Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?
Race, Sex, Class: Male Norn Guardian, with the thick-waisted/“fat” physique.
Issue: Gladiator boots clip through the calf in the back when equipped with the karma Pitfighter leggings. The same issue occurs when previewing PvP skins in Heart of the Mists.
The pistols are too far away from the body when not in combat. They clip with the hands and makes the pistols look like they are levitating when you move.
Could you shorten the distance?
Pit Fighter’s Leggings (and some others)
Hi guys, I’ve noticed this issue on my character with a couple of different leg items where, for some reason, the armour doesn’t appear to be skinned to the ‘dynamic rig’ and wont conform along with the legs when I stand on uneven ground. As you can see in the screenshots, whilst running and jumping it’s fine, like I say, its just that dynamic standing animation when one leg gets lifted up that causes the problem…
Ghostly Bow glow effect is still disappearing when the bow is shot. This bug is not class nor race specific. It is apparent on all classes and races. A screenshot is not necessary as this is a known bug since the release of Guild Wars 2.
This is just a reminder.
This still. Just bought it yesterday and was highly disappointed with the lack of effects.
Terribad Ranger
Stormbluff Isle
Asura female elementalist
Items from top to bottom: svanir light helm, genius light shoulders, savant coat, radiant vambraces, whispers leggings, whispers shoes
-the radiant vambraces have no particle effect when combined the savant coat and I can tell the issue is not related to my medium settings because I see the particle effect for any other player just fine
-there is no way to show any shoulder while wearing the savant coat: I understand this may lead to tons of clipping issues, but this is basically a piece of armor that is made invisible (and you still have to buy the shoulders if you care about the achievement for the complete set). Why does this happen? Cant you at least show a left shoulder? Or make a proper set piece?
-various clipping issues with the legs and between right hand/savant chest piece but no big deal
-the neck of my character often disappears when I run and the head seems directly attached and inserted in the upper chest: everything goes back to normal as soon as I stop running. Apparently this is a known issue so I didnt bother taking a screenshot; just pointing out it still happens and its really silly.
Issue related to the Heritage Masque light armor skin that can be acquired from the Hall of Monuments.
My character is a female human necromancer.
There are some clipping problems on the character’s forehead, see screenshot:
Dark Armor helm glow.
I wear Dark Armor set.
All parts were transmuted and painted in the same color.
Helm begins glow in dark terrains.
I tried different pieces (sharing this skin) and colors with same result.
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Guardian
Armor set: Crafted Knight’s Draconic armor (level 80) transmuted to look like human tier 3 heavy armor in all 6 armor slots (Protector’s)
The new rare Metal Aquabreather of the Afflicted that drops from Tequatl the Sunless doesn’t display on my character. It doesn’t display when previewed or when actually worn. As shown in the attached screenshots, my guardian is clearly wearing the aquabreather and nothing is shown on her face when underwater. I’ve tried various armor combinations on my character (as well as showing/hiding my helm) and nothing gets this aquabreather to appear, which is quite disappointing given its unique look.
This seems to be race and possibly gender specific. It displays perfectly fine on my asuran characters, for example.
today’s patch was hoping it would of solved the problem with one of the legendarys well I was dead wrong.
Bolt has problem after/during a attack animation in which case it doubles itself inside of it or after attack swing and quick swap you’ll see it float in the air for about 3 seconds.
norn female guardian.
I’ve also seen other races have the same problem
Bolt also has an issue where when you walk/run you can see it glitching onto your feet like you’re wearing it as a ski… This is on top of the doubling up issue. Please fix these issues with Bolt. They really… and I mean really take away from one’s ability to take pride in their weapon when it’s graphics are so broken.
Species: Asura
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian
Item: Electromagnetic Helm (Asura Cultural Tier 3 Heavy Helm)
Issue: Item clips with the Asura ears.
I know my Asura has big ears, but it’s disappointing to spend 119g on this armor set only to see the ears clip through the helmet.
The nose pushes through the mask. That dot is permanently visible and grows even while moving. Please fix that. I paid money for it.
This bug is still not fixed, I found the source: It’s the marked parameter making the nose too high. But that isn’t intended, is it?
(edited by EthanLightheart.9168)
Race : Human
Gender : Female
Profession : Mesmer
Armor : Phoenix Light Armor ( Trading Post )
Clipping issue on the back
Duel Wielding Legendary Axe Frostfang
No effect occurs on off hand. Meanwhile if you duel wield 2 x daggers effect occurs.
