Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]
1 min latency in pvp omg
Having the same issue for almost 14 days in a row. Can’t play properly at all and when I do, huge annoying lag spikes and frequent dc’s.
Location: Romania, EU
Time and date of the incident: past 2 weeks, around hours 1pm-2am, GMT+2
Game world: Piken Square
Brief description: Not able to log in for hours in a row and when I do, game disconnects frequently (about three times in 5 mins) and when it doesn’t, the huge lag spikes (in both PvE and WvW) make it really really difficult to play.
Hope this will be sorted out. Thanks.
This lag is getting out of hand… after last patch especially…. Also Winters jumping puzzle has extra lag in it, its totaly insane… pls allow me to play the game properly!!!
Location: Poland
Internet Provider: Multimedia
Timezone: GTM +2 – All time after Wintersday update.
World: Aurora Glade EU
Description: Speeduptest says ive got 20ms, my internet provider says ive got 29ms, but when im pinging GW2 servers ive get minimum 45ms and periodically huge lag spikes what ping test named “request time out” and then ping like 100ms, 80ms, and back to 45ms, it happens everywhere on pvp, on pve even when im standing afk in L.A. or pvp lobby. There was one time when i get DC and it was on 20 of December. Everything else is working great other games, internet borwsing, even World of Warcraft on my brother laptop in same wifi network. I tried change port to 443 as you says but it didnt work at all.
Bellow are my tracert and ping tests.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 8 ms 1 ms 4 ms []
2 38 ms 11 ms 107 ms
3 11 ms 12 ms 11 ms []
4 22 ms 21 ms 87 ms []
5 * 939 ms 628 ms
6 * 680 ms 312 ms []
7 373 ms 1133 ms 1036 ms []
8 991 ms 604 ms 582 ms []
9 886 ms 613 ms 408 ms [62.115.43.
10 785 ms 198 ms 320 ms []
11 106 ms 67 ms 58 ms []
12 211 ms 142 ms 104 ms []
Trace complete.
Ping test during afking in pvp lobby:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=100ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=102ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=388ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=144ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=64ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=98ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=90ms TTL=116
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 39, Received = 39, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 43ms, Maximum = 415ms, Average = 77ms
Ping test during pvp battle:
Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=149ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=357ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=103ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=82ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=80ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=58ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=209ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=468ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=821ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=576ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=53ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=115
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=1711ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=2422ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=115
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=115
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 568, Received = 566, Lost = 2 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 41ms, Maximum = 2939ms, Average = 67ms
So yeah, its not my ISP fault, its something from Anet servers and/or connection with those servers. And its getting worse every day past 2 months.
As a workaround, you can try to find a VPN to reroute your traffic around whichever route is causing the problems. VPNs are not free however. Some other players have had success using a free trial of WTFast.
//I couldn’t even log in right now, so finally got around to try WTFast. Installed and back in game without lag. Thanks for the tip!
Could you please tell me the WTFast server you’re using which fixed the problem for you? Can’t find one to bypass the problem…
I don’t do anything special. Log in on trial, made a custom game to gw2.exe, click play, wtfast stalls after connecting because of gw2’s launcher/login so I start the game normally with wtfast in the background. After a IP change confirmation mail from Anet I’m back in the game.
But I don’t consider this a long term solution because I’m not gonna pay half the subscription of a AAA MMO just to make my otherwise perfectly fine connection work with this game because it lacks support for this issue we’re having.
This is totally on NCsofts end. There is no build-up to the lag, yesterday everything was fine while I did a world boss. Then minutes later I was gonna switch map for the triple worm boss, took ages to load the map, after that I had the dreaded time-out lag and after the disconnect I couldn’t log in again without WTFast enabled.
Location: Romania
Timezone: GMT+2
World: Desolation EU
Massive lag in game coupled with frequent disconnects. As soon as I disconnect I cannot log back in again for a while.
This happens at around 6:00 – 9:00 PM Server time almost daily.
