GW2 – Northern Shiverpeaks
Upcoming WvW changes, may 28th
GW2 – Northern Shiverpeaks
lol, yeah. “Become even deadlier in The Mists with new World vs. World abilities like Burning Oil Mastery”
Best laugh I’ve had in days.
If mastery changes the range on it, its potentially some ouchness. But yeh, probably its just going to be increased damage on empty spaces where nobody stands until the oil is destroyed.
Or maybe a trait where the oil flows down in a line for _ meters? That’d be very handy with keeping the actual gate site clear.
Does anyone have any info about the matchups after May 28 update?
New Improved World XP = good
Greater Variety and More Rewards in WvW = bout time
Dangerous New WvW Abilities = meh, i have to see what these include before I offer an opinion
Introducing Infusions and Ascended Gear in WvW = rings and amulets ONLY, dropped the ball on this one ANET. I, and I’m sure many others, already have these, what we want is another way to get the accessories and backpieces.
WvW Matchup Changes! = remains to be seen, but lets just hope it went through some major tests or else it could lead to some very uneven matchups.
i am actually kitten excited!
WvW Matchup Changes!
World vs. World matches are about to get an injection of variety! With these changes you can look forward to facing new opponents in new matchups and testing your world’s skill against more foes!Considering we are one of the least populated servers, what does this mean?
You, like us on ET will probably get screwed over… we did with SF I have no hope for this coming change.
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald
I was really hoping they’ll put in ascended backpieces as a part of this…
Atm in order to get them you have to do a lot of fractals or a few fractals plus a massive gold sink.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
On the cost, I really hope by ‘discounted’ laurels they are talking 5-10 laurels for each piece not 20-25 laurels…
Given a choice between 1)20 laurels, 250 badges of honour or 2)10 laurels, 500 badges of honour.
I think everyone would prefer the 2nd, because you can farm the badges of honour and it encourages people to play more WvW. If laurels are the main limiting factor then there is no point playing beyond your daily/monthly really…so no need to play more WvW…
Its a lot more ALT friendly and those of us with all 8 classes need some love…
Question: Will these reward chests for ranks be given for people who already have Ranks? For example will a Rank 60 player receive 60 chests?
There will be a system for rewarding players who have already gained ranks. The way it will work is you will have a backlog of 60 chests, if you were at rank 61, and for each rank you achieve after that you will get 2 chests, instead of 1, until you’ve received all 60 of your backlog. These bonus chests should be available for every player who has gained rank prior to the build.
That kinda sux for hardcore players :/
With my rank 130 i’ll have to wait until 260 to get all my reward… And i know some people are already 200+, that sux even more for them..
Question: Will these reward chests for ranks be given for people who already have Ranks? For example will a Rank 60 player receive 60 chests?
There will be a system for rewarding players who have already gained ranks. The way it will work is you will have a backlog of 60 chests, if you were at rank 61, and for each rank you achieve after that you will get 2 chests, instead of 1, until you’ve received all 60 of your backlog. These bonus chests should be available for every player who has gained rank prior to the build.
That kinda sux for hardcore players :/
With my rank 130 i’ll have to wait until 260 to get all my reward… And i know some people are already 200+, that sux even more for them..
No, you will have to wait until level 200.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Question: Will these reward chests for ranks be given for people who already have Ranks? For example will a Rank 60 player receive 60 chests?
There will be a system for rewarding players who have already gained ranks. The way it will work is you will have a backlog of 60 chests, if you were at rank 61, and for each rank you achieve after that you will get 2 chests, instead of 1, until you’ve received all 60 of your backlog. These bonus chests should be available for every player who has gained rank prior to the build.
That kinda sux for hardcore players :/
With my rank 130 i’ll have to wait until 260 to get all my reward… And i know some people are already 200+, that sux even more for them..
No, you will have to wait until level 200.
Nope he will have to wait until lvl 260. At rank 131, he will receive 2 chests (1 for lvl 1 and 1 for lvl 131 ) —> 130 * 2 = 260
Last fair fight before Orbageddon was against Itkoviana
(edited by Byega.4215)
yeah lol i stopped playing my R120main because
1) legend boss rank bronze invader is wtd
2) not worth now since will delay rewards even more
Piken Square 28 August 2012 – 10 february 2013
Tarnished Coast since 10 feb 2013
Seriously, ascended back items are left out? You have a week, please hurry and add them so I dont have to do fractals, or add something specific to WvW like weapons to force PVE players into it like we’re forced to do their stuff.
