Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jelmew.2531



This issue affects my account. There is a pariticpation chest I got from auric basin. I can’t click the participation chest without a client crash:

These lines stick out:
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1800470359764402712’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1780831851953291835’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1800775435586404876’
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0cc272
Debug token ‘0×266fa’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Texture ‘0×0ce696’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×0ce696’ texture failed
Texture ‘0×0ce697’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×0ce697’ texture failed
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957040767325209091’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957045616343286279’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957044899083747840’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957045478904332806’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957037099423138312’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957045148191851009’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957102065098457633’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×128ace
Texture missing mip chain: 0×128ad0
Model ‘0×10227b’: Permutation ‘leather’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorhood’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorbracers’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Texture missing mip chain: 0×134878
Texture missing mip chain: 0×134876
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
CtlView inconsistent page size from frame TCtlInstance. Size history: <500.000000, 333.818237> <500.000000, 333.818146> <500.000000, 333.818115> <500.000000, 333.818085> <500.000000, 333.818054>
Complete crash log:

  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: CtlView inconsistent page size. (was: testCount < 5
    File: ..\..\..\Engine\Controls\CtlView.cpp(708)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 3040
    BaseAddr: 00AD0000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54533
    When: 2015-10-24T13:08:31Z 2015-10-24T15:08:31+02:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:03:46
    Flags: 0
  • System <—*
    Name: JELMER-PC
    Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:9]
    OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)
  • System Memory <—*
    Physical: 3752MB/ 8142MB 46%
    Paged: 10744MB/16334MB 65%
    Virtual: 1938MB/ 4095MB 47%
    Load: 53%
    CommitTotal: 5590MB
    CommitLimit: 16334MB
    CommitPeak: 5622MB
    SystemCache: 4145MB
    HandleCount: 37287
    ProcessCount: 82
    ThreadCount: 1216
  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 1785MB
    WorkingSet: 1682MB
    PeakWorkingSet: 1690MB
    PageFaults: 4597807
  • Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    Root 800.43 904592
    VRAM 599.61 19901
    Programmer Data 356.07 373795
    Art Assets 327.28 11928
    VRAM – Prop Tex 211.86 1364
    Anim Import Models 167.47 352
    Anim Import Packfile 167.47 352
    Engine 141.63 212501
    Game 134.52 112669
    Content 96.47 37301
    Gr 93.54 126864
    VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
    Map Assets 85.56 9881
    VRAM – Character Geo 80.38 408
    Uncategorized 77.45 466022
    Prop Models 73.53 4802
    Prop Packfile 70.01 492
    Character Models 68.58 700
    Collections 57.61 5929
    Dictionary 56.17 1002
    Collide 39.63 52847
    Composite Models 39.52 306
    VRAM – Composite Tex 37.83 35
    Composite Tex 33.17 70
  • Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    VRAM – Prop Tex 211.86 1364
    Anim Import Packfile 167.47 352
    Content 96.47 37301
    VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
    VRAM – Character Geo 80.38 408
    Uncategorized 77.45 466022
    Prop Packfile 70.01 492
    Dictionary 56.17 1002
    Gr 39.02 7115
    VRAM – Composite Tex 37.83 35
    Composite Tex Pool 33.17 70
    VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
    Character Packfile 28.84 117
    VRAM – DDI Shader 26.92 15719
    Text 26.36 3136
    Gr Umbra 21.17 1121
    Collide Havok 17.19 40917
    Collide 16.44 11204
    VRAM – Effect Geo 14.69 120
    Gr Model 13.54 18851
    VRAM – Terrain Tex 13.33 28
    Map Zone 12.33 12693
    Archive 11.20 38
    VRAM – UI Textures 11.20 309
  • Game Context <—*
    MapId: 1043
    Flags: 0×241
    ElapsedTime: 00:01:36
  • World State <—*
    <WorldState BufferCapacity="44318720" BufferUsed="18243418" DrawCalls="1361" Fps="54" EffectLights="0" Lights="148" Materials="465" Particles="3463" Submodels="1437" TextureLoadsPending="0" TextureMemory="974540812" Triangles="2468788" VerticesSoftwareTransformed="0" VideoMemoryTotal="305712696" CameraPos="2335.02, 18763, -13220.7" CameraFwd="0.323836, 0.918982, 0.224951" MapName="tboUv.PTVVE" MapNamespace="KAhpw" MapSector="IJwR+.AwAC4" MapType="Public" MapFloor="1" MapId="1043" MapGuid="7330127D-AB56-4592-BA0A-135CAEAC8B2C" MapTimeOfDay="1.000000" PlayerFacing="0.332844, 0.942982, 0" PlayerPos="2529.32, 19314.4, -12951.3" PlayerVelocity="0, 0, -0" />

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.2.10240.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)]

  • ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×40c <—*
  • Trace <—*
    Pc:0189da96 Fr:0695ef24 Rt:0189c821 Arg:0695efd8 0695ef84 0189c6a0 797cea58
    Pc:0189c821 Fr:0695ef3c Rt:018c05ba Arg:00000000 797ceba0 0000084b 797ceb94
    Pc:018c05ba Fr:0695ef70 Rt:018c0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000038 797ceb94 000007ff
    Pc:018c0cb0 Fr:0695ef9c Rt:018c0c27 Arg:797ceba0 00000038 0695efd8 00000000
    Pc:018c0c27 Fr:0695efbc Rt:018c1b65 Arg:00000038 0695efd8 00000000 000007ff
    Pc:018c1b65 Fr:0695eff0 Rt:018aeac3 Arg:0695f034 44c45d17 0695f0e4 3dea72a0
    Pc:018aeac3 Fr:0695f008 Rt:0128f8d7 Arg:0695f03c 0695f090 0695f090 0695f0e4
    Pc:0128f8d7 Fr:0695f050 Rt:0128f15a Arg:0695f0e4 7970a8fc 0695f090 00000002
    Pc:0128f15a Fr:0695f06c Rt:0128f32b Arg:00000000 7970a8fc 0695f0a8 018c0cb0
    Pc:0128f32b Fr:0695f07c Rt:018c0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000038 7970a8fc 0000085d
    Pc:018c0cb0 Fr:0695f0a8 Rt:018c0c27 Arg:7970a8fc 00000038 0695f0e4 00000000
    Pc:018c0c27 Fr:0695f0c8 Rt:018c1b65 Arg:00000038 0695f0e4 00000000 0000085d
    Pc:018c1b65 Fr:0695f0fc Rt:018aeac3 Arg:0695f128 44c45d17 0695f1cc 3f5ec310
    Pc:018aeac3 Fr:0695f114 Rt:01521d53 Arg:0695f130 0695f178 0695f1cc 0695f138
    Pc:01521d53 Fr:0695f138 Rt:01521114 Arg:0695f1cc 796f19d4 0695f178 0695f228
    Pc:01521114 Fr:0695f154 Rt:015212eb Arg:00000000 796f19d4 0695f190 018c0cb0
    Pc:015212eb Fr:0695f164 Rt:018c0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000038 796f19d4 00000740
    Pc:018c0cb0 Fr:0695f190 Rt:018c0c27 Arg:796f19d4 00000038 0695f1cc 00000000
    Pc:018c0c27 Fr:0695f1b0 Rt:018c1b65 Arg:00000038 0695f1cc 00000000 00000740
    Pc:018c1b65 Fr:0695f1e4 Rt:018aeac3 Arg:0695f20c 44c45d17 0695f254 0695f2a8
    Pc:018aeac3 Fr:0695f1fc Rt:013fdf1f Arg:0695f2a8 0695f2a8 0695f220 0695f2a8
    Pc:013fdf1f Fr:0695f214 Rt:015161b7 Arg:0695f2a8 797c833c 0695f254 43cadae5
    Pc:015161b7 Fr:0695f230 Rt:0151638b Arg:00000000 797c833c 0695f26c 018c0cb0
    Pc:0151638b Fr:0695f240 Rt:018c0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000038 797c833c 0000010f
    Pc:018c0cb0 Fr:0695f26c Rt:018c0c27 Arg:797c833c 00000038 0695f2a8 00000000
    Pc:018c0c27 Fr:0695f28c Rt:018c1b65 Arg:00000038 0695f2a8 00000000 0695f350
    Pc:018c1b65 Fr:0695f2c0 Rt:018b1269 Arg:0695f2f8 44c45d17 00000002 0000010f
    Pc:018b1269 Fr:0695f31c Rt:018af664 Arg:00000000 00000000 00000001 4d9b7cd0
    Pc:018af664 Fr:0695f338 Rt:0118d48e Arg:0695f350 00000000 0695f518 0695f510
    Pc:0118d48e Fr:0695f360 Rt:01176e52 Arg:0695f444 0695f494 1478fb4c 0695f510
    Pc:01176e52 Fr:0695f464 Rt:011751d8 Arg:0695f510 1478fb4c 1478fb4c 1478fb90
    Pc:011751d8 Fr:0695f480 Rt:018c0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000037 1478fb4c 0000007f
    Pc:018c0cb0 Fr:0695f4ac Rt:018c0c27 Arg:1478fb4c 00000037 0695f510 00000000
    Pc:018c0c27 Fr:0695f4cc Rt:018c2f5a Arg:00000037 0695f510 00000000 0000007f
    Pc:018c2f5a Fr:0695f588 Rt:018c33c9 Arg:00000000 05585c10 00000011 00000011
    Pc:018c33c9 Fr:0695f5b0 Rt:018b0531 Arg:3c9dccac 3c9dccac 3c8b4396 a04ce9a5
    Pc:018b0531 Fr:0695f5c8 Rt:01116891 Arg:3c9dccac 3c9dccac 3c8b4396 0695f65c
    Pc:01116891 Fr:0695f600 Rt:01118d5f Arg:3c9dccac 00f8c723 05586810 05586c60
    Pc:01118d5f Fr:0695f6a8 Rt:00f8a5fe Arg:05586810 00000002 00000002 00000010
    Pc:00f8a5fe Fr:0695f724 Rt:00f8b802 Arg:15124bbc 01d10e5d a04ceb09 00000001
    Pc:00f8b802 Fr:0695f764 Rt:00f89dd1 Arg:053f2d30 02be93d0 00ddef28 00f30b6c
    Pc:00f89dd1 Fr:0695f784 Rt:00f30ac0 Arg:053f2d30 a04cebd1 00f30b6c 02be93d0
    Pc:00f30ac0 Fr:0695f7bc Rt:00f30be8 Arg:00f30b6c 0695f7dc 75153744 02be93d0
    Pc:00f30be8 Fr:0695f7c8 Rt:75153744 Arg:02be93d0 75153720 16b5ba8b 0695f824
    Pc:75153744 Fr:0695f7dc Rt:7738a064 Arg:02be93d0 fab86b8f 00000000 00000000
    Pc:7738a064 Fr:0695f824 Rt:7738a02f Arg:ffffffff 773ad7ca 00000000 00000000
    Pc:7738a02f Fr:0695f834 Rt:00000000 Arg:00f30b6c 02be93d0 00000000 00000000
  • Thread registers <—*
    eax=0695ea70 ebx=000006ef ecx=00000000 edx=000002c8 esi=75159ec0 edi=00000000
    eip=0189da96 esp=0695ee98 ebp=0695ef24
    cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246

