Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]
I currently have a character in LA… since the update I’m unable to play it since whenever I log on with that character I get 5 seconds in game and then the client crashes.
the beginning of the crash data is:
- Crash <—*
OOM: Heap, bytes=24172,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 5904
BaseAddr: 01390000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54595
When: 2015-10-27T04:21:43Z 2015-10-26T21:21:43-07:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:00:40
Flags: 0
The worst part is that I don’t even have the chance to send the data to the Anet team since it crashes, the crash window pops up and then everything closes down. I’ve never experienced anything like this before… all my other characters seem to be okay.. (I mean I still have a lot of crashing for all of them, but this one is so bad I can’t even get my character mapped out of LA.
Getting locked into place when opening Airship Cargo boxes. been killed by the quick spawning mobs more than once now because of.
Yeah, Sign Cutting is still borked. I just got to the quest and the first stone was non-interactable. I quit the quest, took an earlier quest, quit that one, started Sign Cutting and was able to interact with the first two stones but the third one was borked.
Sign cutting is still bugged for me as well. I can’t interact with Rox’s signs. Also, when I quit the episode and restart it inside Tangled Depths, the story description still shows that I need to train Nuhoch lore.
Hi, not sure if this has been brought up but the Revenant has no filter option for Rev specific gear in the trade post for armor. I accidentally bought a few pieces of light armor because of it.
(edited by ShadowedEdge.8120)
I’m not entirely sure if I should be posting this here or somewhere else but…
I’m now stuck at 100% on my mastery bar. Now I understand I need to go through HoT to progress this but I had wanted to play through my season 2 storyline and some Halloween stuff before hopping on HoT.
Am I being denied the experience I’ve been gaining thus far or is the 100% actually banking experienced that I’ve gained past the 100% point?
I’m trying to donate to my guild treasury to upgrade the guild hall, but when I try to click confirm nothing happens. The other members of my guild can donate, but for whatever reason I can’t.
I’m not sure if this is related, but I also cannot drag anything from the Items to Donate section to the Your Contribution section, I can only drag directly from my inventory. Also, the scroll bar in the Guild Treasury window doesn’t work for some reason, so I can only see the first three rows of items.
(edited by DaisyWondercow.5893)
Dear Anet,
I noticed that the Fractal Weapon collection is bugged. Not all my fractal weapons are unlocked in this collection. However they are unlocked in my wardrobe. Can you please look into it, so i can complete my fractal collection.
Progression got stopped in story Hearts and Minds. I’m sylvari and took Caithe and Canach in with me. Fought blighted Canach and everything seemed to work as normal. Got to the end of fighting the Blighted Pale Tree and my character told Caithe to stop attacking, which she did, but when I moved to the rift the Blighted Pale Tree disappeared and therefore couldn’t be sucked into the rift to move the story forward.
This game is the most bug ridden piece of software I have ever used in my life. Should never have been released in this state. I’m really disappointed.
Why is the mistward armor souldbound? My thief as a useless heavy armor now… It should be souldbound on use !
I am stuck on chapter 14 of the new story, I have followed Rox’s tracks to Dragon’s Passage waypoint. However it has marked that I found the rock but need to interact with it to continue. However interacting with the rock does nothing. Can someone please look into this issue. Thanks (I also submitted a bug report with a screenshot)
I can’t speak to Scout Acan in the “In Their Footsteps” quest. When I glided over to him, the quest marker moved from “Glide over to Scout Acan” to “Speak to Scout Acan” but there’s no option to interact with him.
I’ve tried everything—switching characters, restarting the game, switching maps—nothing works.
The game is crashing a lot on Mac (like every 20-30 minutes). Also, sometimes, the textures are disappearing showing green-red geometric figures. For example, in Verdant Brink, instead of showing smoke, there are green-red gradient cubes spinning around. Also, the Trading Post window is sometimes getting split in half, one half showing textures, the other showing the same green-red gradient. Trying to take a screenshot is crashing the game.
