Network Lag [Merged]
The lag is quite bad on Isle of Janthir for me right now and has been since I logged on about an hour ago. I don’t think it’s my system though it could be my connection….
I wish we had the little coloured circle in the lower right corner of the UI from GuildWars…
Having the same issue on Isle of Janthir. The game is unplayable, actions take seconds to register.
Diag attached. Lots of packet loss.
Yup, ever since the patch 2 1/2 hours ago lag has become absolutely unbelievable. I haven’t seen any lag since I started playing.
Same as Mian, since the most recent patch I’m lagging like crazy. Up to 6-8 seconds sometimes.
Yup, ever since the patch 2 1/2 hours ago lag has become absolutely unbelievable. I haven’t seen any lag since I started playing.
Yes this is the same thing happening to me, 4-6 seconds lag in game. Run several tests (Pings, ect.) everything seems fine my end.
Every night I have really bad lag in consistent window of 3:30 am server time to 5:30 am server time.
Sometimes its pretty much the entire 2 hours sometimes its for a short period but still within that window of time.
Yes I notice a 3-4 second delay between actions on my server, but not when I’m in overflow. I think servers are hitting max network capacity because nearly every zone are overflowed now on my server (and Gandarran Fields just opened and is already full).
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit
The game is unplayable for me now only on early morning i can play normally after that 3-5 seconds delay and sometime even 20 seconds and a lot of dc….
Lag on Maguuma continued last night – abandoned my Sylvari and started an alt in the Norn starter area hoping it would be better… it wasn’t. Abandoned playing when lag became intolerable (many seconds). Bummer…
I generally have good ping with GW2. But, when I do get a lag spike it doesn’t go away until I log off and back in. Everything else is fine during this time, but for whatever reason when I do get a spike it doesn’t correct itself.
Well sorry to quote myself… but any info anyone can give me on this? It seems a bit different than what others are experiencing. It makes no sense to me how I will consistently lag out indefinitely until I relog the character. It should autocorrect itself…
This is keyboard smashingly infuriating when I have to relog during tourney sPvP because people are skipping all over the place and I die before I can get a spell off…
I finally found this thread so thought to add my experiences with the lag problem.
I am located in the UK Midlands. My ISP is and my service ADSL. I am on Piken Square.
I started playing during the pre-release. Other than the login issues everyone had, everything worked well. Lag during busy periods was normal (i.e. a slight delay to everything) but it was tolerable and there were no spikes. I got best performance during this period.
Problems started towards the end of the first week and have gradually got worse. Like described in this thread, things can delay 10-15 seconds. You can start a fight and not see anything until it is over. I didn’t worry too much as I wrote it off as teething problems for the game.
I began trouble shooting anyway, checking my own connections and so forth. I was able to determine that my Internet connection was up and working during these spike moments. I concluded that the problem was probably traffic shaping or on the GW2 server. Patches were (and still are!) coming quickly and frequently so I decided to continue to wait-and-see.
My lag problems though persisted and now will always occur at some point during play. I sometimes get some very strange scenarios. On several occasions, I will find myself able to walk around. I can see other players moving about doing things so they are being updated for me. I can see monsters fighting. I am however unable to take any action, or they will suddenly kick in 5-10 seconds later at which point I will usually take a lot of damage all at once (and dish it out).
Sometimes, similar to above, I can see other players move but monsters are frozen. I can be taking damage constantly as if I was in a fight but I cannot see a monster and my abilities will not fire. It is as if the server thinks I am in a different position from my client. I often die in these circumstances. Inevitably, over time, other players and NPCs will also vanish from my view leaving me alone in the world, then suddenly everything comes back all at once. I’ll still be dead and will have to pay to teleport back to a waypoint (and repairs) or someone will revive me, at the location I thought I was in.
All this led me to believe it is not just network lag. There must be something else involved as I can’t see how some things in game appear to update but not others.
I notice that usually things will be at least tolerate, except slightly laggy – I can talk to NPCs, harvest, etc – but the serious spiking will begin the moment I join in a fight or a fight occurs near me. Then it becomes completely unplayable after a little after the fighting stops.