eax-32 0695EA50 0695ea74 75159ec0 00000000 0695eacc
eax-16 0695EA60 752e3e54 0695eacc 752e3e28 0695ea70
eax 0 0695EA70 80000003 00000000 00000000 752e3e28
16 0695EA80 00000002 00000002 361f6e10 01898693
eax+32 0695EA90 416ba2e9 fffffff9 3c66db52 00c74f50
eax+48 0695EAA0 01895e40 10645710 0695eb10 0695eb10
esi-32 75159EA0 0010c25d 850ff685 fffffcc6 ddebc033
esi-16 75159EB0 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
esi 0 75159EC0 031c25ff cccc751c cccccccc cccccccc
16 75159ED0 8b55ff8b 00a151ec 33751f00 fc4589c5
esi+32 75159EE0 08358b56 85751f08 cc850ff6 33000148
esi+48 75159EF0 fc4d8bc0 e85ecd33 0000b9e8 c25de58b

  • Code <—*
    0189DA76 0885c974 0c6a78ba 483ba301 e8e9fe53 …t.jx.H;…..S
    0189DA86 ff68c402 0000baf4 8dd901b9 a48fd901 .h…………..
    0189DA96 e8459154 ffe900ff ffff0f57 c90f28d9 .E.T…….W..(.
    0189DAA6 0f28d1eb 030f57c9 f30f1065 a4f30f10 .(….W….e….
    0189DAB6 6db80f28 c4f30f5c c55f5e5b 0f2fc173 m..(…\._^[./.s
    0189DAC6 030f28e5 0f28c3f3 0f5cc40f 2fc17303 ..(..(…\../.s.
  • Stack <—*
    0695EE98 0189da9b 000002c4 0695efd8 0695ef54 …………T…
    0695EEA8 00000000 43fa0000 43a6e8b6 2bfdec90 …….C…C…+
    0695EEB8 000000c3 00000001 00000180 0695efd8 …………….
    0695EEC8 00000000 00000000 43a6e8b6 43fa0000 ………..C…C
    0695EED8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    0695EEE8 43fa0000 43a6e8b6 44c45d17 445428ba …C…C.].D.(TD
    0695EEF8 43fa0000 43a6e8bc 43fa0000 43a6e8b9 …C…C…C…C
    0695EF08 43fa0000 43a6e8b8 43fa0000 43a6e8b7 …C…C…C…C
    0695EF18 43fa0000 43a6e8b6 a04cf349 0695ef3c …C…CI.L.<…
    0695EF28 0189c821 0695efd8 0695ef84 0189c6a0 !……………
    0695EF38 797cea58 0695ef70 018c05ba 00000000 X.|yp………..
    0695EF48 797ceba0 0000084b 797ceb94 000007ff ..|yK…..|y….
    0695EF58 00000038 797ceb98 00000030 80000000 8…..|y0…….
    0695EF68 00000000 0695efd8 0695ef9c 018c0cb0 …………….
    0695EF78 00000000 00000038 797ceb94 000007ff ….8…..|y….
    0695EF88 00000038 797ceba4 00000030 80000000 8…..|y0…….
    0695EF98 00000001 0695efbc 018c0c27 797ceba0 ……..‘…..|y
    0695EFA8 00000038 0695efd8 00000000 797cea58 8………..X.|y
    0695EFB8 000007ff 0695eff0 018c1b65 00000038 ……..e…8…
    0695EFC8 0695efd8 00000000 000007ff 0695f034 …………4…
    0695EFD8 44c45d17 445428ba 0695efe4 00000000 .].D.(TD……..
    0695EFE8 00000000 445428ba 0695f008 018aeac3 …..(TD……..
    0695EFF8 0695f034 44c45d17 0695f0e4 3dea72a0 4….].D…..r.=
    0695F008 0695f050 0128f8d7 0695f03c 0695f090 P…..(.<…….
    0695F018 0695f090 0695f0e4 00000000 00000000 …………….
    0695F028 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000039 …………9…
    0695F038 00000012 44c45d17 445428ba 00000006 …..].D.(TD….
    0695F048 00000000 00000000 0695f06c 0128f15a ……..l…Z.(.
    0695F058 0695f0e4 7970a8fc 0695f090 00000002 ……py……..
    0695F068 0695f090 0695f07c 0128f32b 00000000 ….|…+.(…..
    0695F078 7970a8fc 0695f0a8 018c0cb0 00000000…………
    0695F088 00000038 7970a8fc 0000085d 00000038 8…]…8…
    0695F098 7970a900 00000130 80000000 00000000 ..py0………..
    0695F0A8 0695f0c8 018c0c27 7970a8fc 00000038 ….’…..py8…
    0695F0B8 0695f0e4 00000000 7970a7c0 0000085d ……….py]…
    0695F0C8 0695f0fc 018c1b65 00000038 0695f0e4 ….e…8…….
    0695F0D8 00000000 0000085d 0695f128 44c45d17 ….]…(….].D
    0695F0E8 445428ba 0695f0f0 00000000 00000000 .(TD…………
    0695F0F8 445428ba 0695f114 018aeac3 0695f128 .(TD……..(…
    0695F108 44c45d17 0695f1cc 3f5ec310 0695f138 .].D……^?8…
    0695F118 01521d53 0695f130 0695f178 0695f1cc S.R.0...×.......
    0695F128 0695f138 00000000 44c45d17 445428ba 8……..].D.(TD
    0695F138 0695f154 01521114 0695f1cc 796f19d4 T…..R…….oy
    0695F148 0695f178 0695f228 0695f1cc 0695f164 x…(…….d…
    0695F158 015212eb 00000000 796f19d4 0695f190 ..R…….oy….
    0695F168 018c0cb0 00000000 00000038 796f19d4 ……..8…..oy
    0695F178 00000740 00000038 796f19d8 00000730 ...8.....oy0... 0695F188 80000000 00000000 0695f1b0 018c0c27 ............'... 0695F198 796f19d4 00000038 0695f1cc 00000000 ..oy8........... 0695F1A8 796f1898 00000740 0695f1e4 018c1b65 ..oy…….e…
    0695F1B8 00000038 0695f1cc 00000000 00000740 8………..... 0695F1C8 0695f20c 44c45d17 4470e8ba 0695f1d8 .....].D..pD.... 0695F1D8 00000000 00000000 4470e8ba 0695f1fc ..........pD.... 0695F1E8 018aeac3 0695f20c 44c45d17 0695f254 .........].DT... 0695F1F8 0695f2a8 0695f214 013fdf1f 0695f2a8 ..........?..... 0695F208 0695f2a8 0695f220 0695f2a8 0695f230 .... .......0... 0695F218 015161b7 0695f2a8 797c833c 0695f254 .aQ.....<.|yT... 0695F228 43cadae5 0695f2a8 0695f240 0151638b ...C....….cQ.
    0695F238 00000000 797c833c 0695f26c 018c0cb0 ….<.|yl…….
    0695F248 00000000 00000038 797c833c 0000010f ….8…<.|y….
    0695F258 00000038 797c8340 00000014 80000000 8…@.|y……..
    0695F268 00000000 0695f28c 018c0c27 797c833c ……..’…<.|y
    0695F278 00000038 0695f2a8 00000000 797c8200 8………….|y
    0695F288 0000010f 0695f2c0 018c1b65 00000038 ……..e…8…
  • Error Logs <—*
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1800470359764402712’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1780831851953291835’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1800775435586404876’
    Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
    Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0cc272
    Debug token ‘0×266fa’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
    Texture ‘0×0ce696’ dimensions too small
    Loading ‘0×0ce696’ texture failed
    Texture ‘0×0ce697’ dimensions too small
    Loading ‘0×0ce697’ texture failed
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957040767325209091’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957045616343286279’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957044899083747840’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957045478904332806’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957037099423138312’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957045148191851009’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1957102065098457633’
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×128ace
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×128ad0
    Model ‘0×10227b’: Permutation ‘leather’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorhood’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Model ‘0×102293’: Permutation ‘armorbracers’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×134878
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×134876
    Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
    CtlView inconsistent page size from frame TCtlInstance. Size history: <500.000000, 333.818237> <500.000000, 333.818146> <500.000000, 333.818115> <500.000000, 333.818085> <500.000000, 333.818054>
  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×1002
    DeviceId = 0×679a
    Version = 8.17.0010.1404
    Description = AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
    Compat = 0×00000000
    VidMem = 4095 MB

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Underdark.3726


I have very high ping in verdant brink. The old maps are fine. The game is not smooth, not sure how to say it in english but everything is twitching, if that is the right word. I can’t even look at it, it hurts my eyes. I’m not playing on max settings but actually very low.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meerkatjie.7402


I got stuck in the prologue. I joined a group starting the prologue and we managed to get all the way through but at the end (where it tells you to start learning gliding) it took me back to the Silverwastes Prologue mission rather than the Verdant. The mission looked the same except there were no people to talk to or anything to trigger the portal back to Verdant. I had definitely progressed through the story since it was telling me to master stuff. In the end I had to portal to some other place then back into Silverwaste and then I could get through the portal to Verdant.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: megaman.8396


some kinda help plz not getting any info at all on what to do i really want to play

