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Posted by: gogoogle.2560


Got my hacked account back, thank you GM Da daun appreciate your help. My gw2 experience thus far has obviously been very bad and i doubt i can recover my 20 silver lost in this process(99% of what i had lol newb ) but I’ll be putting the past behind and explore what gw has to offer.

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Posted by: marcusbash.8642


Read my other post 3 lines up mate. Lol. I told ya.

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Posted by: passion.5481


Hacked Account from 5th September



Hacked Account since 5th September
120905-008912 (prioritized)

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Anyone out there gotten a non gem/hacked/banned issue resolved?

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Found this posted from yesterday, looks like they are not going to resolve any serial key issues yet because they are (hopefully) working on a global fix… :

Here is tonight’s update. As you can see, a whole lot of tickets have been addressed in this batch. We strongly believe that, except in cases where we need additional information, a large majority of the other issues that are in the queues now will be resolved by the end of the weekend.

120901-002179 Resolved.
120830-007345 Resolved
120831-006906 Resolved. Karma exploit issue — account is reinstated.
120827-009187 Resolved
120830-016639 Resolved
120830-018172 Resolved
120822-002717 Resolved.
120831-009379 Resolved. Karma exploit issue — account is reinstated.
120830-003200 Resolved yesterday.
120825-002495 Resolved
120831-007656 Resolved
120831-004357 Resolved – player had a typo in their login name.
120830-006425 Resolved
120831-011270 Resolved
120829-011451 Issues resolved on 9/3/12
120831-020256; 120903-009558 Resolved
120831-015265 Resolved – stolen account
120831-017385 Resolved – stolen account
120830-009375 Resolved
120829-007119 Resolved
120831-015962 Resolved
120831-007980 Resolved – Authentication problems .
120829-017006 Resolved
120831-021599; 120902-001379; 120905-005822 Resolved – stolen account
120828-008637 Responded today.
120829-007642 Resolved – stolen account
120831-015403 Resolved – stolen account
120831-009379 Resolved. Karma exploit issue — account is reinstated.
120826-011456 Requested additional information from the player. Can you confirm this is resolved?
120831-008189 Player’s account had been hacked – Reset password (a second time). Let us know if that did not help.
120831-012902 Tome questions; explained that influence cannot be moved or reimbursed.
120830-015908 2 accounts, linking issues; will be resolved soon.
120828-015981 Missing gem issue; still working on this issue.
120830-016564 Mislabeled as duplicate, issue reopened and assigned to German language team for resolution
120828-017417 Serial key stacking issue; solution offered yesterday.

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Intangible.6510


Hey All,

My ticket was resolved last night. I had a buggy email and forgot my password so couldn’t use the password reset. Support sent me a new password through ticket support and so I was able to login and change/fix the account name.

Ticket duration: 122 hours

But I honestly did not expect you guys to be working the weekend, nice job.

Thanks for the help.

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Hey All,

My ticket was resolved last night. I had a buggy email and forgot my password so couldn’t use the password reset. Support sent me a new password through ticket support and so I was able to login and change/fix the account name.

Ticket duration: 122 hours

But I honestly did not expect you guys to be working the weekend, nice job.

Thanks for the help.

Thanks for the update!!

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: SecretAsianMan.2504


Account was most likely hacked on 09/01. Sent an unprioritized ticket. Sent a prioritized ticket 09/04. A Support rep got back to me yesterday (09/08) about my first ticket and unbanned me. I tried to log in through the client, but I was still suspended due to “an unauthorized individual” logging into my account. Updated the first ticket right away about the suspension message and the rep got back within an hour and fixed the issue. I haven’t had a chance to play since then, but I could log in through the client. I’m expecting my character to be naked and bankrupt, but at least I can play again

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


:) glad to hear things mostly worked out ok, have fun

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Tyrraeth.7683


My access was restored approx 3:32pm this afternoon.

Toon fully intact, minus gem balance.
All in all – good news!

Reference# 120828-00307
Date Created: 08/27/2012
RESOLVED 9/9, 3:32pm

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


My access was restored approx 3:32pm this afternoon.

Toon fully intact, minus gem balance.
All in all – good news!

Good to hear, thanks for the update, happy gaming

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: marcusbash.8642


This is more depressing then helpful, tbh. People getting their stuff fixed in half the time its taking me.

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Posted by: Demonchld.9874


Just chill people put your self in there spot

you come to work today and you have 1000+ tickets in your box waiting to be resolved

I can assure u 100% they are working there best to get back to you in a Timely manner but with all these Chinese hackers it just makes there job 10000 times more hard and Stressfull.