Things are more tolerable in “quiet periods”, e.g. Saturday or Sunday early morning or mid-afternoon. So it does seem to be related to server load in that it occurs more frequently when the zone/server is busy.
I notice even when the lag spikes were tolerable, it was not so much a constant lag but shorter spikes. It delays for half a second to a second, then everything happens in rapid-time. Repeat every second. Tolerable, but very noticeable. Then combat begins and the spikes become murderous 5-10 seconds or longer.
I have only had 2-3 occurences of being actually disconnected completely. Once when trying to enter a story instance from Lion’s Arch during a peak time.
I notice that relogging that sometimes clear things up if I was permanently lagged but it soon comes back. I assume this is because a relog disconnects and reconnects you to the server in some way (sorry – not too technically minded).
It is frustrating at the moment and I hope that the cause and a solution could be determined soon.
Addendum: Tonight 12-Sep-12, patched and I haven’t had any problems at all. Granted, I stayed in that zone just outside (north) of Lions Arch and it had been pretty quiet all night. But other than the odd expected splutter, I had no lag spikes or unusual behavior. Unsure if due to patch or just quiet zone.
(edited by simon.9735)
My gaming experience is currently suffering from network problems as well. I am experiencing extreme lag spikes during prime times, to the point where I’m able to predict that playing Guild Wars 2 after 20:00 is not an option.
These spikes started appearing just a few days ago, and I have since tried my very best to diagnose a problem on my end – my computer or my connection / provider. So far, without success.
I know that asking for any kind of response here is probably moot, and I don’t think this problem is trivial or easy to fix. Any kind of acknowledgement of this issue would certainly help though.
Please fix this lag, the game is unplayable as it is.
Cursed Shore on Gandara is lagging… Zone Chat, Skill execution etc, while my Guildchat does work normal.
I have experienced lag spikes (lasting several seconds) and consistent unresponsiveness for the last 2 days on Gunnar’s Hold (EU). This is pretty much not playable and as observed above, it’s starting around 20:00.
Hope you can figure it out.
Same problem here.
Started this evening in the area north of Fields of Ruin.
There are a few bad things happening and I’m sure it is because of lag,but not the traditional fps drop lag.
There is 1 to 2 sec delay, between the time I hit a button,and when the action fires.
Sometimes I can see an action fire on the screen, but the action sound and damage, delay for a couple of seconds,like the visual and audio effects are out of sync.
Other times I hit 3 or even 4 actions,with no response at all,and then these actions fire all at once,but visually,I see only the last action firing.
It is a nightmare trying to time my attacks this way.
The thing is I got no FPS lag.Frames of the game are ok and there is no frame rate drop when the ability firing lag occurs.
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
Getting unplayable lag – up to minutes long freezes when nothing happens (I can walk around, see people walk into walls, mobs do nothing, nobody attacks and none of my abilities nor weapon swap works) on Gunnar’s Hold from around 9pm to midnight. Friends playing from Poland at the same time in the same team on tPvP or PvE have no issues what so ever. Briefly trying to play on a different server after transferring or overflows show no such issues.
Tracert to the server seems smooth enough (given I guessed the right one from netstat):
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms speedport.ip []
2 15 ms 14 ms 15 ms
3 15 ms 15 ms 15 ms
4 34 ms 15 ms 14 ms b-ea6-i.B.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
5 17 ms 41 ms 18 ms
6 15 ms 16 ms 25 ms []
7 37 ms 27 ms 27 ms
8 34 ms 27 ms 27 ms []
9 26 ms 26 ms 28 ms []
10 29 ms 28 ms 28 ms []
11 26 ms 26 ms 26 ms []
12 27 ms 28 ms 28 ms
13 26 ms 27 ms 26 ms []
14 28 ms 30 ms 29 ms []
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.
Trace complete.
Edit: only started few days ago, didn’t have any such issues since head start.
Having same lag problems, is not all day, but at the peak hours. Delay goes from 1 up to15 seconds maybe even more sometimes.
