-play them. We utilize our connections to the ancestors of the nearby Eternal Grove through a great ritual of tree singing and immortality conversion. Once a soul is committed to a specific Forver Tree, it becomes part of any interconnected Juggernaut.
Warning the following image is extremely graphic and depicts envy-inducing genitalia:
Becoming other things was a most serious business on Eternal Grove. Celebrities and famous people are all committed to leave behind everything so that their souls can become parts of the Forever Trees in the Grove. No exceptions, we have not lost collecting a soul we wanted to claim. You are only free to have F-list celebs and reality tv ‘stars’ because they dilute the strong constitution of what we already have. We already have committments from Tyrian-famous politicians, Skritt Romney and Grawl Ryan. Any initial rejects of the Kurzick juggernaut selection process are forced to do something menial and degrading, until they qualify for the selection process. Molebama and Troll Biden will wrap up their current servitude as president and vice-president before qualifying within our mass conglomeration of ancestral souls.
You see, even among sides that fundamentally disagree on things in the world of flesh; they all choose the side that gives them immortality and huge genitalia post life. It really isn’t a sacrifice at all to dedicate yourself to the Grove.
Welcome to the Drop Zone, where you are now Undersiege by a tall forest-dwelling Predator 2 of nightmare. The real Gary Busey is now feeding Fort Aspenwood words of wisdom in his unique form of Buseyisms; so that the evil forces led by this inferior clone and the deviants of Tarnished Boast can be defeated. His soul already has a contract with the Eternal Grove. The real Gary Busey can be seen in the following video that shows how the real Gary Busey talks, which is not anything like your conjured-up conversations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amIh-Jovulw
T otally A verage R oleplaying N oob I nstigators S tinking H ugely E very D ay C rying O nly A bout S illy T hings
P eople O verloading R endering T hrough A lteration of L ocation
D imwitted O bjective L ugging Y ields A round K eeps
T erminal R esidence of E ternal E xcellence
There you have the demonstrative proof that Gary Busey is actually working for us. You TC people are only roleplaying a roleyplaying roleplayer of Gary Busey. While a man of his qualifications is certainly fit to rule as king over easily-manipulated Tarnished Boasters; he merely occupies a villanous non-leading role in any of our feature films. And because immortality is so long, and because the burden of massive front-dangling appendages is so straining on the back; Kurzicks provide lots of premium sitdown entertainment in the ever-life, along with magnificent theatre architecture to consume it in.
(edited by Master Fuhon.1068)
Didn’t read that last post because it looked like a word problem and I don’t do maths.
I hate to spoil the surprise for Tarnished Coast, but the Gary Busey you have leading you is a total fraud. However, when you consider facts about the composition that makes up your feeble role-playing server, it shouldn’t be that surprising to have it revealed to you that you have phonies among your ranks…
You will now lose to a non-roleplaying server at your supposed specialty of what you call “roleplaying”.
The unofficial non-roleplaying server for Guild Wars 2 was ‘officially’ the Eternal Grove server, which was later annexed to be under the military protection of Fort Aspenwood. A moat was built around this fort to accommodate the all-seeing transfers from Isle of Janthir. This is why you will often see people talking about our Janthir transfers. But the original alliance with the Eternal Grove and it’s spiritual forces still exists as well and is a territory of Fort Aspenwood. FA still retains the most hardcore non-roleplaying community in the game.
Fort Aspenwood is so adamant about not playing as roles, that we do not really roleplay when we roleplay. Instead, what we do is use a very specific science that allows us to incorporate different personas into one being so that we do not need to pretend we are other people when we need to role-play them. We utilize our connections to the ancestors of the nearby Eternal Grove through a great ritual of tree singing and immortality conversion. Once a soul is committed to a specific Forver Tree, it becomes part of any interconnected Juggernaut.