Those ascended fractal backpieces are a total pain in the kitten to complete. If they were going to be put in with a badge equivalent, I’d expect that it would be something in the realm of about 3500 badges for one, not including the ectos that are required to ascend a fractal backpiece. The logic for this is the fact that the vials/globs/shards required to upgrade backpieces from fractals are extremely rare, you have to do way more fractals than just to get the 2300 relics to be able to do the upgrades to make sure you have those items.
I’m all for WvW only peeps getting their equivalents, but make it an equivalent hard-as-hell to work for item so that those of us that do love WvW but did go jump through those PvE hoops to get our BiS backpiece don’t get F’d in the A for it.
Question: Will these reward chests for ranks be given for people who already have Ranks? For example will a Rank 60 player receive 60 chests?
There will be a system for rewarding players who have already gained ranks. The way it will work is you will have a backlog of 60 chests, if you were at rank 61, and for each rank you achieve after that you will get 2 chests, instead of 1, until you’ve received all 60 of your backlog. These bonus chests should be available for every player who has gained rank prior to the build.
That kinda sux for hardcore players :/
With my rank 130 i’ll have to wait until 260 to get all my reward… And i know some people are already 200+, that sux even more for them..
Agree this sucks in those cases, but this is obviously designed this way to :
- Have players keep farming more !
- but especially to prevent a surge in the number of rares/exotics, which would mean a surge in actos and a price drop. It’s done to keep the economy stable.
-Why do commanders not have wxp abilities that they can only level up while using their squads.
-Why is there no WvW guild content?
-Why are there no Wxp player rankings?
-Why can I not display my highest WvW rank as a title across all characters?
-Why are 90% of WvW achievements unattainable?
-Why is there no way to customize what your guild claiming a structure means(More guards of this type or this added function etc)?
-Why does WvW at all times get less and at a later date than PvE?Why?
Why answer you when your just going to ask for more once they add in these?
You should be employed by a development company with that attitude.
He not looking for an answer they are just asking question as a means of saying what they want. No one can answer them right or wrong because of this so why not ask with an question aimed at point this out?
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
you’ll never be able to buy ascended items for badges.
1) badges are kitten easy to get on high tiers, this is so you can buy lots of siege.
2) waaaay too many people are stuffed senseless with badges and are too selfish too buy lots of siege and want rewards for themselves, aka ascended items.It’s not ever going to happen, and you can quote me on it
Just fulfilling my obligations here. Costs and more info will be out with the patch notes. Enjoy!
He wasn’t specific, but I suspect he was talking about just badges (or more broadly, not laurels or some other time gated resource). Requiring laurels for all of your ascended purchases in addition to badges changes very little, especially when WvW players were able to obtain laurels at the same rate as everyone else. What’s worse is you’ve decided to make accessories exempt from these changes (at 40 laurels + ecto each, this change will mean relatively nothing for most players).
The most desirable (by far) method of obtaining rings will still be FotM for anyone that can stand to PvE in dungeons (admittedly this excludes a lot of WvW people). It’s not even close to WvW badges + laurels. The best method of obtaining accessories will still be guild missions. Amulets might become slightly easier to acquire but aside from the players who can’t stand to run 20 FotM dailies (and that’s a lot of people, to be fair), you’ve changed very little.
The reality is, you’ve increased the laurel pressure on WvW people. They might get cheaper amulets and rings (those who hadn’t already purchased theirs) but now they continue to compete with resources from rings, accessories and WvW infusions. A lot of players will now feel even more pressure to have a main and feel like an alt is a waste of time and resources.
Everything in this patch was obtainable without leaving WvW in the past. Amulets were always available for just laurels, same for rings and the accessories. You’ve even increased the pressure for laurels by adding WvW infusions. Depending on how much weight is carried by the badges in the pricing of these items (say 10 laurels and 250 badges for an amulet instead of 30 laurels) this will probably just put more strain on laurel resources.
I feel like the original quote still stands. You can’t buy Ascended gear with badges. You need badges + laurels. I don’t think you delivered on this quote.
Yes the dev in this case is completely wrong. Its even sadder that he quoted him in attempt to prove him wrong, only he still did not get proven wrong. Remove the laurel cost and then you can quote all day long. Also there is no reason at all to not include back piece and accessories.