Would like to also report that Frostfang is bugged on offhand in the armour panel!
Race: Sylvari
Sex: Female
Profession: Necro
Armor Set: Inquest Vestments & Whispers Leggings
Description: The mid-belly has some seem stitch issues (lol) not sure how to put it. Anyways, thought I would point it out.
I also notice the same line with the Khilbron’s Coat, can post a picture if needed.
(edited by Ragie.4096)
Whatever you have done to fix the issues I had and make ghosts look like ghosts again thank you!
Race: Sylvari
Sex: Male
Class: Guardian
Armor: Heritage Armor
Description: Issue introduced after some spring update (everything was fine before), was actually reported on this forum by other people also. Still present today (Oct. 1st). Hair clips through heritage warhelm and turns red. Doesn’t seem to happen with other head gear (tried two other ones from different armors and no issues).
First image: helmet hidden
Second image: wearing helmet, hair clipping through in red color.
Member of Silver Sunshine.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Warrior
Armor: Heritage shoulders (heavy)
Issue: Since Feb 26 patch size of the Heritage heavy shoulders (HoM reward) was dramatically increased for incomprehensible reason. Now it looks really ugly and results in clipping issue with all two-handed weapons.
Please revert the shoulders’ size back to the previous state. It was just awesome before the patch.
Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Class: Thief
Item: Wings of the Sunless.
Went through a lot of effort to get these for my charr. Finally previewed them today and they’re floating a considerable distance up off of my back. They’re also very noticeably lopsided/asymmetrical.
And whoops, I just noticed this texture bug on my charr’s lip is still there, and I had reported it around launch.
Issue Title: Profane Gloves Change Skin Tone of Hands
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Item: Profane Gloves (Gem Store Armor)
As can be seen clearly in the attached comparison screenshot, equipping the Profane Gloves from the Gem Store Armor Set (which only covers the fingers of the hand) causes the visible skin of my hand to take on a much lighter skin tone than the skin tone of the rest of my character.
- Left image shows the gloves not visible and the skin tone of my hand matches that of my arm.
- Right image shows the gloves being made visible and the skin tone of my hand is much lighter than that of my arm.
The result is that it looks like I got a tan while I was wearing a pair of gloves.
The skin tone of my hand should not be turned to a lighter color than it is when not wearing the gloves.
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There’s a problem with some strands of hair on one of the new asura female styles. It looks fine out of combat, but after you’ve entered combat, these jagged shapes appear on the 2 hair strands in the front.
Race: Sylvari
Sex: Male
Proff: Thief
Armor: Aidan’s
Bug: All of coats mentioned above have broken texture/model. You can see a red line passing through front – middle, left – middle and back – middle.
Note that all graphic settings regarding texture quality are set on high thus this bug is not regarding some low settings.
Please fix this issue as this is one of main medium exotic coats and one of best looking ones as-well.
This model bug has been noted ages ago and nothing has been done yet.
Hope someone from AN actually will see this and take action. Thanks.
P.S. Fix some weapon distances please as well, as some off-hands just float in the air.
Race: Sylvari
Sex: Male
Proff: Thief
Armor: Aidan’s
Zho’sBug: All of coats mentioned above have broken texture/model. You can see a red line passing through front – middle, left – middle and back – middle.
Note that all graphic settings regarding texture quality are set on high thus this bug is not regarding some low settings.
Please fix this issue as this is one of main medium exotic coats and one of best looking ones as-well.
This model bug has been noted ages ago and nothing has been done yet.
Hope someone from AN actually will see this and take action. Thanks.P.S. Fix some weapon distances please as well, as some off-hands just float in the air.
This ‘red line’ issue is only present when previewing armor (as your included image shows them in preview) and appears on almost all armor items in some fashion when they are previewed. However, the red lines do not appear on the equipment when they are actually equipped.
My statement of it only happening in the preview window has been shown to be incorrect. The issue is very apparent in the preview window of many, many items, but their report was of it also being visible on that armor after being equipped.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Unfortunately it does appear when equipped and is strongly visible. I just bought shiro’s coat and can see it. It hasn’t been fixed, unless if there’s some steps needed to fix this on my own.