—> Crash <—
OOM: Heap, bytes=8389088,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 4128
Cmdline: -isRelaunch
BaseAddr: 00050000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54533
When: 2015-10-24T01:25:57Z 2015-10-23T17:25:57-08:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:16:40
Flags: 0
—> System <—
Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:5:2]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (32 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 221MB/ 3063MB 7%
Paged: 2372MB/ 6124MB 38%
Virtual: 145MB/ 2047MB 7%
Load: 92%
CommitTotal: 3752MB
CommitLimit: 6124MB
CommitPeak: 3756MB
SystemCache: 6293MB
HandleCount: 27325
ProcessCount: 78
ThreadCount: 1009
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1612MB
WorkingSet: 1505MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1507MB
PageFaults: 3700584
—> Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Root 770.49 1137802
Programmer Data 367.26 385575
VRAM 295.57 21526
Art Assets 288.32 12060
Engine 148.47 222191
Game 140.20 114506
Anim Import Packfile 106.44 253
Anim Import Models 106.44 253
Gr 98.11 142957
Content 96.47 37301
Map Assets 91.65 9117
Prop Models 81.76 3548
Prop Packfile 79.23 442
Uncategorized 79.01 692067
Character Models 76.49 843
VRAM – Gr Postproc 63.05 18
Collections 55.59 7700
Dictionary 53.68 1651
Character Packfile 39.03 154
Composite Models 37.07 205
Collide 35.91 48100
Composite Tex 34.80 128
Composite Tex Pool 34.80 128
VRAM – Gr Geometry 33.62 182
—> Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Anim Import Packfile 106.44 253
Content 96.47 37301
Prop Packfile 79.23 442
Uncategorized 79.01 692067
VRAM – Gr Postproc 63.05 18
Dictionary 53.68 1651
Gr 41.08 6679
Character Packfile 39.03 154
Composite Tex Pool 34.80 128
VRAM – Gr Geometry 33.62 182
Text 31.81 4912
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
VRAM – UI Textures 27.51 646
VRAM – DDI Shader 24.04 16669
VRAM – Prop Tex 18.79 909
Collide Havok 16.83 38605
VRAM – Character Geo 14.65 492
Collide 12.77 8757
Map Zone 12.67 10738
Model Granny 11.63 17066
Effect Packfile 11.58 142
Archive 11.21 46
Gr Cloud 10.98 18586
Gr Umbra 10.36 1212
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7600.16385 (64/32-bit compatible)]
—> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×78 <—
—> Trace <—
Pc:0035d86f Fr:05aaf788 Rt:0042e1c7 Arg:00000000 00000000 00ffa8d8 0000022c
Pc:0042e1c7 Fr:05aaf7c8 Rt:0042e30c Arg:05aaf830 001555a0 0000002a 05aaf8c0
Pc:0042e30c Fr:05aaf7ec Rt:003814ba Arg:00000000 0000002a 4e8eb524 4e8eb510
Pc:003814ba Fr:05aaf88c Rt:003f5bc8 Arg:05aaf8c0 05aaf8b8 05aaf8b0 05aaf8bc
Pc:003f5bc8 Fr:05aaf8c4 Rt:003f5ebf Arg:05aaf8dc 0000002a 04187410 00000024
Pc:003f5ebf Fr:05aaf8e0 Rt:003f66fb Arg:006968f4 05aaf96c 0646dab8 0434d054
Pc:003f66fb Fr:05aaf910 Rt:00698d5f Arg:3d18d7e2 0050c723 0434d010 0434d460
Pc:00698d5f Fr:05aaf9b8 Rt:0050a5fe Arg:0434d010 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:0050a5fe Fr:05aafa34 Rt:0050b802 Arg:ef553bb0 01d10dfa aaf93d42 00000001
Pc:0050b802 Fr:05aafa74 Rt:00509dd1 Arg:03ff2d30 0208ba50 0035ef28 00000000
Pc:00509dd1 Fr:05aafa94 Rt:004b0ac0 Arg:03ff2d30 aaf93dfa 00000000 0208ba50
Pc:004b0ac0 Fr:05aafacc Rt:004b0be8 Arg:00000000 05aafae4 76b81154 0208ba50
Pc:004b0be8 Fr:05aafad8 Rt:76b81154 Arg:0208ba50 05aafb24 7761b299 0208ba50
Pc:76b81154 Fr:05aafae4 Rt:7761b299 Arg:0208ba50 72b1b354 00000000 00000000
Pc:7761b299 Fr:05aafb24 Rt:7761b26c Arg:004b0b6c 0208ba50 00000000 00000000
Pc:7761b26c Fr:05aafb3c Rt:00000000 Arg:004b0b6c 0208ba50 00000000 00000000
—> Thread registers <—
eax=05aaf2fc ebx=05aaf744 ecx=00ffa8d8 edx=05aaf744 esi=76b7b672 edi=00000000
eip=0035d86f esp=05aaf720 ebp=05aaf788
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00200246
eax-32 05AAF2DC 00000000 86889d30 fffffd34 000002e4
eax-16 05AAF2EC fffffd34 000002cc 00000018 00000000
eax 0 05AAF2FC 80000003 00000000 00000000 7594969b
eax16 05AAF30C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax+32 05AAF31C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax+48 05AAF32C 05aaf364 62fa9d3c 13548180 05aaf348
ebx-32 05AAF724 00ffa8d8 0000022c 00000000 05aaf7e4
ebx-16 05AAF734 05aaf830 0000000a 00000000 00000001
ebx 0 05AAF744 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39383338
ebx16 05AAF754 00383830 00000010 00000020 05aaf7e4
ebx+32 05AAF764 05aaf788 0042dd64 00000200 00000000
ebx+48 05AAF774 05aaf7e4 05aaf830 0000000a 00000020
ecx-32 00FFA8B8 6143676d 632e636c 00007070 736d6964
ecx-16 00FFA8C8 2620782e 69642026 792e736d 00000000
ecx 0 00FFA8D8 2e5c2e2e 2e2e5c2e 676e455c 5c656e69
ecx16 00FFA8E8 495c7247 495c676d 654d676d 70632e6d
ecx+32 00FFA8F8 00000070 76656c2a 6c536c65 2073746f
ecx+48 00FFA908 656c203e 736c6576 00000000 6874614d
edx-32 05AAF724 00ffa8d8 0000022c 00000000 05aaf7e4
edx-16 05AAF734 05aaf830 0000000a 00000000 00000001
edx 0 05AAF744 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39383338
edx16 05AAF754 00383830 00000010 00000020 05aaf7e4
edx+32 05AAF764 05aaf788 0042dd64 00000200 00000000
edx+48 05AAF774 05aaf7e4 05aaf830 0000000a 00000020
esi-32 76B7B650 ffff844f 38e9026a 8900000a 44f9e91e
esi-16 76B7B660 90900000 ff909090 b31d9c25 90909076
esi 0 76B7B670 ff8b9090 5dec8b55 9090edeb 8b909090
esi16 76B7B680 ec8b55ff 9005eb5d 90909090 178c25ff
esi+32 76B7B690 909076b3 8b909090 ec8b55ff 60ece95d
esi+48 76B7B6A0 90900000 8b909090 ec8b55ff 01c4ec81
—> Code <—
0035D84F 806afb00 8d45bc6a 4050e802 6affff83 .j…E.j@P..j…
0035D85F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
0035D86F e81c9500 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 ……U..E..Z..u
0035D87F 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
0035D88F f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
0035D89F 68e50300 00bafc69 fb00b990 6afb00e8 h……i….j…
—> Stack <—
05AAF720 0035d874 00ffa8d8 0000022c 00000000 t.5…..,…….
05AAF730 05aaf7e4 05aaf830 0000000a 00000000 ….0………..
05AAF740 00000001 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
05AAF750 39383338 00383830 00000010 00000020 8389088….. …
05AAF760 05aaf7e4 05aaf788 0042dd64 00000200 ……..d.B…..
05AAF770 00000000 05aaf7e4 05aaf830 0000000a ……..0…….
05AAF780 00000020 aaf930be 05aaf7c8 0042e1c7 ….0……..B.
05AAF790 00000000 00000000 00ffa8d8 0000022c …………,…
05AAF7A0 0000002a 00000000 00000003 05aaf7e4 ……………
05AAF7B0 05aaf8bc 001555a0 05aaf7e4 00000040 …..U……@…
05AAF7C0 00000020 00000010 05aaf7ec 0042e30c ………….B.
05AAF7D0 05aaf830 001555a0 0000002a 05aaf8c0 0….U..…….
05AAF7E0 05aaf8b0 00000001 00000001 05aaf88c …………….
05AAF7F0 003814ba 00000000 0000002a 4e8eb524 ..8…..…$..N
05AAF800 4e8eb510 00000024 7d800090 007ffff8 …N$……}….
05AAF810 00800078 00000001 00000000 05aaf840 x………..@…
05AAF820 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000002 …………….
05AAF830 00000200 00000200 00000000 00000003 …………….
05AAF840 0000000a 00000000 00000000 53d161c0 ………….a.S
05AAF850 00000001 66987c14 00000000 00000000 …..|.f……..
05AAF860 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
05AAF870 00374e02 66987c04 66987c10 66987c14 .N7..|.f.|.f.|.f
05AAF880 00000002 00000000 00000000 05aaf8c4 …………….
05AAF890 003f5bc8 05aaf8c0 05aaf8b8 05aaf8b0 .[?………….
05AAF8A0 05aaf8bc 0000002a 06475b70 4e8eb510 ….…p[G….N
05AAF8B0 00000000 00000000 00000021 00000000 ……..!…….
05AAF8C0 00000000 05aaf8e0 003f5ebf 05aaf8dc ………^?…..
05AAF8D0 0000002a 04187410 00000024 00800078 *….t..$…×…
05AAF8E0 05aaf910 003f66fb 006968f4 05aaf96c …..f?..hi.l…
05AAF8F0 0646dab8 0434d054 3d1374bc 3d18d7e2 ..F.T.4..t.=…=
05AAF900 3d18d7e2 3d18d7e2 3d1374bc 3d1374bc …=…=.t.=.t.=
05AAF910 05aaf9b8 00698d5f 3d18d7e2 0050c723 …._.i….=#.P.
05AAF920 0434d010 0434d460 00000001 00000002 ..4.`.4………
05AAF930 00000002 00000010 05aaf950 05aaf958 ……..P…X…
05AAF940 0434d460 00000002 05aafa20 0000000c `.4….. …….
05AAF950 00000000 0646dac8 00000000 0434d054 ……F…..T.4.
05AAF960 00000001 0434d010 05aaf9a8 0646dac4 ……4…….F.
05AAF970 0434d04d 004cb397 0434d38c 0050cae3 M.4…L…4…P.
05AAF980 0434d010 00000000 00000000 05aaf9b8 ..4………….
05AAF990 05aaf9d0 0050ac9f 0434d010 008179cb ……P…4..y..
05AAF9A0 00000001 0434d358 00000000 05aaf9ac ….X.4………
05AAF9B0 05aaf9ad aaf93e8e 05aafa34 0050a5fe …..>..4…..P.
05AAF9C0 0434d010 00000002 00000002 00000010 ..4………….
05AAF9D0 05aafa20 0434d460 0208ba50 00000001 …`.4.P…….
05AAF9E0 008179cb e6eb30b2 00000005 00000000 .y…0……….
05AAF9F0 776048bc 75941876 00000000 7594189f .H`wv..u…….u
05AAFA00 ab64ce43 00000001 0000000a 0208ba50 C.d………P…
05AAFA10 00000024 00000001 00000000 00000000 $……………
05AAFA20 ef553bb0 01d10dfa 008179cb 00000024 .;U……y..$…
05AAFA30 aaf93d02 05aafa74 0050b802 ef553bb0 .=..t…..P..;U.
05AAFA40 01d10dfa aaf93d42 00000001 008179cb ….B=…….y..
05AAFA50 0208ba50 00000001 0208ba50 05aafa44 P…….P…D…
05AAFA60 00000001 05aafabc 004b0e00 ae68a5e6 ……….K…h.
05AAFA70 00000000 05aafa94 00509dd1 03ff2d30 ……….P.0-..
05AAFA80 0208ba50 0035ef28 00000000 0208ba50 P…(.5…..P…
05AAFA90 00000000 05aafacc 004b0ac0 03ff2d30 ……….K.0-..
05AAFAA0 aaf93dfa 00000000 0208ba50 0208ba50 .=……P…P…
05AAFAB0 0208ba50 05aafaa0 004b5b33 05aafb14 P…….3[K…..
05AAFAC0 004b0e00 ae6889fe 00000000 05aafad8 ..K…h………
05AAFAD0 004b0be8 00000000 05aafae4 76b81154 ..K………T..v
05AAFAE0 0208ba50 05aafb24 7761b299 0208ba50 P…$…..awP…
05AAFAF0 72b1b354 00000000 00000000 0208ba50 T..r……..P…
05AAFB00 00000000 00000000 00000000 05aafaf0 …………….
05AAFB10 00000000 ffffffff 775dd46d 007a4c50 ……..m.]wPLz.
—> Error Logs <—
odel ‘0×12438b’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘coresys’ not found.
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘Zz5tK.pGPgw’
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘Zz5tK.FNVfN’
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×005704’: Permutation ‘default’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘Zz5tK.pGPgw’
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×005704’: Permutation ‘default’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×12438b’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘fillsys’ not found.
Model ‘0×12438b’: LightningSetActionPoints: lightning ‘coresys’ not found.
Model ‘0×005704’: Permutation ‘default’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘Zz5tK.pGPgw’
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×005704’: Permutation ‘default’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘Zz5tK.FNVfN’
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×082243’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Model ‘0×005704’: Permutation ‘default’ not found, auto selecting permutation
—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×1002
DeviceId = 0×68f9
Version = 8.17.0010.1065
Description = ATI Radeon HD 5450
Compat = 0×00000000
VidMem = 2290 MB