When they add new gear, I think they should also add new currencies. Otherwise everyone is afraid to spend stuff like laurels or badges after they have grabbed the gear they want.
Could we have every siege (balistas, ac, catas, golems, rams) shows on the map like treb does ??? would help much sometimes :p
Could we have every siege (balistas, ac, catas, golems, rams) shows on the map like treb does ??? would help much sometimes :p
No it would become spammy.
When they add new gear, I think they should also add new currencies. Otherwise everyone is afraid to spend stuff like laurels or badges after they have grabbed the gear they want.
Yeah, because yet another currency is exactly what this game needs. Yeesh….
Could we have every siege (balistas, ac, catas, golems, rams) shows on the map like treb does ??? would help much sometimes :p
No it would become spammy.
you should be able to select if it shows on map or not also
Bah, after my 3 day weekend
O well looking forward to some of the changes.
No kidding. Sometimes I wonder who in ArenaNet is in charge because it would have made more sense to do this release BEFORE.
if you look at all the new content, the new goodies, the new everything that keeps popping up every 2 weeks-4weeks I am very happy.
So keep going Anet! thanks for not listening to the greedy people.
if you look at all the new content, the new goodies, the new everything that keeps popping up every 2 weeks-4weeks I am very happy.
So keep going Anet! thanks for not listening to the greedy people.
WvW forums…
We have been recieving extremely few ‘goodies’ in WvW since release.
So it’s not about being greedy, it’s about you looking at pve content and responding in the WvW section as if it’s the same.
if you look at all the new content, the new goodies, the new everything that keeps popping up every 2 weeks-4weeks I am very happy.
So keep going Anet! thanks for not listening to the greedy people.
WvW forums…
We have been recieving extremely few ‘goodies’ in WvW since release.So it’s not about being greedy, it’s about you looking at pve content and responding in the WvW section as if it’s the same.
Sactly, back when they introduced southsun/ fractals, think of all the kitten PVE got, what did wvw get? relatively… kittenIN kitten, December, whole new pve world, snowy events, what did wvw get? some kittenin xmas boxes that came out for PVE ALSO, same thing over and kittenin over, what happened last patch, SOUTHSUN in PVE got completely revamped, new kitten got added, and oh guess what… what that ascended backpeice?? Gotta go kitten around southsun for like 3 hours, then pay a kittenin crazy amount of mats or gold (which we all know as wvw players alot of us used the same funds to upgrade kitten or maybe work on some alt or ya know, be helpful to the wvw community), anet has done kittenin kitten for wvw, they baby pve like standing there watching a bosses health drop for 5 min is more exciting than a ranger shortbowing a reinforced door down. Every time you open gw2 and see the lil red bar have to climb from left to right, if ur a wvw player, you probably dont kittenin care.
Am i mad?? of kittenin course im mad, i remember that kitten upgrade my ranger was supposed to get back in november, since then, kittenin kitten, idgaf, seriously, when this patch comes out ill do the same kittenin thing, ill go google “dulfy living story” bamg out this stupid pve kitten in like 2 hours, then go back to wvw to the lackluster bleh that it is anymore.
maybe i need a break.
r4420k+ blazetrain
@DeeSystm I tried hard to read what you said. But since every other word is kitten, the meaning was lost on me.
A lot of how the rewards are structured are designed to encourage people to do everything. You may have some fun in sPvP or (horror of horrors) PvE. It’ll probably decrease the amount of burnout as well.
Man, some people can complain about anything.
Although I’m not completely happy about the update, it mostly sounds good. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!
Bah, after my 3 day weekend
O well looking forward to some of the changes.
No kidding. Sometimes I wonder who in ArenaNet is in charge because it would have made more sense to do this release BEFORE.
And then if there are issues with deployment employees have to skip their own 3 day weekend and work.
Also for those whining at rank 260 etc, It will take you the same amount of time to get your reward chests as it will take me to get mine, even though i’m less than half your rank, unless for some reason you change your play habits and simply don’t play as much.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
yeah lol i stopped playing my R120main because
1) legend boss rank bronze invader is wtd
2) not worth now since will delay rewards even more
The logic is strong with this one.