Unfortunately it does appear when equipped and is strongly visible. I just bought shiro’s coat and can see it. It hasn’t been fixed, unless if there’s some steps needed to fix this on my own.
My apologies. I’ve seen the red lines in almost every preview of an item but have never seen it being present after being equipped. I thought I was adding to your report by pointing out it is only visible in preview (I was misled by the inclusion of only preview screenshots), but your report was actually of them being visible when equipped. I hope that red line issue is looked at and corrected quickly.
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It’s ok, I just thought someone knows a fix for this bug and could help me.
I hope someone from AN actually looks at these posts and will fix it, I assume it shouldn’t be to hard to do, and if you think about it it’s one of the oldest exotic medium coats which is one of best looking imho.
Thanks for the responses, folks.
As a reminder, when posting issues with specific items, please make sure to include the name of the item, as well as any other relevant details. We love screenshots!
Race: Sylvari
Sex: Male
Proff: Thief
Armor: Aidan’s
Zho’sBug: All of coats mentioned above have broken texture/model. You can see a red line passing through front – middle, left – middle and back – middle.
Note that all graphic settings regarding texture quality are set on high thus this bug is not regarding some low settings.
Please fix this issue as this is one of main medium exotic coats and one of best looking ones as-well.
This model bug has been noted ages ago and nothing has been done yet.
Hope someone from AN actually will see this and take action. Thanks.P.S. Fix some weapon distances please as well, as some off-hands just float in the air.
In this post I enlisted all names of coats that use same model, that has this issue
Great to see response from AN themselves and hope you will have a chance to fix this issue
New Twilight Assault Ilex Sword bugged
Female Norn War
It doesn’t glow other then the preview, even at night. I changed all my graphic settings. It looks the same on my GF’s computer and my guild sees it the same as I do… without the intense blue glow when wielded.
It looks very different.
(edited by Kelly.5293)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Race height: Smallest/shortest possible
Item: Human T3 Shoulder (Assassin’s)
Item appearance is clean when character is not moving and weapons are not drawn (in the standing position).
When character is running/walking/strafing/attacking/standing with weapon drawn/and even stretching (emote that auto triggers from movement inactivity) the shoulder piece appears to move ABOVE its intended location, levitating above the shoulder.
Since a few patches ago, the asuran female “rasta” hair style has a small strip of red missing texture right in the middle of the forehead, right below the head band. It appears very miniscule on still images, but when seen ingame it really sticks out.
(edited by Mephane.8496)
The screenshot I took is showing a back piece Fractal Capacitor (Infused) and greatsword Twilight. There is a clip when using them with any human female body type/height/breastplate. I have tried every single human armor breastplate and changed character’s models. Placing the backpack a bit more to the left of the character should fix it. Also the backpack could be placed back a tad away from the back of the character or vise-versa with great sword being back away a bit. The back piece and legendary take a while to get would be nice if they could fit together. Thanks for looking into the issue.
(Weapon Twilight/Back Piece Fractal Capacitor Infused/Every Human Female Model/Breastplate)
(edited by Birdy.2135)
if it is at all possible please give some attention to this
as of 5th of october i can confirm this is still not fixed
my best regards
jc phoenix
-GuardianPit Fighter’s Leggings (and some others)
Hi guys, I’ve noticed this issue on my character with a couple of different leg items where, for some reason, the armour doesn’t appear to be skinned to the ‘dynamic rig’ and wont conform along with the legs when I stand on uneven ground. As you can see in the screenshots, whilst running and jumping it’s fine, like I say, its just that dynamic standing animation when one leg gets lifted up that causes the problem…
Good catch. I’ve noticed that on male human within the last week as well, mostly in PS cutscenes where my guardian’s leg keeps showing through the armor skirt. Here’s a sample, just a bit of leg showing through the browner area as I wasn’t trying to screenie the bug, just happened to catch it:
Bug: Ears clip through helm
Race: Asura
Sex: Male
Heavy armor
I just received the hellfire warhelm skin and was disappointed to see that my asura’s whole ear is clipping through the mask.
- Charr
- Female
~ Medium height
Item: furance reward pauldrons – the huge gap between the collar and neck part of chest.
Item: furance reward helm – hide charr’s horns.
- Charr
- Female
- Ingineer
Backpacks positions
With any rifle-holding position (flamethrower, elixir gun, etc (scr 2,3) backpack touches charr’s nape only by it’s upper third. It looks like it hovers in the air. On any other pose it normaly situated on the back and OK (scr 1).