Warning the following image is extremely graphic and depicts envy-inducing genitalia:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Juggernaut.jpgBecoming other things was a most serious business on Eternal Grove. Celebrities and famous people are all committed to leave behind everything so that their souls can become parts of the Forever Trees in the Grove. No exceptions, we have not lost collecting a soul we wanted to claim. You are only free to have F-list celebs and reality tv ‘stars’ because they dilute the strong constitution of what we already have. We already have committments from Tyrian-famous politicians, Skritt Romney and Grawl Ryan. Any initial rejects of the Kurzick juggernaut selection process are forced to do something menial and degrading, until they qualify for the selection process. Molebama and Troll Biden will wrap up their current servitude as president and vice-president before qualifying within our mass conglomeration of ancestral souls.
You see, even among sides that fundamentally disagree on things in the world of flesh; they all choose the side that gives them immortality and huge genitalia post life. It really isn’t a sacrifice at all to dedicate yourself to the Grove.
Welcome to the Drop Zone, where you are now Undersiege by a tall forest-dwelling Predator 2 of nightmare. The real Gary Busey is now feeding Fort Aspenwood words of wisdom in his unique form of Buseyisms; so that the evil forces led by this inferior clone and the deviants of Tarnished Boast can be defeated. His soul already has a contract with the Eternal Grove. The real Gary Busey can be seen in the following video that shows how the real Gary Busey talks, which is not anything like your conjured-up conversations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amIh-Jovulw
T otally A verage R oleplaying N oob I nstigators S tinking H ugely E very D ay C rying O nly A bout S illy T hingsPORTAL
P eople O verloading R endering T hrough A lteration of L ocationDOLYAK
D imwitted O bjective L ugging Y ields A round K eepsTREE
T erminal R esidence of E ternal E xcellenceThere you have the demonstrative proof that Gary Busey is actually working for us. You TC people are only roleplaying a roleyplaying roleplayer of Gary Busey. While a man of his qualifications is certainly fit to rule as king over easily-manipulated Tarnished Boasters; he merely occupies a villanous non-leading role in any of our feature films. And because immortality is so long, and because the burden of massive front-dangling appendages is so straining on the back; Kurzicks provide lots of premium sitdown entertainment in the ever-life, along with magnificent theatre architecture to consume it in.
Gary? Is that you?
Hydro. Did you forget to latch the gate again? You know how confused he gets …. Last time he wandered off we found him sitting cross-legged and naked with the centaurs. I think it’s happened again …..
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Anyone on last night when commander Furyos came in to give ICoA a pep talk and relieve poor tired Jezie who had ran a 13 hour shift? LMAO that was the best Teamspeak I have ever heard in months and truly made being back in T2 worth every minute. WE NEED MORE FURYOS!!!!!
Anyone on last night when commander Furyos came in to give ICoA a pep talk and relieve poor tired Jezie who had ran a 13 hour shift? LMAO that was the best Teamspeak I have ever heard in months and truly made being back in T2 worth every minute. WE NEED MORE FURYOS!!!!!
Furyos is awesome. That goes for all of the guys and gals in LotD actually.
Ew, dissertation-style post.
So, what I’m getting here is… you all might be MPD? Using multiple roles, but not really role playing but getting their souls? Do you want my soul? Are the BG Bad Boys souls up for grabs? If so, do you ebay them? Does the tree grow cookie fruit? I like cookies. Cookies and Bad Boys How can Supreme Commander Busey be working for you, when we obviously have pictures of him within our super secret command center? You’re super secret command center is a tree, full of souls? I’m super confused about that whole paragraph!
Can we get some sort of naked score updated, or another as the yak turns? OR – Hey, I would like to see some pics of some chests (not that kind! the kind where some hot FA or BG guy gets a precursor)!
(edited by RoninDB.9540)
total lack of substance or content
I’ll save everyone some time and summarize this for you guys.
total lack of substance or content
I’ll save everyone some time and summarize this for you guys.
Oh, I never looked at it that way! That’s interesting to know! Congratulations!
Oh wait, you’re from TC! Oh Crap!
yiggaloo biggalooo yadda yadda jingalala
Oh, I never looked at it that way! That’s really interesting! The feeling is mutual! Glad you enjoyed it!
Ok, I did it right this time..
I don’t do semi nude !
I don’t do semi nude !