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wings.5140


Green and brown reward chests that appear above the mini-map that I’ve been getting from participating in events and challenges in Auric Basin have been making me crash when I try to open them. I’m unable to open any of them at the moment.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: george.8264


Maybe it’s a basic stuff but I’m looking for help everywhere. I can’t access my toons. After I log into my acount I land on the menu where I’m supposed to choose with who am I going to play. No matter which character icon I double click, the game logs me in, I spawn in the zone and bum! then the game crashes and kicks me out of the game. It happens every time since yesterdays’ patch downloaded…. Does anybody else experienced this? CAn anyone help me?

This is the exact same problem i have ticket has been submitted and test results sent in now awaiting further instructions….

i7 3930k oc @ 4.2 Ghz. Rampage m/b. 16 Gb 1866 Mhz Ram. Gtx 1080, exoc. 1 Tb Hd. 500 Gb Seagate.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Salvatore.4983


Not getting map completion rewards out of SW/Dry Top/ Southsun Cove

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doireidh.4682


The Legendary Collection for Twilight I: Experimental Nightsword has a blocking bug. Killing Modniir Ulgoth in the Harathi Hinterlands does not grant the Modniir’s Ruin achievement. No one in the group got it. People saw Overlords defeat pop up instead. Please fix, this is really frustrating as I’ve been waiting ages to start work on this.

Today, the same happened, for everyone…

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Underdark.3726


I have very high ping in verdant brink. The old maps are fine. The game is not smooth, not sure how to say it in english but everything is twitching, if that is the right word. I can’t even look at it, it hurts my eyes. I’m not playing on max settings but actually very low.

oh and I forgot: my fps is 8 :s

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ataraxis.6098


I received a green reward chest from the Auric Basin meta chest that crashes my game every single time I click on it. It is still there when I load back up, wiggling and flashing.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: afromyfro.6978


Octovine bonus chest when clicked crashes my game, i now have two chests that if clicked will crash client

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SmOkE.2805


Guild chat not working! Guild can see my chat comments, but I can’t see the guilds?


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serval.6458


The reset mote for the final fight doesn’t reset properly, meaning you face a foe with numerous abilities it’s only meant to unlock later in the fight.

The jump pad things also don’t work half the time, which is the only reason I keep failling it.

Edit: This time the arena itself didn’t even reset, so half was missing. This makes it literally impossible to complete the channels needed because the objects are floating in midair (although the large swirling winds and torment launching orbs appearing during the entire fight don’t help either.)

Edit 2: I guess I’ll have to try the entire instance again for the 4th time, completing the 15m or so of wind-up to the final fight and hope the launching winds don’t bug again.

Edit 3: Success! I think that maybe in my previous attempts (after using the retry mote) it could have been that I wasn’t getting the buffs I was supposed to, but I don’t remember. It was certainly much easier completing it in one shot than trying to retry.

(edited by Serval.6458)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sajuuk.5706


Game is still hard crashing when I try to open rewards chests.

“Maim. Rinse. Repeat.”

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Itchyo.2157


I’ve unlocked the mastery to use Longbows on my Guardian but i cannot equip the dragonslayer longbow that i recieved.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: linwe.4236


I received a green reward chest from the Auric Basin meta chest that crashes my game every single time I click on it. It is still there when I load back up, wiggling and flashing.

I have the same issue. I received the chest last night and it’s still there upon logging in this morning.

Linwe ~ 80 Ranger | Clibni ~ 80 Guardian
Stormbluff Isle ~ Knights Templar

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Youou.4271


While farming in the Labyrinth today as a Reaper I received an achievement for getting 500 kills with hammer. I had my greatsword equipped and I was in Reaper Shroud so I’m not sure whether it’s the reaper shroud’s or greatsword’s fault but I assume that getting the kills in reaper shroud counts as if I was getting them with hammer.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aroswing.9217


Hello. My guild and I just tried to complete the guild favor mission “PvP Conquest” for the 300 favor so we can have a guild hall. All of the people in our team was repping the guild, and we all had a combined score of above 700. We played a conquest match, and won, so both the team score and personal score are both over 500. We played in unranked, because ranked is not available, but this was not a custom game. The guild mission started before we queued for hte match.
We should have 440 more influence now, which is more then enoguh for hte guild hall. However, we did not get credit for it.

Hail! I am looking into your issue and had a few questions:

1. It looks like your guild folks are only in a party together and not a Guild Team (based on the screenshot you provided). Since that is a requirement for the mission, can you confirm that your parties were also on guild teams (the guild team tab in the guild panel will allow you to create these)?

2. Did you trigger the mission before you queued?

I may need more information depending on your answers. Thanks!

We did trigger the mission before we queued. However, we were nit in a guild team. I didn’t know that was a requirement. Can you by chance add a tooltip in the guild mission to emphasize that? I was whispered by a couple people im game who had the same “issue”.

I actually thought guild teams had to do with ranked play, and that wasn’t very clear or obvious, especially with the other pvp mission recommending 8 players. Thank you for your reply.
Ill edit my OP when I get home.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Keke.8435


I can write to guild chat but can’t see the guild chat myself. Happened after i installed HoT

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kamedin.4698


So, loads of lag this morning. Yesterday was good, but now If I combat it just lag out and die every time.

Lyscir – Main Engi
[????] – HoD

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BackDraft.4291


I was charged twice for Gilded Hall Upgrade charged me 200g instead of 100g please fix and return 100g to my account


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: maloki.3527


I finished the Pact Commander mastery and as soon as the loot should have come in I crashed. After testing: Every time I get loot the game crashes.
Luckily you can shut this feature off, so I did that for now (it’s the Autoloot: Quick Interact option for the people interested), but I would love to have this feature fixed, I didn’t grind my kitten off for nothing

This should work now though! (We unlocked it last night and it works fine)

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BennySnake.1986


I got stuck in the prologue. I joined a group starting the prologue and we managed to get all the way through but at the end (where it tells you to start learning gliding) it took me back to the Silverwastes Prologue mission rather than the Verdant. The mission looked the same except there were no people to talk to or anything to trigger the portal back to Verdant. I had definitely progressed through the story since it was telling me to master stuff. In the end I had to portal to some other place then back into Silverwaste and then I could get through the portal to Verdant.