= Checking server connectivity – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect failed – connect failed
Section completed in 10.00 seconds – connect succeeded – connect succeeded
Section completed in 0.13 seconds – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded
Section completed in 0.17 seconds – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded
Section completed in 9.10 seconds – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect failed
Section completed in 10.06 seconds
= Traces
—> pathping -w 500 -q 25 -4 <--
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 aiur []
3 *
6 []
7 []
9 []
10 []
Computing statistics for 62 seconds…
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 aiur []
0/ 25 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
0/ 25 = 0% |
2 18ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 16ms 1/ 25 = 4% 1/ 25 = 4%
0/ 25 = 0% |
4 —- 25/ 25 =100% 25/ 25 =100%
0/ 25 = 0% |
5 48ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
0/ 25 = 0% |
6 45ms 5/ 25 = 20% 5/ 25 = 20% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
7 44ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
8 48ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
3/ 25 = 12% |
9 —- 25/ 25 =100% 22/ 25 = 88% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
10 67ms 3/ 25 = 12% 0/ 25 = 0% []
Trace complete.
—> pathping -w 500 -q 25 -4 <--
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 aiur []
3 *
6 []
7 * * *
Computing statistics for 37 seconds…
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 aiur []
0/ 25 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
1/ 25 = 4% |
2 18ms 2/ 25 = 8% 1/ 25 = 4%
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 16ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0%
1/ 25 = 4% |
4 —- 25/ 25 =100% 23/ 25 = 92%
0/ 25 = 0% |
5 48ms 2/ 25 = 8% 0/ 25 = 0%
1/ 25 = 4% |
6 44ms 3/ 25 = 12% 0/ 25 = 0% []
Trace complete.
Section completed in 119.43 seconds
Wanted to play some WvW today, but some unplayable laggspikes again.
Locoation: Austria
Server: Desolation EU
Time: 20-21 GMT +2
Routenverfolgung zu []
über maximal 30 Hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms []
2 32 ms 31 ms 31 ms
3 32 ms 32 ms 33 ms
4 35 ms 32 ms 32 ms []
5 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms
6 44 ms 40 ms 32 ms
7 41 ms 41 ms 41 ms []
8 84 ms 51 ms 51 ms []
9 50 ms 100 ms 66 ms []
10 51 ms 50 ms 51 ms []
11 61 ms 61 ms 61 ms []
12 54 ms 52 ms 55 ms []
13 155 ms 57 ms 51 ms []
Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Routenverfolgung zu []
über maximal 30 Hops:
1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms []
2 32 ms 33 ms 45 ms
3 33 ms 64 ms 73 ms
4 33 ms 32 ms 33 ms []
5 33 ms 35 ms 34 ms
6 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms
7 41 ms 41 ms 41 ms []
8 51 ms 50 ms 53 ms []
9 53 ms 51 ms 53 ms []
10 57 ms 52 ms 53 ms []
11 62 ms 62 ms 62 ms []
12 285 ms 53 ms 52 ms []
13 51 ms 50 ms 51 ms []
Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Routenverfolgung zu []
über maximal 30 Hops:
1 <1 ms 1 ms <1 ms []
2 33 ms 33 ms 31 ms
3 33 ms 97 ms 33 ms
4 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms []
5 35 ms 33 ms 33 ms
6 42 ms 34 ms 45 ms
7 41 ms 59 ms 50 ms []
8 51 ms 50 ms 52 ms []
9 50 ms 52 ms 51 ms []
10 51 ms 96 ms 93 ms []
11 61 ms 62 ms 69 ms []
12 54 ms 54 ms 56 ms []
13 143 ms 74 ms 88 ms []
Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Routenverfolgung zu []
über maximal 30 Hops:
1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms []
2 32 ms 32 ms 32 ms
3 40 ms 36 ms 32 ms
4 33 ms 34 ms 32 ms []
5 * 32 ms 32 ms
6 34 ms 95 ms 72 ms
7 40 ms 41 ms 41 ms []
8 51 ms 51 ms 51 ms []
9 90 ms 65 ms 51 ms []
10 52 ms 55 ms 52 ms []
11 104 ms 104 ms 62 ms []
12 61 ms 61 ms 55 ms []
13 93 ms 115 ms 65 ms []
Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Here we’re all writing and what’s the point? As there were problems, and have remained. Where at least one sane answer? Which month it is impossible to play on weekends. There is no progress. It is a pity that such an attitude to the players from Europe.
Is the entire EU Datacenter in Frankfurt am Main?
I mean… are france, italy, norwegian players on the same Serversystem in Frankfurt? oO
Meme says: “Meme?”
Been having 200-300 ms for like 2-3 days now when i normally had 30-60, this is kittening pathetic….
An update from my side.