- Seems like weapon kit backpacks placed too high* (scr 4)
If you compare position of any weapon kit backpack with a universal multyitool pack (which looks ok) , they are located a bit higher.
Backpacks hiding cloacks – broken (scr 4)
After activation of weapon kits cloak disappears. But after any action, using skill or geting hit it’s reappears again.
(Perhaps you should add the option, besides. Hide backpack or display both backpack and back item.)
- Charr
- Both genders
- Any height
“Hiden pistol” skill animation bug
Both “hiden pistol” skill and tool belt “hiden pistols” skill animations broken – pistols shoots upwards.
- Charr
- Both genders
Footprints bug
Footprints left after charrs are turned in the other direction.
When charr runs on all fours, no footprints remains at all.
Hi, There a texture bug with nightmare vestments for Sylvari.
Gloves goes under vestments… And I checked humains it’s not the case (see attachments).
I’ve post a bug request in’game (in France) and haven’t response so I post here.
It’s hugly with radiant vambraces And HOM gloves…
Please solve it so I can use radiant skin.
PS : Sry for my english.
Posted at
Human male light armor clipping – every non super skinny body type
inquest pants
upcoming ascended armor
The common problem for both – the underpants clip through the armor. (Meaning there might be a lot more armor pieces that will have pants clipping issues)
- Norn
- Female
- Any height
Greatsword animation bugs
1 – (scr1) When running a glove on right hand heavily breaks. Strong clipping. It happens to many gloves, not medium armor only. I think it will be easier to fix animation itself than gloves separately.
2 – Animation synergy is broken. When you use any skill with GS in hand, the animation of ability does not plays, greatsword just dissapears from hands. On example is ranger’s muddy terrain (scr 2 – gs, scr 3 – bow) (By the way, I would like to see weapons did not vanish from the hands at this cast, at all).
3 – Wrong “sliding” animation.
(scr4) When a character slides on a steep slope, it animated as if there is no greatsword in her hands (no matter forward or rearward), so that the sword twitches unnatural and passes right through character.
4 – Strange running animation with GS in combat.
In combat running animation does not change, but becomes faster. Character quickly mince
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
- Any height
- Woolf vest
Strip of leather on T3 cultural norn armor back is noticeably shines through in some poses (hard to get good screen). Perhaps it makes sense to make this texture bilateral.
- Asura
-Any gender
-Any height
-Savant (cultural light T3) armor
1 – Savant Epaulets (scr 1)
Still absolutely not displayes with savant coat
2 – Savant Coat, Savant Helm (scr 2)
Maybe it’s more like a suggestion, but I think you should add another paint positions on the chest and helm so the lenses on head, right hand and chest could be painted separately from leather details.
- Asura
- Any gender
- Dragon’s Claw (Elementalist M/H dagger “1”) animation
Absolutely crazy cast animation in motion. In place asura strikes with a turn. In a move the head and torso rotates on 360 ??degrees apart from the feets (very hard to get screenshot (too fast)).
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
- Sylvari
- Male
Shadow helm (and any of the karma helms with the same texture) +
Orchid Coat (Tier 2 Sylvari cultural)
Textures freak out!
Love this combo, would really like to be able to transmute it.
(For Screenshots: Helmet->Green Chest->Blue)
- Sylvari
- MaleShadow helm (and any of the karma helms with the same texture) +
Orchid Coat (Tier 2 Sylvari cultural)
Textures freak out!
Love this combo, would really like to be able to transmute it.
(For Screenshots: Helmet->Green Chest->Blue)
Same bug on each race and gender. Helmet model is adjacent to the shoulders model
Items: PROTECTOR’S Armor/Chausses/Helm/Shoulderpads (Human Cultural T3 Armor)
Issue: Needs 4 dye slots
The human cultural T3 armor has this great embroidered cloth with an intricate hem; but there’s only 1 dye slot for the entire cloth. This means you can only use light dyes because otherwise the main cloth will look really dark and ugly; with 2 dye slots for the cloth/tabard you can get a strong colour for the hem/fringe, and you can get a light colour for the main tabard.
See the attached image; a dark red chosen for the dye slot gives you the strong, dark red on the hem, but then the main cloth piece becomes really ugly.
Refer to GW2 wiki for the item in question:
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season