Have you found a solution? I’m also stuck.
I got to the part where it tells me to learn gliding but I had to leave so I closed the game. When I logged back on that character, I was back in the silverwastes prologue mission and the portal to verdant brink was blocked.
I can’t return to verdant brink to continue the story.

Edit: Going to another map and then returning to silverwastes and going through the portal worked.

(edited by BennySnake.1986)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Su Noami.9673

Su Noami.9673

I have downloaded the game and played it and created a Rev. but I had to delete a character because I did not get my extra slot. Not happy about that

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bluri.2653


I have two chests I can’t open, I keep crashing everytime I open them

Sindrener – Rank55 Dragons/Orange Logo/Team Aggression

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kokabel.5728


Game crashes every 20-30 mins, sometimes less. Crashes both in core and HoT maps, and has only been doing it since launch. Has gotten worse and more frequent since the last patch.

  • Crash <—*
    OOM: Heap, bytes=8389088,
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 7596
    Cmdline: -testVerticalFov
    BaseAddr: 00190000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54533
    When: 2015-10-24T14:45:16Z 2015-10-24T15:45:16+01:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:26:52
    Flags: 0
  • System <—*
    Name: BAPHOMET
    Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:13:7]
    OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
  • System Memory <—*
    Physical: 2062MB/ 8169MB 25%
    Paged: 1456MB/ 8679MB 16%
    Virtual: 148MB/ 4095MB 3%
    Load: 74%
    CommitTotal: 7222MB
    CommitLimit: 8679MB
    CommitPeak: 7390MB
    SystemCache: 2644MB
    HandleCount: 39470
    ProcessCount: 96
    ThreadCount: 1534
  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 2922MB
    WorkingSet: 2720MB
    PeakWorkingSet: 2730MB
    PageFaults: 4911502
  • Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    VRAM 1224.64 43762
    Root 964.36 1640849
    Art Assets 448.82 13246
    Programmer Data 379.13 414997
    VRAM – Composite Tex 301.20 314
    VRAM – Prop Tex 280.10 1762
    VRAM – Character Geo 247.55 1066
    Anim Import Packfile 231.46 562
    Anim Import Models 231.46 562
    Engine 154.40 239840
    Game 134.52 112607
    Character Models 131.99 2862
    Uncategorized 109.08 1173688
    Gr 100.73 159113
    Content 96.47 37301
    VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
    Composite Models 89.38 1919
    Map Assets 72.84 7454
    VRAM – DDI Shader 67.78 37182
    Prop Models 67.21 4987
    Prop Packfile 63.89 924
    Collections 61.55 11044
    Dictionary 58.68 1631
    Composite Packfile 53.40 1602
  • Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    VRAM – Composite Tex 301.20 314
    VRAM – Prop Tex 280.10 1762
    VRAM – Character Geo 247.55 1066
    Anim Import Packfile 231.46 562
    Uncategorized 109.08 1173688
    Content 96.47 37301
    VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.39 20
    VRAM – DDI Shader 67.78 37182
    Prop Packfile 63.89 924
    Dictionary 58.68 1631
    Composite Packfile 53.40 1602
    Character Packfile 42.14 365
    Gr 40.24 4947
    Composite Tex Pool 35.84 74
    VRAM – UI Textures 34.81 976
    VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
    VRAM – Gr Geometry 28.56 386
    VRAM – Terrain Tex 27.58 46
    Text 25.45 3143
    Gr Umbra 16.26 3090
    VRAM – Effect Geo 15.68 163
    VRAM – World Map Tex 13.56 65
    Collide Havok 13.45 30450
    Audio FMOD 12.35 9090

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]

  • ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0xb58 <—*
  • Trace <—*
    Pc:0049d86f Fr:06f8f56c Rt:0056e1c7 Arg:00000000 00000000 0113a8d8 0000022c
    Pc:0056e1c7 Fr:06f8f5ac Rt:0056e30c Arg:06f8f614 001555a0 0000002a 06f8f6a4
    Pc:0056e30c Fr:06f8f5d0 Rt:004c14ba Arg:00000000 0000002a 9070a984 9070a970
    Pc:004c14ba Fr:06f8f670 Rt:00535bc8 Arg:06f8f6a4 06f8f69c 06f8f694 06f8f6a0
    Pc:00535bc8 Fr:06f8f6a8 Rt:00535ebf Arg:06f8f6c0 0000002a 04986c10 00000026
    Pc:00535ebf Fr:06f8f6c4 Rt:005366fb Arg:007d68f4 06f8f750 07c6dab8 04987854
    Pc:005366fb Fr:06f8f6f4 Rt:007d8d5f Arg:3d07ca76 0064c723 04987810 04987c60
    Pc:007d8d5f Fr:06f8f79c Rt:0064a5fe Arg:04987810 00000002 00000002 00000010
    Pc:0064a5fe Fr:06f8f818 Rt:0064b802 Arg:98e6e80f 01d10e6a 48993478 00000001
    Pc:0064b802 Fr:06f8f858 Rt:00649dd1 Arg:047f3d30 023ee838 0049ef28 00000000
    Pc:00649dd1 Fr:06f8f878 Rt:005f0ac0 Arg:047f3d30 48993490 00000000 023ee838
    Pc:005f0ac0 Fr:06f8f8b0 Rt:005f0be8 Arg:00000000 06f8f8c8 7558337a 023ee838
    Pc:005f0be8 Fr:06f8f8bc Rt:7558337a Arg:023ee838 06f8f908 77be9882 023ee838
    Pc:7558337a Fr:06f8f8c8 Rt:77be9882 Arg:023ee838 71ce841e 00000000 00000000
    Pc:77be9882 Fr:06f8f908 Rt:77be9855 Arg:005f0b6c 023ee838 00000000 00000000
    Pc:77be9855 Fr:06f8f920 Rt:00000000 Arg:005f0b6c 023ee838 00000000 00000000
  • Thread registers <—*
    eax=06f8f0e0 ebx=06f8f528 ecx=0113a8d8 edx=06f8f528 esi=7558585e edi=00000000
    eip=0049d86f esp=06f8f504 ebp=06f8f56c
    cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246

eax-32 06F8F0C0 00000000 c95db0c0 00000004 00000004
eax-16 06F8F0D0 00000000 06f8f130 7776c42d 06f8f0e0
eax 0 06F8F0E0 80000003 00000000 00000000 7776c42d
16 06F8F0F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax+32 06F8F100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax+48 06F8F110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ebx-32 06F8F508 0113a8d8 0000022c 00000000 06f8f5c8
ebx-16 06F8F518 06f8f614 0000000a 00000000 00000001
ebx 0 06F8F528 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39383338
16 06F8F538 00383830 00000010 00000020 06f8f5c8
ebx+32 06F8F548 06f8f56c 0056dd64 00000200 00000000
ebx+48 06F8F558 06f8f5c8 06f8f614 0000000a 00000020
ecx-32 0113A8B8 6143676d 632e636c 00007070 736d6964
ecx-16 0113A8C8 2620782e 69642026 792e736d 00000000
ecx 0 0113A8D8 2e5c2e2e 2e2e5c2e 676e455c 5c656e69
16 0113A8E8 495c7247 495c676d 654d676d 70632e6d
ecx+32 0113A8F8 00000070 76656c2a 6c536c65 2073746f
ecx+48 0113A908 656c203e 736c6576 00000000 6874614d
edx-32 06F8F508 0113a8d8 0000022c 00000000 06f8f5c8
edx-16 06F8F518 06f8f614 0000000a 00000000 00000001
edx 0 06F8F528 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39383338
16 06F8F538 00383830 00000010 00000020 06f8f5c8
edx+32 06F8F548 06f8f56c 0056dd64 00000200 00000000
edx+48 06F8F558 06f8f5c8 06f8f614 0000000a 00000020
esi-32 7558583C 023a0ae9 90909000 ff8b9090 5dec8b55
esi-16 7558584C 909005eb ff909090 580b9825 90909075
esi 0 7558585C ff8b9090 5dec8b55 909005eb ff909090
16 7558586C 580da425 90909075 ff8b9090 6aec8b55
esi+32 7558587C 10458d00 1075ff50 ff0c75ff f4e80875
esi+48 7558588C 85ffffe5 8b0774c0 c25d1045 c883000c