I am now at a different location as I was when the problems started (on holiday). I’m on a different computer, with a wired connection, different ISP and a different connection speed (20/20). The problem remains the same – during prime time, I get random disconnects, everyone around me keeps warping around, the skill lag can be from 1s to 10s and generally the game is unplayable.
So don’t waste your time and resources on your own machines to diagnose the problem, because you won’t find it. Your PC/laptops are fine – the problem is on their end. What it is exactly, I don’t know, but once they drop their ignorance and start diagnosing/fixing their servers, maybe we’ll get stable connections. Not before.
An update from my side.
I am now at a different location as I was when the problems started (on holiday). I’m on a different computer, with a wired connection, different ISP and a different connection speed (20/20). The problem remains the same – during prime time, I get random disconnects, everyone around me keeps warping around, the skill lag can be from 1s to 10s and generally the game is unplayable.
So don’t waste your time and resources on your own machines to diagnose the problem, because you won’t find it. Your PC/laptops are fine – the problem is on their end. What it is exactly, I don’t know, but once they drop their ignorance and start diagnosing/fixing their servers, maybe we’ll get stable connections. Not before.
Judging by the response time, we’ll probably see ANET getting serious after they’re done celebrating Christmas…in 2015.
So yeah, its not my ISP fault, its something from Anet servers and/or connection with those servers. And its getting worse every day past 2 months.
As a workaround, you can try to find a VPN to reroute your traffic around whichever route is causing the problems. VPNs are not free however. Some other players have had success using a free trial of WTFast.
//I couldn’t even log in right now, so finally got around to try WTFast. Installed and back in game without lag. Thanks for the tip!
Yeah. I had enough too a few days ago and I installed WTFast too. 30 days free trial. This solved all my problems so my signal don’t go through that kitten ncsoft IP I had messing up my game. My game has been smooth for 4-5 days now.
I’ll continue with WTFast and pay the subscription if needed. But I won’t spend any money on gems now since this basically is a monthly sub for my GW2.
Anet don’t care about their players, it’s so sad.
Can’t log in to game after ~7 – 8 p.m (GMT +1).
I’m playing on Black Tide.
Around this time game is starting to be unplayable: 1-2 minutes lasting lags and/or DC after 3-4 minutes. Sometimes I’m able to log in but then it’s happening again till I’m unable to log in at all (or stuck in loading screen → DC)
In my opinion it’s happening since last update
Location: Sweden
Internet Provider: Bahnhof
Timezone: GTM +1 – Rush hour 5~6 in the afternoon usually.
World: Aurora Glade EU
Description: Have the issue for the past 2 weeks or so. I can’t play after it is 5 in the afternoon because its a constant risk of a disconnect during pvp. Even on Pve, darn even on story instance…
Subsequent disconnects, 1-2 second delays and then the login hangs for about 1-2 hours. Sometimes it fixes itself for short times only to come back later. I have observed that only once or twice during morning hours.
My typical ms is about 6ms for a speedtest, and im on a wired network almost next to the fiber adapted so there is no issue of internal problems.
Just so happened to get the pathping while massive lag was going on while pve-ing. It took about 10 seconds for me to see the ip after i typed in the command.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 []
5 []
6 []
7 []
8 []
9 []
10 []
11 []
12 []
13 []
14 []
15 []
16 []
Computing statistics for 400 seconds…
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 Main []
0/ 100 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
2 1ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
3 1ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
4 0ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
5 2ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%[]
0/ 100 = 0% |
6 5ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
7 11ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
8 12ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
9 13ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
10 13ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
11 44ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
12 38ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
13 33ms 89/ 100 = 89% 89/ 100 = 89% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
14 —- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
15 —- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
16 35ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
Trace complete.
Getting, lags, rubberbanding, disconnects etc. Impossible to play anything with a teameffort, dungeons, tPvP, www. Happens at all hours but is alot worse at primetime.
0:14(GTM +2)
Game World – Piken Square
disconects, lags. (every night)
pathping -4 -q 100
??????????? ???????? ? []
? ???????????? ?????? ??????? 30:
0 []
8 []
9 []
10 []
11 []
12 []
13 []
??????? ?????????? ??: 325 ???. …
???????? ???? ?????????? ????
?????? RTT ????./????. % ????./????. % ?????