I have my self not played g2w that much yet but ill get more into the game later and i Applaud the team for such a great job they did in the game.

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Posted by: Freckled.3149


Im just going bonkers waiting to play the game again. I hope I wont have to open another ticket when I get reinstated so I can get my main that was deleted too >.>. I hope both of my issues are resolved in one go

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Posted by: trb.7052


My ticket from the 1st of the month finally resolved today and my account is no longer banned due to being [supposedly] hacked.

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Posted by: Shigbone.2784


Just got my account back, was banned for 2 weeks instead of just 3 days like it was supposed to be. Took about 10 days for a response which is really frustrating but I’m glad they got it back 4 days early at least…

No monthly fees is the reason I’m not slamming A-Net for the slow service. You have so much more time to play this game and they will only improve it for us at NO monthly fee. It’s such a huge launch. Thanks.

Ticket was: #120831-021756

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Posted by: kuros.6218


Hey all,

I am one of those who unfortunately got banned for no reason whatsoever.
This morning i got my access back, after a lot of updated tickets..
But just wanted to say, there is hope, and justice have been served!

Now, i also would like to ask Anet, is this ban on many innocent a result of not confirming the email adress? Cause i was never able to use the link in my mail, and now that i logged on, i was no longer asked to confirm. So was everyone who never confirmed their mail, banned?

Also, how do i activate the “authorize login on mail” thing? So that i have to click a link in my mail to be able to logon?
I really want to minimize the chances of something like this EVER happening again, cause it was a royal pain with many tears spilt..

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Posted by: arwis.7045


I’m pretty sure you use same email and password somewhere else or you use very easy passwords that are like ’’7eleven’’, ’’porsche911’’, ’’qwe123’’ making it easy to hack your account once email is known.

My advice would be to make separate email address for GW2 account and think of really unique password. However be sure to not use this password anywhere else.

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Posted by: kuros.6218


I’m pretty sure you use same email and password somewhere else or you use very easy passwords that are like ’’7eleven’’, ’’porsche911’’, ’’qwe123’’ making it easy to hack your account once email is known.

My advice would be to make separate email address for GW2 account and think of really unique password. However be sure to not use this password anywhere else.

Well, i use the name of one of my former girlfriends combined with my childhood phonenumber combined with a couple of letters in the end..
Can’t think of a way to come up with something safer, as i will remember myself ofc.

But i don’t think i was ever hacked, that’s the thing.. This ban, just came outta nowhere, and all i can think of as i see now, is that i never confirmed my email, because it did not ask me to do that anymore now..

But hell, what do i know, i’m just happy i got my account back..
Hope it turns out for the better for you guys too.

Still though, how do i activate that mail authorize thing?

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Posted by: arwis.7045


Have you used this password anywhere else like world of warcraft? Starcraft? Diablo3? Because Blizzard got hacked and hackers got the passwords with emails.

The thing is, you don’t have to be hacked, hackers are not coming after you, they are after fansite DB’s as those yield most results. Occasionally companies like blizzard also gets hacked which in turn compromised even most secure passwords.

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Received this message from someone who was having a serial key issue exactly the same as mine:

Hi Alex,
Just to let you know I am back in game,
Guess what the fix is ,yes your idea.
All they do is add a new code and just delete the old one on the other account but you need to keep the new code.
They tried blaming me for the kitten up with the tickets , I didn’t explain right until I pointed out all my tickets were cut and paste off their website and all I added was my details.
Then i got another reply saying why did I title gw1 to gw2 account until I pointed out their merge the tickets that had nothing to do with each other and it was there kitten-up.
Hope you get in soon , will not be adding my name to fix list ,will not give them credit for something the can fix in seconds. Our cases shouldn’t have to wait more then 1hour the fix is so simple.

I hope this means they are actually working serial key issues now…

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Frotee.2634


…you realize that this thread was actually meant for people whose issues were resolved, and that you probably won’t get help any faster by posting your unresolved issues here? There’s a seperate sticky-thread for that.

Polka will never die

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Posted by: Edge.9062


Finally resolved today. Hacked on 9/5. First ticket submitted 7:55am on 9/6 and resolved at 4:46pm on 9/10.

All characters were there with no missing gold or items, just some weird mail back and forth with random names of suspected gold farmers, idk.

I think they are finally over the initial load of hackers and are starting to get them back more timely.

Hang in there!

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Posted by: Noxide.6427


Very close to being resolved just need a code and then will be done.