  • Code <—*
    0049D84F 806a0f01 8d45bc6a 4050e802 6affff83 .j…E.j@P..j…
    0049D85F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
    0049D86F e81c9500 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 ……U..E..Z..u
    0049D87F 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
    0049D88F f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
    0049D89F 68e50300 00bafc69 0f01b990 6a0f01e8 h……i….j…
  • Stack <—*
    06F8F504 0049d874 0113a8d8 0000022c 00000000 t.I…..,…….
    06F8F514 06f8f5c8 06f8f614 0000000a 00000000 …………….
    06F8F524 00000001 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
    06F8F534 39383338 00383830 00000010 00000020 8389088….. …
    06F8F544 06f8f5c8 06f8f56c 0056dd64 00000200 ….l…d.V…..
    06F8F554 00000000 06f8f5c8 06f8f614 0000000a …………….
    06F8F564 00000020 4899394c 06f8f5ac 0056e1c7 …L9.H……V.
    06F8F574 00000000 00000000 0113a8d8 0000022c …………,…
    06F8F584 0000002a 00000000 00000003 06f8f5c8 ……………
    06F8F594 06f8f6a0 001555a0 06f8f5c8 00000040 …..U……@…
    06F8F5A4 00000020 00000010 06f8f5d0 0056e30c ………….V.
    06F8F5B4 06f8f614 001555a0 0000002a 06f8f6a4 …..U..
    06F8F5C4 06f8f694 00000001 00000001 06f8f670 …………p…
    06F8F5D4 004c14ba 00000000 0000002a 9070a984 ..L…..…..p.
    06F8F5E4 9070a970 00000026 ff000090 007ffff8 p.p.&………..
    06F8F5F4 00800078 00000001 00000000 00000080 x……………
    06F8F604 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000002 …………….
    06F8F614 00000200 00000200 00000000 00000003 …………….
    06F8F624 0000000a 00000000 00000000 cf73b330 …………0.s.
    06F8F634 00000001 00000080 00000000 00000000 …………….
    06F8F644 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    06F8F654 06f8f668 004b211e 07c6e010 d414fb2c h….!K…..,…
    06F8F664 00000000 00000000 004b4c22 06f8f6a8 …….."LK…..
    06F8F674 00535bc8 06f8f6a4 06f8f69c 06f8f694 .[S………….
    06F8F684 06f8f6a0 0000002a 07c7c5c0 9070a970 ….
    06F8F694 00000000 00000000 00000021 00000000 ……..!…….
    06F8F6A4 00000000 06f8f6c4 00535ebf 06f8f6c0 ………^S…..
    06F8F6B4 0000002a 04986c10 00000026 00800078 *….l..&...×...
    06F8F6C4 06f8f6f4 005366fb 007d68f4 06f8f750 …..fS..h}.P…
    06F8F6D4 07c6dab8 04987854 3d1ba5e3 3d07ca76 ….Tx…..=v..=
    06F8F6E4 3d07ca76 3d07ca76 3d1ba5e3 3d1ba5e3 v..=v..=…=…=
    06F8F6F4 06f8f79c 007d8d5f 3d07ca76 0064c723 …..}.v..=#.d.
    06F8F704 04987810 04987c60 00000001 00000002 .×..`|……….
    06F8F714 00000002 00000010 06f8f734 06f8f73c ……..4…<…
    06F8F724 04987c60 00000002 06f8f804 0000000c `|…………..
    06F8F734 00000000 07c6dac8 00000000 04987854 …………Tx..
    06F8F744 00000001 04987810 06f8f78c 07c6dac4 …..×..........
    06F8F754 0498784d 0060b397 04987b8c 0064cae3 Mx….`..{….d.
    06F8F764 04987810 00000000 00000000 06f8f79c .×..............
    06F8F774 06f8f7b4 0064ac9f 04987810 0115f97d ……d..×..}…
    06F8F784 00000001 04987b58 00000000 06f8f790 ….X{……….
    06F8F794 06f8f791 48993bbc 06f8f818 0064a5fe …..;.H……d.
    06F8F7A4 04987810 00000002 00000002 00000010 .×..............
    06F8F7B4 06f8f804 04987c60 023ee838 00000001 ….`|..8.>…..
    06F8F7C4 0115f97d ebea1269 0000000e 00000000 }…i………..
    06F8F7D4 77bcfdd1 77773bdb 00000000 77773c07 …w.;ww…..<ww 06F8F7E4 498a6fcd 00000001 0000000a 023ee838 .o.I........8.>.
    06F8F7F4 00000024 00000001 00000000 00000000 $……………
    06F8F804 98e6e80f 01d10e6a 0115f97d 00000026 ….j…}…&…
    06F8F814 48993438 06f8f858 0064b802 98e6e80f 84.HX…..d…..
    06F8F824 01d10e6a 48993478 00000001 0115f97d j...×4.H….}…
    06F8F834 023ee838 00000001 023ee838 06f8f828 8.>…..8.>.(…
    06F8F844 00000001 06f8f8a0 005f0e00 4f2eaef0 ……….
    06F8F854 00000000 06f8f878 00649dd1 047f3d30 ….×.....d.0=..
    06F8F864 023ee838 0049ef28 00000000 023ee838 8.>.(.I…..8.>.
    06F8F874 00000000 06f8f8b0 005f0ac0 047f3d30 ………..0=..
    06F8F884 48993490 00000000 023ee838 023ee838 .4.H….8.>.8.>.
    06F8F894 023ee838 06f8f884 005f5b33 06f8f8f8 8.>…..3[
    06F8F8A4 005f0e00 4f2e82e8 00000000 06f8f8bc ..….O……..
    06F8F8B4 005f0be8 00000000 06f8f8c8 7558337a ..
    06F8F8C4 023ee838 06f8f908 77be9882 023ee838 8.>……..w8.>.
    06F8F8D4 71ce841e 00000000 00000000 023ee838 …q……..8.>.
    06F8F8E4 00000000 00000000 00000000 06f8f8d4 …………….
    06F8F8F4 00000000 ffffffff 77c23145 008bb856 ……..E1.wV…
  • Error Logs <—*
    sing mip chain: 0×0ebc49
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0f8c78
    Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
    Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
    Model ‘0×079a62’: Permutation ‘default’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0b7430
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0f8de6
    Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Model ‘0×079a62’: Permutation ‘default’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Model ‘0×0e8624’: Permutation ‘sword’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×063d44
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0ebc48
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0ebc49
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×00ecaf
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1465781116498615825’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1502432776989712193’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1512065984907714073’
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0ebc48
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0ebc49
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×063d44
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0ebc48
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0ebc49
    Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 50, Position: (-2122.120117, 13847.599609, -846.351013), Completion: 0.000000
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0f8c78
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0b7430
    Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
    Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0ebc48
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×0ebc49
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1924002649382879764’
    Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Debug token ‘0×266fa’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
    Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×10de
    DeviceId = 0×1380
    Version = 10.18.0013.5850
    Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
    Compat = 0×00100800
    VidMem = 2048 MB

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zinnia Rose.9425

Zinnia Rose.9425

My client crashed right at the end of Prisoners of the Dragon (‘unable to access login server at this time’). During a cut scene… And because I was the instance owner all party members got kicked out.

Gotta say Anet, full marks for HoT content, but the performance leaves a whole lot to be desired. I’ve never had my game crash this often before.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dvlle.9018


my account this with problem, can not equip elite traits in all character


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kenny.8961


Is it intended that the bouncing mushroom next to the HP challenge “Toxin-cured Hog” cannot be step on? I have been trying to jump onto it and keep overlapping with the mushroom as shown, and can do nothing but jump hopelessly in it but cannot trigger the jump. I tried another two mushroom around the waypoint, the these mushroom cannot be “pass through”.


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Warlock.7136


I got stuck in the prologue. I joined a group starting the prologue and we managed to get all the way through but at the end (where it tells you to start learning gliding) it took me back to the Silverwastes Prologue mission rather than the Verdant. The mission looked the same except there were no people to talk to or anything to trigger the portal back to Verdant. I had definitely progressed through the story since it was telling me to master stuff. In the end I had to portal to some other place then back into Silverwaste and then I could get through the portal to Verdant.

Have you found a solution? I’m also stuck.
I got to the part where it tells me to learn gliding but I had to leave so I closed the game. When I logged back on that character, I was back in the silverwastes prologue mission and the portal to verdant brink was blocked.
I can’t return to verdant brink to continue the story.

Edit: Going to another map and then returning to silverwastes and going through the portal worked.

mine(and my wife’s) locked up at what i think is the end of the prologue. tried leaving and coming back same result. when you left and returned did you have to do the prologue over?.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pandarian.4196


It is now the day after launch, I still can not get past gather at the rally point leading into the maguuma jungle on the prologue mission. Your “hotfix” yesterday allowed us a place to get back into the instance in silverwastes, BUT the game still crashes everytime I try to run past Taimi up to the the final step of this storyline. This is absolute BS that people like me paid $100 to be unable to even get in the zone and I’ve waited patiently a WHOLE DAY. COME ON ANET, you should be able to fix a problem preventing players from stepping into your new content.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Truska.2064


It is now the day after launch, I still can not get past gather at the rally point leading into the maguuma jungle on the prologue mission. Your “hotfix” yesterday allowed us a place to get back into the instance in silverwastes, BUT the game still crashes everytime I try to run past Taimi up to the the final step of this storyline. This is absolute BS that people like me paid $100 to be unable to even get in the zone and I’ve waited patiently a WHOLE DAY. COME ON ANET, you should be able to fix a problem preventing players from stepping into your new content.

I still have no way to get back in the instance… There is no green star anywhere on my map. Zoning out of SW, changing to my personal story, reloging do nothing… Yesterday’s hotfix did absolutely nothing for my account. So frustating beeing locked out of the new content and stuck in SW…

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


“Sign Cutting” story instance will not progress. The bar never goes to complete and I’m pretty sure the rock that says I can interact with, although I can’t, is supposed to progress this.


I logged in today and was able to complete the story step. I was on a different IP this time.

I suggest those having issues (e.g. the scout) to try again and see if the problem can be worked around by being on a different IP.

Made an update to my post but wanted to bump it up in case what I found may help people work around the bug they have encountered until a fix is made. Not saying it will but worth a shot. It was a workaround that we did back when the game launched for some Orr skill point challenges.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaken.6801


Hot Story, Act 2, Part 2. The golden city (city of hope?)

When failing one of the trials and using “reset to waypoint” after you died, there is an Network error, that kicks you into the character screen, forcing you to restart the whole Mission.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pianoman.4532


I don’t get any hero points when I level up in WvW…

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheoPeo.1234


Posting my problem here too. HoT Story, Act 3: Buried Insight.

After killing the veteran chak in the lab, NPCs all freeze and you cannot interact with them. Waiting, restarting doesn’t help.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Celtic Nightmares.8210

Celtic Nightmares.8210

Hello. I cannot use any of the new weapons for my characters after unlocking them on the skill tree. For example, I can’t use the shield for the mesmer, even though it gave me a free shield to wield.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kris.4802


Unable to to talk to Scout Acan to keep doing the story.

Mordremoth’s triumvirate of evil:
1. Trahearne 2. Scarlet 3. The sylvari that keeps spamming “More violets I say, less violence.”

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DoggySpew.4529


Can’t use any Greatsword even thought it is unlocked on my Necromancer’s Elite Specialization. I also can’t select the Elite Specialization in its build.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Codata.2019


Category: Achievement (Rare Collections)
Achievement Name: Fractal Master

I unlocked all the Fractal Weapon Skins but the achievement seems bugged and won’t recognize some of the Fractal Weapon Skins that i have.