0 [
0/ 100 = 0% |
1 0?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
2 0?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
3 0?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
4 1?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
5 7?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
6 3?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
7 2?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
8 3?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
9 37?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% [46
0/ 100 = 0% |
10 30?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% [77.67.7
0/ 100 = 0% |
11 —- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% [206.127
0/ 100 = 0% |
12 —- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% [206.12
0/ 100 = 0% |
13 29?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% [206.12
??????????? ?????????.
Could those with WTFast post some connection logs? I wonder how this programm can help when the problem are the endservers – genuine request btw.
I wonder how this programm can help when the problem are the endservers – genuine request btw.
A VPN can only change the route you take to the servers. Your start and endpoint will always be the same. Simply put, it’s not the servers that are the problem, but your connection to them.
The reason using a VPN may help is because it can allow you to go around whatever route is causing the problem, or if GW2 is being throttled, it will hide it from detection. What VPN will work for you is dependent on your location and its location since you need to find the right detour to the servers.
Posting before and after tracerts to show the route of the VPN without lag would help identify the problem on that specific route however.
Location: Russia
Internet Provider: Rostelecom
Timezone: GTM +3
World: Desolation
Lag in game with frequent disconnects. As soon as I disconnect I cannot log back in again for a while. around 5:00 – 9:00 PM
4 []
6 []
7 []
8 []
10 []
11 []
12 []
4 14?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% [
0/ 100 = 0% |
5 23?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
6 59?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% xe-0-3-0.stkm-ar1.intl.ip.rostelec []
0/ 100 = 0% |
7 72?? 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% [
1/ 100 = 1% |
8 83?? 1/ 100 = 1% 0/ 100 = 0% []
57/ 100 = 57% |
9 560?? 67/ 100 = 67% 9/ 100 = 9%
0/ 100 = 0% |
10 940?? 73/ 100 = 73% 15/ 100 = 15% [206.127
0/ 100 = 0% |
11 —- 100/ 100 =100% 42/ 100 = 42% ncsoft-ic-306349-ffm-b11.c.telia.n
et []
0/ 100 = 0% |
12 79?? 58/ 100 = 58% 0/ 100 = 0%
I wonder how this programm can help when the problem are the endservers – genuine request btw.
A VPN can only change the route you take to the servers. Your start and endpoint will always be the same. Simply put, it’s not the servers that are the problem, but your connection to them.
The reason using a VPN may help is because it can allow you to go around whatever route is causing the problem, or if GW2 is being throttled, it will hide it from detection. What VPN will work for you is dependent on your location and its location since you need to find the right detour to the servers.
Posting before and after tracerts to show the route of the VPN without lag would help identify the problem on that specific route however.
Let’s say my computer is a server and it’s beeing throttled by some malicous trolls: Everybody who wants to have access to it will have problems. It doesn’t matter whether or not the person is “undeteced” or if the route is led through different points before that. So how can people claim that these programms solved their problem?
There are plenty of connection logs in this thread – the throttles are almost always the same. I can imagine that these programs can change the path inbetween, but they can’t change how overworked “my server” is.
Let’s say my computer is a server and it’s beeing throttled by some malicous trolls: Everybody who wants to have access to it will have problems. It doesn’t matter whether or not the person is “undeteced” or if the route is led through different points before that. So how can people claim that these programms solved their problem?
There are plenty of connection logs in this thread – the throttles are almost always the same. I can imagine that these programs can change the path inbetween, but they can’t change how overworked “my server” is.
You cannot throttle a server, you throttle connections to that server. Unlike a home internet connection, NCSoft’s datacenter has multiple connections to various networks. For example, if you look at a Telia tracert, you can see Telia’s link to NCSoft’s network (ncsoft-ic… If a network such as Telia was throttling GW2’s traffic, everyone connecting through Telia’s network would be experiencing lag and/or disconnections while another network would be working fine.
When you use a VPN, you’re changing where your traffic is heading. Normally, your traffic would go from your house to your ISP and through their network to GW2. By using a VPN, your traffic gets encrypted and goes from your house to your ISP and through their network to the VPN’s server where it then goes to GW2 like normal. Depending on where that VPN’s server is located, it could change nothing or it could entirely change which network your traffic is going through.
When malicious trolls “throttle” a server, that’s known as a DDoS attack. Generally, this is when the servers are forcibly flooded and are either overworked or forced/tricked to drop packets. When the server itself is affected, everyone experiences the problem and using a VPN would have no effect.