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Posted by: Tattis.7512


Finally got a response to my ticket and a long wait is over
Ticket sent 2012-09-05

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Posted by: Deadmen.8219


I got a reply from the GM saying that my account has been restored and he gave me a new password which i couldn’t use.. so i just went to to reset my password and verify my email and it works! If any of you guys couldn’t get in with the new password that they gave you, hope this will help. Anyway…
Got my Account back YAY! Thank you!

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Posted by: silence.8201


after 6 days, my account was returned to its rightful owner. i recommend a new email address and a very strong password to protect your account. i had to submit 3 tickets to get my account back and wait almost a week. don’t give up hope!!! you will get it back

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Posted by: Freckled.3149


Got an automated message stating my ticket will be reviewed shortly. God I hope to get everything back and hope my character was restored from the hacker deleting it.

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Posted by: rphaneuf.1267


Just got my account back. Took 5 days. I spent about a hour in game before hack so the worthless thief’s didn’t get much. Hope everyone gets in soon.

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Posted by: Don Muerte.7168

Don Muerte.7168

My ticket was resolved a couple days ago. It took them a bit, but I’m glad it’s taken care of. Just be patient guys.

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Posted by: killerxmic.8594


Just got my ticket resolved (Hopefully). I received an email this morning saying it was resolved, but I’m at work so unable to check. I’ll update when I get home.

I had the message that I was permanently banned, then changed later to, my account was banned due to suspicious login attempt. I was very angry at first when this happened like many of you. Come to think of it I’m still kindakitten that I wasn’t able to play for about 6 days. My ticket was sent in 09/04 so hope this helps keep ya head up everyone! They are trying to fix everything!

Logged on yesterday and everything is working no problems! Great job Anet!

(edited by killerxmic.8594)

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Just got my ticket resolved (Hopefully). I received an email this morning saying it was resolved, but I’m at work so unable to check. I’ll update when I get home.

I had the message that I was permanently banned, then changed later to, my account was banned due to suspicious login attempt. I was very angry at first when this happened like many of you. Come to think of it I’m still kindakitten that I wasn’t able to play for about 6 days. My ticket was sent in 09/04 so hope this helps keep ya head up everyone! They are trying to fix everything!

Fantastic!! Thanks for the update

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Yay, GaileGray is getting updates on old tickets (5+ days it looks like) and on my new ticket I got an email that it was referred to billing, though I see no indication that was done, maybe it is another ticketing system or something… *stays positive…

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Found another resolved issue, looks like they are addressing serial key issues now *happy dance
and with the solution I hoped they would go with

Seeing everyone getting such awful and useless replies is not comforting me when I finally get a reply..

You’ll see a few of my posts along with complaints in here. But good news has finally come. I accidentally created a 2nd account when trying to update my serial key and so I couldn’t access my main character that I had been playing during pre-release.

They finally responded about an hour ago letting me know that they’d be willing to issue a new serial key but that the 2nd account I created would be disabled.

Now I just need to wait on them to send me the serial key.

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


And another resolved:

I have just had my account restored ref number 120906-004508

I was over joyed when i tried to log in and ofc my account is perm banned as i reported the hacker on my account for botting and hacking me. Is it possible to get it unbanned without having to wait as long as i did before or?

We totally flubbed that one! You should truly be good to go now!

ye account has been restored minus some stuff but happy to have account bk. Now only have to try get hom working as my account is merged and cannot access any of the gear i got from gw 1 XD but that can w8

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Another one bites the dust

I never got the e-mail that went out today to people with open tickets, and my ticket has been changed form its original subject to ‘access restored’ making me think that im probably no longer prioratized as a hacked account.
So far i’ve been waiting 7 days (which i know now is the norm for this kind of issue) But id rather not create a new ticket and start from square one, and it seems to me that i cannot edit the title of my ticket from ‘access restored’ to something more appropriate like ‘hacked account still need help’.
This is my ticket number, hopefully someone can help with this issue so i dont have to send in another ticket so i’m back in line once again.

This is marked as resolved. Please update if that is not the case, but I have seen the email, and it did go out to you so you should be just fine now.

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Dang, they are on a roll today:

I guess that’s it – I have my account back. * cheers *

Thank you for your help and I hope we won’t meet again that fast and if we do, let’s hope the circumstances will be more pleasant.

Thank you.

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Another happy camper:

Case closed! GM P—- (am I allowed to post gm names?) restored my access, approx 3:32pm.
What was changed: <expletive> hacker took my entire gem balance and moved my toon to a new server. I’d like my 750 gems back, but whatever…I can deal for now.

Was a long wait, but am in game!

