Players Awaiting Help [merged]
writing this post from a friend’s account, because guess what: My account is hacked.
- Opened a Ticket to Arenanet’s supportteam on the 2/09/ by following these instructions:
- waited 72hours -> no reply. Updated my ticked by following there instructions:
- waited again -> no reply! Now hoping for a reply here.
Here a cutout of my question’s details:
Email Address: XYXYXY@XYXY.XY
Reference Number: 120902-012885
Status: Updated
Created: 09/02/2012 11:48 AM
Updated: 09/05/2012 05:42 PM
Product: Guild Wars 2
Submitted ticket on 29th August, number is 120829-005279.
I lost my items & gold, but managed to change my password upon discovering the account breech.
ArenaNet changed my password to a ‘less secure’ one on 1st Sep after 4 days, and was told by support that they do not do any account restored. In-game mail is disabled, and I can’t receive money from events, or items from guild members to get me back on track in the game.
Updated ticket, and still waiting for a response to be “unbanned” for reporting my hacked account. Took 3 days annual leave for the headstart, only to be hacked and double-whammy banned by ArenaNet. Awesome.
Still no reply from ArenaNet support, but I checked and can send/receive in-game mail now.
However, after being hacked, what I see for my guild influence points is vastly outdated from what the rest of the guild actually sees – we got a guild bank, and I can’t access it.
Under the guild tab, I see myself as a different color from the rest of the guild (the same for them), with a [DE] appended to the end of my in-game location. I can’t see any of my guildies in the game.
It’s like I’m being sandboxed from the rest of my guild members, with very old guild-related information.
the good news i heard was coming is still yet to be announced. i was hoping that good news was that they’d be catching up on old unresolved tickets yet i have heard nothing. any news on this?
my ticket number is: 120902-003411
i feel as though i should put that number in my forum signature…
just opened a ticket right now, only get to play tuesday and weds nights for about 2-3 hrs at a time, and now I cant play. It says I am permabanned, I have received no emails, or anything
my ticket is
Thanks for contacting Guild Wars 2 Support. Someone will be reviewing your ticket shortly. If you would like to add to or update your support ticket, please reply to this message or update your incident by clicking the link below. We appreciate your patience and will reply shortly.
maybe you guys should hire some of them Funcom guys that got laid off to help
still waiting for any type of response
my friends account was hacked and is unable to log into the forums, he’s awaiting feedback because it has been over 72 hours and he is still awaiting a reply. the ticket number is 120903-009250.
I just got banned today and I have done NOTHING neither did I even get a response or reason why… The login screen simply refuses to let me pass and states that I have been “permanently banned”.
This is absolutely unacceptable!
My two tickets are:
Is this thread monitored at all? My friend is basically at the point of just getting a refund unless she hears something today.
Still banned since 7 days because of The karma Explot. Already promised everything and am approved. No idea why Still not unbanned. 4 Days ago I got an E-Mail saying I will be unbanne din 48 hours.
i opened the ticket last friday, then i got told i’ll be unbanned within 72h. did not happen.
monday i got another mail. i would be unbanned within next 72h. did not happen.
could anyone please help me? no information at all. i am unsure when i will be unbanned, i hope before tomorrow (weekend)
my ban is now for more than 1 week
(edited by Moderator)
[Vorgang: 120831-010506]?
i opened the ticket last thursday, then i got told ill be unbanned within 72h. did not happen.
monday i got another mail. i would be unbanned within next 48h. did not happen.
could anyone please help me? no information at all. i am unsure when i will be unbanned, i hope before tomorrow (weekend)
my ban is now for more than 1 week
Ticket nr. 120831-006993
After 6Days and a mail of you that i get unbanned within 72h and than in 48h im still banned can you please check:
(edited by BlackDragonE.9642)
i opened the ticket last thursday, then i got told ill be unbanned within 72h. did not happen.
monday i got another mail. i would be unbanned within next 72h. did not happen.
could anyone please help me? no information at all. i am unsure when i will be unbanned, i hope before tomorrow (weekend)
my ban is now for more than 1 week
Display name: Riokou.9068
Ticket number: 120902-017825
My friend was kicked out of the game 4 days ago and his password immediately stopped working. Even though password changing has been disabled, it tells him his password is incorrect, as if someone had changed it. From what I’ve seen, his character hasn’t logged in since. It has been almost 4 days since he submitted the ticket.