Throttling is a technique used to reduce bandwidth through software, rather than the expensive alternative of upgrading hardware. Generally, throttling is targeted at something specific like torrents or video streams, but it can also catch false positives much like a virus scanner. Once that type of traffic is detected, that specific connection will become unstable and begin dropping packets at whichever hop is doing the throttling, typically the ISP. This is where you can use a VPN to encrypt your connection in an attempt to mask it from getting throttled. ISPs will not admit to throttling and it can be hard to prove since it looks the same as a bad hop. The internet is supposed to be neutral, hence why throttling is considered to be illegal.
Not all VPNs work however, so the issue isn’t likely to be throttling unless they’re simply throttling everything. There could simply be a bad/overloaded router somewhere. Either one is plausible considering it only seems to happen during prime time. If there was something other than NCSoft’s datacenter that was also affected, it would give a better idea. If only NCSoft’s datacenter was affected for example, the problem is likely the connection between NCSoft and, for example, Telia. Either side could have a bad router.
Telia isn’t the only network shown in this thread of course. It’s unlikely that multiple entirely different networks have started causing problems at the same time, especially during the same hours. It’s more likely that the problem is caused by one of NCSoft’s routers in this case. The problem seems to be spreading however and when this all started, Netflix was officially released in Europe. Netflix was the reason I first experienced throttling in an MMO and it is plausible that these various networks are just implementing throttling to counter it.
After one week when game went smooth (I haven’t played frequently, but in the time I was logged in game didn’t kick me out) lag spike AGAIN kicked me from Tequatl encounter and I can’t log back. I think it’s 7-th time I am experiencing such issue in last 50 days.
If you can’t fix your lag spikes, please at least do something with encounter / rewarding system. Spending such a long time waiting and participating on encounter and then being kicked into overflow…oh wait…game kicked me even from overflow server, nevermind.
realy wtf every time u guys update it always back on this time 20.30(2+GMT) 5 weeks now i get dc and get play for 2-3hs
Ok, so you’re basically the same opinion like me and we can erase your “Guys, it’s that simple, get WTFast! It’s your connection!”, right? Btw: I posted you a log of mine, to show you that not only telia is the problem. And I have lag 24/7, it only gets worse during the evening, maybe because more people are logging in. A lot of people might not realize that they are lagging thus think that everything is fine until the evening – it isn’t.
I’m not blaming anet by the way, I just wanted to point out that there is nothing we gamers can do. WTFast and other programms might help if the connection is bad in general, but they won’t solve the ncsoft problems.
Meh, I’d had a couple lag free weeks.. patch.. suddenly.. lag.
Working on this. Give us a bit and we should have a means to get us your info!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Well finally an answer.
But not here for this.
I’m using WTFast for 3 days.
Gw2 works perfectly now.
So in my case.
*Mannualy selected: German DE1
Maybe this will help some ppl as well.
Here’s a way to help the team:
- If playing in EU:
pathping -w 500 -q 100 -4 - If playing in NA:
pathping -w 500 -q 100 -4
Getting the output of those commands via email will really help.
Here are instructions for Windows.
- Click Start.
- Type cmd and press Enter.
- If playing in EU:
- Type “pathping -w 500 -q 100 -4 > C:\pathping.txt” without the quotes and press Enter.
- If playing in NA:
- Type “pathping -w 500 -q 100 -4 > C:\pathping.txt” without the quotes and press Enter.
- Allow several minutes for the pathping to complete.
- A file will be created on your C:\ drive called pathping.txt.
- Type exit and press Enter to close the command window.
- Open your preferred e-mail program and start an e-mail to with the subject line “EU Latency Issue”
- Now, in your prepared e-mail, click “Attach file” and type “C:\pathping.txt" and your e-mail program should find the file and attach it to your mail.
- Send us the email.
Thanks for sending us this info — the team feels sure it will help narrow down the problem!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
If you give every person who sends a pathping.txt 5 giant wintersday presents, imagine the huge number of files you will get!
If you give every person who sends a pathping.txt 5 giant wintersday presents, imagine the huge number of files you will get!
Who cares about some presents. Just as long as this issue gets fixed fast, people will co operate gladly. The lagg problem has been for a very long time and its getting quite disturbing. Though interestingly enough i seemed to be experiencing less and less lagg lately.