I’m not entirely sure if I should be posting this here or somewhere else but…
I’m now stuck at 100% on my mastery bar. Now I understand I need to go through HoT to progress this but I had wanted to play through my season 2 storyline and some Halloween stuff before hopping on HoT.
Am I being denied the experience I’ve been gaining thus far or is the 100% actually banking experienced that I’ve gained past the 100% point?
I think your XP bar will stay at 100% and you will loose all excess XP. I don’t think your XP bar will reset to 0 when you activate the Mastery system. So you have two options I think. Do the first story step of HoT to unlock Masteries. But this will spoil the end of season 2 story. Or accept that all extra XP is lost.
As far as I have seen excess XP is always lost until you activate/lock a mastery point. I am pretty sure I lost quite some XP when I finished a HoT story step when my XP bar was very close to 100%. Or that step did not give a lot of XP, but it was the last step of Act 1 so I doubt that.
Above poster talks about gradients in tp, I have the same but different colors. Happens a good bit.
I can’t speak to Scout Acan in the “In Their Footsteps” quest. When I glided over to him, the quest marker moved from “Glide over to Scout Acan” to “Speak to Scout Acan” but there’s no option to interact with him.
I’ve tried everything—switching characters, restarting the game, switching maps—nothing works.
This is a (very well) know bug. There are several Dev posts about him. Look here for the last post.
Above poster talks about gradients in tp, I have the same but different colors. Happens a good bit.
That was exactly what happened to me once (few days before HoT). I closed the TP and opened it again and client crashed.
I have completed Map Completion for both Auric Basin and Tangled Depths, but I have received no chests or rewards for doing so. I still need the cache for the elite specialization collection, and have not received the legends required to make the gift of Maguuma
Tarnished Coast
its not moving again, first its was 30% now it remained here for like 3- 4 hours
I just downloaded the last patch in seconds so this is probably a issue with a specific server. And you connect to that server. Have a look at the bottom of this page to connect to another server.
Mordremoth :
Where do you even begin.? when you restart the fight, that ball that spits dark stuff at you doesnt despawn, so it constantly damages you even through early stages. Reality rift doesnt close, you can click on it over and over and Caithe repeats the same reply over and over (lol). Sometimes when it tosses you up in the air during final stages, wings don’t always open. And to top it all off you CANT LEAVE the area without closing / re-logging. Reality rifts sometimes open mid air.
The only way to avoid all of the issues is to restart this whole chapter.
I’m still stuck in the prologue: rally to maguuma There’s no instance to join or what so ever and i can’t enter the new region like Verdant Brink. I’ve tried everything since friday, but it’s still stuck
Just hoping you can fix this soon!
I have run into another problem with the Torn From the Sky mission. I attempted it a couple of days ago, choosing to defend rather than rescue, but it was bugged and I wasn’t able to complete that mission (reported here: I restarted the mission on that character, made the other choice, and finished it.
Today, I was taking another character through the mission, and chose to defend rather than rescue, since the patch notes said it was fixed. I was able to complete the mission, but did not get the same rewards that other people have received from completing it the first time on an account, in particular the 10 bottles of linseed oil. I did get the Dug In and Weed Whacker achievements during this run.
Did that first (incompleted) attempt prevent me from getting the proper rewards when I finally finished the mission path? That would hardly seem fair.
I would really like those bottles of linseed oil – my guild needs them, just like any other guild does nowadays.
Edit: this happened on my alt account FairestOphelia.7051
A proud altaholic and cartographer.
(edited by UnfairOphelia.9763)
Torn from the Sky Quest: I chose to save the captured vegetables(sylvari) and the dialogue between Myself, Loranthir, and Metella started, but it ends with Matella saying she’ll stay at the camp. According to the wiki, there should have been a dialogue between Taimi and Braham after that and then advancement to the next part of the quest. This is not happening. I am stuck with the two cabbages Loranthir and Canache following me, and the greyed out objective in the zone.
