Launcher login error
Same problem.
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:1020:9001:4103
NA – Jade Quarry
Location: UK
Build: 16732
Error code: 42:1020:9001:4103
change language on launcher and turn back to your and game will work. turn when language will begining download
This worked for me, thanks.
I changed the language from german to english.
After the launcher restartet and startet to download the english files, i changed back to german.
Country: Russia
Server: EU Blacktide
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105 or ….:4103
login still not working
Server: EU (Seafarer´s Rest)
Location: UK (Europe)
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:1020:9001:4103
Hello guys!
I found a solution to the problem.
Go to GW2 installation folder, and delete 2 files: Gw2.tmp and Crash.dmp.
That should help.See you in game,
Minarr Axefury from Underworld.
Did not work for me
Country: Poland
Server: EU Blacktide
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105
login still not working
I was back on for about 5 hours but then the TP went down and now I’mg getting log-in errors again.
Location: US
Server: Ring of Fire EU
Error Code: 42:1020:9001:4103
Build: 16732
Hi, same error codes here, in Ireland
on Drakkar Lake DE
same error here…since i dont have a life,and now i cant play,can i ask, if i’m unable to play today, can i get daily chest somehow?
build: 16732
error code: 41:1020:9001:4103
server: gandara EU
Location: Croatia,Split
Changing the language for a moment did the trick for me
(edited by KillaManijak.4259)
ugh, If I get back in Im just not going to switch characters. Going to character selection screen wont allow you back in be warned
deleting those files or changing the language did nothing for me.
2 accounts on 2pcs in my house give error
Country: UK
Server: EU Ring of Fire
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:1020:9001:4103
change language on launcher and turn back to your and game will work. turn when language will begining download
This worked for me, thanks.
I changed the language from german to english.
After the launcher restartet and startet to download the english files, i changed back to german.
Nope didn’t work
Played fine this morning, then earlier this evening had issues with log in same error codes as others. On a fluke the log in worked, but guild chat sometimes had a 3 min lag. Had to log out to make dinner. Now been trying to log in for a couple hours..nothing. Same error codes.
EU- Underworld
Error code: 42:0:9001:4105 or 4103
Also have been getting crashes often or client issues every 30 mins or so while in game which never has happened to me until this latest patch.
EU server here we had a guild event planned but half of the guild can’t log in =/
Any update?
Country: Russia
Server: EU (Seafarer´s Rest)
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:1020:9001:4103
can’t login( help
Hello guys!
I found a solution to the problem.
Go to GW2 installation folder, and delete 2 files: Gw2.tmp and Crash.dmp.
That should help.See you in game,
Minarr Axefury from Underworld.Did not work for me
Do you always delete files from your install directory on a complete strangers say so on a forum??
If it was that simple dont ya think the experts would have a fix?
Changing languages doesn’t work for me. Also I wouldn’t go deleting files until you hear something official about it or at least you know what you’re doing.
I’ve been able to log in twice after this error occured but every time I close the client I start getting error messages.
same problem
Location: Europe
Country: Romania
Server: Gandara (EU)
Same problem here,
Country: Ireland
Server: EU Piken square
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105
Country: UK
Server: EU Gunnar’s Hold
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105 or ….:4103
Login still not working. However ocassionally I am getting a “tranaction in process” error. My friends then see my account show online, then after 1 minute or so I go offline.
It suddenly logged on a bit ago but my pc decided it should restart and now I can’t log on again. So I guess it’s a good idea to keep trying
The store/trade seems to be down in game as well and your username appears as your e-mail address when in game. So probably is all connected somehow I suppose.
I cant log in game too EU serv Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Zezz.7360)
no hope for official feedback of this issue?
Guild Wars twitter: Sorry guys, we don’t have an ETA on a fix for the connectivity issues other than “As fast as we can”. ~RB2
I finally logged in.. But instead of showing my username next to my character’s name, my email is showing up. :/ Guildmates say they can’t see it though, so that’s good!
(edited by Calysto.7658)
Got the same error as everyone else aswell. EU server/account
Duroghar lvl 80 Warrior Desolation EU
Can’t login at times I come back a bit later and it works, the forums are so slow aswell.
Looks like WvW will have less people than usual, no queues at least!
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Same problem here,
Country: Poland
Server: EU Blacktide
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105
Same problem.
Country: UK
Server: EU Gandara
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105
Cannot login
Country: Germany
ISP: German Telekom (T-Online)
Error code: 42:0:9001:4105
Same problem here, can’t log in either. But if try to log into my boyfriend’s account, through my computer, it works fine. I tried to log into my account on my boyfriend’s computer, same error.
Country: Portugal
Server: EU – Underworld
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105
I can log in freely using my account, TP is working, everything is ok, but when I try to login from my friend’s account – have the same error as most of ppl here. He also can login with my account, but cant with his own.
EU server Seafarer’s Rest, Location: mine Latvia, friend’s Russia
i just logged and got 10 dusk’s in my inventory yeeey
yea right that would ever happenDDD
Country: Croatia
Server: EU – Gandara
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105
(edited by Ragnarox.9601)
I’m in baby! UK, EU server. Literally wouldn’t work up until a second ago, try it again guys!
EU account on “Seafarer’s Rest”. Same issue here; Can’t log in at launcher.
Build 16732,
Error Code: 42:0:9002:4105
same here…
Country: Czech Republic
Server: Aurora Glade
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105
I cannot login either. I also cannot gain access to the “security” tab under “my account”.
build: 16732
error code: 42:1020:9001:4103
Region: EU
Server: Seafarer’s Rest
Logging in from USA to EU server Far Shiverpeaks, and getting error code 42:0:9001:4105
Those are brave men. Let’s go kill them.
Server: GER (Dont know exactly which one)
Location: Switzerland
Client Version: 16732
Error Code: 42:1020:9001:4103
Same error. Living in The Netherlands (EU).
server: Far shiverpeaks
Welcome back,
to login wars 2.
Same here…
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:1020:9001:4103
Region: EU
Server: Gunnar’s Hold
Okay, randomly going to post this stuff while I still have access to the forums because everyone else has for the past 23 pages. But I won’t hold my breath lol…
Build: 16732
Error code: 42:1020:9001:4103
Country: UK
Server: Tarnished Coast
EU Gunnars , me and my huspand both cant login on different pcs, last tried few mins ago.
build 16732 error code 10:1008:8007:1083
Also I can`t login to GW 1 on my account -but huspands account could login to GW1. GW 1 gives error code 042. Just tought to mention this here cause the GW 1 problem may be related ? & I think my account in GW 1 most chars might be in international dist in Shing Jea.
(edited by Manulitar.4389)
Build: 16732
Server: EU – Seafarer’s Rest
Error code: 42:0:9001:4105
Connecting from the UK, same issues as everyone else in this thread… infuriatingly, my husband can play on the exact same connection/similar computer whilst I cannot.
Can’t login for hours now, I am in the Eu and using a Eu copy
Country: United Kingdom
Server: Piken Square (EU)
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4105
Hey i have got the same problem
server: (DE) Dragonzaur or something like that
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:1020:9001:4103
Hope u will fast fix it
Best wisches