My husband, Nightofwar.3965, submitted a ticket on Sept 2, Ticket #120902-015398, and still has not gotten a response.
His account was hacked by his e-mail being changed. I’ve seen the hacker playing on his account since submitting this ticket and it makes me very uncomfortable watching his account being abused.
It has been over 72 hours and no response.
Came back form vacation for a week and tried to login and I was perm banned. Only got to level 5 before going on vacation.
Submitted ticket about 24 hours ago.
Ticket number is 120905-011021
I can only assume my account was compromised. Was only only for about 5 minutes to check the game worked. Next time I logged on I was banned.
Account hacked on or about 31 August. Account is currently logged on by presumed hacker——this is unacceptable that I have NOT been able to log on to this account since this date.
Please correct this issue.
Ticket—-120831-010321 Incident—-120905-006815
(edited by LCA MD.3871)
I am posting for my son since his password does not work.
His ticket # is 120903-005687
He was perma banned while at work and when he checked his account login it showed that someone had logged in from halfway across the country. He submitted his ticket and today he no longer gets the perma banned message but it says password is incorrect. Support has not sent a temporary password and there is nto currently a way to reset your game password. Please help.
Reference #
The ticket was a Hacked Account ticket that was resolved but I was also asked to confirm if I wanted the other account unlinked from my Guild Wars 1 account so that I could link it to my new account. I simply confirmed that I did want it un-linked so that I could link it to my account and finally receive my rewards.
Since it has been over 72 hours since I have heard back I wanted to ask what I should do to proceed. Continue waiting, update the ticket, or re-open a new ticket and close the current one?
Any answer from the forum support would be most welcomed. I do understand that support is busy giving everyone their accounts back and believe me I understand and I am most grateful since I was one of the victims that was lucky enough to get my account back.
It has literally been one week since I was no longer able to log into my account because of the Email Auth system never sending me an email. I submitted my first ticket last Thursday at 3pm EST and have yet to receive a single response to said ticket, despite keeping it properly updated with all the pertinent information.
In addition, I made two subsequent tickets AS DIRECTED by arenanet support. One with the headline Authorization Email Not Received and one with Blocking Issue – Ticket Submitted 8/30 – etc. This is what ArenaNet TOLD US TO DO if we had not received resolution on account login blocking tickets within the 72 hour window. Since then, we have been told to delete new tickets and just have one…. cool.
ITS BEEN A WEEK. I haven’t heard a peep from a support agent or anything despite having all the relevant information one could need in my ticket to simply disable email authorization for me. When will this be resolved? I’ve posted here and was moved to the still awaiting help mega list and still nothing. This is absurd!
I am a guild leader and have had no access to the guild features that is required of a GM so our guild has been making due with no one able to promote, queue, etc.
Please help!
TIcket number: 120831-003231, submitted 8/30/2012
Fieldy.6249, guildie of mine, just got unbanned, even he posted after me, and i am still waiting. Hope i could join him soon.
[Vorgang: 120831-006017]
(edited by Lombarok.6538)
Fieldy.6249, guildie of mine, just got unbanned, even he posted after me, and i am still waiting. Hope i could join him soon.
[Vorgang: 120831-006017]
Yeah there seems to be a lot of people getting unbanned before people who have been banned and waiting on tickets for longer.