If you give every person who sends a pathping.txt 5 giant wintersday presents, imagine the huge number of files you will get!
Who cares about some presents. Just as long as this issue gets fixed fast, people will co operate gladly. The lagg problem has been for a very long time and its getting quite disturbing. Though interestingly enough i seemed to be experiencing less and less lagg lately.
Also interestingly enough – i’m getting more and more lag. Before it was prime time. Now it’s also in the early morning.
Ok, so you’re basically the same opinion like me and we can erase your “Guys, it’s that simple, get WTFast! It’s your connection!”, right?
Not exactly. Using a VPN will fix the problem for some people, but not for everyone. It depends on where you and the VPN are located and if a bad network or throttling is the problem.
Btw: I posted you a log of mine, to show you that not only telia is the problem.
Your sample size of 25 packets isn’t really a good example, but…
A minor amount of packets are being dropped between hop 2 to 3 and 8 to 9. Although it’s minor, packets are being dropped as early as your ISP.
24% of packets are being dropped between hop 7 to 8, creating a rather unstable link and the response time is greatly increased. A minor amount of packets are dropped between hop 8 to 9 and 11 to 12.
I’m not blaming anet by the way, I just wanted to point out that there is nothing we gamers can do. WTFast and other programms might help if the connection is bad in general, but they won’t solve the ncsoft problems.
People who are using a VPN or mobile internet connections have already proven that the servers are not the problem. WildStar is experiencing the same problems and an equivalent thread over there can be found. Many more WildStar players have confirmed that using a VPN fixes the problem and considering the game is more action/mobile, I doubt they wouldn’t be able detect lag.
There is an alternative to trying different VPNs, but that requires getting an entirely different ISP on a different network, which is what you’re attempting to do with a VPN.
As for the NCSoft problems, what are you are referring to? At most, the only problem that could be linked to NCSoft’s network is their connection to the other networks, such as that ncsoft-ic…telia link I mentioned earlier. This is where it would help to have tracerts from people who are not experiencing any problems, since it could rule out that specific link.
Not exactly. Using a VPN will fix the problem for some people, but not for everyone. It depends on where you and the VPN are located and if a bad network or throttling is the problem.
That was what I was getting at as you made it sound as if VPN was the solution to everybody’s problem while there were already a lot of log files which showed that the internet connection of most users wasn’t the problem and/or wasn’t the only problem.
Your sample size of 25 packets isn’t really a good example, but…
Alright, let’s stop here – if you still haven’t gotten my point you never will.
Btw I made a test with 100 packets as requested in this thread – the outcome was the same.
People who are using a VPN or mobile internet connections have already proven that the servers are not the problem. WildStar is experiencing the same problems and an equivalent thread over there can be found. Many more WildStar players have confirmed that using a VPN fixes the problem and considering the game is more action/mobile, I doubt they wouldn’t be able detect lag.
No, they haven’t, they just said it was better. If their internet connection had some throttles it might be better than before. That was why I was asking for logs.
(edited by Jana.6831)
Just got an e-mail from that said there’s a new connection issue with our Frankfurt Data Center. The team is working on this and hope to get this one settled soon.
For those with longer-term connection or latency issues, please review how to get in touch with us earlier in this thread. We’d like some logs to check this out with you.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tnx for finally giving us some answers atleast even if its far from solved. Imho this could have bin handled much better and you (Anet) really should look into your support team. I dont know if u out-source it but 17page-post isnt exactly common so you should have handled this better and sooner.
Still tnx for info & Merry Xmas
I wish for a fix
Servant of Dhuum
my lag issue started yesterday 12/24, i thought that it was the timing, but after logging in today, i have a half to one second skill lag. please help, located in New York
I think I should say something there: There have been several issues relating to latency and connectivity, not a single issue that, once fixed, resolves the problem for everyone. Please know that the team is looking into the short-term issues (like yesterday’s issue, which was resolved in a matter of a couple of hours) as well as those longer-term issues that they’re still working to resolve.
Thank you for your continued patience, and remember — I posted just a day or two ago with advice on how to get your logs into the hands of team members working on this issue. Please follow those steps, if you wish, so the team can help you.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Just got an e-mail from that said there’s a new connection issue with our Frankfurt Data Center. The team is working on this and hope to get this one settled soon.