Ok, no problem, how about full-nude? 75%? 74.95%? C’mon it’s not that difficult. Only takes 10seconds to take off that armor!
Seriously you guys should learn to (un)“dress up” to the occasion. :/
I don’t do semi nude !
That’s exactly what the look on her face is saying.
Either that or “I didn’t get the pony!”
Crazy 3 way for Arahs! Sometimes you just know that noone really wants the camp, they just want to kill every red thing in the way! GG [PRO] & [KNT]!
Hello, don’t know where else to put this! Doesn’t deserve its own topic.
Please mister TC, don’t report me! I joined your party to tell you that the guardian I was fighting with was pretty good, not to get accused. I have no bad feelings towards you, but I’d rather you post that video you said you got on youtube so I can see it too I promise it was infiltrator’s strike, not haX. Good fights all night from all three servers, keep it up!
Hello, don’t know where else to put this! Doesn’t deserve its own topic.
Please mister TC, don’t report me! I joined your party to tell you that the guardian I was fighting with was pretty good, not to get accused. I have no bad feelings towards you, but I’d rather you post that video you said you got on youtube so I can see it too
I promise it was infiltrator’s strike, not haX. Good fights all night from all three servers, keep it up!
With so many real hackers/exploiters running wild, you don’t really have to worry about getting reported or anything if you’re merely using your skills and unintentionally ended up on the wrong side. If Anet reviews the evidence (if they do at all), they would know it wasn’t any hack or exploit or anything (I’ll take your word on it since you came out here before someone called you out on hacks or whatever, and I wasn’t there at that moment). Some use skills and get unintended results, and some lack understanding of how other classes work and call it hacks. So for now you can stay relaxed and always present your case to Anet if it ever comes to that.
I enjoyed that video! I was rolling with the KnT crew while in TS3 with them, so hearing your communications and seeing your side of the battle was a lot of fun. We were impressed by how much damage you guys seemed to be putting out. Great fights! The BG/TC/FA fights that happened in Bay a little bit later were hilarious.
Hey thanks! Yeah, the fights that followed the initial takedown were great. So many epic battles. After a while we kept trying to pull groups into the water so we could have a water battle.
We got one against Icoa on Friday and we really wanted to have another crack at it. Videos of this epic underwater adventure to come!
Was definitely a fun night for me commanding =), even if we were running with 1/4 of our numbers due to the queues.. I really do hope you guys got it recorded!
Was definitely some epic underwater battles! See you guys out there again Wednesday night ;P
(edited by Joker.8064)
Hey guys we had a lot of fun in TC BL tonight.
Great fights all around
Great fights against TC and BG tonight in TC BL. Was a lot of fun.
The fighting in BG BL right now is absolutely insane. Haven’t slept yet today, been playing for the last 5 hours and it’s been madness. Shame this matchup has to end.
Have to say that guild KnT on Black Gate is one of the most disrespectful guilds I’ve ever seen.
Time for another exciting score update with….As the Yak Runs!
Evening has fallen in Blackgate Borderlands, and Ellehnia and her stalwart Sylvari companion Peta are walking yaks to a recently acquired Bay Keep. The call goes out from the walls – enemies at the breach!
Ellehnia and Peta rush through the gates of the bay keep and who should they see but the gang with which the [KH] family’s most recent blood feud has been with…the dastardly [LW] gang, to whom Tryce belongs.
Ellehnia looks on with horror as her fellow coastal pirates are shot down in front of her.
Peta points across at the murderous gang and lifts an eyebrow at his friend. Despite his muteness, she understands. She has always understood him, and never more than in this moment. He is saying to her: Look, Ellehnia. Is that a man who walks yaks? Or a man who kills yaks?
(edited by appledainty.8127)
We’re getting absolutely rolled by TC and BG now. I’d say FA needs more coordination throughout the three borderlands. Hopefully our night crew can pick it up.
This is the way this thread should read. It got high-jacked for a brief time by a chest thumper, and a recent complainer. But all around, everyone from all sides are celebrating the fights. You BG and FA guys are all right. No one has the cutest girls than The TC.
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