I must be missing something. I don’t understand why having a ton of ranks now before they are rewarded is a bad thing… ranks take the same amount of WXP to complete right? So whether you gain them all on one character or spread them across multiple characters you will still have about the same number of ranks. If you gain them on a secondary character instead, then you have to gain the same number of ranks total, but spread across multiple characters, in order to harvest all of the double rewards.
Being higher rank on one character just means you get double rewards for longer as you play that character, does it not? In the end, isn’t it the same thing?
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Would love a possible reset of the wxp points in trees to change or try something else.
I hope this patch addresses 2v1 scenarios. …
Bah, after my 3 day weekend
O well looking forward to some of the changes.
No kidding. Sometimes I wonder who in ArenaNet is in charge because it would have made more sense to do this release BEFORE.
And then if there are issues with deployment employees have to skip their own 3 day weekend and work.
Also for those whining at rank 260 etc, It will take you the same amount of time to get your reward chests as it will take me to get mine, even though i’m less than half your rank, unless for some reason you change your play habits and simply don’t play as much.
Actually they will be getting rewards faster then you, well at a certain point. For example if you are rank 100 then for the next one hundred ranks you will get double chests for each rank. The person at rank 260 will be getting double chests for the next TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY RANKS! And as other people have said i think the reason anet did this is to not flood the market with what ever rewards we get from them. Still people should not feel like their time was wasted just because they don’t get the rewards right away.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown
Would love a possible reset of the wxp points in trees to change or try something else.
They have already said they are going to do this, and nerf arrow cart range and damage at the same time (Which is why they haven’t nerfed it yet).
As for the match changes, I get that “dynamic” means that we can bid farewell to the clunky Glicko system that locks matchups in place for months on end. What about the “more” part?
I pray that’s a prelude to new maps and 4 way battles so we can hear epic QQ about 3v1s!
I hope this patch addresses 2v1 scenarios. …
I hope it creates 2v1 scenarios. As in gives the two weaker servers no reason not to gang up on the stronger.
Bah, after my 3 day weekend
O well looking forward to some of the changes.
No kidding. Sometimes I wonder who in ArenaNet is in charge because it would have made more sense to do this release BEFORE.
And then if there are issues with deployment employees have to skip their own 3 day weekend and work.
Also for those whining at rank 260 etc, It will take you the same amount of time to get your reward chests as it will take me to get mine, even though i’m less than half your rank, unless for some reason you change your play habits and simply don’t play as much.
Actually they will be getting rewards faster then you, well at a certain point. For example if you are rank 100 then for the next one hundred ranks you will get double chests for each rank. The person at rank 260 will be getting double chests for the next TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY RANKS! And as other people have said i think the reason anet did this is to not flood the market with what ever rewards we get from them. Still people should not feel like their time was wasted just because they don’t get the rewards right away.
in the end its the same thing though. for instance player a is rank 50 when he hits rank 400 he will have 399 boxes. player b is rank 150 when he hits rank 400 he will have 399 boxes
lol, yeah. “Become even deadlier in The Mists with new World vs. World abilities like Burning Oil Mastery”
Best laugh I’ve had in days.
If mastery changes the range on it, its potentially some ouchness. But yeh, probably its just going to be increased damage on empty spaces where nobody stands until the oil is destroyed.
You’d be surprised how often people try to cut corners by skipping the oil and going full dps on a gate. It only takes one mishap from the commander, not 50 idiots following him.
Badges + discounted laurels. sounds good.
This probably wont cost a lot of badges either. They are currently worth about 1s each based on the 1g for a golem blueprint, or 100 badges. Anet has an economist and he knows that Ectos trade for around 20s, and you can also get ascended gear with laurels and 50 ectos.
Run the arithmaticky that we all learned in school and I expect ascended gear to come in around 1k badges. That’s not a lot for an active WvW player, plus we’ve been told that Ectos will drop from WvW chests. Even at a “reduced cost” the limiting factor is still the laurels, and what’s on offer.
On that topic, Back items?
1k badges would be WAY too high for low tier players or anyone that doesn’t run with the zerg in primetime.
They really get to get sensible and make badges tradeable along with dungeon drops and ascended gears (before wearing, bind on wearing is not an issue) so that everyone has access to them including the more casual players.
Also, laurels are a terrible limiter when trying to kit out more than one toon (I have ten lvl80s and play 4 most days when I log in to GW2).
The chest idea should have been account wide along with WvW ranks – character bound is making even less sense now than it ever did.