This could be because they are prioritizing all tickets about hacked and blocked accounts over any other issue, as you can still play where as others can not, all I can suggest is keep in there and they will get to it. I think the speed in which accounts are getting hacked is much greater than ever expected
My friend asked me to post this to help him: hacked account Ticket 1: 120901-016990 Ticket 2:120905-008533
We’re ecstatic about playing your great game together, please get to him as soon as you can
Ok, its definitely over 72 hours now. I belive my ticket, ref # 120903-004993, is properly prioritised and it was submitted on the morning of 3rd September, 4:57am. I believe I followed every piece of instruction that is given to us. Following are the details of my ticket.
- Submitted under Hacked Account Issue Type.
- Subject line says Hacked Account – <Name of Hacked Account>
- Serial Code
- Name of Hacked Account
- New Secure Email Address (to which the account should be linked now)
- Game Display Name
- Character Names
- Description of the Issue.
Now am I missing something? To my knowledge this is all that support is asking us to mention in our ticket to properly prioritise it.
Gaile can you please take a look at this post and let me know if I am missing something, because if I am, then I can’t figure it out. Please help me out here.
(edited by Bluewolf.3812)
Karma Weapons Exploit Appeal-Approved
Ticket(Fr) : 120831-005220
Waiting unban since Monday.
Hey again, my friend still have not response from you and obviously he wants to play… I know you are quite busy but if you were able to give an answer about how much its gonna take to solve the problem it would be nice
(No response since monday, he is still banned)
ticket numb: 120903-006877
Thank you ^^
My brothers account was hacked well over 72 hours ago. He put in a ticket checking thoroughly that all info needed was provided. He received the automated response but hasn’t had his account restored yet. He would have posted this himself but his log-in info was changed by the hacker so he can’t log in lol. Please help him. His reference number is 120902-017477.
It stinks cuz I’ve been able to play while he is just waiting to get back into his account. Thanks and keep up the great work.
I am posting on the behalf of a friend who had been hacked a few days ago.
In his words,
“When trying to log in I got the error message “The account name is not found, ect.” I also got several emails saying that my account info had been changed and was also given the info about the location, IP address, etc of who logged in. Both the password and account info was changed, and due to this I cannot log in to change my info."
Ticket # 120904-001022
Thank you for your time <3
original Ticket number 120831-012281
reference number #: 120904-008292.
My account was hacked and then was terminated. it has been 7 days since i report the issue. And I still unable to log in.
My friends account was hacked and can’t log into the forums to post anything, and was hacked on the 2nd but only got 1 reply, has updated the information in ticket number 120903-003496
(edited by RoastedGiblets.9087)
My friend had lost her account and it has been past 72 hours since the day she submitted her ticket, there is still no response from ArenaNet Support.
Support Ticket Number: 120903-004068
I am posting on behalf of my friend again. He still has not received a response to his ticket. His account email/account name got changed by a hacker and can no longer access it or the forums. It has been several days now and is becoming extremely frustrated with the situation and considering abandoning the game and seeking a refund if he does not get a response soon. He only got to play about 1 hour and his character was only level 3 when he lost control of the account.
Name: Cheaptricks.2546
Ticket #: 120904-010157
My friends account was hacked, and probably banned because I haven’t seen it online in a few days. This happened on September first.
He now followed all your new instructions on his new ticket but still has not received any response. He is getting pretty angry about your customer support.
Account banned for real money trading on August 31’st. Ticket submitted same day, no response whatsoever from support.
Ticket#: 120901-001446
Account was hacked on 8/29/12. I left for a trip out of town and havent been able to get to a computer till i got home, today. I never asked for a password change but in my email inbox, there were multiple emails for password resets. my guild was hacked i believe.
ticket thing : [Incident: 120907-000065]?
so yeah. help please as soon as possible. Thanks
My fiance’s account was hacked on Monday Sep, 3rd. About 2pm or so she tried logging on and got the msg, " This email does not belong to an account". We jumped on it and sent the info as soon as possible and nothing.