I’ve switched characters and it just teleports me back to the prologue zone and I have to restart the part one story all over again.
keeps on crashing, but don’t know why… almost 1 crash every 10 minutes average…
Client crashing in populous areas – world bosses, Mad King, LA bank, HoT events etc.
Since HoT has launched, the client (Windows 10 64-bit) has been crashing with almost certainty at the Karka Queen and Teq world bosses. It has also crashed at Mad King Says, LA bank, HoT events etc., anywhere there seems to be around 20(?) people or more close to me.
Sometimes it crashes and I’ve been able to send a report, sometimes it freezes and I have to kill the process, and sometimes the audio stops working first before freezing a minute or two later.
I got 3 bugs to report:
- When I try to make a screenshot, it crashes. Other people has the same problem aswell.
- Sometimes character look like first 3D models. (They’re only the colors blue and green)
- I’ve sent a ticket two times to ArenaNet about my whisper system. It is more than a month I can’t whisper people, even when I try to login again or change to an other character, it stays the same. As leader it’s quite annoying to not whisper your Guildies
Sometimes it works, but it takes 50 minutes – 3 hours before the whisper pops up. And sometimes it won’t pop up at all.
Client crashing in populous areas – world bosses, Mad King, LA bank, HoT events etc.
Since HoT has launched, the client (Windows 10 64-bit) has been crashing with almost certainty at the Karka Queen and Teq world bosses. It has also crashed at Mad King Says, LA bank, HoT events etc., anywhere there seems to be around 20(?) people or more close to me.
Sometimes it crashes and I’ve been able to send a report, sometimes it freezes and I have to kill the process, and sometimes the audio stops working first before freezing a minute or two later.
Happens to me like 1-2 times a day (yes… DAILY) in Silverwastes. Had happened twice during Vinewrath (and screwed me out of the reward) and countless times during chest trains.
I suppose I’m not even remotely close to be the one who experiences constant crashes (out of memory thing or smth like that). I am pretty sure it will get fixed eventually tho.
Btw I’m playing on a really kittenty computer right now (2GB RAM, 2 × 2GHz CPU), and the fact that I was even able to run the game before HoT update makes me feel confident that you guys will find the solution to fix those crashes.
Scout Acan bug. FIXED! for me anyway!
I believe that a fix has been attempted, though it is not fixed for me.
I glide over to him, the ‘glide over to Scout Acan’ is complete.
Next is to talk to him though he will not respond to me at all, i have tried:
Logging out,
Switching character,
Exiting Game,
Starting game back up then try to talk to him (nope).
Exiting game and attempting to glide to him again hoping its in one motion that you have to glide and speak to him at once. (nope).
A fix would be great, didnt pay dat money to be stuck in dat storyline haha.
It is addressed here:
but i know it needs further looking at.
So i quit the story line, closed game, rebooted game, continued story and he talked to me!
(edited by Wonderlust.9360)
The Quest “In Their Footsteps” Is bugged, you can’t get the stupid guitar playing frog to talk even after flying over to him. If its unplayable I want a refund, I bought the game for the story. No Story, no point in playing for me. FIX OR REFUND!
HOX! If you are stuck in chapter 14 try to switch different chapter and start 14th again. Then you have rush it down otherwise it gets stuck!
Proud member of TLA.
I too have some Hearts and Minds bugs to report
Most of the issues seem to stem from the reset mote not resetting the fight parameters all of the time. Every other reset, not all of the fallen platforms rise back, so reality rifts will float where the platforms should have been restored. Additionally, Mordy’s move set doesn’t reset to the early stage sets from the mote.
I no longer have issues getting into the air with the glider the first time, but getting back after falling is almost impossible, and you seem to get knocked out of the air from nothing all of the time. Additionally, the rocks track on you way too well.
Iam not able to advance further from HOT story, at rally point to maguum jungle there is a cutscene which my game gets stuck every time. this been happening since the release of HOT and cannot play.