Really sucks, been like this the last 3days, can’t play with my Spvp team because of this -.-
FPS are fine. And the lag is just in Guild Wars 2.
It’s the same on my server, Henge of Denravi, and in the over flow. Most of the time I dont even get passed the loading screen, error 3032. The thing that bugs me the most is I have previously set up my firewall and port forwarding as per the direction given and until this point have had no issues. Suggestions?
just yesterday i played with almost perfect latency at the evening, and today they release new “patch” and here we go, back to the lag…
Just got killed by lag. I ran up to a bandit and tried to use my number 4 skill. The skill started pulsing as if it were about to activate but did not, in the meantime the bandit started attacking me. Tried to use number 1 and 6 skills and they also began pulsing. When I ran away, the bandit followed and I also discovered that I could still dodge, though eventually I was killed. When downed, both 1 and 4 were pulsing but not going off and eventually I died. Trying to map to a waypoint had no response, though I got the message “A kind soul is trying to revive you.” By the time I got out of the map screen no one was around, though my health had gone up slightly and then stopped. At that point I exited the game.
I won’t try to guess the specific causes of what was happening, but overall it felt as though the game were playing normally except my skills just weren’t going off. This has happened before, where I could see mobs/other players acting in real time and be able to move around myself but not use skills for extended periods of time (10 to 30 seconds). One time this started in the middle of a fight and my auto attack was still cycling, allowing me to survive. In other words, not your usual latency. Only one time when I was running across queensdale did it result in a disconnect.
I only started noticing this as a repeating problem last night after the patch, if it’s happened to me before that I don’t remember, though I have had some ‘normal’ latency problems the last few days where the game just doesn’t respond at all.
The lag has now made my game unplayable, it took my 10 min to move 5 yards. I tried to do a personal mission and the lag in there was worse. The screen froze on a cut scene when it unfroze I was dead on the ground all npc’s were dead and I was surrounded by ice elementals. Hopefully this gets fixed soon, because Im stuck.
dear arenanet/ncsoft can we please have some info if you are trying to fix this. i cant seem to find any info from your side except for the gamers input.
obviously it isnt our internets fault. the game is becomming so uncomfortable with the lag, its unplayable. i only log in n chat with friends. when it appeared fine i went questing and ended up dying easily just due to lag. i press a button and it wont execute untill 6 sec and thats terrible. ive never experienced such lag on other titles/mmorpgs. i understand the population is increasing but the 20 ppl standing beside me have no lag. whats up with that? no one in my guild is experiencing this lag either.
please, atleast let us know if you guys are working on any fix. id love to read any info from your side about this problem.
Titan Hack
Human Guardian
[Maguuma World]
(edited by TitanHack.4372)
Yet another day of awful unplayable lag here as well. Worse during peak times but it happens consistently every single day. I can play normally for 15 mins to an hour and then I have to log off because i’m running anywhere between 1,000-15,000 ms latency. I really do love this game, but for the love of god this is just ridiculous. If you’re going to release a game make sure it works.
Sorrow’s Furnace
network lag thread: 124 posts[3pages] and 5691 views later :
neither is the problem fixed and we dont even have a reply from arenanet/ncsoft
regarding this issue and a possible fix.
i request anreanet/ncsoft to post some reply so we players can gain some peace
in this game. as of now this issue is annoying us and having no info about the devs trying to fix this is only making matters worse.
I am also getting lag since the last 3 days. Getting unplayable sometime. Germany here in Whiteside Ridge world.
Thought I’d add some info onto my previous post – strangely it changes in certain areas. For example, I was in Gendarran Fields, then Lions Arch, then Hoelbrak. All were fine, /slight/ delay but no big deal.
I then transitioned into Dredgehaunt Cliffs, and there was HUGE latency issues immediately noticeable. Attacks, NPC interactions taking seconds to respond.
Furthermore, speaking to several people on map chat, plenty of people were not experiencing any problems, yet others were.
This makes no sense whatsoever. However, playing has become more stressful and irritating than enjoyable, so I’m definitely going to be playing a lot less until it’s sorted.