In a lot of tiers it is hard to make even ONE rank in a gaming session of several hours, and you might see 20-30 badges all night. The system needs to take this into account, otherwise there will be more people clogging up the queues on the upper tiers to gain access to zerg mode wexp farming…
The only thing that get my attention is the matches change(I hope they don’t screw wvw with this) Ascended I get them 5 month ago in pve cos im looking for my BIS, the new abilitis are like useless (guard defense and oil, try to use the oil with a zerg outside the gate xD) I leat now we get chest for lvling my rank in wvw. From my PoV this changes should have been along time ago by now its too late like 4 or 3 month late maybe 9 month. But this is the open beta right?
1k badges would be WAY too high for low tier players or anyone that doesn’t run with the zerg in primetime.
They really get to get sensible and make badges tradeable along with dungeon drops and ascended gears (before wearing, bind on wearing is not an issue) so that everyone has access to them including the more casual players.
This, a thousand times this. They employ an economist let him work out an equitable exchange rate between the different tokens.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
The new matchup’s could be brilliant but could also be a complete disaster. The chests full of really useful stuff will probably equate to more stuff to leave in the bank and forget about (hope I’m wrong). Ascended stuff all I can say is finally. Lack of back piece and accessories, they may or may not introduce them later but to be fair the accessories are fairly easy to get and the backpiece missing is a case of either do the fractals or just ignore the small amount of stats it gives you and wear what you have.
If you want to add really radical stuff, how about I can kick people from party. Whisper people in guild and perhaps make the commander tag somewhat useful other than a location finder on the map and a supply checker
[MM] recruiting currently
Still looking for that fix to the commanders’ /supplyinfo command. 120 range on it makes it all but useless; we still have to guess whether or not people have 10 supply or 0.
Bah, after my 3 day weekend
O well looking forward to some of the changes.
No kidding. Sometimes I wonder who in ArenaNet is in charge because it would have made more sense to do this release BEFORE.
And then if there are issues with deployment employees have to skip their own 3 day weekend and work.
Also for those whining at rank 260 etc, It will take you the same amount of time to get your reward chests as it will take me to get mine, even though i’m less than half your rank, unless for some reason you change your play habits and simply don’t play as much.
Actually they will be getting rewards faster then you, well at a certain point. For example if you are rank 100 then for the next one hundred ranks you will get double chests for each rank. The person at rank 260 will be getting double chests for the next TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY RANKS! And as other people have said i think the reason anet did this is to not flood the market with what ever rewards we get from them. Still people should not feel like their time was wasted just because they don’t get the rewards right away.
in the end its the same thing though. for instance player a is rank 50 when he hits rank 400 he will have 399 boxes. player b is rank 150 when he hits rank 400 he will have 399 boxes
Yeah you are right but i think this was the best course of action for them to go because if they gave people that are higher ranks a special benefit then you would see a ton of QQ on these forums.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown
All I have to say about the upcoming changes is thank you. Thank motherkitten god. This is da bomb. Respect to Anet for supporting WvW players this way. It means alot to me and many other players that you will reward people that play WvW exclusively to this measure. You have my greatest thanks and appreciation. It feels good to have the WvW community recognized for their devotion to this aspect of the game. Many hours have we put into this part of the game and now a reward system will finally be put in place that solidifies our worth in our servers. Word
yeah lol i stopped playing my R120main because
1) legend boss rank bronze invader is wtd
2) not worth now since will delay rewards even more
You don’t delay anything whatsoever. Ranks are 5000wxp per rank, getting more ranks now just means you’ll be getting 2 chests longer.
There is btw the chance for a precursor in those chests.
Also with the upcoming update to WvW, there will be a chance players can earn precursors from the WvW rank reward chests as well.
Those complaining about laurels forget the WvW focus dailies we get. If you play a lot of WvW, you’ll get them without any extra effort.
Even though people don’t like it, Laurels is still a pseudo-gating tactic and encourages you to do activities beyond what you’d normally do. Need your last item… oh, a JP, I’ll go do that.
Nope, i don’t get laurels by only doing wvw stuff most of the time. And you only get one each day, which makes the game super-grindy. This is terrible game design. No-one enjoys it and no-one finds it fun. It’s just a chore.
And ascended are also soubound which even makes it more terrible for those who got multiple chars.
Grinding is the reason i leave mmo’s. But i haven’t found any mmo with a better combat system than GW2 yet. So i still play this game. And i’m hoping they will add some other stuff to keep ppl playing other than months of grinding for ascended.