When you play as Daredevil in Ascalonian Catacombs path 3 and get turned into a ghost, then the ghost has no animations. Neither staff attack nor grandmaster dodge rolls.
everytime im at the Battle of Tarir event on Auric Basin with 4 commanders the game crashes halfway through and when i come back i end up on the overflow this happened twice today. I can never get the chest at the end
So yeah, Sign Cutting is bugged too. One of the markings took place beneath this giant Chak so I kinda missed where the spot is supposed to be and the journal is keeping me stuck on “examine the markings” which doesn’t show up on the map so right now I got no idea how to progress at all.
The achievements “Peer Review” and “My Friends, the Smiths” from the “Prisoners of the Dragon” story instance are bugged and do not start.
I completed the story instance four times on four different characters, but these achievements don’t work. I can see the piece of paper for Peer Review, but I cannot interact with it. The defeated Beigarth does not even spawn.
I can see the yellow icons next to my buffs that imply that I should be able to do these achievements, but it’s impossible.
Step 14: Cutting Signs
Came to the third marking and then… nothing. There’s no marking where to go next. Tried restarting, relogging etc, but nothing helps.
Here to report the same issues with the Hearts and Minds fight.
The moveset doesn’t reset with the mote.
Basically, when you get killed in the mordremoth fight, he retains the same phase attacks. For example the ring pull when he summons Rytlock, or even worse when you die at the last phase and he retains the break bar full. I don’t know if the gliding phases are bugged as well, but they might be, they are kinda finnicky.
That being said…I know you’re getting lots of bug reports on such an important occasion, but the whole thing is amazing. I love this expansion, and I love the music, the fights, and everything. Keep up the good work, hope you’ll fix these things soon!
Please fix : Sign Cutting, all these so called fixes might of been helpful to a few ppl, but not everyone. I have been on this story stage for the last 2 days trying the various fixes and its starting to spoil what up to now has been a very enjoyable experience.
I have not been able to see guild chat since the launch of HoT , have run the test Anet has told me to and provided the info asked for and still no solution , is anybody else having the same trouble with guild chat :O
ULGOTH Modniir bugged. He is dropping the wrong iten for the legendary achievment. PLEASE FIX THAT.
Is ANYONE else crashing like every 15-20 mins, when they map change, hell even when they’re idle and do nothing sometimes? I’ve turned my settings down, and still happens. This has ONLY been happening since the HoT patch btw. All my Drivers are updated too.
Elite specialization weapons are unequipped when logging onto characters with elite specialization trait equipped.
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human
Realised this is a HoT issue I guess – anyway, reposting from another thread:
With action camera I often find my chronomancer wells being interrupted instead of casting correctly when failing due to LOS checks (I think it can even happen with blink?) – Basically if the ground target circle is green but it fails due to LOS anyway (even when not moving) it goes on interrupt cooldown.
– the best repro instructions I have (for now) are:
- Turn off snap ground targetting
- Stand very close to a wall (like stacking in a fractal) and point downwards, so the crosshair is somewhere strange and high up on the wall
* Alternatively, some places have strange line of sight issues in general, like trying to cast on the ceiling in some dungeons. - Hit the skill button, have it interrupt instead of cast.
Generally I set up an amazing continuum shift Time warp + wells combo only to have every single one of them go on the interrupt cooldown – it’s pretty annoying.
Oddly, I find I can sometimes mash the button repeatedly and it refreshes the 5 second cooldown, so… that’s weird.
Anyway, other than the various ways I have of cancelling casts repeatedly action camera is great!
3. Missing Achievement Points – We think this has to do with Halloween Achievement points from 2014 being reset in 2015. Investigating.
Any updates on this one?
[Collection] Wardrobe/Skin Bugs & Anomalies
There are problems when you do the living story episodes in a group. We did episode 6 and 7 and only me, the opener of the instance, got the rewards. There was no popup where they could choose if they wanted to evolve or something.