Do we talk about Telia or Level3 peering by any chance? Cause, Level3 is horrible. Telia is fine, whenever I get on every couple of weeks!
i got 3sec daila chat works perfect talking to frind but skill and mob dont seim to work and seim tipe of proplem for last 5weeks soon i get error 42 or 7 and cant play for 30min or 3h
i am realy start to rage becous it like becous it weelks like it fix after 3days fix after tusday update but when tosday and patch gome out all over seim proplem all over
Thank you to those of you who have sent in logs. I’m going through each and every one we get.
Please keep them coming!
Thank you very much for working for us during the christmas holidays where everyone else is on vacation! This is much appreciated.
i got 3sec daila chat works perfect talking to frind but skill and mob dont seim to work and seim tipe of proplem for last 5weeks soon i get error 42 or 7 and cant play for 30min or 3h
Exactly the same as me.
(edited by Lucas.4950)
First of all thanks indeed for working on this during holiday periods, and ofcourse Merry Christmas! I’m sending an e-mail with my log as we speak, but thought to post here as well.
Belgium (East-Flanders)
10:30am GMT+1
Piken Square – (Stomp for Piken!)
I’m experiencing no fps drops whatsoever, running a steady 80 as always, however when I try to run, walk, dodge, I’m almost completely stuck in place, moving forward only very slightly and in a very strange way, as if I’m stuck in an invisible wall or something. Problem happened when I took five steps out of the Citadel Waypoint in Homeborder WvW btw, if that helps
Thanks again!
Jester – Hand of Blood [HoB]
Piken Square
First of all thanks indeed for working on this during holiday periods, and ofcourse Merry Christmas! I’m sending an e-mail with my log as we speak, but thought to post here as well.
Belgium (East-Flanders)
10:30am GMT+1
Piken Square – (Stomp for Piken!)I’m experiencing no fps drops whatsoever, running a steady 80 as always, however when I try to run, walk, dodge, I’m almost completely stuck in place, moving forward only very slightly and in a very strange way, as if I’m stuck in an invisible wall or something. Problem happened when I took five steps out of the Citadel Waypoint in Homeborder WvW btw, if that helps
Thanks again!
That sounds like the hilarious underwater waypoint glitch where after you waypoint from being underwater you either get stuck floating on the WP, or you get some seriously messed up physics applied to your character, fitting your description.
I saw the post is quite old but still we are having problems with lag and dc’s. Myself, I cannot even finish a PvP match without lag and dc’s ( I even lost a match where we having a clear advantage).
I’m having disconnect every 2 or 3 min, in best case scenario in PvP and PvE. Now is even worst, now is even worst, having dc’s every 30 seconds to 1 min.
Location: Puerto Rico
Server: Blackgate
I believe my internet connection have no issues, I can do everything else just fine.
Country: Sweden
Server: Gandara
ISP: Telia
Time: 19:00 +1 GMT
The last two days were d/c free (Yay!) but now i can’t log in again and have been experiencing an awful lot of lag today.
I have a question though, can any dev confirm if my problems are server side or if i should contact telia about this? And also what is this: [] ? It says telia and has a huge packetloss so does this mean it’s telia that is causing the problem and is it because you Anet is using their services for your servers or because i am?
Computing statistics for 56 seconds…
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 dheuogwhg.lan [My ip]
0/ 25 = 0% |
1 1ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% dsldevice.lan [My router]
0/ 25 = 0% |
2 35ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 45ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
4 45ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
5 75ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
6 70ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
1/ 25 = 4% |
7 68ms 21/ 25 = 84% 20/ 25 = 80% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
8 —- 25/ 25 =100% 24/ 25 = 96% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
9 72ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0% []
Trace complete.
My location: Romania
Time and date of incident: EVERYDAY between 20:00 and up until 00:00 (GMT+2)
Game World: Seafarer’s Rest
Almost each day during the 20:00 – 00:00 (GMT+2) Time interval the game gets unplayable due to huge lag. What I get is 15 seconds or more chat delay, skill activation delay, half minute or more freezes,frequent disconnects, unable to reconnect or reconnecting takes ages, and then I get DC again. In the last 3 weeks I think only 4 or 5 days when this didn’t happen.
For me it happens ONLY during that time interval and it’s weird, any other aplication works perfectly , my internet connection is stable.
(edited by StormscalE.2874)