She tried to get to the forums through her support account but that doesn’t work apparently?
First ticket 120903-013575
Second ticket submitted after the update.
Her username is Frooks.5318
Can we please get some kind of update..please? My husband has been hacked and locked out of the game sine Friday August 31st…with no information…can we at least get some details…the not knowing is horrible…limbo-land is horrible. PLEASE. Will he have access for this weekend?? He did not have it for last weekend
I have been waiting since 8/31 to get my ticket number 120831-011361 (now 120904-010932 since i was one of the many confused when told to repost with a new subject line). My account is blocked due to not having a purchase code.
I had originally logged in to my account name that I had registered for beta and when I recieved my purchase activation code logged on to complete my account. When asked if I had a guildwars 1 account to link I said yes and from there it went down hill. Apparently the account that I had been playing on (beta etc) was not the one that my purchase code was applied too. It applied it to my guild wars 1 account name instead of my guild wars 2? So i spent a week playing on the account that I “thought” had my purchase code only to try logging in over this past weekend and it telling me I didn’t have a purchased account. Through some outside source forums I found that a few others had this issue and then they tried their gw1 account name and password and BAM they were able to log in…..but the problem for me is this: I had already hit 76/77 and purchased in game gems.
I need to get the purchase code from one account to the other so that i can continue to play the account I have already devoted a substantial amount of time and $$ to. I wouldn’t think that it would be very difficult to do….I dont even care about my hall of monuments linking right now…..just the right account activated with my purchase code. OR refund me the $70 that I spent on in game gems and I will invest the time in the other account…..either way I would just like SOMETHING to happen in regards to a response/fix.
Thank you!
My account is terminated for real money trading I submited a ticket approximetly 54 hours ago. I dont know why and how I got accused of this but the number is 120904-011013
My friend is completely unable to log in, and has been since linking accounts. A direct quote:
“So I linked my GW account to my GW2 account. I then updated to my new email address. Now when I try logging in with the old email, new email, or my Krono.9874 handle, it says it doesn’t exist. If I try to re-register, it says my serial code is already used. I can’t even log into Guild Wars 1.”
He’s submitted support emails, but…
“Both messages I received were automated responses that had nothing to do with my situation.”
120902-014763 is his ticket number.
Krono.9874 is his handle.
I got banned, never got an e-mail as to why, or when. The screen says I was in violation of TOS, but I’m not really sure how I violated the ToS or anything else, because I haven’t been on in 24 hours.
Number is: 120907-000709
Someone help me out here, please?
I accidently made two
This is the one I miscategorized but submitted 70+ hours ago
This was for my fix.
Recently banned, was wondering why seeing as no email or anything has been sent to me.
I am posting this for my friend whose account has been hacked. He received an email informing him that ‘somebody has changed the email attached to this account’ so he can no longer log in to GW2 or the GW2 support forums.
His ticket number is 120905-004933
Character is Hondu
(edited by peregrine.2159)
I believe my account was hacked a few days ago because I logged on and my characters were transfered to some random European server and ALL my money was gone. Ticket number is [—-001:003883:10363—-], i think. I would really like this issue resolved so I can continue playing the game as if the issue was never there. I had changed my password right after I figured this out.
Ticket: 120903-011836
Submitted: 09/03/2012 (3rd September)
Account: Byona.8231
Title: Hacked Account
I posted this for a friend because his password was changed by the hacker and he cannot access his account. He is still waiting for a response
(edited by Skarrj.9124)
Ticket number 120901029070
Your agent restored the wrong account. Ive updated my resolved ticket. Please help
Incident: 120902-015078
I accidentally stacked my retail code to the wrong e-mail. Now I am awaiting response, but I can no longer access my support account. I am met with the message:
“The username or password you entered is incorrect or your account has been disabled.”
So now I’m wondering if I was hacked on top of this.
You can still update me via the original ticket, as it updates me by e-mail. I just can not respond.