Also – considering it was started by a mod – shouldn’t this thread be stickied? The fact that it isn’t makes me worried that this isn’t an issue currently being worked on.. which would suck. >_<
(edited by JackinYaBox.5284)
During the BWEs, head start, and the few first days after release, everything was fine.
But for last few days, I’ve been experiencing the same issue others have described in this thread.
I’m getting frequent lag spikes that last for a few seconds. It seems particularly severe in WvW. My connection is otherwise fine and I can communicate with my guild mates over ventrilo during the lag spike (which they are not experiencing).
Today for the first time it lasted long enough that I got disconnected and was sent back to character selection. At first I thought my ISP was to blame, but looking at this thread I see a lot of people have exactly the same issue.
5th day now being unable to play tournies because of lag. Thinking about charging back my money as ANet doesn’t seem to be interested in fixing this issue.
I just had to leave Ascalonian Catacombs explorable mode because of massive lag.
When fighting the first boss it got ridiculous and after THREE minutes of lag
I had to quit the game with Alt+F4, because i could not get into the menu anymore.
Yesterday i got the same lag spikes on another exploreable path.
I dont have lag anywhere else in the game. It seems that it just affects AC at the moment.
My FPS are stable and between 30-60.
C’mon it’s like the 4th day in a row same stuff, can i play the game i paid for? At least ANet should give us a word about this topic, are you guys even working on this? I’m a hardcore player and i need to play/my team is counting on me.
The lag is ridiculous again right now and in the past 2-3 hours. It’s again at the point where it’s unplayable because I get freezes of at least 5 seconds every few seconds, sometimes lasting for more than 30! seconds. I had no such problems in the first weeks after release, it all started a few days ago and I’m getting really tired of it. It’s absolutely unacceptable and no fun at all. The weird thing is that theres no lag at all in the morning when not alot of people play. Fix this please as soon as possible!
And, like clockwork, the lag returns. Oh well.
I have been having latency issues ever since the patch 2 days ago. Everything was fine since the release of the game but after the latest patch all i get is 2-5 second lag and sometimes up to 10-15 seconds. the game is very close to non-playable. At first I thought it was something on my side so I reset my router and checked about my drivers and stuff like that but the problem still persists. I am on Blackgate and I seem to be the only one, or one of very few, suffering from this problem as I have asked in map chat and no one else seems to have the same problem... I hope that it will get fixed soon or that someone could tell me if there is a way to fix it as it is very hard to play, let alone do any PvP or Dungeons like this...
i have the same problem. It first happened 2 days ago at the evening. Horrible Network performance. And today its the same again. I can’t play because the game freezes literally for more than 5 seconds everytime i trie to use a skill.
Im by the way from germany. I just post in the english forum because i dont think anybody from anet ever reads posts in the german speaking forum. There are plenty of topics in it and there is not a single respond from official side.
So here you have it in english: Please, please do something about your network performance, the lagging issue freaks me out!
Started receiving network problems about a few days ago. On Maguuma server. Usually what happens is it looks like its going to error me out, can “cast” multiple skills, “move”, but after 5….15 seconds, I come back (usually dead, sPvP player) and just have to bite the bullet. Did what most others have done on here, traces repeat the same aforementioned results, etc.
Please fix it, I wanna play your game <3
Any chance of getting an acknowledgement that this is being worked on?
I"m sure the game is a victim of it’s own success at this point; your network service just isn’t up to the task being demanded of it yet.
The lag is making the game un-fun and un-playable.
Been getting unplayable lag since this last patch.
World is Sea of Sorrows
Melbourne AU location.
Sadly I have been experiencing the same lag problems for quite a while now. When I first started playing the game everything was fine, but a few days later the lag problems stared and it had been getting worse and worse ever since. I’m writing this after the client threw me out of the the game to the character selection screen with some error message. This has been happening very frequently lately during long lag spikes. At this point the game is unplayable for me.
Hope this gets fixed (or at least acknowledged) soon.