All MMOs have grind in them. GW2 got rid of the mandatory grind. Everything in this game that had “grind” attached isn’t required to play the game. Are dailies required? No. Are Ascended gear required? No. For the longest time, I was WvWing with Exotic gear, which I crafted, purchased, or got as a chest drop.
Remember, all these Ascended gear for WvWing is a bonus. I’m glad the option is there to get stuff that’s only been available to PvE players.
No mmo has mandatory grind. After all you can for example run in circles without having to grind.
Those complaining about laurels forget the WvW focus dailies we get. If you play a lot of WvW, you’ll get them without any extra effort.
Even though people don’t like it, Laurels is still a pseudo-gating tactic and encourages you to do activities beyond what you’d normally do. Need your last item… oh, a JP, I’ll go do that.
Nope, i don’t get laurels by only doing wvw stuff most of the time. And you only get one each day, which makes the game super-grindy. This is terrible game design. No-one enjoys it and no-one finds it fun. It’s just a chore.
And ascended are also soubound which even makes it more terrible for those who got multiple chars.
Grinding is the reason i leave mmo’s. But i haven’t found any mmo with a better combat system than GW2 yet. So i still play this game. And i’m hoping they will add some other stuff to keep ppl playing other than months of grinding for ascended.
All MMOs have grind in them. GW2 got rid of the mandatory grind. Everything in this game that had “grind” attached isn’t required to play the game. Are dailies required? No. Are Ascended gear required? No. For the longest time, I was WvWing with Exotic gear, which I crafted, purchased, or got as a chest drop.
Remember, all these Ascended gear for WvWing is a bonus. I’m glad the option is there to get stuff that’s only been available to PvE players.
No mmo has mandatory grind. After all you can for example run in circles without having to grind.
you sir have never lvled and geared a character on WoW…. now that’s a mandatory grind
Fixing Thief Stealth Class or Eliminate it from Wvw, fixing the class Imbalances, fixing the bugs that been plaguing the game since release amd Elliminating Class FavoritismThan and only than, you’ll Earn my “Update Excitemnts”..
I agree man, they should get rid of stealth. They also need to get rid of toolkits and turrets on engineer. Those grenades and wrenches and nets are just to much man, thats got to go. After that we need to heavily nerf those elementalists. We should take away all their boons so I can easily kill them with my auto attack while Im away from my keyboard. They should suffer a 3 second root when they change element too, I hate running after them so much, my legs are short darnit. And then since we removed boons from Ele, obviously guardian cant have them anymore either. Its also so unfair that guardian and warrior get more base armor than anyone else. Lets nerf that so its all the same too. Then we can take out mesmer clones, cause why should they get some special shiney gimmick all to themselves when others dont? Those necros too man, I hate those circles they drop ont he ground, its like every half a second they cast 5 of them on me and I wtfbbqsauce fall over and die. That shouldnt be allowed either, they should only be allowed to attack me with the flying hands of black doom that dont hurt me at all.
Once they get all that fixed man, I’ll be a happy camper.
Fixing Thief Stealth Class or Eliminate it from Wvw, fixing the class Imbalances, fixing the bugs that been plaguing the game since release amd Elliminating Class FavoritismThan and only than, you’ll Earn my “Update Excitemnts”..
I agree man, they should get rid of stealth. They also need to get rid of toolkits and turrets on engineer. Those grenades and wrenches and nets are just to much man, thats got to go. After that we need to heavily nerf those elementalists. We should take away all their boons so I can easily kill them with my auto attack while Im away from my keyboard. They should suffer a 3 second root when they change element too, I hate running after them so much, my legs are short darnit. And then since we removed boons from Ele, obviously guardian cant have them anymore either. Its also so unfair that guardian and warrior get more base armor than anyone else. Lets nerf that so its all the same too. Then we can take out mesmer clones, cause why should they get some special shiney gimmick all to themselves when others dont? Those necros too man, I hate those circles they drop ont he ground, its like every half a second they cast 5 of them on me and I wtfbbqsauce fall over and die. That shouldnt be allowed either, they should only be allowed to attack me with the flying hands of black doom that dont hurt me at all.
Once they get all that fixed man, I’ll be a happy camper.
It’s funny ‘cause you didn’t mention rangers since… well they are rangers.