Here is a picture:

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Knightmare Legion.9640

Knightmare Legion.9640

I’m running at minimum spec requirements however I’m already crashing at “Best Performance”. Average uptime of only up to 5 minutes and I can barely play any content.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Warlock.7136


Update for Rally in maguuma causing system lock: this time i mapped to divinities reach. stopped my heart of thorns sl. restarted my heart of thorns sl. tried rally in maguuma again. same result lock up at what i belive is the end.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

Add another to the chest rewards in HoT bugs pile:

  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: CtlView inconsistent page size. (was: testCount < 5
    File: ..\..\..\Engine\Controls\CtlView.cpp(708)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 8052
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    When: 2015-10-24T15:30:08Z 2015-10-24T11:30:08-04:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:02:26
    Flags: 0
  • System <—*
    Name: XXXXXXX
    Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:14:5]
    OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
  • System Memory <—*
    Physical: 3129MB/ 8151MB 38%
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    SystemCache: 3257MB
    HandleCount: 47646
    ProcessCount: 105
    ThreadCount: 1556
  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 1726MB
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    PeakWorkingSet: 1525MB
    PageFaults: 1456430
  • Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
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  • Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
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    VRAM – Gr Geometry 17.31 133
    Collide Havok 16.81 37969
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    Collide 12.78 8753
    Gr Cloud 12.40 18376
    Model Granny 12.00 15974
    Archive 11.22 294
    Gr Umbra 11.01 1557
    VRAM – Gr Img 9.64 8
  • Game Context <—*
    MapId: 1052
    Flags: 0×241
    ElapsedTime: 00:01:06
  • World State <—*
    <WorldState BufferCapacity="54396508" BufferUsed="28384590" DrawCalls="1423" Fps="25" EffectLights="0" Lights="28" Materials="473" Particles="11190" Submodels="1533" TextureLoadsPending="1083" TextureMemory="739388694" Triangles="3084719" VerticesSoftwareTransformed="0" VideoMemoryTotal="196904538" CameraPos="36778.5, 1286.23, -16703" CameraFwd="-0.220159, 0.949172, 0.224951" MapName="tboUv.7fPVN" MapNamespace="j2bpq" MapSector="IJwR+.8cUhG" MapType="Public" MapFloor="1" MapId="1052" MapGuid="DF1D6153-4B94-43F4-9E30-3BF4F9EDFD11" MapTimeOfDay="1.000000" PlayerFacing="-0.236479, 0.971637, 0" PlayerPos="36646.4, 1855.73, -16497.5" PlayerVelocity="0, 0, -0" />

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]

  • ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×1c9c <—*
  • Trace <—*
    Pc:00f9da96 Fr:079ff278 Rt:00f9c821 Arg:079ff32c 079ff2d8 00f9c6a0 86dd38b8
    Pc:00f9c821 Fr:079ff290 Rt:00fc05ba Arg:00000000 86dd3a00 000002df 86dd39f4
    Pc:00fc05ba Fr:079ff2c4 Rt:00fc0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000038 86dd39f4 000002e0
    Pc:00fc0cb0 Fr:079ff2f0 Rt:00fc0c27 Arg:86dd3a00 00000038 079ff32c 00000000
    Pc:00fc0c27 Fr:079ff310 Rt:00fc1b65 Arg:00000038 079ff32c 00000000 000002e0
    Pc:00fc1b65 Fr:079ff344 Rt:00faeac3 Arg:079ff388 44d5dccc 079ff438 8b4edf60
    Pc:00faeac3 Fr:079ff35c Rt:0098f8d7 Arg:079ff390 079ff3e4 079ff3e4 079ff438
    Pc:0098f8d7 Fr:079ff3a4 Rt:0098f15a Arg:079ff438 86dd3eec 079ff3e4 00000002
    Pc:0098f15a Fr:079ff3c0 Rt:0098f32b Arg:00000000 86dd3eec 079ff3fc 00fc0cb0
    Pc:0098f32b Fr:079ff3d0 Rt:00fc0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000038 86dd3eec 000002dd
    Pc:00fc0cb0 Fr:079ff3fc Rt:00fc0c27 Arg:86dd3eec 00000038 079ff438 00000000
    Pc:00fc0c27 Fr:079ff41c Rt:00fc1b65 Arg:00000038 079ff438 00000000 000002dd
    Pc:00fc1b65 Fr:079ff450 Rt:00faeac3 Arg:079ff47c 44d5dccc 079ff520 7a042f90
    Pc:00faeac3 Fr:079ff468 Rt:00c21d53 Arg:079ff484 079ff4cc 079ff520 00000000
    Pc:00c21d53 Fr:079ff48c Rt:00c21114 Arg:079ff520 86dd458c 079ff4cc 0062e87d
    Pc:00c21114 Fr:079ff4a8 Rt:00c212eb Arg:00000000 86dd458c 079ff4e4 00fc0cb0
    Pc:00c212eb Fr:079ff4b8 Rt:00fc0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000038 86dd458c 000002d9
    Pc:00fc0cb0 Fr:079ff4e4 Rt:00fc0c27 Arg:86dd458c 00000038 079ff520 00000000
    Pc:00fc0c27 Fr:079ff504 Rt:00fc1b65 Arg:00000038 079ff520 00000000 000002d9
    Pc:00fc1b65 Fr:079ff538 Rt:00faeac3 Arg:079ff560 44d5dccc 079ff5a8 079ff5fc
    Pc:00faeac3 Fr:079ff550 Rt:00afdf1f Arg:079ff5fc 079ff5fc 005295c4 079ff5fc
    Pc:00afdf1f Fr:079ff568 Rt:00c161b7 Arg:079ff5fc 86dd4734 079ff5a8 01a32ef0
    Pc:00c161b7 Fr:079ff584 Rt:00c1638b Arg:00000000 86dd4734 079ff5c0 00fc0cb0
    Pc:00c1638b Fr:079ff594 Rt:00fc0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000038 86dd4734 000002d8
    Pc:00fc0cb0 Fr:079ff5c0 Rt:00fc0c27 Arg:86dd4734 00000038 079ff5fc 00000000
    Pc:00fc0c27 Fr:079ff5e0 Rt:00fc1b65 Arg:00000038 079ff5fc 00000000 079ff6a4
    Pc:00fc1b65 Fr:079ff614 Rt:00fb1269 Arg:079ff64c 44d5dccc 00000002 000002d8
    Pc:00fb1269 Fr:079ff670 Rt:00faf664 Arg:00000000 00000000 00000001 8b866650
    Pc:00faf664 Fr:079ff68c Rt:0088d48e Arg:079ff6a4 00000000 079ff86c 079ff864
    Pc:0088d48e Fr:079ff6b4 Rt:00876e52 Arg:079ff798 079ff7e8 2da5264c 079ff864
    Pc:00876e52 Fr:079ff7b8 Rt:008751d8 Arg:079ff864 2da5264c 2da5264c 2da52690
    Pc:008751d8 Fr:079ff7d4 Rt:00fc0cb0 Arg:00000000 00000037 2da5264c 000000a5
    Pc:00fc0cb0 Fr:079ff800 Rt:00fc0c27 Arg:2da5264c 00000037 079ff864 00000000
    Pc:00fc0c27 Fr:079ff820 Rt:00fc2f5a Arg:00000037 079ff864 00000000 000000a5
    Pc:00fc2f5a Fr:079ff8dc Rt:00fc33c9 Arg:00000000 04988410 00000028 00000028
    Pc:00fc33c9 Fr:079ff904 Rt:00fb0531 Arg:3d246dca 3d246dca 3d23d70a 03d70f03
    Pc:00fb0531 Fr:079ff91c Rt:00816891 Arg:3d246dca 3d246dca 3d23d70a 079ff9b0
    Pc:00816891 Fr:079ff954 Rt:00818d5f Arg:3d246dca 0068c723 04b4e010 04b4e460
    Pc:00818d5f Fr:079ff9fc Rt:0068a5fe Arg:04b4e010 00000002 00000002 00000010
    Pc:0068a5fe Fr:079ffa78 Rt:0068b802 Arg:dd8306af 01d10e70 03d70ca7 00000001
    Pc:0068b802 Fr:079ffab8 Rt:00689dd1 Arg:047f3d30 020f0430 004def28 00000000
    Pc:00689dd1 Fr:079ffad8 Rt:00630ac0 Arg:047f3d30 03d70d0f 00000000 020f0430
    Pc:00630ac0 Fr:079ffb10 Rt:00630be8 Arg:00000000 079ffb28 7709337a 020f0430
    Pc:00630be8 Fr:079ffb1c Rt:7709337a Arg:020f0430 079ffb68 77999882 020f0430
    Pc:7709337a Fr:079ffb28 Rt:77999882 Arg:020f0430 705eb343 00000000 00000000
    Pc:77999882 Fr:079ffb68 Rt:77999855 Arg:00630b6c 020f0430 00000000 00000000
    Pc:77999855 Fr:079ffb80 Rt:00000000 Arg:00630b6c 020f0430 00000000 00000000
  • Thread registers <—*
    eax=079fedd0 ebx=000002e2 ecx=079ff148 edx=00000000 esi=7709585e edi=00000000
    eip=00f9da96 esp=079ff1ec ebp=079ff278
    cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246

eax-32 079FEDB0 00000000 fffffd34 000002e4 fffffd34
eax-16 079FEDC0 000002cc 00000019 00000000 079fedd0
eax 0 079FEDD0 80000003 00000000 00000000 76dfc42d
16 079FEDE0 00000002 00000002 7177ed10 363dc732
eax+32 079FEDF0 00374f50 00f95e40 8b8667d0 079fee64
eax+48 079FEE00 079fee64 00000000 00000000 43ec0000
ecx-32 079FF128 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ecx-16 079FF138 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ecx 0 079FF148 80000003 00000000 00000000 76dfc42d
16 079FF158 00000000 41666666 fffffff9 363dc732
ecx+32 079FF168 00374f50 00f95e40 8b8667d0 079fee64
ecx+48 079FF178 079fee64 00000000 00000000 43ec0000
esi-32 7709583C 023a0ae9 90909000 ff8b9090 5dec8b55
esi-16 7709584C 909005eb ff909090 090b9825 90909077
esi 0 7709585C ff8b9090 5dec8b55 909005eb ff909090
16 7709586C 090da425 90909077 ff8b9090 6aec8b55
esi+32 7709587C 10458d00 1075ff50 ff0c75ff f4e80875
esi+48 7709588C 85ffffe5 8b0774c0 c25d1045 c883000c