I’ve been having insane lag which makes the game pretty much unplayable to me for a while now, and last week I posted about it. Fortunately, I was then off for the week on a trip and figured the problem would be fixed by the time I came back – but it remains just as bad and the game remains pointless. Like before, I tested, reset, and all the other things to make sure it isn’t an issue on my end. Please acknowledge and fix the problem as soon as possible. Thank you.
Edit: Also, very frequent disconnects with error code 7:11:blahblah. Inveitable around 5 minutes into any session where I log in and do nothing at all.
Edit 2: Forgot to mention. Piken Square server, playing from the middle east.
(edited by Warrek.1074)
Okay. Weirdest thing.
I’ve received dozens of authentication emails from anet asking me to authorize a log-in attempt. It’s always never been me, the country has always been CN (China). However today I tried to log in and it asks me to authorize because I’m apparently logging in from a new location.
So I panicked, thinking somehow someone had got into my account. I authorized this login attempt, rushing in to check on my character, expecting all my money to be gone or my character deleted.
Thankfully, everything was how I left it. One of my guildmates suggested that maybe my I.P had been changed at some point during a disconnection that I wasn’t aware of, which was entirely possible – I’m not constantly monitoring my network after all. I joked saying “Hey, maybe now the lag will be magically fixed!”
And it was.
I even went to the zone I had the worst lag in, Dredgehaunt Cliffs. No latency whatsoever.
ANET, if you did something, THANK YOU <3. I just hope this is permanent, and I’m not just having a lucky hour or so. :P
See the whole thread on error 7. For many people including me the game lags badly and then disconnects us. No response from ArenaNet yet. The silence is deafening…
Network issues on Whiteside Ridge, especially in Gendarran Fields and Fields of Ruin. Something on Arena Nets side since it started happening after latest patch.
When in areas for a long group event with many people either of my machines my wife and play on will lag and delay sometimes for 1 full minute at times. One of us will be fine or slightly delayed and the others character will just become locked up then all the graphics and players will move in the last direction that client saw them moving and will continue to move off the screen or stay locked in place if they are not moving. Then when everything is cleared up it will play back twice as fast everything that everyone was doing. During this time that character (my wife’s or mine) can try to attack and participate but if you look on the other’s screen you can clearly see the boss has already dropped dead. At other times on WvW sometimes Enemy models are invisible because there are just so many people on the screen but I can see all my “team”. I would rather see where the enemy is first but realize the teammates may already be in memory and after x models it may not render. I would hope that if an enemy is detected that it could be rendered and drop the furthest character from memory that I can not see. Thanks.
have been have lag problems in Underwold server for the last couple of days…..thought that it was my internet connection or the ports since i move to a common house for unni but everything checks out on this site so im guessing from the posts here that its a general problem (which im gratefull for as wierd that may sound)… takes too long at loading screens and at most areas of the game and i get error 7 same times, the lag goes away if i leave the character alone for a few mins in the same area but acts up again when i move him a lot
Patch by patch the lag spikes are getting worse, i’ve had issues from first days but seeing the launch didnt go very well overall i thought its just bugs and stuff, but its been weeks now and game is almost unplayable now.
I’ve already wasted time checking its not on my side, so please try to fix it as soon as possible.
I used the /clientport 80 fix suggested in the “error code 7:11:3:189:101” thread and it worked. Lag is gone and the game seems to be working well. I’ll update if anything changes. Does this mean my ISP is blocking certain ports? If so, is there a reason for me to contact them, or can I just continue playing normally using this fix?
I’m so tired of this lag and the fact we haven’t gotten any kind of response from It’s starting to make me think that as long as its not affecting the masses it’s not a big deal to them. My lag keeps getting worse and worse everyday and I have done just about everything I can think of to fix it from my side but it still persists.
All I want is some kind of response from saying they are looking into this problem, as this thread is almost 10 days old and we have not seen a single response. This is a big problem for the people who are suffering from it as it’s so bad at times we cant even play the game we payed for.
40-95 FPS yet network lag from somewhere.
Not A Message.