@GaileGray: Pop-pop-pop – makin’ cases drop!

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alvin.2731


Hooray i really think serial code issues are being worked on already. All i need is a new code issue and im good to go!

Response Erik via Email 09/11/2012 02:07 PM

Hi Alvin,

Thanks for contacting us!

I apologize for the delay in our response; we have an unusually high ticket volume which we are working through as quickly as possible.

I’m escalating your problem to Reissues, and you’ll hear from someone soon about reconciling your accounts via a reissue.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.

NCsoft Account Support

Response David via Email 09/11/2012 04:31 AM

Hello Alvin,

Thank you for contacting NCsoft Account Support.

It seems the issue you’re reporting will require additional investigation.

I am escalating your ticket to a Senior member of the Billing Team to further assist you. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as the issue has been fully reviewed.

Thank you for your patience,

NCsoft Account Support

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


yeah, I am on the road to recovery as well, is your ticket in the “waiting” status now?

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alvin.2731


yeah phew. cant wait

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Gaile, is the billing support team working 24/7 as well or are they 8-6 type?

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


My account has successfully been returned, thank you. I hope you guys are making progress so this becomes less of an issue in the future. I apologize for being rude, but this was a very frustrating situation to be placed in so soon after getting started. I’ve made many security changes to ensure that this doesn’t happen (as easily at least) again.

Thanks again.

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Gaile, is the billing support team working 24/7 as well or are they 8-6 type?

All teams work 24/7. By the way, you have such a positive and helpful nature — thanks for being that way!

Hey All,

My ticket was resolved last night. I had a buggy email and forgot my password so couldn’t use the password reset. Support sent me a new password through ticket support and so I was able to login and change/fix the account name.

Ticket duration: 122 hours

But I honestly did not expect you guys to be working the weekend, nice job.

Thanks for the help.

And thank you for the kind thoughts.

…you realize that this thread was actually meant for people whose issues were resolved, and that you probably won’t get help any faster by posting your unresolved issues here? There’s a seperate sticky-thread for that.

^ What Frotee said. Please post in the Unresolved Issues sticky thread if your issue is five days old or older. Thanks.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

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Posted by: Raindown.6918


So the main problem with the hacked account seems to be the time it takes before people finally have their accounts back. If you have the serial and the original account email adress then I don’t see why it should take so long. Are there too many tickets and not enough support?

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


So the main problem with the hacked account seems to be the time it takes before people finally have their accounts back. If you have the serial and the original account email adress then I don’t see why it should take so long. Are there too many tickets and not enough support?

They have recently expanded the support teams to be able to address the flow of inbound tickets. In the past 2 days we have seen a dramatic jump in issues being resolved, but keep in mind that in some cases the investigation and resolution of an issue could take 5 days from the time it is grabbed by a support member.

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Raindown.6918


They have recently expanded the support teams to be able to address the flow of inbound tickets. In the past 2 days we have seen a dramatic jump in issues being resolved, but keep in mind that in some cases the investigation and resolution of an issue could take 5 days from the time it is grabbed by a support member.

That’s good news, a friend of mine opened a ticket because he got hacked and added all the required information the ticket asked for. Character name original e-mail and of course the serial code. would all this information exclude or lessen the chance that a support ticket would take longer to be resolved?

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Posted by: Tuttut.6012


My account was just restored after the email was changed on the 6the of September, 2012. Thank you for restoring my account, I really love this game and have had a blast playing it.

The only issue now is I’m level 80 with no gear at all and 26 silver. All weapons, aquatic ones too, rings, armor, all are gone. So now i have to go back and gear up all over again. Too bad you can’t trace where the mail is sent to in this game, because I’m sure it leads to the people selling GW2 gold right now on websites.

Once again thank you for my account being returned to it’s rightful owner.


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Posted by: Panaxos.6139


I finally have my account back (the usual: account address changed – not by me).
Initial ticket was from Sept. 3rd while I was on holiday, which I closed on Sept. 7th due to misleading subject and made a new one (new subject: Hacked Account). In this I provided the usual stuff (Display Name, Serial, Pre-Order Nr., even attached confirmation mails from ArenaNet about pre-order and registration).

Thanks again for your help, ArenaNet.

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Posted by: Everlast.1389


Resolved just now. About to go see the damage but my hacked account with e-mail change is now back in my possession. I have made a special e-mail account and password for this game.

On a side note, make sure you answer any questions they have when they send you emails. I was hacked five days ago and sat patiently. Did not create additional tickets and only sent the information they requested and my account was returned pretty quickly. I know how you are all feeling but stay strong.