  • Code <—*
    00F9DA76 0885c974 0c6a78ba 483b1301 e8e9fe53 …t.jx.H;…..S
    00F9DA86 ff68c402 0000baf4 8d4901b9 a48f4901 .h…….I….I.
    00F9DA96 e8459154 ffe900ff ffff0f57 c90f28d9 .E.T…….W..(.
    00F9DAA6 0f28d1eb 030f57c9 f30f1065 a4f30f10 .(….W….e….
    00F9DAB6 6db80f28 c4f30f5c c55f5e5b 0f2fc173 m..(…\._^[./.s
    00F9DAC6 030f28e5 0f28c3f3 0f5cc40f 2fc17303 ..(..(…\../.s.
  • Stack <—*
    079FF1EC 00f9da9b 000002c4 079ff32c 079ff2a8 ……..,…….
    079FF1FC 00000000 43fa0000 43a67ffc 623d4a10 …….C…C.J=b
    079FF20C 000000c3 00000001 00000180 079ff32c …………,…
    079FF21C 00000000 00000000 43a67ffc 43fa0000 ………..C…C
    079FF22C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    079FF23C 43fa0000 43a67ffc 44d5dccc 446fe000 …C…C…D..oD
    079FF24C 43fa0000 43a68002 43fa0000 43a67fff …C…C…C…C
    079FF25C 43fa0000 43a67ffe 43fa0000 43a67ffd …C…C…C…C
    079FF26C 43fa0000 43a67ffc 03d70467 079ff290 …C…Cg…….
    079FF27C 00f9c821 079ff32c 079ff2d8 00f9c6a0 !…,………..
    079FF28C 86dd38b8 079ff2c4 00fc05ba 00000000 .8…………..
    079FF29C 86dd3a00 000002df 86dd39f4 000002e0 .:…….9……
    079FF2AC 00000038 86dd39f8 00000030 80000000 8….9..0…….
    079FF2BC 00000000 079ff32c 079ff2f0 00fc0cb0 ….,………..
    079FF2CC 00000000 00000038 86dd39f4 000002e0 ….8….9……
    079FF2DC 00000038 86dd3a04 00000030 80000000 8….:..0…….
    079FF2EC 00000001 079ff310 00fc0c27 86dd3a00 ……..‘….:..
    079FF2FC 00000038 079ff32c 00000000 86dd38b8 8…,……..8..
    079FF30C 000002e0 079ff344 00fc1b65 00000038 ….D…e…8…
    079FF31C 079ff32c 00000000 000002e0 079ff388 ,……………
    079FF32C 44d5dccc 446fe000 079ff338 00000000 …D..oD8…….
    079FF33C 00000000 446fe000 079ff35c 00faeac3 ……oD\…….
    079FF34C 079ff388 44d5dccc 079ff438 8b4edf60 …….D8…`.N.
    079FF35C 079ff3a4 0098f8d7 079ff390 079ff3e4 …………….
    079FF36C 079ff3e4 079ff438 00000000 00000000 ….8………..
    079FF37C 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f15cad7 ……………?
    079FF38C 3f15cad7 44d5dccc 446fe000 80000000 …?…D..oD….
    079FF39C 00000000 00000000 079ff3c0 0098f15a …………Z…
    079FF3AC 079ff438 86dd3eec 079ff3e4 00000002 8….>……….
    079FF3BC 079ff3e4 079ff3d0 0098f32b 00000000 ……..+…….
    079FF3CC 86dd3eec 079ff3fc 00fc0cb0 00000000 .>…………..
    079FF3DC 00000038 86dd3eec 000002dd 00000038 8….>……8…
    079FF3EC 86dd3ef0 00000130 80000000 00000000 .>..0………..
    079FF3FC 079ff41c 00fc0c27 86dd3eec 00000038 ….’….>..8…
    079FF40C 079ff438 00000000 86dd3db0 000002dd 8……..=……
    079FF41C 079ff450 00fc1b65 00000038 079ff438 P…e…8…8…
    079FF42C 00000000 000002dd 079ff47c 44d5dccc ……..|……D
    079FF43C 446fe000 079ff444 00000000 00000000 ..oDD………..
    079FF44C 446fe000 079ff468 00faeac3 079ff47c ..oDh…….|…
    079FF45C 44d5dccc 079ff520 7a042f90 079ff48c …D …./.z….
    079FF46C 00c21d53 079ff484 079ff4cc 079ff520 S……….. …
    079FF47C 00000000 4380027f 44d5dccc 446fe000 …….C…D..oD
    079FF48C 079ff4a8 00c21114 079ff520 86dd458c …….. ….E..
    079FF49C 079ff4cc 0062e87d 079ff520 079ff4b8 ….}.b. …….
    079FF4AC 00c212eb 00000000 86dd458c 079ff4e4 ………E……
    079FF4BC 00fc0cb0 00000000 00000038 86dd458c ……..8….E..
    079FF4CC 000002d9 00000038 86dd4590 00000730 ….8….E..0…
    079FF4DC 80000000 00000000 079ff504 00fc0c27 …………‘…
    079FF4EC 86dd458c 00000038 079ff520 00000000 .E..8… …….
    079FF4FC 86dd4450 000002d9 079ff538 00fc1b65 PD……8…e…
    079FF50C 00000038 079ff520 00000000 000002d9 8… ………..
    079FF51C 079ff560 44d5dccc 44865000 079ff52c `……D.P.D,…
    079FF52C 00000000 00000000 44865000 079ff550 ………P.DP…
    079FF53C 00faeac3 079ff560 44d5dccc 079ff5a8 ….`……D….
    079FF54C 079ff5fc 079ff568 00afdf1f 079ff5fc ….h………..
    079FF55C 079ff5fc 005295c4 079ff5fc 079ff584 ……R………
    079FF56C 00c161b7 079ff5fc 86dd4734 079ff5a8 .a……4G……
    079FF57C 01a32ef0 079ff5fc 079ff594 00c1638b ………….c..
    079FF58C 00000000 86dd4734 079ff5c0 00fc0cb0 ….4G……….
    079FF59C 00000000 00000038 86dd4734 000002d8 ….8…4G……
    079FF5AC 00000038 86dd4738 00000014 80000000 8…8G……….
    079FF5BC 00000000 079ff5e0 00fc0c27 86dd4734 ……..’…4G..
    079FF5CC 00000038 079ff5fc 00000000 86dd45f8 8…………E..
    079FF5DC 000002d8 079ff614 00fc1b65 00000038 ……..e…8…
  • Error Logs <—*
    Failed to create THIRDPARTYSOFTWAREREADME.txt(4)
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1907337256732033536’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1907337037688701442’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1907337699113665028’
    Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
    Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
    Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    CtlView inconsistent page size from frame TCtlInstance. Size history: <500.000000, 333.000061> <500.000000, 332.999969> <500.000000, 332.999939> <500.000000, 332.999908> <500.000000, 332.999878>
  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×1002
    DeviceId = 0×68b8
    Version = 8.17.0010.1077
    Description = ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series
    Compat = 0×00000000
    VidMem = 4095 MB

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: volpenvieh.3201


In friend list/ guild member list the location of some players is missing. It’s a blank in the list and the mouseover only shows the server in brackets. (I’m guessing they are playing the story)


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: curtegg.5216


Fractal weapon collection doesn’t recognize all the skins I’ve gotten prior to the HoT release despite the same skins showing up in my wardrobe or even on equipped toons….bug?

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dragonar.1342


Attuned rings crafting in mystic forge seems to be bugged.
Only 1 of my 4 infused rings showed up in the mystic forge interface (solaria).
When i combined it with the 3 other components i got an ’’atuned’’ ring.
However it got a new (wrong?) name: attuned plague signed .

So it seems there are 2 bugs.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rutilus.2643


I just got my third bugged reward chest, this time from Auric Basin. From the event where we failed (big surprise) to kill those 4 leeching thingys who are sucking the doors in the Tarir City. whenever i try to open them, game crashes.

Since this is the third, i cannot open any more rewards until this is fixed.

From reading this thread, i’m not the only one who is suffering from this bug, I received the first bugged chest yesterday evening, when the map failed the event chain. I think the second chest was from a failure in the next map Tangled Depths.

Also druids suck salty seaman balls. I could not invent a more boring and useless spec even if i had all the money and to hire an army of tired middle aged bureaucrats who only live for the coffee breaks to be able to checkout that one hot blonde in the accountancy department, and all time in the universe – They say given enough time, a bunch of monkeys with typewriters could produce shakesperian prose, but this is not the case for the druid. it is broken and puny, trash it and start again.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faceless.7549


Can’t use any Greatsword even thought it is unlocked on my Necromancer’s Elite Specialization. I also can’t select the Elite Specialization in its build.

Hello. I cannot use any of the new weapons for my characters after unlocking them on the skill tree. For example, I can’t use the shield for the mesmer, even though it gave me a free shield to wield.

You can only equip the new weapons if your elite specialisation is active, and you can only equip an elite specialisation in place of the bottom trait line.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: george.8264


It is now the day after launch, I still can not get past gather at the rally point leading into the maguuma jungle on the prologue mission. Your “hotfix” yesterday allowed us a place to get back into the instance in silverwastes, BUT the game still crashes everytime I try to run past Taimi up to the the final step of this storyline. This is absolute BS that people like me paid $100 to be unable to even get in the zone and I’ve waited patiently a WHOLE DAY. COME ON ANET, you should be able to fix a problem preventing players from stepping into your new content.

I still have no way to get back in the instance… There is no green star anywhere on my map. Zoning out of SW, changing to my personal story, reloging do nothing… Yesterday’s hotfix did absolutely nothing for my account. So frustating beeing locked out of the new content and stuck in SW…

I am in the same boat when my toon loads in the game shuts down with no chance to fill in the error report. Personally i think to launch HoT and the halloween celebrations at the same time was nothing but a recipe for disaster they should have ignored halloween and concentrated on HoT….

i7 3930k oc @ 4.2 Ghz. Rampage m/b. 16 Gb 1866 Mhz Ram. Gtx 1080, exoc. 1 Tb Hd. 500 Gb Seagate.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheoPeo.1234


Hello. I cannot use any of the new weapons for my characters after unlocking them on the skill tree. For example, I can’t use the shield for the mesmer, even though it gave me a free shield to wield.

You have to activate the specialization in the specs menu first (switch it with one